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A Comparison customer s Satisfaction of the Safety - Health Status Private and Public Bodybuilding Clubs of Isfahan City


Academic year: 2021

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ISSN 2251-7502 © 2014; Science Research Publications

A Comparison customer’s Satisfaction of the Safety - Health Status

Private and Public Bodybuilding Clubs of Isfahan City

Gholam Reza Rezaei Ramsheh1*, Masoud Naderian Jahromi2, Ali Muhammad Safaniya3

1-Master of Sports Management

2-Associate Professor and Faculty Member of Isfahan University 3-Professor of Islamic Azad University of Amol


Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] Abstract

Purpose: The general purpose of this research is a comparison customer’s satisfaction of the safety - health status private and public bodybuilding clubs of Isfahan city.

Materials and Methods: The statistical population, studied in this research is public and private bodybuilding club man customers of Isfahan. The history of their activities, from one month to one year is over. Volume of research in the statistical population private bodybuilding clubs certain over 86 clubs and in public bodybuilding clubs over 20 clubs. Statistical sample 400 customer's, who were selected by simple random. The data collection tool was a questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha reliability 0.944 were determined. Significance level of 0.05 was considered. Data analysis for two independent samples t-test (private and public clubs) was.

Results: Study Results showed significant differences is in customers satisfaction of the safety- health status public and private bodybuilding clubs equipment (p>0.043). Also significant differences is customers satisfaction of the safety- health status public and private bodybuilding clubs users (p>0.001). But significant differences did not observe in customers satisfaction of the Safety - health locker room (p< 0.441), Side of safety facilities (p<0.998), Safety and hygiene cleaning services (p< 0.063) and customers satisfaction of the safety - health the main environment of activity (p< 0.110) in the private and public body building clubs.

Keywords: Satisfaction, Customers, Safety, Bodybuilding clubs, Private, Public. Introduction

Customers service oldest and yet the most recent issue is for each institution. For most organizations, the surest way to success is to survival and quality of service will always remain in the minds of consumers (Seifaly and Goudarzi, 2010). One of the most important issues that organizations are dealing with the current competitive circumstances, the awareness of customers' satisfaction, Ian and their ideas about organizational performance, products and services, is Monitoring of customers satisfaction in an appropriate moment to survive in the competitive environment and gain a larger share of the market will provide. Many organizations, ways to gather information about their customers s' opinions and ideas have created. To obtain a numerical index and the actual use of the military will lead to customer’s satisfaction is of paramount importance. This product is intangible for customer's service organizations to offer even greater importance is the end (Norenesa et al., 2009).

Most organizations have found that exercise can not only invest a lot longer to achieve customers’ satisfaction. They have learned that the key to successful participation in the preservation and creation of customer's benefit of sport depends on the continued effort. Important point is to detect and set customers' expectations of a sports program designed to accurately measure customer's satisfaction (Hassanzadeh, 2006). Increase the marketing research industry, especially body building gym and club managers to increase competency , learn more about their needs, desires and motives of participants in clubs, most satisfaction and



attract more people and finally , sporting organizations and community health will increase its success (Parks, 2002). Health and fitness movement is growing rapidly as a global industry. In the U.S. there are more than 33.000 health and fitness, sports facilities and fitness centers in Europe than it is on the rise. Greece's private fitness center with approximately 311.500 customers s and revenues generated in 1300 about 5.164 million dollars a year, and this competitive industry. Competitive service industries, providing superior service, a prerequisite for the survival and success (Afthinos et al., 2005).

In the meantime, discuss customers loyalty is one of the most important topics in the sports and fitness industry. When customers receive the service you provide for your benefit, and in fact they are a source of profit. The manager of the club should attract more customers and more customers and maintaining customers less to lose, because the cost to attract customers is several times the cost of maintaining it (Ramezani 2003). Dishman (2001) reported that about half the people who start to exercise, to be bogged down in a short time period. Also, Sawyer and Smith (1999) reported that the average sports facilities in the U.S., 40% of customers are lost each year. Ehsan (2004) in their study stated that one of the contributing factors to attract more people, especially women The body of the hall to provide good quality of service and other important factors in establishing clubs and public places has come crowded place.

Jug Chian et al (2010) in a study entitled "Factors Affecting Customers Satisfaction body-building clubs and private government in Tehran" to conclude that the overall customers satisfaction difference between private and public clubs in body building there is the most important reason why the club is satisfied with the quality of staff and equipment, and physical environment (Kozeh Chian et al., 2011). Alidousti et al (2011) found in their study as The consent of the club facilities and the physical environment as well as how to deal with management, staff, coaches and private clubs is beyond state clubs. Farahani et al (2013) in their study as a survey of customers satisfaction with body building public and private clubs Gorgan concluded No significant difference in overall customers satisfaction in the public and private clubs, there are body builders. Customers satisfaction with regard to these factors so that the private club than a public club. Deniz (2006) in his study, a survey of customers satisfaction in fitness and body-building clubs in Turkey and came to the conclusion that social satisfaction, satisfaction with health), psychological - psychological (and physical health and equipment and to the satisfaction of the most effective staff customers.

Afthinos et al (2006 in their study in Greece as a private fitness center customers the most modern equipment, the desire to help the club staff and security tended and government customers to easily commute to fitness centers fitness centers tended.

Wen Li (2010) argues that customer satisfaction and service quality concepts that are directly linked to customer loyalty the quality of customers' service is an important element that is most important to them. Rodriguez and Guerrero (2008) in their study as predictive indices of customers satisfaction expressed different aspects of the sport in Spain there is a significant relationship between service quality and customers satisfaction .Therefore, it was with the investigator to customers satisfaction and safety - health of the public and private fitness clubs Using the proposed solution has been used to evaluate the results of customers satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors are identified and can be used for better planning.

Materials and Methods

Descriptive research method - a form field survey was conducted in 2012. A survey of the city’s public and private customers was man bodybuilding experience they had one month to more than one year. Population size at the time of the study, over 86 clubs and bodybuilding clubs, private clubs, and public bodybuilding club was over 20. Due to the nature of this population-based cluster sampling 6 select the city area and Private clubs and 10 clubs and 21 districts in the state based on the number of clubs in each region were selected. Finally, the 12 clubs, private customers and 15 customers per club per state were selected by convenience sampling. Given the size of customers and users of all man, both public and private city clubs are 5250 people the number of samples that can be selected is equal to 400. Because this study was to clarify the consumer view of the safety of the public and private clubs-health is concerned, the information gathered in this study was a questionnaire with questions.

To realize the vision consumer about safety clubs - health, a questionnaire was used. The questionnaire included 44 items and the 6 components. Continuum based on Likert Scale (Likert five options) is set. Cronbach alpha reliability of the 0.94 were determined. Descriptive statistics for raw classification scores, table design, distribution, calculated indices such distribution, percentage, mean, variance, standard deviation and inferential statistics, t-test to compare variables between the public and private clubs were used to test hypotheses. Computer software for data analysis spss19 and a significance level of 0.05 were determined.




Participants' demographic characteristics such as age, marital status, employment status, educational status, membership in the club's history, in the form of Table 1.

Table 1: Demographic characteristics of participants in the public and private clubs (percent) Marital


Age education employment

status, membership record S ingl e M arri ed U nde r 15 16 -25 26-35 36-46 45 t o T op U nde r D ipl om a D ipl o m a A S M as te r M A a nd a bove em p loy ed re ti re m en t une m pl oy m ent 1 -4 m ont hs 5 -9 m ont hs 9 -12 m on ths up t o on e ye ar 4. 69 30. 6 2. 3 54. 7 32. 7 8. 9 1. 5 12. 7 32. 4 20. 8 32. 9 1. 3 73. 9 2. 9 23. 9 40. 5 14. 4 11. 4 33. 7

Table 2: level of status of customers' satisfaction, safety equipment and public and private clubs

Table 2, based on the Club's state greatest customers satisfaction 3.91, and SD 0.999, the appropriate location of each device and the minimum average item 3.29, and SD 1.354, relating to the use of any device, method statements and private clubs most average customers satisfaction 4.07, and SD0.918 health-related items and devices and the lowest 3.52, and SD1.216, the winding method of each device,

Table 3: levels of customers' satisfaction and safety - public and private health and fitness clubs as beneficiaries

Table 3, In Public clubs greatest customers satisfaction 4.49, and SD3.612items collected and the lowest weights after practice 3.12 and SD 1.024 the items monitored by the teacher training program in public clubs and private clubs most satisfaction out customers s in 4.14 and SD1.125 quarters, and collecting sports related items,

equipment Safety - health components A ppropri at e loc at ion of ea ch d ev ic e T he us e of a n y de vi ce Be h ea lt hy de vi ce s D epl oy m ent of de vi ce s M ai nt en anc e of equi p m ent E ac h d ev ic e is a re li ab le br and Public Average 3.91 3.29 3.86 3.81 3.85 3.54 SD 0.999 1.535 1.167 1.082 1.169 1.307 Variance 0.999 1.832 1.361 1.171 1.366 1.708 Private Average 4.01 3.52 4.07 3.97 3.87 3.89 SD 0.933 1.216 0.918 0.959 1.058 1/110 Variance 0.871 1.479 0.843 0.919 1.119 1.323 Safety – health customers S upe rvi se d tra in ing by the te ac he r A w are n es s of he al th , s afe ty and pe rs ona l hygi en e O ffe ri n g a bodybui ldi ng and di et pr ogra m P rohi bi t t he us e a nd sa le of il le ga l dr ugs Be co m e fa m ili ar w ith th e p rope r tra ini ng te chni q ue s H avi ng s por ts ins ura n ce . E xe rc is e ai d equi p m ent 's T he us e du ri ng tra ini ng T he us e appropr ia te at h le tic s ho es for exe rc is e W ei ght s c o lle ct ion of aft er tra ini n g Public Average 3.12 3.97 3.95 4.19 4.18 4.01 3.74 4.25 4.49 SD 1.024 0.916 1.023 1.136 0.933 1.302 1.171 0.990 3.612 Variance 1.049 0.839 1.046 1.291 0.870 1.694 1.372 0.980 1.904 Private Average 3.66 3.73 3.82 3.76 3/84 4.14 3.58 4.06 4.14 SD 1.210 1.059 1.119 1.323 1.093 1.125 1.234 1.061 1.063 Variance 1.464 1.121 1.251 1.751 1.195 1.267 1.522 1.125 1.129



insurance weights training and a minimum average of 3.58 and SD1.234 items related to the use of training aids is when you are exercising.

Table 4: levels of customers' satisfaction and safety at private clubs and public utility

Safety lateral installations T he re is a publ ic phone a t t he c lub E xi ste n ce th e cl u b' s fi rs t a id b ox E xi ste n ce fi re fi ght ing ca ps u le in th e cl ub Ins ta lla tio n announ ce m ent s a nd pos te rs a t e ve n ts E xi ste n ce a buff et in the Cl u b S ound s ys te m goo d the c lub A bs enc e of thre at in the E x er ci se Public Average 2.93 3.57 3.68 3.23 3.57 4.14 3.72 SD 1.534 1.373 1.363 1.414 1.540 1.134 1.125 Variance 2.354 1.885 1.857 2.000 2.372 2.286 1.326 Private Average 2.55 3.36 3.54 3.54 3.88 4.31 3.78 SD 1.529 1.467 1.478 1.368 1.372 1.021 1.204 Variance 2.338 2.151 2.118 1.871 1.881 1.043 1.449

Table 4, In Public clubs greatest customers satisfaction 4.14 and SD 1.134 good sound system in the club associated with items and the lowest 2.93 and SD1.534, the items inside the club, public telephone and private clubs most average customers satisfaction 4.31 and SD1.021 corresponding to their extinguisher items and the lowest at Club 2.55 and SD1.529, relating to the items on the buffet, there is a club.

Table 5: levels of customers' satisfaction and safety - health and fitness clubs, private and public rooms

Table 5, In Public clubs greatest customers satisfaction 4.14and SD0.887 corresponding to the appropriate items in the locker room right light and the lowest 2.82and SD1.610, corresponding to the items in the locker room have adequate shower and private clubs most average customers satisfaction 4.23and SD1.003, the items having to change clothes locker for each person and the lowest 2.67and SD1.533 of the items is just in a locker room shower. Safety - Health dressing room S pa ce a nd lo cke r ro om a re a S ui ta bl e for li gh t i ns id e the loc k er roo m H avi ng to c ha n ge c lot h es loc k er for e ac h pe rs on T he re a re h ooks in th e loc k er roo m A ir ins id e the lo ck er room Ins ide th e lo cke r roo m cl ea n lin es s Cl ea n th e floor of th e loc k er roo m the re is tra sh in the lo cke r room T he re is e noug h in the loc k er roo m s how ers Public Average 3.78 4.14 3.99 3.57 3.92 3.99 4.04 3.64 2.82 SD 1.096 0.887 1.0523 1.0311 1.010 1.027 0.957 1.383 1.610 Variance 1.201 0.786 1.569 1.720 1.021 1.055 0.915 1.912 2.593 Private Average 3.63 3.98 4.23 3.38 3.51 3.97 4.19 3.70 2.67 SD 1.220 1.000 1.003 1.319 1.299 1.041 2.046 1.404 1.533 Variance 1.448 1.000 1.006 1.740 1.689 1.083 4.188 1.971 2.350



Table 6: level of customers' satisfaction safety - health main environmental activity of the public and private fitness clubs

Table 6, In Public clubs greatest customers satisfaction 4.26 and SD 0.965, the heating and cooling equipment items suitable club, and the lowest 3.32 and SD 1.541, relating to items having a special entrance for disabled persons in private clubs most average customers satisfaction 4.41 and SD1.073, the appropriateness of the items and the lowest ceiling height gym 2.94 and SD1.537, relating to items having a special entrance for disabled people is.

Table 7: level of customers' satisfaction Safety and cleaning health services public and private fitness clubs

Table 7, In Public clubs greatest customers satisfaction 3.90, relating to the items being cleaned walls and floors in health services and the lowest 2.95, despite the statements toilet for disabled persons in private clubs most average customer satisfaction 4.20, items related to the presence of liquid toilet in health services and the lowest 2.80, the item is there toilet for disabled persons.

Table 8: Compares the average score of the two sample t-independent, a comparison customer’s satisfaction of the safety - health status private and public bodybuilding clubs of Isfahan city. The main activities environmental health S ui ta bi lit y of li ght envi ronm ent ins id e the c lub S afe ty floor of m at s sport ing c lub T he gy m S u ita bi lit y of h ei gh t up S ui ta bi lit y of ve nt ila tion sys te m cl ub S ui ta bi lit y of d evi ce s he at ing a nd coo ling cl ub S ui ta bi lit y of li ght input a nd out pu t c lub S ui ta bi lit y of corri dors w ith in cl u b H avi ng a s p ec ia l ent ra nc e for pe o pl e w ith di sa bi lit ie s Public Average 3.95 4.00 4.25 4.12 4.026 4.14 3.88 3.32 SD 1.101 1.027 0.932 1.031 0.965 0.993 1.261 1.541 Variance 1.213 1.056 0.868 1.063 0.931 0.986 1.590 2.773 Private Average 4.09 4.01 4.41 3.90 3.85 4.04 3.86 2.94 SD 1.061 1.142 1.073 1.182 1.215 0.999 1.194 1.537 Variance 1.125 1.305 1.151 1.396 1.476 0.998 1.425 2.362

Safety and Cleaning health services

A ppropri at e p la ce c lub toi le ts Cl ea ne d the ba thro om w al l a nd floor F lui d in th e w as hba si ns he al th se rvi ce s Ba g E x is te nc e g arb age in the h ea lth s erv ic es E xi ste n ce to ile t for di sa bl ed pe opl e Public Average 3.54 3.90 3.84 3.70 2.95 SD 1.182 1.097 1.194 1.229 1.455 Variance 1.398 1.205 1.426 1.512 2.116 Private Average 4.08 4.19 4.20 3.78 2.80 SD 1.034 0.942 0.934 1.316 1.589 Variance 1.070 0.887 0.887 1.733 2.524

Component Average T test. Degree Level

Safety Equipment 3.66 -2.028 393 0.043

Safety - health costumer 3.57 3.531 393 0.001

Safety - health cloakroom rooms 3.98 0.771 393 0.441

Safety lateral Equipment 3.38 0.002 393 0.998

Safety and cleanliness sanitary services 3.10 1.862 393 0.063



Our findings indicate that the two components of the immune status of customers' satisfaction - public or private health club Gym Isfahan from the consumer's perspective there is no difference. According to Table 8, the components of the immune status of customers satisfaction with the health and safety of exercise equipment and health club users of public or private Gym city there is a significant difference. And there is no significant difference between customers satisfaction and the components of health, safety locker, safety, utility, safety and health cleaning service, safety, utility and safety - Environmental health clubs and private activity .

Discussion and conclusion

Given two independent samples t between customers satisfaction and safety equipment and public or private club, gym there are significant differences (p>0.043). And so on. Customers satisfaction and safety field - Private health club equipment and research results with a pitcher of Chian et al (2010), Alidousti et al (2011), Farahani et al (2013) and Afthinos (2006) is consistent. According to the two-sample t-independent. Between customers satisfaction and safety - health and fitness of users of public private clubs from the consumer's perspective, there are significant differences (p>0.001). Development of safety procedures and inspections of sports equipment alone is not enough, it requires a comprehensive plan in this regard is. Managers should be alert to the events that lead to wasted resources and manpower to be able to recognize, prevent and control. Given two independent samples t the safety of customers satisfaction Gym health club locker room public or private , there is no significant difference (p<0.441) are inconsistent.

Kozeh Chian et al (2010) pitcher research, customers' satisfaction in the dressing room, private clubs is higher than the state. However, in this study, in both the public and private fitness clubs in the city, no significant differences were observed. Perhaps due to the differences in environmental conditions, facilities and economic successfully stated. Given two independent samples to the safety of customers satisfaction Gym health club, public or private utility customers point of view there is no significant difference (p <0.998). And so on. Sports clubs, such as the lack of utility (public telephones, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, sound system etc) is essential in clubs and downplaying it be great damage safety to users and users can enter (Jalali Farahani, 2010). Given two independent samples t between the customers satisfaction of safety and cleanliness of public service health club with gym, private clubs, there is no significant difference (p<0.0636) The safety component, which is very much concerned with customer's health club management should be considered. The failure to resolve the problems this can cause disease prevalence and the lack of customers' satisfaction (Jalali Farahani ،2010). Two independent sample t according to the immune status of customers satisfaction - main environmental health club, gym government private club, there is no significant difference (p<0.110).

With the development of technology and the growing trend of people moving toward urban life and smaller sports centers, including public and private clubs sought To exercise and sporting activities to fill the gap . So today we are witnessing the development of sports venues, and naturally this way costs a lot to be spent for the construction of such places But it really all Sport are constructed based on sound principles and are not faced with a problem or answer to this question is undoubtedly a negative light. Why do we always see the flaws and weaknesses in physical structures have been The design and construction of sporting clubs should be considered when Such that we can optimize the use of space, equipment and facilities, and providing welfare conditions, safe and comfortable for all users pointed out (Jalali Farahani, 2010). According to the research results and findings of this study it can be concluded in considering the safety of the sport centers more attention should be especially Gym. It should be noted that clients, especially those who spend their leisure time in order to The need for space completely safe, happy and comfortable, and they expect their free time without any tension, stress and anxiety are relieved And they also want to address not only the health and vitality of recreational sports physical, mental and emotional to find But to be able to efficiently interact with others and their social connections increase and your character to grow and bring prosperity. Therefore, the task managers in the public and private fitness clubs, sports clubs, prepare and equip themselves in such a way that the comfort and satisfaction of users with much more could work.


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