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The characterisation of a T cell response to human rhinovirus


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1.1 Ov e r v ie wo fim m u n it yt o Vir u s e s 19

1.2 Th e C D 4 T c e l l Me m o r yr e s p o n s e 23

1.21 Longevity of memory T cells 24

1.22 Naive and memory T cells differ in activation requirements and functional states 28

1.23 Migration of naive and memory T cells 33

1.24 Phenotypic markers of naive and memory T cells 34

a) The use of CD45 splice variants as markers of memory T cells 35

b) The expression of CD45RA may not always represent a naive phenotype 37

c) Other markers of activation/memory in humans 41


1.31 The cytokine dichotomy in CD4 positive T helper cells 44

1.32 The primary stimulus for differentiation into Thl and Th2 cells 44

1.33 Cross regulation of Thl and Th2 cells 47

1.34 Source of cytokines 50



1.41 Epidemiology 54

1.42 Infection 55

1.43 Structure 56

1.44 Physical properties 57

1.45 Cellular receptors for HRV 57

1.46 Receptor binding sites on HRV 58

1.47 Humoral Response 59

1.48 Cellular Response 59

1.5 Th er o l eo fCD4 T c ellsint h eim m u n er e s p o n s et oIFZ A a n dRSV 62

1.51IFZA 62

1.52 RSV 63

1.6 As s o c ia t io no fu p p e rr e s p ir a t o r yt r a c tv ir a lin f e c t io n sa n da s t h m a 65

1.7 Ob je c t iv e so fs t u d y 66


2.1 Ex p a n s io na n d PURIFICATION o fHRV 67

2.11 Expansion 67

2.12 Purification 67

2.13 ELISA for measuring HRV concentration 68

2.14 Origin of HRV serotype specific anti-sera 69

2.15 Origin of HRV serotypes 69


2.21 Enrichment of T cells by resetting with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) 71

2.22 Enrichment of B cells by resetting with SRBC 71

2.23 Enrichment of T cells by depletion using anti-mouse IgG coated dynabeads 72

2.24 Enrichment of CD4/CD8 T cells by depletion with anti-mouse IgG coated 72


2.25 Enrichment of CD45RA/CD45RO T cells by depletion with anti-mouse IgG 73

coated dynabeads


2.27 Enrichment of DC by depletion with anti-mouse IgG coated dynabeads 73

2 .3 Is o l a t io no fc e l l sfr o m PB a n dUCB 74

2.4 Pr o l if e r a t io na s s a y s 75


2.6 An t ib o d ie su s e d inis o l a t io no f T c e l ls u b s e t s 76

2.7 Cy t o k in ea n a l y s is 77

2 .8 Ma in t e n a n c e o f Ce l ll in e s 7 8


3 .1 In t r o d u c t io n 80

3 .2 . Fr e q u e n c y o ft h e H R V spe c ificr e s p o n s eint o n s il a r T CELLS 82


3 .4 Th e T c e l lr e s p o n s eisHRV spe c ific 82

3 .5 Ul t r a v io l e t (U V ) in a c t iv a t io no f H R V d o e sn o te ffe c tt h e T c e l l 83 PROLIFERATION


3.61 Phenotypic analysis of the various responder populations 84

3.62 Determination of the antigen concentration required to induce an optimal 85

response to HRV

3.63 The effect of altering the T cell number on the proliferative response to HRV 86

3.64 Determination of the time course of the HRV specific in vitroproliferative 87


3.65 APC requirement 87

a Titration of B cell enriched populations 87

b Comparison of B cell and DC enriched populations 88

3 .7 Dis c u s s io n 90





4 .3 De t e r m in a t io no ft h ec y t o k in ep r o fil eo ft h e H R V sp e c if ic 118


4 .4 Th eHRV r e s p o n s e inCD45RA a n dCD45RO T c e l l s 119

4 .4 1 The use of magnetic beads to enrich for CD45RA, CD3 positive T cells 119

4 .4 2 Comparison of the HRV response in CD45RA and CD45RO enriched T cells 120

a. Comparison of CD45RA and CD45RO responder populations enriched 120

for T cells by depleting CD 14 and CD 19 expressing cells

b. Comparison of CD45RA and CD45RO responder populations enriched for 120

T cells by depleting CD 14, CD 19, and MHC class II expressing cells

c. Comparison of CD45RO‘*“” and CD45RO*’”^ ‘ responder populations enriched for 121

T cells by resetting with SRBC

4 .4 3 Time course of the HRV response in CD45RA enriched T cells 121

4 .4 4 Comparative titration of CD45RA and CD45RO T cells required for the HRV 122

specific response




5 .1 Introduction 145

5.2 Time course of the HRV response in PBMC 146

5.3 Frequency of HRV response in PBMC 146

5.4 Determination of the cytokine profile of the HRV response in PBMC 147

5.5 Comparison of cells isolated from tonsil or PB of the same individual 147

5.6 CD45RA enriched T cells from PB can respond to HRV and IFZ A 148

5.7 Di s c u s s io n 149


6 .1 Su m m a r y 160

6 .2 Fu t u r e St u d i e s 161


Figure 2.1 Isolation of cells from tonsils 79

Figure 3.1 The frequency of HRV specific responders 95

Figure 3.2 The T cell response to multiple serotypes. 96

Figure 3.3 T cell responses are HRV specific 97

Figure 3.4 The effect of UV treatment of HRV on the T cell response 98

Figure 3.5 The Phenotypic analysis of E+ HD cells 99

Figure 3.6 The Phenotypic analysis of CD 14, CD19 depleted HD cells 100

Figure 3.7 The Phenotypic analysis of CD 14, CD19, MHC class II depleted HD cells 101

Figure 3.8. Dose response of HRV specific T cells in HD responders 102

Figure 3.9 Dose response of HRV specific T cells in E+ HD cells 103

Figure 3.10 Dose response of HRV specific T cells in CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II 104

depleted HD cells

Figure 3.11 The effect of altering the number of E+ HD T cells on the proliferative 105

response to HRV

Figure 3.12 The effect of altering the number of CD14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted 106

HD cells on the proliferative response to HRV

Figure 3.13 Limiting dilution analysis of the HRV response 107


Figure 3.15 The time course of the HRV specific proliferative response in 109

CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted HD cells

Figure 3.16 The APC requirement of E+ HD cells 110

Figure 3.17 The APC requirement of CD 14, CD 19 depleted HD cells 111

Figure 3.18 The APC requirement CD 14, CD19, MHC class II depleted HD cells 112

Figure 3.19 Phenotypic comparison of B cell enriched and B cell depleted LD cells 113

Figure 3.20 Comparison of B cell enriched and B cell depleted LD cells to present HRV 114

Figure 3.21 Phenotypic comparison of B cell enriched and DC enriched populations 115

Figure 3.22 Comparison of the ability of B cell enriched and DC enriched populations 116

to present HRV to CD45RA enriched T cells

Figure 4.1 Phenotypic comparison of CD4 and CDS depleted HD cells 130

Figure 4.2 The HRV specific T cell response is dependent on the presence of CD4 T cells 131

Figure 4.3 The cytokine profile of the HRV response 132

Figure 4.4 Phenotypic analysis of CD45RO, CD 14, CD19 depleted HD cells 133

Figure 4.5 The HRV response in CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19 depleted HD cells 134

Figure 4.6 Phenotypic analysis of CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted 135

HD cells

Figure 4.7 The APC requirement of the CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted 136


Figure 4.8 Comparison of the HRV response in CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19 depleted and 137 CD45RA, CD14, CD19 depleted HD cells

Figure 4.9 Comparison of the phenotypic profile of CD45RO, CD14, CD19, MHC class II 138 depleted and CD45RA, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted HD cells

Figure 4.10 Comparison of the HRV response in CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II 139 depleted and CD45RA, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted HD cells

Figure 4.11 Comparison of the HRV response in CD45RO‘*““ and CD45RO*’'^^*’‘ T cells 140

Figure 4.12 Time course of the HRV response in CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II 141 depleted HD cells

Figure 4.13 Comparison of the HRV response in CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II 142 depleted and CD45RA, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted HD cells after 4 days in culture

Figure 4.14 Comparative titration of CD45RO, CD14, CD19, MHC class II depleted 143 and CD45RA, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted HD cells required for

the HRV specific response

Figure 4.15 UCBMC do not respond to HRV 144

Figure 5.1 Time course of the HRV response in PBMC 152

Figure 5.2 The frequency of the HRV responses in PBMC from seven healthy volunteer 153

Figure 5.3 The HRV response in CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted PBMC 154

Figure 5.4 Determination of the cytokine profile of the HRV response in PBMC 155


Figure 5.6 The phenotypic profile CD45RO, CD 14, CD 19, MHC class II depleted 158




TABLE 1: Origin of HRV serotypes 69

TABLE 2: Antibodies used in isolation of T cell subsets 69



Antigen presenting cell(s)

Cutaneous Lymphocyte associated antigen

Conconavalin A

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte


Dendritic cells

Sheep blood rosseted HD cells

Sheep blood rosseted LD cells

Enzyme-Ihiked immunosorbant assay

Follicular dendritic cell

Granulocyte colony stimulatory factor

High density

Human lymphocyte associated antigen

Human rhinovirus

Intercellular adhesion molecule

Interferon Influenza A Immunoglobulin Interleukin Kilo daltons Low density L.Major

Lymphocyte function associated antigen

Lymph node


Lower respiratory tract

Monoclonal antibodies

Major histocompatibilty complex

Messenger Ribonucleic acid

Neutralising immunogens

Peripheral blood


PCR Polymerase chain reaction

PHA Phytohaemoglutinin

RNA Ribonucleic acid

RSV Respiratory syncytial virus

SI Stimulation index

TAP Transporter associated with antigen presentation

TcR T cell receptor

Th T helper cells

UCB Umbilical cord blood

UCBMC Umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells

URT Upper respiratory tract

VCAM Vascular cell adhesion molecule



10 ml conical tubes: Nunclon, Kamstrup, Denmark

1000ml roller bottles: Falcon, Oxford, UK

1 Ox Hanks: Gibco, Paisley, UK

2-mercaptoethanol: Sigma, Dorset, UK

20ml syringe plunger: Terumo, Leven, Belgium

^H-Thymidine: ICN, Oxfordshire, UK

5-[^^^I]Iodo-2’-deoxyuridine ([^^^I]-IdUdR): Amersham, Bukinghamshire,UK

6 well tissue culture plates: Nunclon, Kamstrup, Denmark

96 well microtitre plates: Nunclon, Kamstrup, Denmark

Alkaline phosphatase conjugated rabbit anti-mouse antibody: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Ammonium chloride: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Ammonium sulphate: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Amphotericin B: Gibco, Paisley, UK

Bovine serum albumin (BSA): Sigma, Dorset, UK

Collagenase type II: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Conconavalin A (Con A): Sigma, Dorset, UK

Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (E4): Claire Hall Laboratories, Hertfordshire, UK

Ethylene diamine tetraacetate (EDTA): Sigma, Dorset, UK

Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated sheep anti-mouse Ig: Dako, Glostrup,


Foetal calf serum (FCS): Gibco, Paisley, UK

Glass Petri-dish: BDH, Lab Supplies, Upminster, UK

Glycine: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS): Gibco, Paisley, UK

Hanks balanced salt solution (without phenol red) : Gibco, Paisley, UK

Histopaque 1077: Sigma, Dorset, UK

IFNy or IL-4 ELISA kits: AMS, Biotechnology, Oxon

Recombinant IL-2, IFNy or IL-4: Preprotech, London UK


Magnesium chloride: Sigma, Dorset, UK

N-2 hydroxyethyl piperazine-N’-2-ethane sulphonic acid (HEPES): Gibco, Paisley, UK

Nylon mesh (125pM pore size): Cadish, London, UK

p-Nitrophenyl phosphate: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Paraf ormlaldehy de : Sigma, Dorset, UK

Penicilin: Gibco Paisley, UK N

Percoll: Pharmacia, Hertfordshire, UK

Phosphate buffered saline (PBS): Claire Hall Laboratories, Hertfordshire, UK

Rosewell Park Memorial Institute 1640 medium (RPMI 1640): Gibco, Paisley, UK

Sarkosyl: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Sheep anti-mouse IgG coated magnetic beads: Dynal, Wirral, UK

Sheep red blood cells: Tissue Culture Services, Slough, Berkshire, UK

Sodium azide: BDH chemicals, Poole UK

Sodium carbonate buffer: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Syringe with 0.6x25mm needle size: Sabre, Berkshire, UK

Streptomycin: Gibco, Paisley, UK

Sucrose: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Tris: Sigma, Dorset, UK

Tissue culture flasks: Nunclon, Kamstrup, Denmark

Tween 20: Sigma, Dorset, UK



Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors Professors Benny

Chain and David Katz for their invaluable guidance.

I would also like to thank Professor Peter Beverley, Dr. Luciene Lopes, Ms. Vanessa

Woodhead, Dr. Micheal Binks, Mr. Mark George, Dr. Diana Wallace, Dr. Mala Maini,

Mr. Hal Drakesmith and Mr Manminder Kambo for their assistance.

I would like to acknowledge all blood donars, the staff and patients at Middlesex and

Royal National Hospital for providing tonsils and at University College Hospital for

providing umbilical cord blood.

Finally, I would like to express a special thanks to my family and Verold West for their



Most viral infections are controlled either by neutralising antibodies and/or cytolysis of

infected cells by MHC class I restricted CDS T cells. However, CD4 T cells may also

contribute towards the defence against viral infections by the release cytokines which can either

provide help for the differentiation of effector T and B cells or have a direct anti-viral effect on

the infected cell. The T cell response induced by HRV has not yet been directly examined. The

objective of this study was to understand the nature of the T cell response and its contribution

to the pathogenesis of human rhinovirus (HRV) infection in humans. As a local lymphoid tissue

to the upper respiratory tract, the tonsil provides a site of drainage for any antigen that enters

via the nasopharyngeal surface. The high prevalence of HRV and the site of the tonsil would

predict the presence of a recall or memory response to HRV in T cells derived from tonsils. The

present study demonstrates that indeed a T cell proliferative response to HRV can be detected

in tonsil derived T cells in approximately 80% of the 132 individuals (mostly children aged

between 4-14 years of age) tested. This response was found to be dependent on the presence of

T cells and MHC class 11+ cells and mediated predominantly by the CD4 T cell subset with

underlying cytokine profile of Thl type cells. In most of the experiments only a single

representative member of each viral subgroup was used although in a few tonsils a panel of 7

different serotypes comprising members of each group were tested. Evidence to suggest a recall

or memory type response was suggested by the ability of these limited number of serotypes to

induce a response in the large majority of individuals and also by the ability to induce a

response within 3-4 days in culture. However, surprisingly HRV as well as influenza A (IFZ A)

was able to induce a recall type response in both the CD45RA and CD45RO T cell subsets but

were unable to activate umbilical cord blood derived mononuclear cells (UCBMC). In a limited

number of experiments the HRV response in peripheral blood (PB) derived T cells was

examined and shown to compare both quantitatively and qualitatively with tonsil derived T

cells. A population with antigen presenting capacity was shown to exist in an 80-90% CD3

enriched responder population which could only be removed after MHC class II depletion.

Sequential depletion of various subsets from the stimulator population suggested that these may

be dendritic cells (DC). Thus, the present study suggests that in contrast to most viral

infections, HRV induces predominantly a MHC class II restricted CD4 T cell response in vitro.

The induction of CD4 Thl cells could provide defence against primary infection by controlling

viral replication via cytokines such as IFNy and TNFa and provide protection against re­

infection by supporting the production of neutralising antibodies by B cells. The ability to

induce comparable HRV specific responses in both CD45RA and CD45RO T cells suggest that




Primary exposure of vertebrates to a viral pathogen results in the induction of a number

of com plet mechanisms by the immune system that are geared towards eradicating the

virus initially and then secondly developing specific protection against reinfection by the

virus. Although immune responses vary from virus to virus, certain fundamental

common features can be observed in many infections. The primary defence is mediated

by the non-specific mechanisms of the innate immune system, such as mucociliary

responses at mucosal surfaces, activation of complement, natural killer cells, and

phagocytic cells (macrophages and granulocytes) and their products (cytokines).

However, the innate system is not always very effective against viral pathogens and the

virus may survive this initial onslaught to continue replication. More specific

mechanisms are therefore required to combat the ever increasing virus load. The

expansion of effector B and T cells bearing antigen specific receptors for the virus can

effectively destroy the virus and/or virus infected cells and in addition, generate memory

cells to prevent reinfection.

Although both the T cell and B cell numbers are increased after primary exposure to the

virus or vaccine, the initial response is mediated by effector T cells. In contrast, the

antibody response requires longer periods to reach maximum levels. On eradication of

the virus, the numbers of effector T cells and B cells rapidly decreases. However, a

subpopulation of these primed T cells and B cells may survive so that on re-exposure to

the virus (or reactivation of latent virus), a more rapid expansion of these cells occurs

than observed on the primary exposure. The factors governing the survival of these T

cells are discussed in more detail in section 1.2.

T cells and B cells recognise different forms of virus. B cells recognise mostly structural

epitopes on a free virus, whereas T cells can recognise proteolytic fragments of

regulatory and structural proteins of the virus, that are presented on the surfaOe of




molecules MHC class I and MHC class n. Different T cell populations have evolved to

recognise presentation by either MHC class I or class II molecules. Whilst peptides

presented by MHC class II molecules are recognised by CD4 T cells, MHC class I

associated peptides are recognised by CDS T cells.

Different effector mechanisms are induced by these T cell subsets. On activation, the

main effector mechanism of CDS T cells is cytolysis of the targeted cell, although they

are also capable of producing a number of cytokines. However, cytokine production is

the main effector mechanism of CD4 T cells which allows these cells to provide help for

activation and proliferation of other cells such as B cells, macrophages and CDS T cells,

although CD4 T cells are also capable of cytolysis under certain conditions. The

preferential induction of the different subsets of CD4 T cell and the different cytokines

produced has a profound effect on the course of the viral infection and is discussed in

more detail in section 1.3.

The nature of the virus determines the mode of entry into the host cell. Following

binding of the virus to specific receptors on the host cell membrane, enveloped viruses

gain entry into the host cell by either fusion of the viral lipid membrane and the host cell

membrane (paramyxoviruses) or by receptor mediated endocytosis (orthomyxoviruses),

whilst non enveloped viruses can only enter via receptor mediated endocytosis

(picomaviruses) (reviewed in Knipe et al. 1996). The fusion pathway is promoted by

virion surface proteins and releases the viral nucleocapsid directly into the cytoplasm of

the cell. Receptor mediated endocytosis is the normal mechanism used by cells to take

up antigens from the extracellular environment. It occurs by the invagination of the

section of the plasma membrane bound to the virus (via a receptor) to form a clathrin

coated vesicle called an endosome. Once in the endosome the nucleocapsid of the

enveloped or the viral capsid of the non enveloped virus fuses with the endosomal

membrane to release the viral genome into the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the newly

synthesised viral proteins will be subjected to proteolytic degradation by proteosomes

and subsequently transported to the endoplasmic reticulum by a peptide transporter

consisting of multi-membrane spanning proteins TAPI and TAP2 (Neefjes et al. 1993).

MHC class n loading occurs in the endosome whilst MHC class I loading occurs within


Although viruses can load both MHC class I and class II molecules, the viral proteins

encountered in the different compartments will differ for MHC class I and class II

molecules. Thus viral peptides presented by MHC class II molecules will be mainly

proteins of the virion capsid/nucleocapsid encountered in the endosome but fusogenic

viruses can also load MHC class II if viral membrane proteins can enter the endocytic

pathway. Proteins available for MHC class I presentation will include structural and

non-structural proteins, such as enzymes which are synthesised within the infected cell.

Virtually all cells express MHC class I molecules but MHC class II molecules are only

constitutively expressed on professional APC such as B cells and DC, although they can

also be induced on other cell types by cytokines released by T cells. Activated B cells

expressing both specific antibodies to the virus and MHC class II molecules can provide

a very efficient means of acquiring and presenting viral peptides to CD4 T cells.

Enveloped and non enveloped viruses also differ in the mode of exit from the infected

cell (reviewed in Knipe 1996). Enveloped viruses exit either by budding from the

plasma membrane or via secretory vesicles containing the virus which fuses with the

host plasma membrane. In general, non-enveloped viruses are released by lysing the host

cell, but there may be exceptions such as simian virus 40 and poliovirus.

The pathology that may result from a viral infection is due to a combination of the direct

effect of the pathogen, and the immunopathology associated with the host’s response

against the virus. The strength and kinetics of the response are critical to the outcome. A

weak or slow response may not be sufficient to control virus load, whilst an excessive

immune response can itself kill the host. Thus the immune system has a very delicate

balancing act to perform in order to control the virus and prevent excessive


The nasopharynx region of the upper respiratory tract (URT) provides a port of entry to

a number of viruses. Although these viruses differ in their mode of infection and the

protective immunity induced, they induce similar symptoms generally recognised as a

‘common cold’, but may be combined with fever in the case of IFZ A infection. Similar

lower respiratory tract (LRT) complications can ensue from all these viruses, such as


illnesses are caused by rhinoviruses (HRV), about 15-20% by coronoviruses, 10% by

IFZ A and influenza B, whilst respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus and

parainfluenza viruses together comprise 10% of URT illnesses in adults (Larson 1996).

All these viruses except for HRV and adenovirus are enveloped viruses and use receptor

mediated endocytosis as a route of entry to the host cell, although RSV can also enter by

fusion with the cell membrane. However, whilst HRV and adenovims are released by

cytolysis of the infected cell, the others are released by budding from the cell membrane.

Although considerable knowledge on the epidemiology, structure and biology of these

viruses is known, the immune response induced has only been well characterised for a

few, such as IFZ A and RSV. In order to gain an insight into the local cellular immune

response induced by HRV in vivo, the cellular immune responses induced by IFZ A and

RSV are discussed in more detail in section 1.5.

Human rhinovirus induces a well characterised protective humoral immune response.

However a few studies have also documented the presence of an HRV specific CD4 T

cell response. These studies suggest that T cells are involved in the immune response to

HRV, although their exact role is not known. In order to understand any pathological

condition or to develop effective therapeutic interventions, it is important to determine

all the key players and their exact role in the process.

The main objective of this study was to characterise the cellular response induced to

HRV in humans and to elucidate it’s contribution to HRV associated immunopathology.

More specifically, to determine the T cell subsets used in order to gain an insight to the

effector mechanisms induced by HRV in vivo. The cells were derived from tonsils

removed from mainly children aged between 4 and 14 undergoing routine tonsillectomy.

The tonsils form a major part of the lymphoid tissue draining the URT and it’s removal

is usually carried out after either an acute or chronic infection due to a number of

bacterial and viral pathogens which include HRV. Thus T cells derived from tonsils

would be expected to have previously been exposed to HRV and therefore reflect a

memory response to HRV.

The following in vitro study provides evidence to suggest that HRV is a highly


the preferential activation of CD4 T cells and release of Thl type cytokines, IL-2 and


1.2 T h e CD4 T c e l l M e m o r y r e s p o n s e

Immunological memory is the most important function of the adaptive immune

system in terms of survival, as it allows the host to remember a previous encounter

with an invading pathogen such that on secondary exposure, as a consequence of

developing a more efficient defence mechanism, little or no symptoms are suffered.

The efficiency comes from the increased rate and magnitude of the secondary

response due to the clonal expansion of the lymphocytes, and the increased sensitivity

due to the upregulation of a vast array of adhesion and costimulatory molecules

following the primary stimulus. Historically, there have been several recorded

examples of long-lived immunological memory (reviewed in Mackay 1993a). In 1781,

in the Foroe islands an outbreak of measles resulted in a severe reduction of the

population. Sixty five years later in 1846, a second epidemic of measles hit the

islands. A survey showed that only people older than 64 resisted the infection

suggesting that these individuals had acquired immunity from the first epidemic. In

1949, it was reported that immunity to yellow fever can be detected 50 years after the

primary exposure. Many other more recent studies have provided evidence to support

the idea of long-lived immunological memory. In mice, influenza specific antibodies

could be found 18 months after infection (Jones et al. 1987) and, for some viral

infections, a high antibody titre can be found for the entire life of the animal

(Zinkemagel 1990 ).

Immunological memory against viruses has been shown to correlate with an increase

in the frequency of specific serum antibody levels against the virus and an increase in

the frequency of circulating cytotoxic T cells (CTL) against the virus. However, CD4

T helper cells (Th) also play an important role in the induction of both humoral and

CTL memory by providing help in the form of cytokines required to initiate the


functions, both CTL and Th cells are subjected to similar differentiation and

activation requirements thus sharing many characteristics such as phenotypic markers.

The main emphasis in this discussion will be on the memory response induced in the

CD4 T cell subset because of it’s involvement in the response to HRV, although the

CDS T cells will be discussed where relevant.

There are still many questions to unravel with regard to the memory T cell. The

mechanisms involved in maintaining immunological memory remains contentious,

and debates continue as to whether the presence of the primary stimulus is required

for longevity of memory. Although three phases or functional states are recognised (as

defined in the murine system), specifically the unprimed naive, activated or effector

and the resting memory state, it is unclear as to whether the effector cell and the

memory cell are different stages of the same pathway, or the end products resulting

from the divergence of one pathway.

As a cell progresses from a naive unprimed state through an effector stage and or

memory state, it acquires specific phenotypic and functional characteristics, by which

these states can be defined, for example, memory cells have enhanced expression of

many adhesion and costimulatory molecules. One of the most commonly used

distinctions of naive and memory cells is the differential expression of CD45 (the

common leukocyte antigen) splice variants, with the low molecular weight isoforms

being associated with a memory phenotype whilst the high molecular weight isoforms

are associated with a naive phenotype in humans, mice, rats and sheep. In humans

these are detected by the anti-CD45RO and CD45RA monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)


1.21 Longevity of memory T cells

Although there is evidence to suggest that the maintenance of memory for B cells may

be due to long lived cells (Schittek et al. 1990), memory T cells have been found to

have a relatively short life span compared to naive T cells. The use of mAbs that can

distinguish between naive and memory T cells has enabled the fate of these cells to be


was followed in cells with chromosomal dicentric lesions induced by radiation therapy

(Michie et al. 1992). This study showed that the CD45RA cells could survive for up to

10 years, whilst cells with the CD45RO memory phenotype disappeared after

approximately 1 year. The disappearance of the CD45RO cells may have been due to

either the death of these cells on entering cell division or due to a reversion to the

CD45RA phenotype. In either case, this study does provide evidence for the longevity

of the naive phenotype compared to the memory phenotype. In a more recent study,

the re-analysis of this data with stable dicentric lesions (as opposed to the unstable

lesions studied previously), estimated the rate of cell division in unprimed T cells as

once every 3.5 years, whereas the primed phenotype divided once every 22 weeks

(Mclean et al. 1995). Similarly in a murine study, the naive T cells were found to have

slower rate of turnover than those with memory phenotype as measured by DNA

labelling with bromodeoxyuridine in thymectomised mice (Tough et al. 1994).

The higher incidence of apoptosis in effector and memory T cells compared to naive T

cells also provides further evidence to support the relatively shorter life span of the

memory T cell compared to a naive T cell. Thus after an acute viral infection, the

CD45RO T cell subset has been shown to be more susceptible to apoptosis than the

CD45RA T cell subset (Uehara et al. 1992). The bcl-2 gene product has been shown

to block apoptosis (reviewed in Korsmeyer et al. 1992; King et al. 1993) and its

increased expression in B cells and thymocytes rescues these cells from cell death

(Liu et al. 1991a; Sentman etal. 1991). PB derived T cells isolated from an individual

during the effector phase of a viral infection (Epstein-Barr virus, varicella zoster

virus and human immuno-deficiency virus) were found to have reduced expression of

the bcl-2 gene product in both the CD4 and CDS, CD45RO T cells, and were highly

susceptible to apoptosis (Akbar et al. 1993). Furthermore, a number of studies have

shown that the differentiation of T cells from CD45RA to CD45RO results in the

down regulation of bcl-2 and the concomitant upregulation of the CD95 (Fas/APO-1

antigen), which is associated with induction of apoptosis of activated T cells (Salmon

et al. 1994; Uehara et al. 1992; Brunner et al. 1996; Dhein et al. 1996; Ju et al. 1996).

This suggests that the reciprocal expression of bcl-2 and Fas/APO-1 antigen regulates

the life span of an individual cell. Recently it has been found that the cytokines IL-2



In addition, other cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7 and IL-15 (Uehara et al.

1992; Akbar et al. 1996) have also been shown to inhibit apoptosis and this was found

to be due to their ability to signal via the XL-2y chain receptor which can promote the

expression of bcl-2 as well as bcl-x (another bcl-2 related gene involved in preventing

apoptosis) (Akbar et al. 1996).

In order to reconcile the longevity of immunological memory with the relatively short

life span of a single memory cell, it is now believed that it is the clonal specificity that

survives the length of time, and not the individual cell. However the mechanisms

involved in maintaining this clonal specificity remains a controversial issue. Several

theories have been proposed to explain how immunological memory can persist for

such long periods of time.

The theory that antigen is a prerequisite for the maintenance of memory was tested by

adoptively transferring highly purified memory T cells into irradiated or unirradiated

hosts (Gray et al. 1991a). Under these conditions it was found that immunological

memory was dependent on the presence of the antigen and in its absence decayed with

time and returned to a “primary” type of response. This was true for Th, CTLs and B

cells. There is good evidence to suggest that antigen can be stored in the form of

antibody-anti gen complexes on the surface of follicular dendritic cell (FDC) (Tew et

al. 1978, 1979; Mandel et al. 1980) and this is thought to be a means of restimulating

B cells directly (Tew et al. 1980; Gray et al. 1988; Bachman et al. 1994) and also Th

cells indirectly by presentation of the antigenic peptides processed and presented by

the same B cell (Kosco et al. 1988; Gray et al. 1991b, 1993, 1994). However, CTL

memory cannot be maintained via FDC associated antigen and consequently several

other mechanisms for maintaining memory have been suggested.

A number of very convincing studies have shown that antigen is not required to

maintain CTL memory. These studies examined the CTL memory to Sendai and

influenza viruses, where great measures were taken to ensure the absence of priming

antigen when transferring memory T cells to naive recipients. The recipients were

continuously monitored for viral RNA by polymerase chain reaction and


1994). Thus it was shown that Sendai virus specific CTLs could be detected even in

the absence of MHC-peptide complexes when transferred into MHC class I deficient

recipients (Hou et al. 1994). However, a recent study has shown that CDS T cell

memory can only be transferred and maintained in naive recipient in the absence of

antigen if the recipient is irradiated (Kundig et al. 1996). Therefore, these authors

suggest that the immunosuppressive techniques used in the above experiments may

have caused non-specific activation of the T cells and thereby have maintained these

cells over the examined period. Clearly the above studies would have to be re­

examined in light of these findings.

A theory that is applicable to maintenance of both Th and CTL memory in the absence

of original antigen, is that of cross reactivity to similar environmental antigens

(Beverley et al. 1990). It was suggested that the memory T cell may have a lower

threshold of activation due to the increased expression of adhesion molecules which

would allow lower affinity interactions such as those that occur for recognition of

cross reactive epitopes (Beverley et al. 1990). There is a considerable amount of

experimental evidence to substantiate this theory. For example T cells specific for

malaria in humans previously unexposed to the pathogen have been observed (Fern et

al. 1992; Good et al. 1991). Furthermore, these malaria specific T cells responded to

cross reactive epitopes on various environmental antigens such as tetenus toxoid

(Currier et al. 1992). Cross reaction between serotypes of the same virus is commonly

observed (Hastings et al. 1991) and T cell clones specific for a given antigen often

shows promiscuity for allo-antigens (Ashwell et al. 1986).

Non-specific activation of bystander cells via cytokines has been suggested as another

mechanism for maintaining memory T cells (reviewed in: Tough et al. 1996). Thus for

example, the T cell activation induced by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus or IFZ

A, far exceeds the percentage of virus specific T cells in primary and secondary

lymphoid tissue, as well as peripheral tissue (Lau et al. 1994; Carding et al. 1993). In

addition, a number of viruses can generate CTLs capable of killing uninfected

allogeneic class I expressing cells (Yang et al. 1989). However, not all of these cells

were capable of killing viral infected cells (Nahill et al. 1993). Evidence to suggest


the finding that a combination of the cytokines IL-2, TN Fa and IL-6 can activate PB

derived CD45RO T cells (but not CD45RA T cells) to induce the expression of

mRNA for IFNy and IL-4 and mediate effector functions such as B cell help (Unutmaz

et al. 1994).

Another possibility is that the memory cells retain their viability by reverting to a

quiescent state but still require periodic stimulation to maintain clonal specificity.

Thus in the absence of IL-2, the majority of CD45RO T cells were able to survive for

at least 6 days by culturing on fibroblasts (Akbar et al. 1993). In another study T cell

clones were also maintained for over a month on feeder cells, in the absence of

exogenous IL-2 (Cheever et al. 1986). There is evidence to suggest that in vivo, T

cells may revert from an activated CD45RO to a less active CD45RA state (see

section 1.24b).

Whatever the mechanism for maintaining memory, it is evident that many external

factors can affect the longevity of memory. In natural infections, the frequency of

infection, the time between each episode and the severity of the infection will affect

any measure of T cell memory. In experimental systems, in addition to time and

frequency of boosts, other factors such as adjuvants and route of entry will also come

into play.

1.22 Naive and memory T ceils differ in activation requirements and functional states.

The assessment of the activation requirement and the functional state of a T cell

provides an indication of the stage of development of that cell. This is because the

immune system has imposed stringent activation requirements for naive T cells

compared to those required at later stages of development. The murine system has

provided the major source of information regarding the activation requirements of

naive and memory T cells. The advantage in using animal models is that it allows

more control over the differentiation state of the T cell so that naive T cells (either

from transgenic mice or unprimed mice kept in pathogen free conditions) can be


the basis of the expression of mainly CD45RB). In contrast to the murine studies,

most human studies rely only on the expression of phenotypic markers (mainly

CD45RA and CD45RO; see section 1.24). In this regard only the murine system can

provide an accurate analysis of the activation requirements of naive and memory T

cells, and therefore will be the focus of this section. The human studies will only be

discussed where comparisons can be made with the murine system.

According to the two signal model proposed by Jenkins and colleagues (Mueller et al.

1989), it has been found that TcR ligation alone is insufficient to activate naive T

cells in both humans and mice, and they have an absolute requirement for

costimulatory signals. Many costimulatory receptor ligand pairs have been described,

but the most important costimulatory requirement for naive T cells has been shown to

be mediated via the interaction between B7 on ARC and its counter receptor CD28 on

the T cells in mice (Croft et al. 1995; Ho et al. 1994; McKnight et al. 1994a;

Sagerstrom et al. 1993; Janeway et al. 1994) and in humans (Horgan et al. 1990;

Azuma et al. 1993). However, costimulation can also be provided by ICAM-1 alone

for presentation of superantigens to human naive T cells (Fischer et al. 1992). In most

studies, if sufficient costimulation is provided, naive T cells can respond to various

non specific stimuli or alloantigen, at equivalent or higher levels than activated

memory T cells in both mice (Croft et al. 1994a) and in humans (Horgan et al. 1990;

Merkenschlager et al. 1991; Fischer et al. 1992; Unutmaz et al. 1994). Furthermore, a

recent study has shown that the provision of CD28 costimulation can also induce

CD45RA T cells to respond to recall antigens (although at suboptimal levels

compared to CD45RO T cells) (Pilling et al. 1996). However in one study, CD28

costimulation was not sufficient to activate naive human T cells in response to anti-

CD3 induced stimulation (Kuiper et al. 1994).

Consequently, the activation of naive T cells in vivo is restricted to AFC that have

constitutive expression of the receptors for these costimulatory molecules. The

superiority of DC as AFC has been well documented (Steinman et al. 1978, 1980;

Inaba et al. 1984) and indeed they are the most potent AFC for stimulating naive T

cells in mice (Croft et al. 1994, 1992b; Macatonia et al. 1993; Seder et al. 1992;


Thus DC and activated B cells are capable of providing sufficient costimulation for

naive T cell to allow levels of stimulation comparable to memory cells (Croft et al.

1994), although with activated B cells a lower frequency of activated T cells and IL-2

production was observed compared to DC (Cassel et al. 1994). However resting B

cells, unstimulated macrophages (Croft et al. 1994, 1992b) and resting monocytes

(Byrne et al. 1988; Horgan et al. 1990) cannot stimulate naive T cells and may in fact

induce a tolerogenic signal if used as APC (Finkelman et al. 1992; Eynon et al. 1992;

Miyazaki et al. 1993; Fuchs et al. 1992).

Examination of the costimulatory molecules expressed on the APC explains their

efficiency at activating naive T cells. The DC has the exclusive advantage of having a

high constitutive expression of CD80 (B7-1), CD86 (B7-2), CD54 (ICAM-1) (Prickett

et al. 1992; Xu et al. 1992; Young et al. 1992; Larsen et al. 1992; Lenschow et al.

1993). Their potency as APC can be further increased upon activation by upregulation

of these and many other molecules involved in the interaction with the T cell. Resting

B cells, macrophages and monocytes have to be activated in order to induce

expression of these molecules to a level required for optimal T cell activation.

Activation of B cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid

can induce the expression of B7-2, B7-1, B7-3, ICAM-1 and many other molecules

(Liu et al. 1991b; Lenschow et al. 1993; Freeman et al. 1993). In order to induce

expression of B7-1 and ICAM-1, macrophages have to be activated by either LPS,

Zymosan or IFNy which then allows them to costimulate naive T cell proliferation

(Ding et al. 1993). The stimulatory capacity of monocyte containing populations has

been found to be enhanced by subjecting them to an adherence step (30 minutes-1

hour) on day 1 (Horgan et al. 1990). However, it is likely that this enhancement may

be due to an enrichment of DC.

It is possible that naive T cells can be partially activated by T cell receptor (TcR)

ligation alone since studies have shown that under these conditions, murine naive T

cells can exit from a Go state (Swain et al. 1996) and also induce expression of CD40

ligand (Jaiswal et al. 1996). There also appears to be a specific requirement for TcR

ligation since in contrast to anti-CD3 stimulation, anti-TcRVP mAb was unable to


In the murine system, if the cells are analysed during the effector phase, large blastoid

cells expressing high levels of many activation markers are found (Swain et al. 1996).

These cells are less dependent on costimulatory signals than naive T cells and TcR

ligation alone can induce optimal activation (Inaba et al. 1984; McKnight et al.

1994a).'Indeed the promiscuity of these cells is demonstrated by the finding that

resting B cells, macrophages, and even T cells can act as APC to effector T cells

(Croft et al. 1994; Inaba et al. 1984). This is also supported by the finding that

bystander APC expressing B7 can provide costimulation for CD45RO T cells but not

CD45RA T cells (Van de Velde et al. 1993) and the ability of CD45RO T cells but not

CD45RA T cells, to be activated to mediate effector functions by cytokines alone

(Unutmaz et al. 1994). Furthermore, the concentration of anti-CD3, anti-CD2 or

nominal antigen required to activate effector/memory cells is also considerably lower

than that required for naive cells in mice (Swain et al. et al. 1996) and in humans

(Byrne et al. 1988; Horgan et al. 1990). This ensures that in vivo, low concentrations

of an antigen, as for example an endogenous antigen, cannot induce primary


If the cells are analysed after the effector phase has subsided, small resting memory

cells are found (Swain et al. 1996), which are far less promiscuous than effector cells

but have a less stringent requirement for costimulation than naive cells. Thus although

these cells can be activated by just TcR ligation, costimulation with anti-CD28 can

enhance the response and maximal stimulation can be achieved in the presence of

activated DC or B cells (Croft et al. 1994a).

The activation state of the CD4 T cell has profound effect on its function, particularly

in their ability to help B cells, which is related to differences in the ability to produce

and secrete different cytokines as well as expression of surface molecules. Upon

primary stimulation, resting naive cells only secrete IL-2 and do not produce any other

cytokines in mice (Croft et al. 1995) and in human neonatal and adult T cells (Salmon

et al 1989; Ehlers et al. 1991). Consequently these cells cannot immediately support

antibody production by both murine (Lee et al. 1991; Croft et al. 1995) and human

(Sleasman et al. 1990) B cells. However, if allowed time to differentiate, they can


secrete high concentrations of IL-4, IL-5, IFNy and IL-2 in mice (Croft et al. 1995)

and in human neonatal and adult T cells (Elhers et al. 1991; Kristensson et al. 1992).

Resting memory T cells secrete high levels of IL-2 and very small amounts of the

other cytokines on stimulation (Bradley et al. 1992). However, if these cells are

allowed time to differentiate into effector cells, other cytokines can be secreted

(Weinberg et al. 1990) and at a higher concentrations than their naive counterparts

(Swain et al. 1996). Thus activated naive and resting memory T cells can only support

IgM responses, whilst primary and memory effector cells can support production of

many antibody isotypes in mice (Croft et al, 1995, 1992a, 1991; Bradley et al. 1993)

and human T cells (Martensson et al. 1994).

It has been suggested that the difference in activation requirements of naive and

memory T cells may be due to a more efficient signalling in memory cells. Indeed

there are several reported examples of differences in signalling between naive and

memory T cells. For example, the TcR/CD3 complex on the membrane of naive cells

moves independently from other signal transduction molecules such as CD4 and CDS,

whereas in memory cells, many of the other signal transduction molecules are

associated with the TcR/CD3 complex (Dianzani et al. 1992); protein kinase C

activation is also increased in murine (Robinson et al. 1993a) and human memory

cells (Hollsberg et al. 1993); naive T cells show a higher intracellular Ca^"^ flux than

memory T cells in response to ionophores (Miller et al 1991); and an IL-2 silencer has

been found in CD45RA T cells from UCB and adult PB but not CD45RO T cells

obtained after in vitro activation of PB or in T cell clones (Mouzaki et al. 1993).

However, there is also evidence to suggest that these differences in intracellular

signalling are merely a reflection of the different requirements of naive and memory T

cells for costimulation. Thus functional and intracellular differences could only be

observed when the T cells were stimulated by TcR ligation and costimulatory

molecules. If however, the requirement for costimulation is bypassed using phorbol

ester to activate protein kinase C together with TcR ligation, no differences could be

observed in terms of IL-2 production, proliferation or tyrosine phosphorylation

(Schwinzer et al. 1994). Furthermore, both CD45RA+ and CD45RA- T cells express


p59^^" (associated with the CD3/TcR) and shared similar tyrosine kinase substrates

(Rothstein et al. 1993).

1.23 Migration of naive and memory T cells.

In order to ensure a system that can rapidly respond to previously encountered

infectious organisms and at the same time ensure that primary responses to novel

antigens can occur in optimal environments, the immune system has developed

specific migratory pathways for naive and memory cells. This is achieved by way of

the differential expression of adhesion molecules on both the lymphocytes and

endothelial cells across which the lymphocytes have to traverse in order to enter

various lymphoid and non lymphoid tissues.

Naive cells on leaving the thymus express high levels of CD62L (L-selectin), the

“peripheral lymph node (PLN) homing receptor”, which allows preferential entry to

PLN (Bradley et al. 1994; Picker et al. 1990). Specialised endothelial cells called high

endothelial cells in lymphoid tissues regulate the entry of these naive lymphocytes by

the differential expression of ligands for receptors expressed on the lymphocytes. The

lymph nodes (LN) are situated in strategically located positions in the body so that an

antigen can be delivered to these LN by way of the lymphatic system within a short

period of time. Unless the naive cell encounters l^ ^ p e c ific antigen it will leave the

LN within 10-20 hours via the efferent lymphatic duct, through the thoracic duct to

renter the blood where they continue to recirculate through the various secondary

lymphoid tissues unless activated with specific antigen (Springer 1994; Bradley et al.

1996; Mackay et al. 1991)

If the naive T cell is activated by encounter with its specific antigen on professional

APC in the LN, the output of lymphocytes from the LN dramatically decreases for a

few days (Mackay et al. 1992). This is called the shut down phase and during this time

the T cells undergoes vast number of changes that alters the migratory pattern of these

cells. This includes the down regulation of the LN homing receptor L-selectin in all

activated T cells in mice (Bradley et al. 1992; Mackay et al. 1992) and in a


molecules such as CD49d/CD29 (VLA-4), CD lla/C D 18 (LFA-1), ICAM-1 and CD44

are upregulated (Horgan et al. 1992; Springer 1994; Picker et al. 1993). Some of the

activated T cells remain in the LN, where they relocate to follicles to participate in B

cell differentiation (somatic hypermutation and isotype switching) within germinal

centres (MacLennan et al. 1994). Others exit via the efferent lymphatic, back to the

blood; from blood these memory cells can now traverse normal and inflamed

endothelium and thereby survey peripheral tissues for invading pathogens. These

antigen primed T cells are subjected to tissue tropic mechanisms, which directs these

cells back to the same type of tissue where they first encountered antigen so as to

ensure that they are at sites where they are most likely to encounter the specific

antigen which primed them. It is thought that the T cells are conditioned in the tissue

environment due to cytokines such as TGFp, IL-2 and IL-6 (Picker et al. 1993) or

other factors unique to that tissue. Tissue tropism has been demonstrated for the gut,

the skin, epithelial surface of the lung and inflamed synovium.

The preferential homing to different anatomical sites, is due to the expression of a

combination of molecules which includes homing receptors specific for the given

tissues and adhesion molecules on the lymphocytes which interact with their ligands

on endothelial cells of the tissues. Thus for example preferential homing to the skin is

confered by the interaction between cutaneous lymphocyte associated antigen (CLA)

and CD62E (E-selectin), and the absence of L-selectin; to inflamed skin and

peripheral inflammatory sites by interaction between CD49d/CD29 (a 4 p l) and

CD 106 (VCAM-1), LFA-1 and ICAM-1; and to mucosal tissues by the interaction

between a 4 p ? and MAdCAM-1, CD44 and hyaluronate, LFA-1 and ICAM-1

(reviewed in: Bradley et al. 1996; Mackay et al. 1991, 1993; Picker et al 1994;

Springer et al. 1994).

1.24 Phenotypic markers of naive and memory T cells.

As discussed above, on activation of resting T cells a vast number of molecules are up

regulated on the T cells which consequently allows a distinction to be made between


1.24a The use of CD45 splice variants as markers of memory

The most commonly used distinctions of naive and memory T cells is based on the

differential expression of the leukocyte common antigen CD45 expressed on all

haemopoietic cells. Several lines of evidence suggested its importance in T cell

activation. Thus crosslinking CD45 could either costimulate (Marvel et al. 1989) or

inhibit T cell activation (Prickett et al. 1990; Ledbetter et al. 1988a). Furthermore,

CD45 has tyrosine phosphotase activity in its cytoplasmic tail (Charbonneau et al.

1988; Fischer et al. 1991) and CD45 deficient cell lines were found to be defective in

signal transduction, and this defect was restored by transfection of the cell line with

wild type CD45 (Koretzky et al. 1991, 1990).

Alternative splicing of the exons 4, 5, and 6 (generally referred to as A, B and C)

located at the distal region of the extracytoplasmic domain of CD45, can encode for at

least 8 potential different isotypes (Streuli et al. 1987; Trowbridge et al. 1994;

Janeway et al. 1992). Monoclonal antibodies that recognise epitopes dependent on the

expression of the exons A, B, and C were generated. Thus for example, the mAbs

SN130 (Munro et al. 1988) and 2H4 (Morimoto et al. 1985a; Streuli et al. 1987)

recognise an epitope expressed on exon A of human CD45 and are consequently

termed CD45RA antibodies. These mAbs recognise all isoforms expressing exon A

which includes ABC, AB, AC and A isoforms. Similarly, the CD45RB antibodies will

recognise the isoforms ABC, AB, BC and B, whilst the CD45RC antibodies will

recognise ABC, BC, AC, and C isoforms. However the mAh UCHLl only recognises

an epitope expressed on the human CD45 isoform with all the exons spliced out

(Smith et al. 1986a; Terry et al. 1988). In humans the mAbs to CD45RA and

CD45RO isoforms, revealed the existence of heterogeneous populations of cells of

approximately equivalent proportions within both the CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets in

PB (Smith et al. 1986a; Morimoto et al. 1985a). In other species there are many mAbs

that recognise the CD45RA, RB and RC isoforms and are collectively referred to as

CD45R mAbs, however there are no mAbs that recognise the CD45RO isoform. In

mice, the most commonly used mAh 16A, identifies the CD45RB isoforms which can

separate the CD4 T cells into high (65%) and low (35%) expressing cells (Bottomly et

al. 1989; Dianzani et al. 1990). The murine CD45RA antibodies, such as RA3-2C2


al. 1988, 1989). In the rat, the mAh (0X22) recognises high molecular weight

isoforms (Woollett et al 1985), (which is likely to be through the recognition of the

RC exon) and identifies 50-75% of the CD4 T cells (Powrie et al 1990). Thus in

animal studies the CD45R mAbs isolates different cell populations to those isolated in

the human studies with the CD45RO and/or CD45RA antibodies.

The association of CD45 splice variants with the functional state of the T cell was

suggested by the finding that the CD45 subsets within CD4 T cell population differed

in their ability to respond to soluble antigen and help B cells and were consequently

referred to as helper/inducer or suppresser/inducer (Smith et al. 1986a; Morimoto et

al. 1985). It was also shown that on activation of T cells, the high molecular weight

isoforms were down regulated whilst the low molecular isoforms were upregulated

(Akbar et al. 1988; Serra et al. 1998; Byrne et al. 1988; Sanders et al. 1988; Ledbetter

et al. 1985). On re-exposure of these primed T cells to the primary stimulus, an

increase in the rate of the proliferative response could be observed but only in the

CD45RO population (Akbar et al. 1988). Furthermore the acquisition of the CD45RO

phenotype correlated with an acquisition of the ability to help B cells produce

antibodies (Clement et al. 1988).

However the association of the CD45RO phenotype with T cell memory was

suggested by the finding that proliferative responses to previously encountered antigen

such as IFZ A were predominantly in the CD45RO population, whereas responses to

alloantigen were found to have similar precursor frequencies in both the CD45RO+

and CD45RO- T cells (Merkenschlager et al. 1988). In these earlier studies, because

the expression of CD45RO was found to be more stable than the other known markers

of activation such as MHC class n or the lL-2 receptor, it was concluded that

CD45RO expression was also irreversible.

This theory was further substantiated by the finding that immunologically immature T

cells isolated from human UCB were predominantly CD45RO- and only acquired

CD45RO after activation (Sanders et al. 1988); UCBMC or CD45RA T cells from PB

did not respond as well as the CD45RO phenotype from PB to superantigens (Horgan


suppressive for the B cell helper function of the minority CD45RO T cells present in

cord blood, although activation of the T cells could inhibit this suppressive function

(Clement et al. 1990); and the levels of T cells expressing CD45RA were found to

decrease whilst CD45RO expressing cells increased with age and only reached adult

levels after 20 years of age (Hayward et al. 1989).

From these very convincing experiments it was concluded that this unidirectional

expression of CD45RO on T cells represented the loss of naive and acquisition of a

memory phenotype. Following these studies, many other in vitro and in vivo examples

in man, mice and other animals provided evidence to show that priming of T cells

resulted in the loss of the high molecular weight isoforms and the gain of the low

molecular weight isoforms. Thus despite the different populations isolated by the

CD45R antibodies in the different species, T cells expressing the high molecular

weight isoforms, in all species gave very poor responses to recall antigens and were

ineffective at providing help for B cells. Conversely, cells expressing the low

molecular weight isoforms, gave very good responses to recall antigens and provided

help for B cells.

1.24b The expression of CD45RA mav not alwavs represent a naive phenotvpe.

There are however, a number of studies in both man and mouse in which the results

are not consistent with the above theory and suggests that the expression of high

molecular weight isoforms and low molecular weight isoforms may not always

represent naive and memory phenotypes.

Although the activation of CD45RA T cells with mitogens does down regulate the

expression of CD45RA, expression is not completely lost (Morimoto et al. 1986) even

after 21 days in culture (Rothstein et al. 1990) and the retention of CD45RA

correlated with an inability to help B cells (Rothstein et al. 1990). There has also been

a report of transgenic unprimed mice bearing a percentage of cells with low molecular

weight isoforms (Lightstone et al. 1993). Furthermore, priming of these mice resulted

in an increase in percentage of the high molecular weight isoforms, which eventually


Table 2:Targeted cell tvoeSoecificitvName
Figure 2.1 Isolation of cells from tonsils
Figure 3.20 Comparison of B cell enriched and B cell depleted LD cells to present HRV
Figure 3.21 Phenotypic comparison of B cell enriched and DC enriched populations


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