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Minimizing the time to a decision


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Original citation:

Jacka, S., Warren, J. and Windridge, P. (2011). Minimising the time to a decision. Annals of Applied Probability, 21(5), pp. 1795-1826.

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©Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2011



University of Warwick

Suppose we have three independent copies of a regular diffusion on[0,1]

with absorbing boundaries. Of these diffusions, either at least two are ab-sorbed at the upper boundary or at least two at the lower boundary. In this way, they determine a majority decision between 0 and 1. We show that the strategy that always runs the diffusion whose value is currently between the other two reveals the majority decision whilst minimizing the total time spent running the processes.

1. Introduction. LetX1, X2andX3be three independent copies of a regular

diffusion on[0,1]with absorbing boundaries. Eventually, either at least two of the diffusions are absorbed at the upper boundary of the interval or at least two are absorbed at the lower boundary. In this way, the diffusions determine amajority decisionbetween 0 and 1.

In order to identify this decision, we run the three processes—not simultane-ously, but switching from one to another—until we observe at least two of them reaching a common boundary point. Our aim is to switch between the processes in a way that minimizes the total time required to find the majority decision.

More precisely, we allocate our time between the three processes according to a suitably adapted[0,)3-valued increasing processCwith3i=1Ci(t)=t. Such a process is called astrategyandCi(t)represents the amount of time spent observing

Xi aftert ≥0 units of calendar time have elapsed. Accordingly, the process we observe is

XCdef=X1(C1(t)), X2(C2(t)), X3(C3(t));t≥0


and thedecision timeτC for the strategyCis the first time that two components of

XCare absorbed at the same end point of[0,1], that is,

τCdef=inft≥0 :XCi(t)=XCj(t)∈ {0,1}for distincti, j.

In this paper, we find a strategyCthat minimizes this time. Roughly speaking,

C runs whichever diffusion is currently observed to have “middle value” (see Lemma1.4for a precise description). Our main theorem is that the decision time

τC of this strategy is thestochastic minimumof all possible decision times, that is, the following theorem holds.

Received May 2010; revised July 2010.

MSC2010 subject classifications.Primary 93E20; secondary 60J70.

Key words and phrases.Optimal stochastic control, dynamic resource allocation, multiparameter processes, ternary majority.


THEOREM 1.1. The decision time τC of the “run the middle” strategy C given in Lemma1.4satisfies

P(τC> t)=inf


C> t) for everyt0,

where the infimum is taken over all strategies andτCis the corresponding decision time.

The result fits with the existing literature on optimal dynamic resource alloca-tion (see Secalloca-tion1.1below) and we find it interesting in its own right. However, our original motivation for introducing the model came from the so-called “re-cursive ternary majority” problem, which can be described as follows. Take the complete ternary tree onn levels, place independent Bernoulli(1/2) variables on each of the 3n leaves and define internal nodes to take the majority value of their three children. We must find the value of the root node by sequentially revealing leaves, one after the other, paying £1 for each leaf revealed. The quantity of con-cern is the expected costrnof the optimal strategy. Surprisingly, this number is not known forn >3 and there seems little prospect of finding it. Interest has rather focused on the asymptotic behavior ofrn, as this has more relevance in complexity theory. In particular, the limit

γ def= lim n→∞r

1/n n ,

which exists by a sub-additivity argument, has attracted the attention of several researchers recently. The best nontrivial bounds are 9/4≤γ ≤2.471 (the lower bound follows from arguments in Section 3 of [20], the upper bound from numer-ics).

Our idea was to find a better lower bound forγ by considering a continuous ap-proximation to the largentree. It was this continuous approximation that inspired the diffusive model introduced in this paper. However, we caution that the results we present here do not shed light on the value ofγ.


should play whichever machine currently has the largest Gittins index. This is in direct analogy to the discrete time result of Gittins and Jones [10].

There is no optimal strategy of index type for our problem. This reflects the fact that the reward processes associated to running each of the diffusions are not independent—once two of the diffusions are absorbed, it may be pointless to run the third.

In [19], a different dynamic allocation problem is considered. It has a similar flavor in that one must choose the rates at which to run two Brownian motions on [0,1], and we stop once one of the processes hits an endpoint. The rates are chosen to maximize a terminal payoff, as specified by a function defined on the boundary of the square (the generalization of this problem to several Brownian motions is considered in [24]). An optimal strategy is determined by a partition of the square into regions of indifference, preference for the first Brownian motion and preference for the second. However, there is no notion of a reward (cost) being accrued as in our problem.

So, our problem, in which time is costly and there is a terminal cost of infinity for stopping on a part of∂S which does not determine a majority decision, could be seen as lying between continuous bandits and the Brownian switching in [19]. Furthermore, although we adopt the framework of the aforementioned problems, our proof has a different mathematical anatomy.

1.2. Overview of paper. The rest of the paper is laid out as follows. Section1.3

contains a precise statement of the problem and our assumptions and a clarification of Theorem1.1. The proof of this theorem begins in Section2, where we show that the Laplace transform of the distribution of the decision time τC solves certain differential equations. This fact is then used in Section3to show that the tail of

τC solves, in a certain sense, the appropriate Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation. From here, martingale optimality arguments complete the proof. Section4shows the existence and uniqueness of the strategy C and in Section5 we explain the connection between the controlled process and doubly perturbed diffusions. In the final section, we make a conjecture about an extension to the model.

1.3. Problem statement and solution. We are given a complete probability space (,F,P) supporting three independent Itô diffusions (Xi(t), t ≥0), i

V = {1,2,3}, each of which is started in the unit interval[0,1]and absorbed at the endpoints. The diffusions all satisfy the same stochastic differential equation

dXi(t)=σ (Xi(t)) dBi(t)+μ(Xi(t)) dt, t≥0, (1.1)

whereσ:[0,1] →(0,)is continuous,μ:[0,1] →Ris Borel and(Bi(t), t≥0),

iV, are independent Brownian motions.


Markovian setup, that is, there is a family of probability measures(Px, xS) un-der whichX(0)=xalmost surely and the filtrationFi=(Fi(t), t≥0)generated byXi is augmented to satisfy the usual conditions.

From here, we adopt the framework for continuous dynamic allocation models proposed by Mandelbaum in [18]. This approach relies on the theory of multipa-rameter time changes; the reader may consult Appendixfor a short summary of this.

Forη∈R3+, we define theσ-algebra

F(η)def=σ (F1(η1),F2(η2),F3(η3)),

which corresponds to the information revealed by runningXi forηi units of time. The family(F(η), η∈R3+) is called amultiparameter filtrationand satisfies the “usual conditions” of right continuity, completeness and property (F4) of Cairoli and Walsh [4]. It is in terms of this filtration that we define the sense in which our strategies must be adapted.

Astrategyis anR3+-valued stochastic process

C=C1(t),C2(t),C3(t);t≥0 such that:

(C1) fori=1,2,3,Ci(0)=0 andCi(·)is nondecreasing, (C2) for everyt≥0,C1(t)+C2(t)+C3(t)=tand

(C3) C(t)is a stopping “point” of the multiparameter filtration(F(η), η∈R3+), that is,

{C(t)η} ∈F(η) for everyη∈R3+.

REMARK1.2. In the language of multiparameter processes,Cis anoptional increasing pathafter Walsh [25].

REMARK 1.3. Conditions (C1) and (C2) together imply that for any st, |Ci(t)Ci(s)| ≤ts. It follows that the measuredCi is absolutely continuous and so it makes sense to talk about therateC˙i(t)=dCi(t)/dt,t≥0, at whichXi is to be run.

The interpretation is that Ci(t)models the total amount of time spent running

Xiby calendar timet, and accordingly, thecontrolled processXCis defined by

XC(t)def=(X1(C1(t)), X2(C2(t)), X3(C3(t))), t≥0.

Continuity ofCimplies thatXCis a continuous process inS. It is adapted to the (one parameter) filtrationFCdefined by


which satisfies the usual conditions.

Thedecision time τC for a time allocation strategy C is the first time thatXC

hits thedecision set

Ddef=(x1, x2, x3)S:xi=xj ∈ {0,1}for some 1≤i < j ≤3


The objective is to find a strategy whose associated decision time is a stochastic minimum. Clearly, it is possible to do very badly by only ever running one of the processes as a decision may never be reached (these strategies do not need to be ruled out in our model). A more sensible thing to do is to pick two of the processes, and run them until they are absorbed. Only if they disagree do we run the third. This strategy is much better than the pathological one (the decision time is almost surely finite!) but we can do better.

We do not think it is obvious what the best strategy is. In the situation that

X1(0)is close to zero andX3(0)close to one, it is probable thatX1andX3will be

absorbed at different end points of[0,1]. So, ifX2(0)is close to 0.5 say, it seems

likely that X2 will be pivotal and so we initially run it, even though X1 and X3

might be absorbed much more quickly. Our guess is to run the diffusion whose value lies between that of the other two processes. But if all the processes are near one, it is not at all clear that this is the best thing to do. For example, one could be tempted to run the process with largest value in the hope that it will give a decision very quickly.

It turns out that we must always “run the middle.” That is, if, at any moment

t≥0, we haveXC1(t) < X2C(t) < X3C(t), then we should runX2 exclusively until

it hits X1C(t) orX3C(t). We need not concern ourselves with what happens when the processes are equal. This is because there is, almost surely, only one strategy that runs the middle of the three diffusions when they are separated. To state this result, let us say that for a strategy C, component Ci increases at time t≥0 if

Ci(u) >Ci(t)for everyu > t.

LEMMA1.4. There exists a time allocation strategyCwith the property that

(RTM)for eachiV,Ciincreases at timet≥0only if


for some choice{j, k} =V − {i}.

If C is any other strategy with this property, then C(t)=C(t) for all t ≥0

almost surely(with respect to any of the measuresPx).

This lemma is proved in Section4and Theorem1.1states thatCgives a sto-chastic minimum for the decision time.


2. The Laplace transform of the distribution ofτC. The proof of Theo-rem1.1begins by computing the Laplace transform






of the distribution of the decision time.

This nontrivial task is carried out using the “guess and verify” method. Loosely, the guess is inspired by comparing the payoffs of doing something optimal against doing something nearly optimal. This leads to a surprisingly tractable heuristic equation from whichvˆr can be recovered.

The argument which motivates the heuristic proceeds as follows. From any strategy C it is possible to construct (but we omit the details) another strategy,


C, that begins by runningX1 for some small timeh >0 [i.e.,Cˆ(t)=(t,0,0)for

0≤th] and then does not runX1again untilC1exceedsh, if ever. In the

mean-time,C2ˆ andC3ˆ essentially followC2andC3with the effect that onceC1exceedsh,


This means that if the amount of time, C1(τC), thatCspends running X1 is at

leasth, thenτCˆandτCare identical. On the other hand, ifC1(τC) < h, thenCˆruns

X1for longer thanC, with some of the timeCˆspends runningX1being wasted. In

fact, outside a set with probabilityo(h)we have



whereTi=Ci(τC)is the amount of time thatCspends runningXiwhile determin-ing the decision.

We compareCˆwith the strategy that runsX1 for timehand then behaves opti-mally. If we suppose thatCitself is optimal and recall thatvˆr is the corresponding payoff, this yields the inequality

Ex[exp(rτCˆ)] ≤Ex[exp(rh)vˆr(X1(h), X2(0), X3(0))].


Now, we takeC=Cand use (2.1) to see that the left-hand side of (2.2) is equal to




which, in turn, may be written as






On the other hand, if we assumevˆr is suitably smooth, the right-hand side of (2.2) is


vr(x)+h(G1−r)vˆr(x)+o(h), x1∈(0,1),


where we have introduced the differential operatorGi defined by

Gif (x)def

= 1 2σ





After substituting these expressions back into (2.2) and noticing that there was nothing special about choosingX1 to be the process that we moved first, we see




h(Gir)vˆr(x)+o(h) (2.5)

for eachxi(0,1)andiV.

Dividing both sides byh, and taking the limith→0 yields the inequality

(Gir)vˆr(x)≤ −rEx




Now, in some simpler, but nevertheless related problems, we can show that (2.6) is true with anequalityreplacing the inequality. This prompts us to try toconstruct

a function satisfying (2.6) with equality. Our effort culminates in the following.

LEMMA2.1. There exists a continuous functionhr:S→Rsuch that:

hr(x)=1forxD, • the partial derivatives 2hˆr

∂xi∂xj exist and are continuous on {xS\D:xi, xj(0,1)}(for anyi, jV not necessarily distinct)and

furthermore,for eachiV andx /D withxi(0,1),

(Gir)hr(x)= −rfˆri(x),



PROOF. We begin by factorizingfˆri(x)into a product of Laplace transforms of diffusion exit time distributions. This factorization is useful as it allows us to constructhby solving a series of ordinary differential equations. Note that in this proof, we will typically suppress therdependence for notational convenience.

The diffusions all obey the same stochastic differential equation and so we lose nothing by assuming that the components ofx satisfy 0≤x1≤x2≤x3≤1.

Fur-ther, we suppose thatx /Dbecause otherwiseTi=0Px-almost-surely.

In this case,T2>0Px-almost-surely, because for anyt >0, there exist times

t1, t3< t/2 at whichX1(t1) < x1≤x2≤x3< X3(t3)and so it is certain our

strat-egy allocates time toX2. It follows thatfˆ2(x)vanishes.

Now considerfˆ1. There is aPx-negligible set off whichT1=0 occurs if, and

only if, both of the independent diffusionsX2 andX3 exit the interval(X1(0),1)

at the upper boundary. Furthermore,τC is just the sum of the exit times. That is, if

m(i)a def=inf{t >0 :Xi(t)=a}, a∈ [0,1], iV , (2.7)





m(12)<mx(21),m(13)<m (3) x1]


Using independence ofX2 andX3, we have the factorization


f1(x)= 3

i=2 Ex

exp−rm(i)1 1[

m(i)1 <m(i)x1]


Note that our assumptionx /Dguarantees thatx1<1.

To write this more cleanly, let us introduce, for 0≤a < b≤1, the functions





where the expectation operatorEucorresponds to the (marginal) law ofX1when

it begins atu∈ [0,1]. The diffusions obey the same SDE, and so ˆ

f1(x)=h+x 1,1(x2)h

+ x1,1(x3).




f3(x)=h0,x 3(x1)h





exp−rm(i)a 1[

m(i)a <m(i)b ]


We take, as building blocks for the construction of h, the functionsh±0,1, ab-breviated toh± in the sequel. Ifa < bandu∈ [a, b] then by the strong Markov property,




Solving these equations gives










The functions h+ and h− are C2 on (0,1) and continuous on [0,1].

Further-more, they solveGf =rf whereGf def= 12σ2(·)f . In light of this, and remember-ing our assumption that the components ofxare ordered, we will look for functions

λ+andλ−ofx1andx3such that

h(x)=λ(x1, x3)h(x2)+λ+(x1, x3)h+(x2)



To get started, plug (2.10) and (2.11) into (2.8) and (2.9) to see thatfˆi(x)has a linear dependence onh+(x2)andh(x2), that is,


fi(x)=ψi(x1, x3)h(x2)+ψ+i(x1, x3)h+(x2),


ψ+1(x1, x3) def

= h(x1)h+(x3)h(x3)h+(x1) h(x1)


ψ1(x1, x3) def

= −h+(x1) h(x1)

ψ+1(x1, x3),

ψ3(x1, x3)def=

h(x1)h+(x3)h(x3)h+(x1) h+(x3)



ψ+3(x1, x3) def

= −h(x3)


ψ+3(x1, x3).

Linearity of the operator(Gir)and linear independence ofh−andh+ then show the requirement that(Gir)h= −rfˆi boils down to requiring

(Gir)λ±= −±i.

Of course, the corresponding homogeneous equations are solved with linear combinations of h+andh−—what remains is the essentially computational task of finding particular integrals and some constants.

This endeavour begins with repeated application of Lagrange’s variation of pa-rameters method, determining constants using the boundary conditionsh(x)=1 forxDwhere possible. Eventually, we are left wanting only for real constants, an unknown function ofx1 and a function ofx3. At this point, we appeal to the

“smooth pasting” conditions





=0, i, jV .


After some manipulation, we are furnished with differential equations for our unknown functions and equations for the constants. These we solve with little dif-ficulty and, in doing so, determine that

λ(x1, x3)=h(x1)h+(x1)h+(x3)



(d/du)h(u) h+(u)2 du




(d/du)h+(u) h(u)2 du

+2rh(x3) φ




σ (u)h(u)





λ+(x1, x3)=h+(x3)+h(x1)h(x3)



(d/du)h+(u) h(u)2 du




(d/du)h(u) h+(u)2 du






σ (u)h+(u)




whereφ denotes the constant value of the Wronskian h(u)dud h+(u)h+(u)×



These expressions forλ±are valid for anyxnot lying inDwith weakly ordered components; sohis defined outside ofD via (2.12). Naturally, we definehto be equal to one onD.

Having definedh, we now show that it is continuous and has the required par-tial derivatives. Continuity is inherited from h+ andh− on the whole ofS apart from at the exceptional corner points (0,0,0) and (1,1,1) in D. For these two points, a few lines of justification are needed. We shall demonstrate continuity at the origin, continuity at the upper right-hand corner(1,1,1)follows by the same argument. Letxnbe a sequence of points inS that converge to(0,0,0); we must showh(xn)h(0,0,0)=1. Without loss of generality, assume that the compo-nents of xn are ordered x1nx2nx3n and that xn is not in D [if xnD, then

h(xn)=1 and it may be discarded from the sequence]. From the expression (2.12) forh, we see that it is sufficient to check that

(i) λ(x1n, x3n)→1 and (ii) h+(x2n)λ+(x1n, x3n)→0,

sinceh(x2n)→1. For (i), the only doubt is that the term involving the first integral in the expression forλ−does not vanish in the limit. The fact that it does can be proved by the Dominated Convergence theorem. The term is




(∂/∂u)h(u) h+(u)2 du=




h+(x1n)h+(x3n) h+(u)2


(u) du.

The ratio h+(x

n 1)h+(xn3)

h+(u)2 is bounded above by one when u > x


3 ≥x


1 sinceh+ is

increasing. Further, the derivative ofh−is integrable and so the integrand is dom-inated by an integrable function, and converges to zero.

For the second limit (ii), there are two terms to check. First, that






follows from essentially the same argument as before. The second term of concern is





σ (u)h+(u)



Again, one may write this as the integral of a dominated function (recalling that

σ is bounded away from zero) that converges to zero. Thus, the integral above converges to zero as required.

Now that we have established continuity ofh, we can begin tackling the partial derivatives.

When the components ofxare distinct, differentiability comes from that of our building blocksh+ andh−. It is at the switching boundaries, when two or more components are equal, where we have to be careful. The key here is to remember that we constructedhto satisfy the smooth pasting property (2.13)—this allows us to show that the one-sided partial derivatives are equal at the switching boundaries. For example, provided the limit exists,


h(x1, x2, x3)



= lim ε→0



h(x1+ε, x1, x1)h(x1, x1, x1)


Using (2.12) and the differentiability ofλ, the limit from above is


λ(x1, x3)h(x2)+λ+(x1, x3)h+(x2)

x1=x2=x3 .

This is equal to the limit from below,


λ(x1, x3)h(x2)+λ+(x1, x3)h+(x2)

x1=x2=x3 ,

by the smooth pasting property. The other first-order partial derivatives exist by similar arguments. Note that we do not include in our hypothesis the requirement that these first-order partial derivatives exist at the boundary points of the interval. The second-order derivatives are only slightly more laborious to check. As be-fore it is at switching boundaries where we must take care in checking that the limits from above and below agree. For the partial derivatives 2

∂xi2hat a point x not inD with xi(0,1), we equate the limits using the fact that(Gir)h(x) vanishes wheneverxiis equal to another component ofx rather than smooth past-ing. For the mixed partial derivatives, we use a different argument. When exactly two components are equal, there is no problem. This is a consequence of the form (2.12) ofh—one component enters through the termsh+andh−while the other two components enter throughλ+andλ−. For example, ifx1=x2< x3, then

2 ∂x1∂x2

h(x1, x2, x3)


= dh

dx1 (x1)


λ(x1, x3)


dh+ dx1




regardless of how the switching boundary is approached. When all three compo-nents are equal, we must check that

2h ∂x1∂x3

(x1, x2, x3)


= 2h


(x1, x2, x3)


= 2h


(x1, x2, x3)

x1=x2=x3 .

This is straightforward to do. Thus,hhas all of the properties we required.

From here, we need a verification lemma to check that the function we con-structed really is equal tovˆr. The following result does just that, and, as a corollary, shows thatvˆr is maximal among Laplace transforms of decision time distributions (note that this is weaker than the stochastic minimality claimed in Theorem1.1). The result is essentially that Bellman’s principle of optimality holds (specialists in optimal control will notice that the function we constructed in Lemma2.1satisfies the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation).

LEMMA2.2. Suppose thathr:S→Rsatisfies: • hr is continuous onS,

fori, jV, 2hr

∂xi∂xj exists and is continuous on{xS\D:xi, xj(0,1)},

hr(x)=1forxD, • (Gir)hr(x)≤0.



C Ex[exp( C)].

Furthermore, if (Gir)hr(x) vanishes whenever xjxixk (under some


hr(x)= ˆvr(x)=Ex[exp(rτC


PROOF. Let C be an arbitrary strategy and define the function g:S × [0,) →R by g(x, t) def= exp(rt)hr(x). Then, by hypothesis, g is C2,1 on

(0,1)3 × [0,). Thus, if dist denotes Euclidean distance and ρn


= inf{t ≥0 : dist(XC(t), ∂S) < n−1}, Itô’s formula shows that

g(XC(ρn), ρn)g(XC(0),0)=

i ρn

0 ∂xi

g(XC(s), s) dXiC(s)

+ ρn

0 ∂tg(X

C(s), s) ds

+1 2

i,j ρn


2 ∂xi∂xj


Theorem A.2 implies [XCi]s = [Xi]Ci(s) and that XCi and XCj are orthogonal martingales. Hence, using absolute continuity ofCand Proposition 1.5, Chapter V of [23],

g(XC(ρn), ρn)g(XC(0),0)=

i ρn

0 ∂xi

g(XC(s), s) dXiC(s)

+ i


0 exp(rs)(G

ir)h(XC(s))C˙ i(s) ds.

The integrand of the stochastic integral against the square integrable martingale

XCi is continuous and hence bounded on each compact subset of(0,1)3. Thus, the integral’s expectation vanishes, that is,

Ex ρn

0 ∂xi

g(XC(s), s) dXiC(s)


Next, the fact that(Gir)his not positive gives

Ex ρn

0 exp(rs)(G

ir)h(XC(s))C˙ i(s) ds


and so

Ex[exp(rρn)h(XC(ρn))] −h(x)≤0. (2.14)

Now, the timesρntaken forXCto come within distancen−1of the boundary of

S converge toρdef=inf{t≥0 :XC(t)∂S}asn→ ∞. So, the continuity ofhand the Dominated Convergence theorem together imply

Ex[exp(rρ)h(XC(ρ))] ≤h(x). (2.15)

In summary, inequality (2.15) arises by applying the three dimensional Itô for-mula to gcomposed with the controlled process stopped inside (0,1)3 and then using continuity ofh. But, from timeρ onward, our controlled process runs on a face or an edge of the cube and Itô’s formula in three dimensions does not apply. This is not a problem though—a similar argument with Itô’s formula in one (or two) dimensions does the trick. That is, ifρ denotes the first time thatXChits an edge ofS(so 0≤ρρτC), then both

Ex[exp(rρ)h(XC(ρ))−exp(rρ)h(XC(ρ))] ≤0 (2.16)


Ex[exp(rτC)h(XC(τC))−exp( )h(XC(ρ))] ≤0. (2.17)

Summing these differences and using the boundary conditionh(x)=1 forxDyields


Thus,his an upper bound for the Laplace transform of the distribution of the decision time arising from any strategy. It remains to prove that his equal to the Laplace transformvˆr.

Suppose thatCis the strategyCfrom Lemma1.4, then for almost everys≥0, ˙

Ci(s) is positive only when XCj(s)XCi(s)XkC(s) under some labeling. So,

(Gir)h(XC(s))C˙i(s)vanishes for almost everys≥0 and (2.14) is an equality. Taking limits show that (2.15)–(2.17) are also equalities.

So,vˆr is twice differentiable in each component and satisfies the heuristic equa-tion

(Gir)vˆr(x)= −rfˆri(x), x /D, xi(0,1). (2.18)

In the next section, we will show thatPx(τC

> t)is the probabilistic solution to certain parabolic partial differential equations. To do this, we need to rewritevˆr in a more suitable form. Introduce the notation X(1)(t)=(X1(t), X2(0), X3(0)), X(2)(t) =(X1(0), X2(2), X3(0)) and X(3)(t)=(X1(0), X2(0), X3(t)) for each t≥0. We defineρ(i)to be the absorption time ofXi, that is,

ρ(i)def=inf{t≥0 :Xi(t) /(0,1)}.

LEMMA2.3. For anyx /D,vˆr can be written as








friX(i)(s)exp(rs) ds


PROOF. Fixx /D, then the functionxi→ ˆvr(x) isC2 on (0,1) andC0 on [0,1]. Introduce the a.s. finiteFistopping timeρn(i)


=inf{t≥0 :Xi(t) /(n−1,1−

n−1)}, so Itô’s formula (in one dimension) gives


X(i)ρn(i)− ˆvr(X(0))

= ρ

(i) n


exp(rs) ∂xiˆ



+ ρ

(i) n

0 exp(rs)(G

ir)vˆ r


The function ∂x

ivˆr is continuous on(0,1)and hence bounded on the compact

sets[n−1,1−n−1]. It follows that the expectation of the stochastic integral against

dXi vanishes. So, using equation (2.18),





+rEx ρn(i)

0 exp(rs)




The stopping timesρn(i)converge toρ(i)asn→ ∞and so by continuity ofXi, ˆ

vr, the exponential function and the integral,





ρ(i) n

0 exp(rs)




0 exp(rs)



To finish the proof, use the Dominated Convergence theorem to exchange the limit and expectation.

REMARK2.4. We can generalize our heuristic argument to value functions of the form

J (x, t)def=Ex[g(τC

+t)], xS, t≥0,

for differentiableg. The heuristic equation reads



J (x, t)=Ex




Equation (2.18) is the specialization g(t)=exp(rt). Such a choice of g

is helpful because it effectively removes the time dependence in (2.19), mak-ing it easier to solve. The benefit is the same if g is linear and it is not diffi-cult to construct and verify (as we did in Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2) an explicit ex-pression for J (x)def= Ex[τC

]. In terms of the expected absorption times G(u)=

Eu[m(01)∧m(11)]and integrals





(1−u)kdu and Jk(x3)


= 1 x3


uk du, k∈N,

the expression forJ reads

J (x)=G(x2)+(1−x1)−2G(x1)













3. A representation forPxC

> T ). The aim of this section is to connect the tail probabilityv:S× [0,)→ [0,1]defined by

v(x, t)def=Px(τC


to the formula forvˆr from Lemma2.3. Before continuing, let us explain the key idea. Just for a moment, suppose thatvis smooth and consider the Laplace trans-form of(Gi∂t∂)v(x,·). It is straightforward to show that the Laplace transform ofvsatisfies [see (3.4)]


v(x, t)exp(rt) dt=r−11− ˆvr(x)


BringingGi through the integral and integrating by parts int,

0 exp(rt)



v(x, t) dt= −r−1(Gir)vˆr(x).

Combining this with the heuristic equation (2.18) gives





v(x, t) dt= ˆfri(x).


This shows that(Gi∂t∂)vis nonnegative (i.e.,vsatisfies the associated Hamilton– Jacobi–Bellman equation). From here, one could use Itô’s formula (cf. the proof of Lemma2.2) to see that(v(XC(t), Tt),0≤tT )is a sub-martingale for any strategyC. In particular,

Px(τC> T )=Ex[v(XC(T ),0)] ≥v(x, T ).

So, ideally, to prove Theorem1.1, we would establish thatvis smooth enough to apply Itô’s formula. We are given some hope, by noticing that if we can show thatfˆri(x) is the Laplace transform of a functionfi(x, t) say, then (3.1) implies thatvsolves



v=fi. (3.2)

We can show such a densityfi exists (Lemma3.1below) but not that it is Hölder continuous. Unfortunately, without the latter, we cannot show that (3.2) has a clas-sical solution. Nevertheless, we can deduce the sub-martingale inequality by show-ing merely thatvsolves (3.2) in a weaker sense (Lemma3.2).

To commence, let us first verify the claim thatfˆri is the Laplace transform of a function.

LEMMA3.1. For eachx /DandiV,the Borel measureB→Px(τC

B, Ti=0)has a(defective)densityfi:S× [0,)→ [0,),that is,


dt, Ti=0)=fi(x, t) dt, t≥0.

PROOF. Suppose that 0≤x1≤x2≤x3≤1. Then the eventT2=0 isPx null and consequentlyPx(τC


Existence of a density forPx(τC

dt, Ti=0),i=1,3, is essentially a corol-lary of the decomposition ofτC on{Ti=0}which was discussed in the proof of Lemma2.1. Let us consider the casei=1 (i=3 is similar). Recall that ifm(i)a is the first hitting time ofabyXiandx1≤x2≤x3 then


B, T1=0)=Px


The right-hand side is the convolution of the sub-probability measures


m(i)1 ∈ ·,m(i)1 <m(i)x1, i=1,2.

Now, ifx1=x2, thenT1>0 almost surely underPx. Furthermore, the assump-tionsx2≤x3andx /Dimplyx2<1. So, we may assume thatx2is in the interval (x1,1). In this case, {m(12)<m(x21)} is not null and X2 can be conditioned, via a

Doobh-transform, to exit (x1,1)at the upper boundary. That is, under the

mea-sure Px2(·|m


1 <m


x1), X2 is a regular diffusion on (x1,1] with generator G


defined byGhf =(1/ h)G(hf ), where

h(x2) def




(e.g., Corollary 2.4, page 289 of [22]) with absorption at 1. In particular, the law of the first hitting time,Px(m(12)∈ ·|m1(2)<m(x21)), has a density (page 154 of [12]).



m(12)∈ ·,m1(2)<m(x21)=Px

m(12)∈ ·|m1(2)<m(x21)Px


is also absolutely continuous and Px(τC

∈ ·, T1=0) is the convolution of two

measures, at least one of which has a density.

The next step is to show thatvsolves (3.2) in a probabilistic sense.

LEMMA3.2. FixiV and define the functionu:S× [0,)→Rby

u(x, t)def=Ex



0 fi

X(i)(s), tsds



where ρ(i)=inf{t ≥ 0 :Xi(t) /(0,1)} and fi is the density from Lemma 3.1.


(a) for eachx /D,u(x,·)has the same Laplace transform asv(x,·), (b) bothu(x,·)andv(x,·)are right continuous,and as a result,

(c) the tail probability v is equal to uand so has the representation given in


PROOF. (a) The Laplace transform of the tail probability is, forx /D,


v(x, t)exp(rt) dt=Ex



>t]exp(rt) dt

=Ex τC

0 exp(rt) dt

=r−11− ˆvr(x)


using Fubini’s theorem to get the first equality (the integrand is nonnegative). Fur-thermore, forxD, bothv(x, t)and 1− ˆvr(x)vanish and so in fact, foranyxS we have


v(x, t)exp(rt) dt=r−11− ˆvr(x)



Now, we consider the Laplace transform of u. By linearity of the expectation operator,

u(x, t)=Ex



0 fi

X(i)(s), tsds


First, consider the Laplace transform of the first member of the right-hand side:

0 Ex

vX(i)tρ(i),tρ(i)+exp(rt) dt.

Applying Fubini’s theorem, the preceding expression becomes



vX(i)tρ(i),tρ(i)+exp(rt) dt


which can be decomposed into the sum

Ex ρ(i)


vX(i)(t),0exp(rt) dt



X(i)ρ(i), tρ(i)exp(rt) dt


The first term in the sum is

Ex ρ(i)

0 v

X(i)(t),0exp(rt) dt




because whenx /D, Px-almost-surely we haveX(i)(t) /D for t < ρ(i). As for the second term, we shift the variable of integration tou=tρ(i) and then use (3.4) to show that it is equal to


exp−rρ(i)1− ˆvr



The treatment of

0 Ex


0 fi

X(i)(s), tsds

exp(rt) dt


proceeds in a similar fashion—exchange the expectation and outer integral and then decompose the integrals intot < ρ(i)andtρ(i). The integral overt < ρ(i)

is Ex ρ(i) 0 t 0 fi

X(i)(s), tsdsexp(rt) dt


Exchanging the integrals int andsgives

Ex ρ(i)



s fi

X(i)(s), tsexp(rt) dt ds


For the integral overtρ(i), we again exchange the integrals intands to give

Ex ρ(i)



X(i)(s), tsexp(rt) dt ds


Summing these final two expressions and substitutingu=tsshows that (3.7) is equal to

Ex ρ(i)


0 fi

X(i)(s), uexp(ru) duexp(rs) ds


The Laplace transform is a linear operator, and so we may sum (3.5)–(3.7) to show that the Laplace transform ofuis equal to





+Ex ρ(i)



friX(i)(s)exp(rs) ds


where we have used

0 fi(x, u)exp(rt) du= ˆf

i r(x)

forx /D.

But, (3.8) is exactly what we get by substituting the representation forvˆr from Lemma (2.3) into (3.4), and so we are done.

(b) Right-continuity ofvintfollows from the Monotone Convergence theorem. A little more work is required to see thatuis right-continuous. We begin by ob-serving that ifρ(i)> t thenXi has not been absorbed by timetand so, ifx /D, there is aPx-negligible set outside of whichX(i)(t) /D.

It follows that {X(i)(t) /D, ρ(i)> t} = {ρ(i)> t}up to a null set. Combining this with the fact thatv(·,0)=1/D]shows





The latter is right-continuous in t by the Monotone Convergence theorem. The complementary expectation



is equal to


vX(i)ρ(i), tρ(i)1[ρ(i)t]


the right continuity of which follows from that of v and the indicator 1(i)≤t],

together with the Dominated Convergence theorem. We now consider the expectation of the integral,



0 fi

X(i)(s), tsds


Using Fubini’s theorem, we may exchange the integral and expectation to get t

0 Ex


X(i)(s), ts1(i)>s]



This suggests the introduction of(ps†;s≥0), the transition kernel ofXi killed (and sent to a cemetery state) on leaving(0,1). Such a density exists by the argu-ments in Section 4.11 of [12].

For notational ease, let us assumei=1, then (3.9) can be written t



0 p

s(x1, y)f1

(y, x2, x3), ts

dy ds.

Finally, changing the variable of integration froms tos =ts gives t




pts(x1, y)f1

(y, x2, x3), s

dy ds ,

and so regularity of (3.9) intis inherited fromp†. This is sufficient becausept†is continuous int >0 (again see [12]).

(c) It follows from (a) that for each x /D, u(x, t) and v(x, t) are equal for almost everyt≥0. Hence, right continuity is enough to showv(x, t)=u(x, t)for everyt≥0.


DEFINITION3.3 (ε-strategy). Forε >0 we letεdenote the set of strategies

such that for any integerk0,


k, t(k+1)ε,

where ξk takes values in the set of standard basis elements {(1,0,0), (0,1,0),


LEMMA 3.4. Suppose xS and 0 ≤ tT, then the following sub-martingale inequalities hold.

(a) ForiV,


vX(i)(t), Ttv(x, T ).

(b) IfCεεthen


vXCε(t), Ttv(x, T ).

PROOF. Consider first the quantity


EX(i)(t )



Our Markovian setup comes with a shift operatorθ =θ(i) forX(i) defined by

X(i)θs(ω, t)=X(i)(θsω, t)=X(i)(ω, s+t)for eachω. Using the Markov property ofX(i), (3.10) becomes





From here, use the Tower Property and the fact thatρ(i)θt =(ρ(i)t)∨0 to find that (3.10) equals




We can give a similar treatment for


EX(i)(t )

(T−t )∧ρ(i)



X(i)(s), Ttsds



Again using the Markov property ofX(i), (3.12) becomes



(Tt )ρ(i)

0 fi

X(i)(s), TtsdsθtFi(t)


Substituting in forX(i)θt andρ(i)θt and using the Tower Property, the latter expectation is seen to be


(Tt )(ρ(i)t )∨0

0 fi

X(i)(s+t), Ttsds


Now make the substitutionu=s +t in the integral and use the fact that fi is nonnegative to show that (3.12) is less than or equal to





X(i)(u), Tudu



The final step is to note that, by Lemma3.2,

v(x, Tt)=Ex



(Tt )ρ(i)


fX(i)(s), Ttsds


and soEx[v(X(i)(t), Tt)]is equal to (3.10) minus (3.12), which by the argument above is greater than or equal to






X(i)(u), Tudu


Again appealing to Lemma3.2shows that the latter is exactlyv(x, T ). (b) It is sufficient to prove that fort(k+1we have


vXCε(t), Tt|FCε(kε)vXCε(kε), Tkε.


The desired result then follows by applying the Tower Property of conditional expectation and iterating this inequality. If XCε enjoys the Markov property, this inequality follows from (a), but in general our strategies can be non-Markov so we must do a little extra work.

Let us take νdef= Cε(kε) and Hdef= FCε(kε). Then ν takes values in the grid


= {0, ε,2ε, . . .}3 andHimplies that∩ {ν=z}is an element of theσ -field F(z)=σ (F1(z1), . . . ,F3(z3)) for zZ. It follows from the definition of

conditional expectation thatPx-almost-surely we have

Ex(·|H)=Ex(·|F(z)) on{ν=z}. (3.15)

Now, suppose thatξk∈ {(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)}defines the process that runs during the interval(kε, (k+1)ε), that is,

(t)=Cε(kε)+(tkε)ξk, kε < t < (k+1)ε.

By continuity of Ciε and right-continuity of FCε (Lemma A.1), ξk must be H -measurable. So, ifAdef=AAA3withAi Borel measurable for eachiV, (3.15) gives the equality


1[ν=z,X(t )A,ξ k=ei]|H





Next, we use the facts that1[Xj(zj)Aj]isF(z)measurable for eachj and that

the filtrationFi ofXi is independent ofFj forj=i, to show that the preceding expression is equal to




Finally, the Markov property ofXiallows us to write this as




AsE·[v(X(i)(t), s)]is Borel measurable for anys, t≥0, this is enough to con-clude that in our original notation, on{ξk=ei},


vXCε(t), Tt|FCε(kε)=EX(kε)vX(i)(tkε), Tt.


But part (a) shows that


vX(i)(tkε), (Tkε)(tkε)v(x, Tkε),

and so the right-hand side of (3.16) is greater than or equal tov(XCε(kε), Tkε).

3.1. Proof of Theorem1.1. It is now relatively painless to combine the ingre-dients above. We take an arbitrary strategyC, use LemmaA.3to approximate it by the family,ε >0, and then use Lemma3.4part (b) witht=T ≥0 to show that



> T )=Ex[v(XC


(T ),0)] ≥v(x, T )

for anyx /D(equality holds trivially forxD).

The approximations are such thatC(t)Cε(t+Mε)for some constantM >0. Thus,τCt implies thatτCεt+. More usefully, the contrapositive is that

τCε > t +impliesτC> t and so monotonicity of the probability measurePx then ensures

Px(τC> t)≥Px(τC


> t+Mε)v(x, t+Mε).

Taking the limitε→0 and using right continuity ofv(x, t)int completes the proof.

4. Existence and almost sure uniqueness ofC. In this section, we give a proof for Lemma 1.4. Recall that we wish to study strategies C that satisfy the property (RTM) for eachiV, Ci increases at timet ≥0 [i.e., for every s > t,

Ci(s) >Ci(t)] only if


for some choice{j, k} =V − {i}.


LEMMA 4.1. Suppose that(Yi(t);t≥0),i=1,2,are independent and

iden-tically distributed regular Itô diffusions on R, beginning at the origin and with complete,right continuous filtrations(Hi(t);t≥0).Then:

(a) There exists a strategy γ =1(t), γ2(t);t≥0) [with respect to the mul-tiparameter filtration H=(σ (H1(z1),H2(z2));z∈R2+)] such that γi increases

only at timest≥0with


that is,“γ follows the minimum ofY1andY2.

(b) Ifγ is another strategy with this property,then,almost surely,γ (t)=γ (t) for everyt≥0.That is,γ is a.s.unique.

(c) The maximumY1γ(t)Y2γ(t)increases witht.

We first consider the question of uniqueness, it will then be obvious how C must be defined. Suppose thatCis a strategy satisfying (RTM).

If X1(0) < X2(0)=X3(0), thenC cannot run X1 (i.e., C1 does not increase)

before the first timeνthat eitherXC2 orXC3 hitX1(0). Until then (or until a decision

is made, whichever comes first),C2may increase only at timest≥0 whenX2C(t)XC3(t)andC3 only when X3C(t)XC2(t). Hence, onτCνt, the value ofC(t)

is determined by the strategy in Lemma4.1. Now,X2CXC3 increases during this time, and so ifν < τC, we have

X1(0)=X1C(ν)=XC2(ν)XC3(ν) < XC2(ν)XC3(ν).

So again, we are in a position to apply the argument above, and can do so repeat-edly until a decision is made. In fact, it takes only a finite number of iterations of the argument to determineC(t)for eacht≥0 (onτCt) because each diffusion

Xi is continuous, the minimum X1CXC2 ∧X3C is decreasing and the maximum XC1X2CX3C increasing. If X1(0) < X2(0) < X3(0), then C must run X2

ex-clusively until it hits either X1(0)orX3(0). From then on, the arguments of the

previous case apply.

The remaining possibility is thatX1(0)=X2(0)=X3(0)=a(0,1). We shall

define random timesνε, 0< ε < (1−a)a, such that:

C(νε)is determined by the property (RTM), • under some labeling, either

aε < XC1(νε) < a < X2C(νε)=XC3(νε)=a+ε


aε=XC1(νε)=X2C(νε) < a < XC3(νε) < a+ε



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