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A Potpourri of Schwarz Related Inequalities in Inner Product Spaces


Academic year: 2020

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Abstract. In this paper we obtain some new Schwarz related inequalities in inner product spaces over the real or complex number field. Applications for the generalized triangle inequality are also given.

1. Introduction

Let (H;h·,·i) be an inner product space over the real or complex number field K. One of the most important inequalities in inner product spaces with numerous applications, is the Schwarz inequality; that may be written in two forms:

(1.1) |hx, yi|2≤ kxk2kyk2, x, y∈H (quadratic form)

or, equivalently,

(1.2) |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk, x, y∈H (simple form).

The case of equality holds in (1.1) (or (1.2)) if and only if the vectorsxandy are linearly dependent.

In 1966, S. Kurepa [14], gave the following refinement of the quadratic form for the complexification of a real inner product space:

Theorem 1. Let (H;h·,·i) be a real Hilbert space and (HC,h·,·iC)the complexifi-cation ofH. Then for any pair of vectorsa∈H, z∈HC

(1.3) |hz, aiC|2≤1



kzk2C+|hz,z¯iC|≤ kak2kzk2C.

In 1985, S.S. Dragomir [2, Theorem 2] obtained a refinement of the simple form of Schwarz inequality as follows:

Theorem 2. Let(H;h·,·i)be a real or complex inner product space andx, y, e∈H

withkek= 1.Then we have the inequality

(1.4) kxk kyk ≥ |hx, yi − hx, ei he, yi|+|hx, ei he, yi| ≥ |hx, yi|.

For other similar results, see [9] and [8].

A refinement of theweaker version of the Schwarz inequality, i.e., (1.5) Rehx, yi ≤ kxk kyk, x, y∈H

has been established in [5]:

Date: 30 September, 2004.

2000Mathematics Subject Classification. 46C05, 26D15.

Key words and phrases. Schwarz’s inequality, triangle inequality, inner product spaces.


Theorem 3. Let(H;h·,·i)be a real or complex inner product space andx, y, e∈H

withkek= 1. Ifr1, r2>0 andx, y∈H are such that (1.6) kx−yk ≥r2≥r1≥ |kxk − kyk|

then we have the following refinement of the weak Schwarz inequality

(1.7) kxk kyk −Rehx, yi ≥ 1

2 r

2 2−r12


The constant 12 is best possible in the sense that it cannot be replaced by a larger quantity.

For other recent results see the paper mentioned above, [5].

In practice, one may need reverses of the Schwarz inequality, namely, upper bounds for the quantities

kxk kyk −Rehx, yi, kxk2kyk2−(Rehx, yi)2


kxk kyk

Rehx, yi

or the coresponding expressions where Rehx, yiis repalced by either |Rehx, yi| or

|hx, yi|, under suitable assumptions for the vectorsx, y in an inner product space (H;h·,·i) over the real or complex number fieldK.

In this class of results, we mention the following recent reverses of the Schwarz inequality due to the present author, that can be found, for instance, in the survey work [6], where more specific references are provided:

Theorem 4. Let(H;h·,·i)be an inner product space overK(K=C,R).Ifa, A∈ Kandx, y∈H are such that either

(1.8) RehAy−x, x−ayi ≥0,

or, equivalently,



2 y


2|A−a| kyk,

then the following reverse for the quadratic form of the Schwarz inequality (0≤)kxk2kyk2− |hx, yi|2


  

 

1 4|A−a|




2 kyk 2

− hx, yi


1 4|A−a|


kyk4− kyk2RehAy−x, x−ayi

≤ 1


2 kyk4


If in addition, we haveRe (A¯a)>0,then

(1.11) kxk kyk ≤ 1

2 ·

Re A¯+ ¯ahx, yi p

Re (A¯a) ≤ 1 2·



Re (A¯a)|hx, yi|,


(1.12) (0≤)kxk2kyk2− |hx, yi|2≤1

4 ·


Re (A¯a)|hx, yi|


Also, if (1.8) or (1.9) are valid andA6=−a,then we have the reverse for the simple form of Schwarz inequality

(0≤)kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk −

Re ¯

A+ ¯a |A+a|hx, yi


≤ kxk kyk −Re

A¯+ ¯a

|A+a|hx, yi

≤ 1

4 ·

|A−a|2 |A+a| kyk

2 .

The multiplicative constants 14 and 12 above are best possible in the sense that they cannot be replaced by a smaller quantity.

For some classical results related to Schwarz inequality, see [1], [11], [15], [16], [17] and the references therein.

The main aim of the present paper is to point out other results in connection with both the quadratic and simple forms of the Schwarz inequality. As applications, some reverse results for the generalised triangle inequality, i.e., upper bounds for the quantity

(0≤) n X

i=1 kxik −

n X

i=1 xi

under various assumptions for the vectorsxi ∈H, i∈ {1, . . . , n},are established.

2. Inequalities Related to Schwarz’s One The following result holds.

Proposition 1. Let (H;h·,·i)be an inner product space over the real or complex number fieldK. The subsequent statements are equivalent.

(i) The following inequality holds


x kxk −

y kyk


(ii) The following reverse (improvement) of Schwarz’s inequality holds

(2.2) kxk kyk −Rehx, yi ≤(≥)1 2r

2kxk kyk.

The constant 12 is best possible in (2.2) in the sense that it cannot be replaced by a larger (smaller) quantity.

Proof. It is obvious by taking the square in (2.2) and performing the required calculations.

Remark 1. Since

kkykx− kxkyk=kkyk(x−y) + (kyk − kxk)yk ≤ kyk kx−yk+|kyk − kxk| kyk ≤2kyk kx−yk

hence a sufficient condition for (2.1) to hold is

(2.3) kx−yk ≤ r


Remark 2. Utilising the Dunkl-Williams inequality [10] (2.4) ka−bk ≥ 1


a kak−

b kbk

, a, b∈H\ {0}

with equality if and only if either kak=kbk orkak+kbk=ka−bk, we can state the following inequality

(2.5) kxk kyk −Rehx, yi

kxk kyk ≤2




, x, y∈H\ {0}.

Obviously, ifx, y∈H\ {0} are such that

(2.6) kx−yk ≤η(kxk+kyk),

withη ∈(0,1], then one has the following reverse of the Schwarz inequality (2.7) kxk kyk −Rehx, yi ≤2η2kxk kyk

that is similar to (2.2).

The following result may be stated as well.

Proposition 2. Ifx, y∈H\ {0} andρ >0 are such that (2.8)

x kyk −

y kxk


then we have the following reverse of Schwarz’s inequality (0≤)kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk −Rehx, yi


≤ 1

2kxk kyk.

The case of equality holds in the last inequality in (2.9) if and only if (2.10) kxk=kyk and kx−yk=ρ.

The constant 12 in (2.9) cannot be replaced by a smaller quantity. Proof. Taking the square in (2.8), we get

(2.11) kxk


kyk2 −

2 Rehx, yi kxk kyk +

kyk2 kxk2 ≤ρ


Since, obviously

(2.12) 2≤ kxk


kyk2 + kyk2 kxk2

with equality iff kxk = kyk, hence by (2.11) we deduce the second inequality in (2.9).

The case of equality and the best constant are obvious and we omit the details.

Remark 3. In [13], Hile obtained the following inequality (2.13) kkxkvx− kykvyk ≤ kxk


− kykv+1

kxk − kyk kx−yk

providedv >0 andkxk 6=kyk.




hence, by (2.14) we deduce

(2.15) (0≤)kxk kyk −Rehx, yi ≤ 1

(kxk+kyk)2kx−yk2 kxk kyk ,

providedx, y∈H\ {0}.

The following inequality is due to Goldstein, Ryff and Clarke [12, p. 309]:

(2.16) kxk2r+kyk2r−2kxkrkykr·Rehx, yi kxk kyk

 


kx−yk2 if r≥1

kyk2r−2kx−yk2 if r <1

providedr∈Randx, y∈H withkxk ≥ kyk.

Utilising (2.16) we may state the following proposition containing a different reverse of the Schwarz inequality in inner product spaces.

Proposition 3. Let (H;h·,·i)be an inner product space over the real or complex number fieldK. Ifx, y∈H\ {0} andkxk ≥ kyk,then we have

0≤ kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk −Rehx, yi


   

  

1 2r

2kxk kyk


kx−yk2 if r≥1,

1 2




kx−yk2 if r <1.

Proof. It follows from (2.16), on dividing bykxkrkykr, that

(2.18) kxk


r +




−2·Rehx, yi kxk kyk ≤

  

 

r2· kxkr−2

kykr kx−yk 2

if r≥1,


kxkr kx−yk 2

if r <1.


kxk kyk

r +

kyk kxk



hence, by (2.18) one has

2−2·Rehx, yi kxk kyk ≤

  

 

r2kxkkyrk−2r kx−yk 2

if r≥1,


kxkr kx−yk 2

if r <1.

Dividing this inequality by 2 and multiplying withkxk kyk,we deduce the desired result in (2.17).

Another result providing a different additive reverse (refinement) of the Schwarz inequality may be stated.


(i) The following inequality holds:


x−hx, yi kyk2 ·y


(ii) The following reverse (refinement) of the quadratic Schwarz inequality holds: (2.20) kxk2kyk2− |hx, yi|2≤(≥)r2kyk2.

The proof is obvious on taking the square in (2.19) and performing the calcula-tion.

Remark 4. Since kyk


x− hx, yiy




(x−y)− hx−y, yiy

≤ kyk2kx−yk+|hx−y, yi| kyk

≤2kx−yk kyk2,

hence a sufficient condition for the inequality (2.19) to hold is that

(2.21) kx−yk ≤ r


The following proposition may give a complementary approach:

Proposition 5. Let x, y∈H withhx, yi 6= 0 andρ >0.If (2.22)

x− hx, yi |hx, yi|·y



(2.23) (0≤)kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ 1


The multiplicative constant 12 is best possible in (2.23).

The proof is similar to the ones outlined above and we omit it.

For the case of complex inner product spaces, we may state the following result.

Proposition 6. Let(H;h·,·i)be a complex inner product space andα∈Ca given complex number withReα, Imα >0.If x, y∈H are such that





then we have the inequality

(0≤)kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk −Rehx, yi



2 · Reα

Imα·r 2


The equality holds in the second inequality in (2.25) if and only if the case of equality holds in (2.24) and Reα· kxk= Imα· kyk.

Proof. Observe that the condition (2.24) is equivalent to

(2.26) [Reα]2kxk2+ [Imα]2kyk2≤2 ReαImαRehx, yi+ [Reα]2r2.

On the other hand, on utilising the elementary inequality


with equality if and only if Reα· kxk= Imα· kyk,we deduce from (2.26) that

(2.28) 2 ReαImαkxk kyk ≤2 ReαImαRehx, yi+r2[Reα]2

giving the desired inequality (2.25).

The case of equality follows from the above and we omit the details.

The following different reverse for the Schwarz inequality that holds for both real and complex inner product spaces may be stated as well.

Theorem 5. Let (H;h·,·i) be an inner product space overK, K = C,R. If α ∈

K\ {0},then

0≤ kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk −Re "


|α|2hx, yi

# (2.29)

≤ 1

[|Reα| kx−yk+|Imα| kx+yk]2

|α|2 ≤

1 2·I



(2.30) I:=      

    

max{|Reα|,|Imα|}(kx−yk+kx+yk) ;



q, p >1, 1



q = 1; max{kx−yk,kx+yk}(|Reα|+|Imα|).

Proof. Observe, forα∈K\ {0},that

kαx−αy¯ k2=|α|2kxk2−2 Rehαx,αy¯ i+|α|2kyk2

=|α|2kxk2+kyk2−2 Re

α2hx, yi


Sincekxk2+kyk2≥2kxk kyk,hence

(2.31) kαx−αy¯ k2≥2|α|2


kxk kyk −Re "

α2 |α|2hx, yi



On the other hand, we have

kαx−αy¯ k=k(Reα+iImα)x−(Reα−iImα)yk


=kReα(x−y) +iImα(x+y)k

≤ |Reα| kx−yk+|Imα| kx+yk.

Utilising (2.31) and (2.32) we deduce the third inequality in (2.29). For the last inequality we use the following elementary inequality

(2.33) αa+βb≤

 

max{α, β}(a+b)

(αp+βp)1p(aq+bq)1q, p >1, 1



q = 1,

providedα, β, a, b≥0.


Proposition 7. Let (H;h·,·i) be an inner product overKande∈H,kek= 1. If


(2.34) Re [hx, yi − hx, ei he, yi]

≤ 1

4· 1

λ(1−λ) h

kλx+ (1−λ)yk2− |hλx+ (1−λ)y, ei|2i.

The constant 14 is best possible.

Proof. Firstly, note that the following equality holds true

hx− hx, eie, y− hy, eiei=hx, yi − hx, ei he, yi.

Utilising the elementary inequality

Rehz, wi ≤1



, z, w∈H

we have

Rehx− hx, eie, y− hy, eiei

= 1

λ(1−λ)Rehλx− hλx, eie,(1−λ)y− h(1−λ)y, eiei

≤ 1

4· 1

λ(1−λ) h

kλx+ (1−λ)yk2− |hλx+ (1−λ)y, ei|2i,

proving the desired inequality (2.34).

Remark 5. Forλ=12, we get the simpler inequality: (2.35) Re [hx, yi − hx, ei he, yi]≤



2 −


2 , e

2 ,

that has been obtained in [6, p. 46], for which the sharpness of the inequality was established.

The following result may be stated as well.

Theorem 6. Let (H;h·,·i)be an inner product space overKandp≥1.Then for any x, y∈H we have

0≤ kxk kyk − |hx, yi| ≤ kxk kyk −Rehx, yi


≤ 1

2×     

   


(kxk+kyk)2p− kx+yk2pi


p ,


kx−yk2p− |kxk − kyk|2pi


p .

Proof. Firstly, observe that

2 (kxk kyk −Rehx, yi) = (kxk+kyk)2− kx+yk2.

DenotingD:=kxk kyk −Rehx, yi,then we have

(2.37) 2D+kx+yk2= (kxk+kyk)2.

Taking in (2.37) the powerp≥1 and using the elementary inequality


we have

(kxk+kyk)2p =2D+kx+yk2




Dp ≤ 1

2p h

(kxk+kyk)2p− kx+yk2pi,

which is clearly equivalent to the first branch of the third inequality in (2.36). With the above notation, we also have

(2.39) 2D+ (kxk − kyk)2=kx−yk2.

Taking the powerp≥1 in (2.39) and using the inequality (2.38) we deduce

kx−yk2p≥2pDp+|kxk − kyk|2p,

from where we get the last part of (2.36).

3. More Schwarz’s Related Inequalities

Before we point out other inequalities related to the Schwarz inequality, we need the following identity that is interesting in itself.

Lemma 1. Let(H;h·,·i)be an inner product space over the real or complex number fieldK,e∈H,kek= 1, α∈H andγ,Γ∈K. Then we have the identity:

(3.1) kxk2− |hx, ei|2

= (Re Γ−Rehx, ei) (Rehx, ei −Reγ)

+ (Im Γ−Imhx, ei) (Imhx, ei −Imγ)


x−γ+ Γ

2 e

2 −1


2 .

Proof. We start with the following known equality (see for instance [3, eq. (2.6)])

(3.2) kxk2− |hx, ei|2= Reh(Γ− hx, ei)hx, ei −γ¯i−RehΓe−x, x−γei

holding forx∈H, e∈H,kek= 1 andγ,Γ∈K. We also know that (see for instance [4])

(3.3) −RehΓe−x, x−γei=

x−γ+ Γ

2 e

2 −1


2 .


Reh(Γ− hx, ei)hx, ei −γ¯i (3.4)

= (Re Γ−Rehx, ei) (Rehx, ei −Reγ)

+ (Im Γ−Imhx, ei) (Imhx, ei −Imγ),

hence, by (3.2) – (3.4), we deduce the desired identity (3.1).


Proposition 8. Let (H;h·,·i) be an inner product space over K, e∈H, kek = 1,

x∈H andγ,Γ∈K. Then we have the inequality:

(3.5) (0≤)kxk2− |hx, ei|2≤

x−γ+ Γ

2 ·e

2 .

The case of equality holds in (3.5) if and only if

(3.6) Rehx, ei= Re

γ+ Γ


, Imhx, ei= Im γ+ Γ



Proof. Utilising the elementary inequality for real numbers

αβ≤ 1



, α, β∈R;

with equality iffα=β, we have

(3.7) (Re Γ−Rehx, ei) (Rehx, ei −Reγ)≤ 1

4(Re Γ−Reγ)



(3.8) (Im Γ−Imhx, ei) (Imhx, ei −Imγ)≤ 1

4(Im Γ−Imγ)


with equality if and only if

Rehx, ei=Re Γ + Reγ

2 and Imhx, ei=

Im Γ + Imγ

2 .

Finally, on making use of (3.7), (3.8) and the identity (3.1), we deduce the desired result (3.5).

The following result may be stated as well.

Proposition 9. Let (H;h·,·i) be an inner product space over K, e∈H, kek = 1,

x∈H andγ,Γ∈K. Ifx∈H is such that

(3.9) Reγ≤Rehx, ei ≤Re Γ and Imγ≤Imhx, ei ≤Im Γ,

then we have the inequality

(3.10) kxk2− |hx, ei|2≥

x−γ+ Γ

2 e

2 −1


2 .

The case of equality holds in (3.10) if and only if

Rehx, ei= Re Γor Rehx, ei= Reγ


Imhx, ei= Im Γ or Imhx, ei= Imγ.

Proof. From the hypothesis we obviously have

(Re Γ−Rehx, ei) (Rehx, ei −Reγ)≥0


(Im Γ−Imhx, ei) (Imhx, ei −Imγ)≥0.

Utilising the identity (3.1) we deduce the desired result (3.10). The case of equality is obvious.


Proposition 10. Let (H;h·,·i)be an inner product space overK, e∈H, kek= 1. If γ,Γ∈Kand x∈H are such that either

(3.11) RehΓe−x, x−γei ≥0

or, equivalently,


x−γ+ Γ

2 e




(0≤)kxk2− |hx, ei|2


≤(Re Γ−Rehx, ei) (Rehx, ei −Reγ)

+ (Im Γ−Imhx, ei) (Imhx, ei −Imγ)

≤ 1


2 .

The case of equality holds in (3.13) if it holds either in (3.11) or (3.12).

The proof is obvious by Lemma 1 and we omit the details.

Remark 6. We remark that the inequality (3.13) may also be used to get, for instance, the following result

(3.14) kxk2− |hx, ei|2≤h(Re Γ−Rehx, ei)2+ (Im Γ−Imhx, ei)2i

1 2

×h(Rehx, ei −Reγ)2+ (Imhx, ei −Imγ)2i

1 2


that provides a different bound than 1 4|Γ−γ|


for the quantity kxk2− |hx, ei|2.

The following result may be stated as well.

Theorem 7. Let (H;h·,·i)be an inner product space over Kandα, γ >0, β∈K

with|β|2≥αγ.If x, a∈H are such thata6= 0 and


x−β αa


1 2

α kak,

then we have the following reverses of Schwarz’s inequality

kxk kak ≤ Reβ·Rehx, a√i+ Imβ·Imhx, ai αγ


≤ |β| |h√x, ai| αγ


(3.17) (0≤)kxk2kak2− |hx, ai|2≤ |β| 2

−αγ αγ |hx, ai|

2 .

Proof. Taking the square in (3.15), it becomes equivalent to

kxk2− 2 αRe


βhx, ai +|β|


α2 kak 2

≤ |β| 2

−αγ α2 kak


which is clearly equivalent to

αkxk2+γkak2≤2 Re¯

βhx, ai (3.18)

= 2 [Reβ·Rehx, ai+ Imβ·Imhx, ai].

On the other hand, since

(3.19) 2√αγkxk kak ≤αkxk2+γkak2,

hence by (3.18) and (3.19) we deduce the first inequality in (3.16). The other inequalities are obvious.

Remark 7. The above inequality (3.16) contains in particular the reverse (1.11) of the Schwarz inequality. Indeed, if we assume thatα= 1, β= δ+∆2 , δ,∆∈K, with

γ= Re (∆¯γ)>0,then the condition|β|2≥αγis equivalent to|δ+ ∆|2≥4 Re (∆¯γ) which is actually|∆−δ|2≥0.With this assumption, (3.15) becomes

x−δ+ ∆

2 ·a

≤ 1

2|∆−δ| kak,

which implies the reverse of the Schwarz inequality

kxk kak ≤ Re

¯ ∆ + ¯δ

hx, ai

2qRe ∆¯δ

≤ |∆ +δ|

2qRe ∆¯δ

|hx, ai|,

which is (1.11).

The following particular case of Theorem 7 may be stated:

Corollary 1. Let (H;h·,·i) be an inner product space over K, ϕ ∈ [0,2π), θ ∈ 0,π2. Ifx, a∈H are such thata6= 0and

(3.20) kx−(cosϕ+isinϕ)ak ≤cosθkak,

then we have the reverses of the Schwarz inequality

(3.21) kxk kak ≤ cosϕRehx, ai+ sinϕImhx, ai

sinθ .

In particular, if

kx−ak ≤cosθkak,


kxk kak ≤ 1

cosθRehx, ai;

and if

kx−iak ≤cosθkak,


kxk kak ≤ 1


4. Reverses of the Generalised Triangle Inequality

In [7], the author obtained the following reverse result for the generalised triangle inequality


n X

i=1 kxik ≥

n X i=1 xi ,

provided xi ∈ H, i ∈ {1, . . . , n} are vectors in a real or complex inner product (H;h·,·i) :

Theorem 8. Let e, xi ∈H, i∈ {1, . . . , n} with kek= 1. If ki ≥0, i∈ {1, . . . , n} are such that

(4.2) (0≤)kxik −Rehe, xii ≤ki for each i∈ {1, . . . , n}, then we have the inequality

(4.3) (0≤)

n X

i=1 kxik −

n X i=1 xi ≤ n X i=1 ki.

The equality holds in (4.3) if and only if


n X

i=1 kxik ≥

n X i=1 ki and (4.5) n X i=1 xi =

n X

i=1 kxik −

n X i=1 ki ! e.

By utilising some of the results obtained in Section 2, we point out several reverses of the generalised triangle inequality (4.1) that are corollaries of the above Theorem 8.

Corollary 2. Lete, xi∈H\ {0}, i∈ {1, . . . , n} withkek= 1.If (4.6) xi



≤ri for each i∈ {1, . . . , n},


(0≤) n X

i=1 kxik −

n X i=1 xi (4.7) ≤ 1 2 n X i=1 ri2kxik

≤ 1 2×                          max

1≤i≤nri 2 n

P i=1


n P

i=1 ri2p

1p n P

i=1 kxik




, p >1, 1p+1q = 1;


1≤i≤nkxik n P

i=1 r2


Proof. The first part follows from Proposition 1 on choosing x= xi, y = e and applying Theorem 8. The last part is obvious by H¨older’s inequality.

Remark 8. One would obtain the same reverse inequality (4.7) if one were to use Theorem 2. In this case, the assumption (4.6) should be replaced by

(4.8) kkxikxi−ek ≤rikxik for each i∈ {1, . . . , n}.

On utilising the inequalities (2.5) and (2.16) one may state the following corollary of Theorem 8.

Corollary 3. Let e, xi ∈H\ {0}, i∈ {1, . . . , n} with kek= 1. Then we have the inequality

(4.9) (0≤)

n X

i=1 kxik −

n X i=1 xi

≤min{A, B},


A:= 2 n X

i=1 kxik

kx i−ek

kxik+ 1 2



B:=1 2

n X


(kxik+ 1)2kxi−ek2



For vectors located outside the closed unit ball ¯B(0,1) :={z∈H| kzk ≤1},we may state the following result.

Corollary 4. Assume thatxi ∈/ B¯(0,1), i∈ {1, . . . , n} ande∈H, kek= 1.Then we have the inequality:

(0≤) n X

i=1 kxik −

n X i=1 xi (4.10) ≤          1 2p


i=1 kxik




, if p≥1

1 2

n P i=1

kxik1−pkxi−ek2, if p <1.

The proof follows by Proposition 3 and Theorem 8.

For complex spaces one may state the following result as well.

Corollary 5. Let (H;h·,·i) be a complex inner product space and αi ∈ C with Reαi,Imαi>0, i∈ {1, . . . , n}.If xi, e∈H, i∈ {1, . . . , n} withkek= 1 and


xi− Imαi Reαi


≤di, i∈ {1, . . . , n},


(4.12) (0≤)

n X

i=1 kxik −

n X i=1 xi ≤1 2 n X i=1

Reαi Imαi



Corollary 6. If xi, e∈H, i∈ {1, . . . , n} withkek= 1andp≥1,then we have the inequalities:

(0≤) n X

i=1 kxik −

n X

i=1 xi


≤ 1

2×      

    

n P



(kxik+ 1)


− kxi+ek

2pip1 ,

n P





− |kxik −1|

2pi1p .


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School of Computer Science and Mathematics, Victoria University of Technology, PO Box 14428, MCMC 8001, VIC, Australia.

E-mail address:sever@matilda.vu.edu.au


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