Long-term divergent tidal flat benthic community recovery following
hypoxia-induced mortality
C. Van Colen
a,*, F. Montserrat
b,c, M. Vincx
a, P.M.J. Herman
b, T. Ysebaert
b,d, S. Degraer
a,e aGhent University, Department of Biology, Marine Biology Section, Krijgslaan 281/S8, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium b
Netherlands Institute for Ecological Research (NIOO-KNAW), Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, P.O. Box 140 4400 AC Yerseke, The Netherlands c
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Hydraulics Section, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands d
Wageningen University, Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies, P.O. Box 77 4400 AB Yerseke, The Netherlands e
Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Model, Marine Ecosystem Management Section, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Gulledelle 100, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Keywords: Macrobenthos Recovery Hypoxia
Estuarine tidal mudflat Interference from bioturbation
a b s t r a c t
Macrobenthos recovery after hypoxia-induced mass mortality was assessed in an estuarine tidal mudflat during 3 years. During the first 2 years, a Pearson–Rosenberg type of community recovery took place along with the improving bottom water oxygen conditions. After 3 months, spionid polychaetes became superabundant (i.e. opportunistic peak), followed rapidly by a steep decline (i.e. ecotone point). Subse-quently, a moderate increase in species richness and a steep increase in biomass, related to the growth of long-lived species occurred (i.e. transition region). Afterwards, however, the recovering community diverged again from the ambient, undisturbed, sediments due to enhanced recruitment success of long-lived species presumably resulting from the lowered interference from bioturbation during early recovery stages in the disturbed plots. Hence, despite early community recovery may be more or less deterministic, lagged divergent community reassembling may occur at the longer-term, thereby contrib-uting to benthos patchiness in areas which are frequently subjected to disturbances.
Ó2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Worldwide, about 85% of the coastline (Airoldi and Beck, 2007) is threatened by a wide range of anthropogenic disturbances
(Halpern et al., 2007, 2008).For instance, enhanced anthropogenic
nutrient inputs originating from increasing agricultural runoff and industrial sewage have resulted in depleted dissolved bottom water oxygen concentrations (DO) in shallow estuarine and coastal
sediments. When DO declines below 0.5 mg l1, mass mortality of
the macrobenthos may occur (Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008). Soft-sed-iment macrobenthic communities provide important ecological goods and services. For example, estuarine tidal flat macrobenthos
recycle nutrients (e.g.Lohrer et al., 2004), considerably alter
sedi-ment transport processes (e.g.Meysman et al., 2006; Solan et al.,
2008) and represent an important trophic linkage, being a food
source for epibenthic crustaceans, fish and birds (e.g. Hampel
et al., 2004) and by feeding on benthic algae and bacteria (e.g.
Her-man et al., 2000; Van Oevelen et al., 2006). Hence, depletion of the benthos can have dramatic consequences on estuarine ecosystem functioning. For environmental impact assessment and manage-ment it is therefore important to gather knowledge on
macroben-thic recovery dynamics after severe disturbance events (e.g. hypoxia).
The Pearson–Rosenberg (PR) model is a generally applied meth-od for examining macrobenthos community response to distur-bance, based on the development of the community species richness, abundance and biomass (SAB) (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978). The model originally exemplified the changes in faunal community structure in a stable, subtidal muddy habitat along a gradient from excessive organic enrichment to ‘normal’ conditions but has been shown to hold for physical disturbance (Rhoads and Germano, 1986) and recovery from oxygen deficiency (Rosenberg et al., 2002) as well. According to the PR model (Fig. 1), species richness, abundance and biomass are low at highest organic enrichment. A peak in abundance represents the point along the organic enrichment gradient were small-sized opportunists be-come superabundant and cause a secondary biomass maximum. This ‘opportunistic peak’ is followed by a steep decrease in abun-dance and a rapid increase in species richness, defined as the ‘eco-tone point’. Beyond this eco‘eco-tone, a ‘transition region’ occurs where the long-lived fauna dominate the community and cause a primary peak in biomass due to moderate organic enrichment. Afterwards,
the benthos declines to its background values. Furthermore,
Pear-son and Rosenberg (1987)stressed the availability of food as a
structuring factor of their PR model andNilsson and Rosenberg
(1997) related the successional community changes along the
0025-326X/$ - see front matterÓ2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 (0)9 2648532; fax: +32 (0)9 264 8598. E-mail address:[email protected](C. Van Colen).
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Marine Pollution Bulletin
disturbance gradient to a benthic habitat quality index, which takes the presence of (sub)surface biotic structures and the redox potential discontinuity (RPD) layer into account. The main advan-tage of the PR model is that the use of different simple univariate community characteristics allows for the definition of a general stress relationship, which can be compared across different ecosys-tems (Rakocinski et al., 2000). Moreover, the ratios between the different metrics in the model, have stimulated the development
of different biotic indices (seePinto et al., 2009for a review).
Despite the general applicability of the PR model, recovery stud-ies in shallow water and tidal flat sediments have yielded variable results, not always in full accordance to a typical PR recovery path-way. This may be ascribed to the limited temporal and spatial scale at which studies have been conducted: studies with a limited time frame may have been too short to identify full recovery, passing through all successional stages whereas small-scale studies will not identify different recovery stages due to the fast immigration of ambient organisms (Günther, 1992). In accordance to the PR model, the two large-scale recolonisation studies in North-Western European tidal flats which have lasted >1 year (Beukema et al., 1999; Dittmann et al., 1999) indicate an abundance overshoot of typical opportunistic species and early colonizers. However, both studies are not consistent with the total model because not all met-rics have been measured, e.g. biomass (Dittmann et al., 1999) or the total abundance remains high after an opportunistic peak due to very high abundances of later colonists (Beukema et al., 1999). Hence, overall, it remains relatively unclear whether the general-ized PR model can be applied to assess and predict community recovery following severe disturbances in tidal flats. We have there-fore examined, over a three year period, the recovery of tidal mud-flat macrobenthic community characteristics in large plots after complete mortality due to experimentally induced hypoxia. Previ-ously, we described the macrobenthic early succession during the first recruitment season (i.e. 6 months, April–September) (Van Co-len et al., 2008). In the present paper, we specifically addressed whether the macrobenthic community reassembled to control con-ditions at the long term (i.e. 3 years) or not and whether this recov-ery occurred in accordance with to PR model, or not.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study site and sampling
Temporal variation within the macrobenthos after
hypoxia-in-duced mass mortality was assessed in replicated 16 m2plots,
lo-cated at the Paulinapolder tidal mudflat (median particle
size = 65
m, mud content = 51%). This tidal flat is located inthe polyhaline part of the Westerschelde estuary (SW the Neth-erlands), has a semi-diurnal local tidal regime with a mean tidal range of 3.9 m and salinity ranges from 16 PSU in winter to 27 PSU in summer (Ysebaert, 2000). Hypoxic conditions were cre-ated by covering the sediment for 40 days with a water-proof polyethylene sheet (0.1 mm thick) and a tarpaulin sheet
(140 g m2) following Thrush et al. (1996), Beukema et al.
(1999)andDittmann et al. (1999)which resulted in a total
mor-tality of the macrobenthos community. At the opening of the plots, the sediment was hypoxic, characterized by a black surface and contained significantly higher ammonium pore water con-centrations in the upper 10 cm as compared to the controls
(i.e. >25,000
g l1 vs.4000
g l1). After the opening of theplots (i.e. 30 March 2005), macrobenthos and environmental temporal development was monitored 21 times during the first 9 months (i.e. until 19 December 2005), and subsequently at every end of March and September until 26 March 2008. To as-sess recovery status of the reassembling macrobenthos commu-nity and environmental variables, samples were also collected from control (i.e. undisturbed) plots. In March 2006, however, extra control samples taken in the immediate vicinity of the con-trol and treatment plots indicated large differences in community structure from the ‘original’ control samples (i.e. average com-munity dissimilarity = 30% with significant lower abundances for Pygospio elegans (787 vs. 5174 ind. m2
) and Aphelochaeta
marioni (1521 vs. 2445 ind. m2) in the ‘original’ control sam-ples). To enable a further, proper investigation of the colonization and recovery status, unbiased by effects due to the repeated sampling, we removed the March 2006 sampling point from the dataset and continued sampling in three ‘new’, control and treatment plots. The ‘new’ treatment plots were opened at the same time as the ‘original’ ones but were generally undisturbed. For every sampling occasion, a randomly selected subplot
(37.537.5 cm) was sampled in each of the triplicate treatment
and control plots for macrobenthos, Chlorophyll a (Chl a), mud
content and ammonium (NHþ
4) pore water concentrations.
Mac-robenthos was sampled with a core (inner Ø 12.5 cm) to a depth of 40 cm and fixed with a neutralised 8% formalin solution. In the laboratory, macrobenthic samples were sieved through a 0.5 mm mesh and the residual was fixed and preserved until processing using a neutralised 4% formalin solution with 0.01% Rose Bengal. All macrofauna was sorted, counted and identified to the species level, except for tubificid oligochaetes. Bivalve biomasses were obtained by determination of the ash free dry weight (4 h
com-bustion at 450°C of 24 h, 60°C dried individuals) and the
biomass of other macrobenthos was calculated by multiplying the organisms’ blotted wet weight with a species-specific ISO certified wet weight-ash free dry weight conversion factor (Sist-ermans et al., 2007). Sediment for quantification of environmen-tal variables was sampled using perspex cores (inner ø 3.6 cm for
Chl a and mud content, inner ø 6.3 cm for NHþ4) and placed on
dry ice (70°C) in the dark. Upon arrival in the laboratory,
sam-ples were sliced (top 3 mm for Chl a, top 10 mm for mud content
and at depths of 0, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 mm for NHþ
4) and
stored at80°C (Chl a) or20°C (mud content and NHþ
await-ing analysis. Chl a concentration was determined usawait-ing HPLC analysis of the supernatant which was extracted from the
lyoph-TR E OP
Disturbance gradient
Fig. 1.Graphical model of infaunal succession stage distribution along a gradient of increasing environmental disturbance (afterPearson and Rosenberg, 1978), and the associated benthic habitat quality (BHQ) index (afterNilsson and Rosenberg, 1997). OP = peak of opportunists, E = ecotone point and TR = the transition region.
ilised sediment by adding 10 ml 90% acetone and placing it in a ball mill for 20 s and centrifugation for 5 min at 1500 rpm
(Jef-frey et al., 1997). Sediment mud content (% <63
m) wasdeter-mined using laser diffraction (Malvern Mastersizer 2000) and
4 pore water concentrations were quantified using a
seg-mented flow analyser (SANplus SKALAR). For further details on
the study site, experimental set up and abiotic and biotic sample
processing, the reader is referred to Van Colen et al. (2008,
2009a), Montserrat et al. (2008)and Rossi et al. (2008).
2.2. Statistical analysis
In order to analyze macrobenthos recovery patterns at the long term, community composition data representing different succes-sion stages inferred from our detailed short-term recovery
moni-toring (i.e. March 2005, June 2005 and September 2005; Van
Colen et al., 2008) were completed with community composition data retrieved from the long-term recovery monitoring (i.e. Sep-tember 2006, March 2007, SepSep-tember 2007 and March 2008). As mentioned above, we removed the March 2006 sampling point from the dataset to avoid biased results due to repeated sampling. The temporal variation of species richness, total abundance, total biomass and the abundance of the four most abundant species at each sampling occasion in the treatment plots, was examined
using one-way analysis of variance, after data were log (x+ 1)
transformed in order to met homogeneity of variance (Bartlett– Cochran test). To detect significant differences between sampling occasions, Student-Neuman-Keuls (SNK) post hoc tests were ap-plied. Furthermore, we defined recovery as the point at which
Mann–Whitney-U-tests (MWU), performed at each sampling
occa-sion separately, detected no significant differences between both plot types. Using the PRIMER v6 software package (Clarke and Gor-ley, 2006), differences between control and treatment communi-ties at each sampling occasion were analyzed using the one-way ANOSIM test on square root transformed abundance and biomass data and differences were visualized by multi-dimensional scaling. Furthermore, the similarity within developing communities at each sampling occasion, the dissimilarity between treatment and control communities at each sampling occasion and the species that contributed most to these (dis)similarities were identified using the SIMPER test on square root transformed abundance and biomass data. All abovementioned analysis of variances and analyses of (dis)similarities are performed using all replicates per sampling occasion per plot type (i.e. control and treatment).
Final-ly, the Warwick-statistic (W,Clarke, 1990) was calculated on the
species densities and biomasses per replicate plot to investigate changes in the community biomass/abundance relationship. W
in-creases to +1 for communities with an even abundance across spe-cies but biomass is dominated by a single spespe-cies, whereas W
decreases to1 in the converse case (Clarke and Gorley, 2006).
Table 1
Averaged ± SEM (n= 3) NHþ
4pore water concentrations (lg l 1
) in the upper 10 cm, Chl a concentration (lg g1
dry sediment) in the upper 3 mm and mud content (% <63lm) in the upper first cm sediment layer of control and treatment plots. J, S and M refer to June, September and March, respectively.
M05 J05 S05 S06 M07 S07 M08 Control NH4+ 0–1 cm 3643 ± 198 7787 ± 892 4386 ± 2552 10,048 ± 2394 1548 ± 180 5306 ± 576 2725 ± 261 NH4+ 1–2 cm 4205 ± 586 12,996 ± 693 6436 ± 2507 9730 ± 3073 3093 ± 487 4774 ± 106 3473 ± 857 NH4+ 2–3 cm 3521 ± 1169 16,846 ± 3874 4641 ± 696 6783 ± 589 2520 ± 376 2568 ± 369 2436 ± 926 NH4+ 3–5 cm 4328 ± 1424 16,259 ± 1197 3731 ± 2215 6603 ± 2158 1853 ± 320 3118 ± 840 1931 ± 344 NH4+ 5–10 cm 4124 ± 176 6597 ± 268 2871 ± 714 3904 ± 707 1852 ± 187 3757 ± 542 3424 ± 1079 Chl a 0–3 mm 6.7 ± 0.4 9.3 ± 0.7 9.4 ± 1.2 16.8 ± 4.1 3.8 ± 0.7 15.2 ± 2.2 3.5 ± 1.5 % Mud 0–1 cm 40.7 ± 1.8 36.8 ± 2.8 42.3 ± 5.2 35.6 ± 1.3 29.9 ± 4.3 38.8 ± 1.6 39.6 ± 2.6 Treatment NH4+ 0–1 cm 51,338 ± 20,684 11428 ± 1171 3976 ± 778 8309 ± 1387 1826 ± 289 3864 ± 205 2562 ± 64 NH4+ 1–2 cm 46,477 ± 20,196 6055 ± 93 3910 ± 758 10,554 ± 3253 2208 ± 539 3191 ± 441 2130 ± 465 NH4+ 2–3 cm 40,772 ± 18,479 5009 ± 302 3940 ± 1012 8040 ± 1461 2345 ± 737 3500 ± 1179 1612 ± 220 NH4+ 3–5 cm 35,089 ± 15,214 6409 ± 1127 3785 ± 630 3022 ± 51 2899 ± 660 2516 ± 478 1202 ± 52 NH4+ 5–10 cm 26,683 ± 9838 11,731 ± 2034 7902 ± 1351 3877 ± 750 1826 ± 196 2117 ± 290 2611 ± 455 Chl a 0–3 mm 4.7 ± 0.5 10.5 ± 0.8 17.5 ± 4.1 16.0 ± 4.5 3.8 ± 0.8 18.5 ± 5.4 6.0 ± 4.0 % Mud 0–1 cm 44.7 ± 2.2 47.9 ± 0.7 40.9 ± 1.0 37.9 ± 2.8 24.9 ± 6.9 41.6 ± 2.0 36.9 ± 0.8 0 4 8 12 16 Species richness S
* *
0 25 50 75 100 (10³ ind.m Total abundance N -²) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 -²)Total biomass (g AFDW.m
* *
Fig. 2.Mean + SEM temporal distribution of species richness (upper panel), total abundance (middle panel) and total biomass (lower panel) in control (white bars) and treatment sediments (grey bars). J, S and M refer to June, September and March, respectively. Asterisks denote significant differences between treatments according to Mann–Whitney-Utesting.
3. Results
3.1. Univariate analyses
Table 1presents the temporal variation of NHþ
4pore water
con-centrations in the upper 10 cm, Chl a concentration in the upper 3 mm and mud content in the upper first cm sediment layer of con-trol and treatment plots. After recovering sediments initially devel-oped higher Chl a and mud content values as compared to the controls, these variables returned to ambient levels in September 2005 (Table 1) (Montserrat et al., 2008; Van Colen et al., 2008). Fur-ther, a clear seasonal pattern with in general higher Chl a concen-trations in September as compared to March was prevalent. The
NHþ4 pore water concentrations in the upper sediment layers (0–
1–2–3 cm) returned to ambient levels in September 2005, whereas such recovery in the deeper sediment layers took longer (i.e. Sep-tember 2006–March 2007).
In the treatments, highest species richness and total biomass was found in September 2007 (i.e. 2.5 year after opening of the plots), whereas the total abundance peaked in June 2005. These general community characteristics all exhibited a significant tem-poral variation but recovery to control values was variable-specific
(Fig. 2). Mann–Whitney-Utests (MWU) performed for each
sam-pling occasion separately depicted (1) no significant differences in species richness from June 2005 onwards, (2) a significantly higher abundance in June 2005 and (3) no biomass recovery before September 2006.
The temporal variation in abundance of the four most dominant
species at each sampling occasion is presented inFig. 3. These
spe-cies comprised >70% of the total macrobenthic abundance at each
sampling occasion and all, exceptHydrobia ulvae, displayed a
sig-nificant temporal variation (p< 0.05; one-way analysis of
vari-ance). Dominant species in June 2005 were the bivalveMacoma
balthicaand the polychaetesNereis diversicolor,Heteromastus filifor-mis, Polydora cornuta and Pygospio elegans, comprising
to-gether >95% of the total abundance; the spionid polychaetes P.
elegansandP. cornutashowed a significant abundance overshoot
(MWUp< 0.05) and the other species were no longer significantly
different from the controls. Further, the abundance of all dominant species in June 2005 was significantly reduced at all later sampling
occasions (SNK post hoc testp< 0.05) but, nonetheless, still
domi-nated the community in September 2005 (i.e. >80% of the total abundance). Contrary, significantly higher abundances as com-pared to June 2005 were found for tubificid oligochaetes from
Sep-0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 4000 8000 12000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 2000 4000 6000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 2500 5000 7500 10000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 20000 40000 60000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 0 2000 4000 6000 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 Abundance (ind.m -²) * * * * * * * * * * * *
A. marioni N. diversicolor M. batlhica
P. elegans H. ulvae P. cornuta
H. filiformis Tubificid oligochaetes S.benedicti
0 4000 8000 J 05 20000 * * * * * * * * * * Abundance (ind.m -²) -- * * * * * * * * * * *
Fig. 3.Mean + SEM temporal distribution of the abundance ofAphelochaeta marioni,Pygospio elegans,Heteromastus filiformis,Nereis diversicolor,Hydrobia ulvae, tubificid oligochaets,Macoma balthica,Polydora cornutaandStreblospio benedictiin control (white bars) and treatment sediments (grey bars). J, S and M refer to June, September and March, respectively. Asterisks denote significant differences between treatments according to Mann–Whitney-Utesting.
tember 2006 onwards and forAphelochaeta marioni from March
2007 onwards (SNK post hoc test p< 0.05). Nevertheless, in
comparison with the controls, a significantly lower abundance of the tubificid oligochaetes still remained in March 2008 (MWU
p< 0.05).
3.2. Multivariate biotic analyses
The SIMPER analysis identified the species that typified the community at each development stage (Table 2) and those that distinguished most between control and recovering communities
Table 2
Summary of SIMPER results indicating the average abundance (ind. m2
), biomass (g AFDW m2
), the species-specific contribution (%S) and cumulative contribution (%CS) of the top 5 typifying species to the community similarity at each sampling occasion in the treatment plots. J, S and M refer to June, September and March, respectively. Species abundances and biomasses were square root transformed prior to the analysis.
Abundance Biomass
Species Abundance S% CS% Species Biomass S% CS%
Pygospio elegans 205.23 35.73 35.73 Nereis diversicolor 1.88 24.67 24.67
Polydora ligni 100.06 14.90 50.63 Pygospio elegans 1.73 22.35 47.02
Heteromastus filiformis 82.46 12.85 63.48 Macoma balthica 1.40 17.74 64.76
Nereis diversicolor 65.60 11.39 74.87 Heteromastus filiformis 0.86 9.46 74.22
Macoma balthica 64.02 10.01 84.88 Hydrobia ulvae 0.72 8.19 82.41
Pygospio elegans 76.04 22.89 22.89 Nereis diversicolor 1.52 23.68 23.68
Heteromastus filiformis 55.33 20.88 43.76 Macoma balthica 1.49 20.15 43.83
Macoma balthica 39.32 11.82 55.58 Heteromastus filiformis 1.34 14.09 57.91
Eteone longa 32.38 11.58 67.16 Hydrobia ulvae 1.37 12.52 70.43
Nereis diversicolor 33.14 11.02 78.18 Eteone longa 0.70 11.64 82.07
Pygospio elegans 102.21 27.17 27.17 Scrobicularia plana 3.45 24.07 24.07
Heteromastus filiformis 43.39 12.75 39.92 Macoma balthica 1.68 13.65 37.72
Hydrobia ulvae 44.78 9.74 49.66 Hydrobia ulvae 1.63 12.83 50.55
Aphelochaeta marioni 43.67 9.51 59.17 Pygospio elegans 1.28 11.20 61.74
Nereis diversicolor 41.04 9.33 68.50 Nereis diversicolor 1.31 10.82 72.56
Pygospio elegans 69.42 22.42 22.42 Macoma balthica 2.19 27.75 27.75
Aphelochaeta marioni 56.64 15.22 37.64 Nereis diversicolor 1.71 16.04 43.79
Heteromastus filiformis 35.50 13.45 51.09 Scrobicularia plana 1.59 13.41 57.20
Macoma balthica 29.64 10.92 62.01 Heteromastus filiformis 1.03 12.17 69.36
Hydrobia ulvae 34.03 9.75 71.76 Hydrobia ulvae 1.35 11.82 81.19
Pygospio elegans 93.04 22.57 22.57 Hydrobia ulvae 1.79 30.40 30.40
Hydrobia ulvae 48.45 11.27 33.84 Macoma balthica 2.06 17.26 47.66
Nereis diversicolor 46.32 11.23 45.07 Heteromastus filiformis 1.01 17.22 64.87
Heteromastus filiformis 38.37 8.98 54.05 Nereis diversicolor 1.09 7.18 72.05
Aphelochaeta marioni 50.34 8.86 62.91 Pygospio elegans 0.57 7.16 79.21
Aphelochaeta marioni 80.99 20.61 20.61 Macoma balthica 2.35 25.62 25.62
Pygospio elegans 75.50 18.24 38.85 Scrobicularia plana 4.24 21.32 46.94
Streblospio benedicti 33.64 10.33 49.18 Hydrobia ulvae 1.18 11.6 58.55
Hydrobia ulvae 30.97 9.16 58.33 Nereis diversicolor 1.07 10.85 69.39
Heteromastus filiformis 31.14 8.14 66.48 Aphelochaeta marioni 1.12 9.46 78.85
Table 3
Results of SIMPER and ANOSIM analysis based on abundance (a) and biomass (b), indicating the difference between control and treatment communities at each sampling occasion and the two most discriminating species. Underlined contributions to the dissimilarity (%D) indicate higher average abundances/biomasses in the treatments as compared to the controls.
R-value Dissimilarity (%) Species D% Species D%
(a) Abundance
March 2005 1 100 H. filiformis 26.0 Oligochaeta 14.0
June 2005 1 40.4 P. elegans 25.9 P. ligni 15.8
September 2005 0.63 33.8 P. elegans 17.8 Oligochaeta 16.3
September 2006 0.037 22.9 A. marioni 19.7 H. ulvae 13.5
March 2007 0.185 30.2 A. marioni 26.1 P. elegans 10.1
September 2007 0.519 27.8 A. marioni 27.6 H. ulvae 8.4
March 2008 0.519 26.0 A. marioni 15.6 Oligochaeta 15.5
(b) Biomass
March 2005 1 100 C. edule 41.4 M. balthica 13.9
June 2005 1 61.0 C. edule 43.8 M. balthica 15.8
September 2005 0.926 60.2 C. edule 42.7 M. balthica 22.2
September 2006 0.185 36.4 C. edule 39.2 S. plana 13.7
March 2007 0.074 35.5 C. edule 45.7 S. plana 11.2
September 2007 0.222 57.1 C. edule 43.9 S. plana 22.3
(Table 3). The temporal variation of the change in community bio-mass and abundance dissimilarity between treatment and control communities illustrated a clear community recovery until Septem-ber 2006–March 2007 (Table 3). Overall, a faster convergence dur-ing this recovery period was found for analyses based on species abundances than for analyses based on species biomasses.
Accord-ing to theirR-statistic, control and treatment communities were no
longer clearly separable in September 2006 and March 2007 (R <
0.25), which is further illustrated by their overlap in de MDS ordi-nation diagram (Fig. 4a and c). Later on, the averaged community dissimilarity based on biomass increased again, indicating a
diver-gence between control and treatment communities (Table 3,Fig. 4c
and d). Species that contributed most to the community
dissimilar-ity before September 2006 were the spionid polychaetesP. elegans
andP. cornutafor analyses based on abundances and the bivalves Cerastoderma eduleandM. balthicafor analyses based on species biomasses (Table 3). From September 2006 onwards, differences
in abundances were mainly due to A. marioni and Oligochaeta
which both only partly recovered, whereasC. edule,Scrobicularia
plana and M. balthicacontributed most to the dissimilarities in
community biomass after September 2006.Cerastoderma edule
bio-mass remained low in the treatment plots throughout the study period, whereas distinct, however not significant, higher biomasses
were observed in the treatments forS. planain September 2007
and March 2008 and forM. balthicain March 2008 (Fig. 5,Table
3). In general, despite a small drop in March 2007, an increase of the Warwick-statistic was apparent throughout the course of the experiment (Fig. 6). This indicates a shift from a community
dom-inated by a few small-sized short-lived species in June 2005 (e.g.P.
elegansandP. cornuta) towards a community where the biomass is
dominated by a few large, long-lived species, represented by rather
few individuals in March 2008 (e.g.S. planaandM. balthica) (Table
2,Fig. 6).
4. Discussion
4.1. Temporal patterns of recolonizing assemblages and environmental variables
Along with improving bottom water oxygen conditions, as indi-cated by the decrease in ammonium pore water concentrations, macrobenthos species richness, abundance and biomass (SAB) recovery performed a clear nonlinear pattern, as is summarized
in Fig. 6. Until September 2006–March 2007, the macrobenthos
generally reassembled in concordance with the Pearson–Rosen-berg species–abundance–biomass curves (Pearson and RosenPearson–Rosen-berg, 1978) and the associated successive zones in benthic habitat qual-ity (BHQ) (Nilsson and Rosenberg, 1997). Yet, no significant in-crease in species richness and no clear drop in the total biomass at the ecotone point were prevalent.
At the study site, the majority of the species spawns in spring and subsequently passes through a dispersive, pelagic larval stage. Therefore most species were able to settle rapidly into the treat-ment plots in late spring or summer (i.e. within 3 months after hy-poxia) (Van Colen et al., 2008). Recovery of the few species which
lack a pelagic larval phase (i.e.A. marioniand tubificid
oligochae-tes) took longer and merely resulted in a modest increase in species richness after the opportunistic peak. This finding corrobo-rates with the general idea that species colonization at a large
6 0 . 0 : s s e r t S D 2 4 1 . 0 : s s e r t S D 2 8 0 . 0 : s s e r t S D 2 7 1 . 0 : s s e r t S D 2
Abundance all stations Abundance averaged
Biomass all stations Biomass averaged
September 2006 Defaunated June 2005 Control June 2005 Defaunated September 2005 Control September 2005 Defaunated September 2006 Control March 2007 Control March 2007 Defaunated September 2007 Control September 2007 Defaunated March 2008 Control March 2008 Defaunated
Fig. 4.Multi-dimensional scaling showing the changes in benthic community structure from June 2005 to March 2008, based on squareroot transformed abundance (a, b) and biomass (c, d) data. The line in b and d indicates the averaged recovery trajectory.
scale, and thus species number recovery time, is mainly dependent on postlarval settlement by pelagic recruits because these stages
can disperse over large areas (e.g. Günther, 1992; Whitlatch
et al., 1998).
The absence of a significant biomass drop at the ecotone point is presumably related to the combined effect of (1) the very low
body mass of the small-sized opportunistsP. elegansandP.
corn-uta (Anger et al., 1986; Zajac, 1991) and (2) the growth of the
long-lived species M. balthica, H. filiformis and N. diversicolor,
which had already recruited very abundantly preceding the eco-tone point. The successful recruitment of the latter species pre-sumably resulted from the low interference from surface disrupting and biodiffusing bioturbatory activities of large macro-benthos during early recovery stages (Fraschetti et al., 2002). Moreover, these stable circumstances resulted in the develop-ment of a dense microphytobentos mat during the first three months of recovery (Montserrat et al., 2008) and enhanced settle-ment in such dense biofilms has been experisettle-mentally illustrated (Van Colen et al., 2009b). In concordance with the PR model,
bio-mass recovery was slow which corroborates Beukema et al.
(1999)who found no biomass recovery during their 4 year
mon-itoring period because >4 year oldMya arenariawere present in
the control sediments. Recovery of biomass coincided with the
recovery of the NHþ
4pore water concentrations in the deeper
sed-iment layers in September 2006–March 2007 which indicates the important role of bioturbation by large macrofauna for the deni-trification of hypoxic and anoxic sediments (Andersson, 2007). Furthermore, beyond biomass recovery at the end of the transi-tion period, we observed a marked temporal variatransi-tion in total community biomass with a maximum biomass in September 2007, flanked by steep drops in March 2007 and March 2008 (Fig. 6). These dips corresponded with the biomass decreases of
the large bivalves C. edule and S. plana. Herman et al. (2000)
and Rossi and Middelburg (unpublished data) showed that both species feed little on microalgal carbon. Consequently, the bio-mass decrease of both species seems not due the lowered avail-ability of microalgal carbon in March 2007 and March 2008, as indicated by the low Chl a concentrations. However, in contrast toM. balthica, C. edule andS. plana are extremely vulnerable to low (winter) temperatures (Guerreiro, 1998; Strasser et al., 2001). Therefore, besides biomass increase during the growing season (i.e. spring-summer), the temporal variation in biomass
seems also related to winter mortality ofC. eduleandS. plana.
4.2. Long-term divergent community reassembling
With respect for biomass community (dis)similarities, control and treatment communities diverged beyond the transition period.
This pattern mainly resulted from the higher biomasses ofS. plana
in September 2007 and March 2008 and ofM. balthicain March
2008 in the treatments due to a significant higher recruitment in
the treatments ofM. balthicain 2005 and ofS. planain 2006 and
2007 (this study;Van Colen et al., 2008). We suggest that the
sur-face deposit feeding juveniles of these two species have benefited
from the low bioturbation ofC. edulein the treatments throughout
the course of the experiment. After the moderate recruitment in
2005,C. eduleabundances declined in both control and treatments
which corresponded with its observed recruitment failure in 2006 and 2007 in the whole Westerschelde estuary (Kesteloo et al., 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 g AFDW.m-² 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 g AFDW.m-² 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Abundance (ind.m -²) 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 J 05 S 05 S 06 M 07 S 07 M 08 g AFDW.m-² 0 100 200 300 400 Abundance (ind.m -²) Cerastoderma edule Macoma balthica Scrobicularia plana * * * * *
Fig. 5.Mean + SEM temporal distribution of the biomass ofCerastoderma edule (upper panel),Macoma balthica(middle panel) andScrobicularia plana(lower panel) in control (white bars) and treatment sediments (grey bars). J, S and M refer to June, September and March, respectively. Averaged abundance in controls (solid line) and treatments (dashed line) is presented on the right y-axis. Asterisks denote significant biomass differences between treatments according to Mann–Whitney-Utesting. W statistic Ammonium Species number Biomass Abundance 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time since opening plots (days) OP E TR
Fig. 6.Temporal variation of (a) the ammonium pore water concentration at the 3– 5 cm sediment layer and the Warwick-statistic (W), and (b) species richness, total abundance and total biomass. Data points are normalized averaged values (n= 3) and OP, E and TR refer to the peak of opportunists, the ecotone point and the transition region of the Pearson–Rosenberg model (1978).
2007, 2008). Cerastoderma edule is a suspension feeding bivalve which crawls through the superficial sediment layers, thereby affecting both the abiotic and biotic parts of its environment (Ciu-tat et al., 2006; Flach, 1996) and is considered an important biotur-bator at our study site (Montserrat et al., 2009). Moreover the
inhibitory impact ofC. eduleon benthic recruitment success has
been demonstrated byFlach (1996).
In conclusion, the community divergence indicated that mac-robenthic community recovery should not necessarily be
conver-gent and deterministic at the long term because biotic
interactions at early recovery stages may give rise to community divergence at later stages whenever the impact of the affected species becomes greatest. Hence, in addition to the prevailing environmental variability and biotic interactions, such lagged community divergence may contribute to benthos patchiness in tidal flat habitats which are regularly subjected to disturbances (e.g. hypoxic conditions resulting from algal bloom
decomposi-tion; Bolam and Fernandes, 2002; Norkko and Bonsdorff, 1996;
Reise, 1985). Acknowledgements
We thank D. Van Gansbeke, G. De Smet and I. Pauwels for their assistance during the processing of the samples, as well as B. Beuselinck, D. Peelaers, J. van Soelen and B. Koutstaal for their help during sampling. This research was financially supported by the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders, Belgium (IWT Vlaanderen), FWO Vlaander-en (FWO-Kiss 3G048005), the Dutch Technology Foundation STW, applied sciences division of NWO and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. This paper contributes to the Ghent University BBSea Project (GOA 01600705) and the EU Net-work of Excellence Marbef (GOCE-CT-2003-505446). This is NIOO-KNAW publication number 4639.
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