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Academic year: 2020

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Personality Types

ARTISTIC – The “Creators”

Retrieved from: http://career.missouri.edu/students/explore/thecareerinterestsgame-artistic.php


creative intuitive imaginative innovative unconventional emotional independent expressive original introspective impulsive sensitive courageous open

complicated idealistic nonconforming

-sketch, draw, paint -play a musical instrument -write stories, poetry, music -sing, act, dance

-design fashions or interiors

-attend concerts, theatres, art exhibits -read fiction, plays, and poetry

-work on crafts -take photographs

-express yourself creatively -deal with ambiguous ideas

Potential Career Options:

Actor/Actress (AES) Photographer (AES) Advertising Art Director (AES) Writers/Editors (ASI) Advertising Manager (ASE) Music Teacher (AES) Architect (AIR)

Clothing/Fashion Designer (ASR) Copywriter (ASI)

Dancer (AES)


CONVENTIONAL – The “Organizers”

Retrieved from: http://career.missouri.edu/students/explore/thecareerinterestsgame-conventional.php


well-organized accurate

numerically inclined methodical

conscientious efficient conforming orderly practical thrifty systematic structured polite ambitious obedient persistent

-work well within a system

-do a lot of paper work in a short time -keep accurate records

-use a computer terminal -write effective business letters

-follow clearly defined procedures

-use data processing equipment

-work with numbers -type or take shorthand -be responsible for details -collect or organize things

Potential Career Options:

Abstractor (CSI) Internal Auditor (ICR)

Accountant (CSE) Key Punch Operator (CSE)

Accounting Clerk and Bookkeeper (CSR) Kindergarten Teacher (CSE)

Administrative Assistant (ESC) Legal Secretary (CSA)

Bank Teller (CSE) Library Assistant (CSE)

Budget Analyst (CER) Medical Records Technician (CSE)

Building Inspector (CSE) Medical Secretary (CES)

Business Teacher (CSE) Safety Inspector (RCS)

Cashier (CSE) Service Station Attendant (CER)

Catalog Librarian (CSE) Tax Consultant (CES)

Clerk (CSE) Telephone Operator (CSE)

Computer Operator (CSR) Typist (CES)

Cost Accountant (CES) Court Reporter (CSE) Customs Inspector (CEI) Data processing worker (CRI) Electronic Mail Technician (CSR) File Clerk (CSE)

Financial Analyst (CSI) Insurance Adjuster (CSE) Insurance Underwriter (CSE)


Retrieved from: http://career.missouri.edu/students/explore/thecareerinterestsgame-enteprising.php


self-confident assertive sociable persuasive enthusiastic energetic adventurous popular impulsive ambitious inquisitive agreeable talkative extroverted spontaneous optimistic

-initiate projects

-convince people to do things your way

-sell things or promote ideas -give talks or speeches -organize activities -lead a group -persuade others

-make decisions affecting others -be elected to office

-win a leadership or sales award -start your own service or business -campaign politically

-meet important people -have power

Potential Career Options:

Advertising, marketing, and public relations managers (ESA)

Advertising Sales Representative (ESR) Hotel Manager (ESR) Automobile Sales Worker (ESR) Housekeeper (ESR) Financial Planner (ESR) Industrial Engineer (EIR) Barber/Hairdresser (ESR) Insurance Adjuster (ESR) Bartender (ERC) Insurance Agent (ECS) Benefits Manager (ESA) Interpreter (ESA) Financial Manager (ESA) Journalism (EAS) Buyer (ESA) Lawyer/Attorney (ESA)

Computer Operator (ESI) Manufacturer’s Representative (ESA) Cook/Chef (ESR) Office Manager (ESR)

Credit Analyst (EAS) Public Relations Representative (EAS) Credit Manager (ERS) Real Estate Agent (ESR)

Dental Assistant (E) Restaurant Manager (EAS) Educational - Training Manager (EIS) Retail Sales Person (ESR) Educational Administrator (ESA) Retail Store Manager (ESR) Emergency Medical Technician (ESI) Sales Manager (ESA) Flight Attendant (ESA) Sales Representative (ERS) Food Service Manager (ESI) Social Service Director (ESA) Foreign Service Officer (ESA) Stockbroker (ESI)

Funeral Director (ESR) Tax Accountant (ECS) Health Services Manager (ECR) Traffic Clerks (ESC)



inquisitive analytical scientific observant precise scholarly cautious

intellectually self-confident introspective

reserved broad-minded independent logical complex curious

-think abstractly -solve math problems understand scientific theories

-do complex calculations -use a microscope or computer

-interpret formulas

-explore a variety of ideas -use computers

-work independently -perform lab experiments -read scientific or technical journals

-analyze data

-deal with abstractions -do research

be challenged

Potential Career Options:

Actuary (ISE) Geologist (IRE)

Agronomist (IRS) Hazardous Waste Technician (IRS) Anesthesiologist (IRS) Horticulturist (IRS)

Anthropologist (IRE) Industrial Arts Teacher (IER) Archeologist (IRE) Management Consultant (ICR) Biochemist (IRE) Marketing Research Analyst (IAS) Biologist (ISR) Mathematician (IER)

Cardiopulmonary Technician (IRE) Medical Lab Technologist (IRE) Cartographer (IRE) Medical Technologist (ISA) Chemical Engineer (IRE) Meteorologist (IRS) Chemical Technician (IRE) Nurse Practitioner (ISA) Chemist (IRE) Pharmacist (IES)

Chiropractor (ISR) Physician, General Practice (ISE) Civil Engineer (IRS) Physician Assistant (ISA)

Computer Engineer (IRC) Psychologist (ISA) Computer Programmer (IRC) Research Analyst (IRC) Computer Systems Analyst (IER) Software Engineer (IRE) Dentist (ISR) Statistician (IRE)

Ecologist (IRE) Technical Writer (IRS) Economist (ISA) Veterinarian (IRS)

Electrical Engineer (IRE) Web Site Developer (IRS) Geographer (IRE

REALISTIC - The “Do-ers”

Retrieved from: http://career.missouri.edu/students/explore/thecareerinterestsgame-realistic.php


practical athletic

straightforward/frank mechanically inclined a nature lover


curious about the physical world stable

concrete reserved self-controlled independent ambitious systematic persistent

-fix electrical things -solve electrical problems -pitch a tent -play a sport -read a blueprint -plant a garden -operate tools and machinery

-tinker with machines/vehicles -work outdoors

-use your hands -be physically active -build things

-tend/train animals

-work on electronic equipment

Potential Career Options:

Aerospace Physiologist (RSE) Farm Equipment Manager (RES) Property Manager (RES)

Air-Conditioning Mechanics (RIE) Farmer (RIS) Quality Control Manager (RSE)

Aircraft Mechanic (RIE) Farm Manager (RES) Radio/T.V. Repair (REI)

Appliance Mechanics (RIE) Firefighter (RES) Radio chemist (IRE)

Aqua culturist (REI) Fish Hatchery Manager (RES) Sailor (REC)

Architectural Drafter (RCI) Floral Designer (RAE) Sheet Metal Worker (R)

Automobile Body Repairer (RIE) Forester (RIS) Structural Steelworker (REI)

Automotive Engineer (RIE) Furnace Installer (RES) Tailor (RES)

Automobile Mechanic (RIE) Geodetic Surveyor (RIE) Tool and Die Maker (RIE)

Baker/Chef (RSE) Glazier (RES) Truck Driver (RSE)

Bookbinder (RES) Groundskeeper (RCE) Upholsterer (RCS)

Bricklayer (RSE) Instrument Repair/Maintenance (RIE) Watchmaker (REC)

Butcher (RSE) Jeweler (REC) Water Quality Specialist (REI)

Carpenter (RCI) Laboratory Technician (RIE) Welder (RES)

Cement and Terrazzo Worker (REC) Line Installer (RSE) Woodworking (RAE)

Compositor (RSI) Logger (RES)

Construction Worker (REC) Machinist (RIE)

Corrections Officer (RES) Maintenance Repairer (RES) Dental Assistant (RES) Mechanical Engineer (RIS) Dental Laboratory Technician (REC) Metallurgical Technician (RIS) Dental Technician (REI) Oceanographer (RIE)

Diesel Mechanic (REI) Optician (REI)

Drafter (RCI) Painter (RES)

Electrical Engineer (RIE) Petroleum Engineer (RIE)

Electrician (REI) Plumber (REI)

Electroplater (R) Practical Nurse (RSE)

Exercise Careers (RES) Printing Press Operator (REI)

SOCIAL – The “Helpers”



friendly helpful idealistic insightful outgoing understanding cooperative generous responsible forgiving patient empathic kind persuasive

-teach/train others -express yourself clearly -lead a group discussion mediate disputes

-plan and supervise an activity -cooperate well with others

-work in groups

-help people with problems -participate in meetings -do volunteer work -work with young people -play team sports -serve others

Potential Career Options:

Air Traffic Controller (SER) Personnel Recruiter (SEC)

Athletic Trainer (SRE) Personnel, Training, and Labor Relations Specialist(SEC)

Chaplain (SAI) Physical Therapist (SIE)

City Manager (SEC) Physical Therapy Aide (SIR)

College Professor (SEI) Police Officer (SER)

Community Planner (SEA) Preschool Worker (SEA)

Counseling Psychologist (SIA) Professional Athlete (SRC) Counselor/Therapist (SAE) Probation and Parole Officer (SIE)

Cosmetologist (SEA) Public Health Educator (SEA)

Cruise Director (SAE) Radiological Technologist (SRI)

Dental Hygienist (SAI) Real Estate Appraiser (SCE)

Detective (SER) Recreation Director (SER)

Dietician (SIE) Recreational Therapist (SEC)

Elementary School Teacher (SEC) Registered Nurse (SIA) Executive House Keeper (SCE) Relocation Counselor (SAE) Family and Consumer Scientist (SAE) Retirement Counselor (SAE)

Hairstylist (SER) School Counselor (SAE)

High School Teacher (SAE) School Principal-Administrator(SEI)

Historian (SEI) Secondary School Teacher(SAE)

Home Economist (SEA) Social Worker (SEA)

Home Economics Teacher (SAE) Sociologist(SIA)

Homemaker (S) Special Education Teacher (SEC)

Hospital Administrator (SER) Speech Pathologist (SAI) Ind./Organizational Psychologist (SEI) Teacher's Aid (SIC) Insurance Claims Examiner (SIE) Business Teacher(SAE)

Librarian (SAI) Ticket Agent (SCE)

Mail Carrier (SRC) Vocational Agricultural Teacher(SEC)

Medical Assistant (SCR) Vocational-Rehab. Counselor (SEC)

Medical Record Administrator (SIE) X-Ray Technician (SRI) Minister (SAI)

Priest(SAI) Rabbi(SAI) Nurse/Midwife (SIR)

Occupational Therapist (SRE) Paralegal (SCE)


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