Beyond the Engineer of 2020
Whither Engineering Educa5on?
Daniel Has*ngs
Professor of Aeronau*cs &
Astronau*cs and Engineering
October 2013
The Evolu*on of Engineering Educa*on in the United
States -‐Conclusion
Engineering educa*on con*nues to evolve in the US
– More focus on using theories of learning
– More focus on bringing in ac*ve learning
– More focus on integra*ng design early into the educa*on
– Schools are using a variety of approaches to improve engineering
– MOOCs may be a forcing func*on
– Large Challenges in demographics
The Result: Islands of success
– Engineering is becoming more aLrac*ve to young people (but with
demographic challenges)
The Evolu5on of Engineering Educa5on in the
United States
Na5onal Picture
Innova*ve Approaches
Olin College
RPI & Georgia Tech
Arizona State University
The Impact of Online Educa*on
NAE Great Engineering Achievements of the
thCentury -‐ Unappreciated by the Public
1. Electrifica*on
2. Automobile
3. Airplane
4. Water Supply & Distribu*on
5. Electronics
6. Radio and Television
7. Agricultural Mechaniza*on
8. Computers
9. Telephone
10. Air Condi*oning &
11. Highways 12. Spacecra\ 13. Internet 14. Imaging 15. Household Appliances 16. Health Technologies
17. Petroleum & Petrochemical
18. Laser and Fiber Op*cs
19. Nuclear Technologies
Evolu5on of Engineering Educa5on
US View: Call for Educa5onal Reform
The Urgency of Engineering Educa5on Reform and
A Makeover for Engineering Educa5on -‐ 2003
William Wulf Ex-President, NAE
• Change needed:
• Curriculum and pedagogy
• Diversity
• Baccalaureate as first professional degree
• Faculty reward system
• Formalized lifelong learning
• Prepara*on for K-‐12
• Technical literacy in the general popula*on
• Two fundamental and related problems:
• Fewer students going into engineering
• Engineering schools increasingly out of touch
with engineering prac*ce
• Students not being prepared to prac*ce engineering
An Emerging Global Workforce
• “We see globaliza*on…as an overarching “mega-‐trend,” a force so ubiquitous that it will substan*ally shape all other major trends in the world of 2020…”
• “Compe**ve pressures will force companies based in the advanced
economies to ‘outsource’ many blue-‐ and white-‐color jobs.”
• “With the gradual integra*on of China, India, and other developing countries…World paLerns of produc*on, trade, employment, and wages will be transformed.”
– Compe**ve source of low-‐cost labor
– Necessitates professional retooling, and restrains wage growth in
some occupa*ons.
Embracing Globaliza5on of S&T
Globaliza*on of S&T is an
overarching challenge
U.S. no longer has an
preeminent posi*on
U.S. lead has dwindled or
producing researchers in
science and engineering
technical knowledge
high technology exports
Source: NSF – Science and Engineering Indicators 2010
the focus of the Engineer of 2020 report
Integrating what we want in
the “next generation” engineer with
what we know about how people learn into a field of inquiry and practice
focused on
What are the Desired ASributes of
the Engineer of 2020?
Strong analy*cal skills
Prac*cal ingenuity and crea*vity
Good communica*on skills
Business, management, and leadership skills
High ethical standards, professionalism
Dynamic, agile, resilient, flexible
Lifelong learner
Able to put problems in their socio-‐technical and
Whatever other crea*ve approaches are
taken in the 4-‐year engineering curriculum,
the essence of engineering -‐ the itera*ve
process of designing, building, and tes*ng -‐
should be taught from the earliest stages of
the curriculum, including the first year.
Recommenda5on of 2020 study
Colleges and universi*es should develop new
standards for faculty qualifica*ons,
appointments and expecta*ons, for example,
to require experience as a prac*cing engineer,
and should create or adapt development
programs to support the professional growth
of engineering faculty.
Recommenda5on of 2020 study
The engineering educa*on establishment
should embrace research in engineering
educa*on as a valued ac*vity for engineering
faculty as a means to enhance and personalize
the connec*on to undergraduate students, to
understand how they learn and to appreciate
the pedagogical approaches that excite them.
Recommenda5ons of 2020 study
The baccalaureate degree should be recognized
as the
degree or bachelor of
arts in engineering degree, depending on the
course content and reflec*ng the career
aspira*ons of the student.
Trends in Response to Calls for Change
• New design-‐oriented model for engineering educa*on
" Olin College, Singapore University of Technology & Design
• Return to more holis*c view of engineering educa*on
" MIT CDIO Ini*a*ve (Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate), Gordon
Leadership Program
" Holis*c Engineering – Smith, Dartmouth
• Allow for more flexible paths in engineering educa*on " Stanford, MIT
• Development of Departments of Engineering Educa*on
in Engineering Schools
" Purdue, Virginia Tech
• Development of global experiences as key part of Engineering Educa*on " RPI, Georgia Tech
• Reorganize around the NAE grand challenges " Arizona State University
The Evolu5on of Engineering Educa5on in the
United States
Na*onal Picture
Innova5ve Approaches
Olin College
RPI & Georgia Tech
Arizona State University
The Impact of Online Educa*on
Olin College: An Experiment in Design
Engineering design vs. applied science
Design of device, system, or process under constraint
Engineering science at core, design at periphery
How many faculty members have real design experience?
Approach at Olin:
Design at the core, engineering science in support of design
Design as a process, more than inven*on of new technology
Design as a point of entry to the field
Some Features of the Olin Curriculum
• Required Design core
• Team design projects in 6+ semesters
• SCOPE senior project: corporate sponsored, year-‐long ($50k/project)
• EXPO at end of each semester: “stand and deliver”
• Integrated Course Blocks in Science, Math, and Engineering
• Study Away in Junior year
• Summer internships: REU and corporate experience
• Business and entrepreneurship: all students must start and run a business for a semester
• Nine competencies across all four years: quan*ta*ve analysis, qualita*ve analysis, teamwork, communica*on, life-‐long learning, context, design, diagnosis, opportunity assessment
• Con*nuous improvement: expira5on date on curriculum
Purdue: Department of Engineering Educa5on
A more inclusive, socially connected, and scholarly
engineering educa>on
Transforming engineering educa>on based on
scholarship and research
Mission rests on three pillars:
Re-‐imagine Engineering and Engineering Educa*on
Create Field-‐shaping Knowledge
RPI & Georgia Tech: Global Experiences
Rensselaer Educa*on Across Cultural Horizons
Strongly encouraged for all engineering students
Semester long exchange (or more) with several
universi*es (NTU, CUHK, etc)
Georgia Tech
Interna*onal Plan -‐ integrated study abroad
Co-‐Curricular Global Experiences
Empower Students to Become…
Confident, ar*culate leaders
Collaborators with the ability to recognize and
solve complex problems
Percep*ve scholars who effec*vely func*on in
a global society
Ci*zens who are passionate about making the
world a beLer place
Qualified professionals with an understanding
Arizona State University:
Reorganize Around NAE Grand Challenges
Explicitly recognizes that the Grand Challenges interest young
people and mo*vate them to learn
College of Engineering
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
School of Compu*ng, Informa*cs and Decision Systems
School of Electrical, Compu*ng and Energy Engineering
School for Engineering of MaLer, Transport and Energy
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
School of Arts, Media and Engineering
MIT Aero-‐Astro Flexible Engineering Degree
Unified Engineering GIRs Aerospace Experimental Projects Lab/Hands-‐on, Aerospace Capstone Design SubjectsUnified Engineering Unified Engineering 4 second-‐level core
subjects 4 second-‐level core subjects 2 second-‐level core subjects
Choose 4 out of 9 subjects, with 2 having
vehicles focus
Choose 4 out of 9 subjects, with 3 having
informa*on focus
Choose 6 subjects from one of 8 Concentra*ons, each
containing dozens of subjects Aerospace Experimental Projects Lab/Hands-‐on, Aerospace Capstone Design Subjects Aerospace Experimental Projects Lab/Hands-‐on, Aerospace Capstone Design Subjects 16-1 Aerospace Engineering 16-2 Aerospace Engineering with Information Technology 16-ENG SB in Engineering As Recommended by the Department of Aeronautics and
MIT Ra5onale for a Flexible Engineering Degree:
External Sources
NAE 2020 Report [2005] and others
The changing prac*ce of engineering
Increasingly mul*disciplinary, mul*cultural, global, focused on
large socio-‐technical problems
Educa*onal specialists
ABET Criterion 3 a-‐k not enough
Peer schools
Growth of explicit focus on socio-‐technical themes within
engineering degree programs and the development of
knowledge, skills and autudes to address these problems
MIT CDIO Ini5a5ve
• CDIO is an innova*ve educa*onal framework for producing the next
genera*on of engineers
• CDIO provides students with an educa*on stressing engineering
fundamentals set in the context of
– Conceiving
– Designing
– Implemen*ng
– Opera*ng
real-‐world systems and products
• Schools throughout the world have adopted CDIO as the framework of
their curricular planning and outcome–based assessment
The Evolu5on of Engineering Educa5on in the
United States
Na*onal Picture
Innova*ve Approaches
Olin College
RPI & Georgia Tech
Arizona State University
Impact of Online Educa5on
Online Educa*on
Opportunity to rethink the pedagogy of (engineering) educa*on
– a huge source of data
Opportunity to share (engineering) educa*on with the world
Opportunity to change the cost paradigm for (engineering)
Why now – Technology has advanced enough to make
high quality delivery available at scale
The convergence of
• Video on demand (and the ability to make it cheaply)
• Widespread connec*vity
• Automated assessment/feedback (Radically scalable)
• Social media
• Semi-‐synchronous delivery
Through educa5onal technology, universi5es can…
Address the varied abili*es (capacity, prepara*on,
interests, mo*va*on) of its students by providing
alterna*ve pathways to learning, delivery and
resources including leveraging resources elsewhere
Redefine the model of a semester from being a fixed-‐
*me or fixed-‐content construct to being one in which
learning occurs in modules of varying dura*ons with
opportuni*es for varied experiences.
Increase the quan*ty and quality of interac*on
between all of a universi*es’ cons*tuents—students,
faculty, staff and alumni.
Blended educa*on
Intelligent combina*ons of the physical and virtual
Intelligent combina*ons of formal and non-‐formal
Seamless integra*on of learning for UGs to Alums
UGs in residence, Alums periodically sample via
cyberspace with customizable learning modules
Shi\ frames of reference
Scarcity to Abundance (of easily available knowledge)
Unlocking Knowledge
Inspiring a Movement
• ~250 institutions
• 100 live OCW sites The OpenCourseWare Consortium
BLOSSOMS provides a free online
repository of “interactive” video
lessons for high school math and
Seems like all MOOCs all the
at a glance
Began May 2012 by MIT and Harvard
27 institutions
60 courses
1 million course enrollments
with students from 192 countries
Source; edX Media Kit sites/default/files/mediakit/2013/06/03/ edX_Media_Kit_June.pdf
Circuits and Electronics (6.002x)
Sources of data for TLL study
Clickstream data
230 million
*IP addresses, interactions with course
components, assignments and exams
Threads on discussion forum
Questions, answers, or comments
End-of-course survey
[matrix sample]
OtherI worked with another I worked completely
Research ques5ons
Who are the students in 6.002x?
What relationships can be seen between
background achievement?
What relationships can be seen between
use of resources achievement?
use of resources persistence?
Some insights from the data
• Collaboration matters.
• Prerequisite knowledge is key.
• Time on task is related to success.
• Students will make use of multiple forms
Goals (from Princeton)
• Gain first-‐hand knowledge
• Encourage innova*on in teaching at Princeton
• Advance our mission “in the na*on’s service, and in the service of all na*ons”
To date, seven offerings across five disciplines
Introduc*on to Sociology
Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes Computer Architecture
A History of the World since 1300 Sta*s*cs One
Analy*c Combinatorics
Early Observa*ons
Early Observa*ons
• Collabora*on (McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning)
• Produc*on values and costs (Broadcast Center)
• Public benefit (“in the service of all na*ons”)
• Poten*al to enhance teaching on campus
– flipping the student and the professor
– impor*ng the global perspec*ve
• Research
• Provoca*on
I had begun worrying about how I could bring the New Jersey campus experience to [the world]; I ended by thinking about how to bring the world back to the classroom in Princeton.
Course Design
The Evolu5on of Engineering Educa5on in the
United States
Na*onal Picture
Innova*ve Approaches
Olin College
RPI & Georgia Tech
Arizona State University
Impact of Online Educa*on
Further need to redo engineering curricula
around what is known about effec*ve learning
Demographic challenges of women and
underrepresented minori*es entering
Unknown impact of MOOCs especially on the
Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum – The
Ul5mate Design Challenge by Susan Ambrose (2013)
Findings from learning research on the
educa*onal value of building curricula that
Context and integra*on across *me and courses
that transfer knowledge and skills to new contexts
Early exposure to engineering and engineers
(thinking like an engineer)
Meaningful classroom engagement leads to deep
learning (deliberate prac*ce coupled with
targeted feedback)
Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum – The
Ul5mate Design Challenge by Susan Ambrose (2013)
Findings from learning research on the
educa*onal value of building curricula that
Opportuni*es for reflec*on to connect thinking and
doing (e.g wri*ng to learn, e-‐porzolios)
Development of metacogni*ve skills to foster self-‐
directed, lifelong learning skills (assess, evaluate, plan,
apply, reflect)
Authen*c experien*al learning opportuni*es to put
theory into prac*ce in the real world (co-‐ops, service
learning, internships)
Much concern over STEM shortage: BS
Degrees Engineering-‐last decade (ASEE)
Year Bachelor’s Degrees
2010-2011 83,001 2009-2010 78,347 2008-2009 74,387 2007-2008 74,170 2006-2007 73,315 2005-2006 74,186 2004-2005 73,602 2003-2004 72,893 2002-2003 71,165 2001-2002 66,781 2000-2001 64,200
Women and Minority Engineering
Best way to handle gaps in Engineering education is • Role Models • Summer Programs • Research Experiences • Professional Development Activities
• Academic Support & Social
The Evolu*on of Engineering Educa*on in the
United States and at MIT
Na*onal Picture
Innova*ve Approaches
Olin College
RPI & Georgia Tech
Arizona State University
The Impact of Online Educa*on
The Evolu*on of Engineering Educa*on in the United
States -‐Conclusion
Engineering educa*on con*nues to evolve in the US
– More focus on using theories of learning
– More focus on bringing in ac*ve learning
– More focus on integra*ng design early into the educa*on
– Schools are using a variety of approaches to improve engineering
– MOOCs may be a forcing func*on
– Large Challenges in demographics
The Result: Islands of success
– Engineering is becoming more aLrac*ve to young people (but with
demographic challenges)
Context for Engineering
Breakthroughs in technology
Engineering Graduates & Occupa*ons (1999)
Graduates Principal Occupation Engineering
Engineering graduates not employed as
engineers employed as engineers Engineering graduates
Non-engineering graduates
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Japan Asia-8 United States China EU Percent
Share of selected region
s cita5ons to
interna5onal literature: 2000–10
Asia-‐8 = India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand; EU = European Union
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Me a n S c o re ( in S td D e v f ro m N S S E Me a n ) Level of Academic Challenge Active and Collaborative Student-Faculty Interaction Enriching Educational Supportive Campus
Senior-year Student Engagement
Olin College Engineering Liberal Arts NSSE 2009
Student Engagement Results for Olin College
Olin College Overview
• Undergraduate residen*al engineering educa*on
• Total enrollment of about 300
• Nearly 50% women
• BS degrees in ECE, ME, Engr
• 9-‐to-‐1 student/faculty ra*o
• Founded in 1997, first graduates in 2006
• Endowment ~ $350 million
• Research expenditures ~ $1 million/yr
• Adjacent to Babson College, Wellesley College
• 75 acres and 400,000+ sq. \. new buildings
• No academic departments
• No tenure
• Low tui*on
Our Focus is on Developing…
Leadership and communica*on skills
Understanding of global and cultural
Comfort and experience applying modern
and tradi*onal technologies
The Evolu*on of Engineering Educa*on in the
United States and at MIT
Na*onal Picture
Innova*ve Approaches
RPI & Georgia Tech
Arizona State University
Olin College
Content Evolu*on: MIT Engineering
In 1950…
• Civil Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Metallurgy • Electrical Engineering • Chemical Engineering • General Engineering • Sanitary Engineering• Naval Architecture and Marine
• Economics and Engineering
• Business and Engineering
• Aeronau*cal Engineering
In 2000…
• Civil and Environment
• Mechanical Engineering
• Material Science and Engineering
• Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
• Chemical Engineering
• Ocean Engineering
• Nuclear Engineering
• Aeronau*cal and Astronau*cal
• Biological Engineering
Undergraduates Entering MIT
40% are valedictorians
89% are in the top 5% of their class
21% are recognized Academic Stars
20% are accomplished Art, Music or Athle*c
71% held leadership posi*ons in high school
24% underrepresented minori*es
19% first genera*on to college
Task Force Goals for an
MIT Educa*on
An MIT educa*on is one grounded in
science and technology that:
ignites a passion for learning,
provides the intellectual and personal
founda*ons for future development, and
illuminates the breadth, depth and diversity of
human knowledge and experience,
in order to enable each student to develop a personal
coherent intellectual iden*ty.
What Should an Educated Individual Know?
Fundamental studies in HASS: Human cultures
History Literature Economics Government
Social structures & organiza*ons Foreign language
Philosophy Wri*ng skills Speaking skills
Ability to analyze complex texts Sensi*vity to ar*s*c expression Understanding of global systems
Rigorous fundamentals of science and math: Physics Chemistry Math Biology Computa*on
Engineering ideas and methods Probability and sta*s*cs
Complex systems Neuroscience Earth science Environmental studies Differen*al equa*ons Linear algebra … Science, Technology & Society
Ethics Diversity Management Design Departmental Program
MIT SB Degree Programs: Rules
General Ins*tute
Requirements (GIRs)
• 17 subjects
• 8 Humani*es, Arts and
Social Sciences subjects
• 6 Science and Math
• Ins*tute Lab
• 2 Restricted Elec*ves in
Science and Technology subjects
Departmental Programs
• 11 subjects (132 units)
• 3-‐subject overlap with GIRs
allows up to maximum of 15.5 subjects
• 180-‐198 units, including 48
unrestricted elec*ves
Third Task Force Goal and Outcomes
Educa5onal Goal #3*
Every MIT undergraduate should be knowledgeable enough about the “humane culture of society” and adept enough in social interac*ons to par*cipate as an effec*ve ci*zen and innovator
Selected Outcome Metrics
• Successful comple*on of the humani*es and communica*on requirements
• Frequency of opportuni*es for developing leadership and team-‐work
• Student-‐reported change in ability to func*on effec*vely as a team member
• Student-‐reported change in ability to relate well to people of different races,
na*ons and religions
• Student-‐reported change in ability to lead others
• Alumni entrepreneurship and innova*on
Be Knowledgeable About the “Humane Culture of
Society” and Adept in Social Interactions
Source: 2002-2010 Senior Survey
MIT’s humanities and communications requirements are designed to meet this goal. % of Seniors reporting “stronger” or “much stronger” ability since starting college
66% 53%
81% 73%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Lead and supervise tasks and groups of people
Relate well to people of different
races, na*ons, and religions 2010
2008 2006 2004 2002
Alumni Entrepreneurship and Innovation
17% of MIT undergraduate students patent an invention within 15 years of graduation; On average, MIT alumni inventors produce six patents each
MIT engineers are 5x more inventive than the average engineer: MIT produces .25% of U.S. engineering grads and they produce 1.2% of all U.S. engineering patents
Source: Phan Shu, PhD Research on Innovation presented at MIT 11/22/11
11% 24% 34% 7% 20% 31% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
As an early employee As a founder
Note: An alum can be both a founder and an early employee.
Educational Researchers Direct Measures Indirect Measures Faculty Freshman surveys Alumni surveys Graduation rates
Number of students progressing to advanced degrees
Standardized tests of general education skills
Think-aloud protocols
Standardized tests of disciplinary knowledge
Concept questions, mud cards
Course evaluations (early semester and end-of-semester)
Survey of students attitudes and/or reflections on their learning
Exit interviews
Analysis of student work products
ABET accreditation data
Observations of students performing a task
Portfolios compiled over course of undergraduate study
Knowledge and Skills – MIT Alumni
Mean Frequency of Use
Changes at MIT
(s*ll wrapped around tradi*onal core)
Ac*ve technology enabled learning
TEAL Classroom
Focus on developing engineering leaders
Gordon Engineering Leadership Program
Focus on holis*c development
CDIO Ini*a*ve
Development of flexible engineering degrees
Focus on undergraduate prac*ce opportuni*es
Evalua*on of TEAL Learning Outcomes: Increases Seen
Long Term (6 months)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Pre Test Post Test Retention Gains
n=52 control
n=120 experimental
Source: Dori, Y.J., E. Hult, L. Breslow, & J. W. Belcher (2005). “The Retention of Concepts from a Freshmen
Gordon Leadership Engineering Program
Program Goals
1. To prepare all MIT engineering students to be more effec*ve
contributors to engineering innova*on, inven*on, and implementa*on efforts
2. To educate and prepare the poten*al future leaders of engineering
innova*on, inven*on, and implementa*on efforts
3. To increase the focus of na*onal engineering educa*on on the
development of leaders of engineering innova*on, inven*on, and implementa*on
Mission: To educate and develop the character of outstanding MIT students as potential future leaders in the world of engineering
practice and development, and to endeavor to transform engineering leadership in the nation, thereby significantly increasing its product development capability
Gordon Leadership Program
s Strategic Approach
• Designed to demonstrate an impact on:
– All MIT engineering students through systema*c enrichment of
departmental programs
– Many MIT engineering students through a set of augmen*ng elec*ve
modules, subjects and learning experiences, which taken together, might be at the level of an MIT concentra*on
– A rela*vely few MIT engineering students through focused mentored
leadership development experiences, internships, seminars and
subjects, which taken together, might be at the level of an MIT minor
• These areas are synergis*cally linked in that the “few” will help to lead the “many,” who in turn will contribute to the “all”
• The Program also engages a network of alumni and industrial par*cipants
CDIO Standards
1. CDIO as Context for Engineering
2. Syllabus Outcomes -‐ Specific,
Detailed Learning Outcomes 3. Integrated Curriculum
4. Introduc*on to Engineering
5. Design-‐Build Experiences
6. Workspaces that encourage
hands-‐on learning
7. Integrated Learning Experiences
8. Ac*ve Learning
9. Enhancement of Faculty CDIO
10. Enhancement of Faculty
Teaching Skills
11. Skills Assessment of Student
Features of the Flexible Engineering Degree
• Flexibility grounded in engineering fundamentals of a given discipline
• Improves students’ ability to move from disciplinary founda*ons of their engineering major to mul*disciplinary prac*ce.
• Responds to changes in the professional world our graduates
• Each degree would (could) meet ABET accredita*on requirements for
engineering degrees
• Graduates would be prepared for graduate school in engineering
disciplines and other disciplines
• Implementable in current organiza*onal framework (where
Ra*onale for a Flexible Engineering Degree: SOE
Students and Alumni
In surveys, students and alums say they desire
improvements in the MIT SOE program in the
areas of:
Development of engineering leadership abili*es
Prepara*on for work in global, mul*cultural
Opportuni*es for interdisciplinary study
SOE students pursuing broader programs of study
via minors and double degrees (50% with most
outside of engineering)
The world is always changing
And as a result
institutions of
higher educations
must constantly
themselves. But
amidst this endless
change, the
founding values
Bottom line on current thinking
Physical proximity most valuable for UGs
– “bumping” into other smart people efficiently
Speed, density of network connec*ons is increasing
– Click and brick are now more important then ever
Core strategy: Must maintain our focus on innova*on
and transforma*on
Core strategy: Must con*nue to aLract the very best
students. More and more important to draw globally
MIT should be a place where great things happen
easily. Propor*on of people who make great things is
high at MIT -‐ need to keep this
Faculty Engagement
Faculty-‐Centered Approach
• Scaffold the development of teaching prac*ces
• Take a long-‐term view of our rela*onships with our faculty partners
– Consultant role
– Our efforts are guided by faculty needs/requests
• Help faculty to iden*fy other support needs
– Workload management for faculty and AIs
– Simplifying course logis*cs
The feedback cards, plus some other intangibles, have made the students very interactive -- far more than last year at this time.
NAE Grand Challenges for 21
• Make solar energy economical
• Provide energy from fusion
• Develop carbon sequestra*on methods
• Manage the nitrogen cycle
• Provide access to clean water
• Restore and improve urban infrastructure
• Advance health informa*cs
• Engineer beLer medicines
• Reverse engineer the brain
• Prevent nuclear terror
• Secure cyberspace
• Enhance virtual reality
• Advance personalized learning
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Current U.S. dollars (billions)
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R&D performed in the United States by U.S. affiliates of foreign companies, by inves5ng region, and R&D performed abroad
by foreign affiliates of U.S. mul5na5onal corpora5ons, by host region: 1998 and 2008
Beyond The Curriculum at Olin
“Making universi*es and engineering schools exci*ng, crea*ve,
adventurous, rigorous, demanding, and empowering milieus is more important than specifying curricular details”
Chuck Vest, MIT President Emeritus
• Autudes and Behaviors
• “Can Do”
• Teamwork
• Core Values and Ethics
• Entrepreneurial Thinking
• Mo*va*ons
• An insa*able appe*te for learning and innova*on
• Drive to become adap*ve, independent, life-‐long learners