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The typical structure of maximal triangle free graphs


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Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA;

email: jobal@math.uiuc.edu, hliu36@illinois.edu, petrckv2@illinois.edu, sharifz2@illinois.edu

Received 12 January 2015; accepted 21 August 2015


Recently, settling a question of Erd˝os, Balogh, and Petˇríˇckov´a showed that there are at most 2n2/8+o(n2) n-vertex maximal triangle-free graphs, matching the previously known lower bound.

Here, we characterize the typical structure of maximal triangle-free graphs. We show that almost every maximal triangle-free graphGadmits a vertex partitionX∪Y such thatG[X]is a perfect matching andY is an independent set.

Our proof uses the Ruzsa–Szemer´edi removal lemma, the Erd˝os–Simonovits stability theorem, and recent results of Balogh, Morris, and Samotij and Saxton and Thomason on characterization of the structure of independent sets in hypergraphs. The proof also relies on a new bound on the number of maximal independent sets in triangle-free graphs with many vertex-disjointP3s, which is of independent interest.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C35, 05C30, 05C69

1. Introduction

Given a family of combinatorial objects with certain properties, a fundamental problem in extremal combinatorics is to describe the typicalstructure of these objects. This was initiated in a seminal work of Erd˝os, Kleitman and Rothschild [13] in 1976. They proved that almost all triangle-free graphs on n vertices are bipartite; that is, the proportion ofn-vertex triangle-free graphs that are not bipartite goes to zero asn→ ∞. Since then, various extensions of this theorem



have been established. The typical structure of H-free graphs has been studied whenH is a large clique [3,19],H is a fixed color-critical subgraph [23],H is a finite family of subgraphs [2], and H is an induced subgraph [4]. For sparseH -free graphs, analogous problems were examined in [9,21]. In the context of other combinatorial objects, the typical structure of hypergraphs with a fixed forbidden subgraph is investigated for example in [10, 22], and the typical structure of intersecting families of discrete structures is studied in [5]; see also [1] for a description of the typical sum-free set in finite abelian groups.

In contrast to the family of alln-vertex triangle-free graphs, which has been well studied, very little was known about the subfamily consisting of all those that are maximal (under graph inclusion) triangle free. Note that the size of the family of triangle-free graphs on[n]is at least 2n2/4

(all subgraphs of a complete balanced bipartite graph), and at most 2n2/4+o(n2)

by the result of Erd˝os, Kleitman, and Rothschild from 1976. Until recently, it was not even known if the subfamily of maximal triangle-free graphs is significantly smaller. As a first step, Erd˝os suggested the following problem (as stated in [26]): determine or estimate the

number of maximal triangle-free graphs onn vertices. The following folklore

construction shows that there are at least 2n2/8

maximal triangle-free graphs on the vertex set[n] := {1, . . . ,n}.

Lower bound construction.Assume thatnis a multiple of 4. Start with a graph on a vertex setX∪Ywith|X| = |Y| =n/2 such thatXinduces a perfect matching andY is an independent set (see Figure 1a). For each pair of a matching edge

x1x2 in X and a vertex y ∈ Y, add exactly one of the edges x1y or x2y. Since

there aren/4 matching edges inXandn/2 vertices inY, we obtain 2n2/8

triangle-free graphs. These graphs may not be maximal triangle triangle-free, but since no further edges can be added betweenX andY, all of these 2n2/8

graphs extend to distinct maximal ones.

Balogh and Petˇr´ıˇckov´a [11] recently proved a matching upper bound, that the number of maximal triangle-free graphs on vertex set[n]is at most 2n2/8+o(n2)

. Now that the counting problem is resolved, one would naturally ask what most of the maximal triangle-free graphs look like; that is, what their typical structure is. Our main result provides an answer to this question.

THEOREM 1.1. For almost every maximal triangle-free graph G on[n], there is a vertex partition X ∪Y such that G[X] is a perfect matching and Y is an independent set.

The proof of Theorem 1.1 consists of two parts. In the first part, we show

an asymptotic version of Theorem1.1, which implies that almost all maximal


Figure 1. (a)r =2, (b)r =3. Lower bound construction for maximalKr+1-free


beginning of Section3for an outline of the proof). In the second part, we compare directly the size of the family of ‘bad’ maximal triangle-free graphs, that is, those without the desired structure, with the size of the family of ‘good’ ones (see the beginning of Section4for the idea of the proof).

It is worth mentioning that, once a maximal triangle-free graph has the above partitionX∪Y, then there has to be exactly one edge between every matching edge

of X and every vertex ofY. Thus Theorem1.1implies that almost all maximal

triangle-free graphs have the same structure as the graphs in the lower bound construction above. Furthermore, our proof yields that the number of maximal triangle-free graphs without the desired structure is exponentially smaller than the number of maximal triangle-free graphs. LetM3(n)denote the set of all maximal

triangle-free graphs on[n], and letG(n)denote the family of graphs fromM3(n) that admit a vertex partition such that one part induces a perfect matching and the other is an independent set. Then there exists an absolute constantc>0 such that, fornsufficiently large,|M3(n)−G(n)|62−cn|M3(n)|.

It would be interesting to have similar results for Mr(n), the number of

maximalKr-free graphs on[n]. Alon pointed out that, if the number of maximal

Kr-free graphs is 2crn


, then cr is monotone increasing in r, though not

necessarily strictly monotone. For the lower bound, a discussion with Alon and Łuczak led to the following construction that gives 2(1−1/r+o(1))n2/4


-free graphs. Assume thatn is a multiple of 2r. Partition the vertex set[n]into

r equal classes X1, . . . ,Xr−1,Y, and place a perfect matching into each of X1,

. . . ,Xr−1(see Figure1b). Between the classes we have the following connection

rule: between the vertices of two matching edges from different classes Xi

and Xj place exactly three edges, and between a vertex in Y and a matching


R¨odl [12], Mr+1(n) 6 2(1−1/r+o(1))n2/2

. A slightly improved bound is given in [11]: For everyr there isε(r) >0 such that|Mr+1(n)| 6 2(1−1/r−ε(r))n2/2 forn

sufficiently large. We suspect that the lower bound is the ‘correct value’; that is, that|Mr+1(n)| =2(1−1/r+o(1))n



Related problem.There is a surprising connection between the family of maximal triangle-free graphs and the family of maximal sum-free sets in[n]. Recently,

Balogh, Liu, Sharifzadeh and Treglown [6] proved that the number of maximal

sum-free sets in[n] is 2(1+o(1))n/4, settling a conjecture of Cameron and Erd˝os.

Although neither of the results imply one another, the methods in both of the papers fall in the same general framework, in which a rough structure of the family is obtained first using the appropriate container lemma and removal lemma.

These are Theorems2.1 and2.2 in this paper, and a group removal lemma of

Green [16], and a granular theorem of Green and Ruzsa [17] in the sum-free case. Both problems can then be translated into bounding the number of maximal independent sets in some auxiliary link graphs. In particular, one of the tools here (Lemma2.4) is also utilized in [7] to give an asymptotic of the number of maximal sum-free sets in[n].

Organization. We first introduce all the tools in Section 2, then we prove

Lemma 3.1, the asymptotic version of Theorem 1.1, in Section 3. Using this

asymptotic result, we prove Theorem1.1in Section4.

Notation.For a graphG, denote by|G|the number of vertices inG, and bye(G) the number of its edges. Ann-vertex graphG ist-close to bipartiteifG can be made bipartite by removing at mostt edges. Denote byPkthe path onkvertices.

Write MIS(G)for the number of maximal independent sets inG. TheCartesian

product GH of graphsGandH is a graph with vertex setV(G)×V(H)such that two vertices(u,u0)and(v, v0)are adjacent if and only if eitheru = vand

u0v0E(H), oru0=v0anduvE(G). For a fixed graphG, letN(v)be the set of neighbors of a vertexvinG, and letd(v):= |NG(v)|andΓ (v):=N(v)∪ {v}.

Forv ∈ V(G) and X ⊆ V(G), denote by NX(v) the set of all neighbors ofv

in X (that is, NX(v)= N(v)∩ X), and let dX(v) := |NX(v)|. Denote by∆(X)

the maximum degree of the induced subgraphG[X]. For two disjoint vertex sets

X,Y ⊆ V, the edges betweenX andY are called[X,Y]-edges, and the number of[X,Y]-edges is denoted e(X,Y). A (vertex) cut X ∪ Y is a partition of the vertex set V into two disjoint subsets X and Y, and e(X,Y) is the size of the

cut X∪Y. A vertex cut X∪Y is amax-cutife(X,Y) is not smaller than the size of any other cut. Given a vertex cut X∪Y, theinner edges(of X∪Y) are the edges inG[X]andG[Y], theinner neighborsof a vertexvare its neighbors in the same partite set asv(that is, NX(v)ifv ∈ X), and theinner degreeof a


triangle-free graphs isnegligibleif there exists an absolute constantC > 0 such that|F|<2−Cn|M3(n)|.

2. Tools

Our first tool is a corollary of recent powerful counting theorems of Balogh, Morris and Samotij [8, Theorem 2.2.], and of Saxton and Thomason [25].

THEOREM 2.1. For allδ > 0there is c = c(δ) >0such that there is a family

Fof at most2c·logn·n3/2

graphs on[n], each containing at mostδn3triangles, such

that for every triangle-free graph G on[n]there is an F ∈F such that G ⊆ F, where n is sufficiently large.

The graphs inFin the above theorem will be referred to ascontainers. A weaker version of Theorem2.1, which can be concluded from the Szemer´edi regularity lemma, could be used instead of Theorem2.1here. The only difference is that the upper bound on the size ofF is 2o(n2).

We need two well-known results. The first is the Ruzsa–Szemer´edi triangle-removal lemma [24], and the second is the Erd˝os–Simonovits stability theorem [14].

THEOREM 2.2. For everyε >0there exist δ = δ(ε) >0and n0(ε) > 0such that any graph G on n >n0(ε)vertices with at mostδn3 triangles can be made triangle free by removing at mostεn2edges.

THEOREM2.3. For everyε >0there existsδ =δ(ε) > 0and n0(ε) > 0such that every triangle-free graph G on n >n0(ε)vertices with at least n2/4−δn2 edges can be made bipartite by removing at mostεn2edges.

We also need the following lemma, which is an extension of results of Moon and Moser [20] and of Hujter and Tuza [18].

LEMMA 2.4. Let G be an n-vertex triangle-free graph. If G contains at least k

vertex-disjoint P3s, then

MIS(G)62n/2−k/25. (1)

Proof. The proof is by induction onn. The base case of the induction isn = 1 withk =0, for which MIS(G)=1621/2−0/25.


is the number of maximal independent sets containingv, and that MIS(G− {v})

bounds from above the number of maximal independent sets not containing v.


MIS(G)6MIS(G− {v})+MIS(G−Γ (v)).

IfGhaskvertex-disjointP3s, thenG−Γ (v)has at leastk−d(v)vertex-disjoint P3s, and so, by the induction hypothesis,

MIS(G)62(n−1)/2−(k−1)/25+2(n−(d(v)+1))/2−(k−d(v))/25 62n/2−k/25(2−1/2+1/25+2−(d(v)+1)/2+d(v)/25).

The function f(x) = 2−1/2+1/25 + 2−(x+1)/2+x/25 is a decreasing function with f(3) ≈ 0.9987 < 1. So, if there exists a vertex of degree at least 3 inG, then we have MIS(G)62n/2−k/25, as desired.

It remains to verify (1) for graphs with∆(G)62. Observe that we can assume thatG is connected. Indeed, if G1, . . . ,Gl are maximal components ofG, and

each ofGihasnivertices andki vertex-disjointP3s, then






2ni/2−ki/25 =2P ini/2−P

iki/25 =2n/2−k/25


Every connected graph with∆(G)6 2 andn >2 vertices is either a path or a cycle. Suppose first thatG is a path Pn. We have MIS(P2) = 2 6 22/2−0/25,

MIS(P3)=2623/2−1/25. By F¨uredi [15, Example 1.1], MIS(Pn)=MIS(Pn−2)+

MIS(Pn−3)for alln>4. By the induction hypothesis, thus



Let nowGbe a cycleCn. We have MIS(C4)=2624/2−1/25and MIS(C5)=56

25/2−1/25. By F¨uredi [15, Example 1.2], MIS(C


alln>6. Therefore, by the induction hypothesis,


REMARK 2.5. A disjoint union ofC5s together with a matching shows that the

constantcfor which MIS(G)62n/2−k/cin Lemma2.4cannot be smaller than 5.6.

3. Asymptotic result


LEMMA3.1. Fix anyγ >0. Almost every maximal triangle-free graph G on the

vertex set[n]satisfies the following: for any max-cut V(G)= X∪Y , there exist

X0 X and Y0Y such that the following hold.

(i) |X0|6γn and G[XX0]is an induced perfect matching. (ii) |Y0|6γn and YY0is an independent set.

The outline of the proof is as follows. We observe that every maximal triangle-free graphGon[n]can be built in the following three steps.

(S1) Choose a max-cutX∪Y forG.

(S2) Choose triangle-free graphs S and T on the vertex sets X and Y,


(S3) ExtendS∪T to a maximal triangle-free graph by adding edges betweenX


We give an upper bound on the number of choices for each step. First, there are at most 2nways to fix a max-cutXY in (S1). For (S2), we show (Lemma3.5) that

almost all maximal triangle-free graphs on[n]areo(n2)-close to bipartite, which implies that the number of choices for most of these graphs in (S2) is at most 2o(n2)

. For fixedX,Y,S,T, we bound, using Claim3.4, the number of choices in (S3) by the number of maximal independent sets in some auxiliary link graphL. This enables us to use Lemma2.4to force the desired structure onSandT.

DEFINITION3.2 (Link graph). Given edge-disjoint graphsSandAon[n], define thelink graph L :=LS[A]ofSonAas follows:


E(L):= {a1a2: ∃s∈ E(S)such that{a1,a2,s}forms a triangle}.

CLAIM3.3. Let S and A be two edge-disjoint graphs on[n]. If S is triangle free, then LS[A]is triangle free.

Proof. Indeed, otherwise there exista1,a2,a3∈ E(A)ands1,s2,s3 ∈E(S)such

that the 3-sets{a1,a2,s1},{a2,a3,s2}, and{a1,a3,s3}span triangles. SinceSand Aare edge disjoint, the edgesa1,a2,a3share a common endpoint, and{s1,s2,s3}

spans a triangle. This is a contradiction, sinceSis triangle free.

CLAIM 3.4. Let S and A be two edge-disjoint triangle-free graphs on[n]such


the number of maximal triangle-free subgraphs of S∪ A containing S is exactly


Proof. First observe that, by our assumption, every triangle inS∪ Aconsists of two edges from E(A)and one edge from E(S). It follows that, for a subgraph

A0 A, the graph G = S A0 is triangle free if and only if E(A0)spans an independent set inL:=LS[A].

A triangle-free graphG = S∪ A0 is not a maximal triangle-free subgraph of

S ∪ Aif and only if there exists an edge a ∈ E(A)−(A0) such that, for any two edgesa0 E(A0)ands E(S),{a,a0,s}does not form a triangle. By the definition of a link graph LS[A], this is exactly when there exists a vertexa ∈

E(A)−(A0)such that the set E(A0)∪ {a}is an independent set, that is, when

E(A0)is not maximal independent set inLS[A].

We fix the following parameters that will be used throughout the rest of the paper. Letγ , β, ε, ε0>0 be sufficiently small constants satisfying the following hierarchy:

ε0δ2.3(ε)εβ δ2.3(γ3)γ 1, (2)

whereδ2.3(x) >0 is the constant returned from Theorem2.3with inputx. The

notationx yabove means thatx is a sufficiently small function ofyto satisfy some inequalities in the proof. In the following proof, δ2.2(x) is the constant

returned from Theorem2.2with input x, and, in the rest of the paper, we shall always assume thatnis sufficiently large, even when this is not explicitly stated.

LEMMA 3.5. Almost all maximal triangle-free graphs on[n]are 2εn2-close to


Proof. LetF be the family of graphs obtained from Theorem2.1usingδ2.2(ε0).

Then every triangle-free graph on[n]is a subgraph of some containerF∈F. We first show that the family of maximal triangle-free graphs in small containers is negligible. Consider a containerF ∈F withe(F)6n2/4−6ε0n2. SinceFcontains at mostδ2.2(ε0)n3triangles, by Theorem2.2, we can findAand

B, subgraphs ofF, such thatF=A∪B, whereAis triangle free, ande(B)6ε0n2. For eachF ∈F, fix such a pair(A,B). Then every maximal triangle-free graph inFcan be built in two steps.

(i) Choose a triangle-freeS⊆ B.


The number of choices in (i) is at most 2e(B) 62ε0n2

. Observe that any edge A∈

E(A)that is in a triangle containing two edges from Scannot be added in step

(ii). Therefore we remove all such edges from A and call the resulting graph

A0. Let L := L

S[A0] be the link graph ofS on A0. By Claim 3.3, L is triangle

free. Claim3.4implies that the number of maximal triangle-free graphs inS∪ A

containingS(that is, the number of extensions in (ii)) is at most MIS(L). Thus,

by Lemma2.4,


Therefore, the number of maximal triangle-free graphs in small containers is at most

|F| ·2ε0n2



From now on, we may consider only maximal triangle-free graphs contained in containers of size at leastn2/46ε0n2. LetFbe any large container. Recall that,

by Theorem2.2,F= A∪B, whereAis triangle free withe(A)>n2/4−7ε0n2 ande(B)6ε0n2. Sinceε0δ2.3(ε), by Theorem2.3,Acan be made bipartite by

removing at mostεn2edges. Sinceε0ε,Fcan be made bipartite by removing at most(ε0+ε)n2 6 2εn2 edges. Therefore, every maximal triangle-free graph contained inFis 2εn2-close to bipartite.

FixX,Y,S,T as in steps (S1) and (S2). Let Abe the complete bipartite graph with parts XandY. By Claim3.4, the number of ways to extend S∪T in (S3) is at most MIS(LS∪T[A]). The number of ways to fixX andY is at most 2n, and,

by Lemma3.5, the number of ways to fix Sand T is at most n2


. It follows

that, if MIS(LS∪T[A])is smaller than 2n


for somecε, then the family of maximal triangle-free graphs with such(X,Y,S,T)is negligible.

CLAIM3.6. LS∪T[A] =ST .

Proof. Note thatV(LS∪T[A])= E(A)= {(x,y): x ∈ X,y ∈Y} = V(ST).

Using the definition of the Cartesian product,(x,y)and(x0,y0)are adjacent in

STif and only ifx=x0and{y,y0} ∈E(T), ory=y0and{x,x0} ∈E(S), that is, if and only if{x = x0,y,y0}or{x,x0,y = y0}form a triangle in S A. But, by the definition ofLS∪T[A], this is exactly when(x,y)and(x0,y0)are adjacent


Claim 3.6 allows us to rule out certain structures of S and T since, by

Lemma2.4, ifST has many vertex-disjoint P3s, then the number of maximal

triangle-free graphs withS=G[X]andT =G[Y]is much smaller than 2n2/8


CLAIM3.7. For almost all maximal triangle-free n-vertex graphs G with a max-cut X∪Y the following hold.

(i) |X|,|Y|>n/2−βn.

(ii) ∆(X), ∆(Y)6βn.

Proof. Let G be a maximal triangle-free graph with a max-cut X ∪ Y. By Lemma3.5, almost all maximal triangle-free graphs are 2εn2-close to bipartite, which implies that the number of choices forG[X] andG[Y] is at most n2



Denote byAthe complete bipartite graph with partite setsXandY.

For (i), suppose that|X|6n/2−βn. Then|X||Y|6n2/4−β2n2, and, for any fixedSonXandT onY, Lemma2.4implies that MIS(LS∪T[A])62n


. Sinceβ ε, it follows from the discussion before Claim3.6that the family of maximal triangle-free graphs with such max-cutX∪Y is negligible.

For (ii), suppose thatG has a vertexx ∈ X of inner degree at leastβn. Since

X∪Y is a max-cut,|NY(x)|>|NX(x)|>βn. SinceGis triangle free, there is no

edge in betweenNX(x)andNY(x). LetA0⊆ Abe a graph formed by deleting all

edges betweenNX(x)andNY(x)fromA. Define a link graphL0:=LS∪T[A0]of

S∪T onA0. In this case, the number of choices for (S3) is at most MIS(L0). Since

L0 is triangle free (Claim3.3) and|L0| = e(A0)6 |X||Y| − |NX(x)||NY(x)| 6

n2/4β2n2, it follows from Lemma2.4that



Proof of Lemma3.1. First, we show that, for almost every maximal triangle-free

graphG on[n]with max-cut X ∪Y and with G[X] = SandG[Y] =T, there

are very few vertex-disjoint P3s in S∪ T. Suppose that there exist βn

vertex-disjoint P3s in Sor in T, say in S. Since LS∪T[A] = ST by Claim 3.6, and,

for each of theβnvertex-disjoint P3s in S we obtain|T| vertex-disjoint P3s in ST, the number of vertex-disjoint P3s in LS∪T[A]is at leastβn|T| =βn|Y|.

By Claim3.7(i),βn|Y|>βn(n/2−βn)>βn2/3. Then, by Lemma2.4,




Sinceβε, the family of maximal triangle-free graphs with such(X,Y,S,T)is negligible. Hence, for almost every maximal triangle-free graphGwith some(X,

Y,S,T), we can find some induced subgraphsS0⊆SandT0⊆T with|S0|63βn and|T0| 63βnsuch that both SS0andT T0are P

3 free. This implies that


Figure 2. Forbidden structures inSandT.

at leastβ2n2 vertex-disjointC4s in ST, each of which contains a copy of P3

(see Figure 2a). It follows that the family of such graphs is negligible, since MIS(LS∪T[A]) 6 2n2/8−β2n2/25 andβ ε. Hence, we can assume that all but

2βn vertices inT form an independent set. Redefine T0so that|T0|6 2βnand

V(T −T0)is an independent set.

Lastly, we show that there are very few isolated vertices in the graph S− S0. Suppose that there areγn/2 isolated vertices in S − S0, spanning a subgraph

S00 of S. We count MIS(ST) as follows. Let J := (ST0) (S0T) and

L0:=STJ. Every maximal independent set inST can be built as follows.

(i) Choose an independent set in J.

(ii) Extend it to a maximal independent set inL0.

Since|J|6|S0||T| + |T0||S|63βn·n+2βn·n=5βn2, there are at most 2|J|= 25βn2

choices for (i). Note thatL0consists of isolated vertices fromS00(TT0) and an induced matching from(S−S0−S00)(T −T0)(see Figure2b). Thus the number of extensions in (ii) is at most MIS((S−S0−S00)(T −T0)). The graph(S−S0−S00)(T−T0)is a perfect matching with at most


2|S−S00||T|6 1 2

|S| − γ2n

(n− |S|)6 12


2 −




6 n 2

8 −



edges, and so choosing one vertex for each matching edge gives at most 2n2/8γn2/16





. Thus, such a family of maximal triangle-free graphs is negligible, and we may assume that|S00|6γn/2.

The statement of Lemma3.1follows by setting X0 :=V(S0 S00)andY0 :=

V(T0). Indeed, |X0| 6 3βn+γn/2 6 γn, |Y0| 6 2βn 6 γn, G[X − X0] =

S−S0S00is a perfect matching, andYY0=V(T)V(T0)is an independent set.

4. Proof of Theorem1.1

In this section, we will prove Theorem1.1. Recall the hierarchy of parameters fixed in Section3:

ε0δ2.3(ε)εβ δ2.3(γ3)γ 1, (3)

We will in fact show that there are exponentially fewer ‘bad’ graphs, that is, maximal triangle-free graphs without the desired structure. We do so by first grouping graphs by some triple(X,Y,M)(see the definitions below). Then we compare the number of ‘bad’ graphs to the number of ‘good’ graphs within each group by showing that there are not many ‘bad’ ones (Lemmas4.2and4.3), while

there are many ‘good’ ones (Lemma4.5). There might be an overcounting issue

due to overlaps among groups. This is taken care of by Lemma4.4.

DEFINITION4.1. Fix a vertex partitionV = X∪Y, a perfect matchingMon the vertex setX(when|X|is odd, M is an almost perfect matching covering all but one vertex ofX), and nonnegative integersr,sandt.

(1) Denote byB(X,Y,M,s,t)the class of maximal triangle-free graphsGwith max-cut X∪Y satisfying the following three conditions.

(i) The subgraph G[X]has a maximum matching M0 M covering all

but at mostγnvertices inX.

(ii) The size of a largest family of vertex-disjoint P3s inS:=G[X]iss.

(iii) The size of a maximum matching inT :=G[Y]ist.

(2) Denote byB(X,Y,M,r) ⊆B(X,Y,M,0,0)the subclass consisting of all graphs inB(X,Y,M,0,0)with exactlyrisolated vertices inG[X].

(3) When|X| is even, denote byG(X,Y,M)the class of all maximal triangle-free graphsGwith max-cutX∪Y,G[X] =M, andY an independent set. (4) When|X|is even, denote byH(X,Y,M)the class of maximal triangle-free


(P1) AddM toX.

(P2) For every edgex1x2∈ M and every vertex y∈Y, add either the edge x1yorx2y.

(P3) Extend each of the 2|X||Y|/2resulting graphs to a maximal triangle-free

graph by adding edges inX and/orY.

By Lemmas3.1,3.5and Claim3.7, throughout the rest of the proof, we may only consider maximal triangle-free graphs inS

X,Y,M,s,tB(X,Y,M,s,t)that are

βn2-close to bipartite, |X|,|Y| > n/2−βn, and∆(X), ∆(Y) 6 βn. We may further assume from the proof of Lemma3.1thats,t 6βn.

Notice that graphs fromG(X,Y,M)=B(X,Y,M,0)are precisely those with the desired structure. We will show that the number of graphs without the desired structure is exponentially smaller. The set of ‘bad’ graphs consists of the following two types.

(i) When|X|is even,S


(ii) When|X|is odd,S


Fix an arbitrary choice of(X,Y,M). For simplicity, letB(s,t):=B(X,Y,M,

s,t)andB(r):=B(X,Y,M,r). LetAbe the complete bipartite graph with parts


LEMMA4.2. If s+t >1, then|B(s,t)|62|X||Y|/2−n/200.

Proof. Letsandt be two nonnegative integers, at least one of which is nonzero. We first bound the number of ways to chooseSandT, that is, the number of ways to add inner edges. The number of ways to choose the vertex set of thes vertex-disjointP3s inSand thet matching edges inT is at most 3ns 2nt. Recall that, by

the definition ofB(s,t), the maximum matchingM0⊆ M covers all but at most γn vertices ofX. So the number of ways to choose the independent vertices in

X is at most n


. Since

∆(X), ∆(Y)6βn, each of the 3s+2t chosen vertices

has inner degree at mostβn. Therefore, the number of ways to choose their inner neighbors is at most









The number of ways to add the[X,Y]-edges is MIS(LS∪T(A)). We claim that

the link graphL:=LS∪T(A)=ST has at least(s+t)n/5 vertex-disjointP3s.


Figure 3. (a) The number of vertex-disjoint P3s inST is at leastsn/3+tn/5

(Lemma4.2). (b) MIS(ST) 6 2(|X|−r)|Y|/2 ifs = t = 0 and X hasr isolated

vertices (Lemma4.3).

Figure3a), we have at leasts(|T| −2t)>sn/3 vertex-disjointP3s coming from svertex-disjoint P3s inS, and at least 12(|S| −βn−3s)·t >tn/5 vertex-disjoint P3s coming from the Cartesian product of a matching inSand a matching inT.

So, by Lemma2.4,

MIS(L)62|X||Y|/2−(s+t)n/125. Sinces+t >1 andγ andβare sufficiently small,










LEMMA4.3. If s=t =0and r ∈Z+, then|B(r)|62|X||Y|/2−n/6.

Proof. By the definition ofB(r),Xconsists ofrisolated vertices and a matching of size(|X| −r)/2, andY is an independent set. Hence the graph LS∪T(A)=

ST consists of a matching of size (|X| −r)|Y|/2 and isolated vertices (see Figure3b). There are at most n


ways to pick the isolated vertices inX, and at most MIS(LS∪T(A))ways to choose the[X,Y]-edges. Recall that|Y|>n/2−βn.

Thus we have









Figure 4. (X0,Y0,M0) is uniquely determined after choosing xy ∈ M0 (Lemma4.4).

LEMMA 4.4. A maximal triangle-free graph G on[n]is in at most n2different classesG(X,Y,M).

Proof. LetG ∈G(X,Y,M). Recall thatG[X] =MandY is an independent set. ThusG can be in a different classG(X0,Y0,M0)if and only if X0 6= X,Y0 6=Y andM06=M. SinceM06=MandY is an independent set, there exists an edgexy inM0withx X andy Y. There are at mostn2ways to choose such an edge.

We claim that, once we pick the edgexy ∈M0, the sets X0andY0(and thus also

M0=G[X0]) are already decided. Recall that, sinceGis a maximal triangle-free graph, every vertex inY is adjacent to exactly one vertex from each edge inM.

Observe that the neighborx∗ of x in X has to be inY0, since otherwise there would be a pathx∗xyin G[X0] (see Figure4). Letvv M − {xx}such that

vy∈E(G). Thenv∈Y0, since otherwise there would be a pathvyxinX0. The set

Y0is independent, and sov X0. It remains to decide whetherwX0orwY0 for every vertexw∈ Y − {y}. If xw∈ E(G), thenw∈ Y0, since otherwise we would have a pathwxyinG[X0]. Otherwisex∗w∈E(G), and sow∈ X0, since otherwise there would be an edgewx∗inG[Y0].

By Lemma4.4, it is sufficient to show that, for any choice of(X,Y,M)with




|G(X,Y,M)| 62

−n/300. (4)

For simplicity, letG:=G(X,Y,M)andH:=H(X,Y,M).


Proof. Recall that|X|,|Y|>n/2−βn, and therefore|H| =2|X||Y|/22n2/8βn2


Running the same proof as that of Lemma 3.5 (start the proof by invoking

Theorem2.1withδ2.2(β), and replaceε0byβandεbyγ3) implies that almost all

graphs inHare 2γ3n2-close to bipartite. LetH0Hbe the subfamily consisting of all those that are 2γ3n2-close to bipartite. Then it is sufficient to show that

|H0G| =o(2|X||Y|/2). There are two types of graph inH0G. (i) H1: those that are not maximal after (P2).

(ii) H2: those that are maximal after (P2), butX∪Y is not one of its max-cuts.

We first bound the number of graphs inH1. For any graph G ∈ H1, some

inner edges were added in (P3). Suppose that[X,Y]-edges added in (P2) were chosen randomly (each ofx1yandx2ywith probability 1/2). Clearly,uvcan be

added in (P3) if and only ifuandvhave no common neighbor. Consider the case whenu, v ∈X, and letuu0, vv0be the corresponding edges in M(see Figure5a). Everyy∈Y is adjacent to exactly one ofu,u0and exactly one ofv, v0. Thus the probability that y is a common neighbor ofu andv is 1/4, which implies that

uvcan be added with probability(3/4)|Y|. Let nowu, v ∈Y. Thenuandvhave no common neighbor if and only if, for everyx1x2 ∈ M,uandvchose different

neighbors among x1 and x2. So in this case we can add u, v with probability

(1/2)|X|/2. Summing over all possible outcomes of (P2) and all possible choices

foruvimplies that






2 |X|/2



4 |Y|


We can bound|H2|in a similar way. It suffices to show that, if the[X,Y]-edges added in (P2) were chosen uniformly at random, then the probability that X∪Y

is not a max-cut iso(1). Let X0 ∪Y0 be a different vertex cut, where we may assume that|X0X|>|Y0X|(see Figure5b). Then|X0X|>|X|/2>n/5. Let MX0,Y0 be the event that X0∪ Y0 is a cut greater than X∪ Y, and leta :=

|X0Y|andb:= |Y0X|. Recall that the number of inner edges of X Y is

e(G[X])= |X|/2<n/3. Ifa>200, then the expected number of edges inG[X0] is at leastE[e([X0∩X,X0∩Y])]> 12 · |X0∩X|/2·a>10n. Therefore, by the

Chernoff bound,P[MX0,Y0]6P[e(G[X0]) <n/3] =o(2−n). We may thus assume thata 6 200, which implies that|Y0∩Y| = |Y| −a > n/5. Ifb > 200, then E[e(G[Y0])]> 12·b/2· |Y0∩Y|>10n, and soP[MX0,Y0]6P[e(G[Y0]) <n/3] =


Figure 5. (a) Two examples ofuvthat cannot be added when forming a graph fromH1. (b) Bounding |H2|: the probability thate(X0,Y0) > e(X,Y)is o(1).

Bounding the number of graphs inH1andH2in Lemma4.5.

E[e([X0∩X,X0∩Y])] +E[e(G[Y0])] +e(G[X0∩X])

> 12· |X

0 X|

2 ·a+

1 2·


2· |Y0∩Y| +(e(G[X])−b)

> 14·(a+b)·


2 −2βn

+ |X2| −b> 38n−300βn.

Thus, by the Chernoff bound, P[MX0,Y0] 6 P[e(G[X0])+e(G[Y0]) < n/3] 6 2−n/1000. The number ofX0Y0witha,b6200 is only at most n




Sinces,t,r 6n, Lemmas4.2,4.3and4.5imply (4):



|G| =


s+t>1|B(s,t)| +


r>1|B(r)| |G|

6 (n


(1+o(1))2|X||Y|/2 62



Case 2:|X|is odd.

Fix an arbitrary choice of X,Y,M with|X|odd, and let x ∈ X be the vertex not covered byM. By Lemmas4.2and4.3,







|B(X,Y,M,s,t)| +X





Pick an arbitrary vertex y ∈Y, and define X0 = X∪ {y},Y0 = Y − {y}, and M0= M∪ {xy}. Then, by Lemma4.5, we have


since |X| − |Y| 6 2βn. Notice that any (X0,Y0,M0) with |X0| even can be

obtained from at most n different triples (X,Y,M) with |X| odd in this way.

Together with Lemma4.4, it is sufficient to show that S


negligible compared toG(X0,Y0,M0):



|G(X0,Y0,M0)| 6


2|X||Y|/2−2βn 62− n/400.

This completes the proof of Theorem1.1.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for useful comments and suggestions, particularly on the simplification of the proof of Lemma4.5. The first author’s research is partially supported by a Simons Fellowship, NSF CAREER Grant DMS-0745185, Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IIF 327763, and Arnold O. Beckmann Research Award RB15006.


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Figure 1. (a) r = 2, (b) r = 3. Lower bound construction for maximal Kr+1-freegraphs.
Figure 2. Forbidden structures in S and T .
Figure 3. (a) The number of vertex-disjoint Pvertices (Lemma(Lemma3s in S □ T is at least sn/3 + tn/5 4.2)
Figure 4. ((LemmaX ′, Y ′, M′) is uniquely determined after choosing xy 4.4).


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