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Ch 5 Algebraic Expressions


Academic year: 2021

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Ch 5 Algebraic Expressions

Learning outcomes

After studying this chapter, you will be able to

# generate algebraic expression involving one or two variables /unknowns and operations .

# Identify constants, coefficient, powers ,like and unlike terms and degree of an expression (exponents ≤ 3) # add and subtract algebraic expressions (coefficients should be integers)

Terms related to algebraic expressions

Variable – A variable is a letter or symbol used to represent a value that can change. Eg a, b,c ,etc Constant – A constant is a value that does not change eg 1,2,897,-2343 ,etc

Algebraic expression- An algebraic expression is a combination of variables and constants connected by mathematical operators I.e. +,-,×,÷. Eg. 5 y², 20xy – 17x +5

Term – A term is either a single number or variable or numbers and variables multiplied together. Terms are separated by +

or – sign. Eg 5y + x, 20xy – 17x +5

Coefficients- Any of the factors of a term is called the coefficients of the product of the remaining factors. Eg 3 x coefficient of 3 is x or coefficient of x is 3.

Like and unlike terms:- The terms whose variable parts are exactly same meaning , meaning they have the same algebraic factors, are called like terms and the terms whose variable parts, i.e whose algebraic factors are different are called unlike terms.

Eg 5p and -9p are like terms 5x and 7y are unlike terms Types of algebraic expressions

Monomials:- Expression having one single term with whole numbers exponents are called monomials.eg -3x, 5y, etc

Binomials:- A binomial is an algebraic expression containing a sum or difference of exactly two monomials or terms. Eg x-2y, 2a+9b , etc

Trinomials:- A trinomials is an algebraic expressions containing the sum or difference of exactly three monomials or terms . eg x-2y+3z, a+5b+7c, etc

Polynomials :- A polynomial in two or more variables is an algebraic expressions containing two or more variables with whole number exponents.

Degree of polynomials:- A degree of polynomial is the highest power of the variable present in the polynomial. eg 2x2 – xy +9y2 The degree of polynomial is 2

Self Practice 5A


g. 17z h. x + 3𝑥1 -2

Polynomial Non polynomial

a. 5-7x c. 2y2- xy +5 𝑦 -3 b. y3+16y2-11 d. 2- 𝑥9 e. 8 -3x +4x2 -6x3 h. x + 3𝑥1 -2 f. 19 g. 17 z

2. State the numerical coefficient and degree of each monomial

Equation Numerical coefficient Degree of polynomial

a. 45 Non polynomial 0 b. 4x2 y Non polynomial c. 42x-1/4 Non polynomial d. 9b 9 3 e. 8pq 8 2 f. -12m2n -12 3 g. 5 T2 Non polynomial h. Xy2 1 3 i. -7d3 -7 3 j. -25x2y -25 3

3. Select the like terms in each polynomial, if any a. 7x-3x+8; like terms are 7x and -3x

b. a+ b + 2a – c; like terms are a and 2a c. a + 3b – c + 5b; like terms are 3b and 5b

d. 2xy-5xz+4yz-yz; like terms 4yz and -yz

e. mn²+ m²n² – 2mn²+ 6 m²n²;like terms mn² and – 2mn²; m²n² and 6 m²n² f. 2ab²-7a²b+9a²b²+ 8 a²b; like terms -7a²b and 8a²b

g. 8(r+s)-3(r+s)+5 (r-s); like terms 8 (r+s) and -3(r+s) 4. State the degree of each polynomial.


d. 8x – 5y²+11x³; degree 3

e. 0.5 x²y + 0.25 xy²+6 x²+0.75; degree 3

5. Determine whether the given polynomials are minimal, binomial , trinomials or none of these. Then state the degree and coefficients of the polynomials.

a. 5c²d= monomial, degree 3 ,coefficient 5

b. 12x²+ d = binomial, degree 2 , coefficient 12 and 1 c. 15 m²-2p+5= trinomial ,degree 3 , coefficient 15 and -2 d. 8x -5 y²+11x³= trinomial, degree 3; coefficient 8 ,-5 and 11

f. -7 a³+ 5 a²b -ab²+ 10b³= none of these; degree 3; coefficient-7, 5,-1 and 10 6 . Arrange the given polynomials in order of decreasing degree in x.

a. 4x+x²-8= x²+4x-8

b. 8x²-3x -12 +6x³= 6x³+8x²-3x -12 c. x²y-3 y³+4x³-2xy²= 4x³+x²y-2xy²-3y³

d. 2x²y -8xy³+x³-y³+3xy= x³+2x²y-8xy³ +3xy -y³ 7. Write each polynomial in standard form. a. 17 – 3x² + x + 8 x³= 8x³-3x²+x+17 b. 20 y³ -13y -3 y² +1= 20y³ -3y²-13y +1 8. Evaluate if a=2,b=1 and c= 10 a. C³= 10×10×10=1000 b. (2b)²= = (2×1)²= 2×2=4 c. (c+b)²= (10+1)²= 11×11=121 d. (a-3)²= (2-3)²= (-1)×(-1)=1 e. (-3c)³= (-3×10)×(-3×10)×(-3×10)= -27000 f. 3a³/b= 3×2³/1=24 g. 9(a²-b²)= 9 (2²-1²)= 9 (4-1)= 9×3=27 h. 3b (a³_c)= 3×1(2³-10)= 3×(-2)= -6 I. a³+b²+c² = 2³+1²+10²= 8+1+100=109 j. (-a-b+c)= ( -2-1+10)²=(-7)²= 49

9. Write the algebraic expression for the following situations. a. Rita’s age is 4 less than 4 times her daughter’s age = 4x-4

b. The expression for a 3 digit number, when the hundreds digit is a, the tens digit is b and the units digit is c. = 100a+10b+c

c. The perimeter if an isosceles triangle whose equal sides are of length p cm each and unequal side is q cm .= 2p+q

d. The speed of a bus is zm/s . Write its speed in km/hr = 1km = 1000m and 1hr = 3600 sec; z3600÷1000 = 18/5zkm/hr

e. A pair of shoes cost rs x . The cost of dress is rs. 200 more than 5 times the cost of shoes.= 5x + 200

Addition of algebraic expressions

Additions of monomials:-


Eg: (i) 7a +3a =10a (ii) p+23p = 24p

Addition of polynomials

Polynomials can be added in either horizontal or vertical form Eg. 7x+19 and 2x-5 Horizontal form 7x+19+2x-5 = 7x+2x +19-5 9x +14 Vertical form

Step 1 : Write the polynomial one below the other aligning the like terms Step 2 : Add columnwise

Here, 7x+2x=9x and 19+(-5) = 14 7x+19 Thus the sum is 9x +14 + 2x -5

9x+14 Self Practice 5 B


= 8m2n-5m2n =3m2n 2. Simplify a. –xy2-xy2- xy2 =. –xy2-xy2- xy2 = - 3 xy2

b. abc – abc + abc = 0+ abc

= abc

c. 12xy + 3xy – 4xy = 15xy – 4xy = 11xy d. ab – 7ab +10ab = -6ab + 10ab = 4ab e. -3 – 2m – 4 +7m = -3-4 -2m +7m = -7 +5m


+ 3x + 10 11x +15

c. 2xy – yz , 5xy + 7yz 2xy – yz + 5xy+ 7yz 7 xy +6yz d. 7m2 + 9 n2 , - 4m2 – 2n2 7m2 + 9 n2 - 4m2 – 2n2 3m2 + 7n2 e. 11x – 6y, 4x + 5y, 7x – 2y 11x – 6y 4 x + 5y + 7x - 2y 22x – 3y f.2x2 + 6x – 9, - 5x2 + 7x – 1, 6x2 + 13x + 21 2x2 + 6x – 9 - 5x2 + 7x – 1 + 6x2 + 13x + 21 3x2 +26x+11

g. 5a2 +6ab+7b2 , 6a2- 2ab+ 3b2 , -4a2 –ab -2b2

5a2 +6ab+7b2

6a2- 2ab+ 3b2

-4a2 –ab - 2b2


4. Add the following without writing in column (horizontally) a. 2a-4b+3c, -a+7b-c = 2a -4b+3c-a+7b-c =2a-a-4b+7b+3c-c = a+3b+2c b. 4m-5n+3p, -3m+3n-2p = 4m-5n+3p-3m+3n-2p = 4m-3m-5n+3n+3p-2p =m-2n+p c. 3ac+5b², -ac+b² = 3ac+5b2-ac+b2 = 3ac-ac+5b2+b2 = 2ac+6b2 d. 4a-b-c+1,2a+4b+4c-8 = 4a-b-c+1+2a+4b+4c-8 =4a+2a-b+4b-c+4c+1-8 =6a+3b+3c-7 e. 5x²+8x-4, 3x²-4x+11 = 5x²+8x-4+ 3x²-4x+11 =5x2+3x2+ 8x-4x+3x2 -4+11 = 8x2 +4x+7 f. 7m+8n-3mn,9n+7mn-3m = 7m+8n-3mn+9n+7mn-3m = 7m-3m+8n+9n-3mn+7mn =4m+17n+4mn Q5. Simplify a. 14x²-2xy+y²+5xy-2y²+5+x²+3y²+7 = 14x2+x2 -2xy+5xy +y2-2y2+3y2+5+7 = 15x2 +3xy+2y2+12

b. 7-y³+y+9y²+2y³+6+y²+5y-19y+3y³-2y²+15 =7+6+15-y3+2y3+3y3+9y2-2y2+y2+y+5y-19y = 28+4y3+8y2-13y


Subtraction of algebraic expressions


1. To subtract like terms , change the sign of the subtrahend mentally and then workout as in addition Eg 5a from 9a


2. In case of unlike terms , the difference can only be indicated by reversing the sign of the subtrahend Eg. 5y from 3x

= 3x-5y

Subtract 2x-y from 4x-2y+7


-2a +5a=3a c. 3b2 from -5b2 -5b2-3b2 =-8b2 d. -2xy from 0 0-(-2xy)= 2xy e. -8cd from 8cd =8cd-(-8cd) = 8cd+8cd =16cd

f. 3(x+y) from 4(x+y) =4(x+y)-3(x+y) =(x+y)


d. 9x2y -11 - 2 x2y -5 11x2 -6 e. 2m3 – 9n2 4m3 – 11n2 - 2m3 + 2n2 f. 4x2y – 5xy2 4x2y – 5xy2 0

3. Arrange the following in columns and subtract a. 7p +2q +5c from 9p +4q +7c

9p +4q+ 7c 7p + 2q +5c 2p + 2q +2c

b. 3x2 – 8xy – 9y2 from 3x2 – 8xy – 9y2


d. -2p3 + 7p2- 20+3p from 0


-2p3 + 7p2- 20+3p

2p3 - 7p2+ 20-3p

e. 4ax2 +7bx -9t +6 from 8ax2 -2bx +10t -4

8ax2 -2bx +10t -4

4ax2 +7bx -9t + 6

4ax2 -9bx +19t -10

4. Subtract the following without writing in vertical form a. 2x +3y from 7x+9y


= 16- 8p + 2p





= 23+2p





e. 4xy- 3x


y +7xy


-3 from 27- 7xy



= 27- 7xy


+11xy – (4xy- 3x


y +7xy



= 27- 7xy


+11xy – 4xy+ 3x


y -7xy



= 30 -14xy




y +7xy

f. The sum of x


-2xy +y


and x


+3xy + y


from x


-6xy +4y


sum x


-2xy +y


+ x


+3xy + y







Subtract x


-6xy +4y








= x


-6xy +4y







= - x


-7xy + 2y



b. 5x


-8 +7x


y -7xy +10 xy






y +9xy -6xy


= 5x


- 2x




y- 5x


y +10xy


- 6xy


-7xy+9xy -8 +11

= 3x




y +4xy



6. The area of a square is 4x


-2xy +6y


square units. A triangle inside has an area of

-5xy +4y




square units .Find the area of shaded portion.

Sol. Area of square



-2xy +6y


Area of triangle





Area of shaded part

= 7x


+3xy +2y



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