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Studies on Alkaline Phosphatases


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mum amounts ofmagnesium chlorideinthedigest.

The effectofactivatorsonthe relationship between pH and Kmis discussed.

The author is most grateful to Dr A. MK Wynneand Dr H. D. Branion for their advice and encouragement in this work, and to Miss M. Briggs, Miss G. Ritoey and Mr D. Smith for valuabletechnioalasistance.


Bailey,K.&Webb, E.C.(1944). Biochem.J.88,394.

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Morton, R. K. (1952). Ph.D. Thesis,Universityof Cam-bridge.

Morton, R.K.(1957). Biochem. J. 65, 674.

Motzok, I. (1945). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto. Motzok, I. (1950). Biochem. J. 47, 193.

Motzok, I. & Branion, H. D. (1959). Biochem. J. 72, 177.

Motzok,I. & Wynne, A.M. (1950). Biochem. J. 47, 187.

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VanSlyke,D. D.(1942). Advane.Enzymol.2,33.









Department of Nutrition, OntarioAgricultural


Guelph, Canada (Received22May 1958)

Ithas become quiteevidentthatthe pH required for optimum activity of alkaline phosphatases, as wellas for some otherenzymes, is not a constant entity. For example, the optimum pH for phos-phatases from various sources has been shown to vary with the initial concentration of substrate (Motzok&Wynne, 1950; Ross,Ely&Archer,1951; Morton, 1957). This phenomenon has been ob-served with other enzymes, namely urease (Van Slyke & Cullen, 1914) and ,-glucosidase (Hofstee, 1955). Other factors, such as buffers (Aebi & Abelin, 1948; Zittle & DellaMonica, 1950), type of substrate (Delory & King, 1943;Walker & King, 1950), source of enzyme (Zittle & Della Monica, 1950; Motzok, 1950; Morton, 1955) and activators (Motzok, 1945; Aebi & Abelin, 1948; Sadasivan, 1952; Morton, 1957) also have been found to exert aninfluence on the optimum pH forphosphatase activity. In our studies onthekineticsofalkaline phosphatases of tissues and plasmas ofdifferent

species of birdsandmammals, the pH optimawere determined for a wide range ofconcentration of substrate with each enzyme preparation. Several factors were found to influence the optimum pH and some of thedata are recorded in this paper.

It was demonstrated (Motzok, 1959) that Km values (Michaelisconstant) forchickplasma phos-phatase varied with the amount of enzyme in the reaction mixture when the activities were measured at a constanthigh pH foralldilutions of substrate and enzyme. However, when the activities were measured atthe optimum pH for each concentra-tion ofsubstrate,the variation in Km values due to variation in the concentration of enzyme was largely eliminated. In addition, the plotting of reciprocals of velocities and substrate concentra-tions, according to Lineweaver & Burk (1934), resolved the data into two parts from which two values for Km were calculated,


from the data withlow concentrationof substrate and









velocities with high concentrations of substrate.

In the present study values for


and Km

derived from velocitiesattheoptimum pHforeach concentration of substrate,weredetermined forthe alkaline phosphatases of various tissues from different species of birds and mammals. These constantsarecompared withKmvalues determined

ataconstantpH, the optimumforaconcentration of substrate large enough to maintain zero-order rateof reaction.


Methods forthe preparation ofplasma and tissue

phos-phatases and forthe determination ofphosphatase activity have beendescribedpreviously (Motzok& Wynne, 1950; Motzok, 1950, 1959). With theexceptionofthestudyon pHoptima withoutaddedMg2+ions(Fig. 3), phosphatase

activities were determined in the presence of optimum

amounts ofMgCl2inthereaction mixtures, i.e. 5mmfor

thephosphatases ofplasma, bone, liver and kidney, and

0-01Mx for the enzyme of intestinal mucosa. The strains

andbreedsused inthisstudywereSprague-Dawley ats,

giant white rabbits, Yorkshire pigs, ChinesexEmrden

goslingsandColumbianRock,BarredPlymouth Rockand

NewHampshire fowls. The pigeonswere ofthe common

breeds.Thegoslingswereraisedonapractical typeof diet

(Branion& Hill, 1952). Theother birds and themamma werefed with commercial diets.

EXPERIMENTAL AND RESULTS Influence of species ofbirdsandmammals

onpH optima of intestinal phosphatase Fig. 1 shows that the phosphatase of intestinal

mucosa ofrats exhibited optimum activity with each concentration of ,-glycerophosphate at the lowest pH values and the enzyme from the in-testinal mucosa ofswine had optimum activities

V-t.o 0 8-8 9-0 9-2 9.4 9-6 Optimum pH 9-8 10.0

Fig.1. Relationship between initial concentration of

sodium ,B-glycerophosphate, expressed logarithmically, and pH for optimum alkaline phosphatase activity of intestinalmucosa of rats(x), goslings (A), fowls (0), rabbits(-), pigeons (0) and pigs (-). Activities were

measured in thepresenceof001m-MgCI,.

at the highest pH values. There was little difference inthepH optimafor the enzymes ofgoslings and of rats,onthe onehand,and inthepH optimafor the enzymes of pigeons and of swine, on the other. The pH optima for the enzyme of rabbits were somewhat lower than those for the enzyme of swine. In the avianclass the intestinal enzyme of fowls (Columbian Rock) exhibited maximal activities at pH values which were intermediate betweenthose required bythe enzyme ofgoslings and those needed bytheenzyme ofpigeons.

The data also show that a linear relationship exists between thelogarithmof the initial concen-tration ofsubstrateandtherespective optimum pH for each enzyme preparation, the shift being to higher pHvalues withincreasingconcentrations of substrate. It was also found that the linear re-lationship between substrate concentrations, ex-pressed logarithmically, and pH optima for the phosphatase of rat intestinal mucosa extended to physiologicalpH values with dilutions ofsubstrate beyond the amounts shown in Fig. 1. With an initial concentration of 0-02mM-substrate the optimumwaspH7.7.This confirms thefindings of Ross etal. (1951) that with very dilute substrate the optimum pHfor alkaline phosphatase is near neutralpHvalues.

pHoptimaofphosphata8esof different tissues Rat. Fig.2(A) shows that the pH optima for the enzymes of bone andkidney ofrats were practic-ally thesame for each concentration of ,-glycero-phosphate, whereas theoptima forthe enzyme of liver were slightly lower. Thedifferencesin the pH opt ima for the phosphatases of plasma and in-testinal mucosawereverysmall, if notnegligible. Th ese optima, however, were considerably below


oseforthe enzymes of bone and


Rabbit. Thephosphatasesof liver andkidney of rab bits (Fig. 2B) were found to possess the highest p fl




recorded in th ese studies. In fact, the pH optima for high co ncentrations of substrate could not be deter-mined because these appeared to be beyond the effectiv e range of the buffer system employed. The pH optima for the phosphatases of bone and intestinal mu cosa were considerably lower than those for the enzy m es of liver and kidney, whereas plasmaphosphata se exhibited maximum activities at interm ediate values of pH.

Pigeon. The phosphatases of bone, kidney and intestinalmucosa of pigeons (Fig. 2C) appeared to possess comparable pH optima for the respective concentrations of


On the otherhand,thepH optima for the enzyme of liver wereconsiderably lower than those required by the enzymes ofthe other tis sues.





T0r 8-6 A)r (A)


8-8 9 0 9-2 9 4 9-6 9-8 1 Optimum pH




I 9-0 9-2 9-4 9-6 9-8 OptimumpH

Fig. 2. Relationship between initial concentration of



expressed logarithmically,

and pHfor optimum alkaline phosphatase activity of plasma(E),intestinalmucosa(0),liver



and bone (x). (A) Rats; (B) rabbits; (C) pigeons. Activities were measured in the presence ofoptimum concentrationsofMgCl,inthe reaction mixtures: 5mmi

for the phosphatases ofplasma, bone liver and kidney

and 0 01 M for the phosphatase of intestinal mucosa.



9-1 9.3 9.5 9-7 9-9 10-1 10-3 10-5 Optimum pH

Fig. 3. Relationship betweeninitialconcentrationsof sub-strate, expressed logarithmically, and the pH for

optimumactivities of alkalinephosphataseof intestinal

mucosa of fowls (sodium ,-glycerophosphate as

sub-strate)inthe presenceofOOlm-MgCl,(A)andwithout added magnesium (x), and ofplasma phosphatase of

fowls (disodiumphenyl phosphate as substrate) inthe presence of 5mm-MgCl, (0) and without added

mag-nesium (0).




onpHoptima The data in Fig. 3 show the influence of added MgCl2onthe pH optima required by alkaline phos-phatase of plasma offowls with phenyl phosphate

as the substrate and by the enzyme of intestinal mucosa with sodium


A linear relationship between the initial concentrations of substrate, expressed logarithmically, and the pH optima existed with and without added mag-nesium. However, the addition ofmagnesium to the reaction mixture changed the pH optima for both plasma and intestinal mucosa phosphatases, causing the optima to shift tohigher values for the enzyme of plasma and to lower values for the enzyme ofintestinal mucosa.

KmvaluesatoptimumpHforeach concentrationof substrate

In studies on the kinetics ofalkalinephosphatases ofplasma and tissues of several species of birds and mammals, pH optima were determined for a wide range of concentration of substrate with each enzyme preparation. The activities of the phos-phatases from various sources were measured at the optimum pH for each concentration of sub-strate andthe velocitieswereplottedaccordingto

the method of Lineweaver & Burk (1934). The I/v:1/[S]relationship for all enzymepreparations was similar to those found previously (Motzok, 1959, figs. 4 and 8). The points which fell along straight lineswere used for the calculation of the linesof best fit(Treloar, 1939). The constants,


for dilute substrate and


forsubstrate present in high concentrations, were derived from the calcu-lationsofthe lines of best fit and arepresented in Tables 1 and 2.

Twelvepreparations ofplasma phosphataseand sixpreparationsofthe enzyme of intestinal mucosa wereobtained from several breeds ofchicksused in diverse experiments andvaryinginage from 3 to 8 weeks. The average values for


and K 2

(Table 1) were 2-1 mM and 22-5 mm for plasma phosphatase and 2-2mm and 9 Omm for the intestinal enzyme. Whereas thevalues for


for the phosphatases ofthe two sources were quite similar, the average values for


for plasma phosphatase were more than twice that for the

enzymeofintestinalmucosa. AlthoughKm1values for intestinal phosphatase of mature fowls were somewhat lower than those for the enzyme of chicks,the valuesfor


werewithin therangeof values found for the young birds. The data for chicks andmaturebirdswerearranged inincreasing orderonthe numerical values for


toshowthat variations intherespective values for Kmawerenot related tothevariations inKm.,

12-2 v,20 0 3-5 I-A _ __ I.. 2.0 <


To 25 0 100 _ 2-5 r-9 0 0

VoI. 72


-vI T-i 3-5-Id







Values for


for plasma phosphatases of goslings and chicks were about the same, whereas K,,,, for the plasma enzyme ofgoslings was only about one-tenth of


forthe enzyme ofchicks. Values forK,,,1and


forintestinal phosphatase ofpigsand calves werecomparable with those for fowls. The calf intestinalphosphatasewas a com-mercial product, prepared by partial purification


according to the method of Schmidt & Thann-hauser (1943).

With disodium phenyl phosphate as the sub-strate for intestinal phosphatase of chicks, the values for




were lower than the corresponding constants obtained with f-glycero-phosphate. With calfintestinal phosphatase, the value of 2mM for


forphenyl phosphate was

Table 1. Km Value ofalkalinepho8phatasew from vanriows ource

ActivitiesweredeterminedattherespectivepHoptima for the differentconcentrationsofsubstrate with eachenzyme



and values were caloulated from activities with lowandhighconcentrations of substrate

respec-tivelyandplotte accordigtoLineweaver&Burk (1934).


(mm) Sodiumfi-glycerophosphate Plasma


K,, 1-8 23 1.9 15 1.9 15 1.9 17 2-1 30 2-2 20 2-2 20 2*2 23 2-2 26 2*2 30 2-2 30 2-4 21 Intestinalmucosa 1-8 9 1.9 9 2-3 8 2-3 12 2-4 11 2-5 7

Disodiumphenylphosphate Intestinalmucosa



0.8 2.3 0*9 2*3 1-2 3.8 1.3 3-2 Mature fowl 1*5 1-3 7 1B5 6 1.5 6 2*7 2-4 11 2X1 10 - 1-7 11 2-2 t

* Calf intestinalmucosapurifiedcommercially bythemethod ofSchmidt&Thannhauser(1943).

t NoestimatewaspossiblebecausepHoptimaforhighconcentrations ofphenyl phosphatewerebeyondtheeffective

rangeof the buffersystem.

Table 2. Km value8 of alkaline phosphatase8 ofrat,rabbit,andpigeon

Activitiesweredeterminedattherespective pH optimafor thedifferent concentrations of sodium,-glycerophosphate





valueswerecalculatedfrom activities withlowandhighconcentrationsof

substraterespectivelyandplotted accordingtoLineweaver&Burk(1934).

Km(mM) Source ofenzyme Plasma Intestinalmucosa Bone Kidney Liver Rat Kmi, K 1-3 16 1-6 9 1-6 11 1-3 11 Rabbit K-* * 1-2 5 1.9 11 2-1


2-0 t Pigeon Km KEms 2-4 11 1-9 10 3-0 11 2-1 19

* No estimatewaspossible owingto lowphosphatase activity.

t NoestimatewaspossiblebecausepH optimaforhigh concentrations of substratewerebeyondthe effectiverangeof the buffersystem.

t No estimatewaspossible owingtohighcontent ofinorganic phosphateinthe enzymepreparation.

Species Chick Goose Pig Calf*





comparable with the value obtainedwith

f3-glycero-phosphate for the intestinal enzyme of other species. The pH optima for calf intestinal phos-phatase were considerably higher with phenyl phosphate than with ,B-glycerophosphate (un-publisheddata) and activitieswith high concentra-tions of phenyl phosphate could not be determined because the pH optima appeared to be beyond the rangeof the buffer system employed.

InTable 2areshown the values for




for the phosphatases of several sources in rats, rabbits and pigeons with,B-glycerophosphate as the substrate. Itappearsthat


values for intestinal mucosa and kidney phosphatases ofpigeons were somewhathigherthanthose forthe enzymesofthe same sources in rats and rabbits, whereas values for K and K,, for bone phosphatase were quite similarin the three species.

Thepreparationof rat liver was found tocontain an appreciable amount of inorganic phosphorus. This reduced the sensitivity of the method for determining the inorganic phosphate liberated enzymically and Km values were not calculated. It was also observed that the phosphatase activity oftheplasmasof pigeons and rabbits was very low and the method employed was inadequate to measureaccuratelydifferences in reaction velocities.

Km valuesat aconstantpH forall concentrationsofsubstrate

Kmvaluesforanumberofpreparationsof phos-phatasefrom several sources were also calculated fromvelocities measuredat aconstant pH for all concentrations of substrate. In each case the pH used wasoptimumfor aconcentration of substrate

large enough tomaintainzero-orderrateofreaction. This studywas made onthesamepreparations of enzymes used in obtaining the data in Tables 1 and 2 and the valuespresented in Table 3 canbe compareddirectlywiththe data onthe correspond-ingpreparations recorded inTables 1 and 2.

Thesestudies show that, whentheactivities are measured at a constant pH forallconcentrations of substrate, there is considerable variation in the calculated values for Km for the phosphatases of various sources. Inaddition, these Km values are in somecases four andfivetimesthecorresponding values for


calculated from velocities at the optimumpHforeach concentration of substrate.

DISCUSSION Factorsaffecting pH optima

The direct linear relationship between substrate concentration, expressed


and optimum pH, reported byRossetal. (1961)for the alkalinephosphatase of intestinalmucosaofrats,is exhibited by the alkaline


ofvarious tissuesof a number ofspecies ofbirdsand mammals. There are,however,marked differences inthe


optima for the enzyme of a


tissue from different sources, e.g. intestinal phosphatase (Fig. 1), which cannot berelatedto differences in families, orders or even classes of vertebrates. In addition, there appears to be no explanation for some of the differences and similarities in


optimafor the phosphatases of various tissues in the sameanimal. Forexample,in

pigeons (Fig.

2C) the optimum pHwith each concentration of sub-strate was the same for thephosphatases ofbone, Table 3. Km


ofalkaline phosphatasesofvarious so8urces

Activitiesweredetermined at one pH for allconcentrationsofsubstrate with each preparation of enzyme.

Substrate Sodium


Disodiumphenyl phosphate

Species Maturefowl Pigeon Rabbit Calf Pig Chick Calf Source Intestinal mucosa Intestinalmucosa Intestinal mucosa Intestinalmucosa Bone Kidney Liver Intestinal mucosa Bone Kidney Liver Intestinalmucosa Intestinalmucosa Intestinalmucosa Intestinalmucosat pH*




9.95 9.95 10.0 9-8 9.9 9-98 10-1 1016 9.9 9-95 10.0 10-0

Km (mM)t

7-6 8-3 10.9


11.0 14*8 5.1 2-6 107 6-7 5.4 11.5 8-8 3-1 4-0



pHforaconcentration ofsubstratelarge enough for zero-order reaction rate.

t CalculatedfromactivitiesplottedaccordingtoLineweaver& Burk(1934).


Calf intestinalmucosapurifiedcommercially bythe method ofSchmidt& Thannhauser (1943).




H. D.


kidney and intestinal mucosa, whereas in rats

(Fig. 2A) the pH optima were the same for the phosphatases of bone and kidney and markedly different for theenzyme ofintestinalmucosa. In thechick it was found (Motzok, 1950) that the pH optima were thesame for thephosphatasesofbone, kidney, liver andplasma, whereas the optimum pH for the enzyme of intestinalmucosawas consider-ably lower. In the present study the data show that in rats the pH optima for the enzymes of plasma and intestinal mucosa are quite similar



Bodansky (1934) concluded that the source of phosphatase in blood was of diverse origin. In diseases ofliver and bone he considered the in-crease in serum phosphatase to arise from the particular organ that was involved. Kay (1933) had suggestedthat the phosphatase of serum was identical with that of various tissues, being the result of leakage into thecirculatory system from tissues of higher phosphatase content. Motzok (1950)presented evidencethat inrachitic chicks the skeletonis the main source of the increased plasma phosphatase. The similarityin the pHoptima for the phosphatasesofplasma and intestinal mucosa inrats (Fig. 2A) lendssupporttothe suggestion of Flock & Bolhman (1948) and Madsen & Tuba (1951) thatinthe rat the alkaline phosphatase is supplied totheplasma bythe small intestine.

Ifthe phosphataseofplasma in ratsoriginatesin theintestinal mucosa, the similarity in pHoptima for the enzymes of the two sources suggests that the environmental medium of the plasma did not contain factors which altered thecharacteristicsof theenzymegoverningthepHrequiredforoptimum activityinvitro undertheconditions of the experi-ment. The data inFig. 3, however, showthat the addition of magnesium may exert an opposite effect on pH optima for phosphatase ofdifferent sources, e.g. raising the pH optima for the phos-phataseofplasmaandloweringthepHoptima for the enzyme of intestinal mucosa offowls. It was shownpreviously (Motzok, 1945) that the addition of magnesium also caused the pH optima for plasma phosphatase of chicks to shift to higher values with


Therefore the shift in pH




directions for intestinal phosphatase with ,B-glycerophosphate and plasma phosphatase with


phosphate cannotbeattributed tothetype of substrate used inmeasuringphosphatase activity.Theaddition of


does not


the pH optima of alkalinephosphataseof allsources,aswasshownby Aebi & Abelin (1948), who found that added magnesiumhadnoeffectwhereasaddedmanganese causedadefinite shiftin

optimum pH

for the

un-purifiedenzyme ofratkidney. Itappearsthat the factors which determine the

optimum pH

of a


phosphatase resideinthenature of the enzyme. Consequently,themanner and degree of theinfluenceof environmentalfactors areprobably governedby thecharacteristics ofthe enzymeitself. There remains for further study the effect of activators on the pH optima for phosphatases of other sources.

The present findings serve to emphasize the fallacy ofapplyingoptimum conditionsestablished for the phosphatase of one source to the phos-phatases of other sources. Consideration of all knownfactors is desirable inordertoavoid further confusion in the literature with respect to pH optima of alkalinephosphatase, as indeed of other





Theproblem of the choice ofpH formeasuring phosphataseactivity with a range of concentration of substrate large enough for anaccurate estima-tionofKmhas beendiscussed (Motzok, 1959). The data in Table 3 show that therewas considerable variation in Km derived from activities measured at a constantpH for allconcentrationsof substrate. At least a part ofthe variation in Km derived in this mannerwasfound to becausedbyvariation in the amount of enzyme in the reaction mixture (Motzok, 1959). Even if the amount of enzyme employed were kept constant on the basis of activity, one cannot safely assume that the pH-activity curves with each concentration of sub-strateare the same forthe phosphatases from all sources. Certainly,theuseofonepH for all

phos-phatases would yield Km values which would be


to anappreciable extentby differences in pH


which exist amongspeciesand tissuesof individual species. The influence of other factors, suchasbuffersandactivators,onpH


would also have to betakenintoconsideration.

VanSlyke (1942) haspointedoutthat,


Km is a useful value, it can be called a constant

onlyfor definedconditions;e.g.adropof 1 unitin pH will increase the Km of urease 11-fold (Van Slyke & Cullen, 1914). Similarly, Km values for phosphatases, which have been recorded in the literature, can at best beregardedasbeing applic-able onlyto the

particular preparation

of enzyme used and for the specificset of conditions invitro under which the activities were measured. Un-fortunately, in many instances no details of the methods employed have been recorded. In cases

where such information has beengiven, thedirect comparison of Km values, as


characteristics ofphosphatases,could be made


with due




factors such as those mentioned above.

It was shownpreviously


1959)that the effect of the amount of enzyme in the reaction









whenthe velocities were measured

at a constant pH, was largely eliminated by measuring velocities at the optimum pH for each concentrationof substrate. Indeed,there wasonly asmallvariation in the values for




for the phosphatases of a number ofpreparations of plasma and intestinal mucosa ofchicks (Table 1) when the optimum pH for each concentration of substrate was used. Considerably more data are required onthephosphatasesofothersourceswith differentsubstratestoevaluatefully the differences and similarities in the values for




reported in this paper.


1. Marked differences, and in some cases un-expectedsimilarities,werefoundinthepH optima (for the respective concentrations of substrate) requiredfor the activities of the alkaline phospha-tases from various tissues ofdifferent species of birds and mamals.

2. Linear relationships were shown to exist between the initial concentrations of substrate, expressedlogarithmically, andthe pHoptimafor the activities of the phosphatases from various sources. Theoptimuxm pH shiftedto higher values withincreasing concentration of substrate.

3. The addition of magnesium concentrations (5mm for plasma phosphatase and 001 M for intestinal phosphatase) for maximum activation caused therespectivepHoptimatoshift tohigher values for the plasma phosphatase and to lower values for the intestinal enzyme of fowls when comparedwithpHoptimawithouttheadditionof


4. Bythe use ofvelocities at theoptimum pH for each concentration of substrate, values for Km1fromdatawith dilutesubstrate,and


from data with high concentrations of substrate, were calculated for the phosphatases of various tissues and plasma offowls, geese, pigeons, rats, rabbits, pigsandcalves.

5. The average values for




with ,B-glycerophosphate were 2 1mi and 22-5mm for

12 preparations of plasma, and 2-2 mm and 9 mM for six preparations of intestinalmucosaofchicks. With phenyl phosphate, the average values for




for four preparations ofintestinal mucosaof chickswere 1 and 3 mm.Variationsinthe values for Km1 and


were quite small. More data are required on the phosphatases of other sources with different substrates to evaluate the similarities and differences in the constants recorded.

6. There was considerable variation in Km derivedfromvelocitiesmeasured at a constant pH for allconcentrationsof substrate.

The authorswish tothankMiss G. Ritcey andMr G. Amos forvaluabletechnioalassistance.


Aebi,H.&Abelin,I. (1948). Helv.chim.ada,31, 1943.

Bodansky, A.(1934). J. biol. Chem.104,473.

Branion,H. D.& Hill, D. C. (1952). Poul. Sci. S1, 1100. Delory, G. E. & King, E. J. (1943). Biochem. J. 37, 547.

Flock,E. V. & Boilman,J.L.(1948). J. biol.Chem. 175, 439.

Hofstee, B. H.J.(1955). Arch. Biochem.BiYphys.59, 398. Kay, H. D. (1933). Physiol. Rev. 12, 384.

Lineweaver, H.&Burk, D.(1934). J.Amer. chem.Soc.56 658.

Madsen, N. B. & Tuba, J. (1951). J. biol. Chem. 195, 741. Morton,R. K. (1955). Biochem. J. 60, 573.

Morton, R.K.(1957). Biochem. J. 65, 674.

Motzok, I. (1945). Ph.D.Thesis:University ofToronto.

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