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A place for everything, everything in its place Benjamin Franklin


Academic year: 2021

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A place for everything,

everything in its place


I create software – holistic approach

● Technology (Java, Java EE) and Craftsmanship ● Design, architecture, usability

● Exploration of methodologies and best practices

I work as a trainer and consultant

● Java technologies

● Software engineering ● Community

● Leader of Lublin Java Users Group ● Blogger, speaker, publisher...


Challenges of software

Domain Driven Design

● introduction

● advanced topics

Technical and architectural

aspects of implementation

When to use DDD

Beyond DDD


Business software

No sophisticated stuff

● nothing like Fast Fourier Transform

Just simple operations...

● just multiplied by 1000:)

● synergy of simple components ● continuously changing

● We need a structure for dozens of


●You read code and understand nothing

● You can't see any rules or process

●You don't know how to translate

business requirements to code

●You change code and nothing works

●Now it's Your problem:)




● inherent and unavoidable ● depends on problem


● caused by chosen approach ● depends on solution


The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Entropy does not diminish


Cowards solution

Cowards solution;)


What would You change...

if You start everything from the beginning?



New server

New version

of the server


Dynamic language

Another web




doing the



over and over



Where is the problem?

Data access layer

Logic layer


It's all about the model

Model needs care

Model is a heart of the system

● reason why creating it ● main value

● advantage factor

Modelling is the toughest part

● weak model leads to failure


Unstructured design

Just adding new features – with no care about


● big ball of mud

● chaos and anarchy ● costs in long term


What model IS NOT

Database is


a model

just data structure – very technical

no behavior

static – we can't see whats going on


What model IS FOR

continous knowledge gathering

about rules

about dynamics


(client … developer) understanding of





What model IS

Real model

description and simplification for current needs

no unimportant stuff – avoid mental overload

knowledge base - rules and behavior


●General concept

● technology and platform independent

●Set of design and analysis techniques

● focus on domain logic layer ● complexity reduction

● extension-ability and changeability

Pragmatic approach to OOD and OOA


„There is technically nothing new

or revolutionary in DDD,

there is only a guide to a better way of thinking.”


●Focus on behavioral model

●Common (Ubiquitous) Language ●Strategic modeling

● Core Domain ● Contexts

●Domain Layer – OOD ● Data and rules

● Roles that implicate responsibility ● Responsibility Driven Design



Language of the model

If domain expert don't understand



Problems with models

No model

just add features (somewhere;)

Model at the beginning, but no maintenance

● useless, inadequate documents

Distinct jargon leads to need of translation

● translation leads to errors and misunderstandings

Pure analytical model – fails fast

● unimplementable models are useless


Solution: Ubiquitous language

Model must be bind to code

● modeling in right paradigm – there is no pure

modeling support for procedural paradigm

● OOD techniques used by annalists ● building blocks...

Modeler must code

● coding is not low-skilled job

● result: creating implementable models


“Good picture is worth more than 1000 words”

●Not only UML

●Use any form that supports common understanding

and communication

● Client specific diagrams ● Sketch


System metaphor

Software design tend to be abstract

● hard to grasp

Organize design around metaphor

● absorb vocabulary

Find metaphor in real world that

describes your system

● loose, easy do understand ● large scale structure


Domain Model

Analysis Domain ModelDesign

+ ==

Domain Logic Layer


How to bind model and code?

Responsibility Driven Design

● Define roles that objects can play ● Roles determines responsibility



User interface

Infrastructure Application logic

Domain logic

Thin layer - just coordinates and delegates to domain

Heart of the system – model of the business concepts and rules

Technical capabilities - may exist as a few layers (persistence, messages, etc)

Presentation – can be very sophisticated; do not underestimate


Building Blocks of Domain Layer

Entities (not anemic)

Value Objects


Services (business)

Policies and Specifications

Business events




Object that need to be distinguished

● even if attributes are the same ● some ID

Not only data

Also behavior (business responsibility)

● characteristic ● essential


Value Objects

Just description of some characteristic

No distinction – no identity

VOs are the same if their attributes are the same

Typical usage:

● attributes of call between objects

Usually immutable - because has no identity

● therefore can be reusable – we don't care which instance

is being used

Usually no need to persist


Power of VOs

Expression of business concepts


conceptual power

more meaningful than just String

May contain useful methods (instead of utils)


constructor may validate input


● color, point (source, destination) ● address*, phone number


Candidates for VO

Strings with format limitations

● zip code

● name

Numbers with limitations

● percentage ● quantity

Business object's arguments/returns

● money – composed: amount + currency

– maybe can be exchanged?

● address



Business Services

● Sometimes it just isn't a thing

● OO is not always proper approach

● OO is not always possible (human factor)

When can not find natural "home" in Entity/VO

Operation without state

● Defined in terms of other Building Block

Should not strip Entity/VO of all their




Cluster of objects (Entity/VOs)

● inner objects can reference each other inside ● boundary with one root

Outer entity is Aggregate root

● controls access - encapsulation


Encapsulation is virtue


getPeritoneum().getStomach(). add(new Sausage(2));


getPeritoneum().getStomach(). add(new Sausage(2));

human.eat(new Sausage(2));

public void eat(Food f){ if (! iLike(f))

thow new IDontLikeItException(f); this.digestionSystem.swallow(f);


human.eat(new Sausage(2));

public void eat(Food f){ if (! iLike(f))

thow new IDontLikeItException(f); this.digestionSystem.swallow(f);



public class Order{

@Id private OrderId id;

@OneToMany private List<OrderItem> items = new ArrayList<OrderItem>();

private BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(0);

//.... status, createDate, rebatePolicy, productRepository,...

public void add(ProductId id, int quantity){

Product p = productRepository.load(id);

OrderItem oi = orderItemFactory.build(p, quantity, rebatePolicy); items.add(oi);

sum = sum.add(oi.getCost()); }

public void submit(){

if (status != Status.NEW)

throw new InvalidStateException();

status = Status.IN_PROGRESS; createDate = new Date();

eventsManager.handle(orderEventsFactory.orderSubmitted(this)); }

public Iterator<OrderItem> getOrderItems(){

return items.iterator();

} }


public class Order{

@Id private OrderId id;

@OneToMany private List<OrderItem> items = new ArrayList<OrderItem>();

private BigDecimal sum = new BigDecimal(0);

//.... status, createDate, rebatePolicy, productRepository,...

public void add(ProductId id, int quantity){ Product p = productRepository.load(id);

OrderItem oi = orderItemFactory.build(p, quantity, rebatePolicy); items.add(oi);

sum = sum.add(oi.getCost()); }

public void submit(){

if (status != Status.NEW)

throw new InvalidStateException(); status = Status.IN_PROGRESS;

createDate = new Date();

eventsManager.handle(orderEventsFactory.orderSubmitted(this)); }

public Iterator<OrderItem> getOrderItems(){

return items.iterator(); }


Builder Design Pattern


●Use factory when creation of Entity/Aggregate is complicated ●Factory prevents from invalid Domain Object

● if “raw material” is invalid than factory vetoes ●Options

● add factory method to closely related objects ● if creating VO consider Singleton

●Architectural aspects

● when creating ORM Entities (out of IoC containter control) ● than inject dependencies manually in factory method



●Storage abstraction of objects (Entity/Aggregate) of some type

●Encapsulates DB access

● decoupling domain and technical stuff

●Retrieves objects by

● identity

● business criteria (in business Use Cases)


AOP Transactions

Application Service

OrdersRepository InvoicesRepository

OrmOrdersRepositoryImpl OrmInvoicesRepositoryImpl

Persistence Unit + Transactions Manager



Process as a Domain Object

● makes it explicit

● extends Ubiquitous Language

Simply: Strategy Design Pattern

Useful when there is more than one way to

carry out a process

● if process variations can be covered

by common interface


public class Order{

//FIXME: change to BigDecimal private double totalCost;

private TaxPolicy taxPolicy;

private RebatePolicy rebatePolicy; public void submit(){

totalCost-=rebatePolicy.calculateRebate(this); totalCost-=taxPolicy.calculateTax(this); ... } } <<interface>> TaxPolicy calculateTax(order) PolishTaxPolicy UKTaxPolicy

Policy example


IoC Container

Policy injection

getOrderFactory return OrderFactory OrderFactory PolishTaxPolicy setTaxPolicy



public class OrderFactory{

private TaxPolicy taxPolicy;

private RebatePolicy rebatePolicy; @Autowired

public OrderFactory(TaxPolicy tp, RebatePolicy rp){ this.taxPolicy = tp; this.rebatePolicy=rp;


public Order createOrder(...){ Order o = new Order(...);


o.setRebatePolicy(rebatePolicy); }



public class PolishTaxPolicy implements TaxPolicy{ ...


<bean id="taxPolicy" class="x.y.PolishTaxPolicy">


public class PolicyFactories{


public TaxPolicy taxPolicy() { return ... ;

} }


Policy – common pattern

Change classic thinking

● noun – class ● verb - method

Activity is an object

● method is just a signal to execute it

Unleash OO techniques

● polymorphic execution ● re-usability


Extension and Testability

● Extension without modification ● Strategy implies high cohesion

● Single policy can be tested

● Aggregate can be tested using policy stub/mock

Aggregate <<interface>> Strategy Concrete Business Impl Stub/Mock Test Impl Test Test



Business Event is a signal from Aggregate

Aggregate is highly decoupled

● does not know about receiver type



public class Order{

public void submit(){

if (status != Status.NEW)

throw new InvalidStateException();

status = Status.IN_PROGRESS; createDate = new Date();

eventsManager.handle(orderEventsFactory.orderSubmitted(this)); }



public class Order{

public void submit(){

if (status != Status.NEW)

throw new InvalidStateException(); status = Status.IN_PROGRESS;

createDate = new Date();


} }


What are Events for?

Decouple additional behavior

● adding new behavior without domain modification ● strong form of Inversion of Control

Collect state change (if we need to keep track

of entity changes history) – Events Sourcing

● events can signalize change

Asynchronous invocation

● When fast response is needed ● Distributed DDD...



Model of rules

Makes rules explicit

Can be used for Entity/Aggregate validation or


public interface InvoiceSpecyfication{

public Collection<InvoiceProblem> check(Invoice i) }

public interface InvoiceSpecyfication{

public Collection<InvoiceProblem> check(Invoice i) }


public class CombinedInvoiceSpecyfication

implements InvoiceSpecyfication{

private List<InvoiceCriterion> criteria;

public Iterable<InvoiceProblem> check(Invoice i){ Collection<InvoiceProblem> result = new ...;

for (InvoiceCriterion criterion : criteria){ String problem = criterion.validate(i);

if (problem != null){

result.add(new InvoiceProblem(problem));

if (criterion.isCritical())


return result; }}}}

public class CombinedInvoiceSpecyfication

implements InvoiceSpecyfication{

private List<InvoiceCriterion> criteria;

public Iterable<InvoiceProblem> check(Invoice i){ Collection<InvoiceProblem> result = new ...;

for (InvoiceCriterion criterion : criteria){ String problem = criterion.validate(i);

if (problem != null){

result.add(new InvoiceProblem(problem));

if (criterion.isCritical())


return result; }}}}

public interface InvoiceCriterion{

public String validate(Invoice i);

public boolean isCritical(); }

public interface InvoiceCriterion{

public String validate(Invoice i);

public boolean isCritical(); }


Domain Layer (Business Logic) Aggregate Entity (Aggregate root) Entity Value Object business methods Delegate Load Save Business Service <<interface>> Policy

(Strategy Design Pattern)

Application Layer (Application Services, Use Case Agents)

PolicyImpl1 PolicyImpl2

Building Blocks - cooperation

<<interface>> Repository Factory Event Generate Create Delegate Delegate


Comparison to procedural approach

PROCEDURE orderService(o:TOrder); BEGIN ... END; TOrder = RECORD id: integer; ... END;


Strategic design

Distillation of Domains

Defining Bounded Contexts


You can't do everything perfect

Not enough knowledge

Not enough skilled people

Not enough time

Not enough money

Not enough time

Not enough money

Not enough time

Not enough money

Not enough time

Welcome to the real world, Neo


Focus on core domain

Core Domain

● Reason why we create system

● Main business features (give advantage to the client)

● Focus intellectual effort – invest time and best people

Supporting Domain

● Additional features – not critical

● Lower quality is acceptable

● Can be rewritten (someday - sure;)

Generic Domain

● Very specific (invoicing, math calculations)


Core Domain Strategies

Write Domain Vision Statement

● what brings value?

Keep it small

Invest the best people



When distinct models are combined, we are in


● difficult to understand ● unreliable


Grand Unified Theory

Common anti-pattern

● one, big, corporate model ● meaningless

● one word in different contexts mean different thing

– responsibility – behavior


Bounded Context

When system grow up – complexity is too high

● can't look at the level of individual objects

Define context where model applies

Context is encapsulated

● communicates with outer word via interface ● inner business model is hermetic

● therefore it can evolve -changes don't spread


Contexts Strategies

Common Core Context can be defined

● Shared Kernel

Decouple distinct Domain Contexts

● Core (business)


Anti-corruption Strategies

Our brand new shiny nice system

Ugly legacy system Anti-corruption Layer Facade Adapter Service


Main rule

Platform, framework or technical architecture

should not influence arena of domain model


Useful techniques already


ORM - aggregates

Inversion of Control

● Dependency Injection - policies ● Events

● Aspect Oriented Programming – transactions (also

security) over application layer that impact Repositories

Design Patterns


Command-query Separation Paradigm

Method should play one of the following roles

command – executes some logic

query – return data

Multiple query should not affect the answer

Eliminates side effect


Class level violation

System level violation

Add an Order and return list of all orders

it's GUI functionality

but server API should offer 2 methods

private int x;

public int incrementAndReturn(){ x++;

return x; }

private int x;

public int incrementAndReturn(){ x++;

return x; }


(G)UI Business Logic Application Logic Command Facade ORM + JDBC Query DTO Repository/DAO

Command-query Responsibility Segregation


CqRS Characteristic

Processing C and Q is often asymmetrical

● Should be scaled separately


(G)UI Business Logic Application Logic Command Data provider/Finder Query DTO Repository/DAO DB 1 DB 2 Event (asynch) Events Bus + Event handlers Change


public class SearchDocumentsQuery implements Serializable{

private Status status;

private Date epiryDate;

private String[] titleWords;

private String[] contentWords; //Getters and setters/constructor }

public class SearchDocumentsQuery implements Serializable{

private Status status;

private Date epiryDate;

private String[] titleWords;

private String[] contentWords; //Getters and setters/constructor }

public class DocumentQueries /*implements SomeInterface*/{

public List<Document> search(SearchDocumentsQuery query){ //ORM return entities – simple case


public List<DocumentDTO> search(SearchDocumentsQuery query){ //SQL return UseCase relevant Data Transfer Object

} }

public class DocumentQueries /*implements SomeInterface*/{

public List<Document> search(SearchDocumentsQuery query){ //ORM return entities – simple case


public List<DocumentDTO> search(SearchDocumentsQuery query){ //SQL return UseCase relevant Data Transfer Object

} }


public class SearchDocumentsQuery implements Serializable{

private Status status;

private Date epiryDate;

private String[] titleWords;

private String[] contentWords; //ONLY getters

public SearchDocumentsQuery expired(){ status = Status.ACTIVE;

expiryDate = new Date();

return this; }

public SearchDocumentsQuery contains(String phrase){ String[] words = phrase.split(" ");

titleWords = words; contentWords = words;

return this; }


public class SearchDocumentsQuery implements Serializable{

private Status status;

private Date epiryDate;

private String[] titleWords;

private String[] contentWords; //ONLY getters

public SearchDocumentsQuery expired(){ status = Status.ACTIVE;

expiryDate = new Date();

return this; }

public SearchDocumentsQuery contains(String phrase){ String[] words = phrase.split(" ");

titleWords = words; contentWords = words; return this; } }

Query a'la DSL


public class OrderProductCommand implelents Serializable{ private int productId;

private int quantity;

//getters and constructor }

public class OrderProductCommand implelents Serializable{ private int productId;

private int quantity;

//getters and constructor }

public class Basket /*implements SomeInterface*/{ private Order order;

public void add(AddProductCommand cmd){

Product prod = productRepository.get(cmd.getProductId()); order.add(prod, cmd.getQuantity());


public void submit(SubmitOrderCommand cmd){

order.submit(cmd.getPayment(), cmd.getAddressInfo()); orderRepository.save(order);

eventsManager.orderSubmitted(new OrderSubmittedEvent(order)); }


public class Basket /*implements SomeInterface*/{ private Order order;

public void add(AddProductCommand cmd){

Product prod = productRepository.get(cmd.getProductId()); order.add(prod, cmd.getQuantity());


public void submit(SubmitOrderCommand cmd){

order.submit(cmd.getPayment(), cmd.getAddressInfo()); orderRepository.save(order);

eventsManager.orderSubmitted(new OrderSubmittedEvent(order)); }



public class OrderProductCommand extends Command{...}

public class OrderProductCommand extends Command{...}

public interface Handler<T> {

void handleMessage(T message) throws Exception; }

public interface Handler<T> {

void handleMessage(T message) throws Exception; }


public class AddProductHandler

implements Handler<AddProductCommand>{ private ProductRepository repository;

public void handleMessage(AddProductCommand message) { //...

} }

public class AddProductHandler

implements Handler<AddProductCommand>{ private ProductRepository repository;

public void handleMessage(AddProductCommand message) { //...

} }

public class CommandBus{

public void handle(Command cmd)

Collection<Handler<?>> matchedHandlers = handlers.get(message.getClass());

for (Handler handler : matchedHandlers){

//prepare environment (transactions, security, //inject current user, etc)

handler.handleMessage(cmd); }

//may generate message }


public class CommandBus{

public void handle(Command cmd)

Collection<Handler<?>> matchedHandlers = handlers.get(message.getClass());

for (Handler handler : matchedHandlers){

//prepare environment (transactions, security, //inject current user, etc)

handler.handleMessage(cmd); }

//may generate message

} }


Event Sourcing

If state of Aggregate at any given time is

needed to be rebuild

● not the same as Logs

"Inner" events

● represents current state of Aggregate ● events are stored in persistence layer

● Aggregate can be recreated to given state (point in


Temporal Object Pattern

Alternative to Event Sourcing

●whole state of Aggregate version persisted

●newest version is always available – no computation


Is DDD right for me?

Aspects of personality

Aspects of business domain itself

Aspects of project nature


Sometimes it's all about just collecting data

(with nice GUI)


DDD Prerequisites

Domain is not trivial

Team has experience and interest in OOP/OOD

You have access to domain experts


Advanced data models

Model Archetype – analytical “design pattern”

● standard

● "model component" that can be taken off the shelf,

customized, and instantiated in your own models

● adaptable – can be trimmed to fit actual


● extensible – can be extended to fit new


Catalog of models:

● Company structure and relationships, customers,

products, inventory, orders, scientific stuff (laboratory),...


How to model People and


Person Employee User Client

Inheritance is not a good idea to model roles:P Company




General Idea






Details of Party


Person is a Party


Organization is a Party


Customer is a Party


Customer is a different story...


Behavior Driven Development

Agile software development technique

Encourages collaboration between

● developers, QA

● non-technical or business participants

BDD focuses on exposing internal logic

(typically business rules) to review by


Native language in combination with the

ubiquitous language of DDD


Data Context Interaction

New programming paradigm

● needs dynamic language syntax (mixins, traits)

Trygve Reenskaug

● co-inventor of Object Oriented ● inventor of MVC

Mainstream OO languages

● are not Object Oriented


Use Case flow and global algorithm Classes Classes Classes Classes Classes



● core

● basically dumb ● may contain basic

responsibility Interactions ● business responsibility ● operates on data Context

● Whole Use Case ● or just few steps ● adds meaning to

the data

Full working Objects

● makes sense only in context ● methods implies by current role


DDD summary

No rocket science

“Just” rational usage of OOA and OOD

Pragmatic approach to complexity of business


Most important things:

● Ubiquitous Language ● Strategic Design

Building Block are


the most important



Code should mean something


Sławomir Sobótka

Dziękuję za uwagę


http://art-of-software.blogspot.com slawomir.sobotka@bottega.com.pl


Photo credits

● http://www.norcalblogs.com/commission/images/house-of-cards.jpg ● http://nirmukta.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/complexity.jpg ● http://www.basicbonsai.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/brazilian_rain_tree.jpg ● http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu312/mlee4elbow/prof_chaos02.jpg ● http://a.images.blip.tv/Unclephilms-puppetTest1168.jpg ● http://www.individual-i.org/images/logo-3sizes.jpg ● https://star-cosmos.com/starcomsos_blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/human-body.jpg ● http://media.photobucket.com/image/train%20wreck/wgman21/train_wreck.jpg ● http://englishrussia.com/images/mig_factory/1.jpg ● http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b7/2000_core-repository02_hg.jpg/600px-2000_core-repository02_hg.jpg ● http://www.alacera.com/images/model_city_3d.jpg ● http://www.faqs.org/photo-dict/photofiles/list/5558/7276chess_pawn.jpg ● http://www.shoemoney.com/images/nuke.jpg ● http://www.dzieci.legnica.pl/grafikacms/niejadek250.jpg ● http://fineartamerica.com/images-medium/conwy-castle-and-the-telford-suspension-bridge-north-wales-mal-bray.jpg ● http://fandomania.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/terminator.jpg ● http://www.directortom.com/storage/square%20peg.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1223602138853 ● http://dontsqueezethejj.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/macgyver.jpg ● http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/images2/shakespeare9.jpg ● http://arnoldit.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/mismatch.jpg ● http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/matrix/images/thumb/3/32/Neo.jpg/300px-Neo.jpg ● http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i71/nynja24me/guns/M-67handgrenade.jpg ● http://www.travelooce.com/pics/sunset_sailing.jpg


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