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Department of Biological Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta * Corresponding author: [email protected] Tel: 23408053618237

edge of these plants and to search for more plants with anti-diabetic potential is neces-sary for documentation. Numerous plants are used in traditional herbal medicine for their hypoglycemic potentials, and available literatures indicate that there are more than 800 plant species showing hypoglycemic ac-tivity. There has been increasing demand for the use of plant products with anti-diabetic activity due to low cost, easy availability and lesser side effects, hence plant materials are


Effects of different quantities (75g, 100g and 125g) of Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts and combination of 300g Hibiscus sabdariffa +100g Allium sativum+100g Zingiber officinale on alloxan-induced diabetic Wister albino rats at 1ml/kg/day for17 days were investigated. Body weight and fasting blood glucose level of rats were monitored before and during the experiment. Quantitative analysis of secondary plant products of various parts of the investigated plants was also studied. Re-sults showed that 1ml/kg/day of 75g Hibiscus sabdariffa aqueous extract did not cause significant (p>0.05) sugar reduction compared with basal values as high sugar level was still observed in alloxan-induced rats treated with 1ml/kg /day of 75 Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf (246.00+6.00mg/dl) and stem (207.50+3.50 mg/dl) extracts except root (196.00+1.20mg/dl). Combination of the extracts caused significant (P>0.05) sugar reduction compared with any of the single parts.1ml/kg of 100g Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf extracts ameliorated rats’ weights loss by 14.75%.1ml/kg of 125g Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf, stem and root extracts significantly (p<0.05) reduced the glucose level of diabetic treated rats by 54.08%, 58.95% and 62.44% compared with glibenclamide (22.77%). Phytochemical analysis re-vealed that flavonoids (0.79mg/g) and alkaloids (0.86mg/g) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in root than in stem and leaf of Hibiscus sabdariffa. The combination 300gHibiscus sabdariffa + 100g Allium sativum 100g Zingiber officinale revealed significantly (p<0.05) higher flavonoids (0.85mg/g), saponins (0.95mg/g) alkaloids (1.81mg/g) and tannins (0.56mg/g). Combination of 300g Hibiscus sabdariffa +100g Allium sativum+100g Zingiber officinale produced the best hypoglycaemic effect (71.05%).

Keywords:, Anti-Diabetic, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Hypoglycemic, Extract, Phytochemical. Rats INTRODUCTION

The use of plant derived products contain-ing high concentration of dietary fibre and complex polysaccharide for the manage-ment of diabetes have been proposed. Natural products of plant origin have been found to be potential sources of novel molecules for the treatment of diabetes (Farnsworth, 1996). Considering the rate at which the vegetation is getting depleted in this part of the world, the precious

knowl-Journal of Natural Science, Engineering

and Technology ISSN:

Print - 2277 - 0593 Online - 2315 - 7461 © FUNAAB 2013


continuously scrutinized and explored for their effect as hypoglycemic agents. One of such plants is Hibiscus sabdariffa l., a plant commonly called Roselle plant. It belongs to family Malaceae and is locally called Isapa by Yorubas and Yakuwa by Hausas. It is found in almost all the geographical zones of Nigeria (Duke et al., 1984). It is cultivated for leaf, fleshy calyx, seed or fiber in all parts of the world and it is taken as a com-mon local drink popularly known as ‘’ ‘‘Zobo’’ in Nigeria. (Okasha., 2008).

Hibiscus sabdariffa l. is used ethnomedicinally

for many varied purposes such as delicacy and medicinal properties. Tender young leaves and stems-raw or cooked are used in salads and as a seasoning in curries. Fresh calyx (the outer whorl of the flower) is eaten raw in salads, is cooked and used as a flavoring in cakes, jellies, soups, sauces, pickles and puddings. The calyx is rich in citric acid and pectin and so is useful for making jams. It is also used to add a red colour and flavour to herbal teas. Also,

Hi-biscus sabdarriffa is a good source of food and

essential nutritional values, medicinal prop-erties and notable physiological effect to life (Okasha et al., 2008, Arvind and Alka, 2011). It was reported to have antiseptic digestive, diuretic, purgative and sedative effect (Sini et al., 2011). It is a medicinal herb, used in folk medicine in treatment of hypertension (Wang et al., 2000; Odigie et

al., 2003). Hibiscus anthocyanin, a group of

phenolic natural pigments present in the dried flower of Hibiscus sabdariffa and

Hibis-cus rosasinensis, have been found to have

car-dioprotective (Jonadet,1990; Olaleye, 2007), hypocholesterolemic (Chen et al.,2003), anti-oxidative and hepatoprotective (Amin and Hamza, 2005) effects in animals. The plant has also been used in traditional medicine for treating cough cancer, fever and above

all diabetic diseases. Recently, it was discov-ered by Saleh et al. (2010) that the plant con-fers protective activity against gastric ulcer. In the Ayurvedic literature in India, different parts of this plant have been recommended as a remedy for various ailments such as hy-pertension, Pyrexia, liver disorders and as an antidote to poisoning chemicals (Andreas et al., 2000). Anthocyanins, flavonols and pro-tocatechoic acid (PCA) along with other phytochemicals which have been identified as contributors to the observed medicinal effect of H. sabdariffa. This study is to Scien-tifically evaluate the traditional claim of the aqueous extract of various parts of, H.

sab-dariffa against diabetic disease.


Plant Materials

Allium sativum (AS), Zingiber officinale (ZO)

and fresh leaves, stem- bark and roots of

Hi-biscus sabdariffa (HS), were collected on a

regular basis from various markets of Abeo-kuta and identified by comparison with voucher specimens at the herbaria in Forest Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nige-ria.

Preparation of Plant extracts

The leaves, stems and roots of Hibiscus

sab-dariffa (HS) 75g, 100g and 125g each and

combination of 300g Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS) + 100g Allium sativum (AS) +100g Zingiber

officinale (ZO) were prepared separately

ac-cording to the method of Akhani et al. (2004). The plant samples were boiled in 1L of tap water for one hour, filtered using a piece of sterile white cotton cloth and stored in the refrigerator at 2-8°C in a glass con-tainer.

Quantitative secondary plant products Analysis of Extracts.

The plant extracts were screened for


chemical, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins.

Determination of Alkaloids content This was carried out by the alkaline precipi-tation gravimetric method described by Kadiri and Fasidi (1992).

Five grams of the sample were dispersed in 10% acetic acid solution in ethanol in ratio 1:10 (10%). The mixture was allowed to stand for 4h at 280C and filtered with Whatman’s No. 42 grade filter paper. The filtrate was evaporated and treated with drops of conc. aqueous NH4OH until the alkaloid was precipitated. The precipitated alkaloid was collected on the filter paper; washed with1% ammonia solution and dried in the oven at 80° C. The alkaloid content was calculated and expressed as a percentage of the weight of sample ana-lyzed.

Determination of saponins content The qualitative determination of saponins was done according to the method of Kadiri and Fasidi (1992).

Five gram of each powdered sample were added to 100ml of 20% aqueous ethanol and kept on a shaker for 30 min. The sam-ple was heated over water bath for 4h at 55° C. The mixture was filtered and residues were re- extracted with another 200ml of 20% aqueous ethanol. The combined ex-tract was reduced approximately to 40 ml over water bath at 90° C. The concentrate was transferred into a 25ml separatory fun-nel, extracted twice with 20ml diethyl ether. Ether layer was discarded while aqueous layer was retained and 60 ml n- butanol was washed twice with 10 ml of 5% aqueous sodium chloride. The remaining solution was heated in a water bath and after

evapo-ration; the sample was dried in oven (40° C) to constant weight. The saponins content was calculated as percentage of initial weight of sample taken.

Determination of flavonoid content This was determined according to the method of Kadiri and Fasidi (1992). 5g of the sample were boiled in 50ml of 2MHCL solution for 30min under reflux, allowed to cool and filtered through whatman’s paper No. 42. A measured volume of the extract was treated with equal volume of ethyl ace-tate in drops and filter and using weighed filter paper. The resultant weight difference was that of flavonoids in the sample.

Determination of tannins content

Tannin content was determined by the Folin -Denis colorimetric method described by Kadiri and Fasidi (1992) five grams were dis-solved in 50ml of distilled water and shaken. The mixture was allowed to stand for 30min at 28° C after which it was filtered through whatman’s filter paper No 42. Two milliliters of the extract was dispersed into a 50ml volumetric flask. Similarly 2ml each of stan-dard tannin solution (tannic acid) and dis-tilled water served as standard was added to each of the flask followed by the 2.5ml of saturated Na2CO3 solution. The content of each flask was made up to 50mls with dis-tilled water and allowed to incubate at 28° C for 90 min. Their respective absorbance was measured in spectrophotometer at 260nm using the reagent blank to calibrate the in-strument at zero.


Experimental Animals

Adult (aged 3-4 months) Wister albino rats weighing 90-175g of either sex were pur-chased from the disease-free stock of the animal house of the College of Veterinary


Medicine, Federal University of Agricul-ture, Abeokuta. They were maintained in normal and standard laboratory conditions of temperature 280C) and relative humidity 66%) with 12-hour light dark cycle and ade-quate ventilation. The animals were fed with commercial diet (Vital Feed Nig. Ltd.) and water, ad libitum. Food was withheld 12 hrs. before the experiments (Adikwu, et al., 2010)

Animal categorization

The animals were allowed 7-day acclimatiza-tion period, after which the blood glucose level of all the rats were confirmed using glucometer (One-Touch) to determine the normal sugar level of all the rats (48-54 mg/dL) by withdrawing blood from the tail end and testing. After this the rats were ran-domly divided into two broad categories: non diabetic (normoglycaemic) and diabetic (hyperglycemic) rats.

Induction of Diabetes.

Diabetes was induced on the latter category by intraperitoneal injection of 150mg/kg body weight of alloxan monohydrate freshly prepared with distilled water. Diabetes was confirmed 24 hours later in alloxan- in-duced animals showing Random Blood Glucose (RBG) level ≥ 200 mg/dL by using glucometer to monitor the blood sample from the tail vein.

Animal grouping and experimental de-sign

Ninety two (92) Male albino rats, weighing 90-175g (n= 4) were used. They were al-lowed 7–day acclimatization period under standard rat house conditions before the trial was initiated. In a completely random-ized design the rats were divided into 8 groups of which group 1-3 were later subdi-vided into 3 groups comprising 4 alloxan-

induced rats as designated by figure (i), (ii) and (iii). The Alloxan-induced rats in sub group figure (i-iii) were treated with (1ml/kg) of 75g, 100g and 125g of ML leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts respectively. Group 4, 5 and 6 composed of another 4 alloxan-induced diabetic rats each treated with1ml/ kg of combination 300gML+100g ZO + 100g AS aqueous extracts and glibenclimade orally on daily basis for seventeen days con-secutively. Group 7 composed of alloxan-induced rats as diabetic control (D.C) while group 8 composed of another set of 4 non diabetic rats (normoglycaemic) as normal control (N.C).

The extracts and drug were administered by oral route. Blood sample was withdrawn from the tail vein with the aid of a capillary tube and tested using the glucometer. It was withdrawn just before oral administration of substances 0, 1, 3, 5,7,1,13,15 and 17th day in each case. The percentage of glycaemia reduction was calculated at the 17th day dur-ing fastdur-ing blood sugar (FBS) monitordur-ing using the formula:

Percentage change of glycaemia = Gx – Go 100


Where Go and Gx were the values of glu-cose level on post induction and 17th day of experimental set up respectively.


Table 1 shows the hypoglycemic effect of 1ml/kg/day of 75g leaf, stem and root aque-ous extract of H. sabdariffa. Results showed that oral treatment with 1ml/kg of 75g H.

sabdariffa extracts did not cause significant

(p>0.05) alterations in the blood sugar level most especially from day 3 to 7, but from days 9 through 17 moderate sugar reduction


was recorded. This reduction was not enough to cause hypoglycemic effect in rats because the sugar level of the rats was still very high even till the last day of the experi-mental set up except alloxan-induced rats treated with H. sabdariffa root extract (196.00±00mg/dl) (Table1).

When the weight of the experimental sam-ples were increased from 75g to 100g, the sugar level of rats treated with various parts (leaf, stem and root) of H. sabdariffa ex-tracts reduced after 17days of treatment by 37.89%, 37.63% and 54.61% respectively (Table 2).

Similar effect was observed when 1ml/kg of 125g of H. sabdariffa extracts were adminis-tered. At 125g, the sugar level of rats re-duced by 54.08%, 58.95% and 62.44%. However, combination 300g Hibiscus

sabdar-iffa + 100g Allium sativum+ 100g Zingiber officinale produced highest sugar reduction

(hypoglycemia) of 71.05% than even the glibenclamide (Table 3).

It was observed that in all the parts of H.

sabdariffa, the percentage weight gain

in-creased when the experimental samples were increased from 75g to 100g. This ef-fect reduced with further increase in the sample quantities from 100g to 125g. It was also observed that the highest percentage

weight gain (14.75) was recorded at 100g of

H. sabdariffa leaf extract. The hypoglycemic

effect of the extract of various parts of H.

sabdariffa increased from root to leaf while

the weight gain increased from leaf to root (Table 4).

Table 5 shows the mean values of phyto-chemical contents of various parts of H.

sab-dariffa. According to the result, there was

sig-nificant difference in the amount of flavon-oids, saponins, alkaloids and tannins present in the leaf, stem and root extracts of Hibiscus

sabdariffa. Flavonoids (0.79mg/g) and

alka-loids (0.86mg/g) contents were significantly (P<0.05) higher in root of H. sabdariffa than stem and leaf. Tannins contents (0.89mg/g) were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the stem of Hibiscus sabdariffa than in root and leaf. Flavonoids (0.51mg/g) and alkaloids (0.42mg/g) contents were significantly (P<0.05) higher in Z. officinale rhizome than in A. sativum bulb (Table 5). Tannins (0.89mg/g) was observed to be the highest phytochemical content recorded in the stem of Hibiscus sabdariffa. Also, quantitative analy-sis of combined experimental samples (300g

Hibiscus sabdariffa +100g Allium sativum+100g

Zingiber officinale)) revealed significantly

(p<0.05) higher flavonoids (0.85mg/g), saponins (0.95mg/g) alkaloids (1.81mg/g) and tannins (0.56mg/g) concentration.


T a b le 1 : M e a n S u g a r le v e l (m g / d l) of n or m a l ra ts , G lib e n c la m id e t re a te d d ia b e tic r a ts , d ia b e tic r a ts t re a te d w it h 7 5 g (1 m l/ k g ) of H ib is c u s sa b d a rif fa le a f, st e m a n d r oot a n d d ia b e tic r a ts t re a te d w it h c om b in e d g ra d e d w e ig h ts of c om b in a tion 3 0 0 g H S + 10 0 g A S + 1 0 0 g Z O . E X T R A C T S / G R O U P S P R E - IN D U C T IO N P O S T - IN D U C T IO N D A Y 3 D A Y 5 D A Y 7 D A Y 9 D A Y 1 1 D A Y 1 3 D A Y 1 5 D A Y 1 7 % su ga r d ec re as e Hi b is cu s sa b d ar if fa l ea f ex tr ac t 5 0 .5 0 + 5 .3 9 a 2 9 9 .5 0 + 2 9 .5 8 b c 2 9 5 .0 0 + 2 8 .7 2 b c 2 9 1 .2 5 + 2 7 .9 8 b c 2 4 4 .2 5 + 1 6 .1 8 b c 2 6 9 .0 0 + 2 .0 0 d 2 6 8 .5 0 + 0 .5 0 d 2 6 0 .5 0 + 1 .5 0 c 2 5 4 .0 0 + 5 .0 0 d 2 4 6 .0 0 + 6 .0 0 d 1 7 .8 6 Hi b is cu s sa b d ar if fa st em e xt ra ct 5 1 .7 5 + 3 .1 9 a 2 8 9 .2 5 + 5 1 .4 0 b c 2 8 5 .2 5 + 5 1 .0 3 b c 2 6 4 .7 5 + 3 4 .2 8 b c 2 2 8 .6 7 + 4 .7 0 b c 2 1 9 .0 0 + 3 .2 1 c 2 2 0 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 b 2 1 5 .5 0 + 0 .5 0 b 2 1 3 .5 0 + 2 .5 0 c 2 0 7 .5 0 + 3 .5 0 c 2 8 .3 0 Hi b is cu s sa b d ar if fa ro o t ex tr ac t 5 2 .7 5 + 4 .7 6 a 2 8 0 .2 5 + 1 8 .5 5 b c 2 7 5 .5 0 + 1 7 .7 1 b c 2 6 8 .7 5 + 1 7 .5 6 b c 2 5 9 .0 0 ± 1 6 .2 1 cd 2 3 4 .6 9 + 8 .5 1 c 2 1 8 .0 0 + 5 .0 0 b 2 0 9 .5 0 + 4 .5 0 b 2 0 2 .5 0 + 7 .5 0 b 1 9 6 .0 0 + 1 .2 0 b c 3 0 .0 6 3 0 0 g HS + 1 00 g A S + 1 0 0 g Z O 5 0 .2 3 + 2 .5 6 a 2 6 8 .2 5 + 1 1 .2 5 b c 2 6 1 .7 5 + 1 0 .9 8 b c 2 2 1 .5 0 + 1 1 .9 9 b 1 8 3 .5 0 + 9 .3 5 b 1 3 0 .3 3 + 1 0 .4 b 7 8 .0 0 + 9 .6 4 a 7 6 .6 7 + 9 .9 5 a 7 8 .0 0 + 9 .4 5 a 7 7 .6 7 + 8 .8 1 a 7 1 .0 5 R ef er en ce d ru g (G li b en cl am id e) 5 4 .5 0 + 2 .6 3 a 2 3 8 .2 5 + 3 .4 4 b 2 3 4 .5 0 + 3 .2 8 b c 2 3 0 .5 0 + 3 .4 7 b 2 2 4 .7 5 + 3 .6 6 b c 2 1 8 .5 0 + 3 .3 0 c 2 1 0 .7 5 + 2 .8 3 b 2 0 2 .7 5 + 2 .8 7 b 1 9 4 .0 0 + 2 .9 1 b 8 4 .0 0 + 1 .7 3b 2 2 .7 7 D ia b et ic c o n tr o l 5 1 .7 5 + 2 .1 7 a 3 4 5 .7 5 + 5 2 .0 5 d 3 4 7 .2 5 + 5 1 .8 4 c 3 5 3 .0 0 + 7 1 .7 6 c 3 1 5 .5 + 10 1 .5 0 d 4 2 2 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 2 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 4 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 5 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 6 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 -2 3 .2 1 N o rm al C o n tr o l 4 8 .0 0 + 2 .4 8 a 1 0 4 .7 5 + 2 .2 5 a 1 0 4 .7 5 + 2 .2 5 a 9 8 .7 5 + 2 .5 0 a 9 5 .0 0 + 1 .5 8 a 9 3 .7 5 + 1 .1 1 a 9 1 .7 5 ± 0 .6 3 a 9 0 .2 5 + 0 .2 5 a 9 1 .2 5 + 0 .2 5 a 9 0 .2 5 + 0 .4 8 a 1 3 .8 4 M ea n s fo ll o w ed b y th e sa m e le tt er s in t h e sa m e co lu m n a re n o t si gn if ic an tl y d if fe re n t ac co rdi n g to D u n ca n ’s M u lt ip le R an ge T es t at ( P < 0 .0 5 )


T a b le 2 : M e a n S u g a r le v e l (m g / d l) of n or m a l ra ts , G lib e n c la m id e tr e a te d d ia b e tic r a ts , d ia b e tic r a ts t re a te d w it h 1 0 0 g ( 1m l/ k g ) of H ib is c u s sa b d a rif fa le a f, st em a n d r oot a n d d ia b e tic r a ts t re a te d w it h c om b in e d g ra d e d w e ig h ts of c om b in a tion 3 0 0 g H S + 10 0 g A S + 10 0 g Z O . E X T R A C T S / G R O U P S P R E - IN D U C T IO N P O S T I N D U C -T IO N D A Y 3 D A Y 5 D A Y 7 D A Y 9 D A Y 1 1 D A Y 1 3 D A Y 1 5 D A Y 1 7 % s u ga r d ec re as e Hi b is cu s sa b d ar if fa l ea f ex tr ac t 5 3 .0 0 + 4 .2 6 a 2 7 2 .5 0 + 1 7 .0 8 b 2 6 8 .7 5 + 1 6 8 8b 2 6 1 .7 5 + 1 6 .8 2 b 2 5 4 .0 0 + 1 6 .6 1 b c 2 4 5 .2 5 + 1 5 .2 9 c 2 2 9 .7 5 + 1 3 .2 9 c 2 1 1 .2 5 + 1 2 .2 8 c 1 9 2 .2 5 + 7 .7 7 c 1 6 9 .2 5 + 4 .2 9 c 3 7 .8 9 Hi b is cu s s ab d ar if fa st em e xt ra ct 5 0 .7 3 + 2 .8 6 a 2 6 9 .0 0 + 2 0 .4 2 b 2 6 4 .7 5 + 1 9 .7 4 b 2 5 5 .7 5 + 1 9 .4 8 b 2 4 4 .5 0 + 1 9 .4 7 b 2 3 3 .2 5 + 1 8 9 4 c 2 1 7 .0 0 + 1 6 .4 7 b c 1 9 8 .7 5 + 1 2 .3 9 b c 1 8 0 .0 0 + 7 .9 1 c 1 6 7 .7 5 + 3 .4 2 c 3 7 .6 3 Hi b is cu s sa b d ar if fa ro o t ex tr ac t 5 0 .5 0 + 2 .0 2 a 2 6 5 .5 0 + 1 2 .0 7 b 2 6 1 .2 5 + 1 2 .2 0 b 2 4 8 .5 0 + 1 1 .3 4 b 2 2 8 .7 5 + 1 1 .0 0 b 2 1 6 .7 5 + 2 .8 8 c 1 9 8 .2 5 + 2 .3 9 b 1 7 7 .2 5 + 1 .4 9 b 1 4 8 .5 0 + 3 .0 6 b 1 2 0 .5 0 + 3 .8 8 b 5 4 .6 1 3 0 0 g HS + 1 00 g A S + 1 0 0 G zo 5 0 .2 3 + 2 .5 6 a 2 6 8 .2 5 + 1 1 .2 5 b 2 6 1 .7 5 + 1 0 .9 8 b 2 2 1 .5 0 + 1 1 .9 9 b 1 8 3 .5 0 + 9 .3 5 b 1 3 0 .3 3 + 1 0 .4 0 b 7 8 .0 0 + 9 .6 4 a 7 6 .6 7 + 9 .9 5 a 7 8 .0 0 + 9 .4 51 a 7 7 .6 7 + 8 .8 1 a 7 1 .0 5 3 0 0 g M L + 1 0 0 g A S + 1 0 0 G zo 5 0 .2 5 + 2 .1 3 a 2 7 4 .2 5 + 2 6 .6 7 b 2 6 6 .5 0 + 2 5 .5 9 b 2 3 0 .5 0 + 2 4 .5 6 b 1 9 2 .5 0 + 2 3 .4 8 b 1 3 0 .6 7 + 1 4 .1 7 b 8 4 .0 0 + 8 .0 0 a 8 2 .6 7 + 5 .6 9 a 8 3 .3 3 + 5 .3 6 a 8 2 .6 5 + 4 .1 7 a 6 9 .8 5 R ef er en ce d ru g (G li b en cl am id e) 5 4 .5 0 + 2 .6 3 a 2 3 8 .2 5 + 3 .4 4 b 2 3 4 .5 0 + 3 .2 8 b 2 3 0 .5 0 + 3 .4 7 b 2 2 4 .7 5 + 3 .6 6 b 2 1 8 .5 0 + 3 .3 0 c 2 1 0 .7 5 + 2 .8 3 b c 2 0 2 .7 5 + 2 .8 7 c 1 9 4 .0 0 + 2 .9 1 c 8 4 .0 0 + 1 .7 3d 2 2 .7 7 D ia b et ic c o n tr o l 5 1 .7 5 + 2 .1 7 a 3 4 5 .7 5 + 5 2 .0 5 c 3 4 7 .2 5 + 5 1 .8 4 c 3 5 3 .0 0 + 7 1 .7 6 c 3 1 5 .5 0 + 1 0 1 .5 0 e 4 2 2 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 2 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 4 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 5 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 6 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 -2 3 .2 1 N o rm al C o n tr o l 4 8 .0 0 + 2 .4 8 a 1 0 4 .7 5 + 2 .2 5 a 1 0 4 .7 5 + 2 .2 5 a 9 8 .7 5 + 2 .5 0 a 9 5 .0 0 + 1 .5 8 a 9 3 .7 5 + 1 .1 1 a 9 1 .7 5 ± 0 .6 3 a 9 0 .2 5 + 0 .2 5 a 9 1 .2 5 + 0 .2 5 a 9 0 .2 5 + 0 .4 58 a 1 3 .8 4 M ea n s fo ll ow ed by t h e sa m e le tt er s in th e sa m e co lum n ar e no t si g n if ic an tl y di ff er en t a cc o rdi n g t o D u n ca n’s M u lt ipl e R an ge T es t a t 5% P < 0 .05


A. W. OJEWUMI AND M. KADIRI T ab le 3: M ean S u gar l eve l (m g/ d l) of n or m a l rat s, G li b en c lam id e tr eat ed d iab et ic r at s, d iab et ic r at s tr eat ed w it h 125g ( 1m l/ k g) of H ibi sc u s sabda ri ff a le af , st em an d r oot an d d iab et ic r at s tr eat ed w it h c om b in ed gr ad ed w ei gh ts of c om b in at ion 300g H S + 100g A S + 100gZ O . Ex tr ac ts / G ro u p s P

re Intro

d u ct io n P o st In tr o d u ct io n D ay 3 D ay 5 D ay 7 D ay 9 D ay 1 1 D ay 1 3 D ay 1 5 D ay 1 7 % su ga r d ec re as e H ib is cu s sa b d ar if fa l ea f ex tr ac t 5 2 .7 5 + 4 .7 5 a 2 7 8 .7 5 + 3 0 .6 3 b c 2 6 3 .2 5 + 2 8 .9 8 b 2 7 5 .2 5 + 1 7 .9 9 b 2 5 4 .0 0 + 1 7 .6 7 cd 2 3 4 .0 0 + 1 2 .1 7 d 2 1 0 .0 0 + 8 .0 0 c 1 8 5 .5 0 + 1 1 .5 0 d 1 5 5 .5 0 + 7 7 .5 0 c 1 2 8 .0 0 + 1 0 .0 0 b 5 4 .0 8 H ib is cu s sa b d ar if fa st em e xt ra ct 5 3 .0 0 + 3 .4 1 a 2 8 6 .2 5 + 1 5 .3 3 b c 2 7 3 .2 5 + 1 1 .4 3 b 2 5 0 .7 5 + 8 .5 8b 2 2 6 .0 0 + 5 .1 1b c 2 0 0 .2 5 + 3 .6 3 c 1 9 5 .7 5 + 2 1 .1 2 b 1 7 6 .0 0 + 1 5 .6 3 c 1 3 8 .0 0 + 4 .0 0 c 1 1 7 .5 0 + 4 .5 0b 5 8 .9 5 H ib is cu s sa b d ar if fa ro o t ex tr ac t 5 0 .5 0 + 1 .8 9 a 2 7 2 .5 0 + 1 6 .6 7 b c 2 6 1 .7 5 + 1 4 .9 2 b 2 4 3 .0 0 + 1 3 .7 3 b 2 1 9 .5 0 + 1 2 .0 9 b c 1 9 3 .5 0 + 1 0 .2 2 c 1 6 6 .5 0 + 8 .6 0b 1 4 7 .7 5 ± 1 1 .9 1 b 1 0 7 .0 0 + 9 .1 6b 1 0 2 .3 3 + 1 3 .7 7 a 6 2 .4 4 3 0 0 g H S + 1 0 0 g A S + 1 0 0 gZO 5 0 .2 3 + 2 .5 6 a 2 6 8 .2 5 + 1 1 .2 5 b c 2 6 1 .7 5 ± 1 0 .9 8 b c 2 2 1 .5 0 + 1 1 .9 9 b 1 8 3 .5 0 + 9 .3 5b 1 3 0 .3 3 + 1 0 .4 0 b 7 8 .0 0 + 9 .6 4 a 7 6 .6 7 + 9 .9 5 a 7 8 .0 0 + 9 .4 5 1a 7 7 .6 7 + 8 .8 1 a 7 1 .0 5 3 0 0 gM L + 1 0 0 gA S + 1 0 0 gZO 5 0 .2 5 + 2 .1 4 a 2 7 4 .2 5 + 2 6 .6 7 b c 2 6 6 .5 0 + 2 5 .5 9 b 2 3 0 .5 0 + 2 4 .5 6 b 1 9 2 .5 0 + 2 3 .4 8 b c 1 3 0 .6 7 + 1 4 .1 7 b 8 4 .0 0 + 8 .0 0 a 8 2 .6 7 + 5 .6 9 a 8 3 .3 3 + 5 .3 6 a 8 2 .6 5 + 4 .1 7 a 6 9 .8 5 R ef er en ce d ru g (G li b en cl am id e) 5 4 .5 0 + 2 .6 3 a 2 3 8 .2 5 + 3 .4 4b 2 3 4 .5 0 + 3 .2 9b 2 3 0 .5 0 + 3 .4 7b 2 2 4 .7 5 + 3 .6 6b c 2 1 8 .5 0 + 3 .3 0 c 2 1 0 .7 5 + 2 .8 3 c 2 0 2 .7 5 + 2 .8 7d 1 9 4 .0 0 + 2 .9 1d 8 4 .0 0 + 1 .7 3 c 2 2 .7 7 D ia b et ic co n tr o l 5 1 .7 5 + 5 .2 0 a 3 4 5 .7 5 + 5 2 .0 5 c 3 4 7 .2 5 + 5 1 .8 4 c 3 5 3 .0 0 + 7 1 .7 6 c 3 1 5 .5 0 + 1 01 .5 0d 4 2 2 + 0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 2 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 4 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 5 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 4 2 6 .0 0 + 0 .0 0 -2 3 .2 1 N o rm al C o n tr o l 4 8 .0 0 + 2 .4 8 a 1 0 4 .7 5 + 2 .2 5a 1 0 4 .7 5 + 2 .2 5a 9 8 .7 5 + 2 .5 0 a 9 5 .0 0 + 1 .5 8 a 9 3 .7 5 + 1 .1 1 a 9 1 .7 5 .6 3 a 9 0 .2 5 + 0 .2 5 a 9 1 .2 5 + 0 .2 5 ab 9 0 .2 5 + 0 .4 5 8a 1 3 .8 4 T a b le 4 : E ff e c t of v a riou s p a rt s of H ib is c u s sa b d a rif fa a q u e ou s e xt ra c ts on b o d y w e ig h t of r a ts . P la n ts V al u es P erc en ta ge we ig h t ga in o f ra ts . we ig h t gra d es o f p la n t sa m p le s ( g) L ea f S te m R o o t 75 g 10 0g 12 5g 75 g 10 0g 12 5g 75 g 10 0g 12 5g H . s ab d ari ff a In it ia l we ig h o f ra ts F in al we ig h t o f ra ts C h an ge ( % ) 12 0. 45 +2 .0 12 4. 05 +4 .5 3. 00 83 .6 5+ 2. 16 98 .1 3+ 2. 17 14 .7 5 14 7. 05 +0 .7 4 16 5. 95 +0 .5 5 11 .3 8 13 0. 00 +0 .5 13 2. 85 +0 .5 2. 15 10 1. 30 +3 .4 10 6. 55 +3 .7 5. 00 15 0. 85 +0 .9 5 15 9. 95 +1 .3 5 5. 68 13 9. 33 +1 .7 4 14 2. 20 +2 .2 0 2. 02 11 0. 50 +1 .2 0 11 4. 55 +1 .2 5 3. 53 15 2. 95 +0 .3 4 15 9. 00 +0 .2 0 3. 80


Table 5: Effect of combined experimental sample on body weight of rats

Experimental samples Percentage change (%) Bodyweights (kg) 300gHS+100g AS+100g ­+


Initial weight of rats Final weight of rats Change (%)

121.23+5.46 157.60+6.89 23.08

Reference drugs (Glibenclamide)

Initial weight of rats Final weight of rats Change (%)

114.93+1.26 123.93+1.62 7.26

Diabetic control Initial weight of rats Final weight of rats Change (%)

123.05+.84 91.10+0.00 -35.07 Normal control Initial weight of rats

Final weight of rats Change (%)

104.35+3.41 132.93+3.23 21.50

Table 6: Mean value of phytochemical contents of various parts of H. sabdariffa Plants parts Phytochemical contents (mg/g)

Flavonoids Saponins Alkaloids Tannins

Hibiscus sabdariffa

Leaf 0.23+0.060a 0.130+0.006a 0.12+0.006a 0.17+0.006a Stem 0.13+0.006b 0.17+0.006b 0.75+0.006b 0.89+0.006b Root 0.79+0.103c 0.11+0.006c 0.86+0.006c 0.19+0.006c Mean followed by the same letters on the same columns are not significantly different ac-cording to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at (P<0.05)

Table 7: Mean value of phytochemical contents of A. sativum, Z. officinale and H. sabdariffa’s dried calyx.

Plants species Phytochemicals (mg/g)

Flavonoids Saponins Alkaloids Tannin

Allium sativum 0.42+0.007a 0.62+0.006a 0.38+0.006a 0.25+0.006a

Zingiber officinale 0.51+0.006b 0.56+0.006b 0.42+0.006b 0.29+0.006b

Hibiscus sabdariffa

(dried calyx)

0.24+0.006c 0.14+0.006c 0.25+0.006c 0.29+0.006b Means followed by the same letters in the same column are not significantly different ac-cording to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at (P<0.05)



The effect of various parts of H. sabdariffa on rats has implications on its use as hypo-glycemic agent for diabetes therapeutic pur-poses. The observation of high sugar level in alloxan-induced rats treated with leaf and stem extracts till the last day of the experi-mental set up is an indication that 75g of the experimental samples were too small, hence the extracts were not effective enough on the sugar level. This hypoglyce-mic effect increased significantly (p<0.05) with increase in experimental samples from 75g to 100g. Also, similar effect was ob-served as the samples were increased from 100g to 125g. This implies that the concen-tration of the extracts increased with in-crease in experimental samples. The efficacy of the extract at 125g on hyperglycemic rats may be more effective on the sugar level but it may be too concentrated for con-sumption as it reflected in the reduction of the body weight of experimental rats. This result agrees with observation of other re-searchers, who had systematically demon-strated that extract from the plant possesses anti-diabetic properties (Odutuga et al., 2010, Sini et al, 2011). Although many re-searches on the effect of plant extract on sugar level had indicated that some plant can work singly (Soon and Tan, 2002) but this study has clearly revealed that some of these plants can work better if they are combine with other plants material or any other hypoglycaemic agent as reflected in the combination 300g Hibiscus sabdariffa+ 100g Allium sativum + 100g Zingiber officinale which produced highest sugar reduction (hypoglycemia) than even the glibenclamide in this study. This observation is in agree-ment with the finding of Adikwu (2010) who reported that combinations of the ex-tract and metformin caused more reduction in glycaemia compared to any of the agents

acting alone in either of the two categories of animals.

The hypoglycemic effect of the combined agents suggests that their anti-diabetic activi-ties are addictives and this could mean that the extracts from H. sabdariffa, Allium sativum

and Z. officinale had similar mode of action

(Adikwu et al., 2010; Sini et al., 2011).

The efficacy of the extract on hyperglycemic rats correlates the result of other findings, which had methodically demonstrated that the extract from the plant characterizes anti-diabetic properties.

Observation of this study is in agreement with the reports from various findings, in that, the diabetic untreated rats demon-strated steady reduction in the body weight and significant blood glucose level increase (Adewole and Ojewole, 2006) through out the period of the experiment while normal control (normoglycaemic) and the extract control rats exhibited consistent increase in body weight.

The decrease in body weight of the diabetic control group may be due to wasting associ-ated with diabetic patients as a result of in-crease utilization of fats from the adipose tissue for generation of energy in the body as also observed by (Sini et al., 2010).

Percentage weight gain observed in all the parts of H. sabdariffa extracts may indicate the nutritional content of the parts most es-pecially leaf but this effect reduced with fur-ther increase in the samples from 100g to 125g. This may be an indication that though the plant extracts produced better sugar level reduction at 125g but the resultant effect of that quantity may equally result into weight loss of consumers. Also highest percentage weight gain recorded at 100g of Hibiscus


dariffa leaf extracts implies that the extract

can maximally be taken at 100g and that further increase of the samples beyond these quantities may be too concentrated for consumption.

The observation of high hypoglycaemic ac-tion in the root extract of H. sabdariffa may be as a result of high bioactive and

non-nutritional secondary plant products such as flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids and tannins

recoded in all the parts most especially root. Similar observation was reported by (Adeneye and Adeyemi, 2009, Mbaka et al., 2009; Odutuga et al., 2010; Oluwatosin, and Justine, 2010; Arvind and Alka, 2011).


In conclusion, combination of 300g

Hibis-cus sabdariffa + 100g Allium sativum+100g Zingiber officinale produced the best

hypogly-caemic effect (71.05%) in alloxan-induced diabetic rats in this study hence the plant should be employed as diabetes therapeutic agent.. However, study on the proximate analysis of the investigated parts that will validate factors that are responsible for the increase in the weight of rats is in progress.


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Table 1: Mean Sugar level (mg/dl) of normal rats, Glibenclamide treated diabetic rats, diabetic rats treated with 75g                 (1ml/kg) of Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf, stem and root and diabetic rats treated with combined   graded weights of
Table 2: Mean Sugar level (mg/dl) of normal rats, Glibenclamide  treated diabetic rats, diabetic rats treated with 100g            (1ml/kg) of Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf, stem and root  and diabetic rats treated with combined   graded weights  of
Table 3:Mean Sugar level (mg/dl) of normal rats, Glibenclamide treated diabetic rats, diabetic rats treated with 125g              (1ml/kg) of Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf, stem and root and diabetic rats treated with combined   graded weights of
Table 5:  Effect of combined experimental sample on body weight of rats


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