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Chapter 8 Mega test Name Period Date. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Academic year: 2021

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Chapter 8 Mega test

Name___________________________________ Period________


MULTIPLECHOICE. Choosetheonealternativethatbestcompletesthestatementoranswersthequestion.

1) In the early 20th century, psychologists were inclined to explain motivated behavior by attributing it to ________.

A) learned responses B) instincts

C) incentives D) emotions


2) Today, scientists tend to see emotions as ________ to survival and a ________ source of personal enrichment.

A) essential; minor B) unnecessary; major

C) unnecessary; minor D) essential; major


3) The theory stating that behaviors are motivated by the body's attempts to reduce tension from conditions such as hunger or thirst to a state of balance is ________ theory.

A) homeostatis B) Clark Hull's drive reduction

C) disequilibrium D) needs


4) Some psychologists believe that behavior is motivated by the body's attempts to achieve a state of balance in which the body functions effectively, or ________.

A) homeostasis B) propinquity C) acquiescence D) reciprocity


5) Which of the following does NOT support drive-reduction theory? A) getting something to drink when you are thirsty

B) going to sleep when you are tired C) getting some food when you are hungry D) going jogging when you are bored


6) Plutchik proposes that human beings have ________ basic categories of emotions.

A) three B) ten C) eight D) five


7) In the past, psychologists viewed emotions as ________. A) the result of immature cognitive control

B) safeguards for our survival C) learned responses

D) base instincts


8) Primary drives are ________. A) learned

B) exceptions to the drive-reduction principle C) unlearned

D) produced by external incentives


9) Thirst, sex, and hunger are examples of ________ drives.

A) primary B) internalized C) reduction D) secondary


10) Which of the following is NOT a primary drive?

A) thirst B) sex C) hunger D) curiosity


11) Drives that are most strongly influenced by stimuli within the body are called ________ drives.

A) instinctual B) learned C) primary D) secondary


12) Primary drives are found in ________.

A) all animals B) most animals except primates

C) only reptiles and fish D) only mammals


13) Drives that are acquired through learning are called ________ drives.

A) tertiary B) reflexive C) primary D) secondary


14) The drive to become famous and accumulate great power is a ________ drive.

A) secondary B) primary C) tertiary D) reflexive


15) The Yerkes-Dodson Law states ________.

A) that intrinsic motivation is more powerful than intrinsic motivation B) there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task C) extrinsic motivation is more powerful than intrinsic motivation D) organisms seek to reduce arousal and maintain homeostasis


16) Which of the following is true?

A) Behavior is almost always motivated to reduce arousal. B) Behavior is almost always motivated to increase arousal.

C) Sometimes behavior is motivated to increase arousal, while other times it is motivated to reduce arousal.

D) Behavior is almost always motivated to maintain the current level of arousal.


17) The idea that there is an optimal level of arousal for best performance of any task, and the more complex the task, the lower the level of optimal arousal, is ________.

A) the Law of Effect B) the Yerkes-Dodson Law

C) the Law of Diminishing Returns D) Weber's Law


18) According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, higher levels of arousal ________. A) are best for performing all tasks, whether simple or complex

B) are best when performing complex tasks C) are best when performing simple tasks D) always disrupt performance of a task


19) A highly emotional state would LEAST affect ________.

A) studying B) playing chess

C) driving a car D) washing the car


20) Behavior such as skydiving is best explained by ________.

A) drive reduction theory B) a motive for homeostasis C) a motive for sensation seeking D) arousal theory


21) Human behavior is ________ rigid, unchanging, inflexible, and found throughout the species.

A) rarely B) usually C) always D) never


22) ________ significant human behavior is ________.

A) All; learned B) Most; inborn

C) All; inborn D) Most; learned


23) The state of tension created by biological needs is called a(n) ________.

A) drive B) instinct C) emotion D) impulse


24) Extremely stimulating activities such as sky-diving, bungee jumping, and hang gliding are ________.

A) well explained by both arousal theory and drive-reduction theory B) not well explained by either drive-reduction theory or arousal theory C) well explained by arousal theory but not drive-reduction theory D) well explained by drive-reduction theory but not arousal theory


25) A desire to perform a behavior that originates within the individual is known as ________ motivation.

A) secondary B) extrinsic C) primary D) intrinsic


26) A desire to perform a behavior to obtain an external reward or avoid punishment is known as ________ motivation.

A) intrinsic B) primary C) extrinsic D) secondary


27) The motive of self-actualization makes one want to ________. A) convince others of one's true worth

B) possess as many material goods as possible C) have frequent contact with others

D) fulfill one's inborn potential


28) The correct sequential order of Maslow's hierarchy of motives from most complex and human to most primitive is ________.

A) self-actualization, esteem, belongingness, physiological, safety B) self-actualization, esteem, belongingness, safety, physiological C) self-actualization, belongingness, safety, esteem, physiological D) belongingness, self-actualization, esteem, physiological, safety


29) According to Maslow's theory, higher motives emerge ________. A) unpredictably, depending on the situation

B) simultaneously with more basic needs C) before any other needs emerge

D) only after more basic ones have been satisfied


30) Which of the following proposed a hierarchy of motives?

A) Horner B) Skinner C) Freud D) Maslow


31) According to Maslow, lower motives spring from ________. A) social needs that must be satisfied

B) bodily needs that must be satisfied C) needs for self-actualization

D) needs for spiritual and intellectual development


32) Positive feedback, including praise, ________. A) dramatically reduces intrinsic motivation

B) has no effect on intrinsic motivation C) may actually increase intrinsic motivation D) slightly reduces intrinsic motivation


TRUE/FALSE. Write'T'ifthestatementistrueand'F'ifthestatementisfalse.

33) Drive-reduction theory explains only some motivated behavior. 33) 34) A certain level of emotional arousal is necessary for good performance. 34)

35) Intrinsic motivation can be decreased by rewards. 35)

MULTIPLECHOICE. Choosetheonealternativethatbestcompletesthestatementoranswersthequestion.

36) Hunger is stimulated by ________ cues. Thirst is stimulated by ________ cues. A) internal and external; internal and external

B) external; internal and external C) internal; external

D) internal and external; internal


37) Thirst is monitored by ________ regulator(s) that monitor(s) the level of fluids inside and outside the cells.

A) two B) one C) four D) three


38) Fat cells in our body produce ________, which travels in the bloodstream, and high levels of it signal the brain to reduce appetite, or to increase the rate at which fat is burned.

A) glycerol B) glucose C) leptin D) ghrelin


39) A hormone produced in the stomach and small intestines that increases appetite is ________.

A) glycerol B) ghrelin C) leptin D) insulin


40) A hormone secreted by the pancreas that keeps glucose levels balanced is ________.

A) ghrelin B) insulin C) leptin D) glycerol 40)

41) Located in the ________ are two regions that serve as “on and off” switches for eating behaviors.

A) temporal lobes B) thalamus

C) hypothalamus D) frontal lobes


42) Each of the following EXCEPT ________ affects hunger.

A) looking at the clock B) your emotional state C) being sleep deprived D) cholesterol level


43) The mere sight, smell, or thought of food causes ________ in insulin production and ________ in glucose levels in the body's cells.

A) decreases; increases B) increases; decreases C) increases; increases D) decreases; decreases


44) The way in which a person responds when hungry ________. A) is consistent across cultures

B) varies with each individual's social conditioning C) is entirely dependent on internal drives

D) varies directly with the age of the individual


45) Each of the following is a symptom of anorexia nervosa EXCEPT ________.

A) intense fear of becoming obese, which does not diminish as weight loss progresses B) refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimal normal weight for height and age C) disturbance of body image, such as “feeling fat” even when emaciated

D) recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by purging of the foods just eaten


46) Each of the following is a criterion used for diagnosing bulimia EXCEPT ________.

A) recurrent episodes of binge eating

B) refusal to maintain body weight at or above minimal normal weight for age and height C) recurrent inappropriate behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting, to try and prevent

weight gain

D) body shape and weight excessively influence the person's self image


47) About ________ percent of all adolescent females suffer from bulimia nervosa.


48) Which of the following females is MOST likely to develop bulimia?

A) a middle-class male who is trying to make his high-school wrestling team. B) an upper-middle class female high school graduate who is attending college C) a lower-class female who is a college graduate

D) a lower-class female high school dropout


49) Muscle dysmorphia is ________.

A) characterized by excessively large but weak striated muscles

B) characterized by excessive cramping of the muscles when exercising

C) a steady and uncontrollable deterioration of muscle mass in young adulthood D) an obsessive concern with one's muscle size


50) Genetics appears to play a role in ________.

A) both anorexia and bulimia B) bulimia but not anorexia C) neither anorexia nor bulimia D) anorexia, but not bulimia


51) The sexual drive is different from hunger and thirst in that the sexual drive ________. A) can be turned on and off by environmental cues

B) is vital only to the survival of the individual C) is vital only to the survival of the species

D) leads to responses which are shaped by experience


52) The major difference in animal and human sex drives is that ________. A) human sex drive is controlled by the male's reproductive system

B) human sex drive is controlled by the female's reproductive system C) humans are able to be interested in sex at any time

D) human sex drive is controlled by hormones


53) Chemicals that stimulate sexual readiness through the sense of smell are ________.

A) antigens B) androgens C) globulins D) pheromones


54) The correct chronological order of the phases of the sexual response cycle is ________. A) excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

B) resolution, plateau, excitement, orgasm C) plateau, excitement, orgasm, resolution D) resolution, excitement, plateau, orgasm


55) Sexual excitement seems to be influenced by the ________ and the ________. A) upper spinal cord; sympathetic nervous system

B) thyroid gland; ghrelin cortex C) parietal lobes; hypothalamus D) limbic system; insula


56) The researcher(s) known for discovering the sexual response cycle is (are) ________.

A) Alfred Kinsey B) Hobson & McCarley

C) Masters & Johnson D) Sigmund Freud


57) Married couples report having sex ________ often and being ________ satisfied with their sex lives than unmarried persons.

A) less; more B) less; less C) more; less D) more; more


58) Greg cannot stand being cooped up in a house all day. He is happiest when he is outdoors exploring his environment. His need to actively explore his neighborhood is a ________.

A) tertiary drive B) primary drive

C) stimulus motive D) secondary drive


59) Which of the following is NOT a stimulus motive?

A) curiosity B) power C) exploration D) manipulation


60) Which motive is LEAST influenced by external stimuli?

A) hunger B) curiosity C) contact D) exploration


61) Which motive is MOST influenced by external stimuli?

A) sex B) hunger C) curiosity D) thirst


62) Curiosity has been positively correlated with ________.

A) both creativity and intelligence B) intelligence, but not creativity C) neither intelligence nor creativity D) creativity, but not intelligence


63) Harry Harlow's famous experiments with isolated newborn monkeys provide convincing evidence that primates possess a strong ________.

A) need to control their environment B) need for contact C) need to manipulate objects D) activity drive


64) A recent study of premature low birthweight babies who were held and massaged found that they gained weight ________ and were ________ than those who were touched minimally.

A) slower; calmer B) faster; calmer

C) faster; more highly aroused D) slower; more highly aroused


65) The manipulation motive is ________.

A) limited to humans B) found in all mammals

C) found in all animals D) limited to primates


66) A monkey will huddle next to a cloth “mother” rather than a wire “mother” when scared, even when it was nursed from the wire “mother.” This is an example of the ________ motive.

A) contact B) exploration C) activity D) manipulation


67) According to a 2007 FBI report, some ________ women are battered by their partners each year. A) 3 million to 4 million B) 30,000 to 40,000

C) 30 million to 40 million D) 300,000 to 400,000


68) Which of the following is MOST closely linked to aggression?

A) emotional shock B) depression

C) humiliation D) frustration


69) Seeing an aggressor rewarded for his action leads to ________ aggression than seeing no aggression at all, and ________ aggression than seeing an aggressor punished.

A) more; more B) less; more C) more; less D) less; less


70) Studies of individualist and collectivist cultures find that ________.

A) individualist cultures tend to be lower than collectivist cultures in rates of aggressive behavior

B) both types of cultures have very high rates of aggressive behavior

C) collectivist cultures tend to be lower than individualist cultures in rates of aggressive behavior

D) both types of cultures are equally low in rates of aggressive behavior


71) Which of the following people is MOST likely to behave aggressively?

A) a male of any age from any culture B) an adolescent of either sex C) an American of either sex D) an Asian of either sex


72) A need for affiliation is a need to ________.

A) belong to a group or organization B) be associated with a large corporation C) be married or belong to a family D) be with other people


73) The affiliation motive is aroused by feeling ________.

A) independent B) sad C) threatened D) lonely


74) According to Helmreich and Spence's (1978) findings, having a high degree of ________ may interfere with achievement.

A) competitiveness B) work orientation

C) socialization D) mastery


75) Each of the following is one of the criteria for identifying a primary emotion EXCEPT it


A) contributes to survival B) is evident in all cultures C) is evident in all mammals

D) is associated with a distinct facial expression


76) Emotions that are found throughout one or more cultures, but not all cultures, are ________ emotions.

A) secondary B) tertiary C) regional D) reactive


77) Seeing a snake, running away from it, then becoming frightened is the sequence of events postulated by the ________ theory.

A) Cannon-Bard B) Yerkes-Dodson

C) Plutchik D) James-Lange


78) One of the problems associated with asthma is that once patients experience difficulty breathing, they often make their symptoms worse by concentrating on them and/or worrying about them. Consequently, many doctors include relaxation exercises as part of a treatment program to prevent patients from making their asthmatic reactions worse. This example of how our awareness of physiological changes can influence or even cause subsequent emotions is most supportive of which of the following theories of emotion?

A) James-Lange B) Cannon-Bard

C) Spiesman D) Schacter and Singer


79) The first modern theory of emotion was formulated by ________.

A) Bard B) Lange C) Cannon D) James


80) The ________ theory of emotion states that environmental stimuli cause physiological changes in our bodies and emotions result from those physiological changes.

A) cognitive B) Schacter-Singer

C) James-Lange D) Cannon-Bard


81) Which of the following is a cognitive theory of emotion?

A) Cannon-Bard B) James-Lange

C) Schachter and Singer D) Zajonc


82) The two-factor theory was created by ________.

A) Schachter and Singer B) James-Lange

C) Cannon-Bard D) Zajonc


83) A famous theorist argues that when we see a snake, there are bodily changes, but we then use information about the situation to tell us how to emotionally respond to those changes. This theorist's views are most similar to those of ________.

A) James and Lange B) Schachter and Singer

C) Cannon and Bard D) Zajonc


84) According to Zajonc, cognitions come ________ emotions.

A) before B) after

C) at the same time as D) in spite of


85) Izard's theory of emotion stresses the importance of ________.

A) facial movements B) visceral reactions

C) physiological arousal D) cognition


86) The ________ theory of emotion states that the experience of emotion occurs simultaneously with biological changes.

A) Schacter-Singer B) Cannon-Bard

C) cognitive D) James-Lange


87) Seeing a snake, and then simultaneously running away from it and becoming frightened, is the sequence of events postulated by the ________ theory.

A) Cannon-Bard B) Yerkes-Dodson

C) Plutchik D) James-Lange


88) Which theory maintains that emotion is caused by the interaction of physiological processes and interpretation or perceptions of the situation?

A) the Cannon-Bard theory B) cognitive theory C) the James-Lange theory D) activation theory


TRUE/FALSE. Write'T'ifthestatementistrueand'F'ifthestatementisfalse.

89) Physiological changes in the body are important in experiencing emotion. 89) 90) There is no universally recognized facial expression for love. 90)

91) Facial expressions influence the experience of emotion. 91)

MULTIPLECHOICE. Choosetheonealternativethatbestcompletesthestatementoranswersthequestion.

92) Activity in the brain circuits involving the ________ is critical for the release of emotions.

A) amygdala B) pons

C) corpus callosum D) thalamus


93) Activity in the brain circuits involving the ________ is critical for our ability to correctly interpret facial expressions.

A) thalamus B) cerebellum

C) corpus callosum D) amygdala


94) Hand gestures communicate ________, and facial expressions communicate ________. A) general emotional states; general emotional states

B) specific emotions; specific emotions C) general emotional states; specific emotions D) specific emotions; general emotional states


95) Bob tells Jan that he is feeling fine, but Jan doesn't believe him. What should she focus on to have the BEST chance to identify any emotions Bob might be hiding?

A) his body posture B) his vocal intonations

C) his words D) his facial expressions


96) In a recent study of professional “lie catchers,” only the ________ managed to identify the liars at a better-than-chance rate.

A) psychiatrists B) police officers

C) Secret Service agents D) government lie detector experts


97) Biological motivation includes the role of the hypothalmus. The hypothalmus maintains homeostasis

A) True B) False


Answer Key

Testname: CH 8 MEGA

1) B 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) D 6) C 7) D 8) C 9) A 10) D 11) C 12) A 13) D 14) A 15) B 16) C 17) B 18) C 19) D 20) C 21) A 22) D 23) A 24) B 25) D 26) C 27) D 28) B 29) D 30) D 31) B 32) C 33) TRUE 34) TRUE 35) TRUE 36) A 37) A 38) C 39) B 40) B 41) C 42) D 43) B 44) B 45) D 46) B 47) C 48) B


Answer Key

Testname: CH 8 MEGA

50) A 51) C 52) C 53) D 54) A 55) D 56) C 57) D 58) C 59) B 60) A 61) C 62) D 63) B 64) B 65) D 66) A 67) A 68) D 69) A 70) C 71) A 72) D 73) C 74) A 75) C 76) A 77) D 78) A 79) D 80) C 81) C 82) A 83) B 84) B 85) A 86) B 87) A 88) B 89) TRUE 90) TRUE 91) TRUE 92) A 93) D 94) C 95) D 96) C 97) A


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