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Academic year: 2020

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A stack is a non primitive linear data


It is an ordered list in which addition of


Why stack is called LIFO?

All the deletion and insertion in a stack

is done from top of the stack.

The last added element will be the first

to be removed from the stack.

Example-plates in marriage party or


Stages of stack top during insertion and


20 20 13 20 13 68 20 13 68 20 13 20 Stack Empty First element second element

0 0 0 1 2 1 Third element 0 2 1 1 0


Stack implementation


■ Using array

■ Size of stack has to be declared during program

design. Problem in insertion and deletion.



Stack Operations


■ Process of adding a new element to the top

of stack. Top is increment after push

operation. In case of stack full called stack overflow condition.


■ Process of deleting an element from the


Stack as an abstract data type

■ Stack can also be defined as abstract data


■ A stack of elements of any particular type is a

finite sequence of elements of that type together with the following operations:

■ Initialize stack to be empty

■ Determine whether stack is empty or not ■ Determine if stack is full or not

■ If stack is not full, then add a new node at the


■ If stack is not empty, then delete the node at its


Algorithm for Push operation

Push (stack[maxsize], item)

1. Set top=-1

2. Repeat steps 3to 5 until top<maxsize-1 3. Read item

4. Set top=top+1


Algorithm for Pop operation

Pop (stack[maxsize], item)


Repeat steps 2to 4 until top>=0


Set item =stack[top]


Set top=top-1


Print, no deleted is, item


Drawbacks of sequential

representation of stack data structure

Finite capacity of the stack

Checking for STACK_FULL condition


Linked Stack

Linked stack is a linear list of elements

commonly implemented as a singly


Linked Stack


a b c c b a




Linked stack operations


d c b a

c b a


Push ‘d’ into stack

Top Top

a Top



Algorithm for Push operation on a

linked stack

Push_linkstack(Top, Item)



/allot a node of the desired str. And

address of the node viz. x/






Algorithm for Pop operation on a

linked stack

Pop_linkstack(Top, Item)

1. If (top=0)

Call Linkstack_empty /linked stack is empty/

2 Else


Item=Data(Top) Top=Link(Top)



■ Stack frame

■ Reversing a string

■ Calculation of postfix expression



+,-Infix, Postfix, Prefix

■ Infix

■ Operator is written in-between the operands. A+B

■ Prefix

■ Operator is written before the operands, also

called polish notation. +AB

■ Postfix

■ Operators are written after the operands, also


Rules for infix to postfix conversion

■ Parenthesize the expression starting from left

to right

■ During parenthesizing the expression, the

operands associated with operator having higher precedence are first parenthesized.

■ The sub expression which has been

converted into postfix is to be treated as single operand

■ Once the expression is converted to postfix


infix to postfix

(A+B)*C/D AB+*C/D AB+C*/D AB+C*D/







infix to prefix









? (A*B+(C/D))-F





Algorithm for converting infix to


Postfix(Q, P)

Suppose Q is an arithmetic expression in infix and equivalent postfix expression P

1. Push “(” into stack and add “)” to the end of Q

2. Scan Q from left to right and repeat steps 3 to 6 for each element of Q until

the stack is empty

3. If an operand is encountered add it to P

4. If a left parenthesis is encountered, push it onto stack 5. If an operator Ø is encountered, then:

(a) add Ø to stack

(b) Repeatedly pop from stack and add P each operator which has the same


Algorithm for converting infix

to postfix

6. If a right parenthesis is encountered then,

(a) Repeatedly pop from stack and add to P each operator until a left parenthesis is encountered. (b) Remove the left parenthesis. [Do not add the left parenthesis to P.]

[end of IF structure]

[End of step 2 loop]


Algorithm for converting infix

to prefix

1. Reverse the input string

2. Examine the next element in the input

3. If it is operand, add it to the output string 4. If it is closing parenthesis, push it on stack 5. If it is an operator, then

1. If stack is empty, push operation on the stack

2. If the top of stack is closing parenthesis , push operator on


3. Else pop the operator from the stack and add it to output


Algorithm for converting infix

to prefix

6. If it is a opening parenthesis, pop operator

from stack and add them to S until a closing parenthesis is encountered . Pop and discard the closing parenthesis.

7. If there is more input goto step 2

8. If there is no more input, unstack the

remaining operators and add them



■ Reverse (C*B+A)


Algorithm for evaluate a

postfix expression

1. Add a right parenthesis “)” at the end of P.

2. Scan P from left to right and repeat steps 3 and 4 for each

element of P until the “)” is encountered.

3. If an operand is encountered , put it on Stack.

4. If an operator Ø is encountered, then

a) Remove the two top elements of stack, where A is the top

element and B is the next to top element

b) Evaluate B Ø A

c) Place the result of (b) back on stack

[end of if structure] [end of step 2 loop]

5. Set value equal to the top element on stack


Evaluate expression ab+c*d

if a=2, b=3, c=4 and d=5

a a


5 5


20 20


Binary Expression Tree

Binary expression tree does not contain

parenthesis the reason that for

evaluating an expression using


Conversion with expression



■ Create the expression tree from prefix ■ Run in order traversal on the tree

Prefix-> Postfix


Algorithm for creating expression

tree from a prefix expression

1. Reverse the prefix expression

2. Examine the next element in the input

3. If it is operand then

a) Create a leaf node

b) Copy the operand in data part c) Push node’s address on stack

4. If it is an operator, then

a) Create a node

b) Copy the operator in data part


Algorithm for creating expression

tree from a prefix expression


If there is no more input, pop the

address from stack, which is the






-Algorithm for creating expression

tree from a postfix expression

1. Examine the next element in the input

2. If it is operand then

a) Create a leaf node

b) Copy the operand in data part c) Push node’s address on stack

3. If it is an operator, then

a) Create a node

b) Copy the operator in data part


Algorithm for creating expression

tree from a postfix expression


If there is more input goto step 1


If there is no more input, pop the

address from stack, which is the


Number System


1. Creating empty stack

2. Repeat while(n!=0) pushing remainder

1. Set rem<- n%2

2. Call push( s, rem)

3. n <- n/2

3. Repeat while(! Is empty stack)

1. Rem=pop(S)

2. Display(rem)


Assignment 3

1. Evaluate the expression 5 6 2+*12 4 /- in

tabular form showing stack after every step.

2. Write a program to convert infix to postfix

and then evaluate the postfix expression.

3. Translate by inspection and hand, each infix

expression into its equivalent postfix expression:

1. (A-B)*(D/E)


Assignment 3

4. Consider the following Stack , where STK is

allocated N=6 memory cells:

STK: PPP,QQQ, RRR,SSS,TTT describe the stack as the following operations take place:


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