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Destructive Dreams by Daniel Olukoya


Academic year: 2021

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Destructive Dreams

by Daniel Olukoya

Today we are looking at the topic ‘Destructive Dreams.’

We would start with some Scriptures. The first one is the popular Matthew 13:25 which says, “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” Why did the enemy choose the hour of sleep? Because that is the hour when people are least alert and at that hour, which is usually at night, a lot of evil activities take place.

The devil did an evil plantation and went his way. Many of the things that we battle now are things the enemy planted years ago and went away. Notice that he did not wait to water what he planted. He is a bad farmer who plants seeds and immediately the condition of the victim’s life makes it suitable for the seeds they will grow.

Another Scripture is Job 33:13-18: “Why dost thou strive against him? For he giveth not account of any of his matter. For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. (Because man cannot perceive after God has spoken once or twice, what does He do?) In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.” These things can happen in the dream. Your ears can be opened for divine instructions. There may be a decision you want to take and God may say, “Do not take that decision," to keep your soul from perishing in the pit. Again you can see the terribleness of ignorance. A brother had a dream where somebody gave him an injection. When he woke up he felt a slight pain in his leg and just rubbed the leg with his hand and went his way. After a few weeks he became very ill and by the time a test was carried out they said he had HIV. With a little bit of knowledge he would have saved himself from problem.

Note these important statements:

• The land of the dream is as important as the physical land.

• Dreams are means of communication and as you are dreaming you are a product of your dream. • It is dangerous to ignore your dreams, because they are monitors showing you what is going on in your spiritual life.

• Your dreams never lie. You may not understand what they mean but they will not tell you ties. • Your dreams can reveal your past and your future.

• Your dreams can reveal to you your enemies gathered against you.

• Every dream contains a message although you may not understand it. This is why satan is very interested in influencing our dreams and why he attacks sick people in the dream. He also inflicts failure in the dream and introduces what we call automatic failure mechanism into people’s dreams. And he sometimes transforms into an angel of light to deceive people in their dreams. So, no matter what happens, every dream has a message for you. A dream may look disorganized or as nonsense but it has a message. God uses dreams as a way of saving His people from danger, as a way of revealing to His people the enemy that they are facing. The enemy knows that once he can influence your dreams he can influence so many things in your life.

Many years ago, I spent sometime praying for a sister. As she got home on the first day of the prayer, she had a dream in which she found herself in front of a mighty king sitting on a giant throne and who said to her: “You, who asked you to go to that church for prayer? Who asked you to go and see that


man? If you go there again, I will bury your glory. Don’t you know that you are a queen?” That was the first time she had that kind of dream. The king further told her that to show her that she belonged to satanic kingdom they were going to wipe off her dream memory. From that day, she was no longer able to remember her dreams and the enemy was now able to deal with her terribly. I want you to understand that the evil seeds the enemies plant in the dream could sometimes take 20, 10, 5, 3 or 2 years to manifest. As a child of God, if you do not arrest and destroy those seeds the fault is yours.

There are people who do not dream at all. They have to pray deliverance prayers to deliver their dream lives. Because if the enemy wants to destroy them, they will not know and if God wants to bless them, they will not know.

There are different classes of dreamers:

1. In the first class are those whose dreams are erased: They dream, but when they wake up from sleep and just cannot remember the dreams.

2. The meaningless dreamers: Those whose dreams seem to be meaningless.

3. The vagabond dreamers: Today they see themselves in Sokoto, tomorrow in London, etc. They are just roaming all over the place.

4. The occultic dreamers: These are people who are always meeting people they do not know. 5. The dream dreamers: The strength of the enemy is so great on these people that even when they sleep, they will be dreaming inside their dreams.

6. The troubled dreamers: They are always in trouble in the dream.

7. The reverse dreamers: If they dream that somebody was giving them money it means that somebody will steal their money. Anything they see, it is the opposite that will happen. 8. Those who have nightmares.

9. The prophetic dreamers: I pray that this will be your lot, in Jesus’ name.

10. The manipulated dreamers: They see their enemy as their friend and their friend as their enemy. 11. The oppression dreamers: Meaning that the dreamer is always oppressed. He wakes up and would not want to sleep again.

12. The night visioner.

13. Witchcraft dreamers: They are always at a meeting with strange people and doing strange things. 14. The sleep walkers: They wake up, walk about and go back to sleep and will think it is a dream. 15. The constant evil result dreamers: Anytime they say they have a dream, you can be 100 per cent sure that the dream is bad and the result will be terrible.

16. The instant manifestation dreamers: Anytime they dream the thing is already happening.

17. The permanent dreamers: Whenever they sleep or doze, even in a bus, they would dream. If they sit on the chair they would dream.

18. The open-eyed dreamers: They dream while their eyes are wide open.

19. The moon dreamers: Anytime there is full moon they go into the land of dreams.

I want you to understand these factors. Whatever dream you have is influenced by certain factors. 1. The first thing that has a terrible influence on your dream life is how much of flesh controls your life. The more your life is under the control of the flesh, the more terrible the dream.

2. Your level of purity: If you live a holy life there are certain dreams you will not be having. But if you live a dirty life there are some dreams you will be having on regular basis.

3. The kind of company you keep, your kind of friends.

4. Your foundation or your background: Of course if you come from the foundation of idolatry or ancestral worship, most of your dreams will be in that area.

5. Being under any curse or evil covenant: If you are labouring under any curse or evil covenant, your dream life will be troubled and strange.

6. The kind of enemy you have: If you have a Pharaoh kind of enemy who does not want to let God’s people go, know for sure that you will be running helter-skelter in the dream.


7. The level of the word of God in you: It is a day of tragedy when you are confronted with evil in your dream and you cannot quote a word of God against your confronter.

8. What you eat and drink: Certainly if you drink a little bit of alcohol and you are hiding it, spirit wife or spirit husband will wait for you to get drunk and will deal with you.

9. Environmental factors: There are cursed houses or houses with evil foundation. No one has good in such houses, it would always be very terrible dreams.

I remember that as young Christians we were asked to go and pray for an old widow in her house. I had never entered that kind of house. It was as if every prayer we prayed bounced back upon our heads. We sang praise songs and our voices went off. We tried to shout but something was pushing our voices down. I was surprised. Although we were quite young then, we had prayed elsewhere but that was the first time we noticed that kind of thing. I then asked the Holy Spirit what was the matter and He said, “Look up”! As I looked up I saw a dried vulture hung right there at the centre of the ceiling as a decoration, and the Holy Spirit said, ‘Look at it, unless it is removed there is oppression in this place.” So, if you live in that kind of house your dream life will be affected.

10. Evil cultural practices: There are some cultural practices which can affect our dream life.

11. Your past sexual associate: That your boyfriend you left 20 or 15 years ago may have an effect on your dream life. Certainly if you slept with an occult person, that will have an effect on your dream life.

12. Involvement in the occult in the past.

13. The level of parental spirituality: If you come from a home where the parents are very prayerful their prayers have a protective or shielding power and can affect your dream life positively.

14. Sickness and illness: If you are sick it will affect your dreams.

15. The level of satanic oppression: The kind of dream that somebody who is being oppressed by three enemies would be different from that which somebody who is being oppressed by 20 to 25 enemies would have.

16. Having incisions on your body: If you have incisions on your body they will affect your dream life. 17. Worry and anxiety: If you are always worried, anxious or tensed up, your dreams will reflect this. 18. Level of deliverance: If your deliverance is not complete, the enemy will use the areas that are left as regular ladder to come in and torment you.

19. Sleep disturbances: If your sleep is always disturbed, of course, it will affect your dream life.

Only very few people have the capacity that if they are having a dream somebody wakes them up, when they sleep again they can continue the dream from where it stopped.

20. Your position in God’s agenda.

21. Your level of brokenness: If you a broken Christian, completely sold out to the Lord, there are many things that will not move close to you at all, even in the dream.

22.The power of the strongman behind your problem: If there is a very powerful strongman pursuing you, you will see the effect in your dreams.

23. Your looseness with the opposite sex. 24. The level of anointing of God upon your life.

What are destructive dreams, the kind of dreams you should never ignore or joke with? I want to go give you very few examples. What I am going to say now may be what have happened to you in the past. The interesting fact about them is that you can prayerfully reverse them and deal with them. You can also prayerfully fast forward and deal with similar things that may happen in future. It is only in the spiritual world that it is possible to do this.

I remember a sister who found that up to the age of 38 nobody had talked to her about marriage. So, she started to pray. The first night she had a dream. The Lord took her back to when she was 15


years old. She recalled the dream and dealt with it and thereafter she had an open door. The principle of the Bible is very clear: “Whosoever asks shall receive; whosoever knocks, the door shall be opened unto him; whosoever seeks will find." Meaning that if you do not ask, God will just be looking at you. And ignorance is not an excuse. Ignorance destroys with terrible destruction.

I shared this before. When I was in the United State, a Nigerian woman had a dream that a white woman came into her living room and said to her, “Go and bring your wedding gown and your

wedding ring.” She went in and brought them and gave them to the white woman. When she woke up she told her husband about the dream and he said, “Do not worry, it is one of those things.” If she had a little bit of knowledge she would have said, “Lord, last night, I had a dream: a white woman came here and asked for my wedding gown and wedding ring and I gave them to her. Lord, right now, I arrest that woman and I repossess my wedding gown and wedding ring. I cancel every power

working against my marriage, in the name of Jesus.” With this simple, two-minute prayer she would have cancelled that dream, but because of ignorance she did not do that, and within six months, she was back in Nigeria. A white woman had taken over her marriage. What her husband said that she should not worry about eventually happened.


1. Sex in the dreams: Do not joke with this at all. It is a destructive dream. Immediately you find it happening regularly, you quickly take serious action.

2. Eating in the dream: Such food will cause problems for you.

3. Being shot in the dream: This means that there are some spiritual assassins looking for you. You should arrest them or ask them to turn their guns on themselves.

4. Attack by animals: When an animal watches you and attacks you, it is a destructive dream. You may not even wake up alive.

5. Losing your Bible in the dream: You are asked to minister and you cannot find your Bible or they say, “Open to the book of Matthew," and you looked for it and could not find it until you wake up. The enemy wants you to backslide and if you do not fight back on time, he will take away that Bible from your hand. And let me tell you something, a person could be born again for 25 years, but it would not take the devil one minute to get rid of him, if he is not careful.

6. Seeing corpses, dead relatives or dead people: This is a destructive dream. Your spirit man is trying to tell you that you are already being counted amongst the dead. You should fight back for the Bible says that the living have nothing to do with the dead.

7. Going back to the former school or former house or taking again the examinations that you have already passed: These are dreams of retrogression. The enemy wants to take you back either to Egypt or from prosperity to poverty.

8. Walking bare footed: This means acidic poverty. It also means that the enemy wants to destroy your marriage.

9. Driving, walking or climbing without getting to the destination: This shows that the enemy wants you to engage in profitless hardwork.

10. If you find yourself locked up and there is no way out.

11. If you see yourself wearing a black cap, a black hat or scarf or a black headgear. This means that there is a demonic authority over your life. You should not joke with this at all.

12. Being naked in the dream: This means that the enemy wants to fire the arrow of shame at you. You should not allow this to happen.

13. Wearing rags: This means acidic poverty.

14. Seeing yourself aimlessly visiting a market: A market is the final destination of mad people in our environment. Once a mad man gets to the market place there is serious trouble. You should not joke with this kind of dream at all.


content: Do not joke with this at all, it is a destructive dream

16. When you as a sister sees somebody playing with your hair or cutting it off, or you find that it has been shaved or that you have gone bald. Do not joke with this at all.

17. When you find yourself swimming: May be in real life you cannot swim, and now you find yourself swimming. This means that your life is under the control of marine powers.

18. Working as a slave in a farm or as a house help: This means that the enemy wants to demote your destiny to the lowest level.


1. We need to constantly draw a circle of the blood of Jesus around our lives.

2. Cancel what should be cancelled and reverse what should be reversed. You have the opportunity to do so now. One beautiful thing about God is this: Sometimes He gives you an opportunity to reverse a particular thing or situation. It is for you to quickly take advantage of the opportunity. Sometimes He may even allow evil to happen but if you appeal to Him, He can say, “Okay, that is what I said before but because of what you did now I will not do it again.”

Prophet Elijah issued a prophecy against Ahab, it was a terrible prophecy. When Ahab heard it, he shivered, and on getting home, he broke down, put on sackcloth, poured ashes on his body and wept. And God said to Elijah: “Go back to him, because of his repentance, tell him that what I said would happen will still happen, but not in his days. It will happen after his days.”

Beloved, there is a reason we are looking at these things now, especially as the year is running to a close. There are still many things the Lord would like to do for us this year, but spiritual alertness is necessary. You need to know where you are and you need to know how to pray. Everyone needs to pray very seriously to reverse what the devil has sown. The Bible says, “While men slept his enemy came and sowed tares and went his way.” We should pray in the area of the seed of the enemy, because if they are not removed many people will suffer from the cradle to the grave, not knowing that they are just fighting with plantations that can be removed with simple commands. Many of the sicknesses that trouble our lives were planted in the victim’s lives while they were asleep.

But, you see, if you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus there is nothing the enemy cannot do to your life in the dream. He can paralyze, he can maim and he can steal from you. He can turn your life upside down. He can place his hand into your body and remove anything. He can cage your life. Now, if you want to surrender your life to Jesus, just raise up your right hand and say: “Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you now. I confess that I am a sinner. Lord, forgive me and cleanse me with your blood. Lord Jesus, come into my life, take control of my life, in Jesus name.”

When you are praying the prayer points that follow, if you feel like rain is pouring on your head or if you start feeling dizzy, do not worry. The important thing is that everything that the Father has not planted in your life shall be rooted out and thrown into the fire. Since the Father did not plant it, it is qualified for the fire.


1. Every seed of darkness planted in my life in the dream, die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every satanic dream I had in my past that is now affecting my future, die, in the name of Jesus. 3. Every power hunting for my star in the dream, what are you waiting for? Die, in the name of Jesus. 4. Every arrow of death fired against me in my dream, backfire, in the name of Jesus.

5. (Lay your right hand upon your head). Every dream sponsored by witchcraft power, die, in the name of Jesus.

6. Every strongman delegated to my dream, hear the word of the Lord: Appear now, in the name of Jesus.


7. O ground, hear the word of the Lord: open and swallow every strongman, in the name of Jesus. 8. All evil dreams against my destiny, be reversed, in Jesus' name.


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