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Effects of selected soil water conservation strategies on maize yield in farmer managed trials in Embu and Tharaka-Nithi Counties, Kenya


Academic year: 2020

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KIBOI MILKA NGONYO (BSe.) N5012120 112012


r· \, •

A Thesis Submitted in'Partial Fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Environmental Studies (Climate Change and Sustainability) in the School of

Environmental Studies of Kenyatta University



This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university or any other award. 0part of this thesis may be reproduced without prior permission from the author.

Signed~ _

Milka Ngonyo Kiboi

Date_--cQ----'-(---'--1 o_q+---,--,,-I ~.:....>!,o_I.5__


We confirm that the work reported in this thesis was carried out by the candidate under our supervision.

Signed Mo~llth

Dr. Monicah Mucheru-Muna

Department of Environmental Science School of Environmental Studies Kenyatta University

Signed_--'I--~~-,---\-.f.L-.f-- __ Dr. Ngetich Kipc


School of Agriculture Embu University College

Signed_-+-i+----4J~~~~_· _. _





Ithank everyone who contributed to the writing of my thesis in one way or another. I express my deep gratitude to my supervisors; Dr. Monicah Mucheru-Muna, Dr. Ngetich Kipchirchir Felix and Dr. Daniel G. Mang'uriu for their academic guidance, advice and support throughout my studies. My special thanks go to Flemish Inter-University council (VLIR-UOS) through Prof. Daniel Mugendi (Principal Investigator), for offering me a comprehensive scholarship for my studies and research work. I specially thank Prof. Jan Diels, the Flemish University project promoter for his critical thinking in statistical analysis and contribution in my writing. Iam indebted to Dr. Jayne Mugwe, Prof. Chris Shisanya, and Dr. Stephen Wambugu fortheir input towards my work.

I also acknowledge Joseph Macharia, Esther Mugi, Irene Okeyo and David Njue for their advice and assistance in the course of my study. I am grateful to the field technicians; Boniface Murangiri and Silas Kiragu whose valuable help enabled me to conduct the fieldwork successfully. The farmers from Mbeere South and Meru South

I" sub-counties who agreed to offer plots for implementation of the strategies and recording the observations made as well as their responses. I wish to appreciate the patience and support of my family during my study period. I am grateful to the chairman and lecturers from the Department of Environmental Education for imparting into me necessary knowledge during my course work.











1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2.Problem statement and justification 3

1.3 Research questions 4

1.4 Research objectives 5

1.5 Research hypotheses : 5

1.6 Significance of the study 6

1.7 Conceptual framework 6

1.8 Limitation of the study 8




2.1 Overview 10

2.2 Soil water conservation strategies 12

2.2.1 Mulching 13

2.2.2 Tied ridging 15

2.2.3 Minimum tillage 16

2.3 Rainfall distribution 18


2.5 Maize yield stability in farmer managed trials 22 2.6 Farmers' likelihood to take up soil water conservation strategies 24

2.7 Literature gaps : 27



3.1 Study area 29

3.2 Soil characteristics 30

3.3 Experimental design 31

3.4 Data collection 33

3.4.1 Maize harvesting 33

3.4.2 Soil sampling 33

3.4.3 Rainfall measurements 34

3.4.4 Interview schedule 35

3.5 Laboratory analysis 36

3.6 Data Analyses 37



4.1 Rainfall distribution in Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties 39

4.2 Maize grain yield 42

4.3 Changes insoil organic matter. .47

4.4 Grain yield stability 51

4.5 Willingness totake-up soil water conservation strategies 55

4.5.1 Demographic characteristics 55

4.5.2 Awareness of soil water conservation strategies 57

4.5.4 Likelihood of Future utilization of Selected SWC strategies 64



5.1 Summary of findings and conclusions 68

5.2 Recommendations 70

5.3Areas for further research 71


Appendix 1:Experimental Layout in Mbeere South 92

Appendix 2: Experimental Layout inMeru South 93

Appendix 3: Interview schedules on assessment of the likelihood of farmers' to uptake the selected soil water conservation technologies in Embu and



Table 3.1: Description of themes of analysis 38

Table 4.1: Maize grain yield (Mg ha") under SWC strategies during short rains 2011, long rains 2012, short rains 2012, and long rains 2013 seasons in Mbeere

South and Meru South sub-county .43

Table 4.2:.Total organic matter at the beginning and end ofthe experiments in Mbeere

South and Meru South sub-counties .48

Table 4.3 Least square means of grain yields in Mg ha-1 under SWC strategies in

Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties 53

Table 4.4 Social demographic characteristics of farmers implementing the on-farm trials in Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties 56

Table 4.5 Mean scores of farmers on performance of SWC strategies based on their effects on maize grain yield in Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties.



Figure 1.1 Conceptual framework showing the interrelation among the variables 7

Figure 3.1: Map showing the study area (The on-farm trials were implemented within the red circle in Meru South and Mbeere South) 29

Figure 4.1: Cumulative rainfall at Mbeere South a) and Meru South b) during short rains 2011 and long rains 2012 seasons, and short rains 2012 and long rains

2013 seasons 40



Plate 3.1: Some selected SWC strategies: Plot with tied ridges (a) Mulched plot (b).32






Agro-ecological Zones

Analysis of Variance

Above Sea Level


Conservation Agriculture

Conservation Tillage

El Nino/Southern Oscillation

Food and Agriculture Organization

Fertilizer Use Recommendation Project


Household Head

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Lower Midland

Long Rains

Least Significance Difference


Mega grams

Minimum Tillage



Statistical Analysis Software

Soil Organic Carbon

Soil Organic Matter

Short Rains

Sub-Saharan Africa

Soil Water Conservation

Tied ridging

Upper Midland

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural




1.1 Background of the Study

Agriculture provides 70% of employment and 35% of Sub-Saharan Africa's (SSA) gross domestic product (World Bank, 2000). Per capita food availability in SSA has decreased over time, and the region suffers from wide spread food insecurity

(Beintema & Stads, 2006). This is because small-scale farmers prevail in a climate of increasing population pressure, declining levels of agricultural productivity and rapid natural resource degradation together with decreased amounts of rainfall (Rockstrorn, 2000). The reliance on uncertain rainfall and exposure to climate risk characterize the livelihoods of roughly 70% of the region's population; and frustrate efforts to sustainably intensify agricultural production, reduce poverty and enhance food security (Hansen et al., 2011). In Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties (Kenya) majority of the small-holder farmers depend on rain-fed agricultural production (Mugwe et al., 2009).

APproximately 65% of land in SSA is subjected to degradation resulting to low yield levels experienced by farmers oscillating around It ha" for major staple grains (Rockstrorn et al., 2009). Additionally, the rigorous soil preparation by hoe or plough together with the removal or burning of crop residues leaves the land exposed to climatic hazards such as rain and wind leading to land degradation causing low crop

yield levels (Benites et al., 1998). In the two sub-counties, in Embu and Tharaka


impoverishment caused by continuous cropping with inadequate addition of fertilizer

and/or manure, and soil erosion on steep slopes (Mugwe et al., 2004).

Drought is one of the main causes for low agricultural productivity in SSA (McCann,

2005). The impact of drought stress on crop productivity is severe when farmers have

no management alternatives (FAO, 2002) of soil moisture. Miriti et al. (2012)

suggests that soil water conservation strategies such as mulching and tied ridging are

possible strategies of rainwater conservation likely to improve agricultural

productivity. For example, tied ridging improves positive partitioning of rainwater for

better utilization by crops (Nuti et al., 2009) and enhances crop response to rainfall

and nutrient (Jensen et al., 2003). Wang et al. (2011) reported that water content at the 100-200 em soil depth was significantly higher for ridge tillage than for

flat-planting system because of improved runoff efficiency. In addition, the use of in-situ

practices such as conservation tillage and mulching has been recommended

(Stroosnijder, 2009). Straw mulch with the conventional planting system for maize

production showed some benefit in retaining soil water (Wang et al., 2011).

Therefore, soil water conservation is vital as majority of the population in SSA make ,

-a living from r-ain-fed -agriculture (FAO, 1995).

Soil organic matter is an important soil component, which can directly or indirectly

affect almost all the soil properties (Weil & Magdoff, 2004). Regular tillage breaks

down soil organic matter (SOM) through mineralization, more so in warmer climates

(Kirschbaum, 1995), thus contributing to deteriorating soil physical, chemical and


holding capacity and susceptibility to water erosion is increased through increased

runoff (Thierfelder & Wall, 2010). Declining SOM also diminishes the ability of the

soil to release nutrients in approximate synchrony with crop demand (Drinkwater &

Snapp, 2007). The physical effects of conventional tillage also adversely affect soil

structure, with consequences for water infiltration and soil erosion through runoff, and

create hardpans below the plough layer (Thierfelder &Wall, 2009).

There are many biophysical and socio-economic constraints to smallholder farmers in

adopting conservation agriculture (CA) (Giller et al., 2009) and it is necessary to

develop effective strategies to transfer the emerging technologies to them. Adoption

of a conservation practice is mainly influenced by the characteristics and

circumstance of the farmer, and the characteristics of the practice, majorly its

advantage over existing practices and farmer's ability to try the practice (Greiner et

aI., 2009). Results from on-farm research are reported to provide far more useful

information about the performance of a technology under real farm conditions

compared with results from on-station trials (Giller et al., 2009; Baudron et aI., 2012).

Therefore, there is need to examine performance of various soil water conservation

tillage systems under farmers' conditions and farmers likelihood to take up soil water

conservation measures.

1.2. Problem statement and justification

Farmers in Mbeere South and Meru South Sub-Counties have experienced a decrease

incrop yields in the recent decades (Mugwe et al., 2009). This has been as a result of


water storage (by the soils) and poor water harvesting techniques. These lead to high

rate of runoff generation, low soil profile water recharge, and loss of soil nutrients essential for crop growth hence decline in crop yield. The problem can be attributed to

climate variability and low adaptive capacity by farmers in different agro-ecological

zones (Jaetzold et al., 2007). To increase maize yield in the region and reduce

production risks, retention of soil water needs to be enhanced through use of SWC

strategies in farmers' fields.

During crop growth, soil moisture is one of the important agricultural inputs at key stages as nutrients can be added to soil using organic and inorganic fertilizer. Implementing SWC strategies has a potential of improving rainfall efficiency, increase and stabilize maize yields, and improve SOM. Some of these SWC strategies

are mulching tied ridging, and minimum tillage. However, their success depends on rainfall amounts, farmers' tillage practices, and practicing of the SWC strategies. In the study area, few studies have been carried out on the subject, and the performances

of these strategies under farmers' conditions are not well known/documented. The

I' study therefore sought to explore the influence of the selected SWC strategies on maize yields, yield stability and SOM under on-farm conditions and the likelihood of

farmers to take up the selected SWC strategies.

1.3 Research questions

The study sought to answer the following questions;


ii) How do the selected SWC strategies affect SOM in farmer managed trials

in different AEZs?

iii) How stable is the maize yield over time under the selected SWC strategies

in farmers' managed trials in different AEZs?

iv) What is the likelihood of taking up the selected SWC strategies by farmers

in Mbeere South and Meru South sub-Counties?

1.4Research objectives

The broad objective of the study was to assess effects of selected SWC strategies on

maize yield under on-farm conditions in Embu and Tharaka-Nithi counties in Kenya.

The study addressed the following specific objectives:

i) To determine the effect of the selected SWC strategies on maize yields under

farmers' conditions in different agro-ecological zones.

ii) To evaluate the effect of the selected SWC strategies on soil organic matter in

different AEZs.

iii) To evaluate maize yield stability under the selected SWC strategies in farmer

managed trials in different AEZs.

iv) To assess the likelihood of the farmers to take up the selected SWC strategies

in Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties.

1.5 Research hypotheses

The study was guided by the following hypotheses:

i) The selected SWC strategies have a significant positive effect on maize


ii) The selected SWC strategies significantly increase SOM in the different


iii) The selected SWC strategies enhance maize yield stability under farmers'

conditions in different agro-ecological zones.

iv) Farmers are most likely to take up the selected SWC strategies in Meru

South and Mbeere South sub-counties.

1.6 Significance of the study

The findings from this study will contribute to scientific knowledge on effects of the

selected SWC options on maize yield and SOM, maize yield stability, and the

likelihood of the farmers to take up the SWC strategies. In addition the findings will

contribute scientific knowledge to the field of soil and water conservation research

and be used to recommend feasible coping mechanisms for future climate variability.

The findings will also contribute in choosing and implementation of the best fit SWC

option in SOM improvement, yields increment and stability by the farmers across the

two sub-counties that experience bimodal rainfall seasons. The results will be useful

to researchers and other stakeholders in recommending effective SWC strategies and

,-development of improved and sustainable production technologies.

1.7 Conceptual framework

A major problem being experienced in the study area is declining crop yields (maize

productivity) due to lack of SWC strategies, poor farming practices, worsened by


Poor farming practices Climate variability


• Reduced soil water content • Declining SOM and nutrients • High run off

Declining Maize yields

Selected SWC strategies Influence on maize yields

Effects of selected SWC on maize yield stability SWC effect on SOM

Uptake of SWC measures Increased maize yields

Figure 1.1 Conceptual framework showing the interrelation among the variables

Low and erratic rainfall with increased intensity leads to high runoff rates hence soil

loss. Poor farming practices and failure to practice SWC measures by smallholder

farmers also leads to soil loss, declining SOM, low inherent water storage in the soils

hence decline in maize yields (Figure 1.1). Runoff and soil loss are problems common to most cropland in the world, especially those with unstable aggregates in the surface

horizon both from the standpoint of sustainability and offsite environmental damage

(Rhoton et al., 2002). Implementing sound SWC measures can lead to a reduction in

runoff amounts, improve SOM and enhance maize yield stability (Figure 1.1).


reduction in soil loss, which in turn leads to reduced land degradation and reduced

crop water stress (Temesgen et al.,2009).

1.8 Limitation of the study

The main limitation of this study was the scanty availability of information on effects

of the selected SWC strategies on maize yield under on-farm conditions in SSA

tropical conditions. Hence the study heavily borrowed from on-site research stations

researcher managed field experiments findings and extrapolated in trying to

understand the on-farm conditions. Due to the limited number of researcher design

ed-farmer managed experiments, there was paucity of information on yield stability


1.9 Definition of terms

Agro-ecological zone: is a land resource mapping unit, defined in terms of climate,

landform and soils, and/or land cover, and having a specific range of

potentials and constraints for land use.

Agricultural drought: When there is insufficient soil moisture to meet the needs of a

particular (maize) crop at a particular time.

Climate variability: Fluctuations inelements of climate such as rainfall, temperature,

air pressure, wind flow patterns and ocean currents, and may be caused

by either anthropogenic activities or natural processes.

Conservation tillage: Collective umbrella term given to minimum-tillage, retention

of surface cover by residue and/or ridge-tillage, to denote that the

specific practice has a conservation goal of some nature.

Dry spells: Absence of rainfall in periods ranging between 10-28 days during crop

growing season.

Household: Persons living under the same roof and whose labour, income and

expenditures were considered as part of the household's economic


Meteorological drought: When cumulative rainfall for the growing season is below

the amount required to produce a crop and occurs for a period above

four weeks hence could result incomplete crop failure.

On-farm trials- A set of treatments being assessed over arange of environments

Runoff: The portion of rainwater not infiltrated into the soil during and after a




2.1 Overview

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the hydro climatic regions subject to extreme rainfall variability, water scarcity and a large dependence on soil moisture in the root zone

(Kaumbutho et al., 2009). Soil moisture depends on infiltrated rainfall that contributes to evapotranspiration flow in rain fed farming systems. When soil moisture is reduced

seedlings are less likely to develop and crop yield is negatively affected (Hassanli et

al., 2009; Jin et al., 2010). According to Gicheru et al. (2004) effective use of any

rainfall requires appropriate soil management practices and tillage methods that enhance rainfall penetration and conserve adequate soil water for plant growth. Water

availability is therefore critical to plant growth, thus changes in precipitation strongly

influence agricultural productivity.

Sub-Saharan Africa is highly vulnerable to extreme climate events such as dry spells and droughts, perhaps more so than any other region in the world (Taddele et al.,

2015). Farming systems practiced in areas such as in Mbeere South and Meru South; often suffer from agricultural droughts and dry spells caused by management induced water scarcity (Rockstrom et al., 2007). These agricultural droughts are much more common than meteorological droughts, and they have a number of different causes, including water losses from the field via run-off, drainage and evaporation


continuing to improve rain-fed dry-land agriculture with optimised water management

isa key priority to guarantee food security and sustainability (Bu et al., 2013).

Maize grain yields in smallholder farms in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya are

below 1.0 Mega grams ha-J with frequent crop failures due to drought (Rockstrom et

al., 2009). To minimize effects of reduced maize yields and crop failure due to

droughts, there are calls to promote on field rainwater harvesting technologies to

subsistence farmers. Such technologies work by retaining surface runoff within the

field, thereby altering soil water status in the root zone (Wiyo et aI., 2000). Surface

runoff accounts for up to one quarter of rainfall as a result of crust and pan formation,

high intensity rainfall events and poor soil cover (Fowler & Rockstrom, 2001) while

evaporation losses account for half the rainfall which is worsened by intensity of

cultivation and soil degradation.

Besides controlling soil erosion and reducing loss of fertile top soil, application of soil

and water conservation measures, have a potential to increase soil organic carbon

(SOC) concentration and hence improve soil fertility (Srinivasarao et aI., 2013). Soil

organic matter sustains many key soil functions by providing the energy, substrates,

and biological diversity to support biological activity, which affects soil aggregation

and water infiltration (Franzluebbers, 2002). Biazin & Stroosnijder (2012) reported

that introduction and appropriate implementation of rainwater harvesting techniques

may encourage farmers to invest in soil improvements for improved crop production


performance of SWC measures in enhancing maize productivity in the study area that

is experiencing low and erratic rainfall.

2.2 Soil water conservation strategies

Implementation of soil water conservation strategies contributes to intensification of

agricultural systems, enhances food production and alleviates poverty (Adgo et a/.,

2013). For instance, minimum tillage and mulching strategies have been reported to

offer an opportunity for sustainable management of smallholder agro-ecosystems of

SSA since soil conditions are improved and crop yields increased (Mupangwa et al.,

2013). Rejani &Yadukumar (2010) found treatments with soil and water conservation

structures reduced erosion and soil loss. The threat of increasing dry-spell occurrences

suggest an urgent need to change from the traditional cultivation practices in SSA to

more efficient and robust approaches which promote soil and nutrient conservation

(Rockstrorn, 2003).

The semi-arid and dry sub-humid regions of SSA experience a problem of low yield

" levels averaging 20-50% below what is achievable (Enfors et a/., 2011). Water

shortage in the root zone during critical crop development stages has been a major

constraining factor (Sieger & Stroosnijder, 2008). It is ascribed to highly variable

rainfall regime, leading to frequent dry spells (Barron et al., 2003), large unproductive

flows inthe field water balance (Rockstrom & Falkenmark, 2000) which is related to

climatic factors, soil characteristics, and land management (Enfors et a/., 2011). In

Kenya, Maize (Zea mays L.) is an essential food crop but despite its importance, the


due to low and erratic rainfall, high evapotranspiration rates, low soil fertility and land

degradation (Jaetzold et al., 2007). Renewed efforts to address low crop production

through the introduction of soil and water conservation tillage into the production

systems have been suggested (Gachene and Kimaru, 2003; Jaetzold et a/., 2007;

Kaumbutho &Kienzle, 2007).

2.2.1 Mulching

Mulch impedes the evaporation of water from soil surface by protecting it from direct

solar radiation and by greater resistance to air flow across the soil surface (Dardanelli

et aI., 1994). This result in lower losses of moisture to evaporation in untilled soils

covered with mulch compared to tilled soils. Mulching shades the soil; serves as a

vapour barrier against moisture losses from the soil, slow surface runoff and increase

infiltration (Mulumba & Lal, 2008). It enhances soil water retention essential for

emergence and growth of crops. Several studies have revealed that mulching is an

effective method in manipulating crop growing environment to increase yield and

conserve soil moisture, enhance organic matter content, control weeds, reduce soil

erosion and improve soil structure (Opara-Nadi, 1993; Hochmuth et al., 2001;


Awodoyin & Ogunyemi, 2005).

Mulching as a S


strategy has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of

crop failure at field level in the semi-arid regions due to better capture and use of

rainfall (Bationo et al., 2007). Sharma & Acharya (2000) revealed that application of

mulch improved the seed-zone and root-zone moisture status, and raised the minimum


improved rainwater capture in Northern Ethiopia. Dahiya et al. (2007) reported a

reduction in soil water loss in the mulching treatment on an average by 0.39mm/d

compared to a control treatment therefore enhancing soil profile water shortage. The

water conserving effect of mulch on the surface of soil can therefore induce a

substantial yield increase when drought stress is an issue (Huang et al., 2008). There

is a major advantage of improving soil and surface conditions that allow for better

water infiltration through maintenance of crop residues on the surface soil as mulch,

especially insub humid and semi-arid regions (Unger, 1994).

Previous studies done in researcher managed experiments have also shown that

mulching can change crop water consumption patterns, thereby increasing the crop

yield and water use efficiency (Zhu et al., 2000; Fang et al., 2009). The presence of

crop residue mulch at the soil atmosphere interface has a direct influence on

infiltration of rainwater into the soil and evaporation from the soil (Erenstein, 2002)

leading to improved soil water supply for crops. A study conducted in Mbeere South

sub-county in on-site station showed that mulching and minimum tillage have great

effects on maize emergence and yield (Gicheru et al., 2004). Zhang &Yang (2008)

reported that the application of liquid film mulch increased maize yield by 17.4%

compared with the control treatment. However, Araya (2011) found that mulching

increased soil water but not crop yields. There exists little information on

performance of maize production under mulching strategy through farmer managed


2.2.2 Tied ridging

In tied ridging strategy, ridge furrows are blocked with earth ties spaced a fixed

distance apart to form a series of micro catchment basins in the field (Wiyo, 2000).

These created basins retain surface runoff within the field. Under erratic rainfall

conditions, the ridges harvest rainwater and store it in the maize root zone for use

during dry spell (Wiyo et al.,2000). In addition, incorporation of tied ridges in maize

areas has been reported as an effective practice to increase ground water recharge

(Hunink et al.,2012).

Several studies conducted in on-station sites have reported the significant role of

tied-ridges in improving water and crop productivity in arid and semi-arid regions

(Biamah et al., 1993; Jensen et al., 2003; Motsi et al., 2004; McHugh et al., 2007;

Araya & Stroosnijder, 2010). For instance, according to Jensen et al. (2003) 42%

increase in maize grain yield was obtained using tied ridging during normal to slightly

dry rainfall conditions without any nutrient inputs compared to control practice. Tied

ridges in Zimbabwe doubled yield in comparison to the conventional tillage without

ridges (Motsi et al., 2004). In a study by Araya & Stroosnijder (2010), tied ridging

I' reduced runoff and improved grain yield and rainwater use efficiency significantly in

below average rainfall conditions. The increase of the soil water in the root zone by at

least 13% resulted in a significant improvement in yield. Greater crop yields in ridge

tillage relative to conventional tillage have been reported in Ghana (Akinyemi et al.,

2003) and in Kenya (Miriti et al., 2005). In a study by Miriti et al. (2012) tied-ridge

tillage treatments recorded greatest soil water content due to the capture and storage


et al. (2008) showed that with various rainfall conditions, i.e., 230, 340, and 440 mm, the spring maize yield was increased with ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting

cultivation by 82.8, 43.4, and 11.2%, respectively when compared with flat cultivation.

However, some studies in researcher designed-researcher managed trials have shown

that crop response to ridge tillage can be both negative and positive depending on

rainfall characteristics (Jensen et al., 2003, Sijali & Kamoni, 2005). Ridges will take

longer to wet after a dry spell, and germination of a crop planted on ridges is quite

often observed to be slower than a crop planted on flat land (lbraimo &Munguambe,

2007). Another drawback of this strategy is that on clay soils, ridge tillage can induce

water logging, and later on followed by mass movement (FAD, 1993) leading to total

crop loss. In severe storms, poorly designed ridge-furrow systems may fail the row

catchments can over-top and the water flow unimpeded down the slope causing soil

loss (McHugh et al., 2007). These factors should be taken into consideration before

selecting tied ridging as a soil water conservation strategy in a given area.

2.2.3Minimum tillage

Minimum tillage (MT) is a practice in which the soil is tilled to some extent but not

fully inverted with the aim to maximize soil infiltration and soil productivity, and

minimize water losses while conserving energy and labour (Rockstrom et al.,

2002).The strategy typically implies that substantial amounts of residues remain as

mulch (Sullivan, 2003). The management of soil through MT affects the storage of


and on crop production (Wang et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2005; Lenssen et al., 2007).

A participatory on-farm experiments on conservation farming systems for smallholder

farmers carried out over 3-4 years (1999-2003) in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia showed a consistent maize grain yield increase for conservation farming

practices over conventional practices over time (Kaumbutho et al., 2009).

Under MT grain yield is affected by climate, crop type, and soil drainage (Liu et al., 2013). In Zambia, farmers adopted minimum tillage methods to trap moisture,

improve soil quality, and minimize soil erosion, resulting in a 10-fold yield increase

and decreased dependency on rain (Oxfam, 2006). Farmers in the United States

countries, Latin America, Europe and certain parts of South Asia adopted MT system,

as a means to improve soil conservation, reduce labour and energy needs and to

increase yield levels (Derpsch, 2001). However, according to Chen et al. (2011)

maize yields tend to be lower for minimum tillage relative to conventional tillage

when the soils are poorly drained or the climate is cool humid. Kassam et al. (2012)

showed that yields from conservation tillage can be greater when the soils are well

drained or the climate is warm-dry

Poor farming practices that reduce soil water content essential for crop growth in the

study area have lead to a substantial decline in maize grain yield. Therefore,

implementation of sound SWC strategies in the farmers' fields' is vital so that the


2.3 Rainfall distribution

Rainfall amount and distribution are key variables influencing crop productivity in

rain-fed farming (Srinivasarao et al., 2013). Highly erratic patterns of rainfall

distribution often lead to more extreme wet and dry cycles of soil water contents thus

limiting crop growth and productivity to some extent (Wang et al., 2011). Agriculture

in semi-arid areas suffers from strong annual variations in crop yield due to

dependence on rainfall volume and distribution during the growing season.

Expectations about future rainfall trends are greatly varying and uncertain (Doll,

2002) and this affects the forecasts about crop water use in future climate scenarios

since it strongly depend on rainfall trend and distribution. The frequency distribution

of rainfall and temperature may change as a result of climate change, including

changes in climate variability and the intensity of extreme events which may lead to

more severe droughts or flooding, depending on the timing and distribution of rainfall

(Chikozho, 2010). Long-term rainfall records from Eastern and Southern Africa

indicate that inherent replenishment of soil moisture storage may occur as a result of

rainfall (Cooper et al., 2008). According to Lobell &Field (2007), changes in climate

have already decreased crop yields in several regions and are estimated to have


reduced global maize production by 12 Megatonnes (Mt) year" between 1981 and

2002. A study done in the region by Mucheru-Muna etal. (2010) showed that maize

yields were greatly affected by the amounts and distribution of rainfall. Hence intermittent and prolonged droughts are among major causes of yield reduction in


Soil water, whose major input is rainfall, is a basic requirement for crop growth from sowing to maturity (Khuram & Rasul, 2011). Conservation of soil water and improved crop water use efficiency can be achieved with conservation tillage (Lal, 1991; Carter, 1994; Tebrugge, 2001). Synchronizing maize growth with seasonal soil water supply is often the first and foremost step in rain-fed agricultural production. This has led to the promotion of on-field rainwater harvesting technologies such as tied ridging due to erratic rainfall and drought that have been experienced throughout the 1990's (Wiyo et al., 1999). Wang et al. (2011) concluded that rainwater conservation using furrow planting with straw mulching on the ridge system had the advantages of preserving rainwater storage and matching maize water use and soil water availability during the growing season. A study by Stephens & Hess (1999), found in wet years, maize yields were not affected by water harvesting, but declined

slowly with increasing proportion of rainfall lost as runoff. In dry years, the yields were very low because of severe drought, often as a result of extremely irregular rainfall events. Increase in the mean annual rainfall also increases



stocks (Srinivasarao et al., 2013). Therefore, to build resilience for coping with future water related risks and uncertainties such as prolonged dry spells and droughts and secure I'

the water required for food production, there is need for water management in rain fed agriculture (Rockstrorn et al., 2010).


climate variability (Ngetich et al., 2014). The high variability in rainfall has been

partly attributed to El-Nifio/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which causes abnormally

wet or dry short periods (Camberlin et al., 2001).

2.4 Changes in soil organic matter

Soil organic matter represents the remains of roots, plant material and soil organisms

in various stages of decomposition and synthesis, and is variable in composition

though occurring in relatively small amounts (Ryan et al., 2001). Quantity and quality

ofSOM and its major component, humus, is influenced by soil management practices.

Therefore, SOM is critical for agricultural productivity and essential in controlling

erosion, water infiltration and conservation of nutrients (Franzluebbers, 2002).

Increased SOM improves nutrient (Mrabet et al., 2001) and water holding capacity of

the soil (Mrabet et al., 2003). Srinivasarao et al. (20l3) reported that maintaining or

improving SOC concentration in rain fed dry-land agro-ecosystems is a major

agronomic challenge. However, data from long-term experiments (Bolliger et al.,

2006; Menichetti et al., 20l3) show that increasing SOC concentration by C

sequestration and stabilization positively affects yields of several crops.

Addition of mulch to crop fields increases moisture retention in the short run and

contribute to higher levels of SOM over time which improves soil water holding

capacity (Giller et al., 2006). Soil organic matter maintenance and increase are more

pronounced in CA systems due to the retention of organic material as crop residues on

the soil surface (Thierfelder & Wall, 2009). Various studies have shown that


aI., 1990; Paustin et al., 1997; Saroa & La I, 2003). Organic matter levels build up

under conservation tillage, both as plant residues remain on the field and as organic

matter is not oxidized to the same degree when the soil is not inverted, improving the

soil's aggregate stability and potentially also its capacity to retain moisture ( Enfors et

a/., 2011). According to Hobbs (2007), mulch retention, combined with minimum

tillage could be the best management practice for SOM restoration and control of

erosion with astute fertilizer application presenting an opportunity for SOM build-up

in maize-based smallholder systems (Dube et aI., 2012) of the Eastern Cape.

Soil carbon storage helps to stabilize atmospheric CO2 concentrations and promotes

improved drainage; soil structure, water holding capacity, and other important soil

properties that. improve agricultural productivity (Lal et a/., 2004). In tied ridging

technology, any organic matter or fertilizer which is present at or near the soil surface,

gets concentrated in the ridge and thus be greater benefit to the crops (Meijer, 1992).

Results from Chivenge et al. (2007) showed that TR being a least disruptive tillage

practice had the greatest amounts of soil organic C, 20.4 mg C g ·1 soil for red clay

compared to clean ripping and CT technologies. I'

Soil organic matter and its different portions are essential in optimizing crop

production, minimizing negative environmental impacts and thus improving soil

quality. Tillage-based conventional agriculture is assumed to lead to SOM decline,

water runoff and soil erosion (Derpsch et al., 1991). Many studies have shown that

minimum tillage practices can result in greater aggregation and higher standing stocks


1990; Havlin et al., 1990, Kushwaha et al., 2001). No tillage impacts soil organic

carbon (SaC) stock by reducing disturbance which favours the formation of soil

aggregates and protects sac encapsulated inside these stable aggregates from rapid

oxidation (Six et al., 2000). Additionally, MT modifies the local edaphic

environment: bulk density, pore size distribution, temperature, water and air regime

that might restrict SaM biodegradation (Kay & Vanden-Bygaart, 2002). Work by

Bescansa et al. (2006), in semi-arid Spain linked higher available soil water content

with the greater SaM and changes in pore-size distribution under minimum tillage. A

continuous long term study by Jin et al. (2011) demonstrated that no tillage was

associated with a substantial and significant improvement in soil properties including

SaM and nutrient status in annual double cropping areas of North China Plain

compared toconventional tillage.

Soil organic matter deteriorates with continued poor tillage practices, therefore soil

and water management practices have to be implemented and adapted to ensure

cropping systems that add organic matter to the soil. There are few studies that have

I' been conducted in SSA as well as in the study area to investigate the effects of these

SWC strategies on SaM quantities over time under on-farm conditions.

2.5 Maize yield stability in farmer managed trials

Yield stability can be defined as either static or dynamic (Becker & Leon, 1988);

whereby in static stability, the performance of a crop remains unchanged regardless of

the environmental conditions and in dynamic stability, a crop performance changes in


relative performance of various SWC strategies, stability of yields over time is an

important attribute to consider. Several studies concentrate on average crops and

overlook yield stability which is one of the important factors for food security

(Piepho, 1998). The evaluation of crop yields should therefore incorporate yield

stability across variable climatic conditions (Swift, 1994) to make recommendations


Predicting and/or control of crop yield variability are challenges experienced in crop

production research (Batchelor et al., 2002). Stability of crop yield is influenced by

agricultural management and environmental factors (Berzsenyi & Dang, 2008).

According to Fikere et al. (2008) yield stability is perceived by farmers as the most

important socio-economic aim to minimize crop failure especially in marginal

environments. Crop yield stability with less risk of crop failure may provide incentive

to invest in crop management practices that improve yields (Barron, 2004) as it also

implies more predictable returns. The sustainability of a cropping system is most

effectively evaluated by long-term experiments that simulate management practices

and conditions encountered in farmers' fields (Singh &Pala, 2004).

Higher yield stability is associated with higher yields and decreasing variation in

yields. In Shukla's stability variance model (Shukla, 1972); treatment with a small

stability variance is considered as most stable. Conservation agriculture has been

suggested by its proponents to offer solutions that ensure higher and more stable

yields (Giller et al., 2009). More effective agricultural practices to utilize the rains,


are necessary. Padgham (2009) argues that opportunities for participatory research

exist that improve the relevance of technologies to local needs and marginal

environments to achieve higher and more stable yields. However, Tollenaar & Lee

(2002) found that high grain yield and yield stability are not mutually exclusive.

There is, therefore, need to evaluate yield stability under farmers conditions using

various SWC strategies.

On-farm trials are designed to test performance of agricultural technologies in

comparison with farmer's own practices, under real farm conditions and under farmer

management. Mutsaers et al. (1997) argued that trials conducted under maximum

farmer management are the only valid way of testing new technology provided the

farmers treat the trial fields in the same way as their other fields. From on-farm trials

increasing yields has been the major objective in most crop production systems,

improving yield stability is also an important objective of agricultural progress (Slafer

&Kernich, 1996). Little attention has been given on stability of maize yield infarmer

managed trials using the selected SWC strategies in SSA as well as inthe study area; ,.,

hence the need for this study.

2.6 Farmers' likelihood to take up soil water conservation strategies

The take up of soil water conservation strategy is the decision of the farmer to

implement it or not. Numerous challenges hinder smallholder farmers in taking up

SWC strategies thus it is necessary to implement on-farm trials so as to transfer the

emerging technologies to them (Johansen et al., 2012). To achieve substantial


innovations in SSA has been a challenge in recent decades, a trend that authors

attribute to low awareness, and negative attitudes among other factors (Khisa et al.,

2007; van Rijn et al., 2012). The traditional top-down extension approach has been

identified as one of the key factors hampering adoption of conservation tillage

(Nyagumbo, 1998; Shetto, 1998) and the best approach to transfer SWC strategies

involved participatory strategies including farmer managed trials. The low adoption

rates of SWC strategies has also been due to diverse perceptions of farmers regarding

the threat of soil erosion, household size, land and farm characteristics, technology

attributes, land quality differentials and tenure insecurity (Bekele &Holden, 1998).

The decision to take up an innovation is a risky choice for farmers' as they must make

a choice between alternatives whose consequences are uncertain and the attached

probabilities may not be known (Greiner et al., 2009). According to Abadi et al.

(2005), risk perceptions and risk preferences impact majorly on the information

acquisition and learning-by-doing process phase in the adoption process by farmers.

Technologies for improving maize yields have been developed in the past, but some

I' have not been adopted because they do not match with the maize production resource

base of farmers (Mokwunye et al., 1996). Possible determinants of adoption of SWC

technologies has been suggested by various studies to include technology

characteristics, farmers' attitudes toward risk, adoption costs, availability of capital

(human and social resources), labour availability, and land tenure (Sunding &


The impacts of conservation tillage such as increased soil moisture availability and

hence increased crop yields have facilitated its adoption by smallholder farmers in the

semi-arid area for example, Machakos district of Kenya (Muni, 2002). Adoption of

appropriate management practices can also lead to higher rates of organic carbon

particularly in high rainfall regions since soils of the tropical regions have low C

sequestration rate because of high temperatures (Srinivasarao et al., 2012). However,

it is a large challenge for agricultural development to facilitate the adoption of

conservation farming as past experiences have not shown any general guidance on

how and why adoption occurs (Knowler &Bradshaw, 2007). In SSA adoption of the

MT system is limited by the traditionally narrow focus of conservation farming on

minimum tillage system that minimize disturbance of soil (Dumanksi et al., 2006).

According to Johansen et al. (2012), the best way to change mind set towards

minimum tillage is through technology demonstration and evaluation on-farm carried

out in a multi-disciplinary mode and with farmers. Farmers' decisions on technology

adoption are often conditioned by attractive short-term crop yield responses. For

instance, tied ridging strategy is not likely to be taken up by smallholder farmers

unless it improves soil water status for the crop during dry or drought years and will

not lead to water logging, ridge destruction and excessive nutrient leaching in a wet

year (Wiyo et al., 2000). Globally TR is a widely adopted technique for rain-fed

agriculture and soil conservation (Nyakatawa et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2007).

An on-farm action research approach experiment by Kaumbutho et al. (2009) proved

to be important in raising farmers' interest and commitment where they were involved


assessing results, and adapting the system. For this reason, it is vital to fully involve

farmers in implementation of SWC technologies. This will usually entail larger plots,

simplified trial designs and control treatments that reflect farm practice and respect

farmer knowledge, practices and conditions (Mashavira et al., 1995). A study done in

Ghana in farmer managed trials, increasing farmers' participation resulted in a high

rate of uptake of conservation tillage (Boa-Amponsem et al., 1998). A study done in

the central highlands of Kenya by Macharia (2012), found out that on-farm

demonstration was the most preferred and best delivery method for training farmers

on the soil fertility technologies. Also the Assessment Report Four (AR4) states that

the ability of agricultural communities in SSA to cope better with current climate

variability and adapt to future climate change must be enhanced (IPCC, 2007).

Therefore, farmers should be driven as much as possible by their own intrinsic

motivation to put effort in conducting and adapting SWC strategies which positively

influences their continued use. This requires a stepwise approach in SWC including

farmer to farmer training and on-farm trials (Kessler et al., 2008). In the study area,

the likelihood of the farmers' to take up the SWC strategies implemented in their

fields is not known. Thus it was paramount to understand the likelihood of farmers in

the study area to practice these strategies in order to promote uptake and utilization of

the strategies for sustainable agriculture.

2.7 Literature gaps

Studies on the effects of the selected soil water conservation strategies on maize


area it is not yet known. There are very few studies on effects of SWC strategies on

maize yield stability in researcher designed-farmer managed trials in SSA. The review

also identified that in the study area effects of the selected SWC on maize yield

stability strategies has not been researched and hence not known. Farmers' likelihood

to take up the selected SWC strategies in the study area is also unknown and thus the


3.1 Study area



The study

was carried out in Meru South and Mbeere South sub-counties (Figure


Meru South sub-county

is located in the Upper Midland Zone two (UM2)

and Upper

Midland Zone three (UM3) agro-ecological zones,

on the eastern slopes of Mt.


at an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level (a.s.l) with an annual mean temperature of

20°C and a total annual rainfall of 1,200-1,400 mm (Jaetzold

et a/.,

2007). The



(LR) lasts from March through June,

and short rains (SR) from October through


It is a predominantly maize growing zone

with smallholdings ranging

from 0.1 to


ha with an average of 1.2 ha per household (Shisanya

et a/., 2009).





I , I i Iii i I " o 1875375 750KiIomet«9


Kamburu Dam


Kindsruma Dam








Masing Dam






i I I 5 1Q 20 Kilometerg

Figure .: Map of the study

area (The on-farm trials were implemented

within the red


Mbeere South sub-county lies in the Lower Midland Zone 4 (LM4) and Lower

Midland Zone five (LM5) agro-ecological zones, on the eastern slopes of Mt. Kenya

at an altitude of 700 to 1200 m a.s.! (Jaetzold et al., 2007) with the mean annual temperature ranging from 20.7° to 22.5°C with high evapotranspiration rates. The

average annual rainfall is between 700 to 900 mm and is bimodal with LRs lasting

from mid March to June and SRs from late October to December, hence two cropping

seasons per year. Cropping systems in Mbeere South are predominantly maize-based,

with beans as the preferred legume for intercrop, although cowpea, groundnut and

green grams are gaining importance.

3.2 Soil characteristics

The two sub-counties have contrasting soil fertility (Mucheru-Muna et al., 2010) as

they are located in different AEZs. The soils in Meru South are predominantly humic

Nitisols, a typical deep and weathered soil with moderate to high inherent fertility

(Jaetzold et al., 2007). These soils are of higher fertility hence better for agricultural

production compared to soils in Mbeere South. The humic Nitisols in Meru South

have an average rate of 0.15% of organic carbon, 0.02% of the total nitrogen, and

0.01 % of phosphorus (Jaetzold et al., 2007). Soil texture in Meru South is majorly

clay with the particle size distribution of clay being 72% and silt 20% (Ngetich,


The soils in Mbeere South are mostly plinthic Cambisols (FAa, 1988). Cambisols are

brown with cambic B horizons as the main feature, layers are differentiated and


weathered than most of the other soils of the humid tropics. Cambisols contain an

average of 0.04% of organic carbon, of total nitrogen 0.01%, and 0.001% of the total

phosphorus (Jaetzold et al., 2007). The soil texture in Mbeere South is sandy clay

with the particle size distribution ofclay being 41 % and silt 12% (Ngetich, 2012).

3.3 Experimental design

The experiments were set up In the farmers' fields whereby twelve farmers

implemented the trials from each sub-county. The trials were researcher designed and

farmer managed (Coe, 1997) hence allowing collection of biophysical data. Twelve

farmers' were selected in each sub-county guided by the proximity to the installed

automatic rain gauge in the nearby sites representative of the area. The trials were run

for four consecutive cropping seasons, short rains 2011 (SRI 1), long rains 2012

(LRI2), short rains 2012 (SR12), and long rains 20 13(LR13). Each farmer acted as an

experimental unit and they were blocked in threes based on agro-ecological similarity

and proximity to each other. Each selected farmer tested a different strategy against

the conventional practice. The experiments followed an unbalanced randomized ,.,

complete block design (RCBD) with three SWC treatments replicated four times

(Appendix 1and Appendix 2), while the control was implemented by every farmer.

The control was homogenous in the different farmers' fields whereby there was

continuous weeding and removal of crop residues. The SWC treatments were: tied

ridging (Plate 3.1a), mulching (plate 3.1b), and minimum tillage in each sub-county.

Maize (Zea mays L.) was the test crop. Maize variety planted in Meru South was

HSIS with a growing period of 120-1S0 days recommended for high-potential areas.


variety used


n Mbeere South was DR 04; a short duration seed with maturity between

85 to 100 da




The spacing was 0.90 m between maize rows by 0


60 m within



rows and being a semi-arid area the spacing was larger due to higher water

competition among the crops


Three maize seeds per hill were planted and thinned out

to two seedlings per hill two weeks after emergence.


Some selected SWC strategies


Plot with tied ridges (a) Mulched plot (b


Fertilizer was applied at the recommended rate of 60 kg N ha-






Phosphorus was applied as Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) at planting at the rate of 90

kg N ha". Maize stover (residue) was used for mulching and applied immediately


after germination at a rate of 5 Mg ha-


(dry matter basis)


The farmers utilized mulch

obtained from preceding season since maize is commonly grown


n the area





dges were constructed at the beginning of the first cropping season and any damages

repaired accordingly for the following seasons. For the farmers undertaking minimum

tillage, no p


oughing was done on the plots




planting holes were only dug

where seeds were planted. Automatic rain gauge with a data logger had been installed


3.4 Data collection

The farmers implementing the experiment trials were trained on land preparation,

planting, weed control, standard agronomic practices and data collection at the start of

each cropping season. They were also provided with notebooks for recording the

observations made. Follow-up and monitoring visits on the observations recorded

were done fortnightly.

3.4.1 Maize harvesting

Maize grain and stover were harvested at maturity from a net area of24 m2and 21 m2

in Mbeere South and Meru South, respectively, after leaving out guard rows and the

first and last maize plants in each row to minimize the edge effect. The cobs in each

plot were separated from the stover and fresh weight determined. The cobs were then

air dried to 12.5% moisture content. Maize grains were then separated from the cobs

through hand shelling and weighed to give the net grain weight. Maize stover was cut

at ground level and total above ground fresh weight determined. Grain yield was

measured in Kg ha".

3.4.2 Soil sampling

Soil samples were obtained from the two sub plots (the SWC treatment plot and the

control plot) in the farmers' fields. The initial sampling was done in August 2011

before establishment of the experiments while the final sampling was done in August

2013 at the end of the experiments. The soil samples were collected using an Edelman

auger at a depth of 0-15cm. The soil samples were packed in plastic bags with marked


put in a freezer to minimize microbial activity and later on dried in an air-forced oven

at 30°C. When dry the soil samples were then cleaned off stones and plant residues.

Samples were then ground in a stainless steel soil grinder and passed through a 2-mm

sieve and analysed for organic carbon.

3.4.3 Rainfall measurements

Daily rainfall measurements were taken using an automatic rain gauge with a 0.2 mm

resolution installed at nearby sites representative of the area (Plate 3.2). The rain

gauge was mounted on a post in an open area so that there was no obstruction of rain

pattern. Measures were taken to ensure that it was on a level position and clear of

overhead structures. The stand on which it was mounted on was free from vibration.

Data logger in the rain gauge was launched, read out using HOBO ware Pro Version

3.2.2 and data exported to excel worksheets for further processing. The rain gauge

status was regularly checked to ensure proper functioning and exhausted batteries


Plate. An automatic rain gauge

3.4.4 Interview schedule

To determine the likelihood of farmers to take up the selected SWC strategies, the

study adopted a qualitative research approach due to their small number (24 farmers).

The targeted respondents were the farmers involved in the trainings' and implemented

the experiments and recording observations from the on-farm trials. A minimum data

set interview schedule (Appendix 3) was used to collect information on the

demographic characteristics of the households such as the farmers' age, gender,

education levels, and years of farming experience, total farm size and size of land

cultivated after the experimental period. Semi- structured in-depth interviews were

conducted to investigate on their awareness of SWC technologies, key factors in

choice of other SWC strategies they implement, benefits and challenges experienced

during implementation of SWC measures. Farmers' likelihood to take up the SWC .


implementing them in future and increment of acreage under the strategy (Appendix


3.5 Laboratory analysis

Organic carbon was determined using modified Walkley and Black wet oxidation

method described by Ryan et al.(2001). One gram of air dried soil passed through 0.5 mm sieve were weighed into 500 ml wide mouth beaker and 10ml of 1 N potassium

dichromate added into the flasks using a burette. In a fume cupboard, 15 ml

concentrated sulphuric acid was rapidly added directing the stream into the

suspension. The flasks were swirled gently at first until all soil and reagents mixed

and then more vigorously for about one minute. They were then allowed to stand for

exactly 30 minutes. About 200 ml of distilled water was added and allowed to cool,

after which 10 ml 85% orthophosphoric acid and finally 10 drops diphenylamine

indicator were added. The solutions were titrated with 0.5 N ammonium ferrous

sulphate solution. Soil organic matter was then derived from the determined organic

carbon percentage and calculated as using Equation 1 and Equation 2.

0/0OrganicC arbon =....;~'lI:..:.!::.;al'l.:::'/{'--·":..:~-a:.:.:m.:.t:p.:.:[s'-X_.~f_:<_::I_X_l0_-_s_>(1_0_0

We [Equation 1]

Where: VBlank=Volume (ml) of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution required to titrate the blank

VSampl?=Volume (ml) of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution

required to titrate the sample


3 x 10-3=Equivalent weight of carbon


M=Molarity of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution (approximately

0.5M i.e. 10Nblank).

%Sell OrgClnic MrLtter (w/w) = 1.724 X% Tta! Organic Carbon

[Equation 2]

3.6 Data Analyses

Maize yield data and soil data were subjected to analysis of variance using the

General Linear Model (GLM) SAS 9.2 software (SAS Institute, 2004) to obtain an F

value of the effect of the model. Pair-wise comparison of soil organic matter content

differences between the start and the end of the experiments was analysed using t-test.

Differences between treatment means were examined using least significance

difference (LSD) atp= 0.05. Analysis of variance using the Mixed procedure in SAS

I' 9.2 was used to evaluate maize yield stability, in which the factors site (2 levels),

season (4 levels) and treatment (4 levels) and their interactions were considered as

fixed effects, while farmer nested within season was considered as a random effect

(block effect). Diagnostic plots and Levene's test were performed by subjecting the

absolute values of the residuals from the basic mixed model to a regular analysis of

variance with the fixed effect only (Littell et al., 2006). Then using a 'REPEATED'

statement procedure 'Mixed', Akaike's information criterion (Akaike, 1974) was


multiple comparison procedure. The different layers of variability were effectively

incorporated and accounted for by the mixed model. Mixed-model analysis allowed

multi-layered data information to be combined from multiple experiments conducted

over time and space (Virk et al., 2009).

3.7 Theme Analysis

Demographic characteristics data from the interview schedules were summarized

using descriptive statistics such as frequency, means, and cross tabulations. Themes of

analysis were searched within the data to explain farmers' likelihood to take up the

SWC strategies.


Table 3.1: Description of themes of analysis

Description Awareness of SWC strategies

Determinants oftaking up SWC strategies


Likelihood of Future

utilization of Selected SWC strategies

This theme included the farmers' ability to mention the selected SWC strategy implemented in the study period and to give examples of other SWC technologies apart from what was implemented. It also focused on the decisive factors used by farmers in the choice of SWC measure to implement.

This theme included the benefits that farmers' gained from practicing SWC measures in comparison with the conventional tillage and the challenges experienced during the implementation. It also focused on whether the farmers found the implemented strategy worth.




4.1 Rainfall distribution in Mbeere South and Meru South sub-counties

There were disparities in total rainfall and distribution between seasons in both

sub-counties (Figure 4.1). Cumulatively, Meru South received higher amounts of rainfall

in all seasons compared to Mbeere South. In Mbeere South, cumulative rainfall for

SRI 1 and LRI2 seasons was 654 mm, whereby 358 mm was received during SRI 1,

11 mm during off season, and 285 mm during LRI2 (Figure 4.la). In Meru South cumulative rainfall received during SRI 1 and LR12 was 1519 mm, 874 mm received


700 (a)

~ 600













~ \000



~ ~ 100


1110112 1/12/12






_. - SR12&LR13

1/2/13 1/4/13 1/6/13


~ 1400


~ 1200






600 400 200







~ ~

Rainfall dates


/L- ~~--~~~---~

Figure 4.1: Cumulative rainfall at Mbeere South a) and Meru South b) during short

rains 2011 and long rains 2012 seasons, and short rains 2012 and long

rains 2013 seasons

During SR12 and LR13, Mbeere South cumulatively received 609 mm whereby


,.,.-331mm was received during SR12, 5mm during offseason and 273mm during LR13.

. - .- .- .- .- . - . -- SRI I&LR12

" .- - . - SR12&LR13



1/12112 112/13 1/4/13 1/6/13

Rainfall dates

In Meru South cumulative rainfall received during SR12 and LR13 was 970 mm,


total, during SR12 and LR 13 seasons both sub-counties received lesser amounts of

rainfall compared to SRI 1 and LRI2 seasons. Dry spells were also experienced in

both sites in other cropping seasons whereby, Meru South had a dry spell of 10 days

during SR II and 15 days during SR 12 season. Mbeere South had dry spells of 12 and

23 days during SRI 1 and 10 days during SRl2 season. The differences in rainfall

amounts and number of months the rain was received between short rains seasons and

long rains seasons within each sub-county indicates the distinction between the two

cropping seasons per year.

These semi-arid and sub-humid agro-ecosystems, suffer from high frequency of

droughts and dry spells (Barron et al., 2003; Rockstrom et al., 2010). A

meteorological drought was experienced during LR13 in both sites. Mbeere South

experienced a meteorological drought of 55 days while Meru South had a

meteorological drought of 57 days leading to a major decline in rainfall amount

during the season. A meteorological drought was defined as the absence of rainfall for

a period above four weeks during the growing season. Meru South also experienced a


meteorological drought during LRl2 of 30 days at the beginning of the season while

Mbeere South had a dry spell of 25 days in the same season. Nevertheless, there was

still good harvest in Meru South since there was good distribution of the rainfall after

the drought in comparison to Mbeere South. According to Twomlow et al. (1999)

distribution and reliability are often more important than total rainfall. In addition,

soils in Meru South have better physical and chemical properties and characteristics


Figure 1.1 Conceptualframeworkshowing the interrelationamong the variables
Figure .: Map of the study area (The on-farm trials were implemented within the redcircle in Meru South and Mbeere South) (Source, Author)
Table 3.1: Description
Table 4.3 Least squareMbeere South and Meru South sub-counties


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