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Gramatika engleskog jezika


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lYlustafa Tanovic


Example iSI1 ~ t aI/other way to teach, it is only way to teach Alhert Einstein


Mostar, 2002.


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Faku!lct humanistickih nauka

Univerzitcta "Dzcmal BijediC" 1I Mostaru

Proi'. dL Elbisa Ustamuji6 Prof. dr. Mustafa Tanovic

Colleen B. London. M.A. Linguistics Prof. dr. SnczanH Hilbija

Jasna Lizdc, prof. Alen KalajdZic, proJ:


St<lll1parija Mostar Ibra Rahimic


CIP -Katalogizacija 1I bublikaciji Nacionailla i univerzitctska bibliotcka Basne i Hercegavine

811.111 '36 (075.8)

TANOVIC, Must"f"

Gramatika cngleskog jezika I Mustafa Tanovi6. Mostar: UniverLitet "Dzemal BijediC", Fakultet humanistickih nauka, 2002. - 217 str. : 24 C111 Bibliografija: str 217

ISBN 9958-c,04-06 -X



Ova kratka gramatika namijenjena jc prijc svcga studcntima engleskog jezika, studentima na drugim fakultctima i ucenicima srednjih skola. Tokol1l dugogodisnjcg i ncposrcdnog rada sa ve!ikil1l brojem uccnika u Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovnoskolskom, srednjoskolskom i visokoskolskol11 nivou, autor je stckao bogato iskustvo i pouzdan livid 1I tcskocc sa kojima·se nasi lIceniei


'studenti slloc:waju u proccsu uccnjn engleskog jezikn. Precizan livid u prirodu i llccslalost grcSaka nasih ucenika i stude nata tI BiB i nasih izgnanika u New York -U omogucio jc autoru cla vise paznjc i prostora u knjizi posvcti oninl jcziekim zt1konitostima cngleskog jezikn kojc za nasli populaeiju prcdstavljaju najvecc poteSkoce.

U SV0111 melu autor .le, u svojstvu s3vjetnika Z3 nastavll cnglcskog i njcmackog jezika, imao mogucnost i obavezu prcporuciti rad velikog broja nastavni!ca i profesora englcskogjezika, pratiti i registrirati, njihova iskustva i teskocc, pronnlaziti l:jcScnja za takvc teSkoce i preporuciti postupke kojima cc sc postizati bolji nastavni rezultati. To je, svakako, imalo utieaja n3 opredjeljenja i prakticna ljescnja U ovoj knjizi.

Vjerujern dn cc knjiga biti od pomoci i svim drugima koji sc, iz profcsionalnih

i drugih razloga, opredjeljuju da prcciznije upoznaju nacin funkcionisanja engJeskog jczika, da ga bolje razumiju, da uspjesnije komuniciraju na ovom svjetskom jeziku. Knjiga je napisana u New Yorku, gradu 1I kojel11 su sc nasli I11nogi nasi izgnanici. Neki

Sll imali osnovnn znanja i vjestine potrcbne za minimalno kOl11l1niciranje na englcskorn jeziku. drugim<.l je susret sa englcskim .lczikom II Nc\.v York - u bilo prvo iskustvo sa ovil11 jezikom. Vecina polaznika kurseva, koje jc auto!" organizirao za nase izgnanike, bili su u poodl11akloj zivotnoj dobL Iskustvo steceno u radu sa oelraslim po\aznicima bilo.ie visestruko korisno i dragocjeno. Vecina polaznika kurseva u New York - u bilaje prinuctena brzo usvajati vjestine nuzne za najjednostavniju komunikaciju kako hi se mog[i na trzif;tu rada, II izuzctno teskim uvjctima i ujakoj konkurcnciji, karaktcristicnoj za amcrieko trzliitc rada, ukljucivati 1I nckc poslovc u novoj srcdini i tako prehranjivati svoju porodieu.

Nadam se da ce ova knjiga p0l1106i ne same studentim<1 i llccnicima vee i najsiroj populaciji u Bosni j Hcrccgovini da uspjesnijc lIei ovaj svjetski jezik, koji je sticajem okolnosti postao vaz.an uvjct za llspjesnost u svim vrstama poslova, u gotovo svim domcnim(l tjudskog rada.


lzvodi iz recenzija

Prof. dr. Mustafa Tanovic napisao je udibenik koji je nazvao Grarnatika

cngleskog jezika, koji je, kako Sam kaie U 8vom predgovoru , namijenio studentima engleskog jezika, studentima drugih stlldijskih grupa, ali i lIcenicima srednjih 5ko1a. Udibenik Gr:uuatika engleskog Jezika sastoji se ad 9 pogJavlja ad kojih su najobimnija pogJavlje 0 glagolima i pogJavlje 0 imenicama. Svako poglavlje sadrii niz vjezbanja koja Sll vezana za tematiku pogJavJja. Takocler, svako pogJavlje i potpoglavJje sadrzi veliki broj primjera koji stlldentu trcbaju pomoci cia 5to bkse zapamti kontekst za kaji se veze konkretna forma. To je znacajna vrijednost ave knjige. Isto tako vrijedno je ista61 i prisllstvo napomena u tekstu svakog pogJavlja iIi potpogJavlja, kojc Sll posebnim fontom odvojene od drllgog dUcla teksta kojem pripadaju. Na tl.lj na6in student u tim napomenama dobija korisnll informaciju koja se ticc neke vaine osobenosti pojave koja se obradllje.

Ovakve knjige uvijek su dobrodosle jer poz,nata nedovoljnost ponllcie akademskih udzbenika, narocito na polju anglisticke lingvistike, i stoga ova knjiga zasluzuje da bude stall1pana.

Prof. dr. Snezana Bilbija Sarajevo, 11. 09. 2002.

This is a good basic compilation artlle essential rules of grammar of EngJish explained in Bosnian, J intend to use


for first~year students of English at Mastar University. The university student of English needs til is overall picture of the tricks of grammar. Then, she or he can begin to put to good use any oCthe many availnble grammars and advanced textbooks written in English.

Colleen B. London, M.A. Linguistics



I Glagolska vrcmcna u englcskom jczilm ... , 9

Sa(hinjosl (14); PIVS'ioSi (29); Baduhwsl (41); Pasiv (50); Koudiciona/ (62);

Konjukliv (66); Imerativ (68); In/itiv (73): Gerandi (80); Parlicipi (85);

Slagm?je premella (89); Upravni i ncupraFni gOVDJ' (93);

Pogodhcnc I'cccn;ce (98): Nepotplflli g/ago/i (J02): Qucs'tions Tbgs (l09). II Imcnicc ... 111

Rod imcnica (J J 4); Plural (l j 5): Padezi imenica (12 J).


Clanovi. ... 125 Upotreba odrcctenog L~/(/n(l (J 27); i:::osral'{jm?je neodrcctenog Clan({ (J 30); Upotreba oc/reclenog Clemo (130); lzostavljanje odredenog Clana (J 35), IV I'ridjcvi ... 139

POrCdel?je pridjeva (142); KOlllparativjednos/oznih pridjel'CI (143); Komparatil' I'i.s-es/oznih pridjeva (J 44); Super/ativjedno5;/oinih pridjeva

(146); Super/ativ l'iX'csloznih pridjcl!({ (147); Nepravilna komparacija pridjeva (148).

V Zamjenicc ... 153 Lh'ne zamjen ice (155): Prisvqjne zallljenice (156) .. POl'ratne za/lljenice (156) ..

VI Zamjcnicc iii pridjcvi.. ... 159 Prisvojne zaJ/(jenice i prh(jel'i (161),' Upitfle zCIf}!jenice i prh(jevi (162); Pokazllc zClf}!jel1ice; pricUel'i (164): Odnosne (re/afivne) zalJ~ienice i

pric(jevi (167),' Neodrec1ene zafJ1ienice i pri({jevi (167); Neodrectene zarnjenice i pric(jevi (f70): S/ozenc neoclrcctclI(! z({I/1iel7ice (176),

VII I'rilozi. ... 183 Tvorha priloga (185): Podje/a priloga (186); Porec1enje priloga (186):

Nepravilllo poredeJ{je priloga (188): 1denlic':nosl oblika pri/oga i pridjeva (l8S):

Dvost1'1lkf oblici pl'i{ogo (189); iV{jesfO prilogoll re(~el1ici (190),

VIII Brojcvi.. ... 197 Brojcl'i za pOllav!jwy'c (199); Raz/o!J]ci (202); Decimalni brojevi (202): Cittll?je osnol'nih lI/ate!1latickih izraza (203).




Jedan od najtczih problema sa koj im sc stalno suocavaju nasi studenti .Ie pravilna upotrcba gJagolskih vremena u englcskomjeziku. Razlozi za to su formalni i sustinski. U engleskom postoji i fonnalno mnogo vise vrcmena nego u bosanskomjeziku. Mi smo uglavnol11 naviknuti na cetiri vremena: prczent. fulur, pluskvamperfekt. Ovaj posljednji kod nas je rijetko u upotrebi, pa se nase prcdstavc svode uglavnom l1a tri vremena. Nasuprot tome, u cngleskom jeziku postoji scst Vremena aktiva i scst vremena pasiva:



Ovoj cinjenici treba dodati pociatak da spomenuta engJcska vremena itnaju dva aspekta: tzv. simple aspect i progressive (coninuous) aspect. ImajuCi 1I viclu tu cinjenicll cia za sest vremena aktiva imamo dvanaest razlicitih glagolskih oblilul i osam oblika pasiva, zatimjos dcsetak razlicizih glagoisldh mogncnosti za iskazivanjc vrcrncna, dolazimo do L1ntasticne konstatacije cia mi pri upotrcbi engleskih glagolskih vrcmena 111ora1110 nasc predstave 0 tri (cetiri) vremcna mijenjati prema zahtjevima engleskog jezika u kome, eto, imaju bar tridcsct i dvi,ie razlicite gJagolske forme aktiva i pasiva koje moramo prirnjcnjiv<lti u proccsu komunicirar~ja na engleskomjeziku, narocito u procest! pismenog komuniciranja.

No, spol1lenuta cinjenica preclstavlja manji clio problema za nase studente ,ier se ta fonnalna obiljcija, ipak, mogu nalleiti rclativno brzo. Tei,i dio problema sustinske je sem.mticke prirodc. Naime, postoje brojna pravila koja na!azu k<1c1a se koji glagolski oblici za razlicita vremcna moraju Llpotrijcbiti, kacla sc neki glagolski oblici ne mogu upotrijebiti 11 datom kontekstu i situaciji bez rizika da doc1e do ozbiljnijih nesporazuma, nerazumjevanja, a postoje i okolnosti u kojim<l je izbor ocigovarajuccg glagolskog vrcmena stvar intcrpretacije kontcksta.

Eto zasto je pravilna upotreba glagolskih vremena cngleskomjeziku kamen spoticanja, tj. izuzetno veliki problem za govornikc bosanskogjczika.

Pored spomenutih vremena postoji jos odrc(1cn broj glagolskih ob!ika koji ~ strogo govorcci - nisu glagolska vremena iako se i POITIOCU njih moze izraziti vrijemc: cetiri gerunda, pet razlicitih participa, sest infinitiva ( mi imamo same jedan infinitiv), 1'azni idiomatski iZ1'azi itd. Sve to posebni su glagolski oblici koji usloznjavaju ionako slozenu


j slojevitu strukturll engleskih vremena i drugih glagolskih oblika koji sc bitno - formalno i sustinski - razlikuju od nasih jczickih sredstava za iskazivanje tri vremenska okvira: sndasnjost, pros!ost j buducnost. Ovdjc treba 1111ati u vidu tri cnglcska nacina (illdilultiV, kOl1juktiv i imperativ), dva kondicional<l (koudicional sadasnji i kondicioual proIi), te.skocc oko slaganja vremen<l, upotrcbe if - recenica, direktnog i indirektnog govora


Jpak, najvece potdkoce prccistavlja pravilno iskazivanjc triju osnovnih vremenskih pOJl11ova sad~lsnjosti, prosIosti i buduclIosti za sta sc koristi iZl"azito vcllki broj razlicitih gJagolskih oblika.

Sadasnjost u cnglcskomjeziku moz,c se 1zmz!!! upotrebomjcdnog ad sUedccih glagolskih vremena.

I.The Progressive (Continuous}Present Tense, 2.The Simple Present Tense,

3.The Progressive Present Perfect "fensc, 4.The Simple Present Perfect Tense, 5.The Simple Prescnt Tense Passive, 6.The Progressive Present Tense Passive.

Prosiost se maze iskazati upotrebom ovih glagolskih oblika:

I.The Simple Present Perfect Tense,

2.The Progressive Present Perfect Tense, 3.The Historic (Dramatic) Present,

4.The Simple Past Tense, 5. The Progressive Past Tense,

6.The Simple Past Perfect Tense,

7.The Progressive Past Perfect Tense, 8.Used to









Past Participle i Having been


Past Participle, 12.Being


Past Participle,

13.Thc Simple Present Perfect Tense Passive, 14.The Simple


Tense Passive,

IS.The Progressive Past Tense Passive, 16.The Simple Past Perfect Tense Passive.

BdUCl10st se moze iskazati upotrebom ovih glagolskih oblika:

I.The Simple Future Tense,

2.The Progressive Future Tense, 3.The Simple Future


the Past, 4. The Progressive Future


the Past, 5.The Future Perfect Tense,


6.The Simple Present Tense, 7.The Progressive Present Tense, 8.Going to



9.To be about to


Infinitive i to be to + Infinitive.

1 O.Future Tense Passive.

lzbor pravog naCina za iskazivnnje sadasnjosti, proslost'i i buciucilosti II datom kontekstu inn semanticka a ne forma Ina obiljezja. Taj prayi izborje narocito vazan II akademskom

sluzenju engleskim jezikol11, mnogo vazniji nego pri llobicajcnoj konverzaciji. Kad to

i111a1110 II vidu i kacl nyu cinjenicu povczcmo sa gornjolll konstatacijolll 0 velikOll1 broju glagolskih oblika za sest cnglcskih vrcmCll<l aktiva i pasivn, sa po elva aspckta: simple i progressive ondn zaista ne cudi sto to nasim stuelentima predstavlja iZllzetno tczak problem. To je razlog da sc tvorbi i upotrcbi gJagolskih vrernena mora posvccivati iZlIzctna i stallll1 pazllja na svim nivoima lIccnja englcskog jczika.



1. The Prest'llt Progressive (Continuolls) Tense

Trajni prczcnt gradi sc od prezcnta pOlllocnog glagola "to be'l i participa prezenta aI{tiva od glagola koji zclimo upotrUebiti. (prc::enf pO/llO(:l1og p,/ago/a "(0 be "+ particip

prezenla akfiva).

I am O!QU arc he is she i5; 1\'(' {frc 1'011 (//'(' tlwl' are) writing sDca/\./mr sf/litH! l2lQ)~i.J1g..

sieevilw (~s/d/w lI'orkillV Cl'l'ilw ild

Upitni oblik tvori se invcrzi.iom potvrdnog obIika, ~j. zamjcnolll mjesta subjckta i

glagola. Am I ( is he. is she) wril-iol,! sleeping, sitting. pJaving? itd.

Odricni oblik pravi sc dodavanjcl11 ncgacijc not koja se slnv lja iZI11Cciu odgovarajuccg

oblika pomocnog glagola "to be" i participa prczcntn ujJotrijcbljcnog glagola.

[alii !lot


he i\" lIot she is /lot> sleepifl u It'l'ifil]J:, yitriflV n/avillo. ifd. Odricllo-upitlli oblik pravi sc dodavanjcm ncgacijc not upitnom obliku. Negacija not se stavlja iZl11cau subjckta i pnrticipa prczcnta.

Is he !lot s/eeDiflV? Arc tlic), flut n/({l'inv ill {he oan/ell 'J Is J\1ark·I1Qrdo;'w his hOlllework? 4r( Ann alld 111([n' flOr 1Fririn~J?

NapofJIel1a 1: Alol"(lfl/o iowti 1/(/ /III/If da II parlicipu pre::enta mogll nas/ati iZl.'leSlIe

prollljelle pri l~jegoJ'(~j {Forbi. Dokle: porticip pre::en{a sc tvori

dodavaJ!jem glagolu nm·;wl'ka --"ing". Pri tome st' maze desitijedan od sfjedei'a fri s/uc({ja:

• U g/ago/1f flC do/azi du prol/!jena. Glagolu se S(1fl10 doda ing.

Ask -asking, walk - walking, play ~ playing, tJy .. -tJ:l'ing, do - doing, wam warning, speak - .speaking, Imy - buying. watch - watching .

• Ako se iI!/initil' glagolu ::m'l".';(/v(/!/a (' i\J~ie .'Ie lie i::govara ofl(/a c sc 10 izostavlja prcd nastavkom -iug. Give -giving, decide - deciding, face /2tcil1g. promise - promising, cOllie - cOllling. dripe - driving, m(lke lJICIlring,

close·~ closing, celebrate - celebratillg, rake -laking, leave - icC/viI/g.

translate - lmf}s/(I{ing, type -- typing, reduce - reducing.

• Kod glagola flO)! se Z((\,{",s·(I\I((ili 1I(1 sug/asnik kOlile pre/hodi k.mtak i lIcnagia,s·en

samog/(lsnik udvostrucava sc taj krajnji suglasnik.

Swim -swimmillg, drop - dl"Oppillg, get - getting, plan - planning,

put - Plltting, stop - stopping, rUI1 -running, sel -setting,


Napomena 2: U potvrdnom, odricnom i odricno-upitnom obliku pomo6ni glagol " to be" moze se pisati i izgovarati u sazetom obliku:

~ 1 'm, (he \, she ~<) sleeping, playing, writing, cliftillg, ,)'flf(Zl'ing, reading itd

.. ~Ve '/'c (you're, they,re) sleeping, playing, writing, sfl/c(ving, clitting, reading.

oJ'm not (he isn i, she iSII 't) sleeping, playillg, writillg, stll((l'ing, cuffing .

• We oren '( (VOli oren 'f, they aren f) s/eeping,p/oyillg, writing,studying, clItting • 1m't he (\'i1e), arcn', you, aren 'f we ( they) sleeping, ployiFlg, H'riting, stu((l'ing,



1. Present Tense Continuous (Progressive) se upotrebljava za radnju koja se dogada u trenutku kad 0 njoj govorimo .

.. What are you doing? ("Nc)\v" podrazumijcva sc, iii sc ponekad i pomene)

.. f am reading a novel.


you re<lding a novel by Hemingway? .. No I'm not.l.J.n reflding a novel by Dickens.

2. Trajni prezent koristi sc za izrazavanjc sndasnje radnjc koja sc ne mora desavati u trenutku govorenja vcc je pocela ranijc a trajc i sada. U ovakvim slucnjevimn govorimo o tzv. duratil'lIoj rctciF?ji.

o I-1e iiLlvritin.g an Englislrtextbook .

.. We all are growing olcler .

.. My sister is translating n famous English novel "Oliver T\vist" .. They arc Intilding n new bridge over tbe Neretva river.

U OYU kal.egorlju upotrebe t.rnjnog prezenta spadaju i sluc::\jevi kada sc nc podrazumijeva obavezno govoriti 0 raclnji II tokll II trcnutku govora, vee 0 uobicajenom ponasanju oclrec1ene licnosti 0 kojoj se govori.

• 1 am studying together with lllY..friencl Ann. (Nije neophoclno/upitno sada), • She is working with her rather. (Nijc neopbodno/upitno sada)

• He is a player. He is playillg baskct/Jal/.

3. Trajni prezent se upotrebljava sa always, constantly, forever HZ prijoge kako bi

izrazio llcka bitna svojstva osobc 0 kojoj se govori, njcn llobicajcni nacin ponasanja. U lakvoj situaciji govornik cesto (ne uvijck) izrazava prigovor, protest, prijckor a cijela struktrura ima negativan prizvuk .

.. Joanna is...illi'L<lVS !caving her dil1y shirts on the noar. (prijekor, kritika) .. ''I'm always (constantb:l.picking up my brother's dirty socks" says Ann, • She is a nervous person. She is ahynvs complaining \vithoul any reason. • Ann is c01lstantly asking mnny questions .


o Vera's always messing Ull the whole kitchen.

• She is always tlying to show me that she is much smarter than 1 am.

o She says that her husband is always snorinjJ.

4. Trajnirn prczcntol1l sc l110ZC i21'3ziti bliska, izvjesna buducnosL U takvim okolnostima upotrebe najcesce se navcde i priiog za vrijcme u kojcll1 CC se radnja izvrsiti.

Azra is leaving Mostar tomorrow morning.

e I am visiting my friend Mary tonight.

• 'vVe are going to the concert on Saturday. • They arc c~ back bome Oil Sunday. • Jvlirza is I raveling to Sarajevo ill three days.

Napomcf7a: Postaji rc/ati1'!lo vellki bmj giago/a kaj; ne fIIogu bill lIpofrUebUcni /.I trqjnofll obliku, osll/l u i:.:u:.:etllilll kOlltekstilll({, II izuzetnilll lfpotreiJa/l/a. Ib su g/ago/i ko)! se ocinose 11(1:

• MENTALNA SYOJSTYA OSOGE: know, realize, believe, imagine, want, doubt, nced, understand; ngree; disagree; recognize, suppose, remember, forget, prcfer, mean. • EMOCIONALNA STANJA: love, hate, miinJ, fear, like, dislike, envy, appreciate,


• GLAGOLl KOJ! OZNACAYAJU POSJEDOYANJE : own, belong, possess. • GLAGOLl PERCIPIRANJA: hear, see, notice.

• DRUGE YRSTE GLAGOLA KO.II NE MOGU !MATI TRAJNE OGLlKE: seem, cost, exist., consist of~ contain, include, wish, find, decide.

2. The Simple Present Tense

Prezent obicni se u potvrdnom ublilw tvori taka da se trecem lieu jednine dodaje nastavak -5 iIi -cs. Sva ostala lica jednine i ml10iine imaju isti oblik kao iniinitiv glago!a bez "lo". Ako se glagol zavrsava I1n -S, -z, -S,

-z, -c,

-d1 , onda se trecemlicu prezcnta doJajc nastavak -cs. Taj _. cs se uvijek izgovara "jz".

• to miss he (she) misses to npologize he (she) apo!ofizes

e to box be (she) boxQli to arrange bc (she) arrang-es

• to confess he (she) confe~ to fish he (she) fishes

• to teach be (she) teaches to watch he (she) watches

• to push he (she) pushes to energize he (she) encrg-izes Glagolima koji se zavrsavaju na -0 dodaje se L! trecem licujednine nastavak -es i or: se

izgovara kao nase z.

• to go he (shel gillcl

• to do he (sbel does


Glagolima koji se zavrsavaju na -c dodajc sc u 1rccem lieu nastavak -s koje se razliCito jzgovara II ovisnosti od toga cia Ii .ie suglasnik koji prethodi nas1avku -c zVllcni iii


.. to live he (she) lives

• to decide .. to close • to like .. to hope .. 10 insure .. to drive he (she) decides he (she) closes


(s h eJJik9", he (she) hopes he (she) insures he (she) dri\~f.:ii

Na i,",'li l/aCin se POfUL\'(!ju i drugl g/ogoli koj; se z({vdmY{jll no -e:

fa agree, to iJJl'iie, (0 lise, to

imagine, to phone, to hesitate,

/0 leave. /0 arrive.

U drugim slucajevima trecem liCll jcclnine se dodaje nastavak -s ion se moze izgovarati kao nase s iii kao nase z. Kao s izgovara se ako se gJagol zavrS<1va I1n bezvucni konsolla111 (-p, -k, - t,


a kao z ako se gJago\ zavrS(1va na zVLlcni konsonant ( -b, -d, -g, -11, -m, -I)



.. to stop he (sh~) stQPS to come !J..h.l,~he) comes • to cut he (she) Cllts to ill1<lgine he (SllclJ,m.ugjIles .. to look hushe) looks to live he (shQ.)Jivcll .. to laugh he (she) laughs to Cell! he (she} crdls. • to put he (she) PlliS1 to clerl11



• to talk he (she) 1a Il~s to wear he (she) wears • to keep Ilushe} k~eps 10 sail he (sbt.l sails • to cook he (sh~} cQ9ks to swim he (she) swims • to surf be (sh~) smfs to vacuum he (she) vacuums Potvrdni ohlil\.: I ask, you a;>k he asks she askL\Y.(;": ask. you (lsk. they ask.

Odricni oblik tvori se dodavanjem infinitiva glagola koji z,elimo upotrijebiti prezentu pomocnog glagola to do U oclricnoll1 ob!iku.


do not (don 'I) ask You


not (don 'I) ask l-1e docs 1101 (docs!Li) ask, We do ll,ot,i.dmLLl ask, You do not (don't) ask They do not (don\L.WiL

UpH-ni oblil{ pravi se oel upitnog prezenta pomocnoga g];:lgola to elf) kojem se doda infinitiv upotrijebljcllog glagola.

Do I ask?, Do VOll ask'?, Does he ask? Does she ask? On weask? Do vou ask? Do they ask?

Odricno-upitni oblik gradi se dodavanjcm ncgacije nol' iza upitnog oblika prezcnta glagola to do, a isprecl iniinitiva glagola koji zclimo upotrijebiti,

Do I not ask'?, Do VQU not ask') Docs he- not ask') Does_5he 1101 ask2J)o we not ask? DQ


Pri tvorbi ovog prezenta u glagolu se desava sUcde6a promjena: kod gtagola koji se zavrsavaju na y to y mijenja se u 1, ako tom nastavku prethodi konsonant. Nakon toga se doda nastavak cs u trecem lieu jed nine. Meuutim, ako se glagol zavrsava na )', a prethodi 111U vokal ovakve promjene nema, vee se glagolu S81110 doda nastavak s.

• to cany he (she) carries to pIny he (she) plays

• to elY he (she) cries ali to pay he (she) pays

• to t1y he (she) tries to say he (she) says

• to fly he (she it) n ies to buy he (she) buys

• to apply he (she) applies to enjoy lli:-Ls.he) enjoys Upotrcba

Simple Present Tense se upotrebljava u sljede6im okolnostima:

1. Kada sc iskazuje uobicajena radnja ("habitual action"), tj. radnja koja se uobiCajcno desava, ali nc u trenutku kada se 0 njoj govori. U ovakvim recenicama cesto se upotrebljavaju iii podrazumUcvaju adverbijalne oznake vremena: very oftcn every week almost eyel)' day sometimes from time to time eve.!')! month twice a month (a week) now and then.

e He starts to work at 8 a.m. and ~ home at 6 p.m.

• We usually have dinner at 6 0' clock.

• I-lis friends call him to go out almost cvery day. • Does Maria write letters very often?

• Women generally


their make-up in the morning. • Good students usually don't miss. their classcs.

• Does he s.ing in the choir every day? No, he doesn't, only twice a week.

2. OviIn vremenom iskazuju se opec konstatacije, a vremcilski okviri se ne pomi11ju, zatim op6epozn<lte cinjenice, naucne istine i poslovicc.


• A week


seven days and every day has 24 hours.

• Every child~ good care.

• Mmy gQQS. to work by car and her brother by bus.

• lle understands Italian a little bit but he does!l 't sl2Q.il.k it.

o 1 do not agree with thc chairman.

• Children never drink strong coffee, their parents do. o-The policeman controls traUic at the crossroads.

e Spring is mild and pleasant in Hercegovina.

• The Neretva is a beautiful river and everybody loves it.

e A year has 365 days.

• The sun rises in the east.

o The moon goes around the earth. o After rain comes' sunshine.


• Don't cry over spilt mille

o A stitch in time saves nine.

3. Ovo vrijeme upotrebljava se umjesto Past Tens-a za opis

proslih dogadaja radi privlacenja vece paznje slu§alaca, radi postizanja dramske tenzije i ostavljanja upecatljivijeg utiska.(Historic ili Dramatic Present)

She reads these sentences aloud, throws the letter away and starts to Cl)'.

The robber ~ the bag,jlllIl12sjnto the car very quickly and drives away as fast as he can. He knows' the police (Ire nearby.

t gs.?UlI2Jl.lte, take a shower very quickly,J.l.rink a glass of' orange juice, dOll 'I eat anything, jump into my car and drive to school hoping to arrive on time.

Svi ovi dogactaji desili su se u prosIost,i ali im narato1' zeli dati poseban pecat zivosti pa ih priea u sadasnjem vremenu.

4. Present Simple Tense upotrebljava se takoderza buducu, unapri.ied planiranu radnju. • She leaves Mostar tomorrow night.

• I take the G-bus at six p.m. (It is now 11 a.m.) • We go tomorrow to work by car, not by bus.

• When ~ your brother corne back? I think he comes back in two days. • We 11.v...to London on Sunday moming.

• My parents lm-for a trip tomorrow night.

• He lnkes his children to the city park tomorrow at nine a.m,

5. Ovo se vrijeme upotrebljava sa glagolima koji ne mogu imati trajni aspekt (progressive tense,) iako se njime iskazuje radnja koja se upravo dogada u trenutku govora.

e I llnderstand what he is telling me.

• We are sllre tbey~ us very much.


irn'aginc the whole situation. (I can imagine" .. )

• It~to me he will not come at all.

• That doesn 'tjllcl.u~k me at all. • I ~ what is going on here,

• My father owns this beautiful house, not you. • You are telling me something that I really


• We


our guests coming.

o She feels the danger hanging in the air.

• They recognize their car that was stolen two days ago.

Kad se .:leli posebno nagJasiti da je raclnja koja se spominje zaista u toku,,, kad 0 njoj govorimo, moze se upotrijebiti modalni glagol can tJ kombinaciji sa glagolima koji ne mogu imati trajni oblilc Dalele: I can hear you (see you, understand you, feel the danger, imagine your trouble).


6. U vremenskim pogodbcnim reCcnicama kada je gJavna reccnica u futuru iii u impcrativu upotrebljava se u sporednoj recenici prezent obieni .

.. If he has enough time, he will join us.

e If they


us, we wi!! be able to finish our job before noon. ~ He will refuse to come even if I...!l.S.k him again.

• V/e will see him when he g£!.ii...\,l.J2,.

" VVait here till the train


" Most probably I will call yOH when I COBle home. • I f he sleeps a litlle less, he'll be at scbool in time.

• Who will tell him the truth when she comes?

• Go out before your father ~

7. Prezcnl obien! koristi se u usklicnim (uzvicnim) rccenicama iako se radnja koja se spominje ddava u trenutku kada 0 njoj govori. Ova va;1;1 samo Z<l izvjestan broj glagola

kao: sit, stand, go, come, be. • Here_G.Qmes our teacher!

• Here COl11.!6i the magic school bus! • Here they


3. Simple Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense Simple siozeno glagolsko vrijemena a oblikuje se u potvrdnom obliku od prezen1a pomocnog g18gola to have i participa perfekta glagola koji zelimo upotrijebiti.

Tvorba participa pcrfekta moze biti dvojaka:

1. Od pravilnih glagola particip perfekta tvori se dodavanjcm nastavka -cd na infinitiv glagola. To znaci da je kod pravilnih gJagola particip perfckla po obliku idcntican Past Tens-u. Prilikom dodavanja nastavkil-t.~d u glagoJu nastaju izvjesnc promjcne. - Ako se infinitiv glagola zavrsava na


onda se particip pcrfekta grad! dodavanjem nastavka -d. • like "live • suppose ~upposed • lose ~ • love loved • hope ~ • agree agreeQ • confuse confused :'0 imagine decide improve hesitate indicate injure insure notice imaginG.d decided imprQved hesitat~d indicated injured insured noticed


- Ako se infinitiv glagola zavrsava lla sllglasnik kojem prethocii kratak i naglasen samoglasnik onda sc taj suglasnik udvaja:

.. drop droJ2l].hd permit 12IT!llitted

• prefer preferred refer to referred to

• stop :;1Qp~ tip tiJ:lpffi

• beg ~ trim trimmed

• rob robbed plan planned

• skip ~ omit Q.lllllled

- Alw se infinitiv zavrsava na ~y, a prethocJi l11U suglasnik taj se ~y mijenja u i kada ITIU sc doda nastavak -cd.

Medutim, ako tom -y prethodi vokal nema nikakvih prornjena U glagolu pri dodavanju na-stavka -y prethodi vokal nema nikakvih promjena u glagolu pri dodavanju nastavka ~ed.

• marry married ali: enJoy 5dl.joved

• study otudied play ~

• copy copied stay ~

• imply implie.d

• t1y triee!

Napomena 1: liastavak -cd fwd pravill1ilrglagola izgovara se najedan ad tri lI10guca !laCina: kao -t, kao -d i kao -hI. Nakon bezvucnih sliglasl1ika k,p,f, s, S lIastavak -ed se izgovara kao t. Ako Sf! ir!(initiv glago!a zavrsava 11([ zVlIcni slIg/asnik iii lIa sall1og/asnik onda se nastavak -cd izgov(fra kao d, i najzad oko se g/agol zavr!mva no -t if; -d onda se l1astavak-ed izgovara kao - hI. Napomef}a 2: Kod Ilepmvilnih glago!a particip p('I/e!aa se mora nal/cUi napamet pO/lio

nema post(~ianih pmvi/a 0 grcute/?ju ovog glagolskog oblika.

Pot'vrdni oblik

I (we you they) have visited (planned cried studied stayed. gsked. taken),

He (she) has ,"lsiled (planned cried stayed asked fo[gQttcll~il..k£.n1

Napomena: Ob/ik 1, YOll, we they maze se pisati i izgol'Clrati skraceno kao 1 've vOII've

)j'f! 've the)! 've dak se she i he pi§u; izgav(lrc!iu skr({(:'eno kaa she:} he :~'.

Upitni oblik: tvori


inverzijom j)otvrdnog oblika perfekta tj. zamjenom mjesta subjckta i prcdiklta. Drugacije receno: uphni oblik ovog vremena tvori \se od upitnog obtika prezenta glagola to have i participa perfekta glagola koji zelimo upotrijebiti.

J-lave I (you we. llley) visited 11lanned cried stayed. forgotten lnken(~


Odricni oblik gradi se od oJrienog oblika prezenta pomocnog glagola have i participa perfekta giagola koji zclimo upotrijebiti.

·1 (you, we, they) have not visited (planned, cried; stayed, forgotten, taken), • She (he, it) has not visited (planned, cried, stayed, forgotten itd.)

Naravno i ovqj oblik se /1/o:e pisafi i izgovamt! skmceno,

I (VOli we the)!) have" ~ viyjted (planned cried yfa)!ed /Orgotfen (akell) odnosno: She

(he 10 ham I visited (planllcd cried ytawd forgotten taken),

Odricno-upitni oblik gradi se od oddeno ~upitnog oblika pomocnoga glagola to have i participa pcrfckta gJagola koji zelimo upotrijebiti.

I-lave I not, has she (he) not, have we not itd. visited, planned, cried, forgotten, taken itd.

I ovi oblici pel/ekta se mogu izgovarati i pisa!i skraceno law: haven ,I (you, we, they)


particip pet/ekta, odnosf1o hasn [she (he, it)


particip pellek(a,


Postoje vclike razlike u upotrebi per[ekta u bosanskom i u engleskomjeziku. Potrebno je stoga obrazloziti u kojim okolnostima se upotrebljava engleski Present Perfect. Ako bi se propustilo naznaciti uslove u kojim3 se uobicajeno upotrebijava Present Perfect Tense mogio bi doci do znaeajnih gresaka pri prevodenju nasih tekstova na engleski i

engleskih na nas jezik. Najbitnije je da se shvati da Present Perfect Tense moze iskazivati sadasnju radnju (sto je eest slucaj)) pa eak i buducu radnju, Ima veliki broj primjera koji potvrduju da se ovim vrel11cnOl11l11oze izraziti i sadasnja j buduca radnja, tj, da ovo vrijeme moze obuhvatati i sadasnjost i proslost i buducnost.

Present Perfect Tense iskazuje radnju u vremenskim recenicama koja ce sc dogoditi u buducnosti.

• Wben I've improved my English I will go to England. • Wait for me till I have finisbed my writing.

• Maria will give me this novel as soon as she has finished reading it. .. He will call me as soon as he has completed the \.vork .

.. The students will be very happy when they have passed all their exams,

Ipak Present Perfect Tense najcesce je povezan sa proslim ili sadasnjim zbivanjima u sJijedeCim uvjetima:

1 a) Simpie Present Perfect Tense upotrebljava se da oznae! radnju koja je poeela u proslosti ali kojaje jos u toku. U ovakvim siueajevima se Simpie Present Perfect Tense najcesce prevodi sa nasim prezentom.


~ Tbey have been very bl! sy for the last three weeks (te tri sedmice jos traju) Dakle: oni su vrlo zauzeti (zaposleni) vee tri sed mice.

• My mo..ther hasJivecl jn Mostar for 60 years. (Ijos 2:ivi u Mostaru) • He has been ill since October (Jos uvijekje bolestan)

• The students have studied English for eight yeurs (ijos ga studiraju) • Om frjend who is ill has heen hospitalized for three weeks (i jos je) • We haven't seen her this month. (Taj mjesec jos nije zavrsen)

1 b) U neposrednoj vezi sa ovakvom upotrebom pCJi"cl{ta obicnogje injegova upotreba sa adverbijalnim oznakama vremena koje ukljueuju sadasnji trenutak: now, today, this year, this month, this week pod uvjctom da jc radnJn vee ranijc zapoccla.

• Today we have been to Central Padc (Danas smobili. ...


• She has not cQm~.Jo the office today. (Onajos nije dosIa, radni danjos traje) • They have not eaten this morning. (Nisu jutras pojeJi svoj ciorucak) • My parents have not visited uncle John this month. (Nisu posjetili)

• I have 'worked velY hard this week. (Radio sam iii radim ave sedmice veoma naporno) iii: radim ove sed mice - zavisno od sirega kontcksta).

o Our guests have been with us for almost two weeks. (su bilL .. perfekt ili su

vee .. prezent zavisno od intencije govornika i sirega konteksta)

U primjerima datirn pod II vise odgovara prevod sa nasim sadasnjim vrcmenom, a pod

b, oeito je, postoji ko\ebanje pa je moguce prevoditi iii nasim perfektom (eesee), iii nasim prezentom (!jeae).

2. Ovo vrijeme kodst! se cia oznaei radnju koja je poceln u prosiosti, zavrsila se, ali se posljedice jos Llvijek osjecaju u sadasnjem trenutku, tj. njene posljedice prislltne Sll u sadasnjosti.

• I have bought a new suit. (Sadasnja posljedica je: I am wearing it) Dakle: Kupio sam ..

• Look what you have done, (Sadasnja pos\jedica: the table is dirty now) • My parents have gone out (Pos\jedicaje: they are not at home.)

• They have moved into a new apatiment. (Posljedica: they don't live here any longer).

o They have built a new bridge over the Neretva. (Mozemo prelaziti preko njega).

• I have not read this weU known noveL (ne mogu 0 njemu raspravljati)

e The stucients ~ll1proyed their skills and their knowledge very much.

06to: ovakve i sliene primjere prevodimo nasim perfektom.

3. Present Perfect Tense upotrebljava se za radnju koja se desila u proslosti ali se vrijeme desavanja radnje ne pominje, ono nije od znaeaja. U ovakvirn slucajevima naglasakje na konstataciji cin,ienicc (iIi cinjenica) a ne na vremenskom okviru radqje.


~ I have been to Nevv York. ( KOllstatacija - vrijemc nije bltno).

e We have heard this terrible. llews .

.. Hay£' you read the Report on human rights abuse?

o Mirza has not \vrittcn his homework.

1 ovakve primjerc prevodilllo prelezno /Ud'im pelfektoll1.

4. Present Perfect Tense upotrebljava se za radnju koja se upravo zavr~ila. N(~jcesce se

u takvim slucajevima upotrebljava adverb vremcna just .

.. My mother has just arrivcQj'rom her London trip. • We b..u.l~dli~t met two good school friends.

• 1 have iust come back n'om New York.( Evo bas sam se vr31io iz New York-a)

~ Azra has jus1 gottGJl..a very important letter fl'om her uncle Amer.

• 1 lave you just finished your job? (Jesi Ii ovog trena zavrsio posao?) • \Ve hDve just had our lunch. (Bas sad smo rucali).

5. Ovim sc V1'e111cn0111 iskazujc ponavljana pros"l radnja.

• The students have had many tests so far, six or seven. (lmali su .)

.. I have writtc:D. to my f~lmjly at [cast one letter every week. (Pisao sam) • This diplomat has traveJed abroad very often, at least twice a month.

Present Perfect Tense sc upotrebljava Sa stjedecim prilozima: ever, ~cr, yet (not yen, alread.y ... since


a[vYm:§... recentlv.

• ~ be ner written 10 you? (Da Ii tlje on ikada pisao?)

• "Have you ever been to New York", asked Selma. "No, I've never been in this huge town."

• I-lave they alrcndy seen that famolls film? • My sick friend has been in bed 1iill~ March

Napofllena:TreiJa imati na lIIlIlI cia adllcr/} sillce trazi doplIIw odrectenil71 vremenOIll, tj. tackol11 U pOll/enu/om vremellll, l1ek011l vremens/wl7l odrec/nicom, (s'ince Dctobel; s'/nee SUllday itd.) a da sc adverb lor doplIl?java vrcmenolll /wje izrazava t/"{{j(l/(je (for two "veeks, lor three months, for a couple of hOllrs)

4. The Present P~rfcct Progressive (Continuous) Tense

Trajni pedckt se u potvrdnom obliku pravi od perfekta p0l110cnog gJagola "to be" i

pmticipa prczenta glagola koji zelimo upotrijebiti .

.. I (you, \\~~, they) have been_playing (teaching, erving, cutting driving itd.) .. I-Ie (she) has been playing (teaching, crving cutting driving itd.)


Upitni obHk gradi se upotrebom upitnog oblika perfekta pomocnog glagola "to be" kojem se dod a particip prczenta glagola koji zelimo upotrijebiti.

• I-lave J (you .we they) been plaYing (teaching, crYing cutting. driving)? • Has she (he) been plaYing (tcDching, clying cuning. driving)?

Odricni ohlik tvori se dodavanjcm participa prezenta glagola koji zctilTIO upotrijebiti odricnom obliku perfekta pomocnog glagola to be.

a Uyon, we they) have not been playing (teaching. cryjng cutting drivjng)

• She (he) has not been playing (teaching clying cB1ting driving).

Odricllo - upitni nhlik gratli sc lako SIO sc odricno -upitnom obliku perrekta p011locnog gJagoJa "to be" dodaje particip prezenta glagola koji zelimo upotrijcbiti.

• Have


(you we they) not been playing teaching crying, cuttitlg driving'! • 1-1as she (he) nQl been playing teaching crying cutting driving?

Napomena: Ne ,<;l1l1jell1o 2aboraviti da sc glagolski oMici frajnog pel:/ekta mogu upotrijebiti i II saze/om obliku. I've, he~' (shej been playing, (teaching, C/ying, cutting, driving -odnos/1o J haven't (he - shej hasl? 'f been playing, teaching, C1ying, cutting, driving. Haven '( I (we, YOll, they) been playing, (teaching, cutting, Clying, driving)?


]. Ovim se vremcnom oznacava raelnja koja je poccla prije trenutka njenog spominjanja i trajc do sadasnjosti tj. do trenutka bela se 0 toj radnji govori. Vjerovatno 6e se radnja i dalje nastaviti. Nag/asak je na trajanju, tj duzini trajanja, Mi u nasem jeziku nemamo ovaj gJagolski obhk pa mogu nastati ocirc(1ene poteskoce prilikom

prevodenja na eng\eski jezik.

• I have been writin.ll.a report since 10 a.m. • She has been singing


two hours.

• The parents are happy that their daughter.llilliJ2.een st\ldying all day, • She hates this kind of weather - it has been


ninc hOllrs.

2. Kada se ovaj gJagolski oblik upotrebljava bezjasne naznake vremena onda on izrazava generalnu, opeu aktivnost i radnju koJa se odncdavno odvija.

• I have been thinkin~ about this ditTicult problem.

· An

my students have been stui:lyiIJz-very hard and I'm proud of it. • Some people have been tryinZJo play basketball with no success.

e Hasn't she been \vdting the report?

3. Kacl se radi 0 izvjesnom broju glagola narocito to live, to work, to teach, gotovo

i da nema nikakve razlike izmcdu upotrebe Present Perfect Tense Continuous (Progressive) i Present Perfect Tense Simple.


.. I have been living in New York since 1993 iIi

6 I have lived in New York since 1993.

• He has been working for this company for twenty years iii .. He has worked for this company for twenty years.

e [ have been teaching English since 1960. iii

.. I have taught English since 1960.

4. Izvjestan broj glagola koji oznacavaju stanje subjckta kao sto su: to sit, to stand, to lie (lezati), to rest, to wait gotovo nikad se ne upotrebljavaju u Present Perfect Simple vee u Present Perfect Progressive .

.. I have been waitint; f(x my [I'lend since noon . .. We have been standinl? in the corridor quite a while . .. Martha has been lying- in bed for almost a week . .. Sbe has been resting all afternoon.

Preostale dvije mogucnosti za iskazivanje sadasnje radnje upotrebom pas iva (The Simple

Present Tense Passive i The Progressive Present Tense Passive) su objasl1jene LI poglavlju

koje se odnosi na pasiv. Ova elva vremena pasiva se upotrebljavaju u istim okolnostima

i pod istim uvjetil11a kao j odgovarajuce vrijeme u aktivu, samo sto su upotrijebljeni oblici pasiva a ne obtici aktiva.


• Peter is given some apples.

• The book is being read by Illy students. • The !lumber o/the studellts is limited . .. Shoes are being made in this factOl:Y • SOllie books are given to myfj·fend Azra.



Prepisi date recenice i pri tom ad glagola u zagradi upotrijebi Present Simple iii Present Progressive Tense u skladu sa pravilima njihove upotrebe.

1. Look at these two girls! They (talk) quite a long time.

2. My parents nevver (read) after ten p.111. They (go) to work early every morning. 3. He is now in an Italian restaurant and he (have) his dinner.

4. Maria usually (drink ,- negative) a lot of coffee. At the moment she (drink) quite a

bit. She probably has a hcndache.

5. I seldom (meet) him these dnys. He is husy nnd he rarely (go out).

6. Where arc they? Can'l you sec them? They ( sit) in the corner over there. That's their usual place. They often (sit) there.

7. He is [! famous writer and (write) a new novel.

8. The students are at schoo!. Maria is in her class and she (write).

9. What Ali usually (drink)? I think he (drink negative) any alcohol, he only (drink) soda or mineral water.

10. What (look at)? I (look at) these wonderful paintings over there.

II. Who Anna ( sit) with over there? I think she (sit) with her boyfriend.

12. Mary generally (sleep) in the afternoon, but she (sleep ·-negative) although it is 4 p.m.

13. Do you often speak English'? Yes I (speak) that language whenever I have an oppOltunity.

14. Look tit them! Some students (stand), some of them (sit) and some even (run). I wonder what they (do)"

15. Where he usually (work)


I think he (work) in a very high building on the 20th floor. And what (do) now? As a computer programmer he (program) something new. He (work) full time or part time? Programmers usually (work) full time. 16. What he (look for)'? I think he (look for) a nice tie. He has a paIiy.

]7. Is Maria a waitress? Yes, she is. She (be) in the restaurant now. She (serve) a few customers. One customer (give) her a good tip. This customer is her good friend and he often ( come) there and (give) her good tips.

18. My rather (drink) two cups of tea every morning. Right now he (drink) a cup of tea. 19. Is Elizabeth (sit) over there? Yes, of course. She (talk) 10 her husband, obviously not very friendly. Maybe they two (discuss) or even (quarrel) about something. I know their relationship (be) not very good.

20. Our teacher never (smoke), but look at him, he (stand) in the backyard and (smoke) one cigarette after another. He mllst be very nervous for some reason.

21. "You (listen - interrogative) to me" asks the teacher" Yes, we (be). We (listen) to you because we are vety interested in this topic."

22. Mohammad (study) on Sunday, but he never (do) it on Friday. Today is Friday and of course he (study ~ negative).


24. \Vho usually (help) your mother at home? My rather (do), of course. J suppose he (help) her now, although he is very tired, because he (work) all day long every day.

25. You regularly (pay -intcrrogntive) your rent? Of course, I (do) but my boyfriend, who (live) with me ahvays (puy) half ortbe rent.

26. What (eat)? Can't you see'? I (cat) French fries. They (be )delicious. 27. What you (wait for) '! I (\vait for) IOrlhc bus which n!ways (stop) here.

28. Where he (go (0)" What he (look [(ll').l don'l know. He (be) here and you can ask him about it.

29. My brother (like) German. That's \-vhy he (take) German lessons twice a week: on Tuesday and all Friday. Tod::!y is Friday and he (have) Germaan lessons,

30. Whose number (look up) in the telephone book? I need to ask Mark about this problem but I don't know his telephone number. So, J (look up) his number,



U engleskom jeziku, u poredenju sa bOS311skim, ima mnogo vise l11ogucnosti za izrazavanje proslih radnji, dogadanja i stanja. Sve te mogllcnosti treba spomcnuti i obrazloziti kako hi se stckle preciznije i pouzc\anije predstave, sto ce rezultirati pravilnijom upotrebom gJagolskih oblika za kazivanje proslosti na engleskom jeziku.

1. The Present Perfect Simple Tense

OV1111 vremcnom veoma se cesto iskazuje p1'0513 radnja koj<1 se dc-sila u nedefiniranom,

neodrcc1enom, nespomcl1utom, nepodrazumljevEll1ol11 pros 10m vrcmcnskom okviru. Buduci cia se OVi111 vremenom testa iskazuje i sadasnjost njegovi oblici i upotreba Sli poblizc obrazloz,eni u poglavlju koje se odnosi na sadasnjost.

2. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense

The Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense takoc1er se koristi kako za iskazivanje saciasnjc, tako i za isknzivanjc prosle mcJnje. Njegovi oblici i upotreba takOll"er Sll obrazlozeni u pog\avlju sto se oclnose 11a saclasnjost.

3. The Historic (Dramatic) Present Tense

Pros lost se u engJeskom, kao i 1I nascm jeziku, moze izraziti sadasnjim vremenom, jer se njegovom upotrcbom postize veca dramaticnost, privJaci veea paznja slusalaca, ostvaruje veca tenzija, postize bolja k011centracij[l i govornika i slusalaca. Ovakva mogucnost izrazavanja proslosti spomenuta .Ie u poglavlju koj; se odnosi na upotrebu

sadasnjih vremcna.


BudllCi da su tri l11ogucnosti za izrazavanje proslih radnji vee obrazlozene II poglavlju 0

sadasnjosti potrebno .Ie spomenuti i objasniti i druge nacine iskazivanja proslosti: the Past PerFect Tense (Simple i Continuous - Progressive), would


Infinitive, the Past Participle i clrllge.



Postoje dva aspekta ovog vrcmena kao uostalom i u drugim engJeskim vrcmcnima: Past Tense Simple i Past Tense Continuous (Progressive). Izmedu ova dva aspckta - Dei to "'-postoje i formalne i semanticke razlike. Formalne razlikc se odmah uocavaju (I worked

i I was working) a semanticke treba posebno obrazloziti. U "continuous" ("progressive") aspektu uvijek nagiasena je duzina trajanja radnje i to gotovo uvijek ima znacaj kao i

sailla radnja.

4. Past Tense Simplc

Oblikuje se na elva l1a6ina. Kad pravilnih glagola gradi se tako cia se infinitivu glagola dada nastavak -ed. Pri tome u glagolu nas1aju iste one promjene koje Sli spomcnutc pri objasnjavanju tvorbe participa pcrfekta,jer pravilni glagol imaju iJentican obiik za Past Simple Tense i Past Participle. Za nepravilne glagole Past Simple Tense se mora uciti

napamet, posto nema postojanih i dosljednih pravila 0 njihovoj tvorbi.

Znaeajno je istn6i da se nepravilni giagoli cesto upotrebljavaju i u LlSmenOI11 i u pisanol11 kOl11uniciranju, paje bitno da sc njihovi obliei u Past Tens-u sto prije nauee napamet.

U Past Tens-u glagoli mase ne dodaju nikakv1 nastavei u trecem lieu jednine kakav je slucaj u Present Simple Tens-u, pa se jedan te istj obUk koristi za sva liea jednine i


Potvrdni ohlik pravilnih glagoJa pravi se dodavanjem nastavka -ed, a kod nepravilnih glagola potvrdni oblik je identiean za sva liea jcdnine i mnozine i on se mora pamtiti. Donjih nekoliko primjera nepravilnih glagola pokazuju oblike koji se moraju pamtiti.

• to go ~ to be }Yflli

• to give gave to have had

• to bring


to come ~

• to write wrote to understand understood

Upitni oblik pravilnih i nepravilnih glagola gradi se pomo6u oblika did koji se

stav1ja isprcd subjckta i kojem se zatim dodn intlnitiv upotrijebUenog giagola bez

"to" .

• J2i..d

you go to school yesterday'?

• I2.i.d

~he write an the \ctters'?

• lli..d they giy('

y~)U any nwney?



:\ZP.1 \'Iring hcr \'lag':


you ask your teacher about it?


she inyite you to the part(:


she pby tennis:


Odricni oblik pravilnih i nepravilnih g\agoJa, gradi se pomocu preterita odricnog oblika glagola to do kojem se doda infinitiv upotrijebljcnog glagola bez "to"

e He didn't go to school yesterday. The teacher did not ask him. e She did not write all the !etters. She did not invite us to the pmiy.

• They didn't give me any money. She did not play tcnnis yesterday. • Azra did not bring her bag. Mirza didn't visit his friend Esad. Odricno-upitni ohlik pravilnih i nepravilnih glagola gracli se od upitno-odricnog oblika preterita glagola to do kojem se doda infinitiv upotrijebljenog glagola.

• Didn't he gQ to school yesterday? Didn't the teacher ~him?

• Dill she not wrik all the letters? Didn'j she invite us to the party?

• .l2idn.J.

they give me some money?


she notpJm~,Jennis yesterday? • Didn'! Azra bring her bag? Didn't Mirza visil his friend John?

Napomena: Jz gOr1U'ih primjera vidi se da se oblik glagala dM not maze

lljJotreb(javati i 11 sazetoJlJ i If PllllOIII ohlikll.


Simple Past Tense upotrebljava se:

1. Za radnju koja se zl1vrsila u proslosti i ne proteze sc do sadasnjeg trenutka. Uz ovakve rccenice se iii izricito upotrebljavaju ili podrazumijevaju prilozi vremena koji definiraju tu preslost kao: yesterday, three days ago, last week (month, year, Sunday), in the year 2000, in March, in October, three weeks ago .

.. I-Ie hill.l.ght a new tie for his father yesterday.

~ We didn't travel anywhere last year.

• There Yil!..S. a storm on the east coast on Sunday. • They visited their friend last Friday.

• She proudly ~ llS her new car,

• Everybody ~about this hero who had saved a child from death. • The flood was so dangerous that many people had lost their lives,

2. Za kazivanje istovremene radnje pri slaganju vremena u zavisnoj, aka je u glavnoj recenici upotrijebljen Past Tense,

• She sang because she


very happy. • He washed his face ,because it was diliy,

• When J came home I fu.J.m.d...a letter on my kitchen table. • They all


they were very important in this situation . .. I tb.mJght you were at home.

e They wrote that they ~ at the seaside .


e He said that all students were afraid of a man with a gun.

• We all ~ be wa$. a Russian.

3. Za radnju u zavisnoj recenici nakon izraza: I wisit, if, as if, as though, it's time, suppose, if only.

· I wish you ,"vere in my shoes.

• I



as much money as you do.

o Ifwe were in time at school, the teacher would not blame us. • You behave as ifhe ~ responsible for your bad luck. • Suppose you knew all the events.

• If only you we!],';; not so angry with your daughter. • He works as if he ~ very tired and hungly. • Its reaHy high time the children went to school.

4. Za kazivan,ic proslc i zavrScnc radnje koja se desila kada je neka druga racinja izrazena sa Past Tense Progressive bila u toku.

• She came in when I was playing the piano.

o My mother was reading a book when I ~the room.

o They were playing basketball when a spectator rushed in the hall.

· I was waiting in the hall when somebody ~ my name. • We were going home when a car ~ in front of us. • She was studying mathematics ",vhen the doorbell rang. eWe were eat in!?, our dinner when somebody shouted "Fire".

• I-Ie was having his breakfast when we~.

5. The Past Progrcssive Tense

Ovo vrijeme se u potvrdnoll1 obHku pravi ad preterita pomocnog glago!a "to



partidpa prczcnta glHgola koji ze!imo upotrijebiti. (Promjcne kat! llckih glagola pri tvorbi participa prezcnta objasnjene su ranije).

I (he, she, it) was playing, cutting, smiling, carrying, studying, writing, itd.

WC ( you, they) were playing, cutting, smiting, carrying, studying, writing.

Odricni oblik gradi se dodavanjem negacije not potvrdnom obliku, izmed'u pOll1ocnoga glagola (""as, were) i participa prezenta.

e I (he she it) was not playing cutting smiling. carrying stUdying writing

• We (you they) were not playing cutting. smiling carrying studying itd. Upitni oblik gradi se inverzijom, ~j. zamjenom mjesta subjekta i pomocnoga glagola (was, were)


Was J (he, she, it) playing, cutting, smiling, carrying, studying, writing? Were we (you, they) playing, cutting, smiling, carrying, studying, writing? Odricno-upitni oblik tvori se clodavanjem negacije not upitnom obliku. Negacija se stavlja izmedu subjekta i participa prezenta upotrijebljanoga glagola.

e Was T (he. she


not playing. cutting smiling, carrying studying o Were we (YO!! they) noL.playing. cutting, smiling carrying. St!ldying? itcl.

Napomel1a:Cesto s'e lIlJ?jesto pUl1ih ob/ika ad glagola "to be" upotreb/javaju saieti oblici If odricnol1l i odrihw-upitnolJl obliku.

• J (he, she, it) wasn [playing, clitting, smiling, ca!'l:l'ing, studying, writing. • We (YOl!, they) weren


playing, CUffing, smiling, c(fI"J'ing, studying, writing ~Vwm


(he, she, it) playing, cutting, smiling, canying, stu{(ving, writing? • Weren '/ we ()lOll, they) playing, cutting, smiling, c(lf")'ing, studying, ltd.


1. Ovo se vrijeme upotrebljava za proslu radnju koja je trajala duze iii krace vrijeme. Vrijemc trajanja moze biti izricito naglaseno: for two hours, the whole day, from nine a.m. till four p,m., a long time, ali se vremenski okvir i njegova duzina mogu naznaCiti kontekstom. U svakom slucaju naglaseno je trajan,ie prosle radnje.

• She was reading a book for six holll's without any break. • We were traveling a long time from New York to Denver. • They were building that beautiful bridge for over three years

• Mark~.dyjng mathematics till midnight.

• How long were they writing their reports yesterday? • I was wai1.i.ug here for half an hour to meet my boss,

2. Past Progressive Tense upotrebljava se za radnju koja je pocela II proslost!, trajala odredeno vrijeme i bila u toku kad se dogodila neka druga prosla radnja izrazena pomocu Past Simple Tense.

• I was writi.ng"a letter when my friend


me. • We were playing cards when they ~ our room. • She was talking with her mother when I called her. • He was sitting in his room when they ~Lhim.

• They were singing when Jim came in

• I was eating my breakfast when the telephone rang.

3. Ovim vremenom izrazavajll se dvije iIi vise para\elnih radnji koje su istovrerneno trajale bez obzira na vrijeme njihovog pocetka i zavrsetka.

• While we were playi'llt.chess, Bob and Jim were playing tennis. • We were pla'yjlll~Jennis and our friends were watching us.


~ When my father was smoking.,


was reading while. my mother and Jane were

talking and~.

5 Nero and Tarik were programming a llC\V program and their two friends were

waiting and talking.

e 'While I "vas cleanin¥-I11Y bedroom, my mother \,\I8S cooking the dinner for us and

my father was reading the newspaper.

• The teacher was explaining the usc of English Past Tense and all the students WCJ.:s;.

listening carefuUy.

4. Past Progressive Tense takoder se upotrebljava 1I zHvisllOj rccenici umjcsto Present Progressive Tens-a ako su oslvareni uvjcti za slaganjc vrcl11ena.

• They knew that we were writinJLour homework.

c 1 thought she was riding her bike but actually she \-vas sitting in ber room.

• He


that he was playiIlg the violin in his study.

• Her brother claimed. that he and his girlfriend were not drinking at all. • He wan.kd to tell us what they were dojJ,ULin the schoolyard .

. • The police offker noticed the car which was stallding on the pavement.

6. The Simple Past Perfect Tense

Ova vrijel11e postoji i u nasem jeziku, ali ga 111i upotrebUavamo daJeko ljedc.

Razlika je, medutim, i u cinjenici da englcski jezik posjeduje dva aspekta ovog vrel11ena (simple i progressive - continuous), dok bosansld jezik Be poznaje takve aspekte u

OVOI11 kao


u drugim gragolskim vremcnima.

05110vna karaktcristika ovog vremcna je da ono oznacava proslu radnju koja sc desila prije neke druge proslc I'adnje.

Pluskvampcrfekt (Simple) sc u potvrdnom obliku gradi od p'reterita glagola to have j participa perfekta gJagola koj i zelil110 upotrijebiti.

• I (you she he we (hey) had played ~U(- smiled (nugbt. c;:lrrit' .. d, studied. Upitlli oblil( gradi se inverzijom potvrd11og oblika tj. zamjenom mjesta subjekta j predikata.

• Had I {you, he, she, we, they) played cut. smiled taught. carried studied? Odricni oblil( tVOrl se dodavanjem negacije not iza preterita pomocnoga glagola "to have"

I (you he she we, they) had not played cut smiled, taught carried studied Upitno-odricni oblik gradi se od upitno- odricnog oblika preterita pOl11ocnoga glagola "to have" kojem se doda particip perfekta upotrijebljenoga glagola.


• Had

r (vou.

he. she we. they) 110t played cut sI11iled taught carried studied? Napo!l1clla: Unu'esto p!lnih oblika ('u;to se IIpotreb(javajll sazet; oblici if potvrdnoJl},

odricl)olll ; odrihlO -llpitnolll obliku.

• I'd (yoll 'el, he'd, she'd, we'd ,they'd) taken played, clIf, smiled, tallght, carried,


• J (YOll, he, she, we, they) hadn't p!ayed, ClIt, smiled, taught, carried, studied • Hadn '11 (vall, he, she, we, theJ)p!ayed, Clft, smiled, t(fllght, carried, stlldied?


1. The Past Perfect Simple Llpotrebljava se da izrazi proslu radnju koja se desila pfije neke drugc proslc radnjc. To znaci da postoje dvije pros!e radnje od kojih


jedna desil<l prije od druge. Ta prva radnja izrazava se pluskvampcrfcktorn obicnim, druga prcteritom.

• She was a\V(1rc that she had forgotten her umbrella at home. • He


his house before I C1:l.!M there.

• After my mother had spent three weeks in London, she !d.1l11e back home. • I-Ie ~ his wallet before he reached the subway station.

• Vlhen we arrived the bilihday patiy had already started.

• As soon as they had finished their breakfast, they ran out to play.

• On coming back home he understood that he had fOlJ,;!01tcn to lock the cloor. • I had lived in Mostar, before IJll.ovcd 10 New York.

• They had spent all their money before their father ~ame to them.

2. Ovo vrijeme upotrcbljava se u slaganju vremcna umjesto pretcrita (simple) j umjesto perfekta (Present Perfect Simple).

• I was told that my brother bad not bought a new house, although he had

promisedJhat to his family.

• They said that they hnc1 nrrived a week ago.

• My friends:tQld me that they had returned home early. · I lhought I had seen him in the cinema.

• We knew that our uncle had arriy'ed in time.

• He said he_had had no idea ahout the situation in Bosnia. • They till.d me they had left London Friday morning. • She


somehow that her mother had been in great danger. • John.s.ai.Q that he hnd received] sent yesterday the telegram.

3. Nakolt izraza: if only, I wish, as if testo sc upotrcbljnva pluskvamperfckt cia izrnzi nesto sto sc nije ostvarilo u prooslosti.

• I wish I hil.dJi~i1ecJ him before.(Poruka: Nisam ga posjctio)


• She made so many mistakes as if she had never studied mathematics. • If only J had met him before.

• He behaved as if he had written the best novel in the entire world. • I wish we had heaal'd about this earlier

4. Pluskvamperfekt (simple) se upotrebljava i u kondicionalnim recenicama da izrazi

ne5to sto se ocekivalo, pretpostavijaio, ali se nije ostvarilo (irealne pogodbene recenice). U takvi111 okolnostima se u gJavnoj recenici upotrebljava kondicional prosH .

.. If you bad becn there you would have met them.

• lfwe hadn't given them a ride they would have missed the train. • We would have done it jf \ve had known this important information. • He would have caught the bus ifhe had walked a little faster.


she received the letter earlier she would have known what to do.

7. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense

Ovo se glagolsko vrijeme u potvrdnom obliku gra(li ad pluskvamperfekta pOlTIocnoga glagola "to be" kojem se doda particip prezenta glagola koji zelimo upotrijebiti.

• I (you,she, he, we, they) had been playing, cutting~ smiting, teaching, carrying, studying, stopping, writing.

Upitni oblik gradi se inverzijom potvrdnog oblika lj. zamjcnom mjesta subjekta i predikata.

• Had I (you, he she, we, they) been playing, cutting, smiling, teaching, canying, studying, stopping, \vriting?

Odricni oblik pravi se od odricnog oblika p!uskvamperfekta pomocnoga glagola "to

be" i participa prezenta upotrijebljenoga gJagola.

• I (you, he, she we, they) had not been playing, cutting, smiling, teaching, carrying, studying, stopping, writing.

Odricno-upitni oblik pravimo inverzjjom (tj. zamjenom mjesta subjekta i predikata) odricnog oblika pluskvamperfekta trajnog .

.. Had I not (had you not, had he nOl, had she not had we not had they not) been

playing, cutting, smiling, teaching, carrying, studying, writing?

Napomena: Umjesto punih oblika cesto, se pLfu i izgovaraju sazeti pofvrdni i odricno-upitni ab/iei.

e 1 {JJou, he, she, we, the)) Iwdn


been playing, cutting, smiling, teaching, canying,


6 Hadn 'l 1 (Vall, he, she, we, they) been playing, cutting, smiling, teaching, canying,

stopping, l,vriting.


1. Kada zelimo izraziti radnju kojaje pocela u prosiosti prije neke druge prosie radnje i

koja je trajala duze vrijeme i vjerovatno se nastavila u trenutku pominjanja druge, upotrebljavamo pluskvamperfekt trajni. U oYom vremenu je izrazito znacajno naglasavanje trajanja radnJc pri ccrnu to naglasavanje ima izrazitu sernanticku vrijednost.

• He discllssed the film he had been direc1ing

• I ~ her cat, which she had been carrying in her arms. • The train arrived when they had been talking about the accident. • Mary showed me the report she had been writjng.

• The composer ~ il part of the symphony he had been composjng.

Napomena:Ako hi se 1/ gon!iim prin!jerima upotrijebio obic:ni wJ'!iesto

trajnogpluskvam-petfekta, profll{jen;/o bi se z!l{{(\el1je recenice, Jto pOfl'rctl{je semantiC/w

razliCitosl tih dl'iju struktura. Sljede!:; prillljeri ce pofl'rditi tIl konstatac(ju. • He disclIsscd the film he had been directjtlf{ (Raspral'Uao je 0 filmll koji je on

rezirao. Reiiranje jejo.s' II toku, film jos nije zavrSen)

Me(tutim: He discuysed the jilm he bad directed. ( Ra:-:ipravljao je 0 filmu koji je on f'dirao. Filmje zavrScn, l'eZi/'wy'cje zavl'seno.)

• MCllJ! showed me the report she had been writing. (lviw)! mije pokazala iZlfeitaj kojije nisala' izvjdtaj nUejos gOlOv}

• Ali: Mwy shol-ved me the repo/'! she had written (lvfal:v 11l; je pokazala iz\jdtaj {(oji je n{lDisala. lzvje.<;f({i.je zavl'sen.)

2. Pluskvamperfekt trajni upotrebljava se pri slaganju vremena u zavisnoj recenici akc je u glavnoj upotrijebljen preterit obicni. U tim okolnostima pluskvamperfekt zamjenjuje

i tra.ini perfel{t i traJni preterit.

e He said that he had been playing tennis with his girlfriend.

• We were told that they had been writing.,a report on violence. ·1 knew she had been livjogjn a very bad apartment.

• They expected th8t their son bad been studyjng the whole clay. • She


that bel' brother had been slaying in a nice botel.

8. Used to



Ovaj oblik upotrebljava se cesto. Njime se izrazava prosla radnja iii stanje, to jest prosla navika, prosia ponavljana radnja. Izraz" Used to


infinitiv se na bosanski jezik prevodi


sa izrazima "obiell0 sam + partieip prosli: nekad sam + partieip prosli; uobicavao sam da


prezcnt; i111ao sam obic[~j da + prczcnt glagola koji zelimo upotrUebiti.

• My father used to play the guitar, when he \vas a young boy.

• He doesll't drink cotlee now, but he lIsed to drink a lot of coffee when he was younger.

• We used to meet every Saturday a few years ago.

• This is the place where we used to play when we lived nearby. • My aunt used to come velY oflen to visit me.

• When we were at the seasicle, we !J1i.~ very early.

o vVhcn she \vas a young girl she llSSd 10 be keen on reading.

• Our parents l!scd~ us to the zoo 011 Saturday.

9. \Vould + infinitiv bez "to"

Glagolskije oblik kojim se moze izraziti prosla, 1l0bicajen3, ponavljana radnja. Ovaj se oblik l1e koristi kao zamjcna za preterit trajni (progressive), niti za perfekt ni pluskvaillperfckt trajni vee za njillOve "obiene" oblike. To pokazuje da se '\vould


infinitiv bez to" upotrebljava za povremcne radnje iIi stanja.

• As I vvorked very hard these days I \Vonld comc home exhausted. • Our uncle would somctimes


us many interesting stories.

• My father used to work all clay and he would seldom.iilln us for lunch. • My mother WQ100 always count the money she got back after paying, • When we lived with our grandpa we .i:Y..Qu!d run in the field every day. • When Ann was here she }:YQu.1.dJ1clp my mother to prepare meals.

10. The Past Participle

Particip pcrf'ckta takouer sc upotrcbljava da izrazi Zil.Y.illIlU proslu radnju. OV1111 se participom skracuje vrcmenska rccenica. Primjcri ce pokazati daje ovaj obtik najbolje prcvoditi 11a bosanski jezik upotrebol11 !lase struktu1'e "kad je", iii "kad se" iii nasim participol11 pros lim.

• Once ~ it can never be forgotten. ( Kad se jedl10m l1e.sto vidi ne moze se zaboraviti; iIi lednom viaeno ne zaboravUa se.)

• Warned of possible danger, he changed his attitude. Upozoren (kad je upozoren) na mogucLl opasnost, promijenio je svoj stav.

• Th.l.d

to do his job, he started at once. (Kad InU je receno - kad su mu reldi da 1'adi svoj posao, odmah je poceo.

• This done. he asked me to leave the room. (,Kadjc to uradio t1'azio je da odem iz


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