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On Security of Sovereign Joins


Academic year: 2020

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On Security of Sovereign Joins

Einar Mykletun

University of California Irvine


Gene Tsudik

University of California Irvine



The goal of a sovereign join operation is to compute a query across independent database relations such that noth-ing beyond the join results is revealed. Each relation in-volved in a sovereign join is owned by a distinct entity and the party posing the query is distinct from the relation own-ers; it is not permitted to access the original relations.

One notable recent research result proposed a secure technique for executing sovereign joins. It entails data own-ers sending their relations to an independent database ser-vice provider which executes a sovereign join with the aid of a tamper-resistant secure coprocessor. This achieves the goal of preventing information leakage during query execu-tion. However, as we show in this paper, the proposed tech-nique is actually insecure as it fails to prevent an attacker from learning the query results. We also suggest some mea-sures to remedy the security problems.



At ICDE 2006, Agrawal, et al. [1] proposed a tech-nique for secure execution of so-called sovereign joins. The proposed technique uses an outsourced database server equipped with a tamper-resistant secure coprocessor (SC) which performs the actual query execution. A set of spe-cific security goals was stated in [1] and several algorithms were proposed that satisfied these goals. However, as we will show in the paper, even when the stated goals are sat-isfied, it is still possible for attackers to violate the security requirements of sovereign joins and learn query results.

A sovereign join can be viewed as a join over two (or more) independent (sovereign) relations such that no infor-mation – other than the query results – is revealed. Assum-ing a simple two-relation sovereign join, four parties are in-volved: the two relation owners, the party posing the query, hereafter called a client, and the party executing the query, hereafter called a server. The basic tenets of a sovereign join are as follows:1

1The applicability of sovereign joins will become clearer with examples

1. The owners of the two relations do not trust each other: no data from one relation should be learned by the owner of the other.

2. The party posing the join is distinct from both owners.

3. The server is not trusted at all, by anone; it should learn nothing about the two relations and query results.

4. Neither relation owner should learn anything about the query results, even if it colludes with the server.

We now describe the model for executing sovereign joins in [1]. It is predicated upon the server being equipped with a tamper-resistant secure coprocessor. (Section 2 gives an overview of secure coprocessors). A server hosts databases belonging to owners who do not have the resource capac-ity, such as database administrators and software/hardware, to manage their own databases. However, a server is not trusted with owners’ data. Therefore, all relations are en-crypted prior to being outsourced to a server. The secure co-processor (SC) is a tamper-resistant programmable compu-tational device hosted at each server. Its memory cannot be accessed and its internal computations cannot be observed. However, due to limited on-board storage capabilities, en-crypted relations are stored outside SC, at the server. It is therefore possible for the server to monitor data flowing to and from the SC, i.e., the I/O pattern. The main security goal in [1] is to prevent information leaks through this I/O pattern. Figure 1 depicts the key elements of the sovereign join model.


Sovereign Join Applications

While the main contribution of this paper is the secu-rity analysis of [1], we consider sovereign joins to be a very useful primitive/operation. To this end, we present two motivating (though still imagined) example applications for sovereign joins:

1. A commercial flight from Canada to Mexico is sched-uled to make a transit stop in the United States. A





SC ODB Provider


Figure 1. Sovereign Join Model from [1] Thicker arrows indicate physical, and thinner — logical, connections.

U.S. Government agency (e.g., TSA) needs to check whether any passengers are on a certain secret (e.g., FBI-maintained) terrorist watch list. TSA is not per-mitted to learn about members of this list who are not among the passengers and neither about passengers who are not on the terrorist watch list. A sovereign join is necessary to compute the intersection between the passengers and terrorists, without disclosing either the entire watch list or the full passenger manifest to TSA. In this case, the client is TSA and the two own-ers are the airline and FBI.

2. The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) is required to pe-riodically check whether any undercover secret agency (e.g, CIA) employees have been convicted of any felony in any of the 50 United States. A sovereign join between an individual state’s (e.g., California’s) records of convicted felons and the list of CIA agents would disclose any such ”rogue” agents. At the same time, the list of convicted felons is kept secret by Cali-fornia, the list of agents is kept secret by CIA and DoJ should learn neither, unless the two sets intersect. In this case, the client is DoJ and the two owners are CIA and California.

As can be seen from the above examples, the ability to execute sovereign joins is of great value when the client pos-ing the query (TSA and DoJ, respectively) is not allowed to learn any data which does not satisfy its join predicates. In general, we anticipate that sovereign joins are most valuable in environments, such as healthcare and law enforcement , where privacy is particularly important.



this paper is organized as follows: section 2 intro-duces the concept and the capabilities of a secure copro-cessor. Section 3 summarizes the sovereign join scheme by Agrawal, et al. [1], including the assumed security and threat model. In section 4 we describe our attacks on that proposed scheme. Section 5 describes how to protect against our attacks and section 6 briefly discusses some re-lated work.


Secure Coprocessors

A secure coprocessor (SC) is a general-purpose com-puter trusted to perform its computations undisturbed, even when an adversary has direct physical access to the device [2]. Besides a processor, an SC is typically equipped with non-volatile secure memory, input devices, a backup bat-tery and a cryptographic accelerator. It is fully enclosed in a tamper-resistant container (shielding it from any type of penetration) that cannot be opened without triggering sen-sors, which incapacitate the device and securely erase all cryptographic material. An SC is usually meant to be in-stalled on a host computer to provide a secure perimeter wherein sensitive data may be stored and processed. The physical security of an SC stems from it being equipped with a multitude of sensors that can detect a variety of phys-ical attacks.

The IBM PCI-X product is among the most advanced SCs available on the market today [3]. It is equipped with a 266 Mhz processor and 64 MB on-board memory, as well as 16 MB of read-only flash-based ROM. One area where the PCI-X SC does not perform well is host-to-card communication (host being the server where SC is in-stalled). Although the card throughput is not specified in [3], we can base the performance on its predecessor, the IBM 4758 [2], which had reported throughput of around 600-800 Kbytes/sec [4].



Sovereign Join Approach of [1]

The sovereign join approach in [1] takes advantage of the third-party server which hosts outsourced database and a se-cure coprocessor at that server. The main goal is to prevent leakage of information through I/O patterns during query processing. In particular, the server should not learn which (encrypted) input tuples are included in query results. Data owners should not learn each other’s relation contents, and server should learn nothing about either relation or query results. What we show in this paper is that, even if informa-tion leakage through I/O patterns is prevented, the approach suggested in [1] is vulnerable to attacks which result in pri-vate data being revealed to unauthorized parties.



We now recap the query model in [1]. There are players

PA,PB,PC, server, andSC.PAandPBare owners of the sovereign relations over which the join is executed. They are neither authorized to view the query results nor each other’s data.PCis the client, the party that poses the query and receives the query result.PCdoes not have access to re-lations owned byPAandPB, and is not authorized to learn anything beyond the joined tuples. Server is the database service provider that receives encrypted relations from PA andPB.SCis the secure coprocessor hosted at the server. It is responsible for executing the join and is trusted with the relations’ contents. It shares encryption keys with relation ownersPAandPB. We letAandBdenotePAandPB’s relations, respectively, and useCto refer to the query result received byPC.

PC transmits its join query to the server. We assume thatPCandSCcommunicate over an authentic and private channel, i.e., all communication is encrypted and authenti-cated (which means that they share, or can establish, pair-wise secret keys). The server may already have encrypted relations A and B; if not, it asks PA andPB to upload their respective relations. It then forwards the query to SC

which decrypts and commences with query execution. SC

requests encrypted tuples from relationsAandBfrom the server during query processing. SCwrites tuples back to the server as part of intermediate computation and eventu-ally outputs the query resultsC.Cis encrypted under a key shared betweenSCandPC. Finally, the server sendsCto


Throughout query execution, the untrusted server can monitor exactly which tuples are read by SC. These tu-ples are encrypted and the server does not learn the con-tents. However, if tuples are merely selected and written out, the server can easily determine the exact records from

Athat match (via join predicate) records fromB. The tech-nique in [1] involves masking selected tuples by ensuring

thatSC’s tuple access pattern is identical for all sovereign joins overAandB. This is accomplished through a com-bination of multiple passes over the data and oblivious sort-ing. (An oblivious sorting algorithm sorts a list of elements such that no observer learns the relationship between the position of any element in the original list and the output list [1]. Bitonic sort is an example of an oblivious sorting algorithm [6].) It is assumed that, even if one of the rela-tion owners (PAorPB) colludes with the server, they are still unable to learn anything useful. We consider the same threat model in section 4.



Due to conflicting statements in [1], it is difficult to pre-cisely define which parties the authors attempt to protect against. In the above recap of the model, we labeledPCas the querier and recipient of query resultC, andPAandPB as the data owners. However, in [1] it is initially stated:

“... the recipient of the join result can be a party different from one of the data providers ...”

This implies that it is possible forPAorPBto be recipients ofC. In a later paragraph, the initial statement is contra-dicted as follows:

“... the resultCis sent to the partyPC, which is notPAorPB...”

Upon further thought, it is clear that neitherPAnorPBcan be the recipient of query resultsC, if the security goals in [1] are to be met. Otherwise, there would be no use in pro-tecting against information leakage from I/O patterns be-tween server and SC, since a data owners who colludes with the server and learns C, they already know exactly which tuples that contribute to the query result. In this pa-per we proceed with the understanding that a recipient of query resultCcannot be one of the data owners.


Query Result Size

An important observation regarding [1] is that the size of query results is rigid. Basically, the number of tuples re-turned from a join on relationsAandB isN∗ |A|, where

N represents the maximum number of tuples fromB that match any tuple fromA. The size of results sets is therefore always a factor of|A|. This makes it easy to determineN

when knowing the number of tuples in A(i.e. |A|). In a sovereign join, where relations are joined over an attribute unique within each relation (such as the social security




We now describe a simple attack that targets the sovereign join algorithm in [1]. The attacker is one of the relation ownersPAcolluding with the server with the goal of learning query results. This fits within the attack model in [1]. In other words, we show how the attacker can identify the joined tuples. The attack therefore violates the security requirements of sovereign joins.

We imagine the following sovereign join: relationA con-tains a list of convicted felons in the state of California whileB represents a list of undercover secret agents. Both relations contain an attributeSSN(social security number), and the join is computed across this attribute, i.e., an

equi-join. The agents’ identities need to remain secret unless they

are convicted felons, in which case they must be identified. Similarly, the list of convicted felons needs to remain secret due to privacy concerns. The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ), a party with no relation to the owners ofAandB, poses the sovereign join query.

As mentioned in section 3.3, the size of query result sets is rigid – a multiple of one of the input relation’s size. We exploit this feature as it allows the attacker to monitor the size of the query replyC which is sent from the server to


The attacker’s goal is to learn whether a particular tuple (TA) joins with a tuple from the other relation. The defini-tion of a sovereign join states thatPAshould not have access to relations other than its own. By learning the relationship between a tuple inAand tuples from the other relation, the attacker violates the security of sovereign joins. We assume that the attacker (PAand the server) knows the query that

PC poses. This is a reasonable assumption since the only attribute in each relation is the SSN. The attacker wants to find out whether a particular tuple TA inAjoins with any tuple inB.

One flavor of the attack occurs when the attacker (PA) manipulates its own relation by adding and removing tuples at will. For example, PA can construct a relationA′ that consists of the single tupleTA. OnceA′ andBhave been uploaded to the server,SCproceeds to execute the join and produces the query result C which the server forwards to

PC. The server (under attacker’s control) can easily observe the size ofC. If|C|=null(i.e. N = 0) then the attacker knows thatTAdid not match any tuple inB. However, if |C|=|A′|, the attacker concludes thatTAmatches at least

one tuple in inB. In other words, one of the felons inAis indeed is an undercover secret agent. Therefore, the attacker (PAin collusion with the server) learns information which it is not authorized to know.

A natural and trivial fix is to impose a policy whereby the SC does not execute join queries where one of the in-put relations is short, e.g., less thantrecords. However, the

same attack would apply, with one minor modification: in addition toTA, the attacker inserts a number (> t) of fake random tuples into relation A′. The query is executed as

above and the result isolatesTAas the only tuple that deter-mines the query results. The attack therefore still succeeds. Another flavor of the attack occurs if the attacker knows thatPA and PB’s tuple attributes are unique within their own relationsAandB, respectively. We now assume that the attacker (again,PAin collusion with the server) cannot simply manipulate its relationAby truncating it to a single tuple or by padding it with fake tuples (perhaps because a single tuple would look suspicious). In this case, since all tuple attributes are unique, the parameterN can be at most

1, meaning that the query resultCis either of size|A|or0

(ifN = 0). We again assume thatPAwants to determine whether a given tuple TA inA matches some tuple inB.

PA adds a duplicate ofTA to a copy of relationA, creat-ing A′. When the sovereign join is run overA andB, it

returns a query result set of size|C|=N∗ |A|. If|C|= 0, the attacker knows that there is match forTA. However, if

X 6= 0, the attacker has no idea whetherTAhas a match in

B(since many other tuples inAmight have matches). That is why the attacker re-runs the same sovereign join query overA′andB. If the result setCis such that|C|>|C|,

the attacker concludes thatTAhas a certain match inB.

Knowledge of the client’s query One assumption in the above attacks is that the attacker knowsPC’s query. This is reasonable when the purpose of the sovereign join query is clear from the context, as in our example of the terrorist watch-list and the airline passenger manifest. Another ex-ample is when the attacker can deduce the query based on the attributes in a relation. For example, if a relation con-tained the single attribute – “social security number”, then one can expect an equi-join query based on this attribute.

Replay of the client’s query Our second attack makes a further assumption that the attacker can replay the client’s query. (Recall that the genuine query is run over A and

B and the replayed version is run over A′ andB.) This

assumption might be considered too strong (i.e., unrealis-tic) but nothing in the sovereign join model of [1] explicitly precludes it. In fact, authenticating the origin of the query by the SC is not sufficient. Suppose that we fix the problem by asking the clientPC to always sign its query requests. However, even signed messages can be easily replayed. To protect against replays, each client query request must be

timely and fresh. These are standard notions in

crypto-graphic protocols and, instead of treating them here, we re-fer to [7]. Suffice it to say that timeliness and freshness ne-cessitate the use of sequence numbers and timestamps. The former complicate matters by requiring the SC to maintain


latter require the SC to maintain synchronized clocks with all clients. These are clearly non-negligible costs. An alter-native to using timestamps and/or sequence numbers is to impose a real-time challenge-based authentication protocol between the client and the SC. This would also impose cer-tain costs upon the SC since to authenticate the client (and its query) the SC would need to challenge the client which would translate into (at least) a 3-message protocol and the need to keep state in the interim.


Suggested Fix

Our attacks rely on observing the size of the query re-sults returned by algorithms in [1]. These rere-sults sets reveal the parameterN: the maximum number of tuples from rela-tionBthat match any tuple inA. One possible fix that can make the algorithms resistant to our attacks is the addition of random noise to the query results, e.g., by padding with superfluous (encrypted) random tuples. This would make the size of the result non-deterministic; the same query run multiple times over identical relations would yield different result sets.

A more secure fix would involve always returning results of the same size, i.e.,N ∗ |A|. This would completely ad-dress our attacks. However, such a solution is clearly im-practical due to the significant additional communication and storage overhead. A better approach would allow the client to specify the desired security level through a

pri-vacy parameter which would indicate the amount of noise

(padding) inserted into the query results by the SC. This way, the client could achieve a custom trade-off between efficiency and privacy. It is also quite likely that more effec-tive fixes can be obtained by re-engineering the algorithms in [1] to take into account the attacks presented in this paper.


Related Work

To the best of our knowledge, the work of Agrawal, et al. [1] is first to propose a solution for sovereign joins based upon an outsourced database model and a 3rd party server equipped with an SC. The closest related work, although more general in scope, is the use of logic circuits for cure function evaluation [8, 9]. The goal of a two-party se-cure function evaluation protocol is to enable partiesXand

Y, with respective inputsxandy, to jointly compute some functionF(x, y), such that they learn only the function’s output, but nothing about each other’s inputs2. Although it has been shown that logic circuits can be used to securely compute complex functions, such work remains mostly of

2Although we here give a definition of secure function evaluation in

terms of two-party protocols, they can just as well ben-party protocols,

where functionF()takesninputs.

theoretical interest. Albeit, a recent result by Malkhi, et al. [10] has alluded to the existence of more practical solutions. In [4], Smith and Safford explore the practicality of achieving private information retrieval (PIR) through the use of secure coprocessors hosted at a database server. The goal is to completely hide – from the database server and outsiders – any identifying information about tuples se-lected during query execution. The performance measure-ments are based on the IBM 4758 coprocessor [2], which was the state-of-the-art at the time of publication. The con-clusion of [4] is that the IBM 4758 is technologically in-sufficient when attempting to realize a practical and secure database query model. The main claimed bottleneck is the relatively high latency between the coprocessor’s crypto-graphic engine and its internal RAM. The developers of the follow-up to IBM 4758, the next generation IBM PCIX coprocessor, acknowledge that this bottleneck still remains [3].

A more general outsourced database model was intro-duced by Haˆcig ¨umus, et al. in [11]. That work focused on enabling an untrusted server to execute queries over encrypted data, using techniques such as data bucketiza-tion and homomorphic encrypbucketiza-tion funcbucketiza-tions [12]. It pro-vided a solid foundation for further research in this area, but does have a few major disadvantages. These include the computation and bandwidth overheads incurred by query-ing clients, as well as the limitations in types of queries that can be executed by the server. A more recent paper [13] suggested overcoming some of these shortcomings by extending the model with a secure coprocessor. A high-level architecture for this new model was suggested along with sketches for the execution of basic database operations; however, no performance analysis or experimental results have been provided.



In this paper we revisited the work by Agrawal, et al. [1] which focused on secure execution of sovereign joins achieved through the use of a secure coprocessor hosted at a 3rd party database server. We demonstrated that the pro-posed technique is subject to an attack that allows a data owner to learn query results and, thus, the other owners’ data. This represents a violation of the sovereign join goals. Two slightly different attack scenarios were described, both based upon observing the size of the query result.


[1] R. Agrawal, D. Asonov, M. Kantarcioglu, and Y. Li, “Sovereign Joins,” in International Conference on


[2] J. G. Dyer, M. Lindemann, R. S. R. Perez, L. van Doorn, and S. W. Smith, “Building the IBM 4758 Secure Coprocessor,” in EEE Computer, pp. 57–66, 2001.

[3] T. W. Arnold and L. P. V. Doorn, “The IBM PCIXCC: A new cryptographic coprocessor for the IBM eServer,” http://www.research.ibm.


[4] S. W. Smith and D. Safford, “Practical server privacy with secure coprocessors,” in IBM Systems Journal, pp. 683–695, 2001.

[5] L. Bouganim and P. Pucheral, “Chip-Secured Data Access: Confidential Data on Untrusted Servers,” in

International Conference on Very Large Data Bases,

pp. 131–142, 2002.

[6] K. E. Batcher, “Sorting Networks and their Applica-tions,” in AFIPS Spring Join Computing Conference, vol. 32, 1968.

[7] A. J. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot, and S. A. Vanstone,

Handbook of applied cryptography. CRC Press

se-ries on discrete mathematics and its applications, CRC Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8493-8523-7.

[8] O. Goldreich, “Foundations of Cryptography,” in

Cambridge University Press, vol. 2: Basic

Applica-tions, 2004.

[9] A. C. Yao, “How to Generate and Exchange Secrets,” in Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pp. 162–167, 1986.

[10] B. P. D. Malkhi, N. Nisan and Y. Sella, “Fairplay -a secure two-p-arty comput-ation system,” in USENIX

Security, 2004.

[11] H. Hacig ¨um¨us¸, B. Iyer, and S. Mehrotra, “Providing Database as a Service,” in International Conference

on Data Engineering, March 2002.

[12] H. Hacig ¨um¨us¸, B. Iyer, and S. Mehrotra, “Effi-cient execution of aggregation queries over encrypted databases,” in International Conference on Database

Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 2004.

[13] E. Mykletun and G. Tsudik, “Incorporating a Secure Coprocessor in the Database-as-a-Service Model,” in


Figure 1. Sovereign Join Model from [1]Thicker arrows indicate physical, and thinner— logical, connections.


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