Increased levels of cyclic
adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate in human polymorphonuclear
leukocytes after surface stimulation.
J E Smolen, … , H M Korchak, G Weissmann
J Clin Invest. 1980;65(5):1077-1085.
Levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) (but not cyclic GMP) in suspensions of human
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) increased promptly after exposure of the cells to stimuli such as the chemotactic peptide N-formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine, the
immune complex bovine serum albumin/anti-bovine serum albumin and calcium ionophore A23187. cAMP increased rapidly, reaching a maximum of twice the basal level 10--45 s after stimulation; after 2--5 min the amount of cAMP had subsided to basal levels.
Elevations in cAMP levels were concurrent with, or followed, membrane hyperpolarization (measured by uptake of the lipophilic cation triphenylmethyl phosphonium) and always preceded lysosomal enzyme release and superoxide anion (O2) production. Elevated
cAMP levels could be uncoupled from these later events by removal of extracellular divalent cations, replacement of extracellular Na+ with K+ or choline+, and by use of low
concentrations of stimulus; each of these conditions virtually abolished lysosomal enzyme release and O2 generation, while leaving the stimulated elevation of cAMP levels
unimpaired. Calcium ionophore A23187 did not provoke membrane hyperpolarization, thus uncoupling changes in membrane potential from changes in cAMP levels. These data suggested that cAMP is not a critical component in the earliest steps of stimulus-secretion coupling. Surface stimulation of cells pretreated with prostaglandins E1 or I2 yielded very high levels of cAMP; these high levels may be an important part of the mechanism […]
Research Article
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Increased Levels of Cyclic
Human Polymorphonuclear
Leukocytes after
Surface Stimulation
Medicine,Division of Rheumatology,Newv York University School ofMedicine,
Newl York 10016
A BS T R A C T Levels ofcyelicAMP(cAMP)(butnot
cyclic GNMP) in
of human polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes (PMN) increased promptly afterexposuire ofthe cellstostimuli suchasthechemotactic
peptidle N-formvyl methioniyl leucyl phenylalanine,the
complex bovineserumll
albumtini/anti-bovine serumii albuumin and calciumn ionophoreA23187. cANIPinereased rapidly, reaching a maximnum of twice the basal level 10-45s after stimulation; after 2-5 min
theamount ofcAMPhad subsided to basal levels.
Eleva-tionsincANMPlevels wvere concurrentwith, or followed,
membrane hyperpolarization (measured by uptake of the lipophilic cation triphenylmethyl phosphonium) an(d alwvays preceded lysosomal enzyme release and
superoxide anion
production. Elevated cAMPlevels
be uncoupled from these later events byremoval of extracellular divalentcations, replacement ofextracellularNa+ withK+ orcholine+, and byuseof low concentrations of stimulus; each ofthese
2 generation, while leaving the stimulated elevation ofcAMPlevelsunimpaired. Calcium ionophoreA23187 did notprovokememnbrane hyperpolarization,thus
un-coupling changesin
potentialfrom changes in cAMPlevels.These data suggested that cAMP is not acritical component in the earliest steps ofstimulus-secretion coupling. Surface
of cells pre-treated with prostaglandins E1 or12 yielded veryhigh levelsofcAMP;these high levelsmaybe animportantpart of the
bywhich stable prostaglandinsinhibit
enzyme release and °2 generation.Dr. Smolen and Dr. Korchak are Arthritis Foundation
Receivedfor publication 23July1979andinrevised form
Surface stimulation of human polymorphonuclear
leukocytes(PMN)1 provokesavariety ofresponses, of whichIysosomal enzyme release andsuperoxideanion radical (°2) generation are particularly pertinent to
theirbiological funetion. To elucidatethe biochemical andphysiological pathways responsiblefor the transmis-sioInof stimulatory signals from receptors on the plasma
membrane and the translation of these signals into
cellular responses, wehaveemployedmethods which
allow a detailed examination of several processes
during the first minute ofPMN stimulation. The first
measurable responses of cells exposed to particulate
and soluble stimuli were changes in membrane
potential (1): hyperpolarization was observed within
10 s. A distinct stimulus-dependent lag period of
20-60 s elapsed before theinitiation of°2 generation (1, 2). Wehave alsoreported that theinitial kinetics of lysosomal enzyme release could be timed and showed
that degranulation took place after a lag
of20-60 s (3). These lag periods were also
stimulus-dependent andwere similar in duration tothoseseen
for 2 generation.
Anumberof investigators have reported that human
PMN have unchanged levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP)
afterexposure tophagocyticstimulifor several minutes
(4-8); elevated levels of cyclic GMP have been
re-ported byone group (9-11). In contrast to these find-ings, Herlin et al. (12) showed the exposure of PMN
IAbbreviations used in this paper: BSA/anti-BSA, an
im-mune complex of bovine serum albumin and anti-bovine serum albumin; cAMP, cyclic AMP; cGMP, cyclic GMP; FMLP, N-formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine; PiCM, phosphate-buffered saline containing Ca++ and Mg"+; PMN,
polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
1077 J. Clin. Invest. © TheAmerican SocietyforClinicalInvestigation,Inc. * 0021-9738/80/05/1077/09 $1.00
tolatex particles provoked a rapid twofold increase in
cAMP levels. This increment was prompt (maximal
withini 15 s) and brief. Thef£actthat basalcANIP levels wererestored within 1-2 min explained why previous investigators, who had assayed the cell suspensions
after 2-5 min, were unable to detect this response. Herlin et al. suggested that the brief increment in
cAMPP might have a regulatory role in glycogen
metabolism (12, 13).
Since the reported increment in cAMP levels
ap-peared to coincide with membrane hyperpolarization and to precede lysosomal enzyme release and02 genera-tion, we decided to investigate the possibility that cAMPwasaclmediatorof these other events. Insummary,
wefound that prompt, brief elevations in cAMP levels were concurrent with or followed memnbrane
hyper-polarizationi, dependinguponthe stimulus employed. These cAMPincrements always preceded the onset of lysosomal enzyme release and O° generation and could be uncoupled from these latereventsbyseveral
meth-ods; therefore, it seems unlikely that cAMP is an im-port-antmediator of stimltulus-secretion coupling. Finally,
pretreatment of PMN with prostaglandin(PG) E1 or
PGI2 produced modest elevations of cAMP content
which were greatlyaugmiientedbysubse(quentexposure to a surface stimnulus.
Materials. Cytochalasini B was purchased from Aldrich Chemiical Co. Inc., Milwaukee, Wis. Coneanavalin A and
theophylline were obtained fromii Sigmal Chemiiical Co., St. Louis, NMo. anid N-formyl methlionyl leucyl pheniylalaninie (FMILP) was purchased fromn Peniinsula Laboratories, Inc., SanCarlos, Calif.CalciumilionophoreA23187wvas agiftfrom Eli Lilly & Co., Indianiapolis, Iicl. PGE, anid PGI2 were
generous gifts from Dr. Johln Pike, the Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Mich.Allothermiaterials were
grade.Preparation of cell susnpetn.sions. Heparinized (10U/ml) venous blood wasobtainedfrom healthy adultdonors. Purified preparationisofPMINwereisolattedfrom thisbloodbymeanis ofHypaque/Ficoll gradienits (14) followed by standard
tech-ni(qtuesofdextrani sedimiientationi aind hypotonic lysisof erythro-cytes(15). This allowed studies of cell suspensionscontaining 98±+2% PMNI withfewcontaminating erythrocytes or platelets. The cells weresuspendedinabufferedsaltsolutionconsistinig
of 138 mMl NaCl, 2.7 mNI KCl, 8.1 mNI Na2HPO4, 1.5 mMN
KH2PO4, 1 mM\l MgCl2,and 0.6 mnNICaCl2, pH 7.4(PiCNI).
Htumani mononuclearcells were alsoisolatedtusingHypaque/ Ficoll gradlienits(14). Ptirifiedlplateletstuspenisionis were
pre-pared by a mninor modification of the metlhod of Hamberg
etal. (16).
Determinationt ofcAMPlevels. cANMP levels were
deter-mined bya modification of the method of Herlinetal. (12).
Ingenieral, purifiedPMN were stuspended in PiCNM (2 x 107
cells/mil) anid preinctlbated at 37°C for 5 min. An aliqtuot of this suispensioni (200 ,lA) wvas taken as a zero-timiie control samllpleandwas placedin atesttube forextractionofcyclic ntucleotides. This and all other extraction tubes contained 1 ml ofphosphate-bufferedsaline with0.5mnM theophylline
preheated and maintained at 100°C in a vigorouisly boiling
water bath. A stimutltus was added to the remilaining cells
whereupon aliquots were sequentially removed and placed inpreheatedextractiontubesat theindicatedtimes.Thetubes
were keptinthe boiling wvaterbath for 5 min. Uponremoval,
extractvolumes wvere increasedto 6mil wvith0.05 Mlsodium acetate buffer, pH 6.2. The samples werecooled in ani
ice-blath,soniicatedfor5 s(-20 W; sonicator by Kontes Co.,
Vine-land, N.J.)andcentrifuige(d at3,000 g for 15min. The suiper-niates, decanted from thepellets of denatured protein, were
assayed for cAMP content by means of an acetylated radio-immunoassay (New EnglandNuclear, Bostoni, Mass.).cGMP
wvas similarly assayed using more coneentrated extracts
derivedfromalarger numnberof PMN.
This procedure allowed samples to be taken reliably as soonas 5safterstimllulation and attime intervals as short as 5sthereafter. The extraction procedure ensured that the cells
wvere promptly dlenlature(d and that all biochemical reactions wereimmediatelytermiinlated.The extracts contained at least 95% of the cellular vcylic nucleotides, as determined by recoverv oftritiate(dstand(lards.Artifactual increasesinapparenit
cAMP levels, w.hich canl be obtained by boiling adenylate
cvclase reactioni muixtuires (17), were not found wvith this
system,asdeterminedlvbyboilingcellextractsfor timeperiods raniginig from 15sto 10mmin.
Kinietics oflIIsosooinaletnlzymerelease. Detailsconicerniing
the measuremiienitof the initial kinetics oflysosomalenzyme
releatse wsill be publ)lished elsewhere. In brief, we uised a modified flowdlialvsissvsteml,whichpermiiitted semiconitiniu-ouismnoinitorinigof enzymesecretioni.Theapparattusconsisted of a flowdialysiscell,theuipperandlower chambers separated
by a Millipore filter with a
pore size (NMilliporeCorp.,Bedford, Mass.).The lowerchamber,fedbyareservoir,
was continuously eluited,\vith the eluient directed toa
frac-tionlcollector. Theuipperclhamberofthedlialvsiscell contained
a soispensioinofcvtochalasin B-treatted PMN; the h\ydrostatic
pressuire of tlhe
system wasadjuisted stuchi thlait smlllllamouints ofextracelltlatr miiediumil conitinuiouislytraversed the
filter into the lower chamnber.Thuis,theextracelluilar mediumiii
wascontinuously sampledas eltuenitwvasdirectedtotlle fratc-tion collector. The 6-s stepping frequency of the collector
providedla niomliinal timiie resoltutionioftlhesamiie miiagniituide. The P.MN aind the enitire apparatuis were preincbll)atedl at
37°C,aifter wvhich at boluisconitaininiigaconeenitratedi stimuitiltus
and I'4Clinulinwasatdded. Theinutlin servedasthe extracel-ltulatr space mlarker; it immediately began to cross the filter and thut.s served to miiark the m0lomenit ofstimuiilationi and to
calibrate the enitire apparattis. The appearance of['4C]inulin
in collecte(d fractionis precededthe appearance of lysosomial enzymies by 15s or mnore. Linearextrapolation oftlhe risilng portionsof thecurvestol)aselinepermittedan easy,reliable
miieains of determilining the lag period of' lysosomal enzvyme release relativetostimlall.tion(['4C]inlineltution).Thelinear
extral)olation teclhnii(quie effectively averaged togetlher six to
eighlt dataIpoints, providing a practical resoluitioni of 1-2s
(uisingtheslamelotofcells).Thelag periods w!erenotatrtifhlcts
dutie to selective retenitioni oflvsosomal enzymies withill the apparatus, sinice no la,g period was seeni for PMIN tlhattwere
introdtuced into the upperchamber atfterstimutlationi.
All l'4C]intilin recovery cuirves (uised to markthe miioment
of'stimultusadditionandthustocalibratethe entireapparatus) atreomitted for the siakeofclarity; thezero-timiie point for all
figuires depicting lvsosomiial enzymie release corresl)on(ls to
tlhatt timiieat ws'hich l'49Cliilin wasfir-steluted.
Miscellanieous procedures. The mnembrane potential of PMN was determinede by uptake of the lipophilic cattion
hromide (1) and continuiouis imleasuiremilentofsuiperoxi(le ainioIn pro(lutctioin wasperformedas previously (lescril)ed (1).
Changes in cyclic nucleotides after PMN stimula-tion. Although some investigators have reportedthat
cAMP levels of PMN do not change several minutes
after surface stimulation (4-8), more recent work has indicated that significant changes do take place at short time intervals (12). Consequently, we determined whether such transient changes correlated with other early cellular responses to surface stimuli. These
re-sponses included membrane hyperpolarization,
lyso-somal enzyme release, and superoxide anion (02)
Purified resting PMN had cAMP levels of 6.7±+1.8
pmol/107 cells(n = 44)when measured byanacetylated radioimmunoassay.cGMPlevelswerefoundto be 0.32 ±0.12 pmol/107 cells (n = 16). Boiling of cell suspen-sions was used to ensure prompt termination of
bio-chemical processes; this boilingdid notproduce any
artifactualincreasesincAMPlevels(17).The extraction
procedure was efficient, since recoveries of trace quantities of tritiated cyclic nucleotides averaged 100
±+11%(n = 11)forcAMPand98±8%(n = 7)forcGMP.
When suspensions of PMN were exposed to the
chemotacticpeptide FMLP (0.1
avery rapid in-crease incAMP levels was observed (Fig. 1).Signifi-cantincrementsincAMPwereobservedat timeintervals as shortas5 s.The increase incAMP peakedatup to twicethe basal level in 10-15s;theaverage maximum
(-0 -6 E
CL. a.
0 30 60
Time (s)
90 120
FIGURE 1 Effect of FMLP on cyclic nucleotides in sus-pensionsofPMN.Aliquots ofa suspension ofpurifiedPMN
were taken atthe indicated times after exposure to FMLP (100 nM). These samples were immediately extracted by heat-ing at 100°C and then assayed for cAMP contents as detailed in Methods. The zero-time sample was extracted before
addition of the stimulus; an appropriate amount of FMLP was added to it during the extraction process. cGMP was determined in an identical fashion. The results shown are from a single typical experiment. The average peak increment incAMPcontent was 78 +38%(SD) above basal levels (n = 17).
E _1.5
' 1.0
CD n
3> -M
_-0 30 60 90 120
Time (s!
FIGURE 2 Effect ofFMLPoncAMP, transmembrane
poten-tial, lysosomal enzyme release, and 02 generation in PMN. cAMP was assayedasdescribedin thelegendto Fig. 1 and
wasmeasured bytheintra-cellularcontentof[3H]TPMP (1). Superoxideanion(0°)was
measuredby thecontinuousassayofferricytochromec
reduc-tion (1, 2). The semicontinuous assay of 8-glucuronidase
secretion (,8-gluc) was performed using the modified flow
dialysis techniqueoutlined inMethods(3). All four responses were measured at the indicated times after exposure of the PMN to FMLP (100 nM).The results shown arefrom single
increase, measured at 10 or 15 s, was 78±38% (SD)
(n = 17)above the basal levels. cAMPcontentdeclined rapidly thereafter and approachedbase line at 1-2 min,
a process which was complete by5 min (not shown).
ThecAMPlevels of unstimulated cells didnotchange during the course ofthe experiment. Cytochalasin B
didnotaffect thetime-courseor thepeak level observed (102+23% (n = 4)above the basal level). Nochanges in cGMP levels were observed during this
time period with FMLP or with any other stimulus. Relationship between cyclic nucleotide changes and otherPMNresponses. Thedata from Fig.1 wereplotted along
them all withina commontemporal framework (Fig. 2).Stimu-lation with FMLP provoked arapid increase in
asmeasuredby enhanced cellular uptake of the lipophilic tritiated triphenylmethylphos-phonium cation. Initiationof hyperpolarization,which wasvirtually immediatefor allstimuli,wasconcurrent withtherapidincreasein cAMPlevels.However,both of thesepromptresponsesclearly precededtheonsetof 02 generation, which had alag period of-20 s when monitoredcontinuously(1-3). Release of
/-glucuroni-dase, an enzyme found predominantly in azurophil
granules, was assayed by means ofa semicontinuous
flow dialysis system described previously (3). Like
generation, release of/3-glucuronidase
also had a lag period of -20 s. Thus, the increases in cAMP levelsclearly preceded lysosomal enzyme release and
generation, but were concurrent withmembrane hyper-polarization.When an immune complex consisting of bovine
serum albumin andanti-bovine serum albumin (BSA/
anti-BSA) was used as the stimulus, membrane hyper-polarization again appearedimmediately(Fig. 3). Both lysosomal enzyme release and °2 generation were initiated after distinct lag periods of -40 s. Unlike the casewith FMLP,theincrementincAMPlevelinduced
by an optimum secretory concentration of
BSA/anti-BSA (150 ug/rml) had a lag period. The length of this
lagperiod was variable butit wasalways distinct.-For the caseshowninFig. 3, thelag period for theincrease
in cAMP relative to membrane hyperpolarization
(LcAMP) was 35 s. Thus, since hyperpolarization
pre-ceded elevation ofcAMP content, changes in cAMP
levels areunlikelytobe the cause of changesin
mem-branepotential for this stimulus.
theoptimumsecretory concentration) did not provokerapid changes
in membrane potential (Fig. 4), perhaps because
in-ducedcalcium fluxes bypassed the need for the usual cell surface receptor-ligandinteractions which indirectly
lead to hyperpolarization. Nonetheless, lysosomal en-zyme release and °2 generation were both elicited afterrelatively long lag periods. Increments in cAMP
q- 1.5
1.0 H
0 0
0 30 60 90 120
Time (s)
FIGURE 3 Effectof BSA/anti-BSAoncAMP,transmembrane potential, lysosomal enzyme release, and 0° generation in
human PMN.cAMP,membrane potential,°2generation, and
releaseweremeasuredasdescribedinthe legends toFigs. 1 and2and inMethods. All four
re-sponses weremeasured atthe indicatedtimesfollowing
(18). The results shownarefromasingle typicalexperiment.
Theaverage peakincrement in cAMPinducedby
BSA/anti-BSA was 47±4% (SD) above basal levels (n =3). LcAMP,
lagperiod forincreaseincAMPrelativetomembrane hyper-polarization.
.15°- 1.5
F- 1.0
E )W
0 30 60
Time (s)
90 120
FIGURE4 Effect ofA23187 on cAMP,transmembrane
poten-tial, lysosomal enzyme release, and 2generation in human
PMN. cAMP, membrane potential, 02 generation, and B-glucuronidase(,8-gluc)secretion were measuredasdescribed
inthe legendstoFigs. 1and 2 andMethods. All four responses
weremeasuredat theindicated times following exposureof
PMN to calciumil ionophore A23187 (10
The results shown arefrom a single typicalexperiment.The averagepeak increment in cAMP induced by A23187 was 67+18% (SD) above basal levels (n =3).were also observed, again with relatively long lag
Effects of mononuclear cells and platelets. Eleva-tions of cAMP levels were notdue tothe presence of contaminatingmononuclear cells. Isolated mononuclear
cells, which containsubstantial amounts ofcAMPand accumulatemorecyclic nucleotideinresponse to some stimuli (4),wereexposedtoFMLP,BSA/anti-BSA, and A23187.A quantityof these mononuclear cells equivalent to twice the normal level of contamination was stimu-lated and extracted along with the usual number of
unstimulated PMN. No systematic increases in cAMP
were observed (Fig. 5) when mononuclear cells were
exposed tothese stimuli. PMN, which were obtained
from the same blood sample from which the
mono-nuclear cells were isolated, responded fullyto FMLP (upper line). Similar experiments indicated that plate-lets at concentrations up to twofold the normal level ofcontamination could not account for the observed increases in cAMP (datanot shown).
All other stimuli tested were capable ofprovoking
increments of cAMP (but not cGMP) together with
lysosomal enzyme release and 02 generation.
Zymo-san-activated serum (10%) induced alarge immediate increase incAMPlevels,which was virtually identical tothatseenfor FMLP (datanotshown).The lectin con-canavalinAproducedaweakresponsewithalag period
comparable to that of A23187. Opsonized zymosan
particles produced the smallest increments in cAMP
content (only 20+14% above basal levels, n =3); lag periods were also observed with this stimulus.
Are elevations of cAMP required for neutrophil
activation? These results allowedus toconclude that
PMN Response A Fto MLP
MononuclearCell Responsesto
- BSAlanti-BS4
30 60 90 120
Time (s)
FIGURE 5 Effect of stimulioncAMPlevels ofcontaminating
mononuclear cells. A purified PMN suspension containing
3%mononuclear cellsasnormalcontaminantswasexposedto FMLP and cAMP was generated as indicated by "PMN responsetoFMLP."Anumber ofpurified mononuclear cells correspondingto6% contamination wassimilarly exposedto
FMLP (100nM), BSA/anti-BSA(150,ug/ml),and A23187 (10
,uM).These mononuclear cellswereextractedalongwith the
usual number of unstimulatedPMN(toassuresimilar
extrac-tionconditions)andassayedfor cAMP. Resultsareexpressed aspercentages of basal levels for each experiment; this was
done for the sake ofclarity since basal levelsvariedslightly duetothe addition of mononuclear cells. The results shown
arefromasingle typicalexperiment.
the observedincreasesincAMPlevelswereconcurrent
with, or followed, membrane hyperpolarization and
were thus unlikely to be the cause of this earlier
event. While the possibility remained that the early
membrane hyperpolarization could be the cause of
cAMP changes, the results of experiments in which
A23187wasthe stimulus (Fig. 4)indicated that changes
in membrane potential were notnecessary forany of
the laterresponses.
stimulus-dependentincrements incAMP levels could be
simi-larly uncoupled from the two subsequent responses.
The presence of EGTA effectively blocks lysosomal enzyme release and °2 production. Yet the removal
of divalentcations didnotaffectthehyperpolarization
response (1), nor did itaffect the stimulated increase
incAMPlevels(Fig. 6);thetimecourseand peak
ampli-tudes ofthe responses were similar in the presence orabsence of EGTA.Replacement ofNa+inthe medium
witheitherK+orcholine+ inhibited lysosomalenzyme
release, 0 production, and membrane
hyperpolariza-tion,2 butdid notsubstantially affect the increment in
cAMP (Fig. 7). Finally, by useofappropriate
concen-trations of FMLP, it was possible to obtain a large
increase in cAMP levels without attendant lysosomal
2Korchak, H. M., and G. Weissmann. Stimulus-response
couplingin humanneutrophil. Membrane potential changes andthe role of extracellular Na+. Submitted for publication.
FIGURE 6 Effect of EGTAon cAMPresponse to FMLP. A
sample ofPMN wasprepared and dividedintotwolots. The
first lot was washed in phosphate-buffered saline (without
divalentcations); EGTA was then addedto a concentration
of1 mM.The other lotwaswashed and otherwise prepared
normally in PiCM (control). The EGTA-treated and control
cellswereexposedtoFMLP(100 nM)and cAMPwas
deter-minedasdescribedinthe legendtoFig. 1and Methods. The
results shownarefromasingle typicalexperiment.Theaverage
peakincrement incAMPinduced byFMLPinthepresence
of EGTAwas59+28%(SD)above the basallevel(n =3).
enzymereleaseor 2generation(Fig. 8). Approximately
100 nM FMLP was required to provoke optimal
en-zyme release or °2 production; both of these later
responses werealmost undetectable when1 nMFMLP
was employed. However, a large incrementofcAMP
(observed10safterstimulation)wasinduced by1-100
while virtually no lysosomal enzyme release or
generationwas found. A substantialincrease incAMP
level was obtained using as little as 0.1 nM FMLP.
30 60 90 120 Time (s)
FIGuRE 7 Effect ofNa+-free media on cAMP response to FMLP. PMNdesignated K+wereprepared and washedin155 mM KC1, 1.3mMCaC12, 1.2mM MgCl2,and 10mM Hepes-HCI,pH 7.4.Cells designated "choline" werewashedinan
identicalmediumexceptthat choline chloride replacedKC1.
Bothlots of cellswereexposedtoFMLP(100 nM))andcAMP
wasdeterminedasoutlinedinthe legendtoFig. 1and Meth-ods.The results shownare fromasingletypicalexperiment.
Theaveragepeakincrement incAMPinduced byFMLPwas
52+23% (SD)inthepresenceof choline(n =3)and48+16%
inthepresence ofK+(n =3).
ElevatedCyclicAMPLevels in Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
30 60
Time (s)
90 120
0 150
g 125
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
FMLP Concentration (nM)
a 0
FIGURE 8 Effect of FMLP concentration on inerements in cANIP, lysosomal enzyme release, and superoxide anion generation. PMN were exposed to the indicated concentra-tions ofFMLP. Theamouint of cAMP generated at 10s was
measuredand isexpressed as a percentage of thebasal (zero-time) level.,8-Glucuronidase release and O° generationwere
measuired5 min afterstimtulation tusingstandardtechniquies
(19). Theresuilts shown are fromasingle typical experiment. The average peak increments in cAMP(ahove basal levels) inducedhy FMLP were 78+38% (SD) (n 17) at 100 nM,
72±40% (n =3) at 10nM, and 63±37% (i = 4) at 1 nMI.
Un-certainties in °2 generation and lysosomal enzyme release
aretypically ±5%.
Thu.s, a cAMP increment at 10s is not a suifficient
prerequiisite forsubseqtuent lysosomnal enzyme release and O° generation.
Exposuire of PMN to PGE1 or PGI2 occasionally
producedbothmodest increases incelltularcAMPlevels andinhibition oflysosomal enzyme release. This
day-to-day and subject-to-subject variability was rectified
by rolitine preincubatioin of the cells with theophyl-linefor 5 min at370C.Theophylline itself (0.1-2 mnl)
had little or no effect upon the customary increment
in cAMP in response to FMLP; average peak levels
were 109±71%(SD)above basal levels (ii =3). Fig.9
shows that wheni PMN pretreated with 0.5 mM1
theo-phvlline wereexposedtoPGEI,cAMPlevelsincreasedl
two- tothreefoldoverthe spanof4min.If
cellswerestubsequentlystimulated with FMLP,alargeincrement in cAMPwas observed. This response was
promptandpeakedat alevel of 8-10-fold the normal
basal quantity. The
PMN also released65%less
andlysozyme in responseto FMLP (in the presence oftheophylline)thandid those cells which were not exposed tothe PG. As shown inFig.10, PGI2 inducedamodestincrease in cAMPlevels in theophylline-treated cells (higherconcentrations of
theophyllinewerenecessarytoobtain inhibitionof
en-zyme secretion by this prostaglandin); once again,
stimulation with FMLP produced a large additional
incrementincAMPand inhibitionoflysosomalenzyme release was observed. Decreasing theamountof PGE1 from 250to 100uMreducedtheamount ofinhibition of
= 50 Re/eose
Ca) U *_~~~~~~A 65%
E 30_ 20 10
1 2 3 4
Time (min)
FIGURE 9 Effect of PGE, and FMLP on cAMP levels and lysosomal enzymie release in PXiN. Puirified PMIN were pre-incuhatedinPiC\I containing 0.5 mrn theophylline for 5 min
at37C. AttimezeroPGE,(250 ,LM)was addedand samiiples were taken every minuite for fouir min (lowerecurve). After twomin,asampleofthese cellswasremnoved and stimluilated with FMILP (100 nM)asshown hy the upper curve. Lysosomcal enzyme release induced vy FNMLP (in the presence of
the-ophylline), determinied as described (19), was inhibited by pretreatmenit with PGE, (as ind(licated). The resuilts shown aIre fromiasingletypicalexperimient. The aiverage peak inerements induced by FMILP above the basal level estab-lished by PGE, +theophylline is 187±45% (SD) (n =7).
lvsosomal enzyme release without any similar redluction of either base-lineorpeak FMLP-induced cAMPlevels (data not shown); this indicates that inhibition of de-granulation is not strictly determined by the level of cAMPinduced by the PG or bv the peak level provokedl bystubsequent stimlllliationi.
Increases in the cAMP levels of humnan PMN provoked l)v surface stimtulation have not been regularly ob-served previously. Table I shows a list of selected
references, the first five of which reported no changes in cAMP. This is easily attributable to the fact that these investigators measured cyclic nucleotide levels
2 min or more after stimulation, by which time the
increments in cAMP had already subsided (12; this
work). The increment observed by Manganiello et al. (4)wasattributed tocontaminating mononuclear cells; the small number of these cells present in purified PMN preparations were not responsible for the incre-mentsreportedinthisstudy (Fig. 5).We did notobserve theincreases in cGMPwhich Ignarro andhis co-workers have reported (9-11, 20).
We found that prompt increments in cAMP levels
were provoked by each stimulus employed. These
increments are unlikely to be associated with the micro-tubuleassemblywhichgenerallyaccompanies
stimula-tion,sincemicrotubuledisassemblyhasbeen suggested asmechanismforelevatingcAMPlevels (21);however,
\ 66%
1 2 3 4
Time (min)
FIGURE 10 Effect of PGI2 and FMLP on cAMP levels and
preincu-bated with2mMtheophylline,thenexposedto 100
PGI2 (dissolvedinPiCM 30 sbeforeaddition) anidFMLP(100nM).See legend to Fig. 9 forfurther details. The results shown
arefromasingle typical experiment. Theaveragepeak
incre-ments induced by FMLP above the basal level established byPGI2 +theophyllineis
(n =3).it ispossible that transientdisassembly isresponsible forthe briefincrement in cAMP.
TheincrementsincAMPwere concurrentwithor fol-lowed membrane hyperpolarization and preceded lysosomal enzyme release and
generation. Thistemporal sequence suggested that cAMP
be asecondary messenger responsible for transmission of the stimulatory signal to the mechanisms
for the laterevents.However, severalexperiments
sug-gested thatthis maynotbe thecase:
enzymerelease andO° generation could be
abolished whereas the prompt increments in cAMP wereun-changed
(a)inthe absence of the divalentcations(Fig. 6),(b)in theabsence of extracellularNa+ (Fig. 7),and(c) when low concentrations of FMLP (1 nM) were
used (Fig. 8).These data showedthataninerement in
cAMP is not a sufficient condition for secretion and O° generation. That elevation of cAMP contentis not necessaryfor theseevents issuggested (butnotproven) by the fact that serum-treatedzymosanproduceslittle or no change in cyclic nucleotide levels. The finding thatthe absence of Ca++ andNa+havelittleor noeffect upon the stimulated increment in cAMP is also note-worthy, in view ofthe important roles these cations play in stimulation of PMN. Degranulation of rabbit PMN is impaired by theabsence of both Na+ (22) and Ca++ (23), and enhanced influxes of both cations take placeafter stimulation (24).
Increments in cAMP and the hyperpolarization
re-sponse wereclearly uncoupled when A23187 was used
asthe stimulus(Fig. 4).Thissuggeststhat some process
other than membrane hyperpolarization, such as an increasein intracellular Ca++ (achieved either by
stimu-lated Ca++ influx or by mobilization of intracellular Ca++stores), isresponsible for elevated cAMP contents.
It iswellknown that exogenous cAMP or agents that
elevate intracellular levels ofcAMP inhibitlysosomal enzyme release (25). Indeed,itseems paradoxicalthat
stimulated cells have elevated cAMPlevels at justthe momentwhenlysosomal enzyme release and O° genera-tionisinitiated.Wewouldsuggestthata meredoubling
of cAMP levels is innocuous insofar as these later
events areconcerned.A"threshold"somewhereabove
this doubled level ofcAMP would have to bereached before secretion is inhibited. The increment of cAMP
could be eitheran accidental or vestigial response to surface stimulationorcould havesomeothermetabolic
significance (13). Consistent with this explanation, it
should be noted that the elevation in cAMP seen in PG-treated cells (Figs. 9 and 10), though often
con-sidered the mechanism by which these agents inhibit secretion, is notmuch greaterthan that obtained with
stimuli such as FMLP alone. It is far more likely that the large increments of cAMP obtained when PG-treated cells are subsequently exposedtostimulation (Figs. 9 TABLE I
Effectof Surface Stimulation otlcAMIPLevels ofHumaniPMN:ReportedValues
After Periocdof
Referenice Stimllulus Basal stimiiulationi stimilulation
Ignarro andGeorge(10) Zymosan 0.7-1 0.7-1 2min
Manganielloetal.(4) Latex 3-5* 12-27* 5 min
Stolc(5) Latex 10 13 15min Ignarro etal. (8) Zymosan -1.0 -1.3 15 min
Zurieretal. (22) Zymosan 5 7 20 min
Herlinetal. (12) Latex 7 14 15 s
This work FMLP,
A23187 7 14 15 s *Values reportedas
cellprotein.and 10), a phenomenon also reported by Zurier et al. (25), are responsible (either directly or indirectly) for inhibition of granule discharge and °2 generation.
Thus, cellspretreated with PG are "primed," such that stimuli evoke large amounts of cAMP and ironically contribute to inhibition of secretion.
One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that the decrease in membrane microviscosity which accompanies surface stimulation (26) permits a closer coupling of PG receptors and adenyl cyclase, in a man-ner similar to that suggested by Hirata et al. (27);
stimulation of PG-treated PMN would thus lead to
greatly enhanced production of cAMP. While this is an
explanationconsistent with our data, it should be re-membered that we do not know what effect a doubling
ofcAMP levels per se has on secretion. We do not know if the intracellular/extracellular distribution of cAMP is identical with PGE1 and FMLP stimulated PMN. Furthermore, the fact that lower levels of prostaglandins
produce correspondingly less inhibition of lysosomal enzyme release, while giving rise to identical incre-ments in cAMP levels,indicatesthat these agents have some inhibitoryeffects other than the mere elevation ofcAMP. Investigations into the mechanisms and
sig-nificance ofthis phenomenon are continuing.
This work was aided by grants (AM-11949, GM-23211, HL-19072, and HL-19721) from the National Institutes of
Health, TheNational Foundation-March of Dimes, The
Na-tional Science Foundation (76-05621), and the Arthritis Foundation.
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