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Physical characteristics of large fast-neutron sodium-cooled reactors with advanced nitride and metallic fuels


Academic year: 2021

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Joint Stock Company “State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation –Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A. I. Leypunsky”. 1 Bondarenko Sq., Obninsk, Kaluga Region 249033, Russia



Mixed nitride uranium–plutonium fuelis the most attractive and advanced type of fuel forfast-neutron sodium-cooledreactors, and is consideredasthebasefuelforfuturecommercialfast-neutronpowerreactors.However,asubstantialincreaseinbreedingachievedthanksto theuseofthisfuelinsteadofoxidefuelisnotenoughtomeetnewrequirementsthe majorofwhich,minimizationoftheburn-upreactivity margin,isdefinedbythereactor corebreeding.Thispaperpresentsthe resultsofcomputationalstudiesaimedatchoosingthebestpossible layoutforthecore ofalargefast-neutronsodium-cooledreactormeeting modernrequirements.

Metallicfuelhasbeenconsideredasthe fuelforfast-neutronreactorssincetheirearlydesigns duetohighdensityandheat conductivity andthe smallest possible numberof the diluent nucleiwhich providesforthe highest possiblebreeding efficiency. Thepaperpresents the featuresof the fuel under consideration and the results of computational studies into its application in large fast-neutron sodium-cooled reactorsascomparedto nitridefuel.Aconclusionis madethat,withthe samedesign ofthereactor core,metallic fuelisinferiortonitride fuelfromthepointofviewofensuring thesafety ofthereactor facility.

Mostofthe calculationswere performedinadiffusiveapproximation basedonthe TRIGEXsoftwarepackage.

Copyright© 2016,NationalResearchNuclearUniversityMEPhI(Moscow EngineeringPhysicsInstitute).Productionandhostingby ElsevierB.V.Thisisanopenaccess articleunderthe CCBY-NC-NDlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ).

Keywords: Fastsodiumreactor;Nitrideuranium–plutoniumfuel;Metallicfuel;Fuelvolumefraction;Burn-upreactivitymargin.


At the present time, mixed uranium–plutonium nitride fuel is considered as the base type of fuel for future fast-neutron commercial power reactors, specifically for the BREST-300 and BN-1200 reactors. Along with a high breeding ratio, this fuel features increased density and heat conductivity, as well as good compatibility with liquid-metal coolants and cladding materials, especially in emergencies.

In Russia, uranium nitride (UN) fuel was used only in the core loads for the BR-10 experimental reactor [1]. Since 1970, the BR-10 reactor has been used for irradiation of experi- mental nitride-fuel assemblies manufactured using different ∗ Correspondingauthorat:1,Bondarenko Sq.,Obninsk,Kaluga Region


E-mail addresses: [email protected](V.I. Matveev), [email protected]


Peer-reviewunderresponsibilityofNationalResearchNuclearUniversity MEPhI(MoscowEngineeringPhysicsInstitute).

technologies, with different porosity and two types of contact underlayers (sodium and helium). These studies formed the basis for the development of two full reactor core loads with uranium mononitride fuel assemblies ( ∼200 FAs), in which a burnup of up to 8.7% h.a. was achieved. Later on, in 2000– 2005, fuel elements with uranium-plutonium nitride fuel were irradiated in the BOR-60 reactor as part of the BORA-BORA experiment conducted in collaboration with CEA, France, [2]. The maximum burnup achieved in the BORA-BORA experi- ment was 12.1% h.a.

Metallic fuel has been considered as the fuel for fast re- actors since their early designs due to increased density and thermal conductivity, and the largest possible number of the diluent nuclei which provides for the highest possible breed- ing ratio. This fuel was used in the first US sodium-cooled fast-neutron reactor, Fermi [3]. A similar design, BN-50, was developed in our country in 1965 but has never been imple- mented.

In the USA, this fuel was considered not from the point of view of breeding, but due to cheap technologies of the http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nucet.2016.02.021

2452-3038/Copyright© 2016,NationalResearchNuclearUniversityMEPhI(MoscowEngineeringPhysicsInstitute).ProductionandhostingbyElsevier B.V.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-NDlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


fuel fabrication (casting) and reprocessing (electrochemistry) in a closed fuel cycle, along with its high (inherent) safety. An economic analysis has actually shown that a reactor fuel cycle with such fuel (as compared to ceramic fuel, its powder fabrication technology and water radiochemistry) turns out to be seven times as cheap.

One drawback of metallic fuel is intensive interaction of fuel elements with the steel cladding in high-temperature con- ditions. At a temperature of ∼560 °C, plutonium reacts with the steel components (iron, nickel, chromium) to form a eu- tectic liquid compound, which, if formed at the inner cladding boundary, is capable to cause the fuel cladding to break down just in several hours. Addition of zirconium ( ∼10% wt) to metallic fuel increases the eutectic formation temperature by about 80 °C, thus making the fuel elements serviceable under the temperature conditions acceptable for the fuel column. For this reason, a ternary alloy, U–Pu–Zr, was proposed for use in fast-neutron reactors. However, the overall temperature level in fast-neutron reactors with metallic fuel is still lower than in reactors with ceramic fuel (by approximately 60–80 °C), resulting in a lower thermodynamic efficiency. All this was found out during studies at the EBR-II reactor in the USA. Metallic fuel has a fairly low melting point, and is so effective only when used with a sodium contact underlayer.

A positive feature of metallic fuels using electrochemistry is that in the deposited at the cathode the uranium and plu- tonium content of the zirconium is stable and is ∼10%.

A helium contact underlayer leads to a temperature growth to beyond the melting point and requires the heat density to be reduced considerably. Historically, uranium molybde- num alloys (U +7% Mo and U +10% Mo) were used in early fast-neutron reactor designs. They were employed in the ex- perimental reactors DFR, Great Britain, and Enrico Fermi, the USA. The EBR-II reactor used metallic fuel based on a ternary alloy (U-Pu-Zr). In 1980s in the USA, the PRISM fast reactor with metallic fuel based on a ternary alloy with a relatively low electric power (400 MW) was designed.

A more detailed comparison of uranium–plutonium mixed nitride fuel and metallic fuel from the point of view of “in- herent safety” is presented in [4].


Nitride fuel for fast power reactors is the next prospec- tive fuel after oxide fuel. As compared to oxide fuel, nitride fuel provides for a higher breeding ratio, specifically in the reactor core, while its high thermal conductivity ensures a higher safety of the facility thanks to a greater temperature margin to melting [5]. Thermal conductivity of nitride fuel is about seven times as high as that of oxide fuel [6]. Where required, this makes it possible to increase the linear power up to ∼70 W/cm. Nitride fuel is a rigid fuel and has internal porosity ( ∼15%) which is formed in the process of fabrica- tion. The service life of such fuel depends on its swelling un- der the reactor conditions, resulting in a loss of the cladding integrity when the clearance between the fuel cladding and the fuel column is taken up in the course of irradiation.


Comparativecharacteristicsofnitride-fuelcoreoptionswithbreedingorsteel screens.

Option Breeding Steel

screens screens Sidescreenandbottomscreen UN Steel Maximumfuelburn-up,%h.a. 11.2 11.4 Reactivitychange,%࢞k /k −0.43 −0.68 Sodiumvoidreactivityeffect,%࢞k /k 0.20 0.35 Maximumlinearpower,kW/m 47.1 47.9 MaximumFApowerasbeginofcycle/end


8.7/8.75 8.54/8.56 (В таблице1и нижеприводятсясмысловыеназванияхарактеристик–


There are no reasonably accurate and credible methods to calculate the nitride fuel swelling as a function of various pa- rameters, including the fabrication technology. However, such procedures and programs are developed by researchers based on the existing experimental data by modeling major pro- cesses involved in the nitride fuel swelling during irradiation. Nitride-fuelreactor core. Replacementofbreedingscreens forsteel screens. TRIGEX, a software package, was used for neutronic calculations [7,8]. All calculations were performed for the steady-state conditions of uniform off-line refueling characterized by an equal number of the core fuel assemblies being replaced in a single refueling process and by equal refueling intervals.

A model of a large fast-neutron sodium-cooled reactor with nitride fuel was described in detail in [9–11]. The considered reactor core consisted of 432 fuel assemblies, each of which contained 271 fuel elements with a diameter of 9.3 ×0.6 mm. The reactor core was surrounded by a bottom end screen (BES) and a side blanket region (SBR). A mixture of ura- nium and plutonium mononitrides (U–Pu)N with a density of 11.5 g/cm 3 was considered as the fuel for a large sodium- cooled fast-neutron reactor, and depleted uranium mononitride (UN) was considered as the breeding material.

The main idea behind the abandonment of breeding screens consists in avoiding the generation of low-background plu- tonium, that is, contributing to the proliferation resistance. Physical characteristics of a uranium plutonium nitride fuel core with breeding and steel (side and bottom end) screens are compared in Table 1.

As can be seen from the presented data, the abandonment of breeding screens leads to an increase in the fuel burnup reactivity margin and in the sodium void reactivity effect (SVRE). Fig. 1 shows the reactivity change for a 330-day period after the breeding screen replacement for steel screens. Enlargedreactor core (468 FAs) withincreased fuel frac-tion and breeding screens. An increase in the fuel volume fraction leads to a reduction in the burn-up reactivity margin with no decrease in the SVRE value. To avoid the need for changing the reactor’s key design parameters relating to the FA flat-to-flat dimensions, an increase in the fuel element di- ameter should be accompanied by a reduction in the number of the fuel elements in the FAs by one row. To compensate


Fig.1. Reactivitychangeduringa cycleafterthereplacement ofbreeding screens with steel ones. The increase in the burn-up-dependent reactivity changeforthesteelscreenoptionis0.25%k /k .

for the increase in the heat density inside the fuel assemblies, the reactor core needs to be enlarged by the addition of 36 fuel assemblies [12].

An increase in the fuel fraction and, accordingly, in the core breeding ratio will allow:

- strengthening the proliferation resistance through the re- placement of breeding screens for steel screens;

- ensuring such core breeding ratios that make it possible to use a technology with no plutonium extraction in a closed fuel cycle with chemical processed of spent fuel;

- improving the inherent safety properties. The important thing here is that the minimum (near-zero) fuel burn-up reactivity margin is ensured during the cycle.

The principal optimization calculations were aimed at choosing the optimized fuel diameter. Options with various fuel diameters in a range of 9.3–10.6 mm were considered. Table2 presents calculated characteristics for the nitride core optimization in steady-state conditions during core refueling. It is shown in Fig. 2 that an increase in the fuel diameter (from the initial value to ε3) leads to the reactivity margin

decreasing greatly or even becoming positive.

However, there is a problem arising in connection with the increase in the SVRE value. The permissible value is under- stood to be a sodium void reactivity effect of ∼0.3% ࢞k/ k, for which the reactor safety in beyond-design-basis accidents has been pretty well studied and justified. This value can be lowered through reducing the core height by about 4–5 cm. The results of such investigation are presented in Table3with



1 2 3 4

Fuelvolumefraction,ε 0.471 0.492 0.497 0.508 Corebreedingratioas

ofcyclebeginning/end Reactorsubcriticality

1.02/0.98 1.117/1.087 1.126/1.093 1.141/1.105

Reactivitychangefor oneinterval,%࢞k /k

−0.43 −0.21 −0.14 +0.10 Maximumlinearpower,


47.9 53.4 53.5 53.8 Sodiumvoidreactivity

effect(cycleend), %࢞k /k

0.20 0.37 0.36 0.33

Fig.2. Achangeinthereactivitymarginwiththecorefuelfractionvariation relativetotheinitialoption(initialε=1).



Coreheight,cm Initial

Corebreedingratio,microlifebeginning/end 1.126/1.093 1.094/1.067 Reactivitychange,%࢞k /k −0.14 −0.40 Sodiumvoidreactivityeffect(microlifeend),

%࢞k /k

0.36 0.13

the initial core height option compared against the core height reduced by 5 cm.

By analyzing the table data, one may conclude that a re- duction in the core height has an equally effective impact both on the SVRE and the burn-up-dependent reactivity vari- ation. And a reactor core with a fuel fraction of ∼0.497 will have a near-zero reactivity change for a cycle, the value of the sodium void reactivity effect being acceptable.

From the comparison of the reactivity change and sodium void reactivity effect values for different core heights, one can see that a reduction in the core height leads to a notable




Parameter Option0 Option1 Option2 Sidescreenandbottomscreen UN Steel Steel Refuelinginterval,eff.days


330(4-5-6) 330(4-5-6) 310(3-4-5) Fuelburn-up−maximum(local),


9.85 9.97 7.59 Fuelmaximumlinearpower,kW/m 52.7 53.5 53.4 Reactivitychange,%࢞k /k 0.11 0.14 0.12 Sodiumvoidreactivityeffectasof

cycleend,%࢞k /k

0.22 0.36 0.30 Breedingratio(BR) 1.41 1.13 1.15 -includingcorebreedingratio(CBR) 1.08 1.13 1.15 Designations:

Option0– acorewithbreedingscreensforestimationofBRmax andother characteristicsforthecorewithanincreasedfuelfraction;

Option1– acorewithsteelscreensandafuellifeof4×330days,which correspondstoaburnupof9.97%h.a.;

Option2– acorewithsteelscreens,alifereducedto3×310days,anda burnupof7.59%h.a.

increase in the burn-up-dependent reactivity change, and an increase in the core height results in a higher sodium void reactivity effect.

Investigations on and characteristics of the optimized re-actor core. The considered optimized core version with the respective computational justification involves the use of fuel assemblies with fuel elements of an increased diameter in the whole of the core, and an increase in the total number of FAs in the core. Accordingly, the number of fuel elements in an assembly is reduced so by one row.

Table 4 presents calculation results for the major physical characteristics obtained from the comparison of reactor cores with breeding screens and steel screens, and with different burnups. On the whole, these results demonstrate acceptable characteristics for the considered model with an increased fuel fraction.

It should be noted that nitride fuel has a much better ther- mal conductivity than oxide fuel, which provides for a de- crease in the temperature drop inside a fuel element by about 200 °C. As the oxide and nitride melting temperatures are much the same, the linear load on fuel elements with nitride fuel may be increased up to 60–70 kW/m.


Physical calculations require the theoretical density of the ternary alloy and the fuel element gap between the fuel and the cladding to be known. Recommendations in [9] pre- pared based on analyzing the metallic fuel experiments in the


Mainparametersofreactorcoreswithnitrideormetallicfuel. Fuel,underlayertype U–Pu–N U–Pu–N U–Pu–Zr

(gas) (increased (liquidmetal) fuelfraction)

Corebreedingratio(CBR) 0.99 1.15 1.046 Reactivitychangeformicrolife

(330eff.days),%࢞k /k

−0.48 −0.12 +0.75 Maximumlinearpoweroffuel


46.3∗ 53.4 44.5 Maximumfuelburn-up,%h.a. 11.0 7.6∗∗∗ 10.8∗∗ Sodiumvoidreactivityeffect,

%࢞k /k

0.23 0.30 1.8 Totaltemperatureandpower

reactivityeffect,%࢞k /k

−1.04 −1.05 −0.2 Totalcoolantandfuel

temperaturereactivitycoefficient (noradialcomponent),%

k /k ·×°C−1

−1.7·10−5 – −0.25·10−5

Linear power values are close but are not equal, as an equal reactor

powerratherthanthereactorcorepowerispostulated;forthisreason,there isaminorpowerredistributionbetweenthecoreandtheblanketregionsfor differentoptions.


nitride.Asinglereactorcoreconfigurationwithsideandbottomendblanket regionsand non-increased (initial)fuel volumefraction was consideredin thecalculationsforalloptions.

∗∗∗For nitride with an increased fuel fraction, a reduced burnup was


EBR-II and FFTF experimental reactors in the USA [13], were used for the calculations ( Table 5).

Based on these recommendations, a theoretical density of 15.9 g/ cm 3 was selected for the ternary alloy [13]. It may be noted, that zirconium with a density of 6.5 g/cm 3 is the main diluent in the ternary alloy. And the effective density of a metallic pellet shall account for the gaps and the central hole required for the swelling compensation. It has been assumed based on experimental data that these voids should occupy no less than 25% of the total volume [13].

The major characteristics of large sodium-cooled fast- neutron reactor cores with nitride or metallic fuel are com- pared in Table6.

The configurations containing fuel elements with a gas un- derlayer require a sodium space to be above the reactor core. It plays a major role in safety analyses for severe accidents in- volving coolant boiling. A potential onset of sodium boiling in the sodium space leads to an increased neutron leakage from the reactor core resulting in a negative reactivity effect and a decrease in the reactor power. For the nitride core option with an increased fuel fraction, the core breeding ratio (CBR) in- creases greatly to reach 1.15, and so, accordingly, the burnup- dependent reactivity change decreases to 0.2% ࢞k/ k, which



Property U U-5Fs U–10Zr U–8Pu–10Zr U–19Pu–10Zr Theoreticaldensityatroomtemperature,g/cm3 19 18.2 15.9(±0.4%) 15.9(±0.9%) 15.9(±1%)


improves greatly the reactor safety during self-operation of the burnup compensators in beyond-design-basis accidents.

The sodium underlayer in metallic fuel elements requires that gas collectors to be installed at the top, this making it impossible to create a sodium space directly above the reactor core. When metallic fuel is used, the core breeding ratio is notably in excess of 1. The use of metallic fuel leads to a reactivity growth throughout the microlife with the reactivity value reaching +0.75% ࢞k/ k. This also increases greatly (to

∼1.8% ࢞k/ k) the sodium void reactivity effect.

As shown by the reactor safety analysis calculations, the SVRE is required to be limited to avoid an uncontrolled reac- tor runaway in the event of ULOF-type accidents. Therefore, an increase in the sodium void reactivity effect when metallic fuel is used appears to be unacceptable in terms of safety, although it should be noted that no complete computational analysis of safety for a large reactor core with metallic fuel has yet been performed.

A note should be made of the temperature reactivity co- efficient which is five times (in the absolute magnitude) as low for metallic fuel as for oxide and nitride fuels. And if the radial component is subtracted from the total temperature coefficient value (as required by the latest available revision of the Russian Nuclear Safety Regulations), we shall have a near-zero value of ∼0.25 ·10 −5k/ k·°C −1. With allowance for

potential uncertainties, this coefficient is near-zero, and even a small positive is possible.


Based on the analysis conducted, it has been concluded that nitride fuel is the best possible choice, which makes it possible to achieve fundamentally new properties of the re- actor core with an increased fuel fraction (with CBR >1), and to reduce the reactivity margin to the minimum while keeping all other effects and the reactivity coefficients in the acceptable limits.

A major reduction in the cost of fabricating metallic fuel elements due to using a casting technology might be also the reason for making choice of metallic fuel. However, it was due to better safety properties in general that nitride fuel has been chosen.


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[2]ICAPP 2011 International Conference. Nice,France, 2-5 May 2011, Paper11340.

[3]FastReactorDatabase:2006Update.IAEA– TECDOC-1531. [4] Ye.O.Adamov,L.M.Zabudko,V.I.Matveev,V.I.Rachkov,V.M.

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[5] A.Shimkevich,A.Proshkin,A.Sedov,CollectionofREA(10)(October 2011)(inRussian).

[6] L.M. Zabudko,Proceedings of theConference School in Zelenograd, 08-11November2010.Currentproblemsindevelopmentandfabrication ofnuclearfuel,Moscow,2010,pp.138–159.

[7] A.S.Seregin,T.S.Kislitsina,A.M.Tsibulya,Obninsk(2000)(in Rus-sian).

[8] A.L.Kochetkov,Obninsk(1995)(inRussian).

[9] V.A.Yeliseev,L.M.Zabudko,I.V.Malysheva,V.I.Matveev,Atomnaya Energiya114(5)(May2013)266–271.

[10] V.M. Poplavsky, A.M. Tsibulya, Yu.S. Khomyakov, V.I. Matveev, V.A.Yeliseev,A.G.Tsikunov,B.A.Vasilyev,S.B.Belov,M.R. Farak-shin,AtomnayaEnergiya108(4)(April2010)206–211.

[11] V.I.Matveev,S.Yu,CorrespondingMemberoftheRussianAcademyof SciencesV.I.Editedby,MEIPubl.,Rachkov.Moscow,2012,pp.221– 239.(inRussian).

[12]V.A.Yeliseev,I.V.Malysheva,V.I.Matveev,A.V.Yegorov,P.A.Maslov. Enhancementoftheinherentself-protectionofthefastsodiumreactor coreswithoxidefuel.//Global2013,SaltLakeCity,Utah.September 29– October3,2013,pp.766–775.

[13] A.A.Bauer,B.Cybulskis,J.LGreen,Proceedings oftheInternational Meeting on Advanced LMFBR Fuels, Tucson,October 10-13, 1977, p.299.


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