St. Mary of False River
A Eucharistic Community Since 1728
St. Mary’s Church 1823 • St. Francis Chapel 1728
“A Priest’s Lot”
Today’s readings are a stern call to conversion for priests who obviously have a special call to holiness. Like a parent cares for his or her children, a priest is entrusted with the spiritual children of God’s family. His example, his words, and his way of carrying out his service all have profound effects on the holiness of the Church. The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, condemns the priestly class of the Jews because they had turned away from God’s commands and led people astray with faulty instruction. This rule of thumb from the Old Testament is still valid today: so goes the priests, so goes the people! Jesus himself had harsh words for priests and religious leaders as well. It is clear from the Gospel that one of the main reasons why Jesus was ill-received by so many of his contemporaries was because the priestly class opposed him. “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him” (John 1:11). Saint Paul gives us the example of what priests should be. They should so love their people that they become one with them in their suffering, joys,
and victories. Rather than build up heavy burdens, they should make them lighter by lending a hand to lift them. They shouldn’t dilute the gospel and its demands but, with brotherly love, show the beauty of the gospel by the joy and charity with which they live. Like a good parent, they should be the first to wake up and the last to go to bed. Slow to judge, quick to forgive.
For Reflection:
As a parent, am I a priest in my family? Do I lead my children in prayer, teach them the faith, and set a good example of faith and love of God? Do I pray for priests and offer them support and help?
Fr. Mark Haydu, LC © 2017 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Published with ecclesiastical approval. All rights reserved.
With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us (1 Thessalonians 2:8). Readings MONDAY Rom 11:29–36 ! Lk 14:12–14 TUESDAY Rom 12:5–16b ! Lk 14:15–24 WEDNESDAY Rom 13:8–10 ! Lk 14:25–33 THURSDAY
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ez 47:1–2, 8–9, 12 1 Cor 3:9c–11, 16–17 ! Jn 2:13–22
FRIDAY St. Leo the Great Rom 15:14–21 ! Lk 16:1–8 SATURDAY St. Martin of Tours Rom 16:3–9, 16, 22–27 ! Lk 16:9–15 NEXT SUNDAY Wis 6:12–16 1 Thes 4:13–18 or 4:13–14 Mt 25:1–13
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Robert H. Berggreen, M.A., M. Ed., M. Div.
Deacon: Tom Robinson
Deacon: Mike Thompson
Parish Ministry: Sr. Mary Anne Hebert Co-Directors of Religious Education: Tim & Trudy Aguillard Youth Minister: Jennifer Bollich Address: 348 West Main Street, New Roads, Louisiana 70760 Telephone Numbers:
Parish Office: 638-9665
Fax: 638-6346
Rectory: 638-6070
E-Mail Address: [email protected] Web Site:
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.- Monday through Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. - Thursday
8:00 a.m.-Noon - Friday Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:00 a.m. (St. Francis Chapel) 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass Schedule:
Monday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday: Noon
Reconciliation: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday; weekdays 5 minutes before Mass; or by appointment
Children’s Church: 11:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday (Sept.-May) Nursery: During 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses Perpetual Help Novena: Wednesday following noon Mass Perpetual Adoration: Every hour of every day in Perpetual
Adoration Chapel
Adoration Chapel Closed for cleaning on Wed. 10:00 am - 11:00 am Anointing of the Sick and Communion for the Sick:
Call Parish Office to make arrangements Baptisms: Celebrated monthly except during Lent and
Advent. Please contact the Parish Office; a seminar for parents and godparents is required; deadline to register for seminar is preceding Friday. Marriages: Contact priest prior to making plans; a minimum of six
months preparation is required.
Parish registration forms are in the rear of church. Please notify the Parish Office if your contact information changes, or if you move out of the Parish.
The Catholic Church discerns three effects of sin: (1)
Sin makes it easier to sin again. This is because sin
harms the soul. (2) Sin creates guilt with God. God
forgives us of our guilt based on the merits of Christ’s
work on the Cross and our repentance of our sin. (3)
There is a need for satisfaction of the temporal
punishment for sin. This is different from the guilt
punishable by eternal damnation. There is an effect
(punishment) flowing from our sins that must be taken
care of by us in time (temporal), either our time on
earth or time in Purgatory. Catholics call this
satisfaction “expiation”. Most Christians will agree
with the first two effects of sin. It is the third effect
where non-Catholic Christians demur.
But the existence of temporal punishment, as distinct
from our eternal punishment and forgiveness, is very
clear in Scripture. King David was forgiven of the
guilt of his adultery with Bathsheba, but his baby died
and havoc continued to reign in his family. This was
temporal punishment for his already forgiven guilt
(2 Samuel 12:11-14). Moses was forgiven for striking
the rock a second time, against God’s specific
instructions. His eternal destiny was still secure, but
he was refused entry into the Promised Land as
temporal punishment (Numbers 20:12).
There are several ways for the Christian to expiate the
temporal punishment remaining even after his eternal
guilt is forgiven. Suffering in this world is one of
these ways. C. S. Lewis in his book
The Problem of
makes the major point that suffering is not
random, and it can even be good. Suffering helps a
Christian grow even when no one else knows about it.
Suffering teaches unqualified obedience. This is a
good perspective, but incomplete.
Pope Saint John Paul II, in his writings gives a deeper
meaning of suffering, one that is solidly biblical. Not
only does suffering perfect a person in obedience, it is
integral to one’s salvation. Although suffering is
never enjoyable, this concept infuses suffering with
dignity. Suffering purifies us in our pilgrimage toward
heaven. “Although He was a Son, He learned
obedience from what He suffered and, once made
perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for
all who obey Him” (Hebrews 5:8-9). When we are
perfected, we are ready for the presence of God.
Jesus certainly minced no words when it came to our
need for suffering. He called it the cross. “Anyone
who does not take his cross and follow Me is not
worthy of Me (Matthew 10:38). “If anyone would
come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his
cross and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). To have our
feet in the footprints of Jesus, our backs must bear a
The exciting thing is that, in some mysterious way, our
suffering can even help other people’s salvation.
“Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and
I fill
up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to
Christ’s afflictions,
for the sake of His body, which is
the church” (Colossians 1:24). Paul writes here that
his suffering for the Colossians actually fills up what
was lacking in Christ’s afflictions. Christ’s suffering
and death on the cross opened the gates of heaven to
us, and atoned for the guilt of our sins. But it did not
remove the temporal consequences of our sins, which
the sinner himself must expiate either on earth or in
Non-Catholic Evangelicals state without reservation
that nothing we do can further our salvation, or anyone
else’s. Faith alone justifies, not works or suffering.
Yet the verse from Colossians above contradicts that
view of salvation. And there are other instances in
Scripture that lend credence to the teaching that one
person can do something to help in the salvation of
another. The principle is enunciated starting as far
back as Job 1:5.
The fact that Evangelicals are uncomfortable with this
does not change the fact that it is based solidly
in Scripture. My suffering can further the salvation of
others as well as my own. Suffering in the present
helps in the application of the graces won for us by
Christ on the Cross. By offering up my suffering in
union with Christ’s, I raise my suffering to a new level
of significance. It removes the temporal punishment
due to my sins as well as the sins of others. Suffering
becomes holy.
Sun., Nov. 5 2nd Collection - Building Fund
11:00 am - Children’s Church
10:00 am - 1st Reconciliation Parents Meeting (PH)
Noon - 1st Reconciliation Practice (CH)
Mon., Nov. 6 7:00 am - Mass
5:30 pm - Elementary School of Religion (PH/SJC) 6:30 pm - Baptism Seminar (PO)
6:40 pm - Jr./High School of Religion (PH/SJC/PO) Tue., Nov. 7 Noon - Mass
6:30 pm - Celebration of 1st Reconciliation (CH)
6:30 pm - RCIA (SJC)
7:30 pm - Men’s Bible Study (PO) Wed., Nov. 8 9:30 am - Needlework Group (PO)
Noon - Seniors Mass / Novena / Social
6:30 pm - Choir Practice (CH)
6:30 pm - Knights of Columbus Meeting (PH) Thu., Nov. 9 7:00 am - Mass
Fri., Nov. 10 7:00 am - Mass
8:30 am - CSPC Veteran’s Mass (Gym)
Sun., Nov. 12 9:00 am - RCIA Rite of Acceptance 11:00 am - Celebration of Baptisms
Sun., Nov. 5 Parishioners of St. Mary; M/M Percy Aguillard & Lester; Myles Bueche & Grandparents; Shane Brewer; Angie Fulmer; Michael & Cody Holmes; Betty LeJeune; J. Edward Lieux; Ovide Mix; Herrise Morrison; James “Buddy” Olinde; Tyler Perrault; George & Hazel Powers; Paul W. Rockvoan; Horace Swindler, Jr.; George Thomas; Special Intention of M/M Joey LaGrone & Extended Family Mon., Nov. 6 Charles Gordon Chutz; Linda Lemoine; Cile, Gene &
Edward Roy
Tue., Nov. 7 Linda Lemoine; Nolen & Hazel Miller
Thu., Nov. 9 Glenn & Elizabeth Connor; Mike Donovan; Antoine & Lizzie Langlois; Linda Lemoine; Alfred & Ella Morgan Fri., Nov. 10 Jeremy Ducote; Linda Lemoine
Sat.,Nov. 11 Joseph “Boy” & Eva Ballard; Josephine Crochet; Alvin & Edna David; Jeff & Bill David; Violet David; Mike Donovan; Angie Fulmer; Andre Fuselier; Rose Ella Gebhart; Lelia Lanius; Edmond LeBlanc; Bob & Valley LeBoeuf; M/M Johnnie Major; Damon Manola; Mercedes McDaniels; Alfred & Ella Morgan; Paul Rockvoan; Willie & Millie Rogers; Sheldon Vosburg; Robert Whitney
Sun., Nov. 12 Parishioners of St. Mary; M/M W. H Adams; Albert & Myrtle Aguillard; Mary Lynn Guerin Anderson; Lynn Bates; E. J. & Nellie Bizette & Family; Shane Brewer; Myles Bueche & Grandparents; Blake Chustz; Diane G. Fields; Angie Fulmer; Paul Joseph Gremillion; M/M J. W. Guerin; Michael & Cody Holmes; Nancy Kindy; M/M Kenneth Landry; M/M Carl Landry; M/M George LaCour; Sidney & Martha Miller; Herrise Morrison; Paul W. Rockvoan; George Thomas; Paul Vidrine
We offer our prayers and sincere condolences to the
family of Cynthia Bonaventure. May they experience the peace of the Lord.
The Sanctuary Candle Memorial for the month of November is in memory of Heather and Lacie Chutz; Charles Gordon Chutz and Judy Jarreau.
Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one’s life. Those who listen to us and observe us must be able to see in our actions what they hear from our lips, and so give glory to God! I am thinking now of some advice that Saint Francis of Assisi gave his brothers: preach the Gospel and, if necessary, use words. Preaching with your life, with your witness. —Homily, April 14, 2013 -Pope Francis
Adorers of the Perpetual Adoration Chapel attest to the following favors received: “Thank you, Lord, for your many graces.”
CAN YOU WATCH ONE HOUR WITH ME? Committed adorers are needed:
Sunday - 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. (VACANT) - 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. (VACANT) - Noon to 1:00 p.m. (VACANT)
- 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (NEEDS PARTNER) Monday - 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. (VACANT)
- 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. (VACANT) - 4:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. (VACANT) - 11:00 am to Noon (NEEDS PARTNER) Tuesday - 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. (VACANT)
- 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (VACANT)
- 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (NEEDS PARTNER) Wednesday - Noon to 1:00 p.m.(NEEDS PARTNER) Friday - Midnight to 1:00 a.m. (VACANT) Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (VACANT)
THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER TIMES AVAILABLE WHEN PARTNERS ARE NEEDED. If you can commit to spending one of these hours with Jesus, or serve as a substitute, please call, Freida at 638-9665.
! Offertory collection last weekend:
Identified Contributors $9,032.00 Non-Identified Contributo r s 1,792.00
On-Line Giving 1,787.00
TOTAL $12,611.00
! Additional contributions to the Building Fund - $1,492.00 ! Total Capital Campaign collection for October - $23,959.44
There is a second collection this weekend for the Building Fund. Thank you for your generosity.
RCIA Presentation
The RCIA presentation this week is Rite of Acceptance: Explanation of Practice Discernment & Advent. Anyone is more than welcome to attend the RCIA session this Tuesday, November 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Joseph Center.
Signing up for Online Giving is as easy as...
1. Visit our parish’s website at 2. Click on the Online Giving graphic (like the one above). 3. Complete the online registration form.
Parishioner Benefits:
! No need for writing checks
! Financial planning allows you to align your paychecks with the parish’s offertory schedule.
! Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend Mass.
! Contribution amount is easily adjusted.
! Credit card option allows you to take advantage of any benefits such as airline mileage or cash bonuses.
EVERY THIRD SUNDAY ! 6:00 PM ! ST. ANN CHURCH Sunday, November 19
Mass followed by fellowship and a meal. All Jr. High and High school students are invited to attend.
Check the Bulletin for Information Coming Soon on These Youth Events
Youth Mass ! Youth Night ! Pro-Vita Dinner
For questions about these and other SMYG events, please call Jennifer Bollich at 938-2879.
If you wish to place a name on the prayer list or retain a name after the four week period, please call Freida Whitney in the Parish Office at 638-9665.
Please pray for all military persons and their families, and all those in need, especially, for the following people:
Cecil Armand; Dallas Barron; Cathie Bayham; Percy Bonaventure; Hayes Bordelon; Gerald Connor; Rosemary Cox; Karen Davis; Charlotte Fabre; Kenny Fountain; Gabriel Gandy; Courtney Garon; Natta Gebhart; Robert Geier, Jr.; Francisco Gorresquieta; Mona Guidry; Audrey Guidroz; Kim Gustin; Susan Hill Hoffmann; Jeff Hurme; Cathy Jackson; Keith Jarreau; Louis Jarreau; Mary L. Jarreau; Robert & Wanda Jarreau; Louis & Fay Johnson; Juno Rose; Jack Kellerman; Sr. Rita Lambert, CSJ; Kim Landry; Thomas Landry; Rae Ann Langlois; Timmy Lemoine; Catherine Lindsly; Becky Maggio; Bernard Mayeaux; Donald Mackenzie; Joyce Miller; Tim Miller; Buddy Morel; Wayne Meaux; Shannon McNulty; Barbara, Henry & Marty Navarre; Paula David Navarre; Rebecca Olinde; Paul Ransome, Jr.; Wilbur Reed; Gloria Robbins; Debbie Russell; Salvador Russo, Jr.; Jackie Saizan; Mavis Sonnier;
Stephen Wartelle; Jimmy Woods
Liturgical Ministers for Next Weekend
7:00 a.m St. Francis - Sunday, November 12 C/L: Stacie Allen
EM: John Patin, David Bonaventure, Deacon Mike
AS - Emily Bonaventure
4:00 p.m. Vigil St. Mary - Saturday, November 11 C: Blanche Jewell L: Bettie Capps
EM: Deacon Mike, Eddie & Pat Foster, Lona Hendrick, Doris Jewell, Martha Jewell, Margaret LeCoq
AS: Drake Brown, Carson Crabtree, Elijah Dorgan
9:00 a.m. St. Mary -Sunday, November 12 C: Blane Jarreau L: Laina Moore
EM: Deacon Mike, Brandon & Rochelle Chapman, Cheryl & Greg Chapman, Faye & Jimmy Fontaine, Peter Goodman - Choir
AS - Tyler Dowden; Jackson & Parker Jewell
11:00 a.m. St. Mary - Sunday, November 12 C: Farilyn Dupuy L: Brandy Blanchard
EM: Deacon Mike, Sarah Cline, Olivia, Rachel & Stephen Fulmer, Brooke Glaser; Bradley Gueho
AS: Luke, Nicholas & Tyler Vosburg
Altar Society News
The holiday season is rapidly approaching. Our
next meeting will be our Thanksgiving Pot Luck
Meal - Thursday, November 9 in the Parish Hall
at 12:30 p.m. Come feast with us as we
celebrate our great success of the fall fund
raiser. We will supply the meat- simply bring
one recipe of whatever you want to make. So
bring your wonderful faces, share our news and
bring a good appetite to enjoy our Thanksgiving
feast meal.
13 Reasons Why Not: A Forum on Youth & Suicide November 14, 2017 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Catholic Life Center, 1800 Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge
The program will feature presentations by Dr. Donna Ferguson, a local child and adolescent psychiatrist in private practice. The evening will address concerns over the popular and controversial TV series, “13 Reasons Why” including the underlying causes of the series popularity, the mental health issue of depression, the warning signs of suicide, and what those concerned can do in response. This forum is directed toward parents and adults involved in youth ministry, as well as those who work with youth and young adults in other capacities, either professionally or as volunteers. No pre-registration is required. For more information, contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life at 225-242-0323 or [email protected].
Stewardship of Ministry
Please place your completed Stewardship of
Ministry commitment form in this week’s
offertory collection or drop it off at the Parish
Office. Please answer the call to ministry to
Serve the Needs of All.
In You, Lord, I have found my peace!” Is the Lord calling you to be a peacemaker as a sister, brother or priest? If you think God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Msgr. Berggreen at 638-9665, or call or e-mail Fr. Andrew Merrick at 225-3369-8778, [email protected]