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d " r<h u lt. ' 1 lt~ LO : f red('r ick \'obb~. lacllo St tlo«i \lfff!id, S30~ ii \'l,j;!! &,>!.iq :1 ;<a:> t 15i1>s 1z4.2,\'lil.


Academic year: 2021

Share "d " r<h u lt. ' 1 lt~ LO : f red('r ick \'obb~. lacllo St tlo«i \lfff!id, S30~ ii \'l,j;!! &,>!.iq :1 ;<a:> t 15i1>s 1z4.2,\'lil."


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• •

• •

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• •

Cnrleton Lord

Ctirli:lOll •lorlt"cl arr11>11.11 OXln(I. tn 192lo, Losgrd vt'l I over BCB :Hnt!o"" on oll cQntlnents. /In ~ditor IOI' 18 oonthw

"kel le1'11 ltndio ('1111 8aok" Dnd rour yeDr• vltl1 '0llADHX".

~di tor <1t "Akron (Ohi.o) T11tes-Press", 1936-37, 8 Sp1•cl11 I tldltor for NNKC Bulll"tln, 194~-61. Carleton L\lrd ptl'IN1•d

Jnnunry 2~. 198'. 11(t(!r ~-I• week lllneii .

i.000 with


J'cnt\ire.11 nwny on

• •

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

1bir11"'ns toop lho•f'


you iookini for a source for 1nror•ed th•t ~*''' l•Jort• 4lO S. Lafa7ettt' An&eles, CA 900 7. (ZI! -487-3387. The anten••

includ~A •hlp,1n1.


Park wl I l

ant~nn•, ve h•Ye been Pl•c~. Suite 115, l~•

•~11 for S9$. vhich

~iC StCIT PATTf•\ IQ()l yrpATf.l 34 Ma~$. eac.b c.o•c•t• nev •tn• •ot •hova oa the curr~•t •a••· can ' • ••••tted •• a change pago or rou can r•dra~ ' ' • • oato ro•r original boot P•t••· "a'• arc sa•c .s-c:ale A$$•~ pr•••ntlr ••••· Patter•• are 4ravn aharp anl ~r• •• •C<•retc •• caa be toua4 AAJV~•r•ll USSl.SO thl• prl<•

Includes shtppaaa ~II Order tro• lbc Pablcocion c~ntcr. An4 pl•••• allo• 4 to 6 vccts (or fcl1Yar7,

HCJ8's Dl Partr Lin•

tl•e• I• runnln1 n lftterludt"" spoftaorad UTC- 974S, lS.JSS)

Et'a pro•r•• oo Saturday local d~J. 2110 UT( aftd 0230 LTC pro1ra11 narrated br '•'arna H•tn•n, ccil ltd ·H~dlua Wn¥c

by the 'fRC. (freqs .. 2130 UTC- 15.295, 17790, 21480: 0230

\.'orld of Radio on mS! preseciced bJ Clcnn H1tu:u~r <:an bt1 ht!ftrd on S1.1nda.7 loc-1tl doy lll 1"00 UTC on 911~1 ~ S6turdoy loc11I dny at 0230 UTC 011 G020. ror

~he latest In AM, llH, Rnd SW nevs ! ! You c.nn nlso catch il report by Glenn lltiuser on St1turdtt7•, toc:nl doy, ot Ol.00 IJTC on Radla f.nr1h ht'!llnl 011 WJINI) on 6185 XllZ. Spc1tkl11A or lhl1li(I Enrth they 11re In dciiiporato nol'ld of ndvert'Tt1lna

dollars as tJll'll


lr!ttetrti fron their li$tener(i, if rou llkt' v)13t 701,1 h~or

vrltfl to indto l!.1trlh, 1724 Sh1•r•t1n Ave., P.v111111Lon. II, 6C>201, ere TESTS CTIHRS AMlt f:A~Tf.llN 1.oc.u. ruup

fcb 13 Hond117

\11ne7atd Fob 20 Kot1da7

F'eb ?6

s •••• ,

VHll'D-S60 Monroe,"! OOOO ... o.&oo. ~D fro .. 0000-0230, 11111 1'1•1 big band


"•r<h •u•lt. •'1lt~ LO: fred('rick \'obb~. lacllo St•tlo«i \lfff!ID, S30~

Drt~ ... Hoaro~. HI 48l61. Arranaed br frank Merrill

~HMD-S60 Ko•roe,Kl 0230-0330, Its land and ~arc~ Kuatc. ~rtte to sa.e per•o• a•d addreaa ·~ abo•e. Ar~a=g~d bJ Fre4•rlck Vobb~ & Fran•.

\iLX-T-1140 Lo11fo• TX 0000-0100 J kv S'D Test. • t l l co••l•t of c-o••trr

•••le v/~ol<• ID• •etveoa selectloaa. Perio4s •f 1000 la



alao b• brea4c••t. PIEPAIO CALLS OJLJ to: 611-418-4621. leports to:

Kovar• Obcrholta11r, Jr, Ct. la41o Statton VLJT, P.O.loa 46), Lou4on, TK 37714. Arraa1•• for the ~IC br Too Con•#lll•r (Th••k• To•.KQ) L()Ot INS I or:

MUSINGS Colunn 110•

h;.ve eciouah to (ti I

? .... A!-1 Swi tt' h


lhorteoed due to the Log Book Updat•r o~tarl@l, we didn't 118 pag~r •O .••.. on ex~~ndod >IUSlti:CS Col1.1nn o~•t llft•k.

8 ..•. Log Book Updater 12 20 ..•• ,Plct.11rt1 Lh•

l7 .•. 10XD ftoh flick Loop

21,,, •• HUSlNC:S

•ii••\'l,J ; ! !•& ·•,> ! .iq .. 1 1. 1:1•• •·•;<a:>1.5 1. 1 •t¢ 15i1> s•1z4•.2, \'lil .st "' i l


0 AM S'W IT C~



J~ARV STA•it c/O •JSRO R1.010

•01 N. DL4111c AvtMUC VOUNGSfO\o'!I, 0Ht0 44S0S


1190 KNWZ CA Anohel~

New call:

1u :zv

Note that fn a recent issue ... had these calls swttched •round. KEZY beCll"8 KNWZ about 1 year •90· The statton h•s since lost close to 1 holt-m1111on dollars with their all-news torMtt end Is reverting to their old form.lit end call letters, KEZY. Sorry for the confusion.


720 tX ~lvers11 City: SOOO/SOOO U~ (•eeond eootlcatlon here) GRANlS ro• N(\if STAtlO!!S

1210 Al Sahuari t.lt 10000%1000 UI lS90 AZ St. ,JohnSI SOOD

sooo u · z


610 KYJC OR Hedford: nfght pc>wer to SOOo (note that last veck we thfs station on 1)80, 1hould have been 610)



1S90 WOK.X MC HIOh Point: Jn order to bUy *'Other station In t.hts area and unable to sell this one, the 0W1ers have don•ted thts f,act1tty to • .. t-aX

~t North Cero11ne corporetfon forMed to prOl'IOtt C-hrtsttan beliefs."' Since we have s.orM: •xtre f'OOllll thts W9ek du• to• very short supp1y of tnfor1a1tf we wl11 revfew severe1 recent


ectlon1 thet heve • t>terlno


our ftetd of fntere.st.

On January 17, 1984 the bt-lateral agreement between Caned• end the United Stat was foNl .. lly signed. This egreement ...-de posstble the PSSA operations of many daytl...e tt•tlons end wlll also op.en up further e~11catfont for new stations on the 1-A clear frequencies. However both c.ountrlet need tlllMI to ~e further edjustMe:nts on sonM etlocetlona. Accordingly the fr . . 1• on new applications for "new unltmlted-tl• stations on th• 1-A frequencies announced 11/18/8) wt 11 r91Nln tn effect for another sllt inonths" In the words of the FCC. The C011111fsslon rel . . se defines the 1-A channels 1s1 6•0, 650, 660, 670 700 720, 160, 110, 780, 820, 8)0, 840, 880, 890, 1020. 1030, 1oi.o, 1100. 1120, 11to_, 1180lJ 1200 end 1210. Hot• that desptte the breakdown of the "clear" channels, the FCC designation of these frequencies re111etns 111-A.11

The FCC hes Issued a notice of pr090sed rultMlklng on C()l'lllpensetlng U.S.

broadcasters for expenses they tncur In mitigating effects of Cuban

Interference to the Ir tervtc-e eree. Aroet to be defined end eJCplored In tho rul~lng Include: defining Interference, estebltshtno level of Interference that will ~onstltute precondftfon for C011Cten1•tton, determtnfno ttM! ~11tfytng•

lnter,erence periods end specifying the types of aicpensos thtt ere cony,enseble.

More If It happens.

:9~ 6'€ t/:

Hey Sue •••••• How lonQ has Hike been fn the lake?

Jerry Starr ' lufftlo K. fOCM"lflan

1117 J1rry ••··,hTtu1.1tk• iatt.1rn r Ol" oon and re111ndin_eFU 11 119


hia , I 111 out

•• •••• "C.

~. P'£Ao;.s €~t;.


- rv ""°"""" •• ._.


EN 6'A_JllJ lt ~- ~ll



ru,-._,... : .. • ·.:

- ~





11!:.'W CASt'LE, DE 19720


~ere iG the colu..::in wnicb m•tchoo the exclt=tn\ or watcning reruna of Leave

I~ ':o Be~·1or! con\ributlono oboulcl b• type<1 or n1atly writi:cin, on• sido of the paper, EST, akip a linci betwetn it121. otc •• •tc. nea~l!nes are each Sati.lrda.;·. And htre .,,e 60:

0 wowo


c:.p··"r L ~"10 ...,.,.r~:Ncw

",.. \ .


- .:. .... A : ~~"=~-

620 Y•L..t At. t.EXI?fOTOS .. 1/12 0701 .. 0703 good w/SSB anc tull data s/oa v/

centlon or YLt.X-7~, 5000 vatt1, A~ addreaa in Industrial Par~

lr.tQ CJ =~•le, ;Qver 11•ted •• SOO v~\ta ln los v/no ad~rt•o 6iveo. (J:o<-1A) '!•iic• int.o carwiatratlon vno tY'Pe-4 1t-h1! (DS) 640 lr.r'-5 ox soaKA~ - 1/16 t84)-184' CV ~~•le, me1aage fros untty School,

(\lll dat• e/otr w/no SS&. Adel.: 4000 v rncil&n Htlls R4.('¥C:o!.) 910 ifLA.S 5C iAQ;SO~VtLLE - h r v/ l. aclci. 1011 Hargett St., PO aox 160,

28540. (J~ .. p,i.)

920 'MllY "I XIVtAUXBS - 1/16 171,_ 1724 •try cood tn n1.1ll of v-~ v/b!.e U.-:.d a~•lct Sunnr 920 IO'•• Accuveatntr.

ad• .

neva. Add. gJven a.a

!ox 209200 ))228. ?none 1=.to con!1n11 a.ad •• ch.U&e• tQ 12100

~Hovard Ave., aore data 1! vtrlt ar:i•ea. (JK-?A)

1040 ¥:!0 IA D::S XOl:ISS - ,,,. Y/q, add. 1801 Oran4 A•e.


50}08. (BH-:;J)

Yo• air, • tVtD lilt ihe iICCr?S-hi! (!)S

1160 "9AC".i n HAlfiS.o'lLtZ-~"tIS101'? - Add.: P 0 Sox 1160. H:ave•ville, 42}.&.8 per v/ l. (BM-HJ)

1260 lOIT CA SAS FRANCISCO - 12/1, 0)01 ov1tehed OYer !roa XYA v/gala r.·y,

•Iott •hov, dead etr. a XS70 ID popped up, more dead alr, ao:e BZL au.ale, a q~lck XOir Jingle a.nd oore ~L. legal ID finally given at 0)15. IO•t optnlng d•)'I (DXK·CA) Sol.lnd• like a not to proud to ch&~• typt ev•nt! (DS)

1480 •ISL PA SK.u«a:.IN Add.: Rocle & Sunb1.trt St., 17872 per v/l, (Bii-NJ) 1500 ¥RDS )'.5 S.t.RI>IS - 1/22 1814 ta1r/poor vle/ott w/SSB, WT'OP phaae-nu.llcd,

new station on •ir accoro.1~ to log vpoater. (K'iJ-G;.) 1$90 ·11QIQ PA CHES'I~i!.-ASTON - Sktd.: 0500-0100, SundtQ' 0700-0000, liet,

Xutual. Ru.n• ~O•Ptl 2'00-0100 1110n. thru Fri. (DS-Dl)

F~!j, CHT.CXS1

1Gt Tbu - Kl3L-1490 1/S 0551-0S56 v/TT, ID at 0555. (JPH-OK)

XJCH-1410 1/S 0610 w/IP, mentLontns SOO vatt• po~er. {JPtt-OK) }rd M:)n .. ''CHE-1520 1/16 0125-0205 very good v/oldiee muttic, oany 1D's w/phone

ni.a.iiber glvon, opoclo.l htllo to two oalltrt (I wa• ontl), VLAC-1510/ 'ICKY-15'0 opleon., 'il'KBW vao ott. (JM-PA) Thanka tor the 0&.11, too!

DX !':-:STS:

890 KSYZ OK •12/19 tn OK on toot all A.M w/rock and comedy cutu, fair but ateftdy otgnal, not new but nlct. {OKK•CA)

1580 ~3GB ?L •1/15 0124 a1g Dana •~•io, ID and info., mixing v/others an<I bcitt.or aCtvr OBZ o/ott. {BD-1«>)


1/15 0101 poor v/po.rtlll ID noted v/XiD.11/KLOU/X:NIX. (JPH-OK)

1/1~ 0100-0207 v/8ig JI.Ind mutlc, qany ID's, callera names btln& 11tntloned., botv1en O&J TT/WLIX t:T\ a.no poeelble WVKO Et, teat wae 1nterter1nc1 tr.el (JM-PA

•1 liotoned Monday .ornin.g, IS"rll• ! ! (KO-PAJ

~ZKY NC •1/)0 0200 noted v/IP in pauat ot WLIM !'t, ~SRP v/oldiee al~o

otrono and CBE w/rt. (DS-D~) S~.£RGH~CY BROADCASTS:

940 VIN! CT Bl\OOXPlta,D .. 1/11 0602 on early v/onov repor"' and into on closifti•· (10-PAJ

1000 i/RKJ NJ HACKSTTSfOV$ • 1/11 061S noted on early tor •now e:ergency v/vtatber report• and. autic. (XO-IAJ

· 1170 'iJ:i.4 'SJ SRIDGiVATB.lt - 1/11 0610 on earl.7 v/1nov reports, clooin.ga, veatbor a.net mua10, •••med to be on lov povtr. (XG-?J.) 15'0 UNI:tl t/t t 06~ someone b1b.Jnd VCX:Y v/tnov neva, aee3ed to be ei tbe:-

iiJD.'! or W.SZ. (ICO-PA)

VJDX UJ 1/18 18'0 on late v/tr.!!ic rtporta d~ring anov store. (B~·?U"J XlDDJ.! - ~?D~IT!:

5l0 YC!'O PL CTPiliSS GARJ)!?;S - 1n 172) clear v/CV cuaic ~~ IO. except tn au.ror-U eondlttone, CJSI hu 1'11ned tn1a !:-•it· (~-!<?>) .i..:er:J S!!O YC?.S 'I'.. C!iAiit.::$?05 - 1/18 2\0S £004 v/Untv. ot V'I hoop. (P3-CT) Hoop?

6,0 ,.l::!X 04 SAYAN~A.H 1/22 212S Yery goo6 o/V>C.lL v/a.da! p~o for AX ahov, J.ccuveath.er, CV a.u.e10, J:> u KB-6), 1v1de!!!t .y •till on day pat ttrnl (t>IS-DB)


0 ©



QA SA'IAIHlAH - l/S 1656-1700 ?"OC.k and ID u./101.4;... (M?-M.0) 14}0 Vi:i1'£ UY Z!SDICO'rT - 1/15 2049-211'} CW ::iu&tc, W'tAlt o/u W'llJR, hu boon 660 lfCNN QA ~. ATLA?lt.\ - 1/19 2}'9 oood o/CF'i'il y/promo, ad, CNN ,porte.(J~J htard bttter in l".aine! (TP-Ct) Artd in Cn.al!ont, too! tDS}

7)0 ¥M'l'C Kr VA~CL~V~ - 1/16 l745 ve~ but cl~ar w/relt~1ou• •u.J1C, veatnor 1440 KP'Uit 1X AMARlt.tiO - 1/10 17,6-t757 Top 40 muu1c, ID an 14 KPUR, ?:>A, thtc •Iott, no ssa heard. (MT•i.W) Pla,ed N4l taat ! tDS> Adi, vtathe?", fair/goo~ #i&nol. \JPH-UX)

ws·1:: t:t HARROCAT" - 1/19 11c2 .. 1744 oood v/ochool clool"i• a.'\d •i•Pl• 1460 YAX$ NC PU~U'AY-V.UlINA - 1/12 1720-1730 strong in ''CH.i'I null v/':,'t1' data e/o!! menttonl~ 1000 vatto. (JM-PA) •u.11c &ni 11=.itod data s/o!!, to rtt\U"!'l 0600 &r.d 1nv!.te to V'iCK PA CHES~&R - 1/17 1656-1?00 religious au.sic tll a/off, (BS.-SY) t..mt to fl'I! 104 tor cont.in~ed C• 111uo1c, no S~I. (KG-PA) 110 vt'AL ~ !COMHIJ::!LO - 1/2S 1800 !•ir !et VA3C null v/f\lll oata a/o!! • ¥CXB


H.l!UUS81.IR-O - 1{16 201.S-2'022 etrgng v/PeM State Neket~.11

DO SSB. O!teo heard ;;his 1 e.a.rl (l)S-D3) proao. (BS-St

180 Y.l)S: VA A!LI$010' - t/20 1655-171, go•P91 ~IUl1C, ID tor SYnll~\ 790, CUB p; $Ti XJ.R[L DS S~.lUC3 - 1/18 160$-1601 v/Prench neva. IO.(IS-~-Y)

into reli4ious progra:zi,


as Arlln,oton-V . . bi:1ton. ( r-CT) 1'90 lBLr CA RED 11.~PP .. 12121 19'' v/atock :arlfet report. nicely at.op, 790 WAS! PA ALLlJtOYI - 1/16 1810-182'3 iOOd v/tadee v/Jlft6 e. KOR ausic, -aa1n 1/17 2210-2}00 v/bi&h school ba.sketb&ll v/XSYC tt a.l(VT.£)

veath•r and ID. (JM-PA) )(:f clO•••t UAhta.r41 (KG-PA) lSYC CA tJlt'r.l - 1/17 2218 •1.l.rfuced atop v/••••ral ID'• and . back 800 iS1S YA CR!VI - 1/8 16S) loud v/10 •south.aid•• Voice ot S•rt'ic••·tJlft) 2226 v/I), v/1<5LI'. (l>X<-CA) (l><l) 820 WOSU OM COLUl'l8US - 1/9 1751•18otJ solid v/NPR Pto6raa, ID on hO\ll'• Mt) 1')10 J;IRV CA Fft&S!IO - 1/4 19)0-19}5 v/r•l1g1oua topic, ID, 14ain •lter 194$

850 CIVL PQ VER.DUI - 1/17 1750 v/Prcncb t.alk, loucl u adJ. cb~n•l power w/,..ltc1oua =us10, ag&1n 1/17 oe.me t1m•, .. . , tonD&t o/u KfIM.

101.1.roe CJBC. \)(11-MD) Ob re&b? (llS) 1520 'iiCHE


'lf'EST CHESTER ... 1/7 1656-1658 veal: 1n 'li'liBV null w/M'!L type WKDH MA DOSTON • 1/15 ;725 loud v/old rock requeat rroeram, in past record a.nd port1ono of full data t/of!. (IH-NJ)

non •s1•t•nt bere. (M!'-KD) 3ig Ctorge tti l vork there? {DS) WTRI •D !11.UNSWICX - 1/4 170\-1715 strong in WXBW'e null w/C'' :au&ic, 900 WPLN IA PHILADHLPltlA • 1/11 17,0-1750 VOAIC in CHML'• null v/PSA's, now• and veatbor by temale anc'r, clooed w/in•tr, playing of

ol•••ical ~u•ic a.nd ade, on PSSA v/flea power. {KO-PA) Awful "Shtno.ndoah". (XG-?A)

bl#C flea.a here •••• stroll(!;I (DSI WRID P4 UOM::R CI!'i - 1/6 1'114-1715 in clear v/ad, t/olf by female OKtS PQ !IH!!RSJtOOK2 • 1/12 17)5-1740 strOn.E; in CHKL't1 rt1.1t l w/rock nulliC) o.no•r, gavo Jon. hour• oo 0745-1715, no other dntn or SSB. (XC)

w•ather and bilin&Ual invite to ski party (Frenoh/Eniltah).(KG 1$30 WCRJ PL JACKSO~VILLS • 1/7 t744-1757 vca~ u/WCKY w/CH muoic, veatberlBH) 910 CXLY ON LlNDSA1 - 1/15 t826 ID, local stu!!, even v/ot~i-local WSUA1 iiRXV HE AUBUR..'i' • 1/9 1802-18}0 fair in WCKY'e null v/newu, PSA, aporta,

typical happen.ing. (Hf.XO) veathtr and ~op m1.1sic, many ID1b til •Iott, ov1dtntl~ ninni08

920 CKCT OM SAULT STZ JURIS • 1/21 2219 v/roc& =~•ic, ol•ar but oooaaional ,. til 2 hours after local sunset, is tbit ltGal? (KG- •I Don't YIEM•930 epl . . h, la•t heard in 177, (Mt-MD) know hov thoir PSSA outho=izot1on read•, I haven't oo•n an.;r 960 CHNS NS KALIPil - 1/20 1957-2004 veak but cl•ar v/ID, ;op mulic. lMfJ otb•r• OK'ed !or operation P•St 6 PM y•t. }DSJ

970 KAXC OX TUI.SA - 1/16 17S8 v/•rad1o 970• slocan, religiout proarf.111,(KVJ) 1540 ".VKIZ::


RlCHMOHD - 1/15 1101-1714 food after VSNI oft v/8/Sol music,

980 ClCM PQ tC:Ul'!tl!AL - 1/17 1846 clear v/roct au.ate, vacation conteat, aal• DJ •turnil'.18 out the l gbta•, mentioned 07}0 a/on, gueca

\bla one ti•• moa.ster last bea.rd in 180. (MT-MD) Sur• do••


tbt1r 7 vatt PSRA isn't vorth it! ~!K-NJ)

vot\Cltr• vhtn they don't run thoir d.ay patt•rn A•·•h9 (DS) VY!CC !'C YANC£YVILl.2 .. t/15 1717-17}2 ta1r u VPrR v/C'i a\laic, &41, !u.11 IIJS CA IURll'A - t2/24 1922 v/IJJ a!t•r ads tbru dln. (Dll-C.l) data e/ofr. instr. SSB. (BH-:r.J)

1000 '101 OX 011.AHO>U. Citt • 1/16 1817 #1 Sport Statlon JD, AIC eports.~IVJ) USA


PHOE!CIX - 1/} 1942 atop. IMi'O/IZLA v/•/oft v/atntion to r•tW'n VIY! SC KIKJ-.VAY - 1/9 t730 veak v/VCPL v/tu.11 data a/ot!. (Mt-!'J> at suariao, instr. SSB. (DXl-CA)

1010 ILKA AR LI!1'LI ROCX: - 1/5 1837 not@d v/C¥ a\IJ1c, lD u/Wtis. (Kf-Jf.l>) nn


VHI't3YlLL:. - 1/9 1715-1720 vay o/all v/C:V aua1.c, local ads.(IC) 1070 VAPl AJ. IJMllCUIA.."< - 1/5 1806-1807 loUd and cl•ar vlCIS nov•, local tSSO ca£


VIXOOO~ ... 1/20 2:258 goott/poor •i:s:1Q& v/KXJO v/cla11eica1 m:s:.(EB) ntva, ID'• til povsr


(X!-l<D) YY•X 04 SXYIUl.l - 1.1 1101 loud v/Nl1g1ou.s au.sic ana aa.ny aention.s of 1100 VCPA PA llf'Ht.!HBJll - 1/16 17}0 • or·r w/Star Station JD, • .,.1~ •U•t 50000 vatt.a, :ay neveat loca.11 }M?•KP) Y•ah •• lurtl (DS)

l•••• tb• alr due to ?CC regulat1oA•, suo.sot v ... 17 , 1.a 1S70 VPLR >'Y DU~Dt! - 1/12 1710-1720 o/all v local neva and adl tor Penn tb1s a pa.rti&l PSSA? (IG-PA) ( YNl .,..a, nov on PSS.l as vell as lllCOL-1570. (KO-PA>

1150 VCIX CT MIDDL!TOVR • 1118 1624-1627 w/oloain& due to el\Ov)WST.W-11)0 1580 il'AJB


EBi~SIURO - 1/15 1807 juct ca'J&ht •Iott v/call l•tttr• au.ng 1pl1sb. (BB-H) 3y tb• vay •..• w•lcome tlackl (DS by Mnouncer! (!H-NJ) Lov camp style? lDS)

1170 WCLN MC CLIMto• • 1/16 1715-17,0 a/off good in YWVA'a null v/pop &u~ic,

v tro

NJ HA>'.MO!lTON - 1/18 164.8•1652 long aaugbt. fighting w/'li'PGC v/

ad• and Satellite Not'vork Sports, full data a/oft v/invlte cluttered ads, (!H-?IJ) 1/8 1805-1820• ttron4 after '11'AJE'a to tun• to WCX.J-PH, no SSB. (IG-PA) o/off v/Spa.nioh pro&ram, Puerto Rtoan mutlc and cluatered (\(ls.

W.OCB JN JX)NNBUJON - 1/22 1705 very good v/ade, PSA And plus/JD tor oxtenC1od ho1.1ro or torget!ul operotor'i lKO•PAJ oouldn' t read!

HYL and Big Band music, then KlL, no •i&n ot 'IWVA. (DS-Dt) WLIX NY PATCHOGUE - 1/18 1800 noted v/a/of! v/PSSA. (tO•PA) Aa ~uch

1190 CHTK PAI CHARUltT!TO~N - 1/21 1710 weak but alono v/ID~ AST time cbtck ao they test, we should conaider tho~ tulltimol (DSJ into auaic, no a!gn ot 1A'I.IB/VOVO/tto. (OO-D..:

1270 VXPM MC SH[TKFIELD - 1/1 1717-1729 good v/4o•ptl, •Iott w/no SS8. (HT)



1280 VHVR PA HAnOVBR - 1/S 1808 1tt tia• heard horo on '00 vatt nlt• pattern 590 VO'# :n; OXAKA - 1/17 0720 u/VA1l~ v/59 Country ID, Acouweather. (PS-CT) dur1n4 incredible a\U'Or&l conditions th.is tve. }Kt-MD)

1'00 IYCl AR SSARLY - 1/2 181} xlnt v/•ports, local ad tben t Off w/a•ntlon 60<J WOltV Ft JACKSONVILLE - 1/2, 0059 v/ad, ji~l•/lD into ABO neve, good

ot ISIR-PM. (KB•MI>) thl• AX v/no algn or CUbb.tl/VCAO. DS-DE)

l7to LA SHll!YSPO!lt - 1/2 1820 good v/ooa.temporary Christian music, ID, 630 VEJL PA SCRAN·tON - 1/12, t/24 0632-06}8 good !adt~ o/CP&K v/local

•ention o! co••r:t• a.rea, adTertt••r• and eta\iOQ add. 11v•n nevo road reports, weather a.nd MTL. (JM• A)

as )UI Lano !uild Sb.MTeport, 71101, (BB-Kt) C?3X ON HUJTAVILLB - 1/12, 1/24 0614•0706 Ttry goo4 v/lon.g tad•• v/>!Oa 1)10 VOSP IC CHARt.OfTI • 1/7 17J •/Off ia. clear alter YDXD 1/ott vldat1 o~ mu.tic, oda, promos, Ci'BI nevs. Bill Dul•t.B.• atill there?(JK-PA)

own•nb1p ud power, alo&a.n Oood SouMe ot tb• Pa•t. (IG-PA) 660 CF!R

. ,

CALGARY - ,,, OU)0-0200 l:T v/reptattd plu,g tor openln.g day 1330 IOll JN CALLUP - 1/16 t95~2005 ai11c ind qu1ct1c ID, IX new1, tbea on 1/10 0715 )'.3'!, 1/16 0100-0200 on reg. sli:td v/rock auatc,

C'V •1Uio til 2020 fade O\tt v/l:P.lC/IW/l:CUC. (Dll·CA) poor a11nal both ti:ea, Juet ~17 o/T'Vl. (Illl-CA)

1}60 elfL IQ S!I KARii DI lliUCB - 1/18 1641-1651 v/Prencb 'top 40 &UB1c a:nd 690


!It YAStiOUY.tl .. tl2t 0859-0914 'Oh Cena..da• !Ull data a/on, news, ID at 2140. (Bl-IT) la 7our clock vorli:in, t.ackvarda e.c:atn?(DS) d•t•iled weather, bee~ signal ever beard troa Ya.ccouTer!(YCMJ XLRS )I) Jft'W. OIOYI • 1/18 1558 f&1r/poor v/local n•v• an~ •port• 710 VGIS PL XIA.Kl • 1/9 OZ}8-025Z !air v/paycbic call 1n ehov, l)'•• VOR

veat.ber. a1x1n& v/otb•rs. (i!l-)1)) ' val Oft t.hl8 /JI, (S..~-NJ)

IROR OR ICYR?LI CRltl - 1/16 1959 noted 2 ID'• at slott, brl•tly tb.ru 720 li>VS NV IJ.3 YEOA.S - 1/18 0059 Y/i;Zi. ::u.alc, ID, n•v• v/VQll. (BB .. PI))

l&Bf-1)10 epluh pau.se then lBBK took o/to oov•r •nd ot a/or~ 740 YSVO fN HA!JtOVOATE - 1/120600-0705 ttrono ln CBL'• null v/nows, vaatber.

XUrpby f:oted! (DKK-CA) And a bio 8'1 to you, ioo, Sebald~: school olos1ngs.


1 :iuaic. religion a.ad a.Cl•, &l.10 1/1 l 065S- (DllC) t 11• loot on the list., •.•• ham• on rou, Don! 812' (l>S) 0710 on reg. •~ed, not an e::ergenoy broadoaat, do they have a 1370 VPBA ~H JU.MCH~ST!R - 1/16 202} v/Top 40 mueic wr,aNX-1}80 eplaab.(Bs) PSJU or is tiaia an FCC !01.1.1-up? (XO-PA) they never foul 1.1p!

1}80 U~lU 1/7 224' Spanish tporta action oot•d h•r• o•vtral time•, NYC 790 VA Bi Pl. ALLHNtoWN - 1/24 06}6-0717 very good v/!•41ng v/Olerat1on area ttation or int'l (II>XD, t2/5)? {Mt-HD) I bilJ.•v• the Snowtluke v/aevere 1ce w/achool clotl~t, ad1, Mo ~u•ie,


tnt'l Spanieh her• 1o equal "'/1}60, often notecl w/aurora-1 ABC and local news, veether, sports. JM-PA)

oondltiono. lthon doeo VRNX atart their Coopol etutt? {DS) 950 CK'IL l'Q 'IERDU~ • 1/12 0700 'l>l&stin.a thru n'J v nevc, ID. (JK-PA)

RADIO 1460 ~ -


~,,u6lt• ·~7{ '' '(',•u11l1y


"The Happy Sound"

CFCH 600

KU)t 1~70 AM AM ·FM

pw, of pu~



860 KVVA AZ PHOENIX - t/9 0220-0,00 !~1rly good v/little KOKO interference

w/Ktxican muaic:, Spania:h talk oui.d mAn.)' Rad 10 '/ iva IO' e. (KG-?J.}

920 Ci~J ON 'ilNOHA!'. - 1/16 0545 C'I :u.cic, a.de u/ever pre1tnt VHJJ, (TF-C/TJ 970 CSZ ?18 7iU:D8RICT01' - 1/20 0615 r.evs, sports 'eaturtl, info blOCk u

'nDJ, ver1ed in CbU!ont. t:r-ct)

ggo lOilR !'ff ROCK~TE!\ - 1/16 0601 neve:, veai..ner, •port•, tratt1c report:s an4 ~ au1ic, they ~now U? often, a.rt th•r nov on 50 kv? (f?•

CT) CO\lld be ai£'htt (DS)

10;0 CMS OJ SJ.UL? S":3 ~.ARI£ - 1/22 0700 e-lea-r v/rock 11.uaic, JU, nevs.(~ott)

1090 VCII X'f tOUIS'IILl.B - 1/2, 00S) C'I' :-.a.le, ;?'Oao tor ln•t·tnt Son& co~- ttlt and v-e-Double I ID, vaJ otntc. (D$-D.i) • WIC

11t0 VCJ"I 1170 lS'l'T

Cf HJ.1tfFOIU> - 1/1S 2229 !ai:/poor v/h1:1ci:e7 , . . . v/IJtlJ>, (ES-)11))


WARSAV - 1/17 0014-0016 Va.)' o/'iRVJ.. v/'tf, ID a.nd •/ott.(KG-?J.) IA DAVE~PORT - t/20 00,5 !air/poor v/ID, S1ghtt1ue >..ztr1ca,

aiz1n;;. w/Y.VOO/V'l.\'J., (~S-JID)

1190 Y.KAD MO DESOTO - 1/2' 01,6-0744 cancellations due to icy roada, CW

rout1c dotailtd weathor from iiat1onal Weather service. (WCM)

KRDS A% TOLLKAos - t/9 04\7 ID, !'bR mua1c, Valley Kotro. veathtr watch, t200 VOAI

12}0 VBOK K'G

tair o/u KLIP. (JPH-OK)

TX SAN ANTONIO - 1/9 0416 notod o! th11 AX. (JVH-OK)

.LA Nh"'if OR.LBJ.NS - 1/6 04}1-0433 ID w/addrceo noLad port1411y.(JPK) CA STOCKTO!l - 12/1} 0:500-0400 noted v/pop muo.lo and 11nce noted

on late, probably Ai: !\Ow. (DXK-CA) Co1.tldn'L toll, hllv~n.'t heard them lately-hi! (DS}

W'S'l'R HI StURGIS - 1/17 0\19 !1gbting v/',EEX ,,;/o.dl, CD, (08 .. ?f't) 1240 WKU~ PA RIADlMO - 1/23 020} good v/Jingle, NBC neva, Talknet, what

happened to 111 H1,1,11•1 (J?' .... ?A) Bo\UU!t a ntv capacitor! (DS) 1260 •W~?.E KA 90S'1'0N - 1/ 17 0127 loud on !T vntNDR/WBUD. (88-Nf) Trenton

1•n't VKXV &Q,lmore, you taking le•eon.a from Starr? (OS) 1)70 •VCCM YI »iitLt..\VILL! - 1/9 0}4}-0,48 ID a.4 Country SW'lah1nt ~4 houro

A Da,y then o!t at 03480 ::!? {JPH-Ol) Tranaa1tter brake dovn!

1,80 VGUS SC M AUCUSTA - 1/2} 02CX> very good v/rrt auo1c and ID, I ver1td Cua lUt yea.rl (JM-PA) !(let g~. eh! (DS)

1400 l'VOX Ol JARTLBSYILL! \/16 0(09-0417 .:!! v/TT, aus1c, ID. (JPH..OK) 1420 VCOJ PA COATUYILLE - t/22 0657 i:u.-.td into inatr. SJI, co-tnt• OD

cold veat, t r then ClCI aevs, alone on treq. {TP-CT) 1(50 IJSl ~ ST ClOUt> ... 1/2) 0828-06'1 o/din v/Ktt. Club proao, rticord

•tgatnt. ID and nows. {VCM-!!>)

·iJI'Ji JG JACISOJI - 1/22 0145 black ~11,giou.s progra.a t.n4 a1.1tic, t/ott noted later at 0201. (ITJ-CJ..)

1470 KA.RB XS AfCdlSOM - t/6 06)0-06(0 SSS, a/on, new•, •portl, veathtr •nd ad•, all v/tair tign•l. (JPH-OI)

1480 WCIN OH CINClJUIATI - 1/19 0101 c;ood v/•tbe nev CIN• ID' jazz typ•

muliC tbtn faded. {JM-PA)

VISL PA SKAJt)KlM • t/7 070,-0715 !air in WJIT null v/local ntwet MOR record, loot when WJIT evi tcb.td to day pattern. t8H-NJ1

1490 WOLD MS OLtV!LAMD - 1/22 0204 end of NBC newa in 1tate newt and weather, roclc muaio. (KVJ-GA)

1500 ~TOP DC WASHINGTON - 1/6 0106 poor v/CBS newe, ID, X.rr1 K1ng $bOw, V' f u/KSTP. (EB-MO) XY cloeeot unheard.! (WPT•DC)

VU)'/ Ml D2TROIT - 1/S 0057 religiou.:J progru 0 l.D, ntva, u/KSTP, (IUl•MO) 1520 •vcH& PA WKSf CH8St!R - 1/17 0115 vay o/1'K8'11'" OC w/oldieol reported.

Hope tht tickle CE wi ll open hi• m•ll-hil (BS•NY Pickl•? (DS) VXBW NY JtrPPAOO - 1/5 0117 fair/poor ,;/rock 11utlc, 1D v/KOKA. {:B:S-:.!0) 15'0 VRXV Kl AUBURY • t/20 tn o/WCKY v/~' mueio. called. and Morning mn

•tntiont4 report• !ro2 caaada, KJ and -.yaelt a.na they vill Terit. PSSA poV"er giYen a.a 175 va.tte. (TP•C1') Ytah, ju.at like VNCT did tor Kera.it aAd ••·hl! (DSJ

1550 15'0 1550



vcet rs.

VIRGIIIA !!ACH ... 1/25 0026 aood v/CBE oll v/atntion ot t~.(JM) ALIAn' • 1/5 0108 !air/poor o/u llEL v/CW au11c, JC. (B.1-IC)) SIY SKl'!l.•A !RACH - 1/14 06,2-0655 fair in Cli'• null v/PL Net. ntv• and weather, local ad• and ~i 111.uaic. (XC-P.,\)

varJ IC VIll$!01-SAI.!UC - 1/9 0111-0121 good v/aod•rn religlol.W au 1c 1560 11:.u

1510 V'BUX


Z'r v/ID to correct technical 4itticultiel onl.J'•. (3.~-JJ) SD AIBkDEU - 1/10 014' ET v/fi, ID, OC ...-.,- o/X'flZ/VPAD. (J7H-OI)

PA t>OYWTOV.!I - 1/t9 0729 1~ pack v/buelnt•• neva, !:>. (PS-CTJ tu. VIStFI~ - 1/19 0719 school cloetnge, •.t.11 , • ...-, Radio• ID

and Cl?il neva. (PS•C!')

CXLQ >C3 JRA?fDON - 1/9 0259-0400 good v/local nev•l C'• au11c, r&Q1.teet line nu.b•r, ClLX app•rently orr. tBH•HJ 1'va1 ••~DSJ

CXTA AB TA!lft • 1/9 0259-0400 :ostly u/CK~. atop at tia•• v/roek mua1e, local ntva, lD'a a• "Check" and CH~C. (Bd-~JJ

1580 't'IXO OH COLUMBUS .. 1/17 0102-0104 :.:T v/ID noted v/Spo.ni1h. llB-NY J •••.

1/16 0103 noted on BT v/ID. (KG-PA) Both dG,)'l"l (DS) 1590 •WCBO PA CHAM8Hft$BURO ... 1/11 0105 ... 0113 notod on tr,,v/ID, vertn• t thO)' [ "


F\ T R ]° rr

the air tor ni h? \BB·NYl 110 .... •QIQ ••• orr " ••nth•

9.y about 2 ye are back .... they' re a toygb1o on vor1111 ! ( DS)

· - \VCI.E




1590 •UNlD I/ 17 OO!ltl-0102 el4Go1eal :::uw1c, any 1<1000, Dnve'i (SJl. .. rrc) Lota but KY. have a f!.t it I p:-tnted tnc11 ••••• leto try 'A}'TH and

tbeir rronthly !/c an..: :.'T A:1 snow •...n 1 bttn reporLe4 v/

cl11ealcal C'J!lic in tae ;µ..st !ev i:iontn.1. (C:J)


ih.e lilZARD pon4•r9 tl'le exact locatio:'l of li.O:R::-1520. 11attd •• ~lMORE but call to otatlon . . ntto:-.o cl\1 ot llco::~e u JA:"...SVIU..::, aalltn.g: addr••• a.a

~L"l>!tZ. Stick vttb lne !ire"VOr~9. ~y boy!

XI!:! lUC-GU. c0nt11101 to co~tu.ooion O?t a catch on 9C0 on 1/17 2229 •••• Spa.ntab ta..l:ll v/CBX (not Cuba.n), hac. a teg:seni. of bO':'Se neighino vnlch plQ"td about every :=lnutt, X4~7 ?dea11' (~r. :::d tr;' in.&

:aako a co2ebJ1.C1C I nJJ K£PJU1' GiAil.Y r.port• hit 'J~:ID of 12/12 a.a 'iK.GN-1}40 Knoa:ville.

Anyono bave any sood dealt on ao~ething 11k~ an nQt45 in tn• stSO price

range tor eolt? I'm lookin1 tor o. ~ocon: aet to so wlth tht H~i&OA. [ f you got a deal, drop me a note.


Jf!i-01</John HOl"llllR, \'lnltfl., OK/Yn11CO Portable/ICP 2001 KVJ-GA/Karl Joter, Stont Mountain. CA

JM-PA/John ."!~llcky, Pittabur5h, ?A/J.illa AR158 8!!--lrt/8111 Btl"81dAno 1 Staton 1ulnnd, N-Y/RF1150, L'o111' PS-CT/Paul Stephan, uld Greonwt.ch, Cf/IC F:70, L'W :~T-t<D/Miko Tu.g&lt, Bel Alr, MD/Lyonod7no Xtal, L'il' WCM-ND/5111 :oioeer, 'of1ahek, ~D/Zen1ch Y.7}1, , toop t<C-PA/Kerui1t Ott.ry, 'la.lnutport, ?A./R390. R:l180. S:-12, Jio111' TF-CT/To~ Fitsbtrbort, Foir!ield, Cf/ICF5900, lCPS5~

SH-rfJ/Bob Herri•oo, Union. ~J/S1,1peradio

CII-CA/Don KGokty, S~ Fr~noiaco, CA/H~l40X, SK2

ES-~/S:ric s1.1en••a.n, Maselvoo~. ~/'DX200, Superadio ll, SXZ

DS-DSrjinit Kt.rtindalt, Mtv Cattle. D~/lt~l80A0 s~~re.4100 SM:l, Sbort IJll, T>8t'$ all <•UH t•eH U•'t lUll' "6N! 7)'o GoOG ~ll~

•rRk'('U£~CY CHtcK LISr UP»A?i•••

Chtnata rotlect notS!ioatlon from monito:ino ~•rVict•, ple••t correct your 198( YRJQ~BMCf CH~CX llats.

THlRD MONDAY (To be AD~iD to li~t)

0000-0020 W080 1s90 PA T 0020-00,1> 'ill'OHE 1520 PA TM 0045·0100 WPTH 1S90 '/A M 0050-0100 WVPC 1S)0 PA T 0110-01}0 WCMS 1050 VA


0115-0t20 WPBG 1290 PA T Ot2S•01}0 WOND 1400 llJ T OtJS-01,5 WMA? 15,0 PA


0145·0200 VBCS 1490 PA ? 0215-0210 VR!l'L 910 VA T 0415-0425 Wlt.JC 980



04,0-0440 VJHA 1,40 VA t 05}0·0540 W:f?f1 690 VA

0545-0600 V'tNS 1150 PA T 10r.Ja'i"ri MJSPAf (Dtl•t•d !ro2 lt.at)

¥C!G-1S90, VOMU-1400, VCrl~·\S20,

... e:~1oso. 'ilffH·1S90. VYPC-15~.

Vsti-1490, VHIU,-910, VPBC-t290, V?!L-560, V1~·980, 'l''PA-1)40, liANV-970, \Ji?li'·690, '.llY,.S .. 1150 •


~ VM1t>-1}80, WP&J: .. 1490.

A!!.:. WR.A.R-1000, 0020-00,0 T


~ lfSJG-790, WK'l'D-1,80, 'o11'S?fX-1)80, WPBX-1490, W?Oli ·14SO.

~ YKS~-1600, 0000 .. 0010 T


!>elete: WXEN-1600, VSIG•790, 'il&NX-1380.


~ WVAl-610.

(~o cb•cka done on the 4th 1hur•d-.y!)

seco~r> PKIDlY:

VRJ.\'-1,,0, change t1at to r.ad 0040-0050.


Vi"Tlt-14-50, chal\gt ti•• to read 0010-0017

YIV~tc}O, cba.cgt tla• to read 002S-OO)S

VX~Y.-1COO, chana• ti•• to read 00$9•0101 ill,:. VK!0-12,0, 0040-00SO t

Be ~dvteed that oomo or the abov~ ~ent1oaed checks, eucn oo atationa vhicn are stopping dovn regulat" acnedule to :-;,i.n fre~uoncy chtok modulation, are ru.n only a portion of tho Abovo mentioned ti~ea.

Submitto<I by Jot Ftla, Dnve Schmidt. Ty;iino by o. Henrit


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