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Los Angeles County Special Education


Academic year: 2021

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Los Angeles County Special Education

Every school in California is required by st at e law t o publish a School Account abilit y Report Card (SARC), by February 1 of each year. T he SARC cont ains informat ion about t he condit ion and performance of each California public school. Under t he Local Cont rol Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educat ional agencies (LEAs) are required t o prepare a Local Cont rol Account abilit y Plan (LCAP), w hich describes how t hey int end t o meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, w it h specific act ivit ies t o address st at e and local priorit ies. Addit ionally, dat a report ed in an LCAP is t o be consist ent w it h dat a report ed in t he SARC.

For more informat ion about SARC requirement s, see t he California Depart ment of Educat ion (CDE) SARC W eb page at ht t p://w w w .cde.ca.gov/t a/ac/sa/. View t his SARC online at t he school and/or LEA W eb sit es.

For more informat ion about t he LCFF or LCAP, see t he CDE LCFF W eb page at ht t p://w w w .cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/lc/.

For addit ional informat ion about t he school, parent s and communit y members should cont act t he school principal or t he dist rict office.

California Department of Education

School Accountability Report Card

Reported Using Data from the 2013-14 School Year

Published During 2014-15

View Larger Map

Ms. Kim Hopko, Director

Principal, Los Angeles County Special Education

I am proud t o be part of a mult i-disciplinary t eam t hat st rives t o meet t he special needs of 3,000 st udent s w it h disabilit ies in public schools across Los Angeles Count y. Our t eam includes more t han 1,800 t eachers, specialist s, paraeducat ors, psychologist s, nurses, clerical st aff and administ rat ors, w ho w ork in part nership w it h school dist rict s, parent s, agencies and t he communit y at large. Each member of t he t eam plays a vit al role in reaching our goal: T o deliver t he highest qualit y inst ruct ion t o every st udent w e serve.

Our LACOE-operat ed special educat ion programs include over 300 classes on 150 public school campuses t o serve st udent s w it h special needs. Our st udent s include infant s, t oddlers, children, t eens and young adult s w it h severe, mult iple or “low -incidence” disabilit ies. Our priorit y is t o provide t he services and support st udent s need t o achieve t heir academic and personal pot ent ial, w it h t he great est chance for successful independent living. T o achieve t his, our focus is on providing access t o a st andards-based curriculum, posit ive behavior support , high-qualit y t eaching and a safe and healt hy learning environment .

Our focus is on providing access t o a curriculum based on t he st at e's academic st andards, posit ive behavior support , high-qualit y t eaching and a healt hy learning environment . Our priorit y is t o provide t he services and support st udent s need t o achieve t heir academic and personal pot ent ial, w it h t he great est chance for successful independent living.

Principals for t he 2013-14 school year are: Avalon PAU - Neil Donat

Buena Vist a PAU - Sarah Bouer (Act ing) Cort ez PAU - Charles T hat ch

East San Gabriel Valley PAU - Ed Nava Fairvalley PAU - Kat hryn Russell (Act ing) Imperial PAU - Richard Ellis

Larson East PAU - Rebecca Piepo-Su Larson W est PAU - Joe Godfrey

Our foundat ion is a firm belief t hat all children can and w ill learn. “Expect t he best — and make it happen!” — t hat ’s t he vision for LACOE Special Educat ion. I hope you find t his report an informat ive look at how w e are realizing t his vision for st udent s w it h disabilit ies across Los Angeles Count y.

9300 Imperial Hw y. Dow ney, CA 90242-2813 Phone: 562-803-8306 E-mail: hopko_kim@lacoe.edu

About Our School

About Our School


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

About This School

Contact Information - Most Recent Year

Contact Information - Most Recent Year


School Name Los Angeles Count y Special Educat ion

St reet 9300 Imperial Hw y.

Cit y, St at e, Zip Dow ney, Ca, 90242-2813

Phone Number 562-803-8306

Principal Ms. Kim Hopko, Direct or

E-mail Address hopko_kim@lacoe.edu

Web Sit e ht t p://w w w .lacoe.edu

Count yDist rict -School (CDS) Code


Dist rict

Dist rict Name Los Angeles Count y Office of Educat ion

Phone Number (562) 922-6111

Web Sit e ht t p://w w w .lacoe.edu

Superint endent First Name

Art uro

Superint endent Last Name


E-mail Address delgado_art uro@lacoe.edu

School Description and Mission Statement (Most Recent Year)

School Description and Mission Statement (Most Recent Year)

LACOE’s Division of Special Educat ion provides leadership in exemplary inst ruct ional programs, resources, consult at ion, research and professional development . T his is accomplished by collaborat ing w it h school dist rict s, t heir st udent s, t heir families, local agencies and t he communit y.

• Program Account abilit y and Evaluat ion — T o ensure t hat each special educat ion st udent achieves his or her maximum academic and/or personal pot ent ial. • Promot e Posit ive Behavior — T o ensure t hat each special educat ion st udent is provided a posit ive behavior support plan as needed t o enhance learning. • Curriculum and Inst ruct ion — T o ensure t hat curriculum planning and inst ruct ion are aligned w it h federal and st at e st andards and evidence an organized course of st udy based on diagnost ic assessment .

• Professional Grow t h and Development — T o ensure cohesively planned act ivit ies based on t he California St andards of t he T eaching Profession and LACOE priorit ies.

• Safe and Healt hy Learning Environment /Facilit ies — T o ensure t hat all DSE facilit ies and healt h procedures meet federal, st at e and local requirement s for safet y, securit y and cleanliness for opt imum w orking condit ions and learning environment s.

• Compliance Management — T o ensure t hat all program element s meet federal, st at e and local mandat es int ended t o secure a free and appropriat e public educat ion for st udent s w it h disabilit ies and ot her special needs.

• Out reach and Communicat ions — T o promot e aw areness, support and involvement of parent s, school dist rict s and ot her st akeholders t o enhance t he delivery of services t o all st udent s w it h disabilit ies

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2013-14)

Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2013-14)

Grade Level Number of St udent s

Kindergart en 81

Grade 1 90

Grade 2 86

Grade 3 88

Grade 4 90

Grade 5 90

Grade 6 89

Grade 7 96

Grade 8 113

Ungraded Element ary 5

Grade 9 137

Grade 10 124

Grade 11 135

Grade 12 149

Ungraded Secondary 16

T ot al Enrollment 1389

KindergartenGrade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Ungraded Elementary Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Ungraded Secondary 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175

Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2013-14)

Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2013-14)

Group Percent of Tot al Enrollment

Black or African American 4.9

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive 0.2

Asian 2.4

Filipino 0.5

Hispanic or Lat ino 87.4

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 0.1

W hit e 3.3

T w o or More Races 0.4

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged 31.8

English Learners 46.7

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies 43.5

Black or A frican A merican A merican Indian or A lask a Nativ e A sian

Filipino Hispanic or Latino

Nativ e Hawaiian or Pacific Islander W hite

Two or More Races

4% 2%

87% 3%


Last updated: 3/1/2015

A. Conditions of Learning

State Priority: Basic

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Basic St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 1):

Degree t o w hich t eachers are appropriat ely assigned and fully credent ialed in t he subject area and for t he pupils t hey are t eaching; Pupils have access t o st andards-aligned inst ruct ional mat erials; and

School facilit ies are maint ained in good repair.



Not e: “Misassignment s” refers t o t he number of posit ions filled by t eachers w ho lack legal aut horizat ion t o t each t hat grade level, subject area, st udent group, et c. * T ot al T eacher Misassignment s includes t he number of Misassignment s of T eachers of English Learners.

Teacher Credentials

Teacher Credentials

Teachers School Dist rict

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2014-15

W it h Full Credent ial W it hout Full Credent ial

T eachers T eaching Out side Subject Area of Compet ence (w it h full credent ial)

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Teachers with Full C redential Teachers without Full C redential

Teachers Teaching O utside Subject A rea of C ompetence

Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions

Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions

Indicat or 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Misassignment s of T eachers of English Learners

0 0 0

T ot al T eacher Misassignment s* 0 1 0 Vacant T eacher Posit ions 0 0 0

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners Total Teacher Misassignments

Vacant Teacher Positions

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 5/2/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015


Not e: Highpovert y schools are defined as t hose schools w it h st udent eligibilit y of approximat ely 40 percent or more in t he free and reduced price meals program. Low -povert y schools are t hose w it h st udent eligibilit y of approximat ely 39 percent or less in t he free and reduced price meals program.

Y ear and mont h in w hich dat a w ere collect ed: August 2014

School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements - Most Recent Year

Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2013-14)

Core Academic Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (School Year 2013-14)

Locat ion of Classes

Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subject s Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers

Percent of Classes In Core Academic Subject s Not Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers

T his School All Schools in Dist rict High-Povert y Schools in Dist rict

Low -Povert y Schools in Dist rict

Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials - Most Recent Year

Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials - Most Recent Year


Text books and Inst ruct ional Mat erials/year of Adopt ion

From Most Recent Adopt ion?

Percent St udent s Lacking Own Assigned Copy

Reading/Language Art s

T he Language of Lit erat ure, McDougall Lit t ell

Y es 0.0

Mat hemat ics

Mat h Basics, McDougal Holt Algebra 1 A/B, McDougal Holt

Geomet ry, McHogal Lit t ell

Y es 0.0


Eart h Science, Pearson/Prent ice Hall Biology, Holt , Rinehart and W inst on

Physics, Prent ice Hall Chemist ry, Prent ice Hall

Y es 0.0

Hist ory-Social Science

W orld Hist ory: T he Human Journey - Modern W orld American Nat ion, Holt , Rinehart and W inst on American Ant hem, Holt , Rinehart , and W inst on

U.S. Government , Holt , Rinehart , and W inst on Economics, Holt , Rinehart , and W inst on

Y es 0.0

Foreign Language 0.0

Healt h 0.0

Visual and Performing

Art s Int roducing Art , Glencoe/McGraw Hill Exploring Art , Glencoe/McGraw Hill Underst anding Art , Glencoe/McGraw Hill

Y es 0.0

Science Lab Eqpmt (9-12)


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015


School Facility Good Repair Status - Most Recent Year


Overall Facility Rate - Most Recent Year

DSE’s goal is t o det ermine t he least rest rict ive learning environment for each st udent based on age and academic focus. Most receive inst ruct ion in special day classes on public school campuses. Ot hers may be served at “cent er based” school sit es, specialized physical care facilit ies or at home.

T he Los Angeles Count y Office of Educat ion t akes great effort t o ensure t hat all it s Educat ional Program facilit ies are clean, safe and funct ional. T he Sit e Safet y Commit t ee conduct s a mont hly inspect ion of each sit e. A Facilit ies Inspect ion Checklist is used t o record condit ions observed and t o recommend correct ive act ion for all unsafe condit ions. If any unsafe condit ions are not ed during t he inspect ion, t he informat ion is sent t o LACOE Risk Management for oversight and follow -up. A request for services is sent t o LACOE Building Services if t he condit ion cannot be correct ed by on-sit e st aff.

DSE st udent s are served in many different t ypes of set t ings and locat ions. Informat ion about t he condit ion of a specific classroom or sit e may be obt ained by calling t he division office at 562-803-8306.

Syst em Inspect ed Rat ing

Repair Needed and Act ion Taken or


Syst ems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC, Sew er

Int erior: Int erior Surfaces Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Pest /Vermin Infest at ion Elect rical: Elect rical

Rest rooms/Fount ains: Rest rooms, Sinks/Fount ains

Safet y: Fire Safet y, Hazardous Mat erials St ruct ural: St ruct ural Damage, Roofs Ext ernal: Playground/School Grounds, W indow s/Doors/Gat es/Fences

Overall Rat ing

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 3/1/2015

B. Pupil Outcomes

State Priority: Pupil Achievement

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Pupil Achievement St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 4):

St at ew ide assessment s (i.e., California Assessment of St udent Performance and Progress and it s successor t he St andardized T est ing and Report ing Program); T he Academic Performance Index; and

T he percent age of pupils w ho have successfully complet ed courses t hat sat isfy t he requirement s for ent rance t o t he Universit y of California and t he California St at e Universit y, or career t echnical educat ion sequences or programs of st udy.

Not e: Science assessment s include California St andards T est s (CST s), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alt ernat e Performance Assessment (CAPA). Not e: Scores are not show n w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

Not e: Science assessment s include CST s, CMA, and CAPA in grades 5, 8, and 10.

Not e: Scores are not show n w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress/ Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress/ Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All

Students in Science – Three-Year Comparison

Students in Science – Three-Year Comparison


Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced (meet ing or exceeding t he st at e st andards)

School Dist rict St at e

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) 42 39 40 30 32 37 60 59 60

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results by Student Group in Science (School Year

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Results by Student Group in Science (School Year



Group Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

All St udent s in t he LEA 37

All St udent s at t he School 40

Male 39

Female 38

Black or African American 21

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive Asian


Hispanic or Lat ino 39

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander W hit e

T w o or More Races

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged 40

English Learners 39

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies 40 St udent s Receiving Migrant Educat ion Services


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

Not e: ST AR Program w as last administ ered in 2012–13. Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

Not e: For 2014 and subsequent years, t he st at ew ide and similar schools ranks w ill no longer be produced.

Not e: “N/D” means t hat no dat a w ere available t o t he CDE or LEA t o report . “B” means t he school did not have a valid API Base and t here is no Grow t h or t arget informat ion. “C” means t he school had significant demographic changes and t here is no Grow t h or t arget informat ion.

Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students - Three-Year Comparison

Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students - Three-Year Comparison


Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced (meet ing or exceeding t he st at e st andards)

School Dist rict St at e

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

English-Language Art s 46% 45% 49% 30% 33% 35% 54% 56% 55% Mat hemat ics 38% 36% 39% 19% 23% 25% 49% 50% 50% Hist ory-Social Science 16% 15% 15% 19% 24% 27% 48% 49% 49%

Academic Performance Index Ranks – Three-Year Comparison

Academic Performance Index Ranks – Three-Year Comparison

API Rank 2011 2012 2013

St at ew ide C C

Similar Schools C C

Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three-Year Comparison

Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three-Year Comparison

Group Act ual API Change 2011 Act ual API Change 2012 Act ual API Change 2013

All St udent s at t he School 15 B

Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Nat ive Asian

Filipino Hispanic or Lat ino

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander W hit e

T w o or More Races

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged English Learners

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2013-14)

Career Technical Education Programs (School Year 2013-14)

W orkabilit y I and t he T ransit ion Part nership Program are int egral part s of a comprehensive t ransit ion program provided by t he LACOE’s Division of Special Educat ion. W orkabilit y I is funded t hrough a grant administ ered by t he California Depart ment of Educat ion and is designed t o promot e career aw areness and explorat ion w hile st udent s are in school. T he T ransit ion Part nership Program (T PP) is funded t hrough a cooperat ive cont ract w it h t he California Depart ment of Rehabilit at ion and is designed t o prepare st udent s for ent ry int o t he w orkforce and t o promot e a successful t ransit ion from school t o adult life. Bot h of t hese programs provide st udent s w it h opport unit ies for pre-employment skills t raining and w ork experience as t hey receive ongoing support , guidance and assist ance w it h t ransit ion planning. T he act ivit ies of t hese programs are facilit at ed by career educat ion personnel and involve act ive collaborat ion among st udent s, families, school st aff, service agencies and businesses in t he communit y.


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Ot her Pupil Out comes St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 8): Pupil out comes in t he subject areas of English, mat hemat ics, and physical educat ion.

Not e: Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

California High School Exit Examination Results for All Grade Ten Students – Three-Year Comparison (if

California High School Exit Examination Results for All Grade Ten Students – Three-Year Comparison (if




Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

School Dist rict St at e

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

English-Language Art s 5% 17% 15% 29% 31% 31% 56% 57% 56% Mat hemat ics 14% 14% 13% 30% 32% 33% 58% 60% 62%

English-Language Art s Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5

Mat hemat ics Percent of St udent s Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

Not e: Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

Not e: Percent ages are not calculat ed w hen t he number of st udent s t est ed is t en or less, eit her because t he number of st udent s in t his cat egory is t oo small for st at ist ical accuracy or t o prot ect st udent privacy.

California High School Exit Examination Grade Ten Results by Student Group (School Year 2013-14) (if

California High School Exit Examination Grade Ten Results by Student Group (School Year 2013-14) (if




English-Language Art s Mat hemat ics

Percent Not Proficient

Percent Proficient

Percent Advanced

Percent Not Proficient

Percent Proficient

Percent Advanced

All St udent s in t he LEA 69% 13% 18% 67% 21% 12% All St udent s at t he School 85% 13% 3% 88% 10% 3%

Male 93% 7% N/A 92% 8% N/A

Female 69% 23% 8% 79% 14% 7%

Black or African American N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A American Indian or Alaska Nat ive N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Asian N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Filipino N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Hispanic or Lat ino 89% 7% 4% 90% 7% 3%

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

W hit e N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

T w o or More Races N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged 87% 10% 3% 87% 10% 3%

English Learners N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

St udent s w it h Disabilit ies 85% 13% 3% 88% 10% 3% St udent s Receiving Migrant Educat ion



California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2013-14)

California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2013-14)

Grade level

Percent of St udent s Meet ing Fit ness St andards

Four of Six St andards Five of Six St andards Six of Six St andards

5 10.9% 5.5% 1.8%


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

C. Engagement

State Priority: Parental Involvement

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Parent al Involvement St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 3):

Effort s t he school dist rict makes t o seek parent input in making decisions for t he school dist rict and each schoolsit e.


State Priority: Pupil Engagement

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he Pupil Engagement St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 5): High school dropout rat es; and

High school graduat ion rat es.

Opportunities for Parental Involvement - Most Recent Year

Opportunities for Parental Involvement - Most Recent Year

T here are numerous opport unit ies for parent s t o become involved in LACOE-run special educat ion programs, including parent -t eacher organizat ions, shared decision making councils and communit y advisory commit t ees. In addit ion, t he process for developing each st udent ’s Individualized Educat ion Program (IEP) act ively involves parent s/guardians.

For informat ion on how t o become involved, cont act Kim Hopko, Direct or, Division of Special Educat ion, at (562) 803-8306.

Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)

Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)

Indicat or

School Dist rict St at e

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Dropout Rat e 16.7 14.8 12.5 16.7 14.8 12.5 14.7 13.1 11.4

Graduat ion Rat e 73.66 75.09 77.13 77.14 78.87 80.44

Dropout /Graduat ion Rat e (Four-Year Cohort Rat e) Chart

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Dropout Rate Graduation Rate

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Completion of High School Graduation Requirements

Completion of High School Graduation Requirements


Graduat ing Class of 2013

School Dist rict St at e

All St udent s 12 76 84

Black or African American 27 69 75

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive 150 77

Asian 106 92

Filipino 111 92

Hispanic or Lat ino 11 73 80

Nat ive Haw aiian or Pacific Islander 50 84

W hit e 93 90

T w o or More Races 66 89

Socioeconomically Disadvant aged 4 77 82

English Learners 5 50 53


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

State Priority: School Climate

T he SARC provides t he follow ing informat ion relevant t o t he School Climat e St at e Priorit y (Priorit y 6): Pupil suspension rat es;

Pupil expulsion rat es; and

Ot her local measures on t he sense of safet y.

Suspensions and Expulsions

Suspensions and Expulsions

School Dist rict St at e

Rat e 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Suspensions 1.80 2.00 0.30 15.20 13.50 11.90 5.70 5.10 4.40

Expulsions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.10


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5

School Suspensions District Suspensions State Suspensions


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

School Expulsions District Expulsions State Expulsions 2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education



School Safety Plan - Most Recent Year

School Safety Plan - Most Recent Year

February 2012

Safet y of st udent s and st aff is a primary concern of Los Angeles Count y Special Educat ion. A comprehensive School Safet y Plan is in place for each Special Educat ion sit e. It is revised and review ed annually by st aff, parent s and ot her st akeholders during t he mont hs of January, February and March. T he updat ed plan is complet ed and submit t ed t o t he Los Angeles Count y Office of Educat ion in March of each year.

T he School Safet y Plan has t he follow ing key element s: • Disast er procedures, rout ine and emergency • Safe and orderly school

environment plans

• Rules and procedures on school discipline • Procedures regarding t eacher

not ificat ion of dangerous st udent s pursuant t o Ed. Code 49079 • Child abuse report ing procedures

• Sexual harassment policy • Hat e crime report ing procedures • Provisions of any school-w ide dress code

In addit ion, t he majorit y of LACOE Special Educat ion programs are locat ed on school campuses operat ed by ot her school dist rict s. LACOE w orks closely w it h each host sit e administ rat ion t o coordinat e disast er preparedness plans and ot her safet y issues for all st udent s and st aff.


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Last updated: 3/1/2015

D. Other SARC Information

T he informat ion in t his sect ion is required t o be in t he SARC but is not included in t he st at e priorit ies for LCFF.

Not e: Cells w it h NA values do not require dat a.

* DW (det erminat ion w aiver) indicat es t hat t he PI st at us of t he school w as carried over from t he prior year in accordance w it h t he flexibilit y grant ed t hrough t he federal w aiver process.

Adequate Yearly Progress Overall and by Criteria (School Year 2013-14)

Adequate Yearly Progress Overall and by Criteria (School Year 2013-14)

AYP Crit eria School Dist rict

Made AY P Overall N/A N/A

Met Part icipat ion Rat e - English-Language Art s N/A N/A

Met Part icipat ion Rat e - Mat hemat ics N/A N/A

Met Percent Proficient - English-Language Art s N/A N/A

Met Percent Proficient - Mat hemat ics N/A N/A

Met Graduat ion Rat e N/A N/A

Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2014-15)

Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2014-15)

Indicat or School Dist rict

Program Improvement St at us Not in PI

First Y ear of Program Improvement 2015-2016

Y ear in Program Improvement * Y ear 3

Number of Schools Current ly in Program Improvement N/A 654

Percent of Schools Current ly in Program Improvement N/A 82.6%

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 3/1/2015 * Number of classes indicat es how many classes fall int o each size cat egory (a range of t ot al st udent s per class).

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary)

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Grade Level Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

1-20 21-32 33+ 1-20 21-32 33+ 1-20 21-32 33+

K 7.0 10 0 0 2.0 36 3.0 50

1 8.6 10 0 0 2.0 50 2.0 76

2 8.0 5 0 0 2.0 51 2.0 67

3 11.7 6 0 0 2.0 58 2.0 68

4 7.3 4 0 0 2.0 44 2.0 72

5 7.9 14 0 0 2.0 42 2.0 60

6 9.0 6 0 0 2.0 50 2.0 65


Last updated: 3/1/2015


Not e: Cells w it h N/A values do not require dat a.

* One Full T ime Equivalent (FT E) equals one st aff member w orking full t ime; one FT E could also represent t w o st aff members w ho each w ork 50 percent of full t ime.


Not e: Cells w it h N/A values do not require dat a.

Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2013-14)

Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2013-14)

Tit le Number of FTE* Assigned t o School Average Number of St udent s per Academic Counselor Academic Counselor

Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career Development ) N/A

Library Media T eacher (librarian) N/A

Library Media Services St aff (paraprofessional) N/A

Psychologist N/A

Social W orker N/A

Nurse N/A

Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist N/A

Resource Specialist (non-t eaching) N/A

Ot her N/A

Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2012-13)

Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2012-13)


Tot al Expendit ures Per Pupil

Expendit ures Per Pupil (Supplement al/Rest rict ed)

Expendit ures Per Pupil (Basic/Unrest rict ed)

Average Teacher Salary

School Sit e N/A N/A N/A N/A

Dist rict N/A N/A N/A N/A

Percent Difference – School Sit e and Dist rict


St at e N/A N/A $4,690 N/A

Percent Difference – School Sit e and St at e N/A N/A N/A N/A

2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 3/1/2015


For det ailed informat ion on salaries, see t he CDE Cert ificat ed Salaries & Benefit s W eb page at ht t p://w w w .cde.ca.gov/ds/fd/cs/ .

Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2013-14)

Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2013-14)

• Special Day Classes • Adapt ed Physical Educat ion • Audiology

• Assessment s • Braille Services • Career Educat ion • Aut ism • Visually Impaired

• Psychological/Counseling Services • Mult i-Cult ural Pupil Services • Speech and Language • School Healt h • Nut rit ion Net w ork • Fost er Y out h Services • Early Int ervent ion/Infant • Compliance Support Services • Posit ive Behavior Int ervent ion Support

• Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing

Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2012-13)

Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2012-13)

Cat egory Dist rict Amount St at e Average For Dist rict s In Same Cat egory

Beginning T eacher Salary N/A N/A

Mid-Range T eacher Salary N/A N/A

Highest T eacher Salary N/A N/A

Average Principal Salary (Element ary) N/A N/A

Average Principal Salary (Middle) N/A N/A

Average Principal Salary (High) N/A N/A

Superint endent Salary N/A N/A

Percent of Budget for T eacher Salaries % %

Percent of Budget for Administ rat ive Salaries % %

Teacher Salary Chart


Principal Salary Chart


Last updated: 3/1/2015 Beginning Teacher Salary Mid-Range Teacher Salary Highest Teacher Salary

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

A v erage Principal Salary (Elementary )

A v erage Principal Salary (Middle)

A v erage Principal Salary (High) -1.0

-0.5 0.0 0.5

1.0 2013-14 SARC - Los Angeles County Special Education


Last updated: 3/1/2015

Professional Development – Most Recent Three Years

Professional Development – Most Recent Three Years

T he majorit y of professional development for LACOE-run schools is coordinat ed cent rally by t he Professional Development unit , as w ell as t he Curriculum & Inst ruct ion Unit . T raining opport unit ies for all st aff are driven by current and evidence-based research, and are connect ed t o curriculum guides/pacing plans, inst ruct ional mat erials, count y/st at e/federal law s and t he Dist rict ’s overall goals and inst ruct ional focus.

Inst ruct ion and Professional Development specific Focus Areas: • Cont ent Lit eracy Expansion in Core Curriculum courses • Mat hemat ics Int ervent ion and Subject Cont ent Development • Inst ruct ional T echnology int egrat ed int o all classrooms • Fully Implement Dat a w ise

• Posit ive Behavior Inst ruct ional Syst em implement ed across t he Division of St udent Programs

Professional development is delivered bot h at t he sit es and regionally. Professional development at t he sit es occurs mont hly.LACOE provides leadership inst it ut es for administ rat ors and has est ablished professional learning communit ies, t eaching and learning st udy groups, and classroom/campus w alkt hroughs. Professional development opport unit ies for t eachers and administ rat ors cover int ervent ion st rat egies for st ruggling st udent s and different iat ed inst ruct ional st rat egies for t eachers English-Language, Mat hemat ics(Algebra and Geomet ry), Science, and Hist ory-Social Science courses.

Lacoe Educat ional Programs serve a large populat ion of st udent s w ho are ident ified as English Learners. T eachers are offered st aff development opport unit ies t hat focus primarily on building t heir skills and st rat egies for t eacher EL st udent s. LACOE Educat ional Programs and Human Resource Service have collaborat ively est ablished crit eria and processes t o ensure t hat t eachers are highly qualified as required by t he federal No Child Left Behind Act . Addit ionally, Educat ional Programs and HRS collaborat e in support ing new t eachers t hrough t he pre-int ern and Beginning T eacher Support Assessment (BT SA) program. Overall, professional development support s improving t he skills of t eachers, paraeducat ors, and administ rat ors t o promot e st udent academic achievement , as w ell as t o enhance st udent s abilit y t o become socially responsible cit izens.


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