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On Effective Testing of Health Care Simulation Software


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University of Pennsylvania


Departmental Papers (CIS)

Department of Computer & Information Science


On Effective Testing of Health Care Simulation


Christian Murphy

University of Pennsylvania, cdmurphy@cis.upenn.edu

M. S. Raunak

Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, raunak@loyola.edu

Andrew King

University of Pennsylvania, kingand@cis.upenn.edu

Sanjian Chen

University of Pennsylvania, sanjian@cis.upenn.edu

Christopher Imbriano

University of Pennsylvania, imbriano@cis.upenn.edu

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3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC 2011, May 22-23, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii. Also available as a Technical reporthttp://repository.upenn.edu/cis_reports/949/

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Recommended Citation

Christian Murphy, M. S. Raunak, Andrew King, Sanjian Chen, Christopher Imbriano, Gail Kaiser, Insup Lee, Oleg Sokolsky, Lori Clarke, and Leon Osterweil, "On Effective Testing of Health Care Simulation Software", 3rd Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC 2011) , 40-47. May 2011.http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1987993.1988003


On Effective Testing of Health Care Simulation Software


Health care professionals rely on software to simulate anatomical and physiological elements of the human

body for purposes of training, prototyping, and decision making. Software can also be used to simulate

medical processes and protocols to measure cost effectiveness and resource utilization. Whereas much of the

software engineering research into simulation software focuses on validation (determining that the simulation

accurately models real-world activity), to date there has been little investigation into the testing of simulation

software itself, that is, the ability to effectively search for errors in the implementation. This is particularly

challenging because often there is no test oracle to indicate whether the results of the simulation are correct. In

this paper, we present an approach to systematically testing simulation software in the absence of test oracles,

and evaluate the effectiveness of the technique.


Reliability, Verification, Software Testing, Oracle Problem, Metamorphic Testing


3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering in Health Care (SEHC 2011, May 22-23, 2011,

Honolulu, Hawaii.

Also available as a Technical report



Christian Murphy, M. S. Raunak, Andrew King, Sanjian Chen, Christopher Imbriano, Gail Kaiser, Insup Lee,

Oleg Sokolsky, Lori Clarke, and Leon Osterweil


On Effective Testing of Health Care Simulation Software

Christian Murphy


, M. S. Raunak


, Andrew King


, Sanjian Chen


, Christopher



, Gail Kaiser


, Insup Lee


, Oleg Sokolsky


, Lori Clarke


, Leon Osterweil

4 1Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 19104

{cdmurphy, kingand, sanjian, imbriano, lee, sokolsky}@cis.upenn.edu

2Dept. of Computer Science, Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore MD 21210


3Dept. of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York NY 10027


4Dept. of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst MA 01003



Health care professionals rely on software to simulate ana-tomical and physiological elements of the human body for purposes of training, prototyping, and decision making. Soft-ware can also be used to simulate medical processes and protocols to measure cost effectiveness and resource utiliza-tion. Whereas much of the software engineering research into simulation software focuses on validation (determining that the simulation accurately models real-world activity), to date there has been little investigation into the testing of simulation software itself, that is, the ability to effectively search for errors in the implementation. This is particularly challenging because often there is no test oracle to indicate whether the results of the simulation are correct. In this pa-per, we present an approach to systematically testing simu-lation software in the absence of test oracles, and evaluate the effectiveness of the technique.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.2.4 [Software Engineering]: Software/Program Verifi-cation; D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Testing and De-bugging

General Terms

Reliability, Verification


Software Testing, Oracle Problem, Metamorphic Testing



Simulation software is used in the health care field to model anatomical and physiological elements for predicting the effects of medical procedures [33] and for purposes of training and education [3, 13]. Such software may simulate only a specific organ such as the heart [20], or may incorpo-rate an entire physiological system [19]. Simulation software is also used to evaluate medical processes, such as the impact of resource allocation on patient waiting time in a hospital Emergency Department (ED) [15, 27], or the response time of Emergency Medical Service technicians [30].

From a software engineering perspective, research into simulators typically is concerned with validating how well

the simulation matches the real-world events it is trying to model [5], and not necessarily whether the implementation is free of defects. Researchers who investigate the verifica-tion of simulaverifica-tion software often suggest well-known best practices from software engineering [29], such as test-driven development and formal code reviews, but to date there has been little assessment of how effective these techniques are at discovering errors in the implementation.

Testing simulation software is particularly challenging be-cause such software falls into a category that Davis and Weyuker describe as “Programs which were written in or-der to determine the answer in the first place. There would be no need to write such programs, if the correct answer were known” [14]. Without a “test oracle” [32] to indicate that the output is incorrect, it becomes difficult to find subtle calcu-lation errors that could adversely affect the correctness of the simulation.

In this paper, we seek to systematically test simulation software, specifically focusing on the domain of health care, with the aim of discovering defects in the implementation. Our approach is based on the observation that many applica-tions without test oracles, including simulation software, ex-hibit the following property: although we cannot in advance know the relation between an input and its corresponding output (since there is no oracle), it may be possible to then modify the input in a certain way, such that we can predict what the change to the output should be. If the application appears to exhibit such a property and the new output is as expected, that does not necessarily mean that the imple-mentation is working correctly. However, if the property is violated, and the output is not as expected, then there is either a potential error in the implementation, or the prop-erty is not sound and needs to be modified for the particular domain or software. In either case, our approach leads to better understanding of the software and its inner working. This approach, introduced by Chen et al. [9], is known as metamorphic testing, and has previously been shown to be applicable to testing applications without oracles [11]. To our knowledge, we are the first to use this technique to test software in the field of simulation in general, and healthcare-oriented simulation software in particular. In this paper, rather than focusing on validation, i.e., determining whether the model used in the simulation is correct, we focus on the implementation, and seek to test the implementation


sys-tematically to discover any error that may exist in the code. In addition to describing our observations about the prac-tical application of the technique, we also present evidence that demonstrates that metamorphic testing is an effective approach for testing simulation software.



In this section, we further discuss the metamorphic testing approach, and introduce the simulation software to which we have applied it.


Metamorphic Testing

An early approach to testing applications without test or-acles, including simulation software, was to use a “pseudo-oracle” [14]. This approach is based upon the notion of “N-version programming” [8], in which independent program-ming teams develop an application (perhaps using different technologies or programming languages) from the same spec-ification; then, identical sets of input data are processed and the results are compared. If the results are the same, that does not necessarily mean that they are correct (since the implementations may all have the same defect, for instance), but if the results are not the same, then a defect has likely been revealed in at least one of the implementations.

Among the many limitations related to the applicability of the N-version programming approach [22], one obvious issue is that multiple versions of a program may simply not exist. In the absence of multiple implementations, however, metamorphic testing [9] can be used to produce a similar ef-fect. Metamorphic testing is designed as a general technique for creating follow-up test cases based on existing ones, par-ticularly those that have not revealed any failure.

In metamorphic testing, if input x produces an output f (x ), the function’s so-called “metamorphic properties” can then be used to guide the creation of a transformation func-tion t, which can then be applied to the input to produce t (x ); this transformation then allows the expected value of the output f (t (x )) to be predicted based on the (already known) value of f (x ). If the metamorphic property is clearly applicable to the function (and is sound), but the new out-put is not as expected, then a defect must exist.

Of course, like any testing approach, this can only show the existence of defects and cannot demonstrate their ab-sence, since the correct output cannot be known in advance (and even if the outputs are as expected, both could be in-correct). This approach, however, provides a mechanism of revealing potential defects in such programs that do not have a test oracle [11].


Health Care Simulation Software

In this paper, we apply metamorphic testing to two dif-ferent simulators that are used in the field of health care.



JSim [34] is a rigorous process based Discrete Event Sim-ulation (DEVS) engine that has been effectively used to model and simulate, among other human-centric processes, the flow of patients through a hospital emergency room [27, 26]. Developed in Java by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, JSim’s input consists of a complete process definition, represented graphically as a tree of steps and constituent substeps; a set of special resources called

agents who perform the steps, such as a nurse in the emer-gency department; a set of non-agent resources, which in-clude entities that agents may need to carry out the steps, such as beds, x-ray machine, medicine, etc.; specification of artifacts that carry information from one step to another, such as a patient chart; a resource manager that manages the availability and assignments of agent and non-agent re-sources; and an oracle, which dictates when process events should occur and how long they should take (not to be con-fused with a test oracle, of course). The oracle in the case of JSim is primarily a specification of agent behavior in terms of when an agent starts working on a task(step), when an agent completes a task, etc.

The JSim simulation engine maintains a timeline mod-ule into which events are placed. When the simulation is run, each agent is assigned items on its agenda, or a list of step instances to perform. The simulator goes through the process, and the JSim Agent Behavior Specification (the “or-acle”) indicates whether it is time for an agent to perform the next step on its agenda. If it is, and sufficient resources are available, then the agent performs the step and moves on to the next item on its agenda; if the required agent or the non-agent resources are not available, then depending on the configuration, the simulation engine either blocks (waits for the required resource) or throws an exception, in which case the process may be terminated. This continues until all agents have completed all items on their agendas and there are no more events in the timeline. The output of the simulation is the sequence of events related to each step’s lifecycle, including the times at which they were started and completed, as well as the agents involved.

Testing JSim effectively has been challenging, as it is very complex and consists of many interacting components [28]. Adding to the challenge is the fact that JSim can be non-deterministic depending on the system configuration and re-source constraints. For instance, the amount of time each step in the simulation takes to complete may be random over a range, either using a uniform distribution or using a triangular distribution with an inflection point at a speci-fied mode. Thus the time it takes for the entire process to complete can often be non-deterministic in practice.


GCS: Glycemic Control Simulator

The Glycemic Control Simulator, or GCS, is a MATLAB program being developed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania to simulate the behavior of different closed-loop insulin titration algorithms on a virtual patient. GCS can be integrated into larger simulations in order to sup-port the model driven development of closed loop medical systems, similar to the general approach described in [2].

The GCS has two different simulation components: (1) the patient simulation, which is an implementation of the type I diabetic patient model from [19]; and (2) a closed loop glycemic control algorithm that computes insulin in-fusion rates from the patient’s blood glucose readings. In the current version, the control algorithm was derived from the glycemic control guidelines in use at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. The simulator is run by specifying the initial conditions (such as patient weight, in addition to other metabolic parameters) and the amount of time to sim-ulate. The simulation then produces the trajectory of the virtual patient’s blood glucose, insulin infusion rate, and nu-trition rate versus time.


Although the patient model and control algorithm could conceivably be separated and tested in isolation, we choose to consider them as a whole, to demonstrate that metamor-phic testing can be applied to such closed-loop simulation software, as well as discrete event simulators such as JSim.



To demonstrate that metamorphic testing is an effective technique for testing health care simulation software, we started by identifying the metamorphic properties that we would expect most simulators (including our target applica-tions) to exhibit, and then applied those properties to see if we could detect any defects or inconsistencies. Then, to determine the effectiveness of metamorphic testing, we sys-tematically inserted defects into the software and measured how many of the defects were detected, as described in Sec-tion 4.


Identifying Metamorphic Properties

In [24], we enumerated six different classes of metamorphic properties, all of which are typically suited to applications that are principally numerical, such as machine learning or scientific computing. Here, we present some general guide-lines for identifying metamorphic properties, using a running example of simulation software such as JSim that is used to model the flow of patients through a hospital’s emergency department (ED).

First, we consider the metamorphic properties shared by all applications in the given domain. In the case of discrete event simulators, regardless of the particular algo-rithm, there are generally “resources” that are modeled in the simulation. These resources may be doctors and nurses in a hospital, developers and testers in a software company, or postal workers who deliver mail. No matter what algo-rithm is used, and no matter what is being simulated, all of these share some common metamorphic properties. For instance, if resources are being fully utilized, increasing the number of all resources would be expected to lower each resource’s average utilization rate, assuming the amount of work to be done remains constant. On the other hand, if certain resources are underutilized due to a bottleneck re-source, increasing that bottle-necked resource should result in increased utilization of other under-utilized resources. As another example, if the timing of all events in the simulation is multiplied by a constant factor, then the resource utiliza-tion should not change, since the ratio of the time spent working to the total time of the simulation should not be affected (because each are scaled up by the same factor).

We can also consider the properties specific to the imple-mentation of the algorithm used to solve the problem. A given application that uses the chosen algorithm may have particular metamorphic properties based on features of its implementation, the programming language it uses, how it processes input, how it displays its output, etc. For instance, in simulating the operation of a hospital ED, the process definition language Little-JIL [6] and its corresponding sim-ulator tool (in this case, JSim) may be used to specify the steps that an incoming patient goes through after arriving. In this implementation, the unique identifiers and the de-scriptions for the different resources (doctors, nurses, etc.) are specified in a relational database. Thus this implemen-tation exhibits the metamorphic property that permuting the order of the resources in the database table should not

affect the simulated process.

Last, we consider properties that are applicable only to the given input that is being used as part of the test case. Often it is the case that some metamorphic properties of an application will only hold for certain inputs. Consider an input to the hospital ED simulation in which the number of resources is sufficiently large so that no patient ever needs to wait. For this particular input, increasing the number of resources should not affect the simulation, since those resources would go unused.

Although the examples provided here are specific to the domain of discrete event simulations in general, and simu-lations of a hospital ED in particular, this approach can be applied for other types of medical (as well as non-medical) simulation software, such as modeling of a diabetic patient’s response to insulin [19], as discussed in section 3.1.2.


JSim Metamorphic Properties

To identify the metamorphic properties specific to Jsim, we have considered the effect that changes in event timings would have on the utilization rates for the different resources in the simulation. Specifically, if the event timings were in-creased by a positive constant, then the utilization rate (i.e., the time the resource is used, divided by the overall process time) of the most utilized resource would be expected to de-crease, since the total increase in the overall process time would outweigh the small increase in the resource’s time spent working.

As a simple example, consider a process that has steps that take times a, b, and c to complete, and a resource that is used only in the third of these steps. Its utilization would thus be c/(a + b + c). If the time for each step were in-creased by one, then the utilization rate would change to (c + 1)/(a + b + c + 3). If this resource has the high-est utilization, i.e. c > a > 1 and c > b > 1, then the new utilization rate will be lower, because the change to the numerator is proportionally smaller than the change to the denominator.

In the cases in which JSim uses non-deterministic event timing, we applied statistical metamorphic testing (SMT), which has been proposed as a technique for testing non-deterministic applications that do not have test oracles [16]. SMT can be applied to programs for which the output is numeric, such as the overall event timing in JSim, and is based on the statistical properties of multiple invocations of the program. That is, rather than considering the output from a single execution, the program is run numerous times so that the statistical mean and variance of the values can be computed. Then, a metamorphic property is applied to the input, the program is again run numerous times, and the new statistical mean and variance are again calculated. If they are not as expected, then a potential defect has been revealed.

For instance, we could specify a non-deterministic event timing over a range [α, β] and run the simulation 100 times to find the statistical mean µ and variance σ of the over-all event timing in the process (i.e., the time to complete all the steps). We could then configure the simulator to use a range [10α, 10β], run 100 more simulations, and ex-pect that the mean would be 10µ and the variance would be 10σ. Of course, the results would not exactly meet those expectations, so we could use a Student T-test to see if any difference was statistically significant.



GCS Metamorphic Properties

As described in Section 2.2.2, the GCS contains two main components: the patient simulator and the control algo-rithm. A software defect in either component could have a large impact on the simulation result. We investigated two domain-specific metamorphic properties and one algorith-mic property of the GCS. Each property, whether domain-or algdomain-orithm-based, relates to how the patient simulation models insulin sensitivity in the virtual patient. Insulin sen-sitivity describes the tendency for insulin to affect a change in the body’s blood glucose level. A patient with high in-sulin sensitivity will require less inin-sulin than a low sensitivity patient to achieve normal glycemic levels.

The first domain property specifies that patients who weigh more will be less sensitive to insulin and require more in-sulin to achieve normo-glycemia: given a simulation of a patient with weight w1, if the total insulin delivered during

the therapy is I1 and the simulation is then executed with

weight w2 > w1 then the resulting total of insulin delivered

I2 should be greater than I1.

The second property is similar. Instead of weight, the endogenous glucose production EGP parameter is varied: given a simulation of a patient with endogenous glucose pro-duction EGP1, if the total insulin delivered during the

ther-apy is I1 and the simulation is then executed with EGP2>

EGP1, the resulting total amount of insulin delivered I2

should be greater than I1.

We also identified a metamorphic property which should hold in the specific simulation algorithm we implemented. The insulin kinetics described in [19] is a collection of dif-ferential equations that relate insulin absorption, blood glu-cose levels and nutritional intake. One of these equations describes the rate of insulin absorption in the human body:

dI(t) dt =



− keI(t)

Among all the equations that are collectively used to model the patient dynamics, this is the only equation with the term VI, which represents the insulin distribution volume. Note

that the insulin absorption rate varies inversely with VI. If

VI is increased, the absorption rate will decrease, and more

insulin should be required to maintain normoglycemia. Thus we can construct a metamorphic property with the param-eter VI: given a simulation of a patient with VI, if the total

insulin delivered during the therapy is I and the simulation is then executed with VI0> VI, the resulting total of insulin

delivered I0 should be greater than I.

Note that these properties might not hold for all control algorithms. For example, if the simulator executes a control algorithm with poor stability (and exhibits lots of oscillatory behavior) then more insulin might be delivered than neces-sary. In our testing, we chose a metamorphic interval for each of these properties that we believed would exhibit the above properties if the control algorithm were implemented correctly; these are shown in Table 1.


Applying Metamorphic Testing

After identifying metamorphic properties, we applied them to the simulation software, and present our most interesting results here.

For JSim, we applied the metamorphic property related to expected trends in resource utilization that result from changing resource availability. As a necessary part of

per-Parameter Variable Value 1 Value 2 Patient weight w 60kg 160kg Endogenous glucose

production EGP 4 × 10−3 25 × 10−3 Insulin distribution

volume VI 10-2 15-2

Table 1: Values used in metamorphic testing of GCS.

forming this test, we kept variability at a minimum by keep-ing all the step times fixed. We ran simulations using a simplified model of the emergency department (ED), which we shall refer to as the ‘VerySimpleED’ process. Space lim-itation allows us to only provide a very brief description of the process; the detailed description is available in [28].

In the ‘VerySimpleED’ process, when a patient arrives at the ED, she first gets seen by a triage-nurse (TriagePatient step) and consequently gets a triage acuity level assigned. The patient then goes to the registration clerk for registra-tion (RegisterPatient step). The registraregistra-tion clerk collects information from the patient including insurance informa-tion and puts it in the patient’s record. The registrainforma-tion clerk also generates and places an ID-band on the patient. The patient then goes inside the treatment area of the ED (often referred to as main-ED) if a bed is available. If all beds inside the main-ED are occupied, the patient waits in the waiting room until a bed becomes available. This is modeled by a blocking acquisition request for a bed resource instance in PatientInsideED step.

Once a bed is successfully acquired, the patient is placed in a bed (PlacedInBed step) inside the main-ED. Here the patient is first seen by a nurse in the RNAssessment step, followed by an assessment by the attending doctor (MD-Assessment step). The doctor assessment may result in some tests. These test related activities have been represented as a single abstract step named Tests. There are also some bed-side procedures that may be performed on the patient by the nurse (RNProcedure step) and by the doctor (MDProcedure step). Once all the tests and procedures are done, the at-tending doctor makes a final assessment of the patient and decides whether to admit the patient or to discharge her (MDDischarge step), which is followed by paperwork that is performed by the nurse (RNDischarge step).

Both the above description and actual observed experi-ences suggest that beds are potentially bottleneck resources in EDs. We thus ran a set of simulations where the number of beds was varied, keeping other resources constant, start-ing with a sstart-ingle bed and addstart-ing more beds to the resource mix. We computed and plotted the average length-of-stay (LOS) against the increased number of beds. The output of this experiment, shown in Figure 1a, demonstrates that as more and more beds were added into the resource mix, the LOS metric improved (i.e., was reduced). However, the im-provement diminished with the increase of this one resource only and there was no impact of adding that resource after a certain point. This graph demonstrates a simple case of the “law of diminishing returns”.

To continue with other metamorphic properties of this do-main, it is reasonable to expect that if more beds are added to the resource mix, the utilization levels of other under-utilized resource instances should increase. This is because


(a) Avg. Length-of-Stay (b) Avg. doctor utilization Figure 1: Validating simulation results by increasing the number of beds.

having more beds should result in more patients simultane-ously getting treatment inside the ED, thus requiring ser-vices from other resource instances such as doctors, nurses, etc. Consequently, that suggests that these other resources would be utilized more heavily with increases in the number of beds in the simulation. Further, we can expect that the amount of improvement would decrease as we continue to increase only the bed resource instances. To test this prop-erty, we collected utilization levels of all resource instances (not just the bed resource instances) used in the previously described set of simulations. This set of simulations used a resource mix that contained two triage nurses, two regis-tration clerks, four doctors and four nurses. We took the utilization levels of each of the doctors as determined by the JSim simulation runs, and computed average doctor utiliza-tion for each. Figure 1b shows the graph of these results. As we expected, the average doctor utilization improved as more and more patients were allowed inside the ED simul-taneously as a result of adding more beds. However, the im-provement in the utilization was diminishing and gradually flattened out as the number of beds continued to increase. This also points to another metamorphic property: if there is no more waiting taking place due to resource contention, adding more resources should not improve the LOS.

Figure 2: Length-of-Stay computation per patient

As we applied the metamorphic property to JSim with a variety of different configurations, we did encounter one par-ticularly interesting case in which the metamorphic property was violated. In this test, we simulated five patients arriving one after another every six minutes, with a resource mix of three beds, one doctor, one nurse, one clerk and one triage nurse. The simulation resulted in an average LOS of 217.4. When we increased the number of nurses to two, we saw

the average LOS slightly increase to 220.2. This unexpected increase in average LOS led us to a deeper investigation of what was happening. As shown in Figure 2, we discovered that with the addition of one nurse, the LOS for Patient 3 decreased from 183 to 180, but the LOS for Patient 4 in-creased from 275 to 292.

Further investigation by the JSim developers revealed that this was happening due to the particular scheduling algo-rithm in place. In the case of one nurse, when Patient 4 was ready for step MDDischarge, Patient 5 was not yet ready for its next step, MDProcedure. Consequently, the doctor agent first picked up the job of completing step MDDischarge for Patient 4 and then performed step MDProcedure for Patient 5. When one more nurse was added to the resource mix, Patient 5 became ready for MDProcedure early, but Patient 4 was still not ready for MDDischarge. JSim follows a greedy scheduling mechanism: it assigns the task of MDProcedure for Patient 5 first, and consequently the doctor performs the step MDDischarge for Patient 4 later, hence the additional time for patient 4. If the simulation software somehow could always ensure an optimum schedule in terms of the smallest average LOS, the scheduler would come to the conclusion that for the doctor, instead of starting to work on step MD-Procedure for Patient 5 as soon as the step was ready, it is better to just wait and then start working on step MDDis-charge for Patient 4.

This discovery led us to revise our metamorphic property for discrete event simulations. We realized that the prop-erty that “adding one resource should not increase average service time” is not applicable for all situations, especially where interrelated resource contentions are possible. Never-theless, starting out with this metamorphic property led the developers to understand the impact of JSim’s scheduling choices.



This section describes the results of experiments in which we demonstrate the effectiveness of metamorphic testing in detecting injected defects in the implementations of the ap-plications of interest.



In this experiment, we used mutation testing to system-atically insert defects (e.g., changing “+” to “-”, “>” to “<”, etc.) into the source code and then determined whether or


not the defects could be detected using metamorphic testing. Mutation testing has been shown to be suitable for evalua-tion of effectiveness, as experiments comparing mutants to real faults have suggested that mutants are a good proxy for comparisons of testing techniques [1].

To determine which mutation variants were suitable for testing, the output of each was compared to the output of the application with no mutants, which was considered the “gold standard”. If the outputs of the gold standard and the variant were the same, the mutation would be considered unsuitable for testing, since the mutation may not have been on the execution path, or may have been an “equivalent mutant” that did not affect the overall output.

Additionally, if the mutation yielded a fatal error (crash), an infinite loop, or an output that was clearly wrong (for in-stance, being nonsensical to the application expert, or sim-ply being blank), that variant was also discarded since any reasonable testing approach would detect such defects.

For JSim, of the 104 mutants we generated, only 25 mu-tants could be used in the experiment. The two principle reasons why we were only able to create a small number of mutants were that there simply are not many mathemati-cal mathemati-calculations in JSim, and that many of the mutants we generated led to obvious errors, such as crashing.

We investigated the use of a mutant generator tool such as µJava [23], which would also create other types of muta-tions specific to Java (such as modifying inheritance hierar-chies, variable scope, etc.) but the current implementation of µJava (version 3) as of this writing does not support Java generics1, which are used throughout the JSim


Most of the JSim mutants were related to the event tim-ing in the LinearRangeDuration and TriangleRangeDura-tion classes, so that when the configuraTriangleRangeDura-tion specified a tim-ing range from A to B for a given event, the actual range would be [A+1, B ] or [A, B -1] or [A+1, B -1]. We could not use defects that had ranges starting at A-1 or ending at B +1 because of checks that already existed within the code that would notice such out-of-range errors and raise an ex-ception, further reducing the number of mutations that we could use in the experiment.

As described above, we used the statistical metamorphic testing approach for these cases that involved non-determin-ism. We validated the properties with the gold standard implementation (i.e., in which we had not inserted any de-fects), and found that the distributions that resulted from applying the properties were not significantly different, with p < 0.05. In the metamorphic testing of JSim, we used the same data set used in the emergency room simulation work presented in [27].

For the GCS, 950 mutants were generated using MAT-mute2. Of those mutants, 226 either did not produce out-put different than the unmutated program, or were not on the execution path, and were excluded from the experiment. Of the remaining mutants, 487 were mutations of the pa-tient model implementation and 237 were mutations of the control algorithm. All three metamorphic properties of the GCS were applied to detect defects sequentially; if no defect was detected with the weight-based property, then the EGP property was applied, and so on.

1http://cs.gmu.edu/~offutt/mujava/ 2




For both JSim and GCS, we applied the metamorphic properties discussed in Section 3.1 to each mutated version of the code, and measured how many mutants were killed (i.e., how many injected defects were revealed) using this approach.

The metamorphic testing approaches were able to kill all of the mutants in JSim, and 60% of the mutants in the GCS. Metamorphic testing was more effective killing mutants in the patient simulation component of the GCS (68% of de-fects detected) versus the control algorithm section of code (25%), as shown in Table 2.

Control Alg. Patient Simulation Det. by Weight 39 254

Det. by EGP 9 41

Det. by Vi 10 38

Not detected 179 154

Det. rate 25% 68%

Table 2: Applying metamorphic testing to GCS.



Here we discuss our results and explore the effectiveness of the different metamorphic properties.


Analysis of JSim Results

The most interesting result here is that in previous ex-periments to demonstrate the effectiveness of metamorphic testing when applied to machine learning applications [25], the metamorphic property based on multiplication was typ-ically ineffective at killing off-by-one mutants; in this case, though, it was very effective. Upon further investigation, we see that this is due to the nature of the particular way in which the off-by-one mutant is manifested.

Consider a simple function f (a, b) = a + b, and a mutated version with an off-by-one error f ’ (a, b) = a + b - 1. We would expect f to exhibit the metamorphic property that f (10a, 10b) = 10f (a, b); obviously, f ’ does not exhibit this property, since f ’ (10a, 10b) = 10a + 10b - 1 = f ’ (a, b) - 1. In this case, the property based on multiplication reveals the defect. The code we mutated in JSim included such simple functions, thus the property was very effective.

Although we did not compare metamorphic testing to other approaches in this study, we note that techniques such as assertion checking would be unlikely to detect any of the JSim defects related to event timing because they only con-sider a single execution of the program, or of the function that produces the random number in the specified range. Consider a function that is meant to return a number in the range [A, B ], but has a defect so that the range is actually [A, B -1]. No single execution will violate the invariant that “the return value is between A and B ”, so assertion checking would not reveal this defect.

However, statistical metamorphic testing will detect this defect because over the course of 100 executions of the pro-gram (as in our experiment), the mean and variance show a statistically significant difference compared to what is ex-pected; other testing approaches may only run the program once, and would not consider the trend of the program over a number of independent executions.



Analysis of GCS Results

While our metamorphic properties of the GCS were able to detect and kill many of the patient simulation mutants, they were less successful detecting defects injected in the control algorithm implementation. The control algorithm used in this version of the GCS is composed of 10 condition-als of the form “if patient blood sugar is x then adjust infu-sion rate by y”. The defect introduced by any single opera-tor mutation will affect only one of the conditionals (either changing the guard, or linearly altering the control action the algorithm would take in that instance.) In many sim-ulations, the condition related to the patient’s blood sugar may only rarely be true under a given guard and any muta-tion protected by the guard would have little impact on the overall amount of insulin delivered to the patient. For this kind of control algorithm, less coarse metamorphic proper-ties would be desired to achieve a high defect detection rate.



This experiment shows the feasibility of metamorphic test-ing as a technique for detecttest-ing defects in simulation soft-ware. By following the guidelines from Section 3.1 above, we were able to identify metamorphic properties that detected 100% of the defects in JSim, and 60% of the defects in GCS.



Researchers concerned with the validation and verification of simulation software often acknowledge the need for soft-ware testing, but typically do not present techniques beyond using some sort of formal specification [31], or approaches that are common for all types of software, such as test-driven development or code reviews [4, 21, 29]. Others have sug-gested similar techniques for testing software in the field of scientific computing [17, 18], as well, but we are not aware of any work that has attempted to reveal coding defects in simulators by using a systematic approach as we do here.

Applying metamorphic testing to situations in which there is no test oracle has previously been studied by Chen et al. [11]. In some cases, these works have looked at situations in which there cannot be an oracle for a particular applica-tion [12], as in the case of non-testable programs; in others, the work has considered the case in which the oracle is sim-ply absent or difficult to implement [7]. Much of the work on applying metamorphic testing to applications without test oracles has focused on specific domains, such as ma-chine learning [24], computational biology [10], or graphics [16]. To our knowledge, we are the first to focus on applying metamorphic testing to the domain of simulation software in general, and health care related simulation software in particular.



In this paper, we have demonstrated that metamorphic testing is an effective technique for testing simulation soft-ware that is used in the field of health care. We provided guidelines for deriving the properties on which the technique relies, and discussed how we used metamorphic testing to systematically test real-world simulation systems for effec-tive discovery of potential defects. We also presented the results of a study that measured the effectiveness of meta-morphic testing, revealing it to be very useful at finding injected defects in medical simulation software.

Future work could expand our study to include more im-plementations of simulation software, and to compare meta-morphic testing to other techniques. Additionally, a pos-sible direction for this research could be to consider using metamorphic testing for validation purposes, i.e., to discover whether the implementation of simulation software suffi-ciently matches the phenomenon it is attempting to model. If a metamorphic property based on domain knowledge and expectation of real-world behavior is violated, it may be the case that the error exists in the understanding of how to simulate the activity, and not in the implementation itself.

As practitioners rely more and more on simulation soft-ware to model the results of medical procedures and related processes, it is clear that the ability to reliably test these applications is critical. We believe that our work is an im-portant first step in improving the quality of simulation soft-ware used in the health care field.



We would like to thank T.Y. Chen for his guidance with metamorphic testing, and Guillaume Viguier-Just and Sandy Wise for their assistance with the JSim software. We also thank Roman Hovorka and Gosia Wilinska for their help with understanding their diabetic patient models including the one we implemented for the experiments presented in this paper.

Murphy and Kaiser are members of the Programming Systems Lab, funded in part by NSF 0717544, CNS-0627473 and CNS-0426623, and NIH 2 U54 CA121852-06. King, Chen, Lee, and Sokolsky are members of the PRE-CISE Center, funded in part by NSF 0834524, CNS-0930647, CNS-1035715, and NSF CNS-0720518. Raunak, Osterweil, and Clarke are members of the Laboratory for Advanced Software Engineering Research, funded in part by CCR-0427071, CCR-0204321 and CCR-0205575.



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