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Area–Delay–Power Efficient Carry-Select Adder


Academic year: 2020

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Available online: http://internationaljournalofresearch.org/ P a g e | 1091

*B. Pravallika

Abstract—In this brief, the logic

operations involved in conventional carry

select adder (CSLA) and binary to

excess-1 converter (BEC)-based CSLA are

analyzed to study the data dependence and

to identify redundant logic operations. We

have eliminated all the redundant logic

operations present in the conventional

CSLA and proposed a new logic

formulation for CSLA. In the proposed

scheme, the carry select (CS) operation is

scheduled before the calculation of

final-sum, which is different from the

conventional approach. Bit patterns of two

anticipating carry words (corresponding to

cin = 0 and 1) and fixed cin bits are used

for logic optimization of CS and

generation units. An efficient CSLA

design is obtained using optimized logic

units. The proposed CSLA design involves

significantly less area and delay than the

recently proposed BEC-based CSLA. Due

to the small carry-

**P. Kiran Kumar

Output delay, the proposed CSLA design

is a good candidate for square-root(SQRT)

CSLA. A theoretical estimate shows that

the proposed SQRT-CSLA involves nearly

35% less area–delay–product (ADP)than

the BEC-based SQRT-CSLA, which is

best among the existing SQRT-CSLA

designs, on average, for different

bit-widths. The application-specified

integrated circuit (ASIC) synthesis result

shows that the BEC-based SQRT-CSLA

design involves 48%more ADP and

consumes 50% more energy than the

proposed SQRT-CSLA, on average, for

different bit-widths.

Index Terms—Adder, arithmetic unit,

low-power design.


LOW-POWER, area-efficient, and

high-performance VLSI systems are

increasingly used in portable and mobile

* M.TECH student , Dept of DSCE, Balaji Institute Of Technology And Science


P a g e | 1092

devices, multi standard wireless receivers,

and biomedical instrumentation

[1], [2]. An adder is the main component

of an arithmetic unit. A complex digital

signal processing (DSP) system involves

several adders. An efficient adder design

essentially improves the performance of a

complex DSP system. A ripple carry adder

(RCA) uses a simple design, but carry

propagation delay (CPD) is the main

concern in this adder.

Carry look-ahead and carry select (CS)

methods have been suggested to reduce the

CPD of adders.

A conventional carry select adder (CSLA)

is an RCA–RCA configuration that

generates a pair of sum words and output

carry bits corresponding the anticipated

input-carry (cin =0 and 1) and selects one

out of each pair for final-sum and

final-output-carry [3]. A conventional CSLA has less CPD than an RCA, but the design

is not attractive since it uses a dual RCA.

Few attempts have been made to avoid

dual use of RCA in CSLA design. Kim

and Kim [4] used one RCA and one

add-one circuit instead of two RCAs, where the

add-one circuit is implemented using a

multiplexer (MUX). He et al.[5] proposed

a square-root (SQRT)-CSLA to implement

large bit-width adders with less delay. In a

SQRT CSLA, CSLAs with increasing size

are connected in a cascading structure. The

main objective of SQRT-CSLA design is

to provide a parallel path for carry

propagation that helps to reduce the

overall adder delay. Ram kumar and Kittur

[6] suggested a binary to BEC-based

CSLA. The BEC-based CSLA involves

less logic resources than the conventional

CSLA, but it has marginally higher delay.

A CSLA based on common Boolean logic

(CBL) is also proposed in [7] and [8]. The

CBL-based CSLA of [7] involves

significantly less logic resource than the

conventional CSLA but it has longer CPD,

which is almost equal to that of the RCA.

To overcome this problem, a SQRT-CSLA

based on CBL was proposed in [8].

However, the CBL-based SQRT CSLA

design of [8] requires more logic resource

and delay than the BEC-based

SQRT-CSLA of [6]. We observe that logic

optimization largely depends on

availability of redundant operations in the

formulation, whereas adder delay mainly

depends on data dependence. In the

existing designs, logic is optimized

without giving any consideration to the

data dependence. In this brief, we made an

analysis on logic operations involved in

conventional and BEC-based CSLAs to

study the data dependence and to identify

redundant logic operations. Based on this

analysis, we have proposed a logic

formulation for the CSLA. The main

contribution in this brief is logic


P a g e | 1093

optimized carry generator (CG) and CS


Based on the proposed logic formulation,

we have derived an efficient logic design

for CSLA. Due to optimized logic units,

the proposed CSLA involves significantly

less ADP than the existing CSLAs. We

have shown that the SQRT-CSLA using

the proposed CSLA design involves nearly

32% less ADP band consumes 33% less

energy than that of the corresponding



The CSLA has two units: 1) the sum and

carry generator unit (SCG) and 2) the sum

and carry selection unit [9]. The SCG unit consumes most of the logic resources of

CSLA and significantly contributes to the

critical path. Different logic designs have

been suggested for efficient

implementation of the SCG unit. We made

a study of the logic designs suggested for

the SCG unit of conventional and

BEC-based CSLAs of [6] by suitable logic

expressions. The main objective of this

study is to identify redundant logic

operations and data dependence.

Accordingly, we remove all redundant

logic operations and sequence logic

operations based on their data dependence.

Fig. 1. (a) Conventional CSLA; n is the input operand bit-width. (b) The logic operations of the RCA is shown in split form, where HSG, HCG, FSG, and FCG represent half-sum generation, half-carry generation, sum generation, and full-carry generation, respectively.

A. Logic Expressions of the SCG Unit of


Conventional CSLA

As shown in Fig. 1(a), the SCG unit of the

conventional CSLA [3] is composed of

two n-bit RCAs, where n is the adder

bit-width. The logic operation of the n-bit

RCA is performed in four stages: 1)

half-sum generation (HSG); 2) half-carry

generation (HCG); 3) full-sum generation

(FSG); and 4) full carry generation (FCG).

Suppose two n-bit operands are added in

the conventional CSLA, then RCA-1 and

RCA-2 generate-bit sum (s0 and s1) and

output-carry (c0out and c1out)

corresponding to input-carry (cin = 0 and


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RCA-1 and RCA-2 of the SCG unit of

then-bit CSLA are given as

As shown in (1a)–(1c) and (2a)–(2c), the

logic expression of {s00(i), c00(i)} is

identical to that of {s10(i), c10(i)}. These redundant logic operations can be removed

to have an optimized design for RCA-2, in

which the HSG and HCG of RCA-1is

shared to construct RCA-2. Based on this,

[4] and [5] have used an add-one circuit

instead of RCA-2 in the CSLA, in which a

BEC circuit is used in [6] for the same

purpose. Since the BEC-based CSLA

offers the best area–delay–power

efficiency among the existing CSLAs, we

discuss here the logic expressions of the

SCG unit of the BEC-based CSLA as well.

B. Logic Expression of the SCG Unit of

the BEC-Based CSLA

As shown in Fig. 2, the RCA calculates n

-bit sum s01and c0outcorresponding to cin

= 0. The BEC unit receives s01and

c0outfrom the RCA and generates (n +

1)-bit excess-1 code. The most significant 1)-bit

(MSB) of BEC represents c1out, in which

nleast significant bits (LSBs) represent

s11. The logic expressions

Fig. 2. Structure of the BEC-based CSLA; n is the input operand bit-width.

of the RCA are the same as those given in

(1a)–(1c). The logic expressions of the

BEC unit of the n-bit BEC-based CSLA

are given as

We can find from (1a)–(1c) and (3a)–(3d)

that, in the case of the BEC-based CSLA,

c11depends on s01, which otherwise has

no dependence on s01in the case of the

conventional CSLA. The BEC method

therefore increases data dependence in the

CSLA. We have considered logic

expressions of the conventional CSLA and

made a further study on the data

dependence to find an optimized logic

expression for the CSLA. It is interesting

to note from (1a)–(1c) and (2a)–(2c) that

logic expressions of s01and s11are

identical except the termsc01and c11since


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c01and c11depend on {s0, c0, cin}, where

c0 = c00= c10. Since c01and c11have no

dependence on s01and s11, the logic

operation of c01and c11can be scheduled

before s01and s11, and the select unit can

select one from the set (s01, s11) for the

final-sum of the CSLA. We find that a significant amount of logic resource is

spent for calculating {s01, s11}, and it is

not an efficient approach to reject one

sum-word after the calculation.

Fig. 3. (a) Proposed CS adder design


The proposed CSLA is based on the logic

formulation given in (4a)–(4g), and its

structure is shown in Fig. 3(a). It consists

of one HSG unit, one FSG unit, one CG

unit, and one CS unit. The CG unit is

composed of two CGs (CG0 and CG1)

corresponding to input-carry ‗0‘ and ‗1‘.

The HSG receives two n-bit operands (A

and B) and generate half-sum word s0 and

half-carry wordc0 of width n bits each.

Both CG0 and CG1 receive s0 and c0from

the HSG unit and generate two n-bit

full-carry words c01and c11corresponding to

input-carry ‗0‘ and ‗1‘, respectively. The

logic diagram of the HSG unit is shown in

Fig. 3(b). The logic circuits of CG0 and

CG1 are optimized to take advantage of

the fixed input-carry bits. The optimized

designs of CG0 andCG1 are shown in Fig.

3(c) and (d), respectively. The CS unit

selects one final carry word from the two

carry words available at its input line using

the control signal cin. It selects c01when

cin = 0; otherwise, it selects c11.

The CS unit can be implemented using an

n-bit 2-to-l MUX. However, we find from

the truth table of the CS unit that carry

words c01andc11follow a specific bit

pattern. If c01(i) = ‗1‘, then c11(i) =

1,irrespective of s0(i) and c0(i), for 0 ≤ i≤

n − 1. This feature is used for logic optimization of the CS unit. The optimized

design of the CS unit is shown in Fig. 3(e),

which is composed of n AND–OR gates.

The final carry word c is obtained from the

CS unit. The MSB of c is sent to output as

cout, and (n − 1)LSBs are XORed with (n

1) MSBs of half-sum (s0) in the FSG

[shown in Fig. 3(f)] to obtain (n − 1)

MSBs of final-sum(s). The LSB of s0 is


P a g e | 1096



We have analyzed the logic operations

involved in the conventional and

BEC-based CSLAs to study the data dependence

and to identify redundant logic operations.

We have eliminated all the redundant logic

operations of the conventional CSLA and

proposed a new logic formulation for the

CSLA. In the proposed scheme, the CS

operation is scheduled before the

calculation of final-sum, which is different

from the conventional approach. Carry

words corresponding to input-carry ‗0‘ and

‗1‘generated by the CSLA based on the

proposed scheme follow a specific bit

pattern, which is used for logic

optimization of the CS unit. Fixed input

bits of the CG unit are also used for logic

optimization. Based on this, an optimized

design for CS and CG units are obtained.

Using these optimized logic units, an

efficient design is obtained for the CSLA.

The proposed CSLA design involves

significantly less area and delay than the

recently proposed BEC-based CSLA. Due

to the small carry output delay, the

proposed CSLA design is a good candidate

for the SQRT adder. The ASIC synthesis

result shows that the existing BEC-based

SQRT-CSLA design involves 48% more

ADP and consumes 50% more energy than

the proposed SQRTCSLA, on average, for

different bit-widths.


[1] K. K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal

Processing. New York, NY, USA:Wiley,1998.

[2] A. P. Chandrakasan, N. Verma, and D.

C. Daly, ―Ultralow-power electronicsfor

biomedical applications,‖ Annu. Rev.

Biomed. Eng., vol. 10, pp. 247–274, Aug. 2008.

[3] O. J. Bedrij, ―Carry-select adder,‖ IRE

Trans. Electron. Comput.,vol. EC-11, no. 3, pp. 340–344, Jun. 1962.

[4] Y. Kim and L.-S. Kim, ―64-bit

carry-select adder with reduced area,‖Electron.

Lett., vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 614–615, May 2001.

[5] Y. He, C. H. Chang, and J. Gu, ―An

area-efficient 64-bit square root

carryselectadder for low power

application,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.

CircuitsSyst., 2005, vol. 4, pp. 4082–4085. [6] B. Ramkumar and H.M. Kittur,

―Low-power and area-efficient

carry-selectadder,‖ IEEE Trans. Very Large


P a g e | 1097

[7] I.-C. Wey, C.-C. Ho, Y.-S. Lin, and C.

C. Peng, ―An area-efficient carryselect

adder design by sharing the common

Boolean logic term,‖ in Proc.IMECS,

2012, pp. 1–4.

[8] S.Manju and V. Sornagopal, ―An

efficient SQRT architecture of carry

selectadder design by common Boolean

logic,‖ in Proc. VLSI ICEVENT, 2013,pp.


[9] B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic:

Algorithms and Hardware Designs,2nd ed. New York, NY, USA: Oxford Univ. Press,


Fig. 1. (a) Conventional CSLA; n is the input operand bit-width. (b) The logic operations of the RCA is shown in split form, where HSG, HCG, FSG, and FCG represent half-sum generation, half-carry


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