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Molecular basis of spectrin deficiency in beta spectrin Durham A deletion within beta spectrin adjacent to the ankyrin binding site precludes spectrin attachment to the membrane in hereditary spherocytosis


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Molecular basis of spectrin deficiency in beta

spectrin Durham. A deletion within beta

spectrin adjacent to the ankyrin-binding site

precludes spectrin attachment to the membrane

in hereditary spherocytosis.

H Hassoun, … , S S Chiou, J Palek

J Clin Invest.






We describe a spectrin variant characterized by a truncated beta chain and associated with

hereditary spherocytosis. The clinical phenotype consists of a moderate hemolytic anemia

with striking spherocytosis and mild spiculation of the red cells. We describe the

biochemical characteristics of this truncated protein which constitutes only 10% of the total

beta spectrin present on the membrane, resulting in spectrin deficiency. Analysis of

reticulocyte cDNA revealed the deletion of exons 22 and 23. We show, using Southern blot

analysis, that this truncation results from a 4.6-kb genomic deletion. To elucidate the basis

for the decreased amount of the truncated protein on the membrane and the overall spectrin

deficiency, we show that (a) the mutated gene is efficiently transcribed and its mRNA

abundant in reticulocytes, (b) the mutant protein is normally synthesized in erythroid

progenitor cells, (c) the stability of the mutant protein in the cytoplasm of erythroblasts

parallels that of the normal beta spectrin, and (d) the abnormal protein is inefficiently

incorporated into the membrane of erythroblasts. We conclude that the truncation within the

beta spectrin leads to inefficient incorporation of the mutant protein into the skeleton despite

its normal synthesis and stability. We postulate that this misincorporation results from

conformational changes of the beta spectrin subunit affecting the binding of the abnormal

heterodimer to ankyrin, and we provide evidence […]

Research Article


Molecular Basis of Spectrin Deficiency in p8 Spectrin



Deletion within


Spectrin Adjacent


the Ankyrin-binding Site Precludes Spectrin Attachment



Membrane in



Hani Hassoun,* John N. Vassiliadis,* James Murray,* Scott J. Yi,* Manjit Hanspal,*Russell E.Ware,t Stuart S. Winter,$

Shyh-ShinChiou,*and Jiri Palek*

*Department of Biomedical Research and theDivision of Hematology/Oncology, St. Elizabeth's Hospital ofBoston, Tufts University

MedicalSchool, Boston, Massachusetts 02135; and tDepartment of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710


We describeaspectrinvariantcharacterized byatruncated

chain and associated with



The clinicalphenotype consistsofamoderate hemolyticanemia

with striking spherocytosis and mildspiculationofthe red cells. We describe the biochemical characteristics of this truncated protein which constitutes only 10% ofthe total

,8 spectrinpresenton themembrane, resulting in spectrin

deficiency. Analysisofreticulocyte cDNArevealedthe dele-tionofexons22and 23. Weshow, using Southernblot

analy-sis,that this truncation results froma4.6-kbgenomic

dele-tion. To elucidate the basis for the decreased amount of the

truncated proteinonthemembrane andtheoverallspectrin

deficiency, weshowthat (a)themutated geneisefficiently transcribed and its mRNA abundant in reticulocytes, (b)

the mutantproteinisnormally synthesizedinerythroid

pro-genitor cells, (c) the stability of the mutant protein inthe

cytoplasm of erythroblasts parallels that of the normal (8 spectrin,and(d)theabnormalproteinisinefficiently

incor-poratedinto the membrane oferythroblasts. Weconclude that the truncation within the spectrinleads to inefficient

incorporationof the mutantproteininto the skeletondespite

its normal synthesis and stability. We postulate that this

misincorporation results from conformational changes of

the spectrinsubunitaffectingthebindingof the abnormal

heterodimertoankyrin, andweprovideevidencebasedon

bindingassaysofrecombinantsynthetic peptides to inside-out-vesicles to support this model. (J. Clin. Invest. 1995.

96:2623-2629.) Key words: hereditary spherocytosis *

spectrin*deletion * erythrocytemembrane-cytoskeleton


The erythrocyte skeleton that laminates the inner side of the red cell membrane is formed by the noncovalent interaction between four major proteins: spectrin, actin, protein 4.1, and

protein 4.9 (reviewed in references 1, 2). Spectrin, the most

Address correspondence to Hani Hassoun, Division ofHematology/ Oncology,St.Elizabeth'sHospital, 736 CambridgeStreet, Boston, MA 02135. Phone: 617-789-5018; Fax: 617-254-7488.

Receivedfor publication 14 October 1994 and acceptedinrevised

form10 August 1995.

abundant skeletal protein, consists of two chains, a and


intertwined in anantiparallel mannerto form heterodimers (3, 4) which associate at their head region to form tetramers (5, 6). This skeleton is attachedtothemembrane

mainly by ankyrin

which connects spectrin to the major transmembrane


band 3. This skeletal network plays an essential role in de-termining the shape and deformability of the red cell


in reference


Inrecentyears, mutations leadingtodeficiencyor dysfunc-tion of these membrane proteins have been associated with hereditary hemolytic anemias. Different phenotypes have been described in association with defects of

specific proteins


specific functional domains. Hereditary





arethetwo red cell phenotypes best studied


HS is acommonhemolytic anemia (reviewed in reference


withabroad spectrum of clinical severity.Twoforms of the disease have been described: adominant form andaless

com-mon but more severe recessive form (7, 8). Red cells from HS patients exhibit varying degrees of surface area deficiency leadingtospherocytosis and increased red cell osmotic fragility. Defects of several red cell membrane


have been associ-ated with the disease. Mirroring the clinical heterogeneity, sev-eral subsets of patients have been described based on SDS-PAGE or RIAanalysis of the red cell membrane proteins: iso-latedspectrin deficiency (7-9), combined spectrin and ankyrin deficiency (10-12), band 3 deficiency


and defects ofprotein 4.2 (17-20) have all been associated with hereditary spherocytosis. The correlation between these different subsets and the clinical


iscurrently notwell established.

Recently, the underlying molecular defects have been eluci-dated insomecasesofhereditary




band 3 have been described in patients with HS associ-ated with band3 deficiency (20, 21). Likewise, mutations in-volving the


gene have been uncovered in patients with combined


and ankyrin deficiencies (22, 23). In the


ofpatients, these defectsareexpressed in the heterozy-gousstate.




mutation of the /3


genecausingadefectivebinding of spectrin to protein 4.1 has beenfound ina




HS associated

with isolated spectrin deficiency (24, 25). Based on in vitro peptide expression assays, instability and proteolytic degrada-tion of this mutatedprotein was presumedto be the basis for



deficiency. So far,no mutationsofaspectrinhave

beenreported. This isnotsurprising knowing that the /


1.Abbreviations usedinthispaper:HS, hereditary spherocytosis;IOVs, inside-out-vesicles.

J.Clin. Invest.

© The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. 0021-9738/95/12/2623/07 $2.00


synthesisrateisthelimitingfactor for spectrin assembly on the

membrane,asthe synthesis of a spectrin has been shown to be threefold that of /3 spectrin (26, 27). Therefore, in contrast to aspectrin, defects of/ spectrin are more likely to be expressed in the heterozygous state.

We have studied a truncated /3 spectrin associated with a

phenotype of HS with overall spectrin deficiency. Southernblot

analysis of the patient's genomicDNArevealed that this trunca-tion is the result of a large genomic deletion causing an in-frame deletion of two exons at the transcriptional level. Because

the mutantprotein constitutes only 10%ofthe total/3 spectrin present on the membrane, we conducted biosynthetic studies to explain the decreaseinthe amount of the truncated protein and

the overall spectrin deficiency. We show that the mutant gene isnormally transcribed and its message is stable in reticulocytes andthat thesynthesis and stability of the mutant protein is the

same asthat of its normal counterpart in the cytoplasm of ery-throidprogenitors. However, we show that, despite its normal synthesisand stability, the abnormal/3spectrin is inadequately incorporated into the membrane of erythroblasts. Because the deletion involves repeated segments 12 and 13 located near the ankyrin-binding site, wepropose that conformational changes

of theproteinlead to a defectivebinding ofthemutant spectrin

to ankyrin, thereby reducing the recruitment of a


spectrin heterodimers containing the mutant spectrin to the membrane.Weprovide data, basedonbinding of recombinant syntheticpeptidestoinside-out-vesicles (IOVs),tocorroborate

this model.


Patient.Thefamilyunderstudyconsists of three members: the mother and thefatherareasymptomaticand presentnodetectablehematologic abnormalities.Theirdaughterinitially presentedatage 7 withanaplastic

crisis withahemoglobin of 4.4g/dlandareticulocytecountof 2.The physical examination revealedsplenomegaly. After recoveryfromthis acute event, herhemoglobin remained around 10-11 mg/dl, with a meancorpuscular volumeof82, areticulocytecountbetween 10 and

20%,abilirubin- 1.8mg/dl,andalactatedehydrogenaselevel around

900 IU/liter.Herperipheralbloodsmearshows markedspherocytosis

with moderatespiculation,and her red cell osmoticfragilityismarkedly


Erythrocytemembrane proteinanalysis.The methods usedfor

anal-ysis of the erythrocyte membrane proteins have been described

pre-viously and include (a) erythrocyte membranepreparation (28, 29); (b) analysis ofthe red cellmembraneproteins by SDS-PAGE

(3.5-17% gradientFairbanks gels and 10% Laemmlipolyacrylamide gels) (30); (c)immunoblottingusing polyclonalantibodiesraisedagainsta spectrin, 63 spectrin, andankyrin (28); (d) spectrinextraction at4°C

(28) and relative determination of spectrin dimers andspectrintetramers

bynondenaturinggel electrophoresis (31); and(e) second dimension SDS-PAGE ofspectrindimers andspectrintetramersinitially separated by nondenaturing gel electrophoresisat4°C.Forthis assay, thespectrin

dimer andtetramerbandswere cutoff thenondenaturingtubegelsand

run on 10%polyacrylamideLaemmli gels.

PCRamplification ofreticulocyte/3 spectrin cDNA. 5


of total

RNA isolatedfromreticulocytes (32) were reverse transcribed using random primers.The/3 spectrincDNA segmentsextending fromexons

21-25 andexons21-26 wereamplified bythe PCRusingtwo setsof primers respectively: sense primerK11 onexon 21 (5

'-TGGACCTCC-TGGAACCCCTA-3')with antisenseprimer352on exon25(5 '-ACA-TGTTCTCCAGCTTGCG-3') and senseprimer296 on exon21

(5'-TCCAGAGCCAAGCTGCAGAT-3') with antisense primer 297 on

exon 26 (5 '-TCCTTCCACTCGGCGATGGT-3') shown in Fig. 2. The

fragments resulting from this amplification were fractionated on a 1% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide.

Southernanalysis ofgenomic DNA. Probeswerelabeled with [32p]

-dATP byrandom priming (Megaprime DNA labeling system; Amer-sham International, Little Chalfont, UK). Genomic DNA was isolated from PBMCs as described previously (33). 10


of genomic DNA was digested with two restriction enzymes independently (XbaI and EcoRI). Theresultingfragments were fractionated on a 0.7% agarose

gel, transferredto anylon membrane (Zetaprobe; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Richmond,CA) by nonalkaline Southern blotting, and hybridized to the probe as described (34).

PCR amplification of6spectrin genomic DNA. Genomic DNA was isolated fromperipheral bloodleukocytes as described previously(33).

Two sets ofprimers were used independently: sense primer K 1 on exon 21(5'-TGGACCTCCTGGAACCCCTA-3')withantisense primer 300 onexon 24 (5'-CCGCAAATGTCGCTTCAGCA-3')and senseprimer 296 on exon 21 (5'-TCCAGAGCCAAGCTGCAGAT-3') with anti-senseprimer 300 on exon 24 (Fig.3).

Subcloning and sequencing of amplified DNA. DNA fragments gen-erated by PCR amplification were fractionated on a 1%agarose gel,

purified using the Geneclean system (Bio 101, La Jolla, CA), and

subclonedinto thepCRIIcloningvector(InvitrogenCorp., SanDiego,

CA).Aftertransformation in competent Escherichia coli cells, the re-combinant DNAclones were sequenced by the dideoxynucleotide

se-quencingmethod ofSanger et al. (35).

cDNA quantitation by PCR. mRNA was prepared from peripheral bloodreticulocytesand reversetranscribedtocDNAusingrandom prim-ers.Toquantify the relative amounts of the normal and abnormal tran-scripts, we amplified by PCR a cDNA segment overlapping the truncated fragment using primers 296 and 297 located on exons 21 and 26,

respec-tively(data notshown).This amplification results inan 888-bp DNA fragment from the normal allele, and a 519-bp fragment from the trun-cated allele. A500-,l reaction mixture containing 50 mM KC1, 10 mM

Tris-HCl, 2mMMgCl2, 0.1% gelatin, 100 pmol of each primer, 0.2 mM radioactive dATP, 0.2 mM of the other dNTP, and 2 U of Taq

polymerasewasaliquotedin 15 PCR tubes. A 30-cycle PCR

amplifica-tion was initiated. The tubes were removed successively at the end of each cycle between cycles 15 and 30. The DNAfragments resulting

from thisamplification werefractionatedon a 5%polyacrylamide gel overnight at 180 V, and theiramountquantified byexposure of thegel

toautoradiography followedby densitometric analysis of the film. Also, after localizationby autoradiography, the bands were cutoff the gel, and the radioactive signal was quantified by beta spectrometer. The relative abundance of the truncated band to the normal band was deter-minedforeach oneofthe 15samples.

Invitroassayof spectrinsynthesis,stability, and incorporationinto

themembrane. The methods used for this assay have beenextensively

described elsewhere(36). Briefly, theyinclude (a)atwo-phaseliquid

culture system for the maturation oferythroid progenitors using the system described by Fibachetal. (37)and(b) pulse label andpulse

chaseexperimentsof lateerythroblastsisolated fromliquidculture fol-lowed by immunoprecipitation ofspectrin from the cytoplasmic and skeletal fractions using affinity-purified antispectrin antibodies bythe method described previously (36).

Bacterial expressionofrecombinant proteins. cDNAwasprepared

from thepatient'sreticulocytes. Using sense primersEl (5

'-GCTGGA-TCCATGGAGGACCAGCTGCGG-3') and antisense primerE2

(5'-CGCGAATTCCTGGGTCCGGCGCCCGGC-3') attached to linkers containing BamHI and EcoRI restriction sites, respectively (under-lined),fragmentsoverlappingthe deletedregionwereamplifiedbythe PCR. Two fragments corresponding to the normal and the truncated mutantallelesweresubcloned intopGEX-2T.Aftertransformation into strain DH5a E. coli, theexpression of the recombinant peptides was


ofthesespecific peptides (i.e.,from residues 1397 to 1898) was based on the fact thatthe binding of the normal peptideto IOVs has been extensively studied and reported previously (39).

Erythrocyte IOVs binding assays. Spectrin-and actin-depletedIOVs were prepared as described previously (40). Spectrin dimers extracted from erythrocyte ghosts were purified on sucrose gradient as described elsewhere (41) andiodinated as recommended by the manufacturer (Bolton-hunter reagent 25I kit; ICN Radiochemicals Div., ICN Bio-chemicals Inc., Irvine, CA). Thecompetitiveinhibition of binding of iodinated spectrin to IOVs by each of the two synthetic peptides was

exploredandcomparedasdescribedbyVan Bennettand Branton with minormodifications (41).Inbrief,15


of IOVs andafixed amount of

radiolabeled spectrin(7Mg)were incubatedfor 90min withincreasing

amountsofeachpeptide (0.05-20Mg)in200 Mlof 10 mMNa2HPO4, 150mMNaCl, 1mMEDTA, and1mMDTT,pH7.4.Afterincubation,

thesolutions werelayered on 0.2 ml of 20% sucrose inpolyethylene

microfuge tubes, and thepeptide-bound IOVs recovered in thepellet

after centrifugation, at 18,000rpm for 30 min. The microfuge tubes werethen frozen inliquidnitrogen, and thetips containingthepelleted

IOVs were sectioned andtheirradioactivitymeasured to estimate the amount of iodinatedspectrinbound.


Biochemical characterization of the mutant


spectrin Analysis ofthepatient's red cell membraneproteins by 3.5-17%gradient SDS-PAGErevealedanadditional bandmigrating

closetoband 2.1 (datanotshown).Whenanalyzedon a 10%

Laemmli gel, thisextraband could be clearly separatedfrom

the ankyrin/spectrin band. (Fig. 1 A). Western blot analysis

usingpolyclonalantibodiesraisedagainstaspectrin, spectrin,

and ankyrin revealed the spectrin origin ofthis extraband

(Fig. 1 B). The apparent molecular mass of this truncated


spectrin protein was 205 kD and constituted 10% ofthe

spectrin present on the membrane. Quantitation of the total

amount of spectrin onthemembrane (includingthe truncated

spectrin) usingdensitometric analysis ofSDS-PAGEgels and

expressedasthe ratio ofspectrintoband3 revealedasignificant

decrease in spectrin (spectrintoband 3 ratio of0.84, normal:

0.97±0.10).Thisspectrin deficiency iseven morepronounced

whenthetruncatedspectrin isexcluded(spectrin/b3 of0.80).

Bothparentshadanormalamountofspectrinonthe membrane as assessedbythismethod. Nondenaturing gel electrophoresis


reproduc-ibleincreasein thepercentageofspectrindimersoutof the total

pool ofspectrin (i.e., spectrin dimers and spectrin tetramers) averaging 18% (normal being <10%) (Fig. 1 C). The two

dimensional analysis by SDS-PAGE of spectrin dimers and

spectrin tetramers showed thedimeric fraction to be enriched in thetruncatedprotein (Fig. 1D).

Characterization of the molecular defect underlying the truncated spectrin

Afterpreparing cDNA from the patient's reticulocytes, PCR

amplification of overlapping fragments spanning the entire

spectrin cDNAwascarried out. Amplification of thesequence

derived fromexons21-25usingsenseprimerkI1and antisense

primer 352asdescribed above revealed threefragments in the

patient (Fig. 2 A), one of expected size (685 bp) and two shorterfragments (- 550 and 316bp). This findingwas

con-firmed using a second set of primers (primers 296 and 297

described inMethods)whichamplified acDNA fragment ex-tending from exons 21 to 26 (Fig. 2 A). Further analysis of

the 316-bpabnormalPCRproduct revealeda369-bp in-frame


0 spectintankyr1n7












SpT Sp[

Figure 1.Biochemical analysisof the redcell membraneproteins. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis (10%Laemmligel) ofthe red cellmembrane proteins ofthepatient (P)and both parents(FandM)revealingan

extra band


spectrin) migratingbelow the ,B spectrin/ankyrinband in thepatient; (B) Western blotanalysis ofred cell membraneproteins separatedon a10%Laemmligel, usinganantibody directed againstB

spectrin. Note thetruncated band


spectrin)in thepatient (P)absent from thenormal sample (N); (C) Electrophoresisundernondenaturing conditionsof spectrin extracted from the membraneat4°C showinga

reproducibleincrease in thespectrindimertotetramer ratio inthepatient

(P)(18% spectrin dimer, SpD) comparedtothe normalcontrol(N)

(< 10%spectrin dimer);(D) seconddimension SDS-PAGE of spectrin

dimers and tetramersseparatedin thefirst dimensionunder

nondenatur-ing conditions at 4°C. Note that the dimericfractionisenrichedin the truncatedbandcomparedtothetetrameric fraction.

deletion of the sequence normally contributed by exons22and 23


2 B). The

corresponding portion

of the


repre-sentsmostof repeated segment 12 and the NH2-terminal portion of


segment 13


2 C). The intermediate size

frag-ment(- 550 bp) represents a heteroduplex of the normal and truncated DNAfragments.

To elucidate the underlying molecular defect, genomic DNA, prepared from the three family members, was analyzed


Southern blot


using two restriction enzymes


(EcoRI and XbaI) andacDNAprobe extending from exon 21 to exon 24. With both restriction enzymes, we found an additional band of lower molecular weight in the affectedfamily member, suggesting the occurrence ofa4.6-kb deletion withinone of thetwo alleles inthis patient (data not shown). Neither parents showed the same abnormality,


a de novo mutation in the proband. To confirm this result,weamplified byPCR agenomicDNAsegment extending from exon21 to exon24using two pairs of primers indepen-dently: senseprimer


with antisenseprimer 300 and sense

primer 296 with antisense primer 300 (Fig. 3). Asthe sizeof

theamplified fragment wouldexceed8 kb in the normalallele,

noPCR product was expected from this amplification using a normal individualgenomicDNA.Indeed,noPCRproductwas obtained from the normal control(C). However,in the



amplification yielded

bands of 710 and - 650




A Prmim Prinmes

K1 1-352 296-297


665- -550-

316-- 750

- 519

Ku1 296

DwMn1 21 fff3 241 25 |


c-NA AM 2 7 352 297






NH2 Spectin

mpedl12 epeat I3 roped15

Figure 2. PCR amplification of reticulocyte spectrincDNA. The sequencescorresponding toexons21-25 and 21-26 of the spectrin

cDNAwereamplified in the three family members usingtwo setsof primers, respectively: primers KI with 352 and primers 296 with297

shown in the diagram. The first lane is the molecular weight marker (MW). Note in both series of amplifications the fragment which is truncated by 369 bp in the patient only (P). The third band of

intermedi-atesizepresentin the patientrepresentsahybrid band between the normaland the truncatedone.(B) Subcloning and sequencing of the

685-bp fragmentinthe patientrevealedthe normalsequence

corre-spondingtoexon21-25 of the,/ spectrin cDNA (datanotshown). However, thesequencecorrespondingtoexons22 and 23weredeleted fromthe316-bp fragmentasshown. This deletion of 369 bp didnot

alter thereadingframe. (C) Schematic representationof spectrin

showingtheregiondeleted from theprotein(shadedarea). This

corre-spondstomostofrepeatedsegment12alongwithpartof the first helix

ofrepeatedsegment 13. Theankyrin-bindingsitehas beenlocalizedto


650-bp fragmentrevealed the normal sequence corresponding toexons 21 and 24on either sides connectedthrough normal boundaries to introns 21 and 23, respectively. Therefore, the

deletionincludespartof intron21,exon22,intron22,exon23,

andpartofintron 23.

Molecular basis forthe spectrindeficiency

To explain the imbalance between the amounts of the normal and the truncated spectrinpresenton themembrane, wehave addressed severalpossibilities: (a) instability anddegradation of

thetranscriptional message,and(b)defectivesynthesis, stability,

orincorporation into the membrane of the truncatedprotein. Quantitation ofspectrinmRNA andstability.Wefirst

exam-ined thestabilityofthe mRNAbyrelativequantitationof cDNA

asdescribed in Methods. The PCRamplificationof thepatient's cDNA, using primers296 and 297flankingthe deletedsegment,

yieldstwofragments,oneof888 bp correspondingtothe normal allele anda519-bp fragment correspondingtothemutantallele. The relative amountof thesetwoproductswasexamined after

each PCR cycle between cycles 15 and 30 as described in

Methods. We find that the ratio of the truncatedtothe normal band remainsfairlyconstantaround 1.4(datanotshown).This result suggests that the mRNA generated bythe transcription

of the mutant spectrin gene is stable andpresentatleast in





amplifi-K1 1-300 295i300

c"1 P c1


of /3 spectrin

ge-nomic DNA.Usingtwo



(senseprimerKI 1



_ -ON with antisenseprimer

300 andsenseprimer296

withantisense primer

300) shownonthe

dia-KI 2We gram, PCRamplification


24 ofgenomicDNA from


/ 300 thepatient (P)anda Deleob control sample (C) was carried out. Bands of - 710bpand 650 bp were obtained with the two

sets ofprimers, respectively,in the patient only. As expected, noproduct

is seeninthe control sample as the estimated sizes of the amplified

fragmentsexceed8 kb in the normal allele. Subcloning andsequencing

of the650-bpfragment revealedthenormalsequencecorresponding to exons21 and24 on eithersidesconnected through normal boundaries tointrons21 and23, respectively, confirmingthe deletion of part of intron21,exon22,intron22,exon23, and part of intron 23.

the sameamount asthe normal transcript in the cytoplasm of reticulocytes.

Synthesis, stability, and membrane incorporation of spec-trin. After excluding instability of the mutant mRNA, we

ana-lyzedtheprotein synthesis usingan invitro liquidculture sys-temallowing the isolation of late erythroblasts from peripheral blood BFU erythroblasts. Pulse labelexperiments described in Methods reveal that, intheerythroblast cytosolic fraction, the truncated /3 spectrin is readily immunoprecipitated and is as abundant as the normal protein. Likewise, the high ratio ofa

spectrin to 3 spectrin, indicating an excessive synthesis ofa

spectrin (26, 27), is unperturbed (Fig. 4 A). However, these experiments alsoshow thatthe truncated/3 spectrin is virtually

absent from the skeletal fraction (Fig. 4 A). In this fraction, theaspectrinto / spectrin ratio is one,reflecting thefactthat,

onthe membrane, spectrin ispresent asheterodimersorhigher

order oligomers. The pulse chase experiments of the newly synthesized cytosolic spectrin show that at 0 min (i.e., atthe

A B Figure4. Synthesis,

sta-Sketon CytOsol Cytosol bility, and membrane


3_ 60_


corporationofspectrinin thepatient's

erythro-_ blasts.Usingaliquid cul-turesystem, erythro-blastswereobtained fromperipheralblood BFUerythroblasts. (A)

Pulselabel PulseChase Inthepulselabel


labeled for 90 min with[35S]methionine before isolationof theskeletal

andcytosolicfractions of thecells,followedbyimmunoprecipitation

ofspectrin.Theautoradiogram shows thatdespiteits normal presence inthecytosolicfraction,the truncatedprotein isalmost absentfrom the

skeletalfraction, suggestingadefectiveincorporationinto the skeleton.

(B) In thepulsechaseexperiment, erythroblastswerelabeled for15 min. Furtherincorporationwasstoppedbytheaddition of unlabeled methionine. Thecytosolicfractionwasisolated andspectrin

immuno-precipitatedafter incubation fordifferenttimeintervals (0,30, 60,and 120 min). Theautoradiogramshows thatat0 min(i.e.,after15 min oflabeling),the normal and truncated 63 spectrinarepresent inequal

amountsanddegradewithasimilarrate overtheensuing120 min.



T N S.


1 0.4-


0-D 5 10

14gi ofmhbyproti

Figure 5.Binding ofsynthetic peptides to IOVs. (A) SDS-PAGE gel stainedwithCoomassie blue of purified spectrin extracts (Sp) and

nor-mal (N) andtruncated(T) synthetic peptides. Both peptides were syn-thesizedasdescribed in Methods. They both extend from residues

1397-1898 of the,6spectrin molecule. (B) Typical inhibition curve ofspectrin

binding to IOVsbythesynthetic peptides: the recombinant synthetic peptideswere tested fortheirability to competitively inhibit the binding

ofiodinated purified spectrin to IOVs. As shown, the normal protein

(.) iscapableofrapid and effective inhibition of thespectrinbinding

(with amaximal inhibition of- 75% at high concentrations), while

thetruncated protein (0)exhibits minimal inhibition within the same concentrationrange. Thiscurve is representative of four independent experiments.

endofthe 15-minlabeling period), the normal and the truncated

proteins are presentin equal amounts in the cytoplasm of

eryth-roblasts and that the rate of degradation of the mutant protein

parallels that of its normal counterpart during the ensuing 120

min of the chasingperiod (Fig. 4 B). Therefore, we can

con-clude fromthese experiments that, despite normalsynthesisand

stability in the cytoplasm of erythroblasts, the truncated


spectrin is inadequately incorporated into the membrane


Defective binding of the mutant peptide to IOVs. Because

of the proximityof the / spectrin deletion to the ankyrin-binding

domain locatedwithin repeated segment 15, we postulated that

the binding of themutant spectrin to ankyrin may be affected.

To test this hypothesis, we expressed in E. coli as described in

Methods, two syntheticpeptides extending from residue

1397-1898, one corresponding to the normal /3 spectrin sequence,

and the othercontaining the deleted portion (Fig. 5 A). These

two peptides contain repeated segments 15 and 16, where the


domain of spectrin has been localized. They

both react with antibodies directed against /3



choice of these specific peptides (i.e., from residue 1397 to

1898) was based on the extensive data available regarding the

binding of the normal peptide to IOVs (39). We analyzed the


inhibitionof the binding of iodinated, purified

spec-trin dimers to IOVs by each of the two synthetic peptides. In

support of the proposedmodel, we find that the normal peptide

is capable of rapid and effective inhibition ofspectrin binding

toIOVs (with a maximuminhibition of 75% at high

concentra-tions), while the truncatedpeptide is only capable of minimal

inhibition at the same concentrations (Fig. 5 B). This result

shows that the binding of the synthetic peptide to IOVs is

af-fected by the presence of the deletion described in this paper

and supports the model which is proposed that attributes the

spectrin deficiency on the membrane to a defective binding of

the mutant spectrin to ankyrin.


To date, only one mutation of spectrin has been reported in

association with HS (25). This mutant / spectrin exhibited a

defective binding to protein 4.1, but the relation between the reported NH2 terminal mutation and the spectrin deficiency is unclear. Here, we describe a second mutant spectrin underlying a phenotype of HS with partial spectrin deficiency. The mutant protein is characterized by a truncated /3 chain resulting from a large genomic deletion which includes exons 22 and 23 of the


spectrin gene. The resulting mutant /3 spectrin protein lacks 123 amino acids (residues 1492-1615). The normal 3 spectrin can be divided into three structural domains (42). The middle domain, or domain


consists of 17 homologous re-peated segments and contains the ankyrin-binding site of / spectrin localized to the 15threpeated segment (39). The dele-tion described in this paper constitutes most of the 12th repeated segment along with one-third of the adjacent 13th repeated segment.

We find that, despite its normal synthesis and stability in the cytoplasm of erythroblasts, the truncated protein is inefficiently incorporated into the erythroblast skeleton. We postulated that this aberrancy in the vicinity of the ankyrin-binding site pro-duces conformational changes of /


that may affect the binding of the abnormal heterodimer to the membrane or, considerably less likely, may affect the efficiency of the trun-cated protein to associate with a monomers to form spectrin heterodimers. We have provided evidence, based on synthetic peptide-binding assays, that the former mechanism may indeed be implicated in the spectrin deficiency.

Sequence analysis has previously suggested a model for the repetitive segments of


which consists of the folding of each repetitive segment into a three helix bundle (3). More recent analysis of crystallized fragments ofa


has dem-onstrated the validity of this model and shown that the repetitive segments of spectrin preserve a fixed register between the third helix of one segment and the first helix of the adjacent segment (43). Interactions between residues at the boundary of these two helices and residues within the second helix restrict the segment to segment flexibility and predict that each segment is axially rotated 600 with respect to the previous one. The deletion described in this paper markedly disrupts repeated segments 12 and 13. Moreover, this deletion includes on both segments, the tryptophan at position 45, one of the two most invariant among the conserved residues throughout /3 spectrin. Therefore, this truncation would be expected to significantly upset the rigid phasing which characterizes the normal / spectrin, leading to a different conformation that may affect the ankyrin-binding domain of / spectrin and, additionally, may prevent thea


spectrinheterodimer association.

The structural determinants of the ankyrin-binding domain of /3 spectrin have recently been defined (39). Sequential car-boxy-terminal and amino-terminal truncations of recombinant /3 spectrin peptides enabled to localize the ankyrin-binding do-main of /3 spectrin to the


repeated unit. It is easily conceiv-able that the deletion described in this paper and involving repeated units 12 and 13 results in a conformational change of the protein which affects the ankyrin-binding site due to its close proximity. Similar relatively long-range effects have been described in the spectrin molecule. Several mutations located within the second, third, fourth, and even fifth repeated seg-ments ofa spectrin have been described and were shown to affect the heterodimer self-association site located within the first triple helical unit (reviewed in reference 44). In these cases, this effect is believed to occur through conformational changes of the protein. This model, which is supported by the


synthetic peptide-binding assays, could readily explain the mis-incorporation of the abnormal heterodimer into the skeleton through a defective binding of the mutant protein to ankyrin.

Inaddition, the side-to-side association of the two subunits ofspectrin in an antiparallel orientation results from very strong interactions between the two molecules which, in vitro, occur within seconds (45, 46). Multiple subunit peptides involved in noncovalent associations between the two chains have been identified (46, 47). Recently, it was proposed that the hetero-dimerassembly may be initiated atasingle, discrete region on each subunit directly opposite of each other (46). The unique conformation of the


segments involved in this nucle-ation site (in the case of


spectrin, repeated segments 1-4) would initiate the association and determine the phasing of the subsequent segments interactions. Inspectrin Durham, a long-rangeconformational modification affecting the nucleation site

onthe /3subunit could result in a marked decrease in its affinity for thecomplementary segment on theasubunit. Alternatively, it is conceivable that despite a normal initiation of the



binding through

the nucleation site the


of this binding might be offset by the disruption in the normal phasing of the


spectrin repeats. The inefficient heterodimer formationcould also lead, in this model, tofurther misincorpo-ration of the truncated


into the membrane skeleton.

The deletion described in this paper also affects the spectrin heterodimer self-association site. This is suggested by the

in-crease in the dimer to tetramer ratio on the membrane as as-sessedby the nondenaturing gel electrophoresis of spectrin ex-tracted at


aswell asby the finding that the dimeric fraction isenriched in the truncated /3 spectrin. Such horizontal defect is characteristically associated with the phenotype of hereditary

elliptocytosis (48).



that this defect is overshad-owedby the



spectrin deficiency

charac-teristicof the HS


Itisnotsurprising thataheterozygous defect of /3 spectrin would result in expression of the abnormal phenotype. It has been


shown that the rateof




is threetimes thatof /


and therefore the


of /3 spectrin determines the rate of


of the


heterodimers onthe membrane

(26, 27). Supporting


con-cept is the

previously reported



mutation associated with HS(spectrin Kissimmee [25]) thatwasshowntohavean

autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. It is


to note


like in the




thered cell


described here is characterized


the presence of


Insummary,wedescribeanovel truncated



asso-ciated with







spectrin deficiency

in HS which is based on a

dysfunctional incorporation

of the abnormal /3


into the skeleton dueto its defective





Weareindebted toDonnaMarie Mironchuk forpreparing the


This work wassupported by grants from the National Institutes of

Health No. K08HL-02720 (to H. Hassoun) and 37462 and HL-27215 (to J.Palek).


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