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Triglyceride and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Predicting Disorders in Parents From Their Children


Academic year: 2020

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Pediatricians are diagnosing an increasing number of lipid disorders in their patients. Because many








in Parents




Sheldon M. Polonsky, MD*; Loretta A. Simbartl, MS; and Dennis L. Sprecher, MD*

ABSTRACT. Objective. To determine whether lipid

disorders can be predicted in parents after such disorders are identified initially in their children. Although this relation has been well determined for children with high cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), it has not been as well described for disorders involving triglycerides (TG) or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), or their interaction with LDL-C.

Methods. Serum lipid values were obtained from 232

families in the comparison population of a large genetics study. Subjects were classified into four groups based on their lipid status: 1) isolated LDL-C disorder, defined by a high LDL-C level and normal TG and HDL-C levels; 2) isolated TGIHDL-C disorder, defined by either high TG, low HDL-C, or both, and normal LDL-C; 3) combined disorder, defined by high LDL-C in addition to either high TG, low HDL-C, or both; and 4) normal, defined by the absence of any of the above disorders. The frequen-cies of these disorders were noted in both parents and children, and logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine whether the presence of these disorders in at least one child in the family could predict similar disorders in the parents.

Results. Children with isolated LDL-C or TGIHDL-C disorder were more likely to have parents with the same disorder as themselves (P = .002 and P = .04,

respective-ly). Children with the combined disorder were more likely to have parents with any lipid disorder (P = .009),

but especially isolated LDL-C (P = .002) and isolated

TG/HDL-C (P = .05).

Conclusion. A classification scheme defining disor-ders of TG and HDL-C, LDL-C, or a combination can be

useful for predicting lipid disorders in parents after such

disorders are identified initially in their children.

Pediatrics 199494:824-831; children, cholesterol,

low-den-sity lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density

li-poprotein cholesterol, lipid disorders.

pediatricians are screening all their patients for

cho-lesterol, and because children often receive more consistent preventive medical care than adults, many children identified with lipid disorders may have parents whose lipid status is questionable or

un-known. Evidence indicates that when the children’s

lipid disorder involves high total cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, the parents are also likely to have high cholesterol as well as an increased incidence of coronary heart dis-ease.12 Thus, knowledge of their children’s high cho-lesterol levels should be a strong incentive for

par-ents to have their own cholesterol screened.

However, when the children’s lipid disorder

in-volves high triglyceride (TG) or low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, this situation becomes more complicated. Although high TG levels in parents have been reported to be more likely when high TG is found in their children,3 a similar

associ-ation has not been well described for the wider

spec-trum of lipid disorders incorporating both TG and

HDL-C, as well as their interaction with LDL-C. To

help describe this association more comprehensively, we used a combination classification scheme, con-ceptualized before,4’ to define the disorders of TG and HDL-C, LDL-C, or a combination. To determine whether such a classification scheme could be useful for predicting lipid disorders in parents after such disorders are identified initially in their children, we

analyzed lipid values from 232 families in the

randomly recruited comparison population of a large genetics study.6

METHODS ABBREVIA11ONS. LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol;

TG, triglycerides; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG/HDL-C, triglycerides and/or high-density lipoprotein

choles-terol; LRC, National Institutes of Health Lipid Research Clinics.

From the ‘Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital Medical Center,

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and the Department of Medicine, Lipid Research Clinic, University Hospital, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Received for publication Dec 22, 1993; accepted Mar 25, 1994.

Reprint requests to(D.LS) Lipid Research Division, Department ofInternal

Medicine, University of Cincinnati, 231 Bethesda Avenue, Cincinnati, OH


PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1994 by the American Acad-emy of Pediatrics.


Lipid levels from families in the comparison arm of the Cin-cinnati Myocardial Infarction and Hormone Study were analyzed

for this study. White male subjects were recruited by

advertise-ment and supermarket sign-ups in 1988 and 1989 from the Cm-cinnati, Ohio metropolitan area. The availabifity of aspouse and at least one natural child living in the household was required for

inclusion in the study. Additional natural children were included

without limit, as long as at least one child was still living in the

home. For the current study, children were excluded only if their complete lipid profiles were not recorded; entire families were excluded if complete lipid profiles were not recorded for both parents and at least one child. As aresult, one entire family and 20 children from various other families were excluded from the analysis. In all, we studied 232 remaining families with 497 chil-dren, a mean of 2.1 children per family (range, I to 6). The mean

ages of these subjects are shown in Table 1. Among the children,



TABLE 1. Age and Serum Lipid Levels of Subjects*

Subjects Age, y Total Cholesterol, mg/dL LDL-C, mg/dL HDL-C,


TG, mg/dL

Fathers 44±7


213 ±40 [2041


140±36 [135]


48± 12 [43]


129 ± 82 [1231


Mothers 42 ±



201 ±37 [1931


121 ± 32 [122] (54-212)

59 ± 15 [561 (15-106)

102 ± 77 [881 (25-638)

Sons 14±4


164±30 [160]


98±26 [94J


51± 11[551


78 ±41 [581

(22-272) Daughters 14 ± 5


171 ± 25 [159] (112-287)

100 ±24 [941


57 ± I 1 [521


73 ± 48 [68]


* Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (range) for 232 fathers and mothers each, 279 sons, and 218 daughters. Data in brackets

are the Lipid Research Clinic’s (LRC) 50th-percentile levels for subjects of the same gender and mean age. For mothers and fathers, LRC

levels for 40- to 44-year-olds are shown; for sons and daughters, LRC levels for 10- to 14-year-olds are used. Abbreviations: LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG, triglycerides.

parents were excluded from the analysis because they were be-lieved to be representative of the general population.

Lipid, Weight, and Height Measurements

Serum lipid profiles were obtained from subjects after a

re-ported 12-hour fast, following the guidelines of the National

In-stitutes of Health Lipid Research Clinics (LRC).7 Total cholesterol,

HDL-C, and TG levels from all subjects were measured

enzymat-ically in the same laboratory standardized by the Centers for Disease Control. We calculated LDL-C using the Fnedewald equa-tion [total cholesterol - (HDL-C) - (TG/5)].8 Because this equation

is considered accurate only when TG levels are less than 400 mg/dL, LDL-.C was not recorded in subjects whose TG levels were above this cutoff. The mean levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C,

HDL-C, and TG for all subjects were comparable to the

50th-percentile population levels reported in the Lipid Research Clinics

Population Studies Data Book7 for subjects of the same gender and mean age.

Height and weight were measured twice in all subjects to the nearest tenth of a centimeter and tenth of a kilogram, respectively.

A third measurement was taken if the first two differed by more

than 0.5 cm or 0.3 kg. An average of the two or three

measure-ments was used in data analysis. For each subject, the Quetelet index was calculated to estimate the degree to which the subjects

were overweight: [weight (kg)/height2 (cm2)] x 1000.

Classification of Lipid Disorders

Subjects were classified into four categories based on their lipid levels: isolated LDL-C, isolated TG/HDL-C, combined, or normal (Fig 1). Subjects with isolated LDL-C had high LDL-C as their only abnormality. Those with isolated TG/HDL-C had either high TG

or low HDL-C, or both, but normal LDL-C. Combined patients

had high LDL-C in addition to high TG, low HDL-C, or both.

Normal patients had none of these abnormalities. Subjects with

TG greater than 400 mg/dL were classified automatically as

hay-ing isolated TG/HDL-C because of the inaccuracy of their LDL-C

values. High TG and low HDL-C were linked in this classification scheme because of the close association between the two in both normal and hyperlipidemic patients.9”#{176}This scheme is a

modifi-cation of one that we proposed previously to classify lipid disor-ders in children;4 a similar approach to classification has been proposed in adults.5

High LDL-C and TG were defined as greater than the 90th

percentile for age and gender, and low HDL-C as less than the

10th percentile, using percentiles reported in the LRC data book.7

This source also was used to determine percentiles for Quetelet

indices. Although percentiles were not reported for subjects younger than 5 years of age in this source, we applied the data from the 5- to 9-year-old group to the 4-year-olds in our study.

Data Analysis

The frequency of each of the lipid disorders in fathers, mothers,

sons, and daughters was calculated, and a test was performed

to identify any differences among the three groups. For the

iso-lated TG/HDL-C and combined disorders, a breakdown of the

specific lipids involved was also examined and compared between

these groups; because of smaller sample sizes, Fisher’s exact test was calculated rather than . Next, as a crude estimate of the

association between parents and children, we determined the percentage of children with each of the lipid disorders who also

had a parent with the same or a different disorder. Because this

estimation could be biased toward larger families having many affected children, we developed another analysis in which the family was considered as a unit and the presence of a disorder in one or more children was treated equally. Four independent

lo-gistic regressions were performed in this latter analysis. In three of

these regressions, the dependent variable was the presence of one

specific disorder in either or both parents (isolated LDL-C,

iso-lated TG/HDL-C, or combined); in the last, the presence of any

disorder in either or both parents was the dependent variable. In

all the regressions, the three independent variables of interest were the presence of each of the three specific disorders in one or

Fig 1. Venn diagram showing classifi-cation of lipid disorders based on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C),


Fig 2. Frequency of lipid disorders in

fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters.

Abbreviations: LDL-C, low-density

li-poprotein cholesterol; TG/HDL-C,

triglycerides and/or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.


Aft. cted









Any Disorder Isolated LDL-C Isolated TGIHDL-C Combined

more children of the family. Covariates included in the model

were the mean age of the parents, the mean age of the children,

and the number of children in the family. The regressions were

run using both forward and backward stepwise selection strate-gies, keeping and eliminating variables at the P < .05 level. The

final regression model obtained was evaluated further by adding

and subtracting one variable each and exchanging each variable

for an unused variable to see whether any other equally valid

models could be found.

Finally, to evaluate which family members were overweight, we used three cutoffs of overweight status based on the subjects’ age- and gender-standardized Quetelet indices from LRC data: the

90th, 75th, and 50th percentiles. The numbers of subjects at or

above these cutoffs were compared among all categories of the

lipid classification and between parents and children, using x analysis. These three cutoffs were used instead of simply the 90th

percentile to demonstrate any progression of lipid-disorder

ire-quency in mildly, moderately, and extremely obese patients. All analyses were performed using the SAS statistical system

(version 6.06) on an Amdahl mainframe computer. Chi-square

tests were performed using the PROC FREQ procedure and the

logistic regression using PROC LOGISTIC.



Differences were noted in the frequency of lipid

disorders among family members, particularly

be-tween Sons and daughters (Fig 2). Sons were more

likely to have any lipid abnormality than daughters

(33% versus 19%, P = .001), especially isolated

TG/HDL-C and the combined disorder (isolated

TG/HDL-C: 19% versus 8%, P < .001; combined: 5%

versus 1%, P = .013). The frequency of isolated LDL-C

disorder did not differ between sons and daughters at

the P < .05 level. No significant differences in the

fre-quency of lipid disorders were found between mothers

and fathers. Although children as a group had a

some-what higher percentage of lipid disorders than their parents (27% versus 22%), and isolated TG/HDL-C in

particular (14% versus 10%), these differences were not

significant at the P < .05 level.

Although children were similar to their parents in the overall frequency of the isolated TG/HDL-C dis-order, they differed by the specific lipids affected (TG, HDL-C, or both). Among 119 subjects with the

isolated TG/HDL-C disorder, children were more

likely to have low HDL-C levels than their parents

(24% versus 10%) and were less than half as likely to

have both low HDL-C and high IC levels

(17% versus 47%). These differences were significant

at P < .001 . In contrast, among the 29 subjects with

the combined disorder, no significant differences at

the P < .05 level were seen between children and

their parents in the percentages who had high TG

alone, low HDL-C alone, or both in combination with high LDL-C. In both of these analyses, no differences were found between sons and daughters or between mothers and fathers.

Parent/Child Relations

Children classified as normal were least likely to have a parent with a disorder (33%; Fig 3A), followed

by those classified as having isolated TG/HDL-C

(42%), isolated LDL-C (53%), and combined (71%)

disorders. Children classified as normal also were very unlikely to have both parents with a disorder

(4%); those classified as having combined disorder

were the most likely (35%). Overall, 49% of children who had a lipid disorder also had at least one parent with a lipid disorder.

Sons and daughters who were identified to have

lipid disorders were equally likely to have parents with disorders. Of the children with lipid disorders,

44 of 92 sons (48%) and 20 of 42 daughters (48%) had one or both parents with disorders. Among children with lipid disorders who had only one involved parent, 17 of 27 sons (63%) and 11 of 15 daughters (73%) had affected fathers.

Families with two or more children with lipid disorders were over twice as likely to have parents with lipid disorders than were families with only one

involved child. Of families with two or more

in-volved children, 69% (18 of 26 families) had one or both parents with a disorder, compared to 33% (25 of 75) of families with only one involved child.

Children classified as having isolated TG/HDL-C or isolated LDL-C were most likely to have at least one parent who had the same disorder as themselves (32% and 36%, respectively; Figure 3B. Note that because either one of two parents, or both, could have a lipid disorder, percentages in this figure may be overlapping). Children classified as having com-bined disorder were most likely to have a parent

with isolated TG/HDL-C (41%) or isolated LDL-C

(47%), and relatively less likely to have parents with the same (combined) disorder (6%).



Normal Isolated TGIHDL-C Isolated LDL-C Combined

(n=363) (n=72) (n=45) (n=17)

P e


e n t







Classification of Children

Normal Isolated TG/HDL-C Isolated LDL-C Combined

(n=363) (n=72) (n=45) (n=17)


Fig 3. A, Percentages of children, by

lipid classification, whose parents have any lipid disorder. B, Percentages of

children, by lipid classification, whose

parents have specific lipid disorders. Abbreviations. TG/HDL-C,

triglycer-ides and/or high-density lipopro-tein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.













10 .


one parent with a disorder

U Both parents with a disorder


D Isolated TGIHDL-C in at least one parent

U Isolated LDL-C in at least one parent

Conthined in at least one parent

presence of isolated TG/HDL-C in at least one child

of the family predicted isolated TG/HDL-C in at

least one parent (P = .04). Similarly, the presence of

isolated LDL-C in at least one child was predictive of isolated LDL-C in at least one parent (P = .002). In

contrast, the presence of the combined disorder in at least one child predicted isolated LDL-C or isolated

TG/HDL-C in at least one parent (P = .002 and P =

.05, respectively), or any disorder in general (P =

.009), but did not predict the combined disorder

itself. The results of the forward and backward step-wise regression strategies were identical for all

anal-yses. In one analysis (with isolated TG/HDL-C in

parents as the dependent variable), the presence of

Classification of Children

the combined disorder in children was added to the final model because it became significant (at P =

.0489) when added but was not included in either

stepwise strategy. The only covariate that was sig-nificant was mean parental age, which was related to

isolated LDL-C (P = .04) and isolated TG/HDL-C

(P = .01) in the parents. This covariate was kept in

these models to adjust the other variables for its effect. Note that the mean age of the children in the family and the number of children were not signifi-cant in any analyses.


TABLE 2. Lipid Disorders in Children That Were Predictive of Parental Disorders*

Children’s Disorder #{149}Parents’ Disorder


Isolated TG/HDL-C Isolated LDL-C Combined

Isolated TG/HDL-C Isolated LDL-C Any abnormality Isolated LDL-C Isolated TG/HDL-C


.002 .009 .002 .05t

* Results of logistic regression linking lipid disorders in at least one child of the family with the presence of a lipid disorder in one or both parents. Only those independent variables remaining in

the final model are shown. Abbreviations: TG/HDL-C, triglycer-ides and/or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

t Added to the final model (not induded in stepwise strategies but

significant at


= .0489 when added).

Specifically, three tests were considered: 1) isolated

LDL-C in at least one parent was considered a

pos-itive outcome, and either isolated LDL-C or

com-bined disorder in at least one child was a positive test; 2) isolated TG/HDL-C in at least one parent was a positive outcome, and either isolated TG/HDL-C

or combined disorder in at least one child was a

positive test; and 3) any disorder in at least one parent was a positive test, and combined disorder in at least one child was a positive test. The combined disorder was included in all three tests because it predicted isolated LDL-C and isolated TG/HDL-C in the parents, as well as any disorder in general. Over-all, the tests had a higher specificity than sensitivity, but a higher negative than positive predictive value. Influence of Weight

The largest proportion of subjects who were over-weight at or above any cutoff (50th, 75th, or 90th percentile) was found in the combined classification

group, followed by isolated TG/HDL-C, isolated

LDL-C, and normal (Fig 4). The differences among groups were statistically significant at each cutoff (P < .01,



Overall, children and parents were similar in the

proportion who were overweight, with no

differ-ences at any cutoff at the P < .05 level of significance. Children and parents also showed some similarities

when weight was considered among the various

lipid classification groups (Table 4). Within the iso-lated TG/HDL-C group, both children and parents were significantly more likely to be overweight, re-gardless of cutoff, than their counterparts in the

nor-ma! group. Within the isolated LDL-C group, both

parents and children were only slightly more likely to be overweight than normal subjects, if at all, and

this finding was only significant at the P < .05 level for parents who were above the 50th percentile cut-off. However, some differences were seen between children and parents in this analysis. Unlike parents,

children in the combined group were significantly

more likely to be overweight than their normal

coun-terparts at any cutoff. Furthermore, among children,

the highest proportion of overweight subjects at any cutoff was found in the combined classification; among parents, the highest proportion was found in the TG/HDL-C classification.


Our study suggests that a classification scheme

defining disorders of TG and HDL-C, LDL-C, or a

combination can predict lipid disorders in parents

after such disorders are identified initially in their

children. In particular, children with isolated LDL-C

or TG/HDL-C disorders are more likely to have

parents with the same disorder as themselves,

whereas children with the combined disorder are

more likely to have parents with any lipid disorder,

but especially isolated LDL-C and isolated TG/

HDL-C. Our study also suggests that similarities in overweight status between parents and children may be associated with similarities in lipid disorders; spe-cifically, both children and parents with the isolated

TG/HDL-C disorder were more likely to be

overweight than normal subjects.

The combination of TG and HDL-C, with or without

LDL-C, is a unique aspect of our study. Data from the

LRC family study1 demonstrated an increasing per-centage of hypertriglyceridemic offspring in assoda-tion with increasing severity of hypertriglyceridemia in probands. Although higher TG levels have been

re-ported in parents of children with high TG,3 this

asso-dation was not extended to indude HDL-C levels. In another study, parents of 37 children who were

re-ferred to a spedalty clinic for hyperlipidemia had a

high prevalence of unrecognized or untreated

hyper-lipidemia2; although LDL-C, TG, and HDL-C levels

were all considered in this study, these lipids were not combined into specific dinical entities. Nevertheless, there is evidence for an assodation between high TG and low HDL-C as a distinct familial disorder.13 In our study subjects, isolated TG/HDL-C was the most com-mon lipid disorder, and occurred more frequently in parents whose children had the same disorder. Of note, children with this disorder manifested low HDL-C

1ev-els alone more frequently than their parents. These

children would have been missed had only TG levels been considered in the analysis, yet their parents were still at risk for significant TG and HDL-C disorders.

The clinical importance of these TG/HDL-C disor-ders, however, is controversial. For example, the study noted above, which linked high TG in children to high parental TG,3 failed to show excess coronary artery mortality in family members of children with high TG. In general, the epidemiologic evidence pointing to high TG as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease is inconclusive.14 Neverthe-less, low HDL-C has been well established as a risk factor for coronary artery disease,’5 and high TG may act synergistically with low HDL-C to increase this risk.’6 In one recent study, the combination of high TG and low HDL-C in families was identified as one of the most common familial lipid abnormalities in patients with premature coronary artery disease.5 For these reasons, identification of patients with the potential for the isolated TG/HDL-C disorder

seems to be a worthwhile goal for counseling and


The combination of TG or HDL-C and LDL-C in












0% 1



ott percentile or above

U 75th-89th percentile

D SOth-74th percentile

0 <50th percentile


Isolated TGIHDL-C


TABLE 3. Test Characteristics for Predicting Adult Disorders From Disorders in Children*

Positive Outcome

-Positive Test Sensitivity Specificity Positive






Isolated LDL-C in at least one parent Isolated LDL-C or combined in one or

more children

45% 84% 35% 89%

Isolated TG/HDL-C in at least one parent Isolated TG/HDL-C or combined in one

or more children

42% 74% 28% 84%

Any disorder in at least one parent Combined in one or more children 13% 97% 69% 67%

* Abbreviations: LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG/HDL-C, triglycerides and/or high-density lipoprotemn cholesterol.

Fig 4. Proportions of overweight

sub-jects (parents and children combined), by Quetelet index, compared among lipid-disorder classifications. All per-centiles were age- and gender-stan-dardized based on Lipid Research

Clinics data. Abbreviations: LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG/HDL-C, triglycerides and/or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Normal Isolated

(n=727) LDL-C


Combined (n=29)

TABLE 4. Percentages of Overw Children) by Lipid Classification*

eight Subjects ( Parents and

Lipid Classification Quetelet Index








Children (n = 363) 45% 22% 8%

Parents (n = 364) 50% 27% 9%

Isolated LDL-C

Children (n = 45) 56% 31 % 7%

Parents (n = 41) 68%t 37% 17% Isolated TG/HDL-C

Children (n = 72) 65% 43% 24%

Parents (n = 47) 81% 57% 38%


Children (n = 17) 94%:1: 82% 47%

Parents (n = 12) 67% 42% 25%

* All percentiles are age- and gender-standardized based on Lipid

Research Clinics data. Abbreviations: LDL-C, low-density

lipopro-tein cholesterol, TG/HDL-C, triglycerides and/or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

1Differs from normal group at P < .05 ( analysis).


Differs from normal group at P < .01 (x analysis).

smaller sample size of this combined subset, parents of children with the combined disorder were still

significantly more likely to have a lipid disorder as

well, especially isolated LDL-C and isolated TG/

HDL-C. Of note, over a third of children with the

combined disorder had both parents affected by a

lipid disorder, suggesting that the genetic interaction

between two parents may be important for transmis-sion of the combined disorder. This interaction is supported by the finding that children with corn-bined disorders were not more likely to have parents with the same disorder, although this finding may also be due in part to the relatively small number of subjects who had the combined disorder in our study (12 parents and 17 children).

The combined disorder, as we have defined it, as well as the isolated lipoprotein conditions, may overlap to some degree with the more classically defined famil-ial combined hyperlipidemia. Cortner et al,17’18 using children as probands, identified familial combined hy-perlipidemia when a child and a parent had LDL-C, TG, or both above the 90th percentile and at least one other family member with elevated TG. The combined

disorder in our study is both more indusive (subjects

could be defined by low HDL-C without high TG) and

less inclusive (subjects had to be identified with two

abnormal lipid values, not on the basis of a combina-tion of lipid abnormalities in the family). Heterogeneity in apolipoprotein B synthesis, the major protein in

TG-and cholesterol-rich lipoproteins, and/or TG-rich

par-tide processing, e.g., very low-density lipoproteins, may explain in part the variability in expression of these lipoprotein subtypes.’9


LDL-C disorder were significantly more likely to have the same disorder; over a third of children with isolated LDL-C had at least one parent with isolated LDL-C.

The test characteristics of the above relations

sug-gested that they would not be appropriate tests, by

themselves, on which to base parental screening.

Certainly they are not very sensitive, which suggests

that many parents have lipid disorders that cannot be predicted by their children’s values. Although the tests are reasonably specific, their positive predictive values are fairly low, which may be due to the

rela-tively low prevalence of lipid disorders in the

gen-eral population. Regardless, the American Heart

As-sociation recommends that serum total cholesterol be

screened in all adults over the age of 20.20 Thus, although the relations we have demonstrated should not be the sole criteria for screening parents, the

presence of lipid disorders in their children can be

presented as a legitimate risk factor and an addi-tional incentive for them to do a full lipoprotein profile, as well as the screening that would be

oth-erwise recommended. The identification of parents

with lipid disorders in these families also may be useful in reinforcing the dietary or life-style changes that would be recommended; presumably, children will be more likely to comply with these

recommen-dations if the whole family is involved and if the

parents have a personal interest in supporting a

change in family habits.

Both parents and children classified as having

iso-lated TG/HDL-C disorder in our study were more

likely to be overweight than other subjects, suggest-ing that similarities in weight may be a factor in the familial association of the isolated TG/HDL-C disor-der. Certainly, obesity has been linked to hypertrig-lycendemia both in adults2’ and children;

more-over, weight loss and dietary management are

recommended as the first approach to the treatment of hyperthg1yceridemia. Nevertheless, the cause-and-effect relation between hypertriglyceridemia and obesity has not been well described, nor can it be

established from our own data. In our study, the

association in weight that we observed between par-ents and children with the isolated TG/HDL-C dis-order may be due to genetic factors, environmental factors, or a combination of the two. This question

could be examined by careful analysis of diet or

activity levels.

In contrast, children with the combined disorder

were much more likely to be substantially

over-weight in our study than were similarly affected parents, even though parents with the combined

dis-order were modestly more overweight than their

normal counterparts. Although such a generational discordance again could be explained by the small

number of parents with the combined disorder, an

alternative reason may be that increased weight

al-lows the combined disorder to manifest earlier in

life, thus being more of a prerequisite for the disor-der in children than in parents.

The children in our population were somewhat

overrepresented by sons (56%), who were more

likely to have a lipid disorder in our study. Although

this may present a bias compared to the general

population, we also noted that sons and daughters with lipid disorders were equally likely to have par-ents with lipid disorders, suggesting that the relation between parents and children should remain valid in a population in which the genders are more equal.

The classification scheme we used, involving only

the measurement of TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C, values

commonly obtained in lipid panels, was chosen

be-cause of its inherent convenience for general practice. As our knowledge of the pathophysiologic basis for coronary heart disease increases, other tests may prove even more useful for identifying coronary risk:

for example, Lp(a), which has been shown to be

associated with myocardial infarction,24 and

apoli-poprotein B, which may be a major determinant of

coronary disease risk, particularly in familial com-bined hyperlipidemia subjects.26 At present, how-ever, the clinical usefulness of these measurements is not well established, especially in children.

In conclusion, as pediatric interest in evaluating and treating lipid disorders continues to grow, more and more children will be identified with these

dis-orders, and many will have TG and HDL-C

disor-ders with or without elevated cholesterol. In our experience, up to a third of children referred to our

pediatric lipid clinic, ostensibly with high total

cho-lesterol, have high TG or low HDL-C but normal or

only borderline LDL-C.4 Furthermore, many parents who bring their children to our clinic have no knowl-edge of their own lipid status. Our study provides a

framework for classifying TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C

disorders in these patients and indicates that parents of children with such disorders are more likely to have lipid disorders themselves, and should be en-couraged to have their own lipid status evaluated.


This study was supported by the National Institutes of

Chil-dren’s Health and Human Development grant HC-18281-05 “Genetic Epidemiology of Sex Hormones and Lipoproteins.”


1. Schrott HG, Clarke WR, Wiebe DA, Connor WE, Lauer RL Increased coronary mortality in relatives of hypercholesterolemic school children:

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Twenty years ago, Dr Evans’ idea-Ronald McDonald House-became a reality in Philadelphia.

She was, and is, a doctor at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a specialist in children’s oncology, who dreamed of a house where the families of her seriously ill young patients could stay . . . an inexpensive home-away-from-home within walking distance of the hospital, where families could care for one another in a

supportive environment. Now there are more than 160 Ronald McDonald Houses

in 11 countries around the world and 1.5 million family members have called them home.

Today, Dr Evans divides her workday between the bedsides of her patients and the research lab, where she is getting closer to a better understanding of neuro-blastoma, a deadly childhood cancer. She and her team of researchers are zeroing in on the reasons why tumors of the nervous system will sometimes spontaneously regress.

Meanwhile, survival rates continue to rise. When she began her career in the early 1950s, only one child in ten survived. “Now,” she says, “we cure more than 75% of the children with cancer.”

Throughout her career, Dr Evans has been just as concerned with nourishing the

spirits of her patients as she has been in stabilizing their illnesses. She believed so strongly in the importance of a hospital chaplain that she paid the chaplain’s salary until the hospital administrators agreed. She did the same for the hospital’s first social worker.

As a doctor, scientist, and humanitarian, Audrey Evans knows how to get the right things done. Twice a year, she organizes a Celebration of Life, an emotional service with music, laughter, and tears, that celebrates the lives of the children who have died. She also helped create an ongoing healing program for entire families. Several months after the death of a child, the families are invited back to talk to other families “to work through what it was like then and how they’re doing now.”




Sheldon M. Polonsky, Loretta A. Simbartl and Dennis L. Sprecher

Parents From Their Children

Triglyceride and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Predicting Disorders in


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Sheldon M. Polonsky, Loretta A. Simbartl and Dennis L. Sprecher

Parents From Their Children

Triglyceride and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Predicting Disorders in


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The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on

American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.


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