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Introduction. Conference Agenda. Who Should Attend? All banker registrants receive a free copy of Korhan s new book, Built-In Social!


Academic year: 2021

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The 2015 Community Bank Marketing Conference is designed to help community-bank marketing professionals win the attention of socially engaged customers; optimize marketing for the intersection of social, local, and mobile; change banking through customer-centric banking; under-stand social media compliance, and more. TThhiiss ccoonnffeerreennccee w

waass ddeevveellooppeedd bbyy aa ccoommmmiitttteeee ooff ccoommmmuunniittyy-bbaannkk m maarr-kkeettiinngg pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss wwiitthh tthhee nneeeeddss ooff tthheeiirr ppeeeerrss iinn mmiinndd.. Participants walk away with a wide variety of information from expert speakers on topics that bank marketing offi-cers have repeatedly requested, and return to the bank excited and ready to implement newly found techniques and knowledge!

TThhiiss yyeeaarr,, ttwwoo rroouunnddttaabbllee ddiissccuussssiioonn sseessssiioonnss aarree oonn tthhee aaggeennddaa ttoo aallllooww ppaarrttiicciippaannttss ttoo lleeaarrnn ffrroomm eeaacchh ootthheerr.. Each roundtable is dedicated to a specific marketing topic. Attendees are able to pre-select which table discussion in which they would prefer to participate. Roundtable topics include social media, new products/technology, loan volume, PR/special events, and EMV/marketing compliance.


A mmiinnii-eexxppoossiittiioonn ffeeaattuurriinngg tthhee llaatteesstt pprroodduuccttss aanndd sseerrvviicc-eess bbeenneeffiittttiinngg tthhee ccoommmmuunniittyy bbaannkk aanndd iittss mmaarrkkeettiinngg eeffffoorrttss aallssoo hhiigghhlliigghhttss tthhee ddaayy..


Conference Agenda

8:30 – 9 a.m.

Registration, Display Tables, and Continental Breakfast 9 – 10:15 a.m.

Winning the Attention of Socially Engaged Customers in a Digital World

Jeff Korhan

Customers may not always be right, but they have a voice that social media amplifies to give them tremendous influence over your brand. This is why it is vital to redesign your business around your customers for social relevance and profitable success. Smart banks today real-ize that social media is not just a layer to add to their market-ing, but an essential component that has to be backed into every aspect of sales, marketing, and customer service.

Jeff Korhan, MBA, is business marketing speaker, trainer, and coach who helps mainstream businesses adapt their traditional growth practices to a digital world.

In the first decade of his career, Korhan was a Fortune 50 sales and marketing manager with an MBA. He later founded a landscape company that earned numerous awards, including twice being named Business of the Year. After 20 successful years he sold his business, and now applies three decades of marketing experience to helping clients develop sustainable marketing practices that capitalize on emerging business trends. Korhan is an author, syndicated publisher, and regular content contributor to leading business publications and web-sites. His own New Media and Small Business Marketing site recently ranked among the Top 100 Small Business blogs in the world by Technorati Media and Junta42. He maintains a busy schedule speaking and consulting on the topics of web marketing, relationship selling, and small business trends. In addition to his authentic and informa-tive style, Korhan's audiences especially value his special skill for simplifying technology and complex business ideas to make them practical and useful. In 2013, Wiley released Korhan's new book, Built-In Social: Essential Social

Marketing Practices for Every Small Business, which delivers proven methods for converting mainstream social market-ing practices into profitable outcomes.


Who Should Attend?

The 2015 Community Bank Marketing Conference not only benefits marketing professionals, it is also geared toward presidents, CEOs, officers, and any-one who is involved in increasing profitability for your community bank. Presidents and CEOs attend-ing with another individual from the bank receive a $100 discount off the original price!

“Good conference! It was very applicable to

our current needs. It is always good to hear

new ideas and reinforce current ones!”

All banker registrants receive a free copy


1100::1155 –– 1100::3300 aa..mm.. B

Brreeaakk aanndd DDiissppllaayy TTaabblleess 1100::3300 –– 1111 aa..mm..


Maarrkkeettiinngg RRoouunnddttaabbllee SSeessssiioonn

To encourage attendees to interact and learn from each other, a roundtable discussion session has been added. Each roundtable is dedicated to a specific marketing topic. Attendees are able to pre-select which table discussion in which they would prefer to par-ticipate. Roundtable topics include social media, new products/ technology, loan volume, PR/special events, and EMV/marketing compliance.PPlleeaassee iinnddiiccaattee oonn tthhee rreeggiissttrraattiioonn ffoorrmm wwhhiicchh ttaabbllee yyoouu pprreeffeerr..

1111 aa..mm.. –– 1122 pp..mm..

SSoocciiaall MMeeddiiaa CCoommpplliiaannccee TTiimm TTeeddrriicckk,, EExxeeccuuttiivvee OOffffiicceerr W

Wiippffllii,, LLLLPP,, SStteerrlliinngg,, IILL

In December 2013, the federal regulatory agencies jointly issued social media guidance. Since then, more and more com-munity banks have voluntarily or sometimes involuntarily become players in the social media arena. As a marketing pro-fessional, how does that guidance apply to you and your bank? What has changed since December 2013? How much of this is a human resources issue? How much of this is a compliance issue? How much of this is a reputation issue? This session attempts to put the guidance into perspective for you. TTiimm TTeeddrriicckk,, CCRRCCMM,, CCRRPP,, and executive officer at Wipfli LLP in Sterling, Illinois, leads this seminar. The firm has more than 100 financial institution clients and Tedrick specializes in com-pliance, consulting, and assistance. He performs internal audit and compliance exams for all sizes of financial institutions in five states. Tedrick is also involved with technology consulting. He is a graduate of ABA's National Graduate Compliance School in Norman, Oklahoma. Tedrick is also a Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager, and a Certified Risk Professional. He teaches compliance at various statewide schools, and provides training to banks on a one-to-one basis. 1122 –– 11 pp..mm..


Neettwwoorrkkiinngg LLuunncchh//EExxhhiibbiittss

Conference Agenda


“This was my first Marketing Conference.

I learned so many new ideas to bring back to

my bank. I can’t wait to share them! I learned

so much networking with others.”

CCuussttoommeerr-CCeennttrriicc BBaannkkiinngg:: H

Hooww ttoo CChhaannggee tthhee BBaannkkiinngg IInndduussttrryy OOnnee AAccccoouunntt aatt aa TTiimmee

Today’s financial institutions are rushing to provide ways to make banking more convenient. Mobile banking, online bank-ing, remote deposit, etc. All of these products make banking more convenient, but they keep people out of the bank and make it much more difficult to cross sell your customers. We are finding that now people are rate shopping to find the low-est mortgage rate or auto loan rate. This session shows you how to take a different approach to banking, and help all of your customers, not just your largest, build wealth. As you capture a customer’s whole banking relationship, you gain more loyal customers.


Brreetttt JJaacckkssoonnhas been dedicated to building vibrant, competi-tive, breakthrough brands in the world of financial institutions for over a decade now. As the CEO of Systemax Corporation, a company that planted its roots in 1982, Jackson constantly strives to break the mold. With Jackson as the driving force, Systemax created an internal ad agency to help customers cre-ate out-of-the-box marketing campaigns that yield more than 20 percent response rates with ROI's reaching more than 800 percent. With Jackson's assistance, banks across the United States break out of their marketing ruts and get motivated by his creative and valuable insight. As a graduate of the ABA School of Bank Marketing and as a Certified Financial

Marketing Professional, he utilizes his knowledge to help banks tackle the biggest branding, marketing, and advertising chal-lenges faced today..


Maarrkkeettiinngg ttoo AAgg PPrroossppeeccttss

Marketing to the agriculture community is an interesting jour-ney. The average age of a farmer increases each year and the number of people going into or involved in production agricul-ture is decreasing. How do we nuragricul-ture and educate this popu-lation on the wonderful benefits of working with a community bank? Even though commodities may be declining, land prices continue to increase, though not at the almost 15% annual rate of the past five years. Come discover who farmers are, what they like, and how to nurture, educate, and engage them. Raised on a Central Illinois livestock farm, SSaarraahh FFeerrnnaannddeezz received a B.S. in plant and soil sciences at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and interned for both Elanco and DuPont on herbicide research. After receiving a master’s in agricultural education at the University of Missouri, Columbia, she taught a variety of agribusiness classes for seven years at Kirkwood Community College. Fernandez designed and devel-oped MidwestAGnet.com, a micro-niche website focused on the Midwestern farmer, integrating audio and video reporting, and increasing communication among farmers and agribusi-ness through the use of social media. Fernandez has also con-sulted for SunbeltAGnet.com, developing its website for farm-ers, ranchfarm-ers, and producers across 15 states in the southeast-ern U.S. She currently is project coordinator for Westsoutheast-ern Illinois Farm Families and Quincy Community Gardens. She reports for This Week in Agribusiness, speaks weekly on NewsTalkLive WGEM 105.1, and has written a horticulture column for theQuincy Herald Whig.

Concurrent Break-OOut Sessions


2 p.m.)


2 - 2:30 p.m.

Second Marketing Roundtable Session

To encourage attendees to interact and learn from each other, a second roundtable discussion session has been added. Each roundtable is dedicated to a specific marketing topic. Attendees are able to pre-select which table discussion in which they would prefer to participate. Roundtable topics include social media, new products/technology, loan vol-ume, PR/special events, and EMV/marketing compliance.

Please indicate on the registration form which table you prefer.

2:30 – 2:45 p.m. Exhibits/Break

2:45 – 4 p.m.

Optimize Your Marketing for the Intersection of Social, Local, and Mobile

Jeff Korhan

The three undisputed marketing trends are social net-working, local-based marketing, and mobile technologies – making the intersection of all three a marketing sweet spot. Learn best practices to optimize for this to interact with your customers in ways they now expect, and to reach them when and where they are available and ready to do so.

4 p.m.

Prizes and Adjournment

Conference Agenda

Presidents and CEOs attending with another individual

from the bank receive a $100 discount off the original price!

*EEaarrllyy B










One person...


Two or more from same banking institution...

$199 each

President/CEO attending with staff member ....











One person...


Two or more from same banking institution...

$399 each

President/CEO attending with staff member ....



Reegguullaarr PPrriicciinngg









One person...


Two or more from same banking institution...

$229 each

President /CEO attending with staff member ...











One person...


Two or more from same banking institution...

$429 each

President/CEO attending with staff member ....




D m


mbbeerrss rreecceeiivvee aa 1100%

% ddiissccoouunntt..

**Only financial institutions/firms eligible for CBAI membership.

*Early-bird registration fees apply

to those individuals registering one

month prior to the date of the

pro-gram. Persons registering after this

date must pay the regular

registra-tion fee. Late registrants cannot be

guaranteed admission if seminars

reach capacity.

Fees include hand-out materials,

refreshment breaks, and lunch. An

income-tax deduction may be

allowed for educational expenses

undertaken to maintain or improve

professional skills.

Cancellation Policy

Registrants cancelling two days

prior to each seminar receive 100%

refund; one day prior, 50%; the day

of the seminar, no refund. A


ccaann-cceellllaattiioonnss m

muusstt bbee m

maaddee iinn w


pprriioorr ttoo tthhee sseem

miinnaarr ddaayy.. IInnvvooiicceess

aanndd ttrraaiinniinngg m

maatteerriiaallss w

wiillll bbee sseenntt

ttoo aallll ““nnoo sshhoow


Registration Fees

“This conference was incredibly educational

and will greatly benefit my bank. It inspired

my inner-marketer!”

“This was a very informational conference.

Thanks for all of the great ideas!”

























APRIL 30, 2015 –



wnnee PPllaazzaa,, SSpprriinnggffiieelldd

PPlleeaassee PPrriinntt

Name of Bank


City, State, Zip

Tel. No.



Preferred Roundtable Topics

(Please circle two topics in the list below).

Social Media, New Products/Technology, Loan Volume, PR/Special Events, Compliance



Preferred Roundtable Topics

(Please circle two topics in the list below).

Social Media, New Products/Technology, Loan Volume, PR/Special Events, Compliance

I have special needs, please contact me before the seminar.

PPlleeaassee sseelleecctt yyoouurr ppaayym

meenntt m


Check Enclosed

Check in Mail

Pay at Door

Credit Card*

**IIff yyoouu aarree ppaayyiinngg bbyy ccrreeddiitt ccaarrdd,, pplleeaassee ffiillll oouutt tthhee ffoolllloow

wiinngg iinnffoorrm


((VViissaa &

& M

MaasstteerrCCaarrdd aacccceepptteedd))..

Name as It Reads on Card

Company Name on Card

Billing Address of Card

Card Number

Exp. Date

Three-Digit Security Code:

Date and Location

April 30, 2015

Crowne Plaza Hotel 3000 S. Dirksen Parkway Springfield, Illinois 217/529-7777


A block of rooms has been reserved for conference participants at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. To ensure availability, reserva-tions should be made by April 8, 2015. Reservations after this date are accepted on a “space available” basis only. When you call to make your reservation, please remember to identify yourself as a “CBAI Marketing Conference Attendee”in order to receive the special room rate of $117 plus tax for singles or doubles. For reserva-tions, call 877/859-5095.

For More Information

Tracy McQuinn, Senior Vice President Valerie Johnston, Vice President Melinda McClelland, Vice President

Rebecca Ridgeway, Administrative Assistant

Jennifer Nika, Administrative Assistant Department of Education

& Special Events 800/736-2224 217/529-2265

Fax: 217/585-8738 Terry Griffin, Vice President Chicago Area


Marketing Subcommittee Members

Hanna O'Brien (Chair)

CNB Bank & Trust, N.A., Carlinville Tracy Bedeker, First Federal Savings Bank, Ottawa

Mindy Combs, First Southern Bank, Marion Dena McDonald, First Farmers State Bank, Minier (Bloomington)

Kim McKee, North Central Bank, Hennepin (Ladd)

Jolleen Montgomery, BankORION Ann Scholtes, Bank of Pontiac Angela Truluck, First National Bank of Steeleville

Arla Wasson, Legence Bank, Eldorado

Registration Form

PPrreessiiddeennttss aanndd C


Oss aatttteennddiinngg w

wiitthh aannootthheerr iinnddiivviidduuaall ffrroom

m tthhee

bbaannkk rreecceeiivvee aa $$110000 ddiissccoouunntt!!

(Please identify on the title line).


Click it in: www.cbai.com Fax it in: (217) 585-88738 Mail it in:

CBAI Education Department 901 Community Drive Springfield, IL 62703-55184 Call it in:

(800) 736-22224 (Illinnoiss onnly) (217) 529-22265

(E-mail address required for registration)


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