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Public Health at. Hillside Health Care International. March 2015 Created by: Carly Hood, MPA, MPH, Clinic & Public Health Director


Academic year: 2021

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Public Health at

Hillside Health Care International

March 2015

Created by: Carly Hood, MPA, MPH, Clinic & Public Health Director


What is….?

Public health?

“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the

absence of disease or infirmity.” –WHO, 1946

What is health?

“The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health

through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations,

public and private, communities and individuals.” 1920

Sources: WHO Science, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/51/1306/23.long; Lancet: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/ PIIS0140-6736(09)60332-9/fulltext "Learning)While)Serving"


What Impacts Health?


determinants of






Caribbean Living Standards

Source: Morehouse College keynote address 2012 http://cercuvi.com/assets/temp/PPT %202012/Keynote%20Address%20CERC%202012%20REVISED%20(T.%20Mills).pdf "Learning)While)Serving"


Belize Income












United States





Gross national income per capita ( 2012)

Source: WHO http://www.who.int/countries/en/



Poor 79.0%


81 % rural


50% hungry, 43% stunted growth


Fertility rate highest in Belize


Highest infant mortality rate in Belize


Immunization coverage lowest in Belize

Toledo District

Source: Government of Belize: Assessment Report 2002 http://socio-economicoutreach.org/home/

Teachers for a Better Belize: & http://www.tfabb.org/overreg.html "Learning)While)Serving"


Education in Belize

Source: World Bank http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.PRM.ENRR/countries/BZ-XJ?display=graph

Enrollment in Primary Education


Literacy in Toledo




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Belize Toledo District Mayan Population

Il lit er ac y Rat es

Source: Teachers for a Better Belize: http://www.tfabb.org/ overreg.html "Learning)While)Serving"


Hillside public health learning


Understand and appreciate the uniqueness of the many

cultures of southern Belize.

Understand and appreciate how factors beyond

healthcare—social, economic, environmental,

psychological, spiritual, and biological—impact health


Learn how to effectively communicate health education

topics to a variety of audiences.

Contribute to population level health promotion and

disease prevention efforts for the people of the Toledo



Current public health


Health promotion & education:

In schools

With community groups

Community health screening

Placement at Ministry of Health programs

Village health work:

Community Health Workers (CHWs)

Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs)

Participatory photo-mapping (PPM)


Health education in schools


Partner with Ministry of Education to support teachers on health education in the classroom.

Each Hillside rotation we visit:

•  7 schools

•  3-4 classes per school

•  ~75 students per day (over 500 each month!)

Cover 4 topics each academic year:

•  Dental health

•  Nutrition/Physical activity

•  Sexual and Reproductive health

•  Hygiene/handwashing


•  20 minute presentation

•  10 minute game

•  We encourage students to “Use resources, be creative!”


Community outreach

Community presentations


Helping Old People Equally



Laugh out Loud (LOL)


Community health screening


Last Monday of every rotation—

Nurse & student team do vital

statistics in PG Park.


Time spent working with government health

officials at the local hospital. Including:


Vector control officials


Public health inspectors


Public health nurses


Psychiatric nurses




Ministry of Health placements


*Journal Article: Dennis Jr S., Gaulocher S., Carpiano R., Brown D. Participatory photo mapping (PPM): Exploring an integrated method for health and place research with young people, Health & Place. 2009;15:466-473.


Participatory Photo Mapping (PPM)*


Walk, take photos, present


Tool for assessing space, the environment and health

Time with Community Health Workers (CHWs) &

Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs)


In schools


Working on community projects


Village public health work


*Journal Article: Dennis Jr S., Gaulocher S., Carpiano R., Brown D. Participatory photo mapping (PPM): Exploring an integrated method for health and place research with young people, Health & Place. 2009;15:466-473.



Fluoride treatment-

574 kids

School visits-

43 times

Health education-

1,104 kids

Community partnership:

2 MoH health fair partnerships-

172 patients

LOL orphanage health training for staff-



HOPE presentations-

4 times

Public health impact

Sept-Dec 2014


Master of Public Health (MPH)


As of February 2015, students working

towards their MPH will be part of the

interdisciplinary team!

These students bring skills in:




Program planning


Non profit management


Surveys and evaluation


Community health assessments


Quality Improvement


MPH learning objectives:

Master of Public Health

(MPH) program field

experience/global health

practicum objectives:

Contribute to population health improvement efforts in the Toledo District of Southern Belize.

Evaluate and expand on health improvement efforts at Hillside Health Care International.

Aid in building sustainable relationships with community partners.

Create a holistic learning environment for all of our rotating allied health graduate students by ensuring public health has a voice at the

"health" table.

Increase the number of globally-engaged public health professionals by providing a robust & rewarding field placement site for students

attending accredited public health programs.


MPH activities


With Hillside Director, identify & develop independent project:

•  Designing and/or delivering health education with youth in schools.

•  Quantitative or qualitative data collection, analysis and/or communication •  Conducting program and/or project evaluation.

•  Developing and/or delivering surveys and community assessments •  Building stronger health systems Quality Improvement initiatives •  Building partnership with community partners


Participate in Belizean health system global learning opportunities

through placement at Ministry of Health


Interact with other allied health professionals via:

•  Discussion and lectures

•  Leading a photomapping activity

•  Leading and/or participating in community health education activities


Complete MPH field experience/practicum requirements


Proposed timeline for MPH

interested students

Before Arrival (3+ months before arrival)

• Discuss and plan project with Hillside

Director and home institution advisor(s). • Complete application materials

• Complete Hillside required readings

• Research In-Country (4-8 weeks) • Design tools • Implement project/program • Participate in interdisciplinary activities • Evaluate project/program After Departure (1-2 month post-departure) • Wrap up evaluation • Write report(s) • Deliver presentation(s)

• Provide feedback to program and

in-country leadership


Future public health at




Health education in schools Photomapping Community Health Workers

& Peace Corps Volunteers Social determinants of health lecture/ readings Clinic time

Master of Public

Health students

Health education in schools Photomapping Community Health Workers

& Peace Corps Volunteers Social determinants of health lecture/ readings Independent project!


public health


regardless of


Pre-determined field

practicum for MPH student


Public health at Hillside




Contact for more information:

[email protected]


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