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ncdfflow: Provides netcdf storage based methods and functions for manipulation of flow cytometry data


Academic year: 2021

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ncdfFlow: Provides netCDF storage based methods and

functions for manipulation of flow cytometry data

Mike Jiang,Greg Finak,N. Gopalakrishnan June 16, 2016


Background The Bioconductor package flowCore is the object model and a collection of standard tools designed for flow cytometry data analysis. The related R packages in-cluding data analysis (flowClust, flowMerge, flowMeans,flowTrans ,flowStats), visualization (flowViz) and quality control (flowQ) use the flowCore infrastructure to deal with flow cy-tometry data. However the flowFrame or flowSet which represent a single or a set of FCS files are memory-resident data structures and require the entire data elements to remain in memory in order to perform all kinds of the data manipulations. Hundreds or thousands of datasets generated by high throughput instruments can easily hit the memory limit if they are imported as the flowSet or flowFrames in R. It presents a challenge to scientists and bioinformaticians who use the R tools described above to perform statistical data analysis on a regular computer .We propose a new R object model and related functions to address this problem. The new model ncdfFlowSet inherit most of data structures from flowSet. It stores the large volume of event-level data on disk and only keeps the file handler and meta data in memory. Thus the memory consumption is significantly reduced. NetCDF is used as the data formats because it is self-describing, machine-independent and specifically optimized for storing and accessing array-oriented scientific data. With the compression and chunking features introduced by the new release of netCDF4, the new model is able to maintain high performance of data processing.

Most of the functions and methods including transformation,compensation,gating and subsetting methods for flowSet are extended to ncdfFlowSet (spillover,normalize and

workflowmethods of flowCoreare currently not supported yet.). Thus the change of data structure is almost transparent to the users of flowCore-based R packages.

keywordsFlow cytometry, high throughput,netCDF, flowSet,ncdfFlowSet


Representing Flow Cytometry Data with ncdfFlowSet

ncdfFlow reppresents a flow cytometry data model that is very similar to the flowSet struc-ture.The only difference is that the event-based 2-D data matrices from multiple samples of the same experiment are stored as one single 3D data matrix on disk in ncdf format. Each sample can be accessed efficiently from the 3-D matrix as a data chunk or slice and further manipulated in memory.

The basic unit of manipulation in ncdfFlow is the ncdfFlowSet. It inherites all the slots from flowSet. However, the flowFrame objects stored in the ”frames” slot of a ncdfFlowSet


actual data are stored in the 3-D data matrix on disk and only the file name is stored in ”file” slot of ncdfFlowSet. Thus ncdfFlowSet reduces the memory requirements and meanwhile ensures the consistent data structure withflowSet.


Creating a


We provide a function to read FCS files into ancdfFlowSet object:

> path<-system.file("extdata","compdata","data",package="flowCore") > files<-list.files(path,full.names=TRUE)[1:3]

> nc1 <- read.ncdfFlowSet(files=files,ncdfFile="ncfsTest.nc") > nc1

An ncdfFlowSet with 3 samples. NCDF file : ncfsTest.nc

An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame' rowNames: 060909.001 060909.002 060909.003 varLabels: name

varMetadata: labelDescription

column names:

FSC-H, SSC-H, FL1-H, FL2-H, FL3-H, FL1-A, FL4-H

As we see,the contructor function is very similar to the flowSet execpt that it requires a filename for the ncdf file.

> fs1 <- read.flowSet(files=files)

Note that an ncdf file that stores the actual data is generated and saved on disk once a

ncdfFlowSet is created. Users need to explicitely call the unlink method to remove the file before delete the object from memory byrm.

> unlink(nc1) > rm(nc1)

Users can also create an empty ncdfFlowSet first and add data slices later by assigning argument isWriteSlice as FALSE.

> nc1 <- read.ncdfFlowSet(files=files,ncdfFile="ncfsTest.nc",isWriteSlice= FALSE) > nc1[[1]]

flowFrame object 'anonymous' with 0 cells and 7 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange $P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 -111 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 -111 1023 $P3 FL1-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023


$P4 FL2-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P5 FL3-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P6 FL1-A <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P7 FL4-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 1 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

As we see here,before writing the actual flowFrame by[[<-, the flowFrame object returned by [[has 0 events.

> targetSampleName<-sampleNames(fs1)[1] > nc1[[targetSampleName]] <- fs1[[1]] > nc1[[1]]

flowFrame object '060909.001'

with 10000 cells and 7 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange $P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H <NA> 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H <NA> 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H <NA> 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL1-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H <NA> 1024 1 10000 141 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

> nc1[[2]]

flowFrame object 'anonymous' with 0 cells and 7 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange $P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 -111 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 -111 1023 $P3 FL1-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P4 FL2-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P5 FL3-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P6 FL1-A <NA> 1024 -111 1023 $P7 FL4-H <NA> 1024 -111 1023 1 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

Note that it is important to always use sample name to specify the target position in the data matrix where the actual is added. Because the sample name is the identifier used to index the data matrix.

Sometime it is helpful to copy the structure from an existing ncdfFlow object and then add the data slice to the empty ncdfFlow cloned byclone.ncdfFlowSet.

> nc2<-clone.ncdfFlowSet(nc1,"clone.nc") > nc2[[1]]


> nc2[[sampleNames(fs1)[1]]] <- fs1[[1]] > nc2[[1]]

We also provide the coerce function to convert the flowSet to a ncdfFlowSet.

> data(GvHD)

> GvHD <- GvHD[pData(GvHD)$Patient %in% 6:7][1:4] > nc1<-ncdfFlowSet(GvHD)

Or coerce a ncdfFlowSet to flowSet

> fs1<-as.flowSet(nc1,top=2)

Note thatncdfFlowSet is designed to store large datasets and it is not recommened to corece the entire ncdfFlowset to flowSet. Usually users want to select a subset from ncdfFlowSet by

[and convert the subetted data. Sometimes it is helpful to randomly select a cerntain number of flowFrames from the entire datasets represented by byncdfFlowSet to have a preview of the data.The arugment ”top” can be used here for this purpose.


Working with metadata

Like flowSet,ncdfFlowSet has an associated AnnotatedDataFrame that provides metadata of experiments. This data frame is accessed and modified via the same methods of flowCore. :

> phenoData(nc1) > pData(nc1) > varLabels(nc1) > varMetadata(nc1) > sampleNames(nc1) > keyword(nc1,"FILENAME") > identifier(nc1) > colnames(nc1) > colnames(nc1,prefix="s6a01") > length(nc1) > getIndices(nc1,"s6a01")


Manipulating a


You can extract a flowFrame from a ncdfFlowSet object in the same way as flowSet by using the [[ or $ extraction operators. Note that using the [ extraction operator returns a new

ncdfFlowSet that points to the same ncdf file. SO the original ncdf file serves as a data repository and thencdfFlowSet works as view of the data in this sense.

> nm<-sampleNames(nc1)[1]

> expr1<-paste("nc1$'",nm,"'",sep="") > eval(parse(text=expr1))


flowFrame object 's6a01'

with 2205 cells and 8 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange

$P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H CD15 FITC 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H CD45 PE 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H CD14 PerCP 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL2-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H CD33 APC 1024 1 10000

$P8 Time Time (102.40 sec.) 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

> nc1[[nm]]

flowFrame object 's6a01'

with 2205 cells and 8 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange

$P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H CD15 FITC 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H CD45 PE 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H CD14 PerCP 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL2-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H CD33 APC 1024 1 10000

$P8 Time Time (102.40 sec.) 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

> nm<-sampleNames(nc1)[c(1,3)] > nc2<-nc1[nm] > summary(nc2) $s6a01 FSC-H SSC-H FL1-H FL2-H FL3-H FL2-A FL4-H Time Min. 60.0 0.0 1.000 1.00 1.000 0.0 1.000 11.0 1st Qu. 159.0 48.0 1.046 35.35 1.000 6.0 1.000 40.0 Median 196.0 65.0 2.644 160.40 1.383 36.0 5.289 57.0 Mean 220.8 108.9 57.540 210.10 7.367 48.7 16.240 51.9 3rd Qu. 264.0 97.0 7.055 320.90 2.460 75.0 20.780 66.0 Max. 1023.0 1023.0 3782.000 1637.00 326.700 516.0 503.300 80.0 $s6a03 FSC-H SSC-H FL1-H FL2-H FL3-H FL2-A FL4-H Time Min. 59.0 0 1.000 1.0 1.000 0.0 1.000 0.0 1st Qu. 147.0 49 1.000 341.8 1.000 79.0 1.165 105.0 Median 192.0 71 1.145 526.5 1.070 124.0 2.228 215.5


Mean 188.5 116 62.170 543.7 5.400 127.9 8.352 233.9 3rd Qu. 226.0 119 10.200 702.3 2.208 164.0 4.834 353.0 Max. 1023.0 1023 10000.000 8504.0 7565.000 1023.0 665.400 567.0

flowSet-specific iteratorfsApply can also be applied to RobjectncdfFlowSet:

> fsApply(nc1,range)

> fsApply(nc1, each_col, median)

However, we recmmend to use another iterator ncfsApply designed for the function that returns a flowFrame (such as compensate,transform...). ncfsApplyworks the same asfsApply

execpt that it returns a ncdfFlowSet object with the acutal data stored in cdf to avoid the huge memory consumption. Note that the return value of the function applied inncfsApply

must be a flowFrame object and it should have the same dimensions(channles and events) as the original data.


Compensation,Transformation and Gating

transformamd compensateforncdfFlowSet work the same asflowSet.

> cfile <- system.file("extdata","compdata","compmatrix", package="flowCore") > comp.mat <- read.table(cfile, header=TRUE, skip=2, check.names = FALSE) > comp <- compensation(comp.mat) > #compensation > summary(nc1)[[1]] > nc2<-compensate(nc1, comp) > summary(nc2)[[1]] > unlink(nc2) > rm(nc2) > #transformation

> asinhTrans <- arcsinhTransform(transformationId="ln-transformation", a=1, b=1, c=1) > nc2 <- transform(nc1,`FL1-H`=asinhTrans(`FL1-H`))

> summary(nc1)[[1]] > summary(nc2)[[1]] > unlink(nc2)

> rm(nc2)

Note that compensation/transformation return thencdfFlowSet objects that point to the new cdf file containing the compensated/transformed data.

filter forflowSet also works forncdfFlowSet:

> rectGate <- rectangleGate(filterId="nonDebris","FSC-H"=c(200,Inf)) > fr <- filter(nc1,rectGate)

> summary(fr)

> rg2 <- rectangleGate(filterId="nonDebris","FSC-H"=c(300,Inf)) > rg3 <- rectangleGate(filterId="nonDebris","FSC-H"=c(400,Inf))


> flist <- list(rectGate, rg2, rg3) > names(flist) <- sampleNames(nc1[1:3]) > fr3 <- filter(nc1[1:3], flist)

> summary(fr3[[3]])



TheSubset and splitmethods forncdfFlowSet:

> nc2 <- Subset(nc1,rectGate) > summary(nc2[[1]]) FSC-H SSC-H FL1-H FL2-H FL3-H FL2-A FL4-H Time Min. 200 0 1.000 1.00 1.000 0.00 1.000 11.00 1st Qu. 230 69 1.334 22.33 1.000 3.00 2.692 40.00 Median 266 87 3.372 77.37 1.500 16.00 12.900 57.00 Mean 297 141 91.900 165.70 10.830 38.24 22.020 51.82 3rd Qu. 316 122 18.990 223.80 2.551 53.00 29.790 66.00 Max. 1023 1023 1943.000 1637.00 326.700 516.00 464.200 80.00 > nc2 <- Subset(nc1, fr) > summary(nc2[[1]]) FSC-H SSC-H FL1-H FL2-H FL3-H FL2-A FL4-H Time Min. 200 0 1.000 1.00 1.000 0.00 1.000 11.00 1st Qu. 230 69 1.334 22.33 1.000 3.00 2.692 40.00 Median 266 87 3.372 77.37 1.500 16.00 12.900 57.00 Mean 297 141 91.900 165.70 10.830 38.24 22.020 51.82 3rd Qu. 316 122 18.990 223.80 2.551 53.00 29.790 66.00 Max. 1023 1023 1943.000 1637.00 326.700 516.00 464.200 80.00 > rm(nc2)

> morphGate <- norm2Filter("FSC-H", "SSC-H", filterId = "MorphologyGate",scale = 2) > smaller <- Subset(nc1[c(1,3)], morphGate,c("FSC-H", "SSC-H"))

> smaller[[1]]

flowFrame object 's6a01'

with 1647 cells and 2 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange $P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot


flowFrame object 's6a01'

with 2205 cells and 8 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange

$P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H CD15 FITC 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H CD45 PE 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H CD14 PerCP 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL2-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H CD33 APC 1024 1 10000

$P8 Time Time (102.40 sec.) 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

> rm(smaller)

Note thatSubsetdoes not create the new ncdf file (the same as extraction operator[). So we need to be careful about usingunlink to delete the subsetted data since it points to the same ncdf file that is also used by the originalncdfFlowSet object.

splitreturns ancdfFlowListobject which is a container of multiplencdfFlowSetobjects.

> ##splitting by a gate > qGate <- quadGate(filterId="qg", "FSC-H"=200, "SSC-H"=400) > fr<-filter(nc1,qGate) > ncList<-split(nc1,fr) > ncList $`FSC-Height+SSC-Height+` An ncdfFlowSet with 4 samples.

NCDF file : /tmp/Rtmp2TOsyz/ncfs40d01b3cb57c.nc An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'

rowNames: s6a01 s6a02 s6a03 s6a04

varLabels: Patient Visit ... population (6 total) varMetadata: labelDescription

column names:

FSC-H, SSC-H, FL1-H, FL2-H, FL3-H, FL2-A, FL4-H, Time

$`FSC-Height-SSC-Height+` An ncdfFlowSet with 4 samples.

NCDF file : /tmp/Rtmp2TOsyz/ncfs40d01b3cb57c.nc An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'

rowNames: s6a01 s6a02 s6a03 s6a04

varLabels: Patient Visit ... population (6 total) varMetadata: labelDescription


column names:

FSC-H, SSC-H, FL1-H, FL2-H, FL3-H, FL2-A, FL4-H, Time

$`FSC-Height+SSC-Height-` An ncdfFlowSet with 4 samples.

NCDF file : /tmp/Rtmp2TOsyz/ncfs40d01b3cb57c.nc An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'

rowNames: s6a01 s6a02 s6a03 s6a04

varLabels: Patient Visit ... population (6 total) varMetadata: labelDescription

column names:

FSC-H, SSC-H, FL1-H, FL2-H, FL3-H, FL2-A, FL4-H, Time

$`FSC-Height-SSC-Height-` An ncdfFlowSet with 4 samples.

NCDF file : /tmp/Rtmp2TOsyz/ncfs40d01b3cb57c.nc An object of class 'AnnotatedDataFrame'

rowNames: s6a01 s6a02 s6a03 s6a04

varLabels: Patient Visit ... population (6 total) varMetadata: labelDescription

column names:

FSC-H, SSC-H, FL1-H, FL2-H, FL3-H, FL2-A, FL4-H, Time

> nc1[[1]]

flowFrame object 's6a01'

with 2205 cells and 8 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange

$P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H CD15 FITC 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H CD45 PE 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H CD14 PerCP 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL2-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H CD33 APC 1024 1 10000

$P8 Time Time (102.40 sec.) 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

> ncList[[2]][[1]]

flowFrame object 's6a01'


name desc range minRange maxRange $P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H CD15 FITC 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H CD45 PE 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H CD14 PerCP 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL2-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H CD33 APC 1024 1 10000

$P8 Time Time (102.40 sec.) 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

> ncList[[1]][[1]]

flowFrame object 's6a01'

with 74 cells and 8 observables:

name desc range minRange maxRange

$P1 FSC-H FSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P2 SSC-H SSC-Height 1024 0 1023 $P3 FL1-H CD15 FITC 1024 1 10000 $P4 FL2-H CD45 PE 1024 1 10000 $P5 FL3-H CD14 PerCP 1024 1 10000 $P6 FL2-A <NA> 1024 0 1023 $P7 FL4-H CD33 APC 1024 1 10000

$P8 Time Time (102.40 sec.) 1024 0 1023 150 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot

Note that thencdfFlowSet objects contained inncdfFlowListby default share the same ncdf file as the originalncdfFlowSet. In order to keep its own data copy, try to set argument

isNewto ”TRUE” in splitmethod.


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