Announcements of forthcoming meetings, seminars, etc., must be limited to 100 words or less. Space considerations also necessitate limitation of Fellowship and Traineeship announcements to the form used in this issue. All announcements must he received
by the Editorial Office, in double-spaced typing on standard bond paper, at least three months prior to the date of the issue in which they should appear.
TOXICOLOGY annual meeting will be held at the
Palmer House, Chicago on October 23-25,
1969. The program will be of practical value
for all who are in any way involved in the
treatment of the poisoned patient. The
Amen-can Academy of General Practice has
ap-proved the October 24 and 25 sessions for 12
hours of AAGP credit. For registration forms
write: American Academy of Clinical
Toxicol-ogy, P.O. Box 2565, Houston, Texas 77001.
semi-nan concerning the causes of mental
retarda-tion will be held on the Columbia campus of
the University of Missouri November 12 and
13, 1969. The faculty will include Drs. Elving Anderson, Cynthia Deutsch, Herb Wenner,
Harry Waisman, Clement E. Brooke, Richard
Guthnie, and Calvin Woodruff. A registration fee of $15 includes all conference materials. Registration forms are available from the Office of Continuing Medical Education, University of Missouri Medical Center, Columbia, Missouri 65201.
Saint Francis Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut,
on November 19, 1969, will be devoted to
principles of immunology and infectious dis-eases applied to the care of children. Speakers
include Drs. John B. Robbins, Marshall
Hor-witz, Mark Abramowicz, Jules Titelbaum, and
Debora Wolfson of the Faculty of the Albert
Einstein College of Medicine.
spon-sored by The Birth Defects Center of the Uni-versity of Miami School of Medicine, will be
held at the Carillon Hotel in Miami Beach,
Florida, December 4-6, 1969. For further in-formation contact Dr. Bernard
Fogel, Box 1396, Coral Gables, Florida 33134.HEART DISEASE: The American Academy of
Pediatrics and the Department of Pediatrics,
University of California, Los Angeles, School of
Medicine will cosponsor a postgraduate course
entitled “The Diagnosis and Management of
Heart Disease in Children,” January 24-26, 1970. The course will include a general intro-duction to the present status of pediatric cardiol-ogy, will cover the application of physiologic principles to the diagnosis and management of cardiac diseases in children, and should
permit the general pediatrician to approach
diagnosis and management in this important
area of the care of children more
confi-dently. In addition to lecture sessions,
work-shops will be held for small groups to explore
current concepts of electrocardiography,
vec-trocardiography, radiology (including
angio-cardiography) , diagnosis and treatment of
car-diac arrhythmias, and aspects of cardiac
cathe-terization. The guest faculty will include
Sam-uel Kaplan, M.D., Children’s Hospital,
Cincin-nati; William Friedman, M.D., University of California at San Diego School of Medicine; Paul Lurie, M.D., Children’s Hospital, Los
An-geles; and Samuel Sapin, M.D., Permanente
Medical Group, North Hollywood, California. For further information and registration forms write to: Gerald E. Hughes, M.D., Secretary
for Educational Affairs, American Academy of
Pediatrics, P.O. Box 1034, Evanston, Illinois
subject for discussion at the Annual Variety Children’s Hospital Pediatric Postgraduate
Course, to be held at the Deauville Hotel,
Miami Beach, Florida, January 25-29, 1970.
The guest faculty will include: Drs. Marvin Cornblath, Murray Davidson, Heinz F. Eichen-wald, Leon Eisenberg, Sydney S. Gellis, Ar-nold P. Gold, James C. Hughes, Lester W.
Sheldon C. Siegel, and Demetnius C. Traggis.
The registration fee is $80.00; interns and
resi-dents, $40.00. Further information may be ob-tamed from Donald H. Altman, M.D., Chair-man, Postgraduate Courses, Variety Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida 33155.
INFEC-TIOUS DISEASES, a postgraduate course, will
be given by the departments of medicine,
pedi-atrics, and microbiology of the College of
Medicine, University of Arizona, on January 31 and February 1, 1970, at the Statler Hilton
Inn, Tucson, Arizona. Drs. Vincent A.
Fulgi-niti and David Rifkind of the University of Ar-izona will be co-directors. The guest faculty in-eludes Drs. Leighton Cluff, Samuel L. Katz,
Vernon Knight, Saul Krugman, Calvin M.
Kunin, and John D. Nelson. For registration forms write to The University of Arizona,
Di-vision of Continuing Education, Tucson, An-zona 85721.
ANOMALIES: A symposium will he given at the
Carillon Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, March
9-13, 1970. The program is being sponsored
by the Birth Defects Center, University of
Miami School of Medicine; Center for Crani-ofacial Anomalies, University of Illinois at the
Medical Center, Chicago; and the National
Foundation-March of Dimes, Dade County Chapter. The faculty will be headed by Drs.
Samuel Pruzansky, Robert Gorlin, John W.
Curtin, D. Ralph Millard, Jr., Burton L.
Sha-piro, Lawrence Meskin, Howard Aduss, Aubrey
Reuss, and Samuel Berkowitz. The program will cover the anatomy of clefts, epidemiology, genetics, syndromes and clefts pre- and postna-tal development, surgical reconstruction, psy-chosocial end points, congenital
palatopharyn-geal incompetence, and other craniofacial
anomalies. Orthodontic-prosthetic management of the cleft palate patient will be covered in detail. The fee is $100.00. For more informa-tion write to: Samuel Berkowitz, D.D.S., M.S., Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics,
papers on all scientific aspects of thoiacic and
cardiovascular diseases for presentation at the
annual meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, May
25-27, 1970. Membership in the Society is
not a pre-requisite to participation on the
pro-gram. For information write: Gerald L. Baum,
M.D., Chairman, Medical Sessions Committee,
American Thoracic Society, 1740 Broadway,
New York, New York 10019.
American Board of Pediatrics announces that
the closing date of receipt of applications for
the 1970 written examination in pediatric
al-lergy is March 15, 1970. For further
informa-tion contact the Executive Secretary,
Amen-can Board of Pediatrics, Six Bryn Mawr Avenue,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010.
new publication written for professional
per-sons engaged in disseminating information
about nutrition to a wide range of publics,
began regular publication July 1969. The
jour-nal will be published quarterly by the Society
for Nutrition Education. Vol. 1, No. 1, will be
dated Summer 1969. Subscriptions at $5 per
year ( $6 foreign ) will run initially from July through June 1970 for charter subscribers.
Anti-des and research papers on nutrition
educa-tion, conference summaries, current topics in
nutrition education, government action and
re-views of educational materials, books, and
journal articles will be contained in the
publi-cation. Dr. George M. Bniggs, Chairman,
De-partment of Nutritional Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley, is executive editor of the
new journal. Mrs. Helen Denning Ullrich is its
editor. Correspondence regarding the
publica-tion should be sent to: Journal of Nutrition Ed-iication, 1 19 Morgan Hall, University of Cali-fornia, Berkeley, California 94720.
The Children’s Bureau has announced the
awarding of a grant to the Boston Floating
Hospital for Infants and Children for the
consultants in the various disciplines to aid in establishing diagnosis, treatment, and program-ming. Appointments may be obtained by writ-ing to the Child Development Center, Pediatric Ambulatory Services, Boston Floating Hospital,
20 Ash Street, Boston, Massachusetts 021 1 1 or
by calling 617-5600, Ext. 372.
The American Thoracic Society, Medical
Section of the National Tuberculosis and
Re-s)iratory Disease Association, has pul)liShed a
fourth edition of a listing of training programs in respiratory disease, including pediatric
pro-grams. The booklet contains such information
as: institution, chief of service or program
di-rector, previous training required, annual sti-pend, type of experience offered, and inpatient
and outpatient admissions per year. The
list-ing carries n implication of approval by the
American Thoracic Society. The information is
purely factual as supplied by those in charge
of the programs. For a copy of the booklet
write to: American Thoracic Society, Division
of Medical Education, 1740 Broadway, New
York, New York 10019.
One-year fellowships are available through
The Division of Community Pediatrics of the
Department of Pediatrics of the University of
Cincinnati College of Medicine. Candidates
IlitiSt ha’e )nl)lete(l rotating 4 oi#{149}straight pe-diatric internships plus 1 year of pediatric resi-dency or 2 years of pediatric residency in au accredited institution. For further information contact Donald
Frank, M.D., AssociateDi-rector, Division of Community Pediatrics,
Uni-versity of Cincinnati Medical Center, :3245
Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229.
The Children’s Hospital of Michigan
an-nounces the availability of a fellowship iii
pedi-atnic allergy and immunology iii a itully
ap-proved, 2-year program beginning July 1,
1970. For further information write: Thad H.
Joos, M.D., 20361 Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan 48236.
The American Society for Clinical Nutrition is pleased to announce a new post-doctoral fel-lowship sponsored by The National Vitamin Foundation, Inc. This fellowship will be
awarded for studies designed to provide an
un-derstanding of human nutritional needs for
vi-tamins and their biochemical relation to health, disease, and preventive medicine. The
sti-pend will range up to $10,000 per annum,
de-pending on the applicant’s qualifications, For