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To further enhance our services for this project, we also have integrated the specialized services of the following project partners:


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Town of York, Maine| January 30, 2015

Long Sands Beach Master Plan Long Sands Beach Master Plan Design & ConstrucƟ on Bid DocumentaƟ on Design & ConstrucƟ on Bid DocumentaƟ on




January 29, 2015

Ms. Erin O’Dea, Parks & Recreation Department York Town Hall

186 York Street York, ME 03909

RE: Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construction York Beach, Maine

Dear Ms. O’Dea:

Milone & MacBroom is pleased to submit our proposal to the to provide planning, engineering and project management services for the development of the Long Beach Master Plan in York, Maine. The project will include approximately 4,300 ft. of road redesign on Long Beach Avenue and replacement of the Long Sands Beachhouse. When reviewing our proposal, please keep in mind the following:

 Milone & MacBroom has the right blend of technical services and project experience to assist the Town of York with

meeting the goals and objectives of this very important project. We have a long history of providing municipal clients with the personnel and services that leads to project success.

 Our Project Manager, John Q. Adams, P.E., PTOE, is currently providing services to the Town on its York Village Master Plan Study. Regina Leonard, L.A., who is a subconsultant with us on this project, is also currently working on the York Village project with John.

 As a firm, we have extensive experience working on municipal infrastructure improvement projects and also doing so in coastal and marine environments. Our staff of transportation engineers, coastal engineers, landscape architects, planners and civil engineers provide services in an integrated fashion to meet all of the specialize expertise required for this type of project. We are currently providing similar services for infrastructure improvement planning and design projects for the City of Portland, Town of Chebeague Island, Town of Damariscotta, and the Town of Bridgton.

To further enhance our services for this project, we also have integrated the specialized services of the following project partners:

o Regina Leonard, L.A. will assist with landscape architecture and the public process.

o Mark Mueller Architects will assist with architectural services.

o Summit Geoengineering will assist with geotechnical engineering.

o Allied Engineering will assist with lighting design.

We look forward to your favorable response to our proposal and the opportunity of working with the Town of York.

Should you have any questions regarding our submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Vince McDermott, FASLA, AICP John Q. Adams, P.E., PTOE

Senior Vice President Maine Regional Manager



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on


Below is an outline of required tasks necessary to successfully complete the project in a manner which meets your objec ves, schedule, and budget resources. This is based on our understanding of the project at this me; we welcome the opportunity to further discuss and refi ne the scope of services with you, as necessary.

1. IniƟ al Assessment of ExisƟ ng CondiƟ ons and Data CollecƟ on

1.1 Perform a thorough analysis of the base map provided by Northeasterly Surveying, including a fi eld review to iden fy missing informa on or areas where addi onal informa on may be needed. During this me, we will thoroughly walk the corridor, bathhouse area, and review drainage project areas.

1.2 Thoroughly review exis ng and available drainage studies and reports, including the 2005 Edwards and Kelcey Study. We will also review the MPI grant applica on and conceptual plan that was prepared.

1.3 Hold a Kick-off Mee ng (Staff Mee ng #1) with Town staff and Building Commi ee. This will allow us to confi rm project scope, schedules and preferred communica on methods.

1.4 Perform weekday AM, PM and Saturday peak hour traffi c turning movement counts at study intersec ons on Long Beach Avenue. The counts will include vehicle classifi ca ons and bikes and pedestrians. We recommend traffi c counts be collected during a summer me peak me period (June or July). This will allow us to understand in detail the summer me peak hour traffi c and how this may impact the chosen design alterna ve.

1.5 Perform parking counts/observa ons of exis ng Long Beach Avenue on-street parking. We would recommend this data be collected during the summer me peak (June or July).

1.6 A ligh ng assessment will be performed along the project corridor and bathhouse.

1.7 Hold ini al Public Informa on Mee ng #1. This will primarily be to inform the public and stakeholders of the project, its goals, and to allow issues and concerns to be heard.

2. Conceptual Plan Development and Analysis of Design AlternaƟ ves: The goals of this phase of the project will be to develop three alterna ve conceptual layouts. The concepts will include our ini al ideas on how to meet the goals of the project and to incorporate issues and concerns that were discussed at the Kick-

off and Public Informa on Mee ngs. We will also inves gate the feasibility and budget costs to relocate aerial u li es underground. Traffi c and parking analysis will also be performed during this phase.

2.1 Three alterna ve layouts will be developed with budget cost es mates that incorporate to varying degrees components of complete streets design elements including: sidewalks, shared use paths, bike lanes, sharrows, signing, markings, on-street parking, traffi c calming measures, street ligh ng, green space/landscape elements, and street furniture. The exis ng crosswalk

loca on will be evaluated as well as the need for bu on actuated pedestrian warning fl ashing signs.

Exis ng pedestrian crossing pa erns will be fi eld reviewed and noted from the traffi c counts, this will inform decisions on proposed crosswalk loca ons. With each of the concept layouts we will also prepare rendered cross-sec ons to further communicate the proposed designs including material and surface choices. Photo-simula ons will also be prepared for each concept to further communicate ideas in a realis c manner. Traffi c analysis will be performed at project intersec ons to assure proper lane-use and intersec on layout.

2.2 During the conceptual phase, will be performing the ini al analysis of the two drainage projects.

This will include determining watershed, performing stormwater drainage calcula ons and sizing collector pipes and ou alls. During this ini al phase, we will also review impacts

from dal ac ons, poten al storm surges and review available informa on on sea level rise and poten al inunda on scenarios.

2.3 Hold design mee ng (Staff Mee ng #2) with Parks & Recrea on Director and Bathhouse

Building Commi ee and gather informa on to perform ini al space and use needs analysis for the proposed bathhouse. During this phase we will develop 3 alterna ve building sketches/

schema cs with budget costs for considera on by the Town and Building Commi ee.

2.4 Submit 3 roadway and bathhouse concept layout plans to the Town and Building Commi ee.



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on

This will be followed by a mee ng (Staff Mee ng #3) with Town staff and the Building Commi ee to receive comment.

2.5 Incorporate comments into 3 conceptual plans and prepare for and hold Public Mee ng #2, present plans and receive comments. The goal of this mee ng would be to receive direc on on the preferred alterna ve.

2.6 During this phase of the project, we would iden fy applicable permits (Maine DEP NRPA) and hold pre-applica on mee ngs to receive ini al feedback on permit requirements and me lines.

Addi onally, the proposed bathhouse will likely need local Planning Board approval.

2.7 Prepare Preliminary Design Report which will summarize the design process to date, alterna ves considered, cost es mates, u lity impacts, poten al property impacts and necessary easements, mee ng minutes and outcomes.

3. Semi-Final Plan Development: Once the preferred alterna ve is selected, we will proceed to the

development of semi-fi nal design plans. At an appropriate scale (likely to be 1’=20’), develop the designs for the project incorpora ng “as appropriate” comments from the Town staff , stakeholders, public and regulatory agencies. The plans will include designs for: the bathhouse and site, travel lanes, signs and markings; sidewalk, ramp and curb layout, including material choices and pa erns; road grading;

cross-sec ons at every 50 feet and other cri cal areas; storm drainage system design including ou alls at drainage project loca ons and modifi ca ons to other u li es in the project area; street ligh ng and site ameni es such as signage and furnishings; landscape plans around bathhouse; and wayfi nding signs and typical details. During this phase, mee ngs will be held with individual stakeholders and Town

Departments as necessary.

3.1 Submit formal permit applica ons to MDEP and York planning board as necessary

3.2 Prepare preliminary opinion of probable construc on costs based on MDOT’s most current weighted unit prices and data from other recent York projects and other reliable sources.

3.3 Prepare outline specifi ca ons and special provisions based on the MDOT Standard Specifi ca ons.

3.4 Meet with Town and Building Commi ee (Staff Mee ng #4) to review semi-fi nal design plans to receive comments.

3.5 Prepare for and a end Public Informa on Mee ng #3 to present semi-fi nal plans for the chosen alterna ve.

3.6 Send design plans and meet with all u lity companies with infrastructure in the R.O.W.

3.7 Send review set of plans to MDOT Region 1 offi ce and a end follow-up mee ng to receive


4. Final Plan Development & ConstrucƟ on Bid Documents: Under this phase of the project, Milone &

MacBroom will prepare fi nal plans and specifi ca ons and an engineer’s cost opinion which will further refi ne the semi-fi nal design plans base on comments receive. Mee ngs will be held with individual stakeholders and Town Departments as necessary. We will perform an internal plan constructability and QA/QC review of the plans. A fi nal design mee ng with Town staff and Building Commi ee (Staff

Mee ng #5) will be held to review the plans before the fi nal public mee ng. We will follow-up with required permits to gain approvals. A fi nal Public Mee ng #4 will be held with a follow-up mee ng with Town staff and Building (Staff Mee ng #6) to confi rm fi nal comments that will be incorporated into the fi nal plans and bid documents.

5. Bidding AdministraƟ on: During this phase of the project, members of our team will be available to answer contractor ques ons and will a end the pre-bid mee ng. Staff will a end the bid opening and will assist the Town with checking each bid and references to select a contractor.

6. ConstrucƟ on InspecƟ ons Services: As an op onal service, Milone & MacBroom has construc on staff available to provide full- me resident inspec on services. We can also work with the town to provide the necessary level of construc on oversight services.



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & ConstrucƟ on Bid DocumentaƟ on


Milone & MacBroom has developed a project team to cover all of the elements of the Long Beach Master Plan project. Team members have been idenƟ fi ed for this project based upon their technical backgrounds and experƟ se. If selected for this project, Milone & MacBroom would serve as the lead and prime consultant.

Project partners are listed on the following OrganizaƟ onal Chart.

Project Partners

(1) Regina Leonard, L.A. (2) Mark Mueller Architects (3) Summit Geoengineering (4) Allied Engineering (5) Accurate Counts














































Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on


Milone & MacBroom is a consul ng fi rm with one of the largest staff concentra ons in the Northeast, providing civil engineering, planning, landscape architecture and environmental science services for 30 years, in 16 states across the country. Over the past several years, our fi rm has been responsible for over $100 million in ac ve and passive park projects, ranging from the prepara on of full master plans, to the design and construc on of baseball and soccer fi elds, playgrounds, boardwalks, pedestrian bridges, pavilions, parking lots and other site ameni es from inner city playgrounds to country parks to parks along coastal communi es like York.

The fi rm has provided master planning, detailed site planning, design, and construc on support services for park revitaliza ons, enhancements, and parking lots. We a ribute our success in this area to the fi rm’s ability to blend the crea vity of landscape architecture, with the sensi vity of water resources and environmental planning, and the applica on of sound engineering principles.

Milone & MacBroom is located in Portland, Maine, with other New England regional offi ces in Connec cut, Massachuse s, New York, and Vermont. Since 1984, we have been working with municipali es, county and regional planning agencies, state and federal government, and non-profi t organiza ons conduc ng an array of projects throughout New England. Relevant project experience includes:

• Milone & MacBroom was hired to perform site analysis, survey, design, and to prepare construc on documents for the installa on of a boardwalk along the Long Island Sound beachfront and dune system connec ng the park’s main pavilion to the west bathhouses at Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison, Connec cut. The boardwalk’s alignment was specifi cally designed to provide users the experience of beachfront and through sand dune environments and vistas. Special a en on was given to founda on inves ga on through drilled test borings. An evalua on of subsurface condi ons determined an

appropriate structure design for ver cal and horizontal loading and the poten al of fi ve feet of scour below current beach sand level around the boardwalk founda on caused by storm wave ac on. The boardwalk system includes 1,620 linear feet of 12 foot wide elevated mber boardwalk constructed on driven mber pile founda ons, 500 linear feet of 10 foot wide wooden walkway at-grade, a main pavilion and boardwalk ramps providing handicap access to the beach, si ng/concession cart areas, and dune restora on and stabilizing plan ng.

• Milone & MacBroom assisted the City of Belfast, Maine, with the design and construc on documents for a waterfront walkway along Belfast Bay. The 1,400 linear foot concrete/paver walkway is near an abandoned railroad right-of-way. The proposed work included aesthe c site improvements such as decora ve

pedestrian ligh ng, signage, sea ng areas, plan ngs, and bollards. Preliminary design was completed and was presented at a review mee ng.

• The Town of Kennebunkport, Maine, contracted Milone & MacBroom to design improvements to a granite seawall that retains Pier Road, the only roadway access to the Cape Porpoise peninsula and the Town Wharf on Bickford Island. The MMI team evaluated alterna ves considering cost, regulatory requirements, constructability, future maintenance and aesthe cs. Several public informa on mee ngs were held to



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on

discuss the alterna ves and garner public opinion for both the wall and the railing design. The fi nal design incorporated reuse of the historic granite block and a site specifi c railing design was developed to balance aesthe cs with vehicular safety standards.

• Milone & MacBroom was retained by the City of Milford, Connec cut, to provide landscape architecture services associated with Walnut Beach beachfront improvements along Naugatuck Avenue in the Walnut Beach sec on of Milford. The project area is defi ned by the limits of the beach area, including an a rac ve stand of beach grass, some overgrown vegeta on, fencing, and individual signs. Parking and sidewalks line the street for the adjacent apartments and condominiums. There is also a sandy walk to the beach from the end of the street. The fi rm prepared a conceptual site design of the proposed improvements which included new landscape plan ngs, signage, roadway treatments, site fencing and/or bollards, and walkway op ons.

• Milone & MacBroom assisted the City of Norwalk, Connec cut, with improvements at Oyster Shell Park, once a solid waste landfi ll site, is now a 17-acre open space passive recrea on park. Several areas include color-specifi c perennial bands that wrap around and encompass a majority of the steep sloping hillsides. A walk or drive to the top of the ridge off ers a panoramic view of the Norwalk River and the ac vi es in the harbor. A boardwalk near water level takes visitors around the estuarian marsh and then along the river shoreline for a quiet stroll, exercise, fi shing, or nature study. A 1,000 +/- seat amphitheater was designed by Milone & MacBroom and hosts a majority of events, local play groups, and orchestras. Sloping hills, a permanent sculpture park, and a vegeta ve berm maze were designed to keep the park ac ve throughout the winter months.

Roadway & Complete Streets Design

Milone & MacBroom provides master planning, design, and construc on support services for

municipal revitaliza ons and sidewalk and streetscape improvements. Our project experience ranges from historic town centers that want to strengthen the visual character of their community, urban neighborhoods seeking revitaliza on, and industrial communi es looking to provide an economic s mulus to the surrounding area.

Our design experience includes granite curbing, brick and concrete sidewalks, street trees, decora ve ligh ng, gateway treatments, pedestrian ameni es, historic elements, traffi c calming, and u li es. Our project team includes a mix of landscape architects, transporta on engineers, and planners to ensure we maintain traffi c safety and community vision while crea ng a livable public space that draws users.

• Milone & MacBroom was retained by the Town of Brunswick, Maine, to provide engineering design, master planning and construc on administra on services for the College Street Reconstruc on project. Primary stakeholders in the project included Bowdoin College, Brunswick Sewer District, Brunswick-Topsham Water District and Brunswick Public Works. The project consisted of full-depth reconstruc on of approximately 1,800 linear feet of roadway, realignment and construc on of new sidewalks on both sides of College Street and along Coffi n Street, replacement and temporary bypass of an exis ng 6” water main with a new larger 12” main, removal and replacement of sewer manholes and pipe, and the redesign of three roadway intersec ons including College Street at Maine Street, College Street at Park Row, and College Street

at Harpswell Road. Addi onal design elements incorporated into the streetscape project included new granite curbing, bituminous sidewalks, granite paver crosswalks, street ligh ng, driveway reconfi gura on



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on

and landscaping. Traffi c calming elements were an important aspect of the project, and included mul ple raised speed tables with textured granite transi on ramps and granite roadside bollards to defi ne the pedestrian spaces.

• Milone & MacBroom was hired by the Town of Kennebunkport, Maine, to design improvements to a granite seawall that retains Pier Road, the only roadway access to the Cape Porpoise peninsula and the Town Wharf on Bickford Island. The seawall is located in a harsh coastal environment and its structural integrity had been undermined by normal de ac vity. A sidewalk on the south side of Pier Road serves as an important pedestrian corridor that needed to be preserved. Several design alterna ves were

considered with respect to permits, construc on cost, future maintenance, constructability, and aesthe cs.

In every scenario, the feasibility of construc on was perhaps the most challenging design aspect of project.

Several public informa onal mee ngs were held and the design incorporated the public’s desire to reuse the granite block in the new wall, as well as to retain the aesthe c railing.

• Milone & MacBroom was retained by the City of Portland, Maine, to provide landscape architecture and design services for the re-design an approximately 2,200 foot sec on of Spring Street from High Street to Union Street. This ongoing project will transform Spring Street via a “Road Diet” from a four-lane vehicle centric high speed arterial to a lower speed two-lane roadway which will reconnect the surrounding neighborhoods and districts including; the Arts, the Historic, and the downtown.

Coastal Experience

Milone & MacBroom has been involved in coastal resource management from a number of perspec ves. Our work has included prepara on of permit and cer fi cate of permission applica ons for ac vi es regulated by Federal programs;

development of site plans for coastal projects; prepara on of Coastal Area Management Site Plan applica ons to support site development ac vi es and dal marsh restora on; and development of natural hazard mi ga on plans for coastal communi es. Our exper se ranges from study and evalua on of marsh hydrology and habitat, to salinity and de monitoring, to design of improvements to restore the dal range in

upstream areas.

• Milone & MacBroom provided design services for the replacement of de gates at Ocean Beack Park in Old Orchard, Maine. The drainage structure consisted of three, 48-inch diameter reinforced concrete culverts.

The structure was located in a dal watercourse with upstream and downstream salt marshes. The Maine Department of Environmental Protec on ordered that the gates be opened to allow six to eight inches of water through the pipes during each high de. The Town was manually opening the gates, and closing them during high des to prevent fl ooding. The fi nal design incorporated a motorized de gate to replace one of the fl ap gates, which allowed for easy opera on to maintain the proper ra o in the dal fl ow. The fi rm also obtained the required permits for this project.

• The City of New Haven, Connec cut, is redeveloping por ons of its Fair Haven neighborhood and

contracted Milone & MacBroom to design 1,400 linear feet of waterfront trail. This included the installed of steel bulkhead, placement of fi ll and construc on of a paved walkway and boardwalk system to provide coastal access in a loca on where none has existed since the industrial revolu on. The design considered current and future coastal regimes and dynamics.

• The Town of Damarisco a, Maine, is located on the Damarisco a River, 12 miles inland of the Atlan c Ocean. The town serves as a regional center for commercial and recrea onal ac vi es with downtown Main Street serving as a focal point for ac vi es. Milone & MacBroom was selected by the Town to evaluate buildings, a sanitary pump sta on, and municipal parking lot and iden fy alterna ves for mi ga ng and protec ng against future sea level rise and natural disasters. The interior and exterior of



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on

each building will be observed to iden fy cri cal elements that are vulnerable to future fl ooding (e.g., water and sewer connec ons, propane tanks) and openings that make the structure vulnerable (e.g., windows, doors, etc.). The eleva on of cri cal elements and building openings will be determined by fi eld survey and mi ga on strategies will be evaluated. For the municipal parking lot and pump sta on, strategies will be iden fi ed to protect these cri cal assets while preserving the waterfront view sheds that make the town an idyllic waterfront tourist des na on. In addi on, the fi rm will recommend improvements to the town’s parking lot to reduce fl ood depth and frequency.

• Milone & MacBroom was contracted by the Town of Nantucket, Massachuse s, to evaluate alterna ve methods to evaluate short and long-term strategies for con nuing the viability of a road along the eastern edge of the island atop a 60-foot high bluff fron ng the open Atlan c Ocean. The fi rm evaluated alterna ves for temporarily stabilizing Baxter Road at its current loca on while alterna ve access to the residen al proper es was designed and built.

• Milone & MacBroom won a grant from the Hudson River Estuary Program and New England Interstate Water Pollu on Control Commission (NEIWPCC) to design a “sustainable shoreline” for Dockside Park in Cold Spring, New York. The shoreline was designed through a public process with design criteria ranging from sea level rise projec ons to hydrodynamic forces (waves and currents) and ice characteris cs. The new shoreline was designed to allow for landward migra on of vegeta on as sea level rises. Rocky and boulder structure was incorporated to reduce erosion and ice scour yet facilitate migra on of vegeta on zones.

• Milone & MacBroom developed a coastal access manual for the Town of Greenwich, Connec cut. The manual was the fi rst of its kind produced for sites along the Long Island Sound shoreline, for use by many shoreline communi es to enhance public access.

Landscape Architecture

The Landscape Architects at Milone & MacBroom apply ar s c principles and technical design standards in order to enhance the built environment and

preserve the natural landscape of our projects. Our staff provides site planning, pre-design programming, crea ve design concepts, innova ve solu ons, and construc on administra on for a variety of landscape architectural projects. Landscape design is a cri cal component of all our restora on projects and a dis nc on of our fi rm as compared to many others.

Our extensive background in recrea onal planning gives us a unique apprecia on for the many challenges accompanied with working in environmentally

sensi ve areas. These projects by their very nature are a mel ng pot of compe ng uses and challenges -- fl ooding, pedestrian access, recrea on, building

and land development, traffi c circula on, protec on of riparian fl oodplain vegeta on, wetlands, and wildlife, river func on and water quality, regulatory permi ng requirements, and aesthe cs. Our team of licensed landscape architects works hand-in-hand with our design engineers to couple aesthe cs, natural plan selec on, and recrea on in a manner that is ecologically and fi nancially viable, as well as permi able under local, state, and federal programs. A vast majority of our projects feature renderings, photo-simula ons, and conceptual plans created by our landscape architects that help to inform and educate the public, the community, and the project partners. Our landscape architects are well versed in ADA compliance requirements as demonstrated in numerous projects throughout New England.



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on

• Milone & MacBroom developed a master plan for the impounded sec on of the Farmington River in Collinsville, Connec cut. The plan includes strategies and recommenda ons for increased public access at specifi c loca ons (including ADA-compliant access), modifi ed public access at several loca ons, shoreline treatments, fi sheries habitat enhancements, sediment management, way fi nding and signage, and alternate land uses.

• Milone & MacBroom was the designer of various aspects of a dal marsh restora on project along the West River in New Haven, Connec cut. The new de gates on the river and the shoreline and park

improvements upstream at Edgewood Park and “Duck Pond.” This eff ort included freshwater dal wetland vegeta on, placement of random boulders for wildlife, construc on of boardwalks along pond edge, and plan ng of wetland herbaceous plugs to help restore the marsh system. Sea level rise and its rela on plan ngs to the proposed boardwalk and the usable park areas were considered during the design.

Permiƫ ng

The fi rm has prepared environmental permit applica ons and associated documenta on and analysis on a wide variety of projects. Permits at the local, state, and federal levels have been successfully obtained for many unique and challenging projects. Project team members are well-versed in regulatory requirements and state and federal policies regarding environmental resources, wetlands, and fl oodplain management.

• The Town of Windham, Maine, selected Milone & MacBroom as the lead consultant to design and permit the fi rst phase of improvements to Donnabeth Lippman Park. Tasks included the design and permi ng to reconstruct the narrow access road including extension of u li es, and to build a parking lot for up to 75 vehicles.

ConstrucƟ on Services

Milone & MacBroom’s construc on specialists assist design engineers in preparing design specifi ca ons for construc on bid documents as well as cost es mates, review of shop drawings, development of as- built drawings, and conduc ng constructability reviews. Field staff conducts construc on phase contract administra on and inspec on for a variety of project types, from dam renova ons and fi sh passage to new full scale dredging projects. We have provided construc on management and inspec on services for dozens of stream, river, pond, and wetland restora on projects.

• Milone & MacBroom was contracted to design a 2.6 mile segment of the Eastern Trail. Planning, design, and permi ng was completed for the trail segment through Old Orchard Beach from Scarborough to Saco, Maine. The work included preliminary design of two major structures – a bridge over Mills Brook and a second bridge over Cascade Road. Preliminary design included survey, rou ng analysis, and u lity coordina on. Construc on documents were advanced for a 1.6 mile segment from Pine Point Road in Scarborough to Milliken Mills Road, with the remaining one mile segment on hold due to the need to relocate a gas transmission main. The fi rm also provided construc on inspec on services for 1.6 miles of the trail.

• Milone & MacBroom is providing full- me construc on services for this Maine DOT construc on project located on Route 11 in Wallagrass Maine. The project involves the full-depth reconstruc on of 3 miles of Route 11 including

improvements to exis ng horizontal and ver cal geometry defi ciencies. The roadway improvements have



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on

necessitated reloca on of the roadway in several loca ons along the project route.

Public/Stakeholder Involvement

While engineering details and mee ng regulatory standards are important, when all is said and done the residents of York will need to live with the results of this eff ort. To that end, providing mechanisms for public outreach and involvement is a cri cal component to the overall success of this project. Communica ng with project stakeholders is one area that sets Milone & MacBroom apart from our compe tors. Very simply, we prepare presenta ons that allow us to describe our technical work in language that the general public can understand. Photo-simula ons and ar s c renderings are accompanied by clear data presenta ons to illustrate exis ng and proposed condi ons. Project sponsors o en turn to our project team to explain project goals and objec ves and communicate project need and the background. Public and/or stakeholder involvement is invited by way of publica ons and media rela ons, mee ng facilita on, and the design and development of stakeholder involvement programs.

• The Town of Chebeague Island, Maine, had a need to inves gate the best and highest use of a 10-acre parcel of shorefront Town-owned land known as “Sunset Landing”. The team of professionals lead by Milone & MacBroom assisted the Town in presen ng informa on to the island residents at Town Mee ng and in preparing a grant applica on to the State of Maine under the Coastal Program for funding. Milone

& MacBroom con nues to provide consul ng services to help in the prepara on of design alterna ves, to par cipate in community outreach ini a ves, and to seek out grants and other funding opportuni es.


AssumesNoticetoProceedDateof3/1/15 Task/Milestone StartDate FinishDate Task1ͲAssessmentof

ExistingConditions 3/1/2015 4/15/15 Task2ͲConceptualPlan

Development 4/15/15 5/31/15


Pans 6/1/15 7/15/15

Task4AͲFinalDesign 7/15/15 9/1/15

Task4BͲContractDocs 9/1/15 10/1/2015 Task5ͲStartBidding

Administration 10/1/15

StaffMeeting PublicMeetings BidDocumentsReady

Oct2015 Sept2015

March2015 April2015 May2015 June2015 July2015 August2015



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on



AICP, LA, Principal

Tony Ciriello, PE, Principal

John Adams, PE, PTOE

Dave Sullivan, PE

David Murphy, PE, CFM

Dustin Roma, PE

Skip Burns, Senior CAD Designer

Kirsten Braun, EIT

Stephanie Wyman,

EIT Admin

Staff Totals


$ $ 60.00 $ 43.27 $ 56.16 $ 50.96 $ 36.54 $ 32.25 $ 24.75 $ 24.60 $ 20.00 Task 1.0 Assessment of Existing Conditions & Data Collection

1.1 Base Map Check & Field Review & photograph 8.0 8.0

1.2 Review Existing Long Beach Ave Drainage Studies 16.0 16.0

1.3 Prepare For & Attend Staff Kick-off Meeting 5.0 5.0 5.0

1.4 Traffic Volume Data Collection (3 intersections) & Filed Observations 8.0 4.0

1.5 On-street parking observations & counts 6.0

1.6 Lighting Assessment - See Lighting Sub Fees Below

1.7 Prepare For & Attend Public Meeting #1 8.0 8.0 8.0 4.0

Total Hours 13.0 0.0 27.0 0.0 16.0 29.0 8.0 4.0 12.0 0.0 109.0

Task Totals: $780 $0 $1,168 $0 $815 $1,060 $258 $99 $295 $0 $ 4,476

Task 2.0 - Conceptual Plan Development -3 Alternatives

2.1.1 Develop Concept 1 2.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 32.0 32.0

2.1.2 Develop Concept 2 2.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 24.0 24.0 24.0

2.1.3 Develop Concept 3 2.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 24.0 24.0

2.2 Initial Review & Analysis of two Drainage Project Areas 16.0 16.0 16.0

2.3 Hold Design Meeting with Town & Building Committee 4.0 4.0 4.0

2.4 Submit Concept Plans to Town & Attend Design Review Meeting 4.0

2.5 Incorporate Comments and Hold Public Meeting #2 to Present Concepts 8.0 8.0 8.0 4.0

2.6 Identify Required Permits & Hold Pre-Application Meetings 5.0 5.0

2.7 Prepare Preliminary Design Report (PDR) 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 16.0 4.0

Total Hours 15.0 11.0 25.0 13.0 23.0 41.0 94.0 24.0 125.0 4.0 375.0

Task Totals: $900 $660 $1,082 $730 $1,172 $1,498 $3,032 $594 $3,075 $80 $ 12,823

Task 3.0 - Semi-Final Design

3.0 A. Prepare 50% Design Plans for Chosen Alternative 16.0 8.0 24.0 16.0 20.0 40.0 40.0 10.0 40.0

3.0 B Drainage/Stormwater Analysis 24.0 24.0 16.0

3.1 Submit Permit Applications 4.0 16.0

3.2 Prepare Preliminary Cost Opinion 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 4.0 8.0

3.3 Prepare Outline Specs 0.5 1.0 2.0 8.0

3.4 Hold Staff Meeting #4 with Town & Building Committee, Review Plan 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0

3.5 Present 50% Design Plans at Public Meeting #4 8.0 8.0 8.0 4.0

3.6 Send Plans to & Meet with Utilities 6.0 2.0

3.7 Meetings with Individual Stakeholders & Town Departments (Assume 3) 9.0 9.0

3.8 Send Review Set of Plans to MDOT Region 1 Office & Hold Meeting 4.0 4.0 1.0

Total Hours 25.0 9.5 52.0 18.0 46.0 107.0 54.0 10.0 89.0 0.0 410.5

Task Totals: $1,500 $570 $2,250 $1,011 $2,344 $3,910 $1,742 $248 $2,189 $0 $ 15,763

Task 4.0 - Final Plan Development & Bid Documents

4.1 Meetings with Individual Stakeholders & Town Departments (Assume 3) 9.0 9.0

4.2 Internal Constructability and QA/QC Review 16.0

4.3 A. Develop 100% Design Plans, Profile, X-Sections, Details, Etc. 4.0 4.0 12.0 8.0 8.0 24.0 32.0 32.0

4.3 B. Complete Drainage & Storm System Design 16.0 16.0 8.0

4.4 Refine Cost Opinions 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 6.0 2.0 6.0

4.5 Hold Staff Meeting #4 with Town & Building Committee, Review Plans 5.0 5.0 2.0 2.0

4.5 Present Final Design Plans at Public Meeting #4 8.0 8.0 8.0 4.0

4.6 Hold Final Staff Meeting (#5) Confirm Final Comments to Incorporate 4.0 4.0 4.0

4.7 Submit Separate Final Design Plans & Bid Docs for Road Project & Bathhouse Project 2.0 8.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 24.0 8.0 24.0

Total Hours 18.5 28.5 40.0 12.0 30.0 88.0 52.0 0.0 76.0 0.0 345.0

Task Totals: $1,110 $1,710 $1,731 $674 $1,529 $3,216 $1,677 $0 $1,870 $0 $ 13,516

Task 5.0 - Bidding Administration

5.1 Answer Questions During Bidding 4.0 4.0 8.0

5.2 Attend Pre-bid Meeting 5.0 5.0

5.3 Review Bids & Assist with Contractor Selection 4.0 2.0

Total Hours 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 4.0 17.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 32.0

Task Totals: $0 $0 $389 $0 $204 $621 $0 $0 $49 $0 $ 1,264

Task 6.0 - Construction Administration

71.5 49.0 153.0 43.0 119.0 282.0 208.0 38.0 304.0 4.0

MMI Staff Hours 1271.5 47,840.61

$ Add - Overhead Rate of 139.87%$ 66,914.66

Add - Profit @ 10%$ 11,475.53 Total MMI Professional Fees (w/ overhead & profit) $ 126,230.80

Regina Leonard, LA $ 25,246.16 Mark Mueller Architects $ 50,000.00 Allied Engineering (Lighting) $ 18,000.00 Summit Geoengineering (Soil Borings & Report) $ 5,000.00 Traffic volume & Parking Collection $ 3,600.00 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES (w/ Subconsultants) $ 228,076.96 Directs (printing, mileage, etc.) $ 5,701.92 233,779



Note: Typical work days are 8 hours with over me as necessary. Clients are not charged over me rates for design services.



Long Sands Beach Master Plan, Design & Construc on Bid Documenta on


Bruce Hyman, Bicycle & Pedestrian Program Coordinator

City of Portland Department of Planning and Urban Development Portland, Maine 04101

P: 207-874-8833 Email: bhyman@portlandmaine.gov

Spring Street Complete Streets & Streetscape Roadway Redesign: Milone & MacBroom is serving as the prime consultant with Regina Leonard as a subconsultant assis ng with landscape architectural services. Our primary staff assigned to this project include: John Adams, Project Manager & Lead Transporta on Engineer; Vincent McDermo , Principal & Lead on Public Process; Anthony Ciriello, Principal & Lead Plan Review & Internal Quality Control; and Dus n Roma, Lead Project Civil Engineer for road and u lity design.

Dean A. Lessard, P.E., Director of Public Works Town of York, Maine

186 York Street York, Maine 03909

P: 207-363-1010, Ext. 6201 E: dlessard@yorkmaine.org

York Village Master Plan & IntersecƟ on Redesign, Nearing CompleƟ on of Phase 1 Technical InvesƟ gaƟ on &

Preliminary Design: John Adams & Regina Leonard are part of a team providing services to the Town of York, Maine. John Adams is serving as the lead transporta on engineer; and Regina is the lead landscape architect working with the York Village Study Commi ee and Dean Lessard.

MaƩ Lutkus, Town Manager Town of Damarisco a

P: 207-563-5168 E: mlutkus@damarisco ame.com

Sea Level AdaptaƟ on Planning Study Downtown Waterfront Area, CompleƟ on of Preliminary Study & Design:

Vincent McDermo served as the Principal and Project Manager; David Murphy, served as the lead coastal en- gineer; and Dus n Roma served as the lead civil engineer.

John A. Foster, Town Engineer/Public Works Director Brunswick Public Works

Brunswick, ME 04011

P: (207)725-6654 E: jfoster@brunswickme.org

College Street Complete Streets & Streetscape Roadway & IntersecƟ on Redesign, Design Through Construc- Ɵ on InspecƟ on: Anthony Ciriello, Principal & Lead Plan Review & Internal Quality Control; John Adams served as the project manager and lead transporta on engineer; and Dus n Roma served as the lead civil engineer for roadway and u lity design.














Work: 31 Years of practicing architecture in the State of Maine

2001 – Present

Mark Mueller Architects

Responsible for conceptual and schematic design phase graphics, construction drawings and site supervision. Client contact, project management, intern architect development and graphic presentations.

Projects: Numerous commercial and residential works, which enhanced communities and neighborhoods of Maine.

November 2001

Founded architectural and interior design firm, Mark Mueller Architects.

May 1999- Nov 2001

Freelance interior design & graphics specializing in custom residential projects and watercolor architectural renderings


Gawron Architects: Scarborough, Maine


Nebraska Wesleyan University 1978 - 1980

University of Nebraska 1980 - 1984

Architectural Association, London 1984 (Lecture Attendance)

Professional Status:

Licensed architectural registration in the State of Maine, November 2001


Work: 14 Years practicing in the State of Maine

• 2001 – Present

Mark Mueller Architects

Architectural Intern & Architectural Designer Education:

Wentworth Institute of Technology 2001 – 2005 Bachelor of Architectural Engineering Technology Degree Dean’s List

Professional Status:

NCARB – Member

AIA – Associate AIA Member Architectural Registration Pending

Staff Sample Project Experience

Beach House            Sentry Inn at York Harbor    Biddeford Pool, ME          York, ME 

Shingle style home along the beach       Adult Daycare, Octagonal Design Plan  

                 Emulating English Sunroom & Garden 

Art Studio             

Orchard Street – West End        State of Maine Office at Jetport  Portland, ME              151 Jetport Boulevard 

Renovation & Conversion of         Portland, ME         Historic Garage             80,000 sf of Office Space 




Regina Leonard is a landscape architect and Maine native. Her landscape architecture and design practice, located in Topsham, Maine, offers a diverse range of site planning and design services for primarily municipal clients. Regina’s expertise includes the design and planning for streetscape and downtowns, public spaces, parks, trails and natural areas.

Her background as a public sector landscape architect lends a unique perspective to her practice. She understands the inherent complexities of civic-scale projects and has demonstrated experience working with communities and interest groups toward common goals. Regina’s past and recent work is strongly based in public settings and includes a range of services from conceptual level design through project implementation.

Over the years, she has forged strong alliances with municipal officials, regulatory agencies, neighborhood and advocacy groups.

Regina’s significant streetscape and downtown center projects include all levels of design and implementation, from master planning to schematic design and bid document development. Recent and current projects include the Waldoboro and Camden Downtown Master Plans, the York Village Master Plan as well as the Deering Street Streetscape and Spring Street Redevelopment projects in Portland.

Regina holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Horticulture from the University of Maine and a master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She is registered with the State of Maine and is professionally certified by the Council of Landscape Architecture Registration Board. Regina is also a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects and its local Boston Chapter.


Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 2000. Thesis: “The Historic Vernacular Landscape of the Porter-Phelps-Huntington Property, 1652-to present: a Farmstead Spanning Three Centuries.”

Bachelor of Science: Landscape Horticulture, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Degree in Landscape Horticulture with a concentration in Landscape Design, 1995

Studies in Fine Art, Portland School of Art, Portland, Maine: 1986, 1988-89, 1999 Cornell Site Engineering Workshop, June 2004

Continuing Education in landscape architecture through seminars, conferences, lectures and workshops


Canal Street Streetscape Improvements, Lewiston, Maine Camden Downtown Master Plan, Camden, Maine

Deering Street Reconstruction, Portland, Maine

Downtown Planning Study & Revitalization Plan, Livermore Falls, Maine Downtown Revitalization Project, Milo, Maine

Downtown Urban Design Guidelines, Lewiston, Maine Old High School Redevelopment Study, Brunswick, Maine Lincoln Street Corridor Enhancement; Lewiston, Maine Lisbon Street Streetscape Improvements, Lewiston, Maine Main Street Art Wall Project, Auburn, Maine

Franklin Pasture Bike Path, Lewiston, Maine

Fort Allen Park Landscape Preservation Plan, Portland, Maine Fort Allen Trail Plan, Portland, Maine

Gateway Park Planting Plan, Lewiston, Maine


Electrical Engineer/Principal LEED AP

Catherine A. Faucher P.E. is President and Chief Electrical Engineer at Allied Engineering. In addition to her experience in new construction and renovations for power supply and distribution, lighting and system controls, Cathy has been heavily involved in the design of Technology Systems. This specialized area concentrates on the design of data/voice and other lower voltage wiring and components. Ms. Faucher has attended numerous courses and seminars in this field and supervises technical staff with RCDD credentials. Cathy is also a LEED™(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Accredited Professional.

Work Related Experience

x Maine Correctional Center, Windham, ME

x Maine Department of Transportation - Maintenance Garage Projects throughout the State x Portland Public Library Phase I Renovations - Portland, ME

x Cumberland County Jail Control Room - Portland, ME x Saco Island Building 2 Lighting - Saco, ME

x Maine Turnpike Authority Gray Maintenance Facility - Gray, ME x MaineDOT/BGS Fleet Services Center - Augusta, ME

x West Kennebunk Fire Station – Design/Build with PM Construction

x Town of Scarborough Municipal, Administrative, and School Buildings Study - Scarborough, Maine x MaineDOT Acadia Gateway Phase I and II - Trenton, ME

x USPS Projects in Maine and New Hampshire x Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, ME x Orono-Veazie Water Plant

x Salisbury Pump Station Site Study x 265 Main Street Biddeford

x Augusta Courthouse Facility - Augusta, ME

Education, Registration, and Affiliation

University of Maine - Orono - B.S. Electrical Engineering - 1987 Registered Professional Electrical Engineer (NCEES)- ME, MA Institute of Electric and Electronics (IEEE)

National Association of Electrical Inspectors Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)

LEED™(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Accredited Professional


Employment History 1996 – Present 1995 – 1996 1993 – 1995 1988 – 1993 1987 – 1988

Allied Engineering– President and Principal in Charge of Electrical Engineering TMP Consulting Engineers - Project Engineer

SMRT - Electrical Engineer

Oak Point Associates - Electrical Engineer Factory Mutual Engineering - Field Engineer


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