15 October 2003
Mr. Richard MANNINGDAC Chairman OECD
75016 Paris France
Tel : 01 45 24 01 4 Fax : 33-1 44 30 61 41
Email : [email protected] Mr. Pali Jobo LEHOHLA
Statistician-General Statistics South Africa Private bag X44 Steyn's building 0001 Pretoria South Africa Tel : + 27 12 310 8911 Fax : + 27 12 321 7343 Email : [email protected] P21-SC2-03-LOP
Steering Committee Meeting
15 October 2003
Steering Committee Members
Developing Country Representatives
Anglophone Africa
Dr. Oladejo O. AJAYIIndependent Statistical Consultant/Paris21 Consultant
PARIS21 Consultant 10 Bedwell Road P.O. Box 52724 Falomo Post Office Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria Tel : + 234 (0)1 472 1278 Fax : +234 1 5254 793 Email
Francophone Africa
M. Lamine DIOPDirecteur Général Afristat B.P. E 1600 Bamako Mali Tel : +223 221 55 00 / 55 80 Fax : +223 221 11 40 Email
Mr. Zarylbek KUDABAEVChairman
National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic 374 Frunze Street 720033 BISHKEK Kyrgyzstan Tel : +996 312 225035 Fax : +996 312 660138 Email
Latin America
Jose Luis CARVAJAL BDirector Ejecutivo
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica - INE Calle Carrasco No1391
Edificio INE Miraflores La Paz Bolivia Tel : +5912 222 2695 / 2333 Fax : +591 2 222 2693 Email
Ex Officio
Mr. Guest M. CHARUMBIRA Chief Technical Assistant Office of chief Govt. statistician Independent Consultant P. O Box 2321 Zanzibar Tanzania Tel : +255 741 250506 Fax : +255 24 223 1742 EmailBilateral Representatives
Mr. Philippe POMMIERChargé de mission, Direction du
développement et de la coopération technique Ministère des Affaires Etrangères
Direction du Développement et de la Coopération Technique 20, rue Monsieur 75007 Paris France Tel : + 33 1 53 69 41 97 Fax : + 33 1 53 69 43 97 Email Mr. Jean-François DIVAY
Head, Division of Cooperation Programmes INSEE
Direction Générale 18, bold Adolphe Pinard 75675 Paris Cedex 14 France
Tel : + 33 1 41 17 53 01 Fax : + 33 1 41 17 66 52
Mr. Raul SUAREZ DE MIGUELChef du Service
Swiss Federal Statistical Office Department of International Affairs Espace de l'Europe 10 2010 Neachatel CH-2010 NEUCHATEL Switzerland Tel : +41 32 7136 008 Fax : +41 32 7136 002 Email
United Kingdom
Mr. Richard MARTINI Senior Statistics Adviser Policy Division DFID 1 Palace Street London SW1E 5HE United Kingdom Tel : +44 20 7023 0390 Fax : +44 20 7023 0719 Email Miss Sarah HENNELLStatistics Adviser Policy Division DFID Statistical Dept, Rm 9S211 Palace Street London SWIE 5HE United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0) 20 70 23 0421 Fax : +44 20 70 23 0016 Email
Mr. Koichi TAGOMORIMinistry of Foreign Affairs
Multilateral Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau
Shibakoen - Tower, 2-11-1, Shibakoen, Minato-ku 105-8519 Tokyo Japan Tel : +81 3 3580 3311 ext 3546 Fax : +81 3 6402 2111 Email
Mr. Frank TIBITANZLGesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) Dag Hammerskjöld-Weg 1-5 65726 Eschborn Germany Tel : 0049-6196-791211 Fax : 0049-6196-79801211 Email Mrs. Gabriele ZELLER
Referent for Statistics
Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40 53113 BONN Germany Tel : 0049-228-535 3043 Fax : 0049-228-535.4043 Email
George CarnerUS Representative to the OECD/DAC tel : 33 1 45 24 74 3
Multilateral representatives
World Bank
Ms. Shaida BADIEEDirector, Development Data Group The World Bank
Development Economics 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 United States Tel : +1 (202) 473-3830 Fax : +1 202 522-3645 Email Mr. Misha BELKINDAS
Lead Statistician/Team Leader Development Data Group The World Bank
Technical Assistance in Statistics Team (DECDG) 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC DC 20433 United States Tel : +1 (202) 473-7611 Fax : +1 (202) 522-3669 Email
United Nations
Mme Diana ALARCONSenior Policy Adviser in Poverty Assessment & Reporting
One U.N. Plaza, 20th Floor New York NY 10017 United States Tel : (212) 906-5103 Fax : (212) 906-5857 Email Mr. Richard ROBERTS
Deputy Director, Statistics Division United Nations
First Avenue and 42nd Street NEW YORK 10017 United States Tel : +1 (212) 963-6037 Fax : +1 (212) 963-9851 Email
75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 90 34 Fax : +33 1 44 30 61 46 Email Mr. Enrico GIOVANNINI Chief Statistician and Director OECD
75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 19 11 Email
European Commission
Mr. Gilles RAMBAUD-CHANOZ Head of Unit EUROSTATTechnical Co-operation with Non-member countries
Jean Monnet Building rue Alcide Gasperi L-2920 Luxembourg Luxembourg Tel : +352 43 01 33572 Fax : +352 4301 32769 Email Mr. Jürgen HEIMANN Administrateur Principal
Eurostat, Technical Cooperation with non-member coutries
5 rue Alphone Weicker Batiment Jean Monnet Rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2920 Luxembourg Luxembourg
Tel : 00 352 4301 34593 Fax : 352 4301 32769
African Development Bank
Abdoulaye ADAMAfrican Development Bank PCI 13 rue de Ghana BP 323 1002 Belvedere Tunis Tunisia Tel : +216 11 832 493/71833 182 Email
Julia SISSONAdviser, Development Cooperation Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
4 rue Jean Rey 75724 Paris Cedex 15 Tel : 33 (0) 1 40 59 33 43
M. Jean-Louis BODINPast President of the International Statistical Institute
Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de l'Industrie
Immeuble Atrium
5 place des vins de France 75273 Paris Cedex 12 ADETEF
Tel : +33.1.53 44 25 53 Fax : +33.1.53 44 25 31
Mr. Martinus DESMETAttaché de la Coopération Permanent Delegation 14 rue Octave Feuillet 75116 Paris France Tel : 33 1 56 75 34 50 Fax : 33 1 56 75 34 70 Email M. Jean-Louis CLAES Head DAC Statistics Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Directorate General of International Cooperation Rue de Bréderode 6 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel : +32 2 519 0808 Fax : +32 2 519 0552 Email
M. Pierre GIROUX Counsellor Délégation Permanente 15, bis rue de Franqueville 75116 Paris France Tel : 01 44 43 20 27 Fax : 01 44 43 20 99 EmailEC
Mr. Gilles HERVIOChief of Economic Cooperation programme Rue de la loi 200 Brussels 1049 Belgium Tel : + 32 2 296 37 00 Fax : + 32 2 299 28 96 Email
Ms. Micaela JOUVENALInternational Relations
National Institute of Statistics ISTAT Via A. Depretis, 77 00184 ROME Italy Tel : +39 06 48998 3362 Fax : +39 06 48998 3475 Email
Mr. Fritz MEIJNDERTHead of Division Information Management Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Directorate General for International Affairs P.O. Box 20061 2500 EB The Hague Netherlands Tel : (31-70) 348-4753 Fax : (31-70) 348-5984 Email
Ms. Marit STRANDMacroeconomic Adviser NORAD Ruselokkvn 26 PB 8034 Dep Norway 0030 Oslo Norway Tel : + 47 22 24 04 21 Fax : + 42 22 24 20 31 Email
75016 Paris France
Tel : 01 45 24 89 83
The Rockefeller Foundation
Sarah MACFARLANE Associate Director Health EquityThe Rockefeller Foundation 420 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10018-2702 United States Tel : +1-212 852 8324 Fax : +1-212 852 8279 Email
Mr. Lennart NORDSTRÖMHead, Division for Democratic Governance SIDA, Department for Democracy & Social Development (DESO) Sveavagen 20 SE 105 25 Stockholm Sweden Tel : +46 8 698 52 65 Fax : +46 8 698 56 47 Email
World Bank
Mr. Graham EeleSenior Statistician The World Bank
Development Data Group 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC DC 20433 United States Tel : +44 1291 625 029 Fax : +1 (202) 522-3669 Ms. Dipa BAGAI Consultant European Office The World Bank 66 Avenue d’Iéna 75016 Paris
PARIS21 Secretariat
M. Antoine SIMONPIETRI PARIS21 Manager OECD DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION DIRECTORATE2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 14 64 Fax : +33 1 45 24 94 06 Email M. André BELLON PARIS21 Secretariat OECD DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION DIRECTORATE
2 rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : +33 1 45 24 90 38 Fax : + 33 1 45 24 94 06 Email Mr. Eric BENSEL
Consultant, PARIS21 Secretariat OECD
2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 76 52 Fax : 01 45 24 94 06 Email M. Gerard CHENAIS PARIS21 Secretariat OECD DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION DIRECTORATE
2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 89 84 Fax : 01 45 24 94 06 Email : Mrs. Jenny GALLELLI PARIS21 Secretariat OECD DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION DIRECTORATE
2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 90 51 Fax : 01 45 24 94 06 Email Mrs. Sandra MIGDAL PARIS21 Secretariat OECD DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION DIRECTORATE
2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 16 22 Email M. Jean-Paul VASQUEZ PARIS21 Secretariat OECD DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION DIRECTORATE
2, rue André Pascal 75016 Paris France Tel : 01 45 24 13 79 Fax : +33 1 45249406 Email : [email protected] M. Bahjat ACHIKBACHE Senior Statistician INSEE Timbre 310, Bureau 1047 18 Boulevard Adolpe-Pinard 75675 Cedex 14 Paris France Tel : +33 1 41 17 53 04 Fax : 01 41 17 66 52 Email Ms. Mary STRODE Independent Consultant Email