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The Department of Accounting


Academic year: 2021

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The Department of Accounting

409 Business Bldg. · Box 19468 · 817-272-3481

wweb.uta.edu/accounting · [email protected]

Student Advising: 107 Business Bldg. · Box 19366 · 817-272-3368


Careers in Accounting

Accountants serve as analysts, consultants, and problem-solvers in business and government. Earning an accounting degree opens up a diverse array of career opportunities including: partner in an international accounting or consulting firm, corporate controller, chief financial officer, director of internal auditing, financial planner, or commercial lender. Compensation is highly competitive with excellent geographic mobility. Upward career mobility is outstanding. Students of accounting learn to use and control information technology systems, prepare and analyze financial reports, structure business transactions, and develop effective business plans. Individuals who like being challenged by a variety of situations and technologies and who enjoy identifying, analyzing, and solving problems are well-suited to majoring in accounting.

Mission of the Department

The mission of the Department of Accounting is to: (1) prepare students from diverse backgrounds for professional careers in accounting, (2) create, interpret, and disseminate knowledge of accounting, and (3) provide service to the University and accounting profession.

Overview of Degree Programs

To support its mission, the Department of Accounting offers two undergraduate degree

programs: the Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in accounting and the Bachelor of Science with a major in accounting. Both degree programs provide accounting and business knowledge sufficient to enable the pursuit of professional opportunities in government, industry, and public practice. The Bachelor of Business Administration degree is intended for those individuals who seek a broader education while the Bachelor of Science degree is appropriate for individuals who wish to complete significant course work in a related business discipline such as finance, economics, or information systems.

The Department of Accounting also offers a Professional Program in Accounting (PPIA) for students who wish to pursue both a bachelor's and master's degree in accounting. Students accepted into the PPIA program are generally required to complete fewer courses to earn both degrees than non-participants.

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog



The Department of Accounting is fully accredited by the AACSB-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The department is also a member of the Federation of Schools of Accountancy.

Course Requirements

Students must meet all lower division requirements before enrolling for upper division courses. Specified prerequisites are designated for certain courses. Waiver of either of the above will require consent of the instructor and approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies of the College of Business.

Transfer Credit

Acceptance of transfer credit for accounting courses will generally be limited to those courses taught in the freshman and sophomore years in the Department of Accounting at UT Arlington. Junior and senior level accounting courses taught at UT Arlington, but completed at another institution, must be validated if they are to be used to fulfill degree requirements for an undergraduate degree in accounting. Courses are ordinarily validated from an examination of course materials and acceptable performance on a validation examination. Students must earn a grade of C or higher on the validation examination for transfer credit. Information about the validation examination can be obtained from the undergraduate advisor.

Entrance Examination for ACCT 3311 (Intermediate I)

A student's performance in ACCT 3311 (Intermediate I) is often viewed as an important indicator of aptitude for success in the accounting profession. To help ensure that each student enrolling in ACCT 3311 has the preparation to succeed, student must pass an entrance examination prior to enrolling in ACCT 3311. Students who score in the top one-third of a UT-Arlington Accounting 2301 comprehensive exam (with no less than a B on that exam), and earn a B or better in the UT-Arlington ACCT 2301 are exempt from the ACCT 3311 entrance examination. Details regarding this entrance examination may be obtained on the departmental website.

Degree Progress and Major Dismissal

Students who have been admitted to an accounting degree program must maintain satisfactory progress in their field of study. Declared accounting majors are subject to dismissal from accounting degree programs and will not be permitted to continue to enroll in accounting courses at UT Arlington if they:

• Receive a grade of D or F in more than two upper level accounting courses, or • Receive a combination of grades of D or F on two attempts of the same accounting


The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


Graduation Requirements

In addition to requirements imposed by the University and College of Business, students must earn a grade of C or higher in each accounting course presented to satisfy the requirements for a degree with a major in accounting.

Requirements for a Bachelor of Business Administration

Degree (Accounting Option)


1301 and 1302.


Three hours above the freshman level.

Liberal Arts Elective

Three hours of sophomore level literature, or social and cultural studies designated as taught in the College of Liberal Arts, or fine arts, or philosophy, or technical writing.

Political Science

2311, 2312.


1311, 1312.


1315 and 1316.

Natural Science

Eight hours in lab science (biology, chemistry, geology and/or physics).

Fine Arts

Three hours from architecture, art, dance, music, or theatre arts.

Social/Cultural Studies

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


MANA 2302.

Oral Communication

COMS 1301 or 2305.

Computer Literacy

INSY 2303.

Business Communications

BCOM 3360.

Business Statistics


Operations Management


Business Law







3318, 4322.


2305, 2306, and three hours of advanced economics electives.


The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


2301, 2302, 3303, 3311, 3312, 3315, 4302, 4318, 4304 or 4325.

Business Electives

Twelve hours of advanced business, management, marketing, finance, information systems, economics, or operations management. All electives must be selected with the approval of the accounting advisor.


122 semester hours.

Suggested Course Sequence

Freshman Year

First Semester: ENGL 1301; HIST 1311; Natural Science, 4 hours; MATH 1315; COMS 1301 or 2305-Total Credit 16 hours.

Second Semester: ENGL 1302; HIST 1312; Natural Science, 4 hours; MATH 1316; Fine Arts, 3 hours-Total Credit 16 hours.

Sophomore Year

First Semester: Literature, 3 hours; POLS 2311; ECON 2305; ACCT 2301; INSY 2303-Total Credit 15 hours.

Second Semester: Liberal Arts Elective, 3 hours; POLS 2312; ECON 2306; ACCT 2302; MANA 2302-Total Credit 15 hours.

Junior Year

First Semester: ACCT 3303; ACCT 3311; BSTAT 3321; Advanced Economics Elective, 3 hours; BCOM 3360 -Total Credit 15 hours.

Second Semester: ACCT 3312; ACCT 3315; BLAW 3310; FINA 3313; MANA 3318-Total Credit 15 hours.

Senior Year

First Semester: ACCT 4302; ACCT 4318; MARK 3321; Advanced Business Electives, 6 hours-Total Credit 15 hours.

Second Semester: ACCT 4304 or ACCT 4325; OPMA 3306; Advanced Business Electives, 6 hours; MANA 4322-Total Credit 15 hours.

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in



1301 and 1302.


Three hours above the freshman level.

Liberal Arts Elective

Three hours of sophomore level literature, or social and cultural studies designated as taught in the College of Liberal Arts, or fine arts, or philosophy, or technical writing.

Political Science

2311 and 2312.


1311 and 1312.


1315 and 1316.

Natural Science

Eight hours in lab science (biology, chemistry, geology and/or physics).

Fine Arts

Three hours from architecture, art, dance, music, or theatre arts.

Social/Cultural Studies

Three hours from courses approved by the University as satisfying this requirement. Management 2302 is recommended to satisfy this requirement.

Oral Communication

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


COMS 1301 or 2305.

Computer Literacy

INSY 2303.

Outside Electives

Sufficient to give the total number of hours required for the degree.

Business Communications

BCOM 3360.

Business Statistics


Business Law







3318, 4322.


2305, 2306, and a three hour advanced economics elective.


2301, 2302, 3303, 3311, 3312, 3315, 4302, 4318, 4304 or 4325.

Business Electives

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


Fifteen hours of advanced business electives. All electives must be selected with the approval of the accounting advisor.


122 semester hours.

Suggested Course Sequence

Freshman Year

First Semester: ENGL 1301; HIST 1311; Natural Science, 4 hours; MATH 1315; COMS 1301 or 2305-Total Credit 16 hours

Second Semester: ENGL 1302; HIST 1312; Natural Science, 4 hours; MATH 1316; Fine Arts, 3 hours-Total Credit 16 hours

Sophomore Year

First Semester: Literature, 3 hours; POLS 2311; ECON 2305; ACCT 2301; INSY 2303-Total Credit 15 hours

Second Semester: Liberal Arts Elective, 3 hours; POLS 2312; ECON 2306; ACCT 2302; Social/Cultural Studies*, 3 hours-Total Credit 15 hours

Junior Year

First Semester: ACCT 3303; ACCT 3311; BSTAT 3321; Advanced Economics Elective, 3 hours; BCOM 3360 -Total Credit 15 hours.

Second Semester: ACCT 3312; ACCT 3315; FINA 3313; BLAW 3310; MANA 3318-Total Credit 15 hours.

Senior Year

First Semester: ACCT 4302; ACCT 4318; MARK 3321; Advanced Business Electives; 6 hours-Total Credit 15 hours.

Second Semester: ACCT 4304 or ACCT 4325; MANA 4322; Advanced Business Elective, 9 hours-Total Credit 15 hours.

*If ECON 2305 is used to satisfy both three hours of the economics requirement and the Social/Cultural Studies requirement, then the program of work will include three hours of outside electives.

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


Recommended Advanced Business Electives

Finance Industry Track

• ECON 3303 - Money and Banking

• FINA 3317 - Financial Institutions and Markets • FINA 4311 - Money and Capital Markets

• FINA 4315 - Advanced Financial Analysis • FINA 4320 - Capital Budgeting

Professional Program in Accounting

This program emphasizes preparation for a career as a professional accountant, including preparation for the Certified Public Accountant designation. Most states, including Texas, require completion of at least 150 semester hours of college study of which at least 36 semester hours must be in accounting for an individual to be licensed as a Certified Public Accountant. The Professional Program in Accounting is designed to fulfill these requirements and allow the simultaneous granting of a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. Students accepted into the PPIA program are generally to complete fewer courses to earn both degree than


During the last semester of the junior year, interested persons should consult with the graduate accounting advisor ([email protected]) and apply for admission to the professional program. Formal admission to the program will occur during the first semester of the senior year (provided the student has completed at least 90 semester hours of the

designated course work, and otherwise meets program admission requirements). Students admitted to the program will complete a plan of study that results in fulfillment of

requirements for the bachelor's degree (excluding certain undergraduate course work that is waived) and sufficient additional graduate course work to fulfill the requirements for the Master of Science in Accounting degree or the Master of Science in Taxation degree.

Provided certain conditions are met, students may begin to earn graduate course credits before completing all of the undergraduate course requirements. Interested persons should obtain a Graduate Catalog and consult with the graduate accounting advisor

([email protected]) for further information on the Professional Program in Accounting option.

Accounting Faculty


Associate Professor Subramaniam


The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


Hall, Ho, McConnell, Srinidhi, Taylor, Tsay

Associate Professors

Mark, Pierce, Skantz, Subramaniam

Assistant Professors

Brewster, Efendi, Rasmussen, Winterbotham

Clinical Assistant Professor


Senior Lecturer



Andrews, Bitenc, McGhee

Professors Emeritus

Ross, Witt

Course Descriptions

View Course Descriptions for: Accounting (ACCT)

The University of Texas at Arlington 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog


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