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(5) / 2-. OUR OBLIGATIONS TO THE DAY OF. REST AND WORSHIP BY REV.. JAMES PATTERSON HUTCHISON. Gen. Sec. of the Mid-West District Alliance.. Member. BOSTON: RICHARD TORONTO:. [if -the. Lord's. Day. of the Presbytery of T'opeka. G. THE COPP CLARK. JH. BADGER CO.,. LIMITED.

(6) Copyright,. 1916,. All. by James P. Hutchison. Rights Reserved. 1. THE NE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 7< I8TOT TLCT. '•-3,. AND. TILDrIN FO!. £. The Gorham. Press,. Boston, U.. S.. A..

(7) CONTENTS PAGE I.. A. Call for the Defense of the Rest and Worship. The. of. 7. how to observe and defend Need of an organized effort.. question,. the Sabbath. II.. Day. Authority for the Sabbath Traces of the Sabbath in remote history. Authority for the Sabbath in the Bible account of creation; from the law The of our being; from the decalogue'. Authority ten commandments perpetual.. from words and example. of Jesus.. 15. His. healing on the Sabbath. Scripture teachPaul's statements ing on the Sabbath. about certain days explained. III.. One Day's Rest in Seven Amount of Sunday and. 38. seven-day labor in the U. S. Sunday labor in the steel and other industries, and in certain states. Moral effect of. IV.. Sunday. labor.. Physical Result of Seven-Day Labor. ... The nervous system in bodily health and vitality. it is damaged by seven-day labor. Oxygen in physical repair, and how effected by the day of rest. Dr. Haeglers. 46. How. diagram.. Damage. of. fatigue.. Six-day. labor compared with seven.. V.. Economic Benefits. of. Sunday Rest. Principles effecting economic results of seven-day work. Example of Jefferson. 54.

(8) CONTENTS PAGE Furnace and other companies. Post Office petition. Creek department. Cripple Horses in Chicago street car service. Increased. efficency. of. ?nen. because. Mr. Major. Incident of. of rest.. of day with ox. teams.. VI.. Relation. Sabbath. of. Development. Observance to the and Char-. of Christian Life. 65. acter. precedence over Time required for increased dividends. development of character underestimated. The Sabbath, God's remedy for religious problems. Dying at the top. Answers to Facts resulting from questions sent out. Drifting from the uses of the Sabbath. Christian life because of Sunday labor. Sunday amusements. The drift from Sabbath desecration to unbelief and paganism. Spiritual. benefits. take. Testimony of Justices Hale, Strong and others on Sabbath desecration and crime.. Record of descendants of Sabbath keeping compared with non-Sabbath keeping families.. VII.. Illustration of the garden.. Methods. of. Week. Securing. A. Day. of. Rest. Continuous Industry .... The principle approved but not practiced. Blair Sunday Rest Bill. Three requirements: Organized effort; agitation;. Each. legislation.. rest law.. reduced. to. in. Model statement for Sunday The plea that Sunday labor is the minimum. Action of organ-. 90.

(9) CONTENTS PAGE izations Crisis. VIII.. IX.. showing desire for a day. now upon. of rest.. us.. How. 106 to Keep the Sabbath Sacred requirements before secular. The Sabbath sacred. Where we gof in Sabbath keeping. What we read? MeditaIllustration of tion in Sabbath keeping. a garden. The man ivho refused Sunday work.. Change. of the Sabbath. to the First. Day. of the. from the Seventh. Week. 1 1. Christian Sabbath in honor of our Salvation. TestaGreek "Sabbaton." In. New. ment. after resurrection, for the first day of the week. Testimony from early church. The Sabbath around the world. Evidence that time of the Sabbath was changed in Old Testament times. The Holy Spirit has honored the first day Sab-. fathers.. bath.. X.. Plans of Action. Work. 126. The. work that counts. Utilities Commissions and others. The public telephone. Sunday mail. Sunday stores. Sunday baseball. How to close Sunday sporting rooms. This work necessary.. requires the support of special workers. Petition of Engineers of the N. Y. C. Ry. American organizations for Sabbath defense..




(13) Our. Obligations to the. Day. and Worship. of Rest. CHAPTER. I. A CALL FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE DAY OF REST AND. WORSHIP. —. "The Sabbath was made for man" Jesus. "As we keep or break the Sabbath we nobly save or meanly lose the last hope by which man rises/' Lin-. —. coln.. " The longer I live the more highly do I esteem the proper observance of the Christian Sabath and the more grateful do I feel toward those who impress its importance on the community/' Webster.. —. H. OW. should. we. keep the. Day. of. Rest. and worship, has been a problem through. These pages are written. the centuries.. help the reader to think,. first. of. all,. to. how. he should observe the day so as to get the most out of it,. considering. spiritual,. fourth. and. all. his. commandment. Sabbath day to keep. and do of the. all. thy. interests,. it ;. ;. before. is. holy.. work but. Lord thy God. physical,. moral and. harmony with our Master.. live in. in. us,. "Remember. the. Six days shalt thou labor. the seventh day it. The. is. the Sabbath. thou shalt not do any work, 7.

(14) Obligations to the. 8. Day. and Worship. of Rest. thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant,. nor thy maid-servant, nor thy that. within thy gates;. is. made heaven and. nor thy stranger. cattle,. for. in. earth, the sea. days the Lord. six. and. all that in. them. and rested on the seventh day: wherefore the Lord. is,. day and hallowed. blessed the Sabbath. mand. is. How. should. in the decalogue. we. has. it. This com-. it.". its. claims upon us.. Each one must. keep it?. No. question for himself. another.. and. solve the. one can be conscience for. Some do not regard. as. it. having any binding. Perhaps they have not thought much. force upon them.. about the subject, or have not been trained to observe the day.. Others are convinced that. God, binding upon us decalogue.. as the other. Some have no. ask. is,. how. lead.. The. should. and use. it. how about. each one to. situated as I am, spend the Sab-. I,. bath so as to obey the requirements of this. ment, so as to please. of. of the. on. as those. we want. question. law. the. is. settled convictions. the day should be observed,. them may. it. commands. God. command-. and receive and give the. best. greatest benefits intended by it?. This. is. a strenuous. century with modern inventions, large corporations and fast. How. living.. bend. far should. to suit these conditions,. conditions be. made. to. conform. the Christian. Sabbath. and how far should the to the fourth. command-. how. he should. ment.. The. reader. is. asked to think, also,. conduct his business or occupation on Sunday.. Will.

(15) Day. Defense of the. of Rest. and Worship. 9. your business yield a larger profit by Sunday and seven-day labor, or by turning the key upon it Saturday night and not opening up for business until Monday morning? Some attend to business seven days in the. week, while others, in the same pursuit, use the day Are they more prosfor rest and moral development. the Lord's Day or on perous who attend to business those. who do. not ?. And. then our moral and Christian. do. character enter into the problem;. profits increase. by Sunday and seven-day labor to render an equivalent for the benefits of Is. it. right to. Sunday. employ. labor so as to deprive. rest. and moral development? Sunday and seven-day. others in. them. of opportunities of. Sunday. moral development that its rest and person do more and think a observance affords? Can each week, or by six labor of as clearly by seven days worship? What and rest of days of labor and a day the advantages of. are the of. "works of necessity?". Sunday. adopted which will allow the sary. Sunday work. The. What is the minimum What plan can be. labor in your business?. to rest. toilers. who do. the neces-. and attend church?. community needs where the sound of. defense of the Sabbath in the. attention, also.. There. the church bell. is. are places. blended with the noise of building. and teaming and holiday sports of the children. ;. where. places of business are open on the Sabbath day and people are coming and going with purchases from the stores;. and. their. arrangements for social. affairs. and.

(16) Day. Obligations to the. IO. pleasure outings. make. it. community. All because the people have. they should defend the day in the. for the nobler purposes of rest. and. Historians tell us that crime. upbuilding.. follow. ality. how. and Worship. impossible to attend the public. worship of the church. not thought. of Rest. Sabbath. desecration.. spiritual. and immor-. And from. places. is. those. largely given over to frivolity. where and business and conversation about secular the day. affairs,. proceed a large proportion of persons of degenerate. and criminal tendencies, and a small proportion of individuals of the nobler attainments and ambitions of In contrast with. Christian character.. this. is. the com-. munity where the Sabbath has been more nobly defended for the sacred purposes of the day; where stores are closed and the people do. and ship. festivities are is. no trading; where sporting in, and the call to wor-. not engaged. responded to by a people. who have formed. the. more sacred purposes. From a large number who occupy prom-. habit of using the day for. such places go forth. inent places of honor and usefulness, and the percentage of crime. The. is. very low.. situation today, calls for the attention of the. people to another phase of this subject. —. to a united. and. organized movement for reducing Sunday and seven-. day labor. to the. minimum, and defending. the day for rest and worship. effort. who. is. A. required for this work.. special. the quiet of. and combined. Leaders are needed. are specialists in this kind of effort. who have.

(17) Defense of the studied. wrongs. Day. conditions. the. of Rest. and Worship. and have seen and. We. of Sabbath desecration.. 1. feel. the. need leaders. who. know and realize the greatness of the numbers of young men and women who are kept out of the Christian life by this evil that abounds and are pushed down into godlessness and demoralization. The people must stand back of those whose souls are on cause, and. who. fire. with zeal for. for defending the day of rest. and worship.. this. movement. are able to plan and lead the. The. public. mind must be instructed and the public conscience awakened. a sense of the wrongs done.. to. must be placed before those ulate. Sunday. much As. can be done.. labor.. who. Efforts already. the Anti-Saloon. Petitions. are in position to reg-. made prove. that. League and other temperance. organizations combine the efforts of the people in pre-. venting the evils of the liquor. traffic;. and the. Home. Mission organizations are the effort of the people in building up the religious. life in. neglected places; and. the Foreign Mission Societies unite the efforts of the. people in carrying Christianity into pagan lands; so the. Lord's. combine the fits. Day. Alliance and. kindred organizations. efforts of the people in securing the bene-. of a day of rest. and worship.. There never was a time when it was not necessary to make an effort to prevent the Sabbath from being crowded out. In the days when Jeremiah was the religious leader of the people, God told him to stand.

(18) Obligations to the. 12. Day. of Rest. and Worship. the gates of Jerusalem and instruct the rulers and. in. people in Sabbath keeping, and reprove them for their. In the days of Nehemiah, a cen-. Sabbath desecration.. "What. tury and a half later, he said, that ye do,. your fathers thus, and did not. upon. ures to defend the Sabbath.. mandments, including diligently. thou. fourth,. the. them repeatedly, "Ye. to your. children,. sittest in thine. the way,. And. told. bring. when thou. all this evil. to. the. Hebrew them. when. when thou walkest by. down, and when thou. risest up.. thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine. Many. houses and upon thy gates.". times the Scriptures. record earnest directions to keep the Sabbaths. is. Israel. shall teach. speaking of them. house, and. liest. And. it. held up before us that because they polluted the Sab-. bath judgment was sent upon them.. been necessary to for. its. make. sacred uses.. Always. it. has. special effort to protect the. day. The. people. who. have not made. that sufficient effort have forgotten their Creator in their blindness. and. and idolatrous worship have paid the. penalty of an irreligous people. is. this. He then put forth measWhen God gave the com-. by profaning the Sabbath.". He. God. is. Did not. Yet ye bring more wrath upon. this city?. nation,. evil thing. and profane the Sabbath day?. Today, when business. on such a large scale that labor can scarcely cease. with many for a day, and the attractions appeal to the baser nature as never before,. ing the love of. money and. we. are in danger of allow-. the love of pleasure to rule.

(19) Defense of the. Day. of Rest. and Worship. 13. out the nobler sentiments by crowding out the Sab-. We. bath.. how we. need to think carefully. can help. movement to defend the day. Never was the Sabbath so strongly attacked, or so poorly defended as in this commercial age. While we in. a united. are directed to teach Sabbath keeping diligently unto. our children, inscribing. it. upon "the door. house and upon thy gates,". we. numbers of parents are bringing up no instruction or example on. posts of thine. find, instead, that large. their children. the day a holiday with no instruction in the religious life. in. the home.. fathers start out on clothes. and dinner. Many. to. his. moral and. children see their. Sunday morning with pail. with. They make. this subject.. work. his. Many. work.. others. spend the day in sporting and return at the end of the day wearied with pleasure seeking.. Sunday-school. in the. Some go. to. forenoon and leave the church at. the close to spend the remainder of the day in carousal.. They. pass through the formative period of life seeing. business,. labor and sporting on all sides on the Sab-. and when they read the fourth commandment,. bath,. "Remember. the Sabbath day to keep. shalt thou labor. day. is. it. all. the Sabbath of the. shalt not Is. and do. it. Six days. holy.. thy work; but the seventh. Lord thy God;. do any work," they wonder what. in. any wonder that multitudes are about us. in a state of inquiry. command. it. it. thou. means.. who. are. about the meaning of the fourth. of the decalogue?.

(20) Obligations to the. 14. Attention. number. the. in the. is,. The. of books. libraries in smaller. inquiry. and Worship. of Rest. not given to this subject adequate to. is. need and importance. to. Day. on. this subject. and larger. few and out. cities,. of. and those. date,. in. The. cities.. that no book on the subject. smaller. its. writer has given attention. is. the public. result of the. found usually,. in the larger libraries are. generally.. Large numbers of. volumes are found upon other subjects of comparatively trifling. importance, while the Sabbath, which. mental. in. life,. is. funda-. the moral and spiritual upbuilding of every. inseparably essential to the church and important. for the highest good of every home,. consideration.. Is there. is. given the smallest. not occasion for us to stop and. think of the meaning and need of the fourth of the decalogue?. command.

(21) CHAPTER. II. AUTHORITY FOR THE SABBATH. "Remember. the Sabbath day to keep. it. holy.". —The. Fourth Commandment. "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than for one tittle of the law to fail." Jesus. "/ ivas in the Spirit on the Lord's Day." John I,. —. —. 10.. "Where there is no Christian Sabbath, there is no Christian morality; and without this free institutions cannot long be sustained." Justice of the. —. McLean. Supreme Court of the U. S. "Laws setting aside Sunday as. a day of rest are up-. from any right of the Government to legislate for the promotion of religious observances, but from its right to protect all persons from the physical and moral debasement that comes from uninterrupted labor. Such laws have always been deemed beneficial and merciful laws, especially to the poor and dependent, to the laborers in our factories and workshops and in the heated rooms of our cities; and their validity has held, not. been sustained by the higher courts of the states.". —. Supreme Court of the U. S. by Justice Field. "The stability and character of our country and the advancement of our race depends, I believe, very largely upon the mode in which the Day of rest, which seems to have been specially adapted to the needs of mankind, shall be used and observed." John Bright.. —. 15.

(22) 1. Obligations to the. 6. Day. and Worship. of Rest. "Of all Divine institutions, the most Divine is that which secures a day of rest for men. I hold it to be the most valuable blessing ever conceded to humanity." Lord Beaconsfield in House of Commons. "There has perhaps never been a topic on which a greater number of the wise and good have been agreed, than the Divine authority, the sanctity and the value of GlLFlLLAN. a iveekly day of rest and prayer." "Experience shows that the day of rest is essential to mankind; that it is demanded by civilization, as well Theodore Roosevelt. as by Christianity.". —. —. —. BRIEFLY bath. stated, the authority for the Sab-. in. is. Genesis;. account of the creation. the. fourth. in the. acknowledgment. Christ's. the continual reference to. it. in. commandment;. in. of the Sabbath. in. ;. throughout the Bible;. in. the evident need of a day in seven for rest and moral. and. religious. moral and. refreshment, discovered in the physical,. spiritual nature of. humanity. as. we. read. it. in the Scriptures.. The. Bible account of the creation. erence to the idea of six days for. The. second day," through the six days.. on the seventh day from made.. And God. because that. all. the. it. He. week but. sacred. the first day.. "He. rested. work which He had. blessed the seventh day. in. and sanctified. all His work Nothing has given us. had rested from. which God created and made." the. written in ref-. "The evening and the morning were. day.. it;. is. work and a. the sacred day in seven.. The. seasons.

(23) Authority for the Sabbath define the year, but. sacred day,. we. days. find the. week. of six days and a. find evidence of the. sacred day in seven. week.. no natural division has given us the. Wherever we. week.. 17. is. For a. Sabbath.. the only thing that defines the. Humboldt says, "We find among the Hindoos, Chinese,. the cycle of seven. Assyrians and the. Egyptians.". Traces of the Sabbath are found throughout. The word. "Sabbath,". baked. now. clay,. is. history.. found on Acadian tablets of. in the British. Museum,. that. came from. the age of. Noah, who talked with Methuselah, who. talked with. Adam.. The. lost the sacredness of the. true worship of. ancient heathen nations. God, yet retained the week,. and a sacred day.. who. Sabbath, and turned from the six. days. Ancient Egypt worshipped Osiras,. the Sun-god, symbolized by Apis, the golden bull, one. day. The. in seven.. Sabbath was observed on the plains. Hebrew nation was known, gencommandments were given on The language of ancient Assyria has the word. of Babylon before the. erations before the ten Sinai.. "sabattuv," heart.". with the meaning,. (See F. Delitzsch. in II. "day of. of. rest. Rawl., 32, 16).. the. This. make clear that the Sabbath was not intended Jews only, as we have heard a few persons say. It was made at the creation of the world; that is, He made the world with reference to six days for should. for the. labor and a day for rest and religious worship.. He made. the. world with reference. to. the. As. law of.

(24) 1. Day. Obligations to the. 8. He. honesty and the law of truth, so. man. ture of. of rest in seven his attention. form. that. and time. There never was. And. with that law built into a. time when. was. there never. When. not wrong.. that crime. Cain. a. day get. toil. Man. was not wrong. it. Abel. The law. grows and he. as he ever did,. God and become. society,. his nature.. to. time when murder was. killed. done.. is. likewise the same.. na-. from lahor and turn. to cease. out from the ground just the same as. when. in the. higher truths belonging to moral. to the. God made man. steal.. stamped. being which requires a day. Honesty has been for the welfare of. character. for. of. and Worship. of Rest. blood cried. it. does today,. of the Sabbath. just as is. his. is. weary with seven. just as prone to for-. demoralized and godless without a. day each week for the study of the higher qualities of his being.. The. ten. commandments. define the relations. which the Creator established between man and Himself. and between man and. the world.. "It. is. These. easier for heaven. tittle of. the. law. his. fellowman, when. relations never change.. and earth. to fail.". sooner than the nature of. The. He made. Christ said. to pass, than for. one. heavens must pass away. man would change. so that. continuous labor would not weaken man by weariness, or when man would not become godless with no day in. the. week. for. moral and religious purposes.. the Creator inscribed. the fourth. Before. commandment upon. the tables of stone at Sinai, the same hand built that law into the nature of. man. in the. Creation..

(25) Authority for the Sabbath Authority. Sabbath,. the. for. ghalt not kill.". God made. nerve and sinew. of. law of one day. in. then,. is. on. the. same. shall nol steal/' or. "Thou. the world that way.. Each. "Thou. basis as authority for,. [0. our bodies seven for. is. constructed undei the. He made. rest.. the Sab-. When He made the soid ol man. lie made the man so that it needs a day in seven to give thanks. bath law soul of. and worship and needing. when He day jects. in. its. Creator;. liable. He. to seek help.. to. forget. its. Creator. created the Sabbath law. created the affections. the soul, needing a. in. seven to turn to the Creator and the nobler ob-. which we should. When Jesus man," He evidently. love, hut. liable to turn to baser. "The Sabbath was made for meant that it was made in the It was not made when the ten Creation of the world. Commandments were ^iven, but when the world was things.. Created.. human. We it. is. It. was. in the. for. First. <. Jews, only, but for every. -features. under. us.. have reliable authority for the Sabbath because. To. decalogue. is. the place the ten rod. for the. being, and for the. Commandment (. not. said. for. realize fully that the fourth. our observance we should nntiie. eommandnients ocrupy. our guidant. as the. law. of. e.. of all, they are. from. (. fod.. Not because. He. Mount Sinai any mote than for the reason that He made the world with these laws in the world and in man. The law contained in the commandments are written upon the heart of man. We. gave them on.

(26) 20. Obligations to the. Day. and Worship. of Rest. know from our inner consciousness that it is wrong to we know that one day in seven for rest is needful and that we should have a day each week free from secular toil that we might worship God and develop our moral and spiritual natures; we know that it is wrong to bear false witness. The ten commandments steal. ;. only define the duties which were established by our. Creator. when He made. the world.. laws of gravitation; but they relations of things. publish the. when. the world. law which we. find. at a certain temperature, the. the beneficent. publish the. was. in the. We. created.. when water becomes law. when He. ice. which. of expansion. designed the. So the ten commandments only define our du-. world. ties to. Creator made. We. were established. God and man which were. fixed. by the all-wise. when He made the world. God is the author them. The Sabbath was not founded but promul-. Creator of. gated by giving the law from Sinai.. The. God. fact that. emphasized. in the. unto Moses, when. with him, upon. gave the ten commandments. account. He. "He. is. gave. had made an end of communing. Mount. tables of stone, written. in the Scriptures.. Sinai,. two. tables of testimony,. with the finger of God.". "And. were the work of God, and the writing was The the writing of God, graven upon the tables." the tables. account of the giving of the decalogue emphasizes the extraordinary presence and authority of God.. "There. were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud upon.

(27) 21. Authority for the Sabbath the. voice of the trumpet exceeding. Mount, and the. And Mount. loud.. Sinai. was. together on a smoke,. all. because the Lord descended upon. it. in a fire. and the. smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furance, and the whole Mount quaked greatly." The sublime presence of. God. in. commandments mark the They are They embody all our duty to God. giving the ten. fundamental character of the precepts given.. God's law to man.. and to our fellowman. in. them. each command.. ment. Nothing. unnecessary.. is. Many. is. out and nothing. left. phases of duty are under. All rulers have laws for the govern-. of their subjects.. These are the laws. for the. Creator's servants.. The. ten. commandments are They. for all people in all ages.. They. are. but they are the precepts that never. or for one age;. change.. perpetual.. are not for one people. Outward. conditions change, but the duties. There never was. imposed by these laws never change.. when it was not wrong to steal and there never Murder was always wrong and there never will be. can come a time when the relations of duty to our fellowman will so change as to make murder right, that is a time. The. contemplated, malicious murder. built into. man. with seven-day time. when. is. the. toil. same forever;. now. as ever. people did not drift. righteousness without a Sabbath. read,. "He. it. nervous system. will. grow weary. and there never was a. away from God and In Psalm 148:6,. we. hath also established them forever and ever..

(28) 22. Day. Obligations to the. He hath made commandments. which. a decree. and Worship These. shall not pass.". God. are unchangeable because. changeable and the nature of fore the. of Rest. man. mountains were brought. un-. is. unchangeable. "Be-. is. forth, or ever thou. hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art. yesterday,. shadow. variableness or. Not only changeable. is. God. is. the. same is. no. of turning.". same for. the. define.. A. ever, but. man. un-. is. chart exhibiting the anatomy. of the circulatory system of correct,. "He. "With whom. the relations and duties which the ten. in. commandments if. God.". today and forever.". would be. man. in the days of. as reliable for the. Noah,. surgeon today.. The. arteries. ried. the blood to the parts of the body.. and veins were located the same and car-. has always been constructed as. has performed. the. The. heart. found today and. nervous system communicates. sensation and vital energy just the. ages of the past.. is. same work of forcing the blood. The. through the body.. it. The. nerve. cells. same today. as in the. have vital energy. in-. creased by rest and diminished by fatigue just the same. today as. when God gave. The. the decalogue on Sinai.. muscles and the bones have similar elements in their structure and perform the same. same demand for food place in. the. property, the. necessity. wrong. as ever,. for honest. of theft.. office.. There. is. the. and no change has taken labor,. the right. Honesty and truth. is. to. for. the welfare of society today just as they have always.

(29) Authority for the Sabbath. 23. been.. The. soul of. man was. the. tions. and ambitions and. erly directed by the ten. Him. reverence for. same through the genera-. Man. tions of the past as today.. has always had affec-. which are prop-. responsibilities. commandments.. and worship of. God. Love is. to. God,. expressed by. commandments. There is the same need immutable relations and duties, and taking time for moral and spiritual development of the the. three. first. of guarding these. Cain envied Abel; Saul envied David; the. soul.. Jews envied Christ; we. ers of the. today. is. to. The. soul of. man we. the same to us and. God. as essential as. is. for things sacred. day. in seven. is. is. faith. is. and worship. is. the beginning of the world, because. and man. the same;. is. mands Savior,. for. rest,. owes. it. it. God. Him.. Love. the same.. The. has ever been. One. the same since. God. is. the same,. and the relations between. and man stand unchanged. soul. to. always has been; reverence. the same;. for rest. same. rul-. same thing. as fixed as the body.. are the it. find the. God. nervous system de-. made. that. way; the. always to give thanks to the Creator and. and take a day. in seven to. worship Him, and to. be free from labor to give time and attention that. may guard. these sacred relations.. The. ten. we. command-. ments which define these fixed relations and duties be-. tween the unchangeable. God and man must. be un-. changeable.. The Gospel. dispensation did not set aside the ten.

(30) Day. Obligations to the. 24. and Worship. of Rest. The sacrifices which pointed forward Lamb without spot, slain once for all for. commandments. to Christ, the. were. the sin of the world, these sacrifices. the ceremonial. and. set aside,. but not the ten commandments.. rites,. Jesus said "Think not that. I. am come. to destroy the. law or the prophets; I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass. from the law. He. the decalogue.. He. Mount. law through. is. angry with. "Christ. 4:31.. the end of the. is. "It. 10:4.. easier for. is. word. God. of our. ture of. man. is. the relations. how. can. we. law. Rom.. for righteousness to every one that believeth.". for one tittle of the. his. guilty.. is. faith?. Rom.. the law.". that. "Do we make void God forbid: yea, we establish. brother without a cause" the. He. follows this. by quoting from. commandment when. confirmed the. "I say unto you,. said,. He. be fulfilled.". all. till. statement in the Sermon on the. heaven and earth to pass than. law. to. said Christ.. fail,". shall stand for ever.. When. The. the na-. God is immutable and between God and man stand the same, unchangeable and. expect the ten commandments, which define. our duties. in these relations, to pass. the fourth. commandment. command. of the ten, the central. away?. Therefore. of the decalogue, the longest. command,. the key-. stone of the arch which supports us in our happy relations to. God and. to. man, must stand. The words and example. forever.. of Jesus give us authority.

(31) Authority for the Sabbath. 25. When he said "the Sabbath was for the Sabbath. made for man, and not man for the Sabbath," and "The Son of Man is Lord, also, of the Sabbath," He He. acknowledged the Sabbath.. We. sacred regard.. observed the day with. Luke 4:16, "He. read. entered, as. His custom was, into the synagogue on the Sabbath. This was spoken of him when. day.". He was. where. statement recorded ity of the. We. brought up. in. at. Nazareth,. do not find a single. which Christ denied the author-. Sabbath or that. it. accused by the envious rulers. was. set aside.. who had. He was. lost the spirit. of religion, of breaking the Sabbath by healing. Sabbath and by plucking the corn.. on the. But we do not. understand these acts to be a violation of the fourth. commandment.. He. healed on that day.. healing on the Sabbath, and. Him. to. taught.. man "with. The. all these cases. an unclean to. in the. spirit;. do with. for. to. her.. to. be. were brought. worshipped and. was teaching on. synagogue there was. and he cried out, say-. thee,. thou Jesus of Naz-. Jesus healed him.. second miracle of Jesus on the Sabbath was. immediately after the miracle. went. He. When He. Capernaum. what have we. areth.". those. In no case did he go out on a journey to seek. the Sabbath in. ing,. after. are seven accounts of Christ. or were in his presence as. and heal on the Sabbath. a. went. never. There. Simon Peter's home.. And He. in. the synagogue.. He. "They besought Him. stood over her, and rebuked the.

(32) 26. Obligations to the. and. fever;. was spent. left her.". it. Day. of Rest. The. in quiet, until the. and Worship. remainder of the Sabbath. time of. its. observance was. past.. The. third miracle. which Jesus did on the Sabbath In the presence of the impotent. was. in the. man. they asked him, saying, Is. synagogue.. lawful to heal on the. it. And He. Sabbath day? that they might accuse Him.. "What man. said unto them,. have one sheep, and. shall. if. shall there be of you, that this fall into a pit. Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on. How. much more. Wherefore. He. value then. is. a. it. man. and. on the. lift it. out?. than a sheep?. lawful to do good on the Sabbath day.". it is. answered their inquiry and their accusation by heal-. ing the withered hand.. The was,. Mark. 3:1-5.. He did on the Sabbath A woman was in the syna-. fourth miracle which. also, in the. synagogue.. who "was bowed together, and could in no wise lift herself up. And when Jesus saw her He called her, and said to her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And He laid His hands on her; and gogue. immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.. And. the ruler of the synagogue, being. moved with. in-. dignation because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath.". Jesus defended His act by saying,. "Ye. hypocrites, doth. not each one of you on the Sabbath loose ass. from the. ought not. had bound,. stall. this lo,. and lead. him away. woman, being. to. his. ox or. watering?. a daughter,. whom. his. And satan. these eighteen years, to have been loosed.

(33) Authority for the Sabbath. from. bond on the day of the Sabbath?". this. The. which Jesus did on. miracle. fifth. when He went. bath was. certain. "And man which had the. He. watching Him.. His miracle.. He. not?" his act. fore,. it. there. was before Him They were. asked them, as they watched for. lawful to heal on the Sabbath or. healed the. "Which. Sab-. dropsy.". man. before them and defended. with a similar statement that. into a well, a. "Is. the. into the house of a ruler of the. Pharisees to eat bread. a. 27. He. had made be-. of you shall have an ox or an ass fallen. and will not straightway draw him up on. Sabbath day?". The sixth miracle done on the Sabbath was healing man who had been thirty-eight years in infirmity, and was at the pool of Bethesda. The seventh, was the the. healing of the blind man, passed by,. "Who. he was born blind?". w ith. when. did sin, this. they asked. man. Him. as they. or his parents, that. Jesus healed him by anointing his. him to wash in the pool. These miracles of Jesus and these statements in defense of His acts of healing on the Sabbath, have been. eyes. T. used by. clay and asking. many. And. Sabbath.. to indicate that Jesus did not keep the. the. accusation. against Jesus have been held those. who. of. show. the. rulers. But. a careful read-. that Jesus did not vio-. Sabbath by His acts of healing.. not be considered anything. envious. as accusations against. keep the Sabbath today.. ing of these accounts will late the. up. wrong. in. There should. such acts on the.

(34) 28. Obligations to the. Day. and Worship. of Rest. Lord's Day.. And when. Jesus said, "Is. good or to do. evil ?. lawful to. it. words intended ship.. He. lift. There. on the Sabbath day?". pit. it. lawful to do. the ox out of the. nothing in His. is. Day. to set aside the. of rest and. wor-. evidently never intended to say that the fourth. commandment was it. Is. not to be observed, but approved of. by obeying the Sabbath and by stating that "the Sab-. bath was. Lord. made. for. man," and, "The Son. of. minded people. of the Sabbath." Fair. Man. is. see noth-. ing inconsistent in healing the sick as Jesus did on the. Sabbath. It was doing good it was proving the divine power and mission of the Savior; it was extending the ;. Kingdom. of the Master.. Of. all. the miracles Jesus did,. only these seven were done on the Sabbath, and these in connection with his worship and teaching.. He. never. continued his journeys on the Sabbath, but always went. These. to the place of worship.. acts of healing. were the. only accusations that the prejudiced rulers, watchful of. any acts of transgression disregard. for. the. Him, could make in His commandment. Neither. in. fourth. should any inconsistency be charged against the ples for "plucking the ears of corn,". when. they were hungry.. Authority for the Sabbath passages of Scripture. find reference to. the. disci-. on the Sabbath,. New. it.. is. From. found. in. numerous other. Genesis to Revelation. we. Neither the Old Testament nor. lose sight of the fourth. commandment.. the resurrection of Christ "Sabbaton," the. After. Greek word.

(35) Authority for the Sabbath for Sabbath,. week. always used when the. is. referred. is. to,. and John. Revelation, refers to. few of. it. first. day of the. in the closing. book of the. is. Only a. Day.". as the ''Lord's. these passages need be referred to.. "Six days shall work be done;. day. 29. but on the seventh. a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the. soever doeth any. work. surely be put. death.. to. Lord who;. the Sabbath day, he shall. in. Wherefore the children. of. Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath. throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It. a sign. is. between. me and. the children of Israel for. Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He was refreshed." Ex. 31: for in six days the. ever;. 14-17.. The. perpetual nature of the Sabbath. is. refer-. red to in this passage, as well as the sacred character of the day.. The as. weekly day of. beasts that serve us need the. well as man.. rest. "Six days thou shalt do thy work, and. on the seventh day thou shalt rest; that thine ox and thine ass. may have. rest,. and the son of thy handmaid. and the stranger, may be refreshed.". Some may. think this law. season or for other interests. sity,. may. Ex. 23:12.. be set aside in a busy. There. are. works. of neces-. but the rest day was urged in "earing time and in. harvest.. Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh. thou shalt rest rest.". The. ;. in. earing time and in harvest thou shalt. Ex. 34:21. sacred character and uses of the day. is. empha-.

(36) Day. Obligations to the. 30. sized.. "Ye. shall keep. my. and Worship. of Rest. Sabbaths and reverence. my. away. "If thou turn. sanctuary," Lev. 19:30 and 26:2.. thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on. my. holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, and the. holy of the Lord, honorable; and shalt honor. doing thine. own. ways, nor rinding thine. nor speaking thine thyself in the. own words:. Lord. and. ;. I. will. the high places of the earth. ;. own. it,. not. pleasure,. then shalt thou delight. make. and. I. upon. thee to ride. will feed thee with. mouth of the "Her priests have. the heritage of Jacob, thy father: for the. Lord hath spoken.". my. done violence to. 58:13, 14.. Isa.. law, and have profaned mine holy. things: they have put no difference between the holy. and the common, neither have they caused men. to dis-. cern between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes. them.". my. from. Ezek. 22. Sabbaths, and. Blessing and protection the Sabbath.. I. am. profaned among. :26.. "It shall. is. promised to those. come. to pass,. if. hearken unto me, saith the Lord, to bring. through the gates of to. this city. who. in. no burden. on the Sabbath day, but. hallow the Sabbath day, to do no work therein. shall there enter in. by the gates of. "Blessed. profaning. is. it.". and. man. the. Isa.. The judgment. of. this city shall. God,. See also verses 6 and is. and. upon. remain forever.". that keepeth the Sabbath. 66:2.. then. ;. this city kings. princes sitting upon the throne of David, riding chariots and horses,. keep. ye diligently. from 7.. likewise declared, against.

(37) Authority for the Sabbath those. who. transgress the fourth. ye will not hqarken unto. day; then will. and. shall. it. kindle a. I. me. to. 31. commandment.. the gates of Jerusalem. fire in. devour the palaces thereof, and. be quenched.". Jer.. "If. hallow the Sabbath. it. shall not. Because Israel pro-. 17:26, 27.. faned the Sabbath they were scattered and humbled.. "My. Sabbaths they greatly profaned:. then. I. said. I. would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness, to consume them." "I lifted up mine hand unto them in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the nations, and disperse them through the countries because they have not executed. my. rejected. Ezek. 20.. statutes. my. judgments, but have. and have profaned. Nehemiah wrote. in. my. Sabbaths.". Chapter 13:17,. 18, "I. contended with the nobles of Judah, and said unto them,. What. evil. the Sabbath day?. not. God. bring. yet ye bring. thing. this that. is. Did not our. all this evil. upon. more wrath upon. ye do and profane. fathers thus, us,. and upon. Israel. and did this city?. by profaning the. Sabbath.". The. day was called. served and called. The. "The. first. Lord's Day, and was ob-. day of the week," by the. apostles after the resurrection of Christ.. "Upon the first day of when the disciples came. the. Acts. 20:7.. week (Greek Sabbaton). together to break bread, Paul. preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow.". "Now. concerning the collection for the. saints, as I. have. given orders for the churches of Galatia, even so do ye..

(38) 32. Obligations to the. Upon. the. used). let. Day. of Rest. and Worship. day of the week (Greek word Sabbaton. first. every one of you lay by him in store, as. hath prospered him that there be no gatherings. come.". Cor. 16:1,. I. 2.. John wrote the book. elation a generation after Christian. God. when of. I. Rev-. work and customs. had been established and he mentions "The Lord's. Day". in. Rev.. i,. 10.. "I. was. in the Spirit. on the Lord's. Day, and heard behind a great voice.". Too. little stress is. day of the week each time Christ.. "the. it. first. placed upon the fact that the. first. called "Sabbath," by the Scriptures. referred to, after the resurrection of. is. Some. is. of the passages. day of the week,". may is. be quoted in which. called Sabbath in the. Scriptures, the. same Greek word that. to the seventh. day of the week before the resurrection. of Christ. as. it. Matt. 28:1.. is. used to refer. "In the end of the Sabbath,. began to dawn toward the. 'first. day of the week,'. came Mary Magdalene." The seventh day and the first day of the week are both referred to in this verse, and both are referred to by the same word, "Sabbaton." There can be no other translation literally given than, "In the end of the Sabbaths, (The Old Testament Sabbaths) as it began to dawn toward the first of the Sabbaths (The first of the Sabbaths under Christ's completed work), came Mary Magdalene." There are reasons. why. baton," the. make. the translators rendered the second "Sabfirst. clear that. It evidently was to was not the seventh day Sabbath.. day of the week. it.

(39) Authority for the Sabbath. The Gospel by Mark in. referring. "Very. 16:2,. the. to. uses the first. early in the. same word, "Sabbaton,". Holy. morning 'The. Spirit. of the Sabbaths, they. uses the. is.. came. "Very. first. The. early,. day of the statement. on the. "first of the. first. Luke. to the sepulchre.". same word, Sabbaton,. Luke 24:1,. Mark. Sabbath.. Christian. week,' they came unto the sepulchre.". given by the. 33. Sabbaths,". also John, 20:19, in referring to the first. The. day of the week after the resurrection.. reading. of these statements conveys to the reader a very slight. impression.. The. use of the. word. referring to the Sab-. bath in the Scriptures must be studied carefully to understand that the. first. day of the week. is. the Sabbath,. by divine authority.. As some say the fourth commandment is not binding upon us because Christ healed on the Sabbath day, and from His words of defense, that we should lift the ox out of the. pit. on the Sabbath;. there are others. who. would construe three statements made by Paul, concerning certain customs that arose in his day, as mean-. commandment is no longer binding in Rom. 14:5, 6, has been so "One man esteemeth one day above an-. ing that the fourth. upon. His statement. us.. construed.. other;. another esteemeth every day. regardeth the day, regardeth. it. that regardeth not the day, to the. regard. it.. apostle. is. He. alike.. He. that. unto the Lord; and he. Lord he doth not. that eateth, eateth to the Lord.". The. not writing about the Sabbath in this chapter..

(40) 34. Obligations to the. There. is. not a. word. Day. of. Rest and Worship about the decalogue,. in the chapter. He. or about the Sabbath as a divine institution.. is. writing about certain customs and ceremonies observed. He was. by some and not observed by others.. writing. Today. about matters of conscience in eating meats.. some give. special. reverence. to. Good. Lent,. Friday,. Ascension Day, Easter, Christmas, while others in the Christian Faith esteem every day alike in respect to. But. these days.. there. commandment. fourth. nothing for or against the. is. in this passage.. Paul's similar reproof to the Galatians, Gal. 4:8-10,. has encouraged some to think lightly of the decalogue,. fourth. the. especially. Sabbath ye. is. study of the. anyone that the. easily satisfy. "When. not set aside by Paul's statement.. knew not God,. nature are no. known God, again to the. ye did service unto them which by. gods.. But now,. after. that ye. have. God, how turn ye weak and beggardly elements, whereunto. or rather are. known. of. ye desire again to be in bondage?. and months, and times and years." ten to. A. commandment.. meaning intended will. Ye. observe days,. Galatians was writ-. overcome certain Judaistic teachings.. Some had. taught them, "Except ye be circumcised ye cannot be saved.". Other ceremonial. rites,. heathen and Jewish,. were practiced by the Galatian Christians.. Some had. been heathen idolaters, and were carrying their pagan observance of days and anniversaries, which they observed,. "When. ye. knew not God.". It. was not. easy for.

(41) Authority for the Sabbath. them 3:7,. up their former ceremonies.. to give. we. In Esther. read of them observing "days and months and. times and years.". month Nisan,. "In the. in the. they cast pur, that to day,. 35. first. month, which. is. the. twelfth year of king Ahasuerus, the. is,. lot,. before. and from month to month,. Haman from. to the twelfth. day. month,. which is the month Adar." They had "stargazers and monthly prognosticators," and heathen and Jewish festivals,. which they were placing with equal sacredness. with the appointments of the Gospel.. In denouncing. these Paul never thought of the decalogues or the Christian. Sabbath.. The. only other passage so far as. have thought in. connection,. of, in this. which Paul wrote of. to the Colossians that. we know, is. precisely the. was troubling. same controversy the Romans and. Galatians, referred to in the previous passages.. man judge. that any. Colossians 2:16;. "Let no. you, therefore, in meat, or in drink, or in re-. new moon, or of the There were more than one hundred. spect of an holy day, or of the. Sabbath day.". traditions regarding the observance of the Sabbath.. Pharisees and rulers of the. The. Jews troubled Jesus about. these meaningless forms in Sabbath observance.. The. Jews continued to observe the seventh day as the Sabbath and the Christians observed the. week.. More. the controversy that. He. wrote,. first. day of the. than a century later Tertullian wrote of. "We. was. keep the. still. first. on about the Sabbath. day of the week instead.

(42) Obligations to the. 36. Day. of the seventh, because our. of. Rest and Worship. Lord. rose. All that Paul advised. that day.". "Let no man judge you," in all the controversy. statement was,. in these things.. and followed. a good conscience. from the dead on. in this. If they. had. they should do well,. it. about them, what they thought. best they should do.. There is a difference between the ceremonial observwhich were connected with the sacrifices, typifying Christ to come, and the ten commandments. The first were to pass away when Christ offered Himself, once for all. The Epistle to the Hebrews makes plain what was to pass away and what did not pass away with the offering of Christ. But let us not be deceived into thinking that the ten commandments were a part. ances,. of the ceremonial. when. No. to be required of us. law that ceased. Jesus gave His. life as. one can think for a. a sacrifice for our sins.. moment. that these incidental. statements of Paul concerning the controversy in the early church about the ceremonial. of the times,. Our. were intended. authority for the Sabbath and the decalogue. most substantial it is. in the. Word. of. God;. We. the godly character. observed those. it,. It. possible.. the tables of stone. in. law and the customs. to set aside the Sabbath.. is. the. in the. thunders of Sinai; in. have authority for the Sabbath. and Faith of those who have. and from the absence of these. who have. is. in the plan of creation. not kept the Sabbath;. qualities in. from the ex-. ample of Jesus, and from His teachings, that the Sab-.

(43) Authority for the Sabbath. made. bath was. and earth It. for. to pass. man, and that than for one. it. was. tittle. 37. easier for. of the. law. heaven to fail.. written in the hearts of the people of God, and. is. inscribed in the physical being of the race.. Paul,. who. forbid his converts from observing the pagan or Jewish. ceremonies, dates or customs which were to pass away,. wrote. same people. to these. make void. the. establish the law.". law the. said,. law. is. Thou holy,. and good.". in the. law through faith? "I had not. shalt not covet.. same. God known .. and the commandment. letter,. "Do we we. forbid; yea,. lust except the. .. .. is. Wherefore. holy,. and just.

(44) CHAPTER. III. "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy the seventh day. —Fourth Commandment. unreasonable "It inhuman days weekly." — Humboldt.. gates.". is. as. as. to. work beyond. six. "Resolved, That in the opinion of the Federation of there is no necessity for Sunday work. The labor people demand, not as a privilege, but as a right, that they should have the Sabbath for their own use. Resolved, That we urge our It was made for man. members to continue their warfare against Sunday work, remembering that, if six men work seven days, they do the same work of seven men in six days; therefore, every time six men work on Sunday, they are taking the bread out of the mouth of one fellow workman." Adopted in National Convention, Dec. 15, 1896.. Labor. —. "Operatives are perfectly right in thinking that if was no Sunday rest, seven days work would have to be given for six days pay." John Stuart Mills. there. —. 38.

(45) One Day's Rest In Seven. WHEN. we. 39. consider one day's rest in seven,. a subject that has received entirely too little. attention,. we must. note the com-. mercial conditions, today, that enter into. what. the problem;. is. the. minimum. What. these conditions?. in. of. economic. Sunday labor. benefits,. do the. show, result from the six-day plan compared with. facts. Sunday and seven-day labor?. The. need of educating. the public mind, conscience and habits in the observance. of a day of rest and quiet;. how much. to be given to the claims of a. because of. its. day of. and of the children. homes ?. Those who have not given subject have but. sons. is. and worship. part in the development of Christian char-. acter and Faith of the individual in the. consideration. rest. who. toil. little. special attention to this. impression of the. number. of per-. on Sunday and seven days each week.. In a city of about 35,000 population an effort was being. made. to secure a. law. for one day's rest in seven for. employees, with certain exceptions.. were no persons,. scarcely,. Some. who worked. said. there. seven days each. week in that quiet town. But a careful estimate showed that about three thousand labored all or part of Sundays and seven days successively. A large number of hotels were in the city employing labor Sunday and seven days, and. at such times as to render. attendance largely impossible.. employed large numbers. in. church. Public works of the city. Sunday. labor, including the.

(46) 40. Obligations to the. Day. of. Rest and Worship. street car service, electric light plant, gas plant, post office. and public. officers.. Works. hundred persons continuously.. employed a few. The Sunday news. Sunday labor from many. pers required. and distributing the papers. sters. just by. labor continuously.. A. large. Many. pa-. publishing. in. number. of team-. were open on. stores. Sunday, including not only restaurants, but confectioneries,. drug. stores. and many other. Many. stores.. served. large dinners with dinner parties on the Sabbath, which. employed, not only the regular servants but additional help,. and. cream dealers and others. to be. Many. railway service,. ice. on Sunday.. dairy, janitor,. were employed. elevator service and. of employ, while. many. in. many. employed. other forms. labored voluntarily in their. secular pursuits, in continuous labor.. So that. it. own was. found that about one person out of every twelve was. engaged. What. in. work, at. least part of the time,. on Sunday.. was in "the works of necessity and mercy," each one must determine for himself. The Federal Bureau of Labor made investigations portion of this. into the labor condition of. 174,000 employees. iron and steel industry of the of that. U.. S.,. number 50,000, or about 29 per. boring seven days a week.. Twenty. in. the. and report that cent,. were. la-. per cent, of the. number worked seven days each week and twelve hours a day.. From. the report of the Secretary of the. Department. of. Commerce and Labor,. it. Government is. found that.

(47) One Day's Rest In Seven. 41. from 90,000 workmen investigated by the department about 28 per cent, of them worked seven days. in the. week, and more than twenty per cent, of them labored eighty-four hours per week, which meant, that the work-. men. labored seven days a. week and twelve hours a. day.. This was regarded by the Secretary as a condition of over work.. We. need not ask. if. these people. who. are la-. boring in a steel plant twelve hours on the Sabbath day, are attending to religious duties in their homes, or. growing into the Christian. The. state. life.. department of labor of. New York. sent to. the secretaries of trade unions asking for reports of. amount of seven-day labor among their members. Unions with a membership of 300,000, in New York, reported 35,742 of their members worked seven days in the week. This is about 12 per cent, of the members of labor union workers.. day labor.. A. large. And. labor unions discourage Sun-. amount. of. Sunday labor may be. expected from toilers outside of these organizations. will be noted, also, that the membership reported. about 28 per cent, of the wage earners of the. The Minnesota. state. It is. state.. bureau of labor investigated the. condition of labor in respect to Sunday work, and found that, in various trades, industries. and occupations. state,. 98,558 persons engaged in Sunday. about. five. who. in that. This. is. per cent, of the entire population of the state,. are employed to labor in. labor.. toil.. Sunday and seven day-. In one county, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania,.

(48) Obligations to the. 42 it. of. Rest and Worship. reported after investigation, that 14,000 persons. is. are employed to steel. Day. work. seven days a week.. In a large. plant in this country investigation showed that out. men employed, 2,628 worked seven days a Of these 85 worked over twelve hours each. of 9,184. week.. day, and 2,322 labored twelve hours each day of the week, or 84 hours each week. About the same number of men worked twelve hours each day for six days of the week, or a total of 4,725. men. labored twelve hours. which was 51 per cent, of those employed, twelve hours each day for six or seven days a. in twenty-four,. The. week.. day. writer, in an endeavor to secure better Sun-. rest conditions in. one of the largest. steel plants,. found from the books of the company, that on the Sabbath preceding 1,120 persons were required to labor. where the total payroll was a persons; which is about 28 per ers,. of the total. From. more than 4,000. cent, of seven-day toil-. number employed.. these statements. estimates were. little. it. will be seen,. when. country, about 28 per cent, of those employees the. Sabbath day or seven days a week and. a day. ;. these. taken, that in the steel industry of our. and about 20 per. and twelve hours a day.. work on. eight hours. cent, labor seven days a. week. In addition to this there. were. And. in some who worked, irregularly, labored some work, to day changing shifts, from night. overtime.. sixteen hours or more, consecutively.. To show. that all this. Sunday labor. is. not necessary,.

(49) One Day's Rest In Seven. 43. the amount of Sunday and seven day labor was much greater in some mills than the same kind of work in other mills; and the amount of Sunday and seven-day toil. has been and. apparent financial. is. being greatly reduced, with no but rather, with better eco-. loss,. nomic conditions. In one of the steel plants the sevenday workers were about 20 per cent, of the total number employed, while at another the seven-day workers were from 28 to 43 per cent, of the employees. In one of the plants there was a full stop of twenty-four hours on Sunday of the rolling mills, and the open. hearth furnaces were not operated from Saturday night until some time on Sunday, when the steel was heated for the rollers to begin plant, no. more. Monday morning.. In the other. successful, the rolling mills. and the open hearth furnaces were operated on Sunday and every. day, at least part of the year. Blast furnaces are constructed so that they cannot be shut down on Sunday. In addition to the vast numbers that are employed to work on the Sabbath in the steel industry, other forms of employment are being constructed more and. more without "remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work." The affairs of the world are arranged for business and traffic and society and pleasure on the Sabbath day.. The. popularity of the Monday stock market has built up a large trade in live stock on Monday, which means shipment on the Sabbath. Large dinners, social events,.

(50) Obligations to the. 44. Day. excursions on the Lord's Day,. furnishing transportation,. and domestic. service.. and Worship. of Rest. all. foods,. Sunday. mean more. labor in. baggage, confections. trains cause labor. from. the firemen, engineers, conductors, brakemen, porters,. and require multitudes to labor meeting the. train,. and others. along the line. all. to provide fuels. materials necessary to run the train.. in. and other. More. labor. is. Sunday than The Sunday newspaper.,. required from the street car employees on. on other days of the week. even a larger edition than. is. published on other days of. the week, requires labor on the Sabbath or on Saturday night,. and. so interfering. setting, press. with Sabbath. selling by trainmen, postmen,. boys.. The. plants, the. dealers and. news. open store and numerous forms of Sunday. Sunday. religious. on the day divinely is. news. public telephone, telegraph, electric light. service, call for. away from. duties, in type-. work, composing rooms, distributing and. labor.. And Sunday. labor calls. worship and spiritual development set. apart for rest and worship.. not our part here to say what portion of this. can be dispensed with on the Sabbath.. contend that. in all. We. may. It. work justly. forms of continuous industry, Sun-. day labor should be reduced. to the. minimum, and the maximum.. sacred uses of the day be extended to the If. we. take the state of Minnesota as an average, as. reported by the State Bureau of Labor, five per cent, of the population engaged in. mean. the. Sunday. labor, that. would. enormous portion of our people numbering.

(51) One Day's Rest In Seven. 45. about 5,000,000 persons, toiling on the day of rest and worship,. what. the United. in. this. means. States.. in the physical,. When we. consider. moral and. spiritual. conditions in the individuals and in the sented, in the future years,. we. homes. repre-. cannot be indifferent. to this subject.. One. of these. labor on the. men. said, before. he was employed to. Sabbath he went to church, and gave. attention to the development of his Christian. life.. He. was raised in a Christian home. His father and his mother were active church workers, and brought him up to think of the better things of life. But when he began working on the Sabbath, he ceased to go to church, and found religious interest and moral. life de-. For a few years he has been engaged in Sunday labor, and has found a contrast in his life, in respect to moral and religious living, compared with the He was asked years before he began Sunday labor. clined.. if. there. is. not something. to so labor. wrong about. requiring a. man. on the Sabbath day that he cannot take care. of his moral character. "WE. and the salvation of his soul?. it's wrong, and we feel it, but what can we do?" It is for the American people to think what must be done, and to do it. For he represents the millions of Sunday toilers in their loss of moral. He. replied,. know. and Christian character..

(52) CHAPTER. IV. PHYSICAL RESULTS OF SEVEN-DAY LABOR "In seed time and Bible.. "Our company. harvest,. in. thou shalt rest". —. does not consider favorably the apwho works continuously." Pres-. —. plication of a person. ident Life Insurance Company. "I believe the institution of the Sabbath. one of the I believe in the strict enforcement of the law that prevents servile Henry labor bing carried on on the seventh day.". human. greatest benefits the. is. race ever had.. —. George.. BACK. of the appeal for. one day's rest sity.. and do him harm.. a. in seven,. rest,. or for. the physical neces-. When man. was made. day of. then continuous labor must. An. rest. for six days. work. investigation into the structure of. the nervous system,. and. its. action of the other parts of necessity of a. Sunday is. day of. rest. relations. to the healthy. the body, makes. from the regular. clear the efforts of. the week.. The. nervous system directs and controls the. ent organs of the body.. depends upon the nerves.. differ-. Vigorous action of the organs If the vitality of the nerves. runs low the action of the organs of the body. 46. is. weak.

(53) Physical Results of Seven-Day Labor. and. the nerves are full of vitality the. if. the functions of the body. Each nerve tigations have. capable of expansion or contrac-. is. shown. and stimulation,. strain. After long nervous. cells are. shrunken; borders of. The. become irregular the nuclei become reduced. ;. an oval substance within the nerve. nuclei,. reduced sometimes as. few hours. much. The. labor.. fresh supply of daily created. work is continued after come exhausted, then the if. After complete. from.. stored to normal size. see the. marks. reserve force. rest the nuclei. You. It. is. vitality. borrowed. cell. are re-. look upon the face of one. of weariness.. The sunken. tell of. cheek,. nervous exhaus-. and. in the action.. It. is. the lack of. and consequent lack of repair of the. the body.. The. muscles quiver, the mind. accurately and easily;. tissues of. fails to. think. the liver and kidneys and stom-. ach and heart and lungs and fail to. is. and. the reduction of the nerve cell which shows. the face. itself in. much, and. so. the created energy has be-. the dull eye and nervous action tion.. are. cell,. as fifty per cent, after a. when you have worked. energy gives out. and. Scientific inves-. vitality.. that after rest brains cells have. and configuration.. certain size. cell. cell. work done by. vigorous and complete.. is. according to amount of. tion,. 47. do their work well.. all. the powers of the. Poison. is. thrown back. the system instead of being carried off.. The. body into. skin takes. on a pallid complexion instead of the ruddy glow tended by nature.. The worn. in-. out and decaying parti-.

(54) Obligations to the. 48. Day. of Rest. and Worship with. cles of tissue are not replaced properly. new. cells.. All because the law of rest which our Creator has com-. manded, "Six days. shalt. thou labor and do. work, but the seventh day thy God, in lated,. been. it. all. thy. Lord. the Sabbath of the. thou shalt do no work," has been vio-. and the requirements of. and. rest. sleep. have not. fulfilled.. The. rest of the night does not completely restore the. nervous system to. down. ting. its. normal condition.. There. is. a let-. of the vitality through the six days of the. So that there must be a relaxation for one entire. week.. day. is. in seven, that the. recover.. nervous energy of the body. Shifting the energies of the body. may. relaxa-. is. unless that shifting taxes the nervous energies. tion;. unduly.. may weaken. Over stimulation may weaken through other causes.. Dissipation. on the day of. rest. The. in religious. day spent. devotion. is. rest.. Experiments made with a vigorous laboring. man. showed that during a day of work this man expended under the form of carbonic acid gas 192 grammes of oxygen more than he could inhale. in that time.. further, that during the night of rest. haled. and. more oxygen than he exhaled under. carbonic acid gas.. And. And,. sleep he in-. the. form. of. that this surplus received dur-. ing the night supplied only in part the loss during the. preceding day of labor. of rest. more than. He. did not recover by the night. five-sixths of the loss of. ing the day of work.. The. oxygen dur-. experiments showed a con-.

(55) Physical Results of Seven-Day Labor. 49. stant loss of oxygen by the day's labor in excess of the. amount accumulated during. the night, until by a period. of rest, the loss can be restored to. To. normal condition.. its. prevent the depletion of the necessary amount of. this vitalizing element,. one day in seven of. rest. is. es-. sential.. Oxygen it. is. the vital spark of the body.. we. If. invite. into our bodies in proper proportion, by obedience to. nature's laws,. it. gives tone and energy to all the body.. power. It gives vitalizing. into the blood.. It causes the. food to become assimilated and gives strength to the body.. It. burns out decaying tissues and helps the rapid. supply of healthy the blood. cells instead.. and the blood. The world. body.. is. The. distributes. lungs carry it. nine-tenths oxygen.. distribution through the. human. it. to. throughout the Its. proper. system means health.. But the seven day toiler cannot have that vitalizing element in proper proportion in his body; because he violates the law of rest by which it is obtained. It is necessary to have a regular and complete day of relaxation each week.. day of. Nothing can take the place of one Nothing can supply its place. A. rest in seven.. "The. celebrated physician has said that,. one day. in. proper rest of. seven will increase by seven years, the dura-. tion of a life of fifty years.". What. healthy nerve cells. are in imparting vitalizing activities to the functions of the body, the proper supply of. forming food, water and. air into. oxygen. is,. in trans-. nourishment for sup-.

(56) 50. Obligations to the. Day. of Rest. and Worship. plying healthy blood, tissue and energy.. Dr. A. Haegler, of Basle, Switzerland, has given. much study and fects of. Sunday. investigation to the physiological efrest,. and one day's. rest in seven,. and. has shown the result of his investigations of Sunday rest as. compared with seven days of consecutive. labor,. by. the following diagram. The Sunday. We. are. chart indicates labor,. weary. how. bodily energies decline by. and are restored by Sabbath observance. in the evening.. Sleep restores almost,. but not entirely, to the condition of the morning before.. The. rest of the six nights of the. week. restores in part,. but not completely, the loss of nerve force, oxygen and vitality. by the work of the six days.. oxygenation. in. The. necessary. the body falls lower each day of the. week the repair of the tissue is not complete there is some fatigue Sabbath morning; some poison has been thrown back into the system; some damages have not been restored. The Sabbath, with its quiet of rest and ;. ;.

(57) Labor. 51. making. repairs.. Physical Results of Seven-Day. refreshment,. spiritual. Sunday. rest. is. necessary for. and worship permit the nerve. which. cells,. away. serve as a storage battery for the body, to store. a. supply of nervous energy required for the trying conditions of toil. day of. and exposure during the coming week. The. rest in seven gives the lungs, kidneys. and. liver a. chance to clear away the rubbish that has accumulated. during the week of labor.. If the. Sabbath. is. not ob-. served the rubbish continues to increase and the body. But by. declines as indicated by the curved lines.. the re-. storing rest and quiet of the Sabbath the body. is. re-. stored back to the level of the preceding week.. We. Dean of the New England "The Sabbath is a hygenic Dr. Calmers said, "I never knew the man necessity." who worked seven days in the week without becoming can see. how. the. medical colleges can say,. The. soon a wreck in health or in fortune or both." celebrated physician, Dr. rest of. one day. duration of a tion. in seven will increase. life of fifty. why God. "The. Messier, said,. years.". by seven years, the. We should. has placed the fourth. proper. not ques-. commandment. in. the decalogue, "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy. work, but the seventh day shalt not. is. the Sabbath, in. do any work," but from these. which are from careful demonstrations,. we. it. thou. facts, all of. can see the. reason.. One. can work eight hours a day with no extraordin-. ary waste of vital force.. But one hour. of labor. when.

(58) Obligations to the. 52. Day. of Rest. and Worship. weariness sets in wastes the vital energies a certain per cent.. Two. hours of labor continued under fatigue ex-. more than twice as much as one and more than eight hours labor without fatigue; and the proportion of waste hausts the vital forces. hour of labor. in. fatigue,. multiplies with the time of labor spent in weariness.. The Sabbath. of rest. is. essential to prevent the condition. of fatigue.. One example might thousands of others,. be referred. who. to,. which represents. have suffered. from seven. He was for a number of years a merchant in Colorado. He kept his store open every day of the week. For years he had not Sunday rest. When about day labor.. forty years of age he began to break in health; fifty. his life he has suffered difficulty.. ness,. when. he was pained much, and during the later years of. He. much, and walked about with. has been compelled to give up his busi-. and pay the penalty for. his thoughtless violation. of the Creator's law, "Six days shalt thou labor and do all. thy work, but the seventh day. Lord thy God." violate that law. The. When. anyone. is. is. the Sabbath of the. so thoughtless as to. his health will give. away somewhere.. weakest point of the physical system will grow. weary and poison and destroy the healthy repair until the transgressor is compelled to cease from work, not only on the Sabbath, but during the seven days of the. week, or make but feeble effort at any time.. Tests have shown that seven-day labor damages both.

(59) Physical Results of Seven-Day Labor physical effort.. here.. and mental powers, and prevents successful. We give but one well authenticated example A man, who has since become a successful busi-. man,. ness. 53. in his early. manhood, was asked. work on. to. Sunday, when he was applying for a position.. work was driving piles for bridges. The young man. The. the construction of railway said that he. would. like to. have the position, but he could not labor on the Sabbath day; he was not brought up that way and could not conscientiously do think. we. could. let. you. The employer. it.. off. when. The young man. Sunday?". fect right not to. all. said,. "Do you. the others. work on. replied that he. had a per-. employ him, but he would. like to try. the position and put to the test the value of. Sunday company of men did not do as much him, without Sunday work as they did who labored. rest.. for. And. if. his. seven days a week, then he could discharge him. He allowed him to try the work, with a company of men,. with no Sunday labor.. He. and. his. men worked under who labored Sun-. exactly the same conditions as others. day and every day, but did no Sunday work. sult was, in six months,. of. The. re-. by actual count, the company. men who worked. bath, drove one. the other. company. Proving, as. bath was. six days and rested on the Sabhundred and fourteen more posts than. it. made. that labored seven days each week.. has often been proved, that for. man.". "The. Sab-.

(60) CHAPTER V ECONOMIC BENEFITS FROM SUNDAY REST "If thou shalt harken diligently unto the voice of the . . thy God, to do all His commandments, . . . Blessed shalt be thy basket and thy store. But, if thou wilt not observe to do all His commandthou shalt not prosments and His statutes,. Lord. .. per in thy ways.". —Deut.. .. .. .. 28.. well spent brings a week of content, strength for the toils of tomorrow; But a Sabbath profaned, whatever is gained, Is a certain forerunner of sorrow.". "A Sabbath. And. "Seven day workers are positively poor workers, lacking the vigor, stamina and character so necessary to the maintenance of a sterling manhood and womanhood." Samuel Gompers, Pres. American Federation of. —. Labor.. THERE. is. every reason to believe that indi-. viduals or corporations will declare larger. dividends and build up better conditions,. by the policy of a day of. rest in seven. than. by constructing their plans for Sunday and seven day labor.. which. A is. certain. amount. of. Sunday work. is. necessary,. used as an excuse for large amounts of unjus-. 54.


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