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Exponential Ergodicity and β Mixing Property for Generalized Ornstein Uhlenbeck Processes


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Exponential Ergodicity and


-Mixing Property for

Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes

Oesook Lee

Department of Statistics, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea (South) Email: oslee@ewha.ac.kr

Received November 29, 2011; revised January 13, 2012; accepted January 20, 2012


The generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is derived from a bivariate Lévy process and is suggested as a continuous time version of a stochastic recurrence equation [1]. In this paper we consider the generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and provide sufficient conditions under which the process is exponentially ergodic and hence holds the expo-nentially β-mixing property. Our results can cover a wide variety of areas by selecting suitable Lévy processes and be used as fundamental tools for statistical analysis concerning the processes. Well known stochastic volatility model in finance such as Lévy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is examined as a special case.

Keywords:β-Mixing; Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process; Exponential Ergodicity; Lévy-Driven

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

1. Introduction

Many continuous time processes are suggested and stud-ied as a natural continuous time generalization of a ran-dom recurrence equation, for example, diffusion model of Nelson [2], continuous time GARCH (COGARCH) (1,1) process of Klüppelberg et al. [3] and Lévy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process of Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard [4] etc. Continuous time processes are par-ticularly appropriate models for irregularly spaced and high frequency data [5]. We consider the generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (GOU) process

 

Vt t0 which is de-fined by

0 0

= t t t s d ,


V V e e et

s 0, (1) where is a two-dimensional Lévy process and the starting random variable V0 is independent of

. Lévy processes are a class of continuous time processes with independent and stationary increments and continuous in probability. Since Lévy processes t

 t, t t



 t, t

 and t are semimartingales, stochastic integral in Equa-tion (1) is well defined.

The GOU process is a continuous time version of a stochastic recurrence equation derived from a bivariate Lévy process (de Haan and Karandikar [1]). The GOU process has recently attracted attention, especially in the financial modelling area such as option pricing, insur-ance and perpetuities, or risk theory. Stationarity, mo-ment condition and autocovariance function of the GOU

process are studied in Lindner and Maller [6]. Fasen [7] obtain the results for asymptotic behavior of extremes and sample autocovariance function of the GOU process. For related results, we may consult, e.g. Masuda [8], Klüppelberg et al. [3,9], Maller et al. [5] and Lindner [10] etc.

Mixing property of a stochastic process describes the temporal dependence in data and is used to prove consis-tency and asymptotic normality of estimators. For a sta-tionary process

 

Xt t0,Ft=



:s t


t s

GX  , let

 

 

 

=1 =1


= sup ,



i j i j i j

t P A B P A P B


 

where the supremum takes over AiF Bu, iGu t,

= , = ,

i j i j


if i= j and I=1 = J=1 . If

i Ai j Bj

  = 

 

t 0 as

, then

t 

 

Xt t0 is called β-mixing.

 



t Ket t0 is

called exponentially β-mixing if for some

and all .

 

 0


, > 0 K a

In this paper we prove the exponential ergodicity and exponentially β-mixing property of the GOU process

 

t t 0

of the Lévy-driven OU process as a special case.


2. Exponential Ergodicity of

 


t t


2.1. The Model

A bivariate Lévy process t 0 defined on a com-plete probability space


t t

 

, ,F P

 0, 0


 is a stochastic process

in , with càdlàg paths, and

station-ary independent increments, which is continuous in probability.






Consider the GOU process Vt given by

0 0

= t t s d ,

t s

V e eV t

Assume that V0 is independent of

 t, t t

0. Let

 

= , = t d

s t s s t u

t t s .

A e  B e

e   (2)

Then we have that

 1 =  1  1 , >

nh nh


n h n h n h

V A VB h 0,n0

. (3)

Let n denote an integer and a real number. We can t easily show that

1 1 in Equation (2) is a



nh nh n h n h n


sequence of independent and identically distributed ran-dom vectors and

 

t t0 in Equation (1) is a time ho-mogeneous Markov process with t-step transition prob-ability function


 

 


, = = , , ,



P x C P VC V x x R C B R 

where is a Borel σ-field of subsets of real num-bers R.

 


We temporally assume that h> 0 is fixed.

 

Vnh n0 in Equation (3) can be considered as a discrete time Markov process with n-step transition probability func-tion  



V0 =x

, 1


P x C P Vnh C n . nh n0 is

called the h-skeleton chain of

 


 

t t0. A Markov process


nh  is


 

V n -irreducible if, for some  -finite meas-ure , 2  nh


for all

n P x B

n > 0 x R whenever

. t t0 is said to be simultaneously

 

B > 0

 


-ir-reducible if any h-skeleton chain is -irreducible. It is known that if

 

Vt t0 is simultaneously -irreducible, then any h-skeleton chain is aperiodic (Proposition 1.2 of Tuominen and Tweedie [14]).

For fixed h> 0, we make the following assumptions: (A1) 0 <E

 

hEh < and Elog h <




< , d r <

r h

h h s


E e E e

e  for some r>0.

Theorem 2.1 Under the assumption (A1),

 




nh n

defined by Equation (3) converges in distribution to a probability measure which does not depend on 0.

Further, is the unique invariant initial distribution

for .

π π

 

nh n0

Proof. The conclusion follows from Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.4 in de Haan and Karandikar [1]. Note that if


log 0

< 0


E A and

log 0



EB .

Remark 1 Assume that 0 <E

 

hEh <. Then

< log h

E  is also nece e of a

ary solution. (See Theorem 2.1 in Lindner and Maller [6].)

Remark 2 Suppose t

ssary for the existenc strictly station

hat there exist > 0 and , > 1q with

p 1 p1q1 such that

 

max 1,  1

max 1, 

< 0 p < ,E

 ,E e  1q <

 

  

where 

 


denotes the Lévy exponent of the Lévy process:

 

= logEe1. If in addition,


 

1 < ,

then assump ) hold (Proposi

Lindner and Maller [6]).

tions (A1) and (A2 tion 4.1 in

2.2. Drift Condition for

ess is said to hold

 

Vnh n0 A discrete time Markov proc

 

Xn n0


the drift condition if there exist a function g on R, a compact set K, and constants  > 0 and 0 < < 1 such that

n 1 n =

 

, c

E g XX x g x  x K

and sup

n 1

n =

< x K

E g XX x


Theorem 2.2 Under the assumptions (A1) and (A2),

 

nh n0 given in Equation (3) satisfies the drift condition.

For notational simplicity, let 0 0

1= h, 1= h


Proof. A A B B .

From assumptions, we have that E


< 0 and

1 <


E A  for some r> 0. Then

 

log 1


r 1r E A

E Ae

as r0 ( Hardy et al. [15]). Here

lies th


log < 0


r such that imp e existence of r*< 1, 0 <r*<


* 1

:=E A r < 1

 . Now def test func-

 

ine a nonnegative

the assumption (A1) holds, then it is obtained that

tion g on R by g x = xr*1. Then we have that

 


* * *

1 0 1 0

1 1

1 1


= 1


= ,


r r r

E g AV

E A x B

E A x E B

g x M

 


B V x

  


where * *


= r 1

M E B   <, by assumption (A2). Since g x

 

increases to  as x increases to , for any  > 0 , there exist , 0 <*< < 1 and

> 0

k with K=

x xk

, such that

 

 


*g x M g x x K c.

  (5)



1 1 < .

sup r

x K

E A x B

  (6)

Combining Equations (4)-(6), the drift condition for


2.3. Simultaneous

-Irreducibility of

For reader’s convenience, we state the following theo-r main theo-

re- 

Vt t0

rems which play important roles to prove ou

 

   

   

 

, = , d

, d = ,




n G h x K x K

h G

G x K

x G p x y y

p x y y M G

 

 

supPh sup



where sults.

Theorem 2.3 (Meyn and Tweedie [11]) Suppose that a

Markov chain

 


:= sup , , <

G h

M p x y x K y G  .

(7) and the condition th

The inequality in Equation at


n n

X has the Feller property. If


is any sequence inside compact sets in B R

 

with Gn

imply that sup lim


n n satisfies the drift condition for a compact set

K, then there ex s an invariant probability measure. In addition, if the process is


i ts

-irreducible and aperiodic, then the given process is geometrically ergodic.

Theorem 2.3 shows that the crucial step to prove the geometric ergodicity of a Markov process is to show that the

 


 




n x KP x GnnMG Gn 0.

Therefore the uniform countable additivity condition holds for the compact set K. Theorem 2.4 and the exis-tence of a unique invariant initial distribution for

 

Vnh n0 yield the π-irreducibility of any h-s given process is -irreducible and holds the drift

condition. In many cases, however, proving irreducibility of a Markov process is an awkward task. Consulting the following Theorem 2.4, irreducibility of the process can be derived from connection between -irreducibility and the uniform countable additivity condition. A Markov chain

 

Xn n0 is said to hold the uniform countable additivity condition (Liu and Susko [16]) if its one-step

keleton chain

 

Vnh n0.

To complete the proof, we need to show that the as-su


mption (A1) and (A2) hold for all > 0h . Since Lévy processes have stationary and indepen increments, it is easy to show that the assumption (A1) and E eh r< transition probability function satisfies that for any

de-hold for all h> 0. It remains to prove that creasing sequence Gn  inside compact sets,


= 0 for every compact set .


lim n

Gn x K

P x G K

  0 d <

r h

h s

 


E e


for all h> 0 with some . We first define a finite ocess

> 0r Lévy pr

 

Lt t0 as follows:

Theorem 2.4 (Tweedie [17]) Suppose that the drift

condition holds with a test set K and the uniform count-able additivity condition holds for the same set K. Then there is a unique invariant measure for

 

Xn n0 if and only if

 

Xn n0 is -irreducible.



,1 ,1

:= 1

, , 0.

t t s

s t

L e

t Cov B B t

 

 s 

 


K x xk be the compact set defined in the

> 0 t

 ,

Then it is shown that proof of Theorem 2.2.

rem 2.5 Unde


Theo r the assumptions (A1) and (A2),

 

Vt t0 is simultaneously -irreducible if for any 0 d = 0 d

D t s t s t

> 0

h ,

 h

 


P x has a probability density function p x yh

 

, espect to the Lebesgue measure

(with r ), which is

uniformly bounded on compacts for x K. qu

Proof. Let Gn be any decreasing se ence inside

compact sets with Gn . Then


s s

e L e e  

(See Proposition 2.3 in Lindner and Maller [6]). Without loss of generality, we may assume that 0 < < 1r . Choose any > 0l . Then =l nhh, wher

nonnegative integer, 0 <

e n is a < 1

 and > 0h is in the assumptions (A1) and (A2), we have that

 

   

 

 

 

1 1



0 1


( 1) 1


0 0



l l s d r


E e e

= d = d d

= d( ) d

d d



j nh s nh

j n

r r n

l jh l

s s s

s j h s nh s j


n jh l

s h h

s j h s nh

j h nh


r r

n h r h r h

s h s

s s



E e L E e L e L

E e e L L e e L L

E e E e L E e E e L

  

 

   

   

 

 

 

   

  

 

( 1)

0 d 0 d < .

j nh h

r r

n r h r h

h h s s

s s

E e  E e e   E e E e e 


The first inequality in Equation (8) follows from station-ary and independent increments property of Lévy

proc-esses and .


 

t t 0 r any h-skeleton chain

fore fo

 

t t 0


>h 0 ,

 

Vnh n0 is π-irreducible and hence

 

Vt t0


is simu

ducible and ic.

2.4. Exponential Ergodicity of

The next theorem is our main result.

Theorem 2.6 Suppose that the assumptions of

Theo-rem 2.5 hold. Then the GOU process in

Equa-tion (1) is exponentially ergodic and


ltaneously π-irre

 

Vnh n0 is

 

Vt t0

 

Vt t0 holds the ex-mixing property.

is chain at is,

Proof. Theorem 2.5 shows that any h-skeleton chain

 

Vnh n0 is π-irreducible and aperiodic. Note that

 

Vnh n0 a Feller , th


a continuous functio x whenever f is con and ounded. Therefore any n ial compact set is a

all set. Theorem sures that




E f V V x

n of tinuous

b ontriv

sm 2.2 en holds the

drift condition and hence Theorem 2.3

l hat is,



2.5 and Theorem ly ergodic, t

h that imply that

 

Vnh n0 is geometrica there exists a constant 

 

0,1 suc

 nh

   

, π =

 

n ,

P x   O  (9)

π-a.a. x as n , where  denotes the total varia-tion n m. Under simultanor eous -irreducibility condi-π tion of

 

Vt t0, Equation (9) and Theorem 5 in Tuomi-ne

ity of

n and Tweed

 


ie [14] guarantee the exponential


t t in the following sense:  t

   

, π =

 

t ,

P x   O e

as t , for some  > 0 and π-a.a. x.  -mixing property for the continuous time GOU process

 

Vt t0 is also obtain

2.5. Examples


In this example, we assume that t= t, > 0. If t is

an cess, t


y Lévy pro hen Vt in Equation (1) is the Lévy-

driven OU process which is studie by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shep [4]. In particular, if t


 is a subordinator, that is, t has nondecreasing sample path, finite

varia-tion wi nonnegative drift and Lévy c

-trated on , then

th measure oncen


 


l. For t

t t

V ode

is called the Lévy-dri he case that


stochastic volatility m t is a

Brownian motion, Vt is the classical OU process. Let

 be the Lévy measure for the process t a

sume that

nd as-<

r h

E  for some h> 0 and r> 0.


 


z z z

d <

) hold. Theorem ift condition

over, it is known that

. Here we can easily show

that the assumptions (A1)and (A2 2.2

implies that

 

Vnh n0 holds the dr .

More- t

 


P x admits a Cb


 



p x y by Theo

for each d Yamaz [18]) and

rem 2.5,

> 0 (Sato an

t ato

 

Vnh n0 is  -irreduci le. Above

ents hol nd he

b nce

statem d for any > 0h a

 

Vt t0 is simultaneously  -irre


ducible. Therefore exponential

ergodicity and -mixing property of

 

Vt t0 fo

3. Conclusion

Recently, tim are sugg

quency chastic proce


e nce and e etrics

ested odels w

par-ticularly appropriate for irre spaced

fre-data. Th ontinu

sto-s riate Lévy he


as co

e s drive

m Th

series m ntin


eorem 2.6.

odels in fina uous time

gularl process is a c by a biva


c hich a and h

ous process

onom re igh time

. T m


stationarity, moment conditions, autocovariance function and asymptotic behavior of extremes of the process are studied in [6,7], but exponential ergodicity does not seem to have been investigated yet. In this paper, we give sufficient conditions under which the process is expo-nentially ergodic and  -m . The dr dition and the simultaneous

ixing ift con

-irreducibility of the process that is induced from uniform countable additivity condition play a crucial role to prove the results. Our results are used to

s w, in particular, co nd asymptot

mal-ators. ho

ity of estim



nsistency a


ic nor

4. Ac





This research was supported by KRF grant 2010- 0015707.


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