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Relationship Between Crime Rates and Certain Population Characteristics in Minnesota Counties


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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 40 | Issue 1

Article 5


Relationship Between Crime Rates and Certain

Population Characteristics in Minnesota Counties

Van B. Shaw

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Van B. Shaw

The author is Professor of Sociology in Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. The following article is a summary of his graduate thesis which was completed at the University of Minnesota in 1946, under Professor George Void as adviser. The

author spent three years in the U.S. Army as Classification Specialist and Occupa-tional Counsellor.-Enlroa.

Purpose and Methods of Study

The purpose of this study was to discover what, if any, charac-teristics of the populations of all eighty-seven Minnesota counties were co-existent with high or low crime rates in those same counties.

The primary method employed was the correlation of each of two crime rates calculated from different statistical sources with population characteristics obtained from 1940 census re-turns. In addition, multiple and partial correlations were pre-pared in order to check clusters of associations among factors "shown to have significant coefficients of correlation with one of

the crime rates.

Materials Involved

Crime Rates. Each of the two crime rates was prepared from

statistical reports in the files of the Minnesota Bureau of

Crimi-nal Apprehension, 488 North Wabasha Street, St. Paul 2,


The first crime rate, hereafter referred to as the judicial crime

rate, was based upon convictions in district courts of each of the

counties of Minnesota. Calculation of judicial convictions per thousand population put all counties on a comparable basis. Since in most situations only more serious cases are bound over for district court judgments, this would seem to indicate a rate

based on more or less maj6r crimes. To avoid excessive bias represented by police "raids" in a single year, a five-year average (1936-1940) was used rather than the single 1940 figure.



Population Characteristics: The population characteristics

with which these crime rates were correlated were chosen from the 1940 census returns for Minnesota counties as procured by the United States Bureau of the Census. Characteristics to be used were selected on two bases: (1) availability and usability of recorded data, and (2) frequent assumption of their associa-tion with criminality.

Two measures of urbanization or population density were cor-related with each of the crime rates. These were (1) total popu-lation of each county, and (2) percentage of popupopu-lation urban (using the Bureau of Census figure of 2500 population as the dividing line between urban and rural) in each county. In the area of education, the median school grade attiined by (1) males and (2) females, 25 years of age and over of the population, was correlated with each of the crime rates. Since Indians are the only non-white racial group that exist in any considerable num-bers in Minnesota, the percentage of the population Indian in each county was correlated with each crime rate. Since foreign birth is often thought to be associated with criminality, the per-centage of the population foreign-born was correlated with each crime rate. Finally, two indications of economic instability in each county were correlated with the crime'rates. 'These were (1) the percentage of the population over14 seeking work and (2) this same group plus the percentag6 in each county on "relief" work.

Results and Interprettions

Table I, below, shows the results of the correlatio i procedure applied to the judicial crime rate and each population character-istic under consideration. The coefficient of correlation of each of the population characteristics in the left hand column with the judicial crime rate (as described above) is shown by the corre-sponding figure in the right hand column. Thus in Table I, the

Table I



Coefficient of

Corre-lation with the Population Characteristic Judicial Crime Rate

Total County Population ... .036

Per Cent of Population Urban ... .071

Median School Grade Attained by Males, 25 and Over... -. 096

Median School Grade Attained by Females, 25 and Over ... .033

Per Cent of Population Indian ... .462

Per Cent of Population Foreign Born ... .105

Per Cent of Population 14 and Over Seeking Work ... .360

Per Cent of Population 14 and Over Seeking Work Plus "Re-lief" Cases ... .336



first line might be read-The coefficient of correlation between

the Total County Population and the Judicial Crime Rate is .036

(remembering that the nearer this figure approaches 1.00 the

greater is the relationship between the two factors and

con-versely, the nearer it approaches 0.00 the smaller is the


The coefficients of correlation between the judicial crime rate

and the various population characteristics as shown by Table I,

above, indicate no results having statistical significance. The

correlation was highest for the per cent of the population Indian.

However an examination of the statistics underlying this

cor-relation reveals that many counties had no Indian population

whatsoever. Therefore the results of an over-all study of the

eighty-seven counties resulting in a correlation no greater than

that shown here is quite invalid.

Beyond this item, none of the coefficients of correlation can

be said to be sufficient to warrant any judgments concerning a

relationship. Although the range of the judicial crime rate for

the various counties was very small, the characteristics of the

county populations varied greatly. These facts would seem to

justify the judgment that, regardless of its characteristics, a

fairly regular per cent of the population finds its way into the

district courts.'

Table II shows the coefficients of correlation for the crime

rate based on offenses known to police and each population

char-acteristic under consideration. Thus line one of Table


may be

read-The coefficient of correlation between the Total County

Table II



Coefficients of Corre-lation with Crime

Rate Based on Offenses Known to

Population Characteristic Police

Total County Population ... 645

Per Cent of Population Urban ... .717

Median School Grade Attained by Males, 25 and Over ... .510

Median School Grade Attained by Females, 25 and Over ... .554

Per Cent of Population Indiali ... .047

Per Cent of Population Foreign Born... ... 2n1 Per Cent of Population 14 and Over Seeking Work... .45

Per Cent of Population 14 and Over Seeking Work Plus "Relief" Cases ... . .213

1Cf. Ronald H. Beattie, Juadf* Criminal Statistios, Oldo, Minnesota, and the, District of Columbia, 1988 (U. S. Bureau of the Census, Government Printing Office



Population and the Crime Rate Based on Offenses Known to Police is .645. (Again, the closer this figure approaches 1.00 the greater is the relationship.)

A strikingly different picture is shown by the coefficients of correlation when the crime rate is based upon offenses known to police (Table II). 'In these cases at least three characteristics are seen to be of significance. They are (1) urbanization, (2) edu-cational attainment, and (3) economic instability.

Urbanization: Since the coefficients for offenses known to

police and total population of the county (.645) and per cent of population urban (.717) are both quite great it is clearly evident that urbanization and offenses co-exist to a great degree in Minnesota counties. This conforms to the results of a majority of studies concerning the relative frequency of crime in rural and urban areas.2 The relationship is greater here than with any other characteristic within the present study.

Education: Of second importance is the educational

attain-ment of the population., It matters little whether this be of males (.510) or females (.554) since the correlation is nearly the same in either case. The indication would be that the highly educated and the criminals live in the same areas. Since both character-istics are common to city life, we need not conclude that the well educated are also the criminal. We might well observe, however, that education has not been of such calibre or quality that it enables the educated to arrange society in such a fashion as to eliminate criminal behavior.8

Economic Instability: To a lesser degree than either

urbani-zation or educational attainment, but sufficiently to be statis-tically significant, economic instability would seem characteristic of populations having high crime rates.4 Since the rate is higher

2 For summaries of such studies, see Pitirim A. Sorokin; Carle C. Zimmerman; and Charles J. Galpin, A Bstematio Sourcebook of Bural Sociology. (The Univer-sity of Minnesota Press, 1931) II, 266-342; Pitirim A. Sorokin and Carle C. Zim-merman, Principles of Xstral-Urban Sociology (Henry Holt and Company, 1929) pp.

370-402; and Walter C. Recldess, Criminal Behavior, (McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1940) pp. 82, 83, and 87.

3 For other studies of the relationship "of educational attainment to criminality, see 1'opudation, Special Report on Institutional Population, (Bureau of the Census, Government Printing Office, 1943) p. 6; The Prisoner's Antecedents, (Bureau of the Census, Government Printing Office, 1929) p. 19; Mabel A. Elliott and Francis E. Merrill, Social Disorganization, (Harper and Brothers, New York, 1933) p. 108; Arthur F. Raper, The Tragedy of Lynching (University of North Carolina Press,

Chapel Hill, 1933) p. 6.

4 For summaries of studies of the relationship between economic status and crim-inality see: William A. Bonger, Criminality and Economic Conditions (Little, Brown

and Company, Boston, 1916) and Thorsten Sellin, Research Memorandum on Crime,

in the Depression, (Social Science Research Council Bulletin 27, 1937.) For a study

employing essentially the same procedure as the present study but based on a com.-parison of a number of cities instead of counties, see William F. Ogburn, "Factos in Variation of Crime Among Cities", Journal of the American Stattistical

Asso-ciation, Vol. 30, March 1935, pp. 12-24.



for those unemployed and seeking work (.454) than for that same group combined with "reliefers" (.213) it would be possi-ble to speculate whether (1) relief tends to reduce the crime rate, or (2) relief is more likely to be given to those who have fewer tendencies toward crime. However, the difference is hardly suf-ficient to make this field of investigation profitable.

At any rate, the study has indicated that counties whose popu-lations have a higher rate of offenses known to police are also (1) more urban in nature, (2) populated with better educated people, and (3) more likely to contain numerous individuals whose economy is unstable and insecure than are counties with lower crime rates.

Since greater educational attainment and economic instability as reflected in relief and unemployment are characteristic of city populations; it was deemed necessary to calculate multiple and partial correlations to judge the combined co-existence of these characteristics, and to judge the importance of each with the other factors held constant. The results are tabulated in Tables III and IV below. Thus line one in Table III may be read-The coefficient of correlation (R) between the Crime Rate Based on Offenses Known to Police (c) with the combined factors of ur-banization (u), educational attainment (e), and per cent of population seeking work (w) is .763. (Again, the closer this figure approaches 1.00 the greater is the relationship.)

Table II


Rc.uew .763 R--Coefficient of Multiple Correlation

Rc.ew .658 c-crime rate based on offenses known to police Rc.uw .694 u-per cent of population urban

Re.ue .731 e-median educational grade, males 25 and over w-per cent of population 14 and over seeking.work

Examination of this table shows that the correlation based on a combination of all three independent variables with the de-pendent variable results in a higher correlation coefficient than when only two of the independent variables in combination are used. The multiple correlation is also higher than that resulting from any one of the single correlations formerly computed. Thus, although urbanization may be the most significant characteristic of populations of counties with high offense rates, the greater the educational attainment and the more unemployed those city populations are, the more likely their crime rates are to be even higher. Line one of Table IV may be read-The coefficient of partial correlation (r) of the Crimes Known to Police (c) with urbanization (u) when educational attainment (e) and per cent



seeking work (w) are held constant is .513. (Again, the.nearer this figure approaches 1.00 the greater is the relationship.)

Table IV


rcu.ew .513 r-coefficient of partial correlation rce.uw .44- Other symbols as in Table III above.

rcw.ue .317

Table IV reveals that the above assumption concerning urban-ization as the most significant single correlate is a correct one. A partial correlation with educational attainment and unemploy-ment held constant is considerably higher than a correlation with either of these factors when urbanization is held constant. In each case, however, the factors show correlations of significant statistical proportion.

One other relationship examined by the study seems -signifi-cant. If the crime rate based on convictions in district courts and the crime rate based upon offenses known to police were equally valid measures of total criminality of the population, the corre-lation of each with a given popucorre-lation characteristic should be nearly the same and their correlation with each other should be nearly perfect. Actually no such relationships exist. A compari-son of Tables I and II shows that there is no agreement in their correlation with any single item in the population characteristics. The coefficient of correlation between the two crime rates is only .205. Most authorities (Vold, Sellin, Reckless, Sutherland, and others) agree that offenses known to police constitute our most satisfactory measure of criminality. If this is true, the present study would indicate that studies based on judicial trials and convictions, institutional populations, and other statistics fur-ther removed from the crime are completely inadequate indica-tions of the total criminality of a community. It would also indi-cate that studies of the "causes" of crime as revealed by interviews and case histories of convicted criminals are more than likely to be heavily weighted in a given direction and not truly representative of crime and criminals in general. Accept-ance of this observation would throw grave doubt upon the validity of many of our more prominent studies in the field of


Su&mmary and Conclusions

It would seem from the preceding evidence that the following conclusions concerning crime in Minnesota counties are




1. That the judicial crime rate bears no association with any

of the factors under study; indeed, that a certain regular

per-centage of the population is convicted in the district courts

re-gardless of the character of that population and rere-gardless of

the number of offenses known by police to have occurred in that


2. That urbanization, educational attainment, and

unemploy-ment are significant characteristics of populations with high

crime rates as based on offenses known to police.

3. That each of these factors is significant in its own right

since the coefficient of multiple correlation is higher than the

co-efficient for any single one or for any two combined.

4. That the significance of these factors can be placed in the

following order: (1) urbanization, (2) educational attainment,

and (3) unemployment.

5. That acceptance of offenses known to police as the best

measure of criminality of a population must necessarily be

ac-companied by denial of the validity of convictions and

institu-tional population statistics as indications of the same criminality.

Offenses known to police in Minnesota counties are not

en-tirely separated from and independent of the society in which

they occur, but rather, they fluctuate in accord with some

ele-ments of the social pattern. Three such eleele-ments were isolated

by the study. Further research on a state-wide,

county-by-county basis might make it possible to ascertain the total or near

total of characteristics of populations likely to have a high rate

of offenses known to police. In addition, refinement of the data

to take into account age variations and other factors not included

in the present study might result in significant changes in the

conclusions cited above.


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