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Lewis & Clark Library Technology Plan FY2016 FY2018


Academic year: 2021

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Lewis & Clark Library Technology Plan –

FY2016 – FY2018

Prepared by: Matt Beckstrom Systems Librarian Lewis & Clark Library


Scope... 2

Current status... 2

Short term projects... 3

Hardware... 3

Computer replacements... 3

Phone system upgrades...3


Software... 3


Long term projects... 4

Hardware... 4

Computer replacements... 4

Printers... 4

Servers... 4

Mobile device checkout... 4

Software... 4

Integrated Library System...4

Online Hosted Databases... 5



This technology plan includes all the hardware, software, infrastructure, and online services for the Lewis & Clark Library and its branches in East Helena, Lincoln, Augusta, and the bookmobile. It will cover short and long term goals and strategies, evaluation of projects, and all associated materials for Fiscal Years 2016-2018.

Short term projects falling underthis plan are targeted for completion inFiscal Year (FY) 2016. Long term projects are targeted fro completion inFiscal Years 2017 and 2018.

Current status

The systems for the Lewis & Clark Library are currently divided into four main areas: hardware, software, infrastructure, and online services. The hardware for the Library is separated into two main areas: staff and public. The staff hardware includes:

 48 computers and laptops  5 iPad’s

 8 servers

 4 black and white printers, and 1 color printer

 Computer based phone system with 28 extensions (Mix of analog and IP based phones) The public hardware includes:

 37 computers  20 laptops

 8 AWE children’s learning stations  10 iPads

 4 color printers

The software for the Lewis & Clark Library includes a variety of applications installed on the computers and laptops for the staff and the public devices. The major applications that system supports are:

 Microsoft Windows 7 & 8

 Microsoft Office 2010-2013 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Publisher)  Novell eDirectory

 Novell GroupWise  Novell Zenworks  Infor V-Smart, V-Insight The Library’s infrastructure includes:

 5 Sonicwall firewalls in all branches  10 network switches

 Internet connections in all branches

o Helena: Montana Internet Corporation wireless connection at 40mbps o Bookmobile: AT&T 4G cell phone connection

o Augusta: Three Rivers Communications fiber optic connection at 16mbps o East Helena: Charter Communications cable connection at 30mbps


o Lincoln: Lincoln Telco DSL connection at 4mbps  Wireless networks for staff and public use in all branches The libraries online services include:

 www.lclibrary.org, hosted by CivicPlus on a five-year contract

 catalog.lclibrary.org, hosted by the Library, part of the integrated library system (ILS) V-Smart  V-Insight statistical software hosted by the Library, part of the ILS

 Several Library-hosted databases including the Flora and Fauna of Mt. Helena and the Local Information Database

Short term projects

Short term projects include any changes to the current configuration and budgetedfor in theFY2016 budget.


Computer replacements

Librarycomputers are on a 3-4 year replacement cycle based on their usage. Lower use computers are on a 4 year cycle, and higher use computers are on a 3 year cycle. In FY2016, the following computers are due for replacement:

 10 laptops for public use  18 staff computers Phone system upgrades

The phone system server is upgraded each year to the newest version of the software. Currently the phone extensions are a mix of analog and IP based phones. There are currently 10 extensions that are still analog. These phone extensions will be upgraded to new IP based phones.


Servers are on a longer replacement cycle, and typically last between 5-7 years depending on use. The Library’s main file server will be replaced with a new server.


The majority of the staff computers are running Windows 7. Windows 8 is being tested, but due to incompatibilities with existing software, there are no plans to move any more computers to Windows 8. Windows 10 will be evaluated to determine if it works any better than Windows 8.

Microsoft Office is currently at Version 2013. The latest version of Microsoft Office (365) will be evaluated.

The Infor V-Insight upgrade to version 3.0 was purchased in FY2015 and upgraded in September 2015. Infor V-Smart was upgraded to version 3.0 in FY2015. There is a minor version upgrade available that will be installed in September 2015. It upgrades the interface to allow staff to use mobile devices like iPads to perform circulation functions. This will allow staff to assist patrons better away from the public services desks.


In order to continue to make the public computers more useful, software on the public computers will be upgraded and will includenew versions of Internet browsers (Internet Explorer) and the addition of new browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox. To help protect the privacy of public computer users, browser plug-ins such as Disconnect.me and Ad-Away will be installed, and TOR (a private Internet browser) will be installed.


The Augusta Branch will receive a wiring upgrade as part of the building refresh. This will include upgraded network wiring throughout the building, and new jacks.

All three branches will get upgraded network firewalls.

Long term projects

Long term projects will be paid for by funds from the FY2017 and FY2018 budget years.


Computer replacements

The normal computer replacement cycle will still be used for computers. In FY2017, 25 staff computers will be replaced, and in FY2018, 19 public computers will be replaced.


Printers use a 5-7 year replacement cycle. In FY2018, 4 staff printers will be replaced. Servers

Several servers will be replaced in FY2017 including the public computer server, and three servers in the Augusta, East Helena, and Lincoln Branches.

In FY2018the telephone system server will be replaced and 14 of the older IP phones will also be upgraded. The number of incoming lines will be increased from the current level of 6 lines to 20. This will allow individual extensions inside the Library to be called directly from the outside.

Mobile device checkout

In FY2017 and in FY2018 the existing laptop checkout system will be expanded to include other mobile devices like iPads and Android tablets. These devices will be available for patrons to check out and use. Hardware checkout systems will be evaluated to determine if they would be more efficient for checking out devices compared to staff checkouts.


Integrated Library System

The current Integrated Library System (ILS) has been in place since 2006. In order to make certainthat the Library is receiving the best possible service from the ILS and the ILS vendor (Infor), a request for Information (RFI) will be issued in FY2017. This RFI will be sent to all the major ILS vendors including the existing vendor. If the RFI shows that the current ILS is lacking in features, or that the services provided by the vendor are below what is offered by other vendors, a full Request for Proposal will be issued in FY2018.


Online Hosted Databases

The Library currently hosts several databases – Flora and Fauna of Mt. Helena and the local organization database. Each of these databases will be evaluated to determine if they are still used and needed. If they are still in use, they will be migrated to a better online database system that has better search capabilities and will allow for remote updating of the records.


In FY2017, plans are to upgradethe Internet service to the Library from current level of 40 mpbs to 1 gpbs (1000 mpbs). This willput the Library in alignment with the recommendation from the Federal Communications Commission that libraries similarly sized to the Lewis & Clark Library should provide a 1gpbs connection to their users. In order to do this upgrade, there will be some additional costs that will be reflected inthe budget.


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