May 30, 2013
As you may recall, last year Evanston voters approved a referendum question for electric aggregation and authorized the city to negotiate electricity supply rates for its residents and small businesses through an opt-out Electricity Aggregation Program (Aggregation Program). The first year of the city’s Aggregation Program is ending and the city is now providing you with the opportunity to participate in its 2013 Aggregation Program. This requires no action on your part. After another competitive Request for Proposal process this year, the city chose Verde Energy USA to supply Evanston’s 2013 Aggregation Program. While electricity prices have risen over the past year, the city was able to lock in a fixed rate of $0.05192/ kWh through July 2014 for residents and small business consumers. This rate is more than 10% lower than ComEd’s Price to Compare (PTC) generation rate for power which is over $0.06/kWh*. In contrast to ComEd’s standard offer, and in keeping with Evanston’s commitment to sustainability, this rate is for 100% renewable energy.
The City of Evanston Aggregation Program will operate in a seamless manner along the following guidelines:
1. If you would like to participate in the program and take advantage of these savings, no action is required on your part.
• Verde’s lower generation rate will take effect within your next one to two billing cycles, depending on your meter read date.
• ComEd will continue to fully service your account and send you one monthly bill. Verde’s lower generation charge will be posted on your bill and you will continue to pay ComEd for your total monthly bill amount.
• There will be no change in ComEd servicing, and you will continue to contact ComEd directly for any power outage, repair or billing issues.
* Based on published ComEd PTC from June 2013 through May 2014, including estimated Purchased Electricity Adjustment (PEA). More information on the PTC can be found on-line at:
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• ComEd will send you a letter confirming Verde Energy USA as your electric generation provider. As required by law, this letter will inform you of your right to rescind your enrollment prior to the scheduled switch to Verde Energy USA. You do not need to take any action when the letter arrives to participate in the Aggregation Program with Verde.
2. We believe the fixed rate of $0.05192/kWh through July 2014 is a good offer for Evanston residents and small businesses. However, each customer has the right to choose their own supplier. If you do not want to participate in the Aggregation Program and would rather be switched back to ComEd or select another supplier, you will need to opt-out using one of the following methods described below:
• Mail - Complete and return the attached form by June 20, 2013. • Phone - Call Verde Energy USA at 1-800-241-0295.
• E-mail - Complete and e-mail the attached form by June 20, 2013 to
A list of suppliers providing electricity supply in the ComEd territory can be found at the Plug In Illinois website: Note that, in contrast to the fixed price secured by the city, offers listed at Plug In Illinois may be promotional or variable offers which are subject to rate increases. For more information on the Aggregation Program, go to or call Verde Energy USA at 1-800-241-0295. Information is also available on the city’s website at www.cityofevanston. org/cca or by calling 1-847-448-4311.
We are also pleased to announce that Verde is providing all City of Evanston aggregation members unlimited access to Verde Energy Savings Solutions (ESS) tools. The ESS tools can be accessed at the Verde aggregation website by clicking on the ESS tab at the top of the site. These tools will allow all Evanston customers to monitor and analyze their monthly energy usage, access information on how they can reduce their energy consumption and purchase energy savings products at a 20% discount. The ESS suite of tools provided by Verde is unique in the industry and we encourage you to take advantage of it. We are excited to partner with Verde Energy USA to offer our residents and small businesses savings on their monthly electric bill and valuable tools to improve energy efficiency.
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Only complete and return this form if you do NOT want to take advantage of the monthly electric bill savings available to you through the Village of Lansing municipal aggregation program. If you do not want to participate in the program you will continue to pay the higher ComEd generation rate. This form must be mailed to the address below by May 14, 2013.
ComEd Account Number (10 digits, top of bill page 1): __________________________________________ First and Last Name of Customer: ___________________________________________________________ Home or Service Address: _________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Mail form to the following address by May 14, 2013:
Opt Out Notification Verde Energy USA
101 Merritt Seven 3rd Floor Norwalk, CT 06851
101 Merritt 7 Corp. Park – 3rd Fl., Norwalk CT 06851 - (800)241-0295
City of Evanston Opt-Out Notification Form
Only complete and return this form if you do NOT want to take advantage of the monthly electric bill savings available to you through the City of Evanston Electricity Aggregation Program. If you do not want to participate in the program you will be served by ComEd and pay ComEd’s electricity supply price for their default service. This form must be mailed to the address below by June 20, 2013.
ComEd Account Number (10 digits, top of bill page 1): ___________________________________ First and Last Name of Customer: ___________________________________________________ Home or Service Address: _________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________ Mail form to the following address by June 20, 2013:
Opt Out Notification Verde Energy USA 101 Merritt Seven 2nd Floor
Qss ffoorr tthhee V
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Whheerree ccaann II ffiinndd tthhee EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall DDiisscclloossuurree SSttaatteemmeenntt && UUnniiffoorrmm DDiisscclloossuurree SSttaatteemmeenntt ffoorr VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA??
For these statements and information about the aggregation program go to
Whheenn wwiillll II bbeeggiinn ttoo sseeee VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA’’ss lloowweerr ggeenneerraattiioonn rraattee oonn mmyy bbiillll??
Verde’s lower rate will take effect within your next 1-2 billing cycles depending on your meter read date. W
Wiillll II ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo ggeett oonnee mmoonntthhllyy bbiillll ffrroomm CCoommEEdd??
Yes, you will be billed exactly as you always have been by ComEd and will receive one monthly bill for all charges. The only difference you’ll see on your electric bill is that Verde Energy USA will be listed on the generation portion of your bill and the lower cost electric generation rate will be used in your billing. W
Wiillll CCoommEEdd ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo sseerrvviiccee mmyy aaccccoouunntt??
Yes, nothing will change in terms of receiving your electricity or any customer service. ComEd will continue to read your meter, service your account and send you one bill each month. You will continue to contact ComEd for any billing or service questions or if your power ever goes out.
Whhoo iiss VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA??
Verde Energy USA is a licensed electricity supplier in the states of Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. We offer residential and business customers in these states the opportunity to save on their electrical costs by choosing us as their electricity supplier. H
Hooww ddoo II ccoonnttaacctt VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA iiff II hhaavvee aa qquueessttiioonn??
As noted previously ComEd will continue to fully service your account. If you should ever need to contact Verde you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 800-241-0295. Our customer service group is available 7 days a week and 24 hours each day.
101 Merritt 7 Corp. Park – 3rd Fl., Norwalk CT 06851 - (800)241-0295 FAQs for the City of Evanston Electricity Aggregation Program
How much should I save with the electric generation rate provided by Verde Energy USA?
The exact amount of your savings with Verde compared to ComEd will depend on the amount of energy you use in a given month. Verde’s 100% renewable electric generation rate is $0.05192/kWh. A home using an average of 800 KWH of electricity per month would see savings of approximately $85/year. Homes or businesses with higher usage levels would see a greater level of savings. Because electricity prices have risen in the past year, both the ComEd default rate and the fixed rate of $0.05192/kWh with Verde are higher than the rate the City achieved in the first year of the Aggregation Program.
Where can I find the retail electricity supply Terms and Conditions of service for the Aggregated Group between the City and Verde Energy USA?
In keeping with Evanston’s commitment to reduce waste, terms and conditions are being made available electronically at Please call Verde if you would like a paper copy mailed directly to your residence. Also, paper copies are available for pickup at the Civic Center or by calling 311.
When will I begin to see Verde Energy USA’s generation rate on my bill?
Verde’s rate will take effect within your next 1-2 billing cycles depending on your meter read date.
Will I continue to get one monthly bill from ComEd?
Yes, you will be billed exactly as you always have been by ComEd and will receive one monthly bill for all charges. The only difference you’ll see on your electric bill is that Verde Energy USA will be listed on the generation portion of your bill and the lower cost electric generation rate will be used in your billing.
Will ComEd continue to service my account?
Yes, nothing will change in terms of receiving your electricity or any customer service. ComEd will continue to read your meter, service your account and send you one bill each month. You will continue to contact ComEd for any billing or service questions or if your power ever goes out.
Are there fees associated with the program?
Enrollment in the program is free and you will automatically be enrolled unless you take action to opt-out. Once you are enrolled in the program, you can cancel your agreement at any time and switch back to ComEd or another supplier without penalty.
What does 100% renewable energy mean?
Verde Energy USA will provide 100% renewable energy for the City’s Aggregation Program by purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). RECs purchased will be from an asset which meets all of the technology criteria of Green-e. Green-e is an independent consumer protection
Qss ffoorr tthhee V
Viillllaaggee ooff LLaannssiinngg M
Muunniicciippaall A
Whheerree ccaann II ffiinndd tthhee EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall DDiisscclloossuurree SSttaatteemmeenntt && UUnniiffoorrmm DDiisscclloossuurree SSttaatteemmeenntt ffoorr VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA??
For these statements and information about the aggregation program go to
Whheenn wwiillll II bbeeggiinn ttoo sseeee VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA’’ss lloowweerr ggeenneerraattiioonn rraattee oonn mmyy bbiillll??
Verde’s lower rate will take effect within your next 1-2 billing cycles depending on your meter read date. W
Wiillll II ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo ggeett oonnee mmoonntthhllyy
Yes, you will be billed exactly as you always have been by C ill receive one monthly bill for all charges. The only difference you’ll see on your electric bill is that Verde Energy USA will be listed on the generation portion of your bill and the lower cost electric generation rate will be used in your billing. W
Wiillll CCoommEEdd ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo sseerrvviiccee mmyy aaccccoouunntt??
Yes, nothing will change in terms of receiving your electricity or any customer service. ComEd will continue to read your meter, service your account and send you one bill each month. You will continue to contact ComEd for any billing or service questions or if your power ever goes out.
Whhoo iiss VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA??
Verde Energy USA is a licensed electricity supplier in the states of Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. We offer residential and business customers in these states the opportunity to save on their electrical costs by choosing us as their electricity supplier. H
Hooww ddoo II ccoonnttaacctt VVeerrddee EEnneerrggyy UUSSAA iiff II hhaavvee aa qquueessttiioonn??
As noted previously ComEd will continue to fully service your account. If you should ever need to contact Verde you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 800-241-0295. Our customer service group is available 7 days a week and 24 hours each day.
101 Merritt 7 Corp. Park – 3rd Fl., Norwalk CT 06851 - (800)241-0295
What happens at the end of my Verde Energy USA electricity contract term?
The City of Evanston will conduct another competitive Request for Proposals process to rebid the term and price for electricity supply on behalf of residents and small businesses. You will be notified of the outcome by the city and/or supplier for the new terms and conditions of a subsequent aggregation program.
Will customers be allowed to join the program after the initial enrollment period?
The City of Evanston has secured the same electric supply rate, terms and conditions for eligible customers who wish to join the Aggregation Program after the initial enrollment period. This would include customers who move into the City of Evanston, who were with another supplier and would like to join, or customer who initially opted-out and want to join at a later date. Customers wishing
to opt-in should call
Verde Energy USA at 800-241-0295 . These customers will have an individual agreement with Verde Energy USA for electricity supply, but will retain the same electricity supply rate, terms and conditions of the Aggregation Program.
What authorizes the City of Evanston to implement the Aggregation Program?
Section 1-92 of the Illinois Power Agency ACT (“Act”), 20 ILCS 3855/1-92 authorizes each Illinois Municipality to aggregate the electric loads of residential and small business customers following the passage of a binding referendum. On March 20, 2012, 73% of Evanston voters approved the referendum question for Electric Aggregation and authorized the City to negotiate electricity supply rates for its residents and small businesses through an opt-out electricity aggregation program. Who is Verde Energy USA?
Verde Energy USA is a licensed electricity supplier in the states of Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. We offer customers in these states the opportunity to save on their electrical costs by choosing us as their electricity supplier. How do I contact Verde Energy USA if I have a question?
As noted previously, ComEd will continue to fully service your account. If you should ever need to contact Verde you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 800-241-0295. Our customer service group is available 7 days a week and 24 hours each day.