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A Chronological History of the Development of Our Techno-Slavery


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A Chronological History

of the

Psychopathic Elite’s





(Version IV)

Anthony Forwood

LAST UPDATE: July 18, 2014


What follows below is a chronology of historical events that tie together the evidence of a long-term secret agenda being carried out by a psychopathic ruling elite to implement total human enslavement on a global scale. This chronology encompasses several notable areas of their operation:

- The psychopathic elite operate through various powerful secret societies, government agencies, and private organizations, so I have attempted to include information on the more significant of these groups whenever possible.

- Since mind-control programming techniques and technologies are a major aspect of this agenda, I have attempted to pay close attention to the developmental history of all relevant techniques and technologies.

- Because the UFO enigma arose parallel to the start of the US government’s secret mind-control programs (MKULTRA) and appears to have been used in the capacity of psychological operations (psyops) to cover up many of those programs, I have included a number of significant UFO events that reflect the developmental stage of mind-control techniques and technologies at the times involved.


- Many cults and New Age groups have been used for these mind-control programs or have grown out of them, so I’ve included information on these as well, whenever possible. These cults and New Age groups are seemingly autonomous entities that come and go, but they are essentially under the control of more powerful secret societies and are there to fulfill certain aspects of the elite’s agenda.

- The many cases of domestic terrorism that have been occurring more and more frequently over the years suggest that the perpetrators are possibly mind-controlled and that these incidents are all part of this Orwellian agenda, so I have also included relevant information on these events whenever possible. These include serial killings, mass shootings, assassinations, and other possible false flag events.

- A deeper aspect of the mind-control involves sex-slavery, pedophilia, and other satanic activity that takes place to serve the corrupted pleasures of the psychopathic elite, and so I’ve also included whatever significant events I’ve come across that reveal this aspect of the mind-control and the deeper secret agenda.

These six areas reflect certain distinct stages in the development and application of the elite’s Orwellian agenda, and they can be better understood for what they are and how they have systematically led from one to the next – as compared to the separate and unrelated incidents that they’re more commonly believed to be – when considered within the progressive stages of a historical chronology, as set forth here.

This work is first and foremost a personal reference for my own use in my research into these things, but I’m making it publicly available since it may be of some help to others in their own research efforts. Many entries that I hope to include in this document are still missing, others are still short on information while some are perhaps too long, and many aren’t directly significant but are included because they have historical significance to those that are. Whatever the case, few if any of these entries should be ignored in attempting to piece together and understand the progressive line of development and implementation of total mind-control within our global society. No matter, I think readers who simply skim through this document will still find many interesting and useful pieces of information, but to fully understand the deeper truth of the situation that we find ourselves in today, more than just the information presented here will be required, even though I hope that the shadows of this deeper truth will reflect through to the discerning reader.

Each entry in this document has been added as the information has come to my attention, and although I have often resorted to outright plagiarism (!) and not always giving proper credit (!), this has only been out of a personal necessity to put all of the material together more quickly and keep moving forward in my research, rather than to be bogged down with rewriting the


information just so it is uniquely presented and each piece of information properly accredited. Readers should check the information presented for their own assurance of accuracy.

This document is still a work in progress, and many more pieces of information that I’m aware of (and probably many that I’m currently not) still need to be included, and will be in future versions (new versions of this document are published about every six to twelve months). If you see something that’s missing that you feel is worthy of being included, and you can point me to a good written source for information about it, please feel free to contact me at forwood@live.ca and let me know. Further details or corrections for entries that are already included are also very welcome. A Note on the UFO Enigma, Satanism, and Mind-Control Technologies This document began when, after almost twenty years of personal research, I came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon has been far more myth than fact, as far as extraterrestrial visitation goes. This isn’t to say that I don’t believe in the possibility of alien visitation to our planet. On the contrary, I started out with an open mind and accepted at face value that UFO and alien experiences were real as described, but in my long and persistent search for the truth behind the stories of UFOs and alien encounters, I’ve come across a great deal of evidence to show that the presentation we the public have been given regarding this matter has been nothing more than a carefully orchestrated deception, and there is very little substantive evidence that exists that would convince me that what many people believe about this subject is real as they describe it, that can’t be better explained by psychological techniques used to manage public perceptions and/or through the use of mind-control technologies that already existed or were being developed and experimented with at the time of their experiences. In fact, I’ve come to a point in my research where I’m able to explain any of the more extraordinary aspects of the subject of UFOs and the events surrounding them in these more down-to-earth terms that involve known mind-control techniques and technologies.

To put it in the simplest terms, the UFO phenomenon has been nothing more than a cover for secret government mind-control experiments and the application of mind-control techniques and technologies. Of course, this is too simple an answer, particularly for the deceived, and deserves a better explanation. The best way I know how to provide one is to look at the chronology of events to show how the stories of people’s UFO-related experiences over the years match very closely with the developmental stages of mind-control technologies. Although these same technologies were sometimes used to cover up black projects involved in developing secret military aircraft technologies, this was when these mind-control technologies were still in their infancy, and their success in that capacity has led to their


applications being quickly expanded to many other areas where they would be more beneficial to the elite’s New World agenda.

Such a conclusion as that which I have reached regarding a false UFO enigma covering for mind-control experimentation could only have come this long after the beginning of this massive psychological charade, by reviewing it all over again and looking at the many revelations that have come to light long after certain events have occurred. In considering these events and the later revelations, it will be found that the UFO phenomenon and the development of mind-control technologies are inextricably tied together as part of a much larger psychological warfare program, with the apparent UFO phenomenon having been used to cover up the secret mind-control experimentation programs known collectively as MKULTRA. What came out of these programs has since been put to use in various ways to manipulate and control more and more members of society without their knowing, and have been largely directed towards non-mainstream thinkers and anyone else who is not likely to willingly or easily conform to the elite’s New World agenda.

Since the official closing of the MKULTRA programs, the UFO phenomenon as a cover story for mind-control programming has since metamorphosed into various other equally extraordinary belief systems that have also been used as covers for mind-control. A large subset of the continuing post-MKULTRA mind-control programs have incorporated satanism into their methodologies, including the use of satanic ritual abuse to induce trauma-based alter personalities, involving the victims in satanic activities that are so outrageous that they wouldn’t likely be believed, and using the ‘products’ of the programs to terrorize the public with a growing number of mass murderers, serial killers, and ‘lone nut’ shooters. Of course, these satanically-inclined killers had to have sprung from somewhere, and it happens that a number of satanic cults were in operation in the same area that most of the earliest and most gruesome cases suddenly sprang up.

Timeline of Events

325 AD – The first Council of Nicea. Christianity becomes orthodox when Emperor Constantine and the church councils create creeds and canons at the Council of Nicea. With this human-made church law, the followers of Christianity will no longer abide by the teachings of Jesus, but will instead follow the dictates of the Church.

1070 – The Knights of St. John are established.

1118 – The founding of the Order of the Knights Templar by Jacques DeMolay. This secret order exists under the guise that its members are the protectors of pilgrims traveling to and from the Holy Land, but this is only used as a cover to acquire wealth and power for themselves. Within the first twenty-one years of their formation, they will gain so much power that they


will only be answerable to the Church. They will also become the strongest military force in the world. Their early secret activities will include excavating Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, where they will apparently find ‘scrolls of knowledge’, and these will give them certain power over the Church, presumably because this knowledge could expose certain lies that the Church has been promulgating as the truth. Through their schemes, they will come to own thousands of castles and other properties across Europe, and great hordes of wealth in silver and gold. Eventually, however, they will become too powerful, and the Church will decide to eliminate them. Although many of the Templars will be rounded up, tortured into making confessions, and burned at the stake, many others will escape with much of their amassed wealth, as well as their secrets, and will go on to form other secret societies. One of these will be the Knights of Christ. Although not known for certain, it’s said that the Templars worshipped the devil, who they called Baphomet, and engaged in certain outrageously immoral acts, including sodomy, as part of their secret initiations and rituals.

1307 – The Order of the Knights Templar is forced to dissolve when its Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, is arrested and imprisoned in Paris along with 60 of his knights, followed soon after by the rounding up of the remaining members in France. All of the wealth and possessions of the Order will be confiscated, although it will be rumored that a small group of knights successfully escaped with a large horde. Most of those who are arrested will be forced to confess to the worst offenses imaginable before being burned alive at the stake. The same will occur in England during the reign of Edward II, where the confiscated properties will be granted to the Knights Hospitallers.

1317 – The Order of the Knights Templar is reformed in Portugal under the name Knights of Christ.

1407 – According to Rosicrucian texts that will surface in the 1600s, this is the year that the Order of the Rose Croix is first founded. It is a sect of hermetical philosophers, including alchemists, astrologers, and spiritists, who were first becoming noticed in Germany early in the previous century. Bound by solemn oaths of secrecy, they claim to possess secret knowledge, particularly pertaining to the Philosopher’s Stone, all of which, according to them, they received by tradition from the ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, Magi, and Gymnosophists. The original purpose of the Order appears to have been to bring learned minds together for the sake of sharing and preserving their knowledge and using it to improve the state of mankind. The Order of the Rose Croix will later become more commonly known as the Rosicrucian Order, and its main function will always be the study of occult knowledge for the purpose of bringing all of mankind to its fullest spiritual development, based on Hermetic science. Only initiates who have already attained a certain level of spiritual development will be accepted into the Order.


(See online book, Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1454 – The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany. This invention will revolutionize communication and book production, leading to the spread of knowledge. It will also quickly become a medium for the mass dissemination of propaganda. The early printing industry will be controlled by only a few printing houses, and the high cost of publishing will restrict this medium to those who can afford it.

1492 – Christopher Columbus sales from Spain to the Americas under the flag of the Knights Templar.

1534 (August 15) – Ignatius Loyola gathers together a small group of carefully chosen men and lays out a plan to establish what will become the Society of Jesus (better known as the Jesuits), with the intention to convert the infidels of the world into followers of Christ. By 1539, Ignatius and his group approach the Pope and make an offer to act as a body of light infantry at his personal beck and call. They state that they are prepared to take a special vow of obedience only to him, accurately calculating that this will lead to him giving his blessings. The Order is officially established in 1540, composed of a small body of senior members and a larger body of junior members, and headed by Ignatius. It is governed in secret, and its activities are to be kept secret by its members except with the approval of their superiors. Each member is demanded strict obedience and total servitude to the Order, or face being thrown into the Order’s private prisons where they face being tortured for their transgressions. Junior members live in strictly policed barracks and are not allowed any free time or privacy, while senior members live in luxury and ease. Rather than operating under the principles of love and compassion, they operate through craftiness and guile.

Ignatius creates an intricate spy system within the Order to keep watch over all its members constantly and with extreme scrutiny. In every house and college, and among every class of the Order, ‘syndici’ are appointed to watch and send in secret reports to Superiors. Each month members are also required to write down all the faults they notice in any other members and give the report to the head of their house. If they note any serious faults in the head of their house, they are required to inform the head of the Order. The Jesuits will make use of every source of information they can, being very discrete but also very cunning. As its founding head, Ignatius will deliberately cultivate the favor of the rich and powerful, as well as securing special concessions and favors from friendly Popes, and the Order will secretly involve itself in manipulating political affairs for its own benefit. Ignatius will also induce the Pope to give the Order special protection and make it independent of bishops, as well as giving it special privilege over other Orders. This will cause them to exalt themselves above other religious Orders.


Ignatius will write a secret manuscript known as The Spiritual Exercises, which gives directions for a series of exercises that involve meditation, prayer, fasting, sensory imagery, etc. These exercises cause enough physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion to induce hypnotic trance states and are essentially methods of mind-control programming. The result, when successfully applied, is a deep devotion to the Order.

Ignatius Loyola will die in 1556, resulting in strife within the Order, with the new leader, Lainez, being accused by other senior members of usurping the leadership. This strife will also extend to the Pope, who will attempt to make changes to gain their obedience to the Church, but he will conveniently die before he is able. By this time, the Order will have grown to a membership of 3,500 divided into 18 provinces and 150 institutions. The wealth of the Order will already be tremendous by this time, and this growth in both wealth and numbers will steadily increase. By 1773 it will have 22,589 members, and the number of colleges, residences, and mission-stations in its possession will be about 1,500. They will have established many schools of higher education and produced thousands of literary works on a large variety of topics, and will have become very popular in the countries that they operate in.

(See online book, The Jesuit Enigma, by E. Boyd Barrett)

1573 – Under Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Walsingham sets up the first organized foreign espionage service to operate from England, incorporating a network of undercover agents he already had working throughout Europe and extending as far east as Turkey and Russia. Dr. John Dee, the Queen’s personal astrologer and magician, is recruited as an agent.

1618 – In his book Themis Aurea, written in 1616 and 1617 and printed in 1618, Michael Maier, Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Croix), refers to a resolution passed at a meeting in 1617 in which it was formally agreed that the Brotherhood must maintain the strictest secrecy for a hundred years. During this period, members of the Order will be referred to as ‘The Invisibles’. The resolution had also decreed that, in the year 1717 (the same year that Freemasonry will be established), the fraternity would be transformed into an association that could carry on more or less open propaganda. At about this same time, Robert Fludd is greatly helped by Francis Bacon in founding the Rose Croix in England.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1660 – The Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge is founded. Most or all of its founders are said to be Freemasons, although this secret society will not be officially established in England until 1717. The Royal Society will maintain an immense influence on the development of science by establishing control over the acceptance or rejection of scientific


papers, and will play a major part in directing and controlling the entire scientific establishment of the western world.

1717 (June 24) – The English Grand Lodge of Freemasonry is founded by members of the English Order of the Rose Croix (Rosicrucians). It works only the first three degrees, Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master Mason, and constitutes the nursery for the selection of initiates for the higher degrees worked by other Lodges, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites and the Grand Orient. The Grand Lodge will therefore only teach the exoteric doctrines (Blue Masonry), reserving the esoteric teachings for other Lodges. In 1813 it will add a fourth degree, that of Holy Royal Arch. After the English Lodge’s founding, men of religious persuasions other than Christianity will begin to be accepted into Masonry. On initiation, each member is given an alias that they will be known by within the Lodge. The secret oath taken by initiates supercedes all other oaths that they have or might ever take, thereby making their first allegiance to the Order and their fellow Masons. This oath continues even if they decide to leave Freemasonry, in order to assure that whatever secrets they might hold regarding the inner workings of Masonry are never divulged. All Masonry is founded on the principle of helping fellow members over helping non-members. Because of this, after the English Grand Lodge is established, it will become almost necessary for any person in London to become a Mason in order to succeed in business. To secure the inner workings of Freemasonry against the higher morals of its members, once in the higher degrees, a member who is found to be intractable can continue to the highest visible point of initiation along the track prepared by those who mean him to know nothing. All is beautiful, all is noble, he sees only the best, and forever advertises the goodness of Freemasonry. Though in this capacity he may do nothing else, he becomes an important factor in recruiting.

Under the guise of philanthropy, humanitarianism, democratic ideals, and the promise of material advancement, this Order will attract untold numbers of unsuspecting men. The sifting takes place from the time of their initiation. For those who are deemed useless to the further secret aims of Masonry and therefore unworthy of climbing from the Master's chair in Grand Lodge to The Royal Arch degree, English Masonry will always remain what it was represented to be when they became candidates for initiation. They will be useful carriers of the legend that English Masonry believes in God and philanthropy. But, like Charity, English Grand Lodge covers a multitude of sins.... Above all, it covers Gnosticism under all its aspects; it is in fact its screen.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1731 – Benjamin Franklin, a Quaker, becomes a Freemason at the Lodge of St. John in Philadelphia. He will reach the rank of Grand Master at this lodge,


and by 1749 will be elected Grand Master of the Province. While in France in the 1770s, as a diplomat for the American colonies, Franklin will also be made Grand Master of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris. The first major printing house to be established in the USA will be owned by Benjamin Franklin, who will maintain a monopoly on this industry throughout his lifetime.

1746 – The formation of the Hellfire Club, run by Sir Francis Dashwood. During the time of the club's operation, its members are believed to be holding notorious, orgiastic and satanic meetings at Medmenham Abbey beside the Thames, and later at West Wycombe Caves. The club motto is “Fay ce que vouldras” (Do what thou wilt), which will later be adopted by the satanist Aleister Crowley. Benjamin Franklin, a leading member, will frequently attend meetings.

1757 – The British East India Company is formed by a group of London merchants from the ruling class who are acting on behalf of the Queen. It is essentially a front company for British royalty. Until its final dissolution in 1858, it will engage in plundering the resources and population of the Indian continent. It will also be responsible for introducing illegal opium into China, and will generate massive income as it comes to rule large swathes of India, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions on behalf of the British crown.

1761 – At about this time, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites of Freemasonry are established in America. This branch of Freemasonry originally had 32 degrees, but has now added a 33rd degree.

1766 – Franz Anton Mesmer publishes a paper titled De Planetarum lnfluxa, in which he describes his findings on the curing effects of magnets on the human physiognomy. Mesmer will be the first to conjecture that psychological trauma might be related to, or be the cause of, physical illness. 1775 – The invention of the steam engine initiates the industrial revolution. This capability to harness motive power will lead to the rapid development of both transportation and industry, which in turn will create a number of business monopolies that will become new systems of control. Foremost among these monopolies in these early days will be the transportation and oil industries, both of which will be necessary for the manufacturing and distribution of an ever-growing plethora of products that will be made available to an ever-broadening consumer market. This will result in greater wealth and power being concentrated among a relatively small group of people. The initiators who will make all of this possible will be the bankers who control the flow of money. Leading this banking cartel will be the unfathomably wealthy Rothschild dynasty of Europe. Among the industrial magnates that will emerge from this revolution will be the Harrimans, Fords (automobiles), Rockefellers (oil and banking), Carnegies, Mellons, etc.


1776 – At about this time, Franz Anton Mesmer discovers the phenomenon of ‘animal magnetism’ or ‘mesmerism’, later known as hypnotism. He is able to affect cures for many ailments with his discovery and with the aid of a device he calls a ‘baquet’, which employs electrical charges and magnets to affect changes in his patients.

1776 (May 1) - Adam Weishaupt, ex-Jesuit priest, Freemason, and professor of Catholic Church Canon Law at the University of Ingolstodt in Bavaria, founds the Order of the Illuminati in the Strict Observance Lodge of Freemasonry of Munich, Germany. Amschel Mayer Rothschild, a Jew, is actually responsible for the creation of this secret society, and has Weishaupt acting on his instructions. The Illuminati are devout Luciferians and follow satanic principles. The Order will come to consist of the cream of European society, and writers, publishers, and educators are first priority for initiation. The objectives of this powerful organization are:

1) The destruction of Christianity and of all Monarchical governments;

2) The destructions of nations as such in favor of universal internationalism; 3) The discouragement of patriotic and loyal effort branded as narrow-minded prejudice, incompatible with the tenets of goodwill to all men and the cry of ‘Universal Brotherhood’;

4) The abolition of family ties and of marriage by means of systematic corruption; and

5) The suppression of the rights of inheritance and property.

This elite group’s ultimate long-range agenda will be to create a single world government system (NWO) that puts all power into its hands. It will begin to do this by either creating or infiltrating every possible organ of influence and control in society, including governments, businesses, religions, etc. The Illuminati will become the most powerful secret society on earth, connecting with virtually every other secret society of significance through memberships in their upper ranks. Weishaupt writes:

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.”

In her book, World Revolution, Nesta Webster will describe their modus operandi this way:

"The art of Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of ambitious egotists, by working on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as greed and power, to make men of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the sect."


As the Order begins to spread throughout Germany, money will be contributed from such leading Jewish families as the Oppenheimers, Wertheimers, Schusters, Speyers, Sterns, and of course, the Rothschilds. From Bavaria, the Order will spread rapidly. They will soon have over 300 members from all walks of life, including students, merchants, doctors, lawyers, judges, professors, civil officers, bankers, and even church ministers.

(See online book, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World, by Henry Makow, PhD)

1784 - The Marques of Pursegur in France, a student of Anton Mesmer, is able to mesmerize a sick young man named Victor Race and cause him to fall into a strange sleep state, during which Pursegur can communicate with him. Victor is extremely suggestible and shows a dramatic change in personality. He is able to speak articulately, diagnose his own sickness, and even read the thoughts of the hypnotist. When he is awakened, Victor has no memory of what went on during the sleep state. This is the first documented case of multiple personalities and telepathy occurring during a hypnotic trance. Pursegur will discover that Victor is not unique in this capacity, and some individuals would easily fall into a trance state when animal magnetism was applied to them. Although appearing to be asleep, they were still conscious, and like Victor, could reply to questions and convey information. In this induced trance state, the patient was very suggestible, taking for reality any fantasy that the magnetizer might depict. Upon awakening from the trance, the patient would remember nothing that had taken place while asleep. Pursegur will discover that many people in this state can apparently diagnose their own illnesses and those of others, and even prescribe effective remedies for the conditions they perceive. He will also notice that although magnetized subjects had no memory in the waking state for occurrences in the state of magnetic sleep, they did retain a continuous memory from sleep state to sleep state.

From this time on, many other researchers will note these same supernormal phenomena arising in hypnotized subjects again and again, and they will become the most controversial aspects discussed in the literature on mesmerism and hypnotism for many years.

The power of mesmerism (hypnosis) is being revealed for its potential to unlock supernormal abilities dwelling in everyone, but its power has still been barely realized at this point. Although hypnotism will come to be used experimentally in medical treatments for a time, its ability to affect the subjective mind far more easily than it can the physical body will lead it to become more popular among spiritualists, who will explore its ability to unleash the mysterious powers of the subconscious mind.


1784 - The French government orders two separate commissions to investigate Franz Anton Mesmer's claims regarding ‘animal magnetism’. The first is conducted by members of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine, and includes some of the country’s most eminent scientists. It is chaired by Benjamin Franklin (US ambassador to France). Franklin comes to the conclusion that it isn’t Mesmer’s baquet that is responsible for the cures attributed to it, but rather it is due to an induced trance state and the heightened suggestibility that it creates in a person. The second commission is composed of physicians of the Royal Society of Medicine. Both investigations are carried out in the face of Mesmer’s objections and without his cooperation. The second commission also files reports that are unfavorable to animal magnetism, although one member writes a dissenting opinion recommending further investigation.

In spite of these conclusions, many physicians who have had positive results with Mesmer’s methods will voice their criticisms of the commissions, and many patients who had been cured will give positive testimonies to Mesmer’s methods. Mesmerism will soon become very popular among the highest levels of society throughout the world. When it reaches America, it will also become popular among the middleclass, mostly within spiritualist circles and as a form of stage entertainment. This will have a huge effect on the spiritualist movement by the turn of the twentieth century, where hypnotic trance will become commonly used by psychic mediums to help them communicate with what they believe are spirits.

1786 – Club Breton, later renamed the Jacobin Club, is founded in Paris by the Bishop of Autun (Talleyrand), Mirabeau, and the Duc d'Orléans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient Lodge of France (Freemasonry). The Jacobins will be intricately involved in starting the French Revolution.

1791 - Luigi Galvani makes the legs of a frog move by conducting electricity through wires, from its nerves to its muscles. This discovery will lead to the full realization that the nervous system is electrical in nature and can be influenced by electrical charge.

1797 (January 28) – James Tilly Matthews, the first recorded claimant of mind-control targeting (also the first documented case of ‘paranoid schizophrenia’), is admitted into London’s Bethlem (Bedlam) Hospital, the infamous insane asylum, where he will spend the remainder of his life. Matthews had not been incarcerated on medical grounds, but on the orders of Lord Liverpool, the Home Office minister, whom Matthews had incidentally accused of being involved in a plot against him.

Matthews was an English spy who had been posing as a tea merchant in France, where he was able to mix with the highest circles as he tried to negotiate a peace treaty between that country and his own. He had been thrown in jail by the French in 1793 and held for three years, and it was while there that he believes an electromagnetic device had been implanted in


his head by a group of undercover Jacobin revolutionaries, and that he was being controlled by them through an ‘influencing machine’. Matthews claimed that this group was able to do such things as implant thoughts in his head, inhibit his speech, and alter his reasoning abilities, among other things. He claimed that this machine sent out invisible magnetic rays that affected the magnetic device he believed had been implanted in his head. He even drew up diagrams of this machine (which he called an ‘air loom’), which showed multiple levers that were used to produce modulations of the magnetic waves that were emitted. The fact that this case dates to over two hundred years ago makes his claims sound eerily familiar, yet out of their time. Electromagnetic radiation had not yet been discovered, nor had the full electrochemical nature of the human nervous system. The fact that Matthews described these waves as being modulated is even more remarkable, considering that this is exactly the case – electromagnetic waves require specific patterning to effect specific responses in a person targeted with modern-day electronic mind-control technologies.

Matthews claimed that this gang, who he was able to describe very well, would materialize in his dreams in order to gather information to use in assailing him the next day. Matthews believed that there were other groups with similar machines that were being used against various politicians and public figures, including the then Prime Minister of England, William Pitt. Beyond Britain, these machines were supposedly being used in France, Prussia, and elsewhere. These groups were believed by Matthews to be lurking everywhere, using what was believed to be a magnetic vapor to put the unsuspecting person under the control of their machine. This sounds similar to modern-day remote-influencing, which is a proven psychic science that is an extension of remote-viewing (clairvoyance), and may have been within the repertoire of this Jacobin group that Matthews claimed was targeting him with their mysterious machines.

Matthews was an intelligent man, and although eccentric, was proven by two separate doctors to be quite sane. It was while in prison in France that Matthews believes he was first ensnared by this Jacobin group, through a person by the name of Mr. Chavanay. When Matthews returned to England he tried to warn the Prime Minister about this group and their activities, who he said were preparing to use these machines to overthrow the government. In December of 1796 he had interrupted a debate in the House of Commons to accuse Lord Liverpool of treason, which resulted in getting himself incarcerated at Bethlem.

Much of what we know about Matthews’ claims comes from a booklet titled

Illustrations of Madness, which was written by Dr. John Haslam, the resident

apothecary at Bethlem Hospital. This booklet was written not just to detail the delusions of a purportedly mad man, but also to prove to Matthews’ family and others who believed him sane that he was indeed mad. Haslam shows definite signs of possible complicity in any real conspiracy that may have been afoot, helping to silence a man who knew too much about a secret


Masonic group with a lot of power. It is quite likely that Haslam may have embellished some of his descriptions of Matthews’ more outrageous claims, even though Matthews supposedly read the booklet before publishing and had given it his approval.

In examining the story of James Matthews, it’s hard to believe that such technology could have existed in his time, especially for those who are unaware of similar technologies existing even today. However, for those who

are familiar with today’s mind-control technologies, there is a strong sense of

realism to what Matthews claimed. Could it be possible that Matthews was a victim of very early attempts to control the minds of men through remote electrical means?

Interestingly, during this same time, Franz Anton Mesmer (a Freemason) had been making a scene with his notions of ‘animal magnetism’ – a precursor to the discovery of hypnosis – and the effects of magnetic energy on the human body and brain were being seriously studied among certain scientific groups, and many accusations were being made that it was being used to influence both politicians and the public at large.

Benjamin Franklin (another Freemason), the discoverer of electricity, was the US ambassador to France at the time, and was asked by the French government to look into the activities of Mesmer and his claims of miraculous cures with electricity. Being brother Masons, Franklin and Mesmer hit it off quite well, and Franklin filed a lengthy report favorable to Mesmer. Another brother Mason who frequently visited these two men in Paris happened to be Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati.

It should be noted that Mesmer was the godfather of Amadeus Mozart. In fact, he raised Mozart, a genius musician who behaved as if he were suffering from MPD/DID. It is very possible that Mesmer had experimented on Mozart as a child in order to enhance his musical abilities, since it’s known that victims of trauma-based mind control, apart from acquiring alter personalities, often develop exceptional mental skills as well, and hypnosis is also able to similarly enhance a person’s normal abilities when properly applied.

That a group of men with ambitions to power might have stumbled upon the means to remotely influence a person or inflict discomfort or even harm is not as farfetched as it might seem. Consider the fact that science was wide open to almost any possibility at that time, and so much was begging to be invented or discovered. The popular literature of the times says a lot for this:

Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, etc. This is where many people’s

minds were focused. The darker side of science was already lurking in certain minds when it was still in its infancy. Even if the influencing machine that Matthews described was nothing more than an imaginary concept, the possibility that it was entirely of Matthews’ own making seems far from likely. He was involved in political espionage, or was at least consorting with people


who were involved in it, and he may have picked up the idea from parties who were actually attempting to devise such machines, if they hadn’t already. In any case, it seems that the conceptual reality of such mind-control technologies was already fomenting that long ago in the minds of certain politically motivated groups with Masonic ties.

The Jacobins, who had thrown Matthews in jail in France where he believed he first came under the control of this machine, were a group that had been founded by prominent Freemasons. It was the time of the French Revolution and much political turmoil was going on, which Matthews seems to have gotten caught up in. Secret societies were very alive and working on their various agendas, their members often having ties with religious, political, and mystical groups through which they could operate or otherwise use to influence others to do their bidding. Perhaps Matthews wasn’t so delusional and this machine actually existed, or perhaps he picked up his ideas about it from secret society members who even back then were at least conceiving of such technologies, even if they didn’t yet have them. Perhaps they were using hypnotism on Matthews, and had convinced him that such a machine and its sinister gang of operators was involved in making him experience things that were actually being induced through nothing more than hypnotic suggestion. Whatever the case, the story of James Tilly Matthews is interesting for its parallels with modern-day equivalents, where we have people coming forward with claims that they’re being targeted with very similar mind-control technologies.

1801 – The Supreme Council is established within the Masonic Order, with it’s global headquarters in Charleston. This marks the beginning of Universal Freemasonry, which places all Masonic Lodges throughout the world under one central controlling body.

1813 – The English Grand Lodge of Freemasonry adds a fourth degree, that of Holy Royal Arch.

1820 – At about this time, fifteen-year-old Joseph Smith allegedly begins having visions, in one of which the angel Moroni appears to him three times and tells him that the Bible of the Western Continent, the supplement to the New Testament, is buried in a certain spot near Manchester. Four years later, after due disciplinary probation, Smith will claim to have been delivered into his charge by an angel of the Lord a stone box, in which was a volume, 6 inches thick, made of thin gold plates 8 inches by 7, and fastened together by three gold rings. The plates will be covered with small writing in the ‘reformed Egyptian’ tongue, and will be accompanied by a pair of supernatural spectacles, consisting of two crystals set in a silver bow, which are called ‘Urim and Thummim’. With the aid of these spectacles, the mystic characters can be read. Smith’s story will be given the semblance of legitimacy by three other men – Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer – who will each gave sworn statements as to the truth of Smith’s claims. These translated writings will be published as the Book of Mormon in


1830, the same year that Mormonism is established. Years later, all three of these men will denounce the story as false after they leave the Mormon Church. The real source of this book was a preacher named Solomon Spalding, who wrote it in 1812 as a historical romance, and the manuscript came into Smith’s hands through another man named Sidney Rigdon, who had copied it.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1825 – The Royal Academy of Medicine of France appoints a commission to investigate the subject of animal magnetism. The commission is composed of some of the ablest scientists of the Academy, and it prosecutes its investigation until 1831, when it makes its report. Amongst other things it will announce that it has demonstrated the fact that some mesmeric subjects possessed clairvoyant power; that such subjects could, with their eyes closed, distinguish objects, tell the color and number of cards, and read lines of a book opened at a chance page.

(See online book, The Law of Psychic Phenomena, by Thompson Jay Hudson)

1826 – William Morgan, a Mason of the highest degree, after having announced his intention of assisting in the work of exposing Freemasonry, is kidnapped by his brother Masons under pretended forms and warrants of law, removed from the State of New York to the borders of Canada, near the falls of Niagara, where he is barbarously murdered. This event marks the beginning of an anti-Masonic movement in America. Several persons will be punished for the abduction of Morgan, but the murderers will be sheltered by Masonic Lodges and rescued from justice.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1829 – Justinus Kerner, a physician and poet, publishes Seeress of Prevorst, in which he describes his treatment of a woman named Friederike Hauffe that started in 1826. Kerner had decided to use animal magnetism on her, and the woman proved to be a good subject and easily became somnambulistic. In her trance states, she had visions, premonitions, and clairvoyant experiences. Kerner believed in the genuineness of these phenomena, recording them with great care in this account.

(See online file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and

Psychical Research, 1766-1925)

1830 – Joseph Smith founds Mormonism. Smith, who is a Freemason, establishes a new Masonic degree soon after, claiming that an angel of the Lord had brought him the lost keywords of several degrees, enabling him to progress further than the highest Masons. The charter of the Mormon lodge


is taken away by the Grand Lodge soon after. The Mormon dogma is universality, materialism and pantheism. It blends Judaism and Christianity, aiming at a progressive universal religion while seeking to unite in itself all faiths and the cults of every people on earth. The Mormon state is a theocratic community at the head of which is a grand priest-president assisted by two others and a traveling council of twelve. Its mysteries are those of spiritism and the séance room.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1832 – The Order of Skull and Bones is founded at Yale University by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. This secret fraternal brotherhood is created after Russell returns from a trip to Germany, and it is reportedly a branch of a Masonic/Illuminati group in Bavaria. The Order is oriented towards the post-graduate outside world and recruits strictly from among the ‘richest and finest’ of Yale’s upcoming graduates. Members are elevated to key positions in government and industry, often leading to positions in the executive branch. The Order will become a stepping-stone to such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergers. Through their symbolism and practices, it can be fairly claimed that the Order of Skull and Bones is a satanic group. Initiation involves making a pledge of secrecy that probably involves some sort of blackmail insurance, where the initiate must put himself in a compromising position (such as engaging in an illegal or immoral act) that can be used to destroy his career and credibility should he step out of line. Members of the Order must take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation, king, government, or constitution, which includes the negating of any subsequent oath that they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order.

1834 – Freemason Albert Pike is appointed to direct the American arm of the Order of the Illuminati.

1835 – Around this time, animal magnetism begins making significant inroads in the United States. Lectures by Charles Poyen St. Sauveur on animal magnetism excite the imagination of the country and lead to the emergence of magnetic practitioners of a peculiarly American type. Itinerant magnetizers wander the countryside with professional somnambulists (easily hypnotizable subjects) at their sides, giving medical clairvoyant readings. The visionary Andrew Jackson Davis begins his career as a somnambulist and will eventually become an author of great popularity, using the trance state to dictate his spiritual treatises.

1839 – Prussian scientist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovers that by playing different frequencies in each ear, the difference between those frequencies is heard inside the head – what is known as a binaural beat.


1841 (November) – After witnessing several public experiments in mesmerism, Dr. James Braid came to the realization that mesmerism wasn’t caused by any direct action of the mesmerist on the subject, as Anton Mesmer had believed, since a trance state could be induced in a person by merely having them stare at an object. After experimenting further, Braid concluded that the effects of mesmerism were due to a physiological condition of the nerves.

(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical

Research, 1766-1925)

1842 – James Braid coins the term ‘hypnotism’ to replace ‘animal magnetism’, intending to do away with the idea of a physical agent such as ‘magnetic fluid’ passing between magnetizer and subject to produce the phenomena of somnambulism. He also emphasizes the role of suggestion both in producing the hypnotic state and in bringing about the healing effects associated with it. He recognizes the post-hypnotic responses to these suggestions as well. Eventually Braid’s view will become the dominant one and his terminology the accepted nomenclature. Hypnotism will become widely accepted among the medical community in France and Germany, and more slowly taken up in England.

(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical

Research, 1766-1925)

1843 – The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith (Jewish Masonry) is established. Like most secret societies, it covers its political activities under the cloak of ‘benevolence and philanthropy’. From its inception, its main contact will be with Germany and its chief aim the establishment of the supremacy of the German Jews in all world affairs through the channel of ‘Internationalism’.

1848 – The earliest recorded case of modern spiritism in the USA takes place at the home of the Fox family, and in particular with the two Fox sisters Margaret and Kate, in Hydesville, NY. Strange phenomena in the form of noises and moved objects first begin to occur in the home around February, and increase in intensity over the next several months until the family is no longer able to sleep at night. It was nine-year-old Kate who first noticed that the noises would respond to her own noises and gestures. Further exploration by the family revealed that the noises had intelligence behind them, since they would respond accurately to questions posed to them. After moving the two girls out of the house, it was discovered that the phenomena followed them.

1848 – The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is established in England. The Templar body resigns control over the Rose Croix and Kadosh, which had been incorporated into the Ancient and Accepted Rite as the 18th and 30th degrees.


(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1853 – Around this time, spiritualism spreads to England and Europe. Spiritualist churches are established; spiritualist alliances are formed; and spiritualist books and newspapers come into print. There is such a proliferation of apparently paranormal spiritualistic phenomena that serious-minded people voice the need for a careful scientific investigation into these phenomena.

(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical

Research, 1766-1925)

1858 – Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky begins to make a name for herself in Russia as a spiritualist.

1859 – John D. Rockefeller starts the Standard Oil Company, which will quickly grow into a monopoly through his shrewd and often underhanded manner of doing business. His method is to attack the competition and force them out of business or otherwise gain control of them, often planning years ahead, and often acting through illegal and even violent means. He will very frequently employ others to act as his agents or spies within other companies, using these people in whatever way he can to retain the upper hand in business. His industrial espionage system will be by far the most elaborate, sophisticated, and successful that had ever been established. He communicates in code, so that any spies within his own ranks will have a difficult time knowing what he is planning or how he is operating. Very often, the companies that he will be seen to be publicly battling will actually be owned by him, so that he creates an image that makes him look far more innocent than he really is. Many of his tactics will be incorporated into the methods used by a number of US and foreign government agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, BATF, etc.) and private organizations that will come to be involved in establishing a New World Order.

(See online book, The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen)

1864 – James Clerk Maxwell publishes his epic material on electromagnetic waves.

1865 – Newly elected President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated in a movie theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Immediately after the hit, Booth is whisked away by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle. Booth has connections to elite bankers.

1866 – The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia is founded in England by Frater Robert Wentworth Little. The basic rule of this society states that only Master Masons of good standing and repute should be admitted to membership.


Foreign branches will be established in Canada and Scotland in 1877, the USA in 1880, and Germany in 1902.

1872 – At about this time, a political-occult ideology called ‘Synarchy’ is formulated in France by a man named Joseph Alexander Saint-Yves d'Alveydre. This is a period in which many new political ideas are taking hold. Like many, Saint-Yves is alarmed by the rise of Anarchy, and he develops Synarchy specifically to counter it. Whereas Anarchists believe that the state should have no authority over the life and behavior of an individual, Synarchy takes quite the opposite view, where the more control the state has over the individual the better. Essentially, Synarchy advocates government by secret society or, in its own terms, by an elite of enlightened initiates who rule from behind the scenes. It therefore doesn't matter which political party holds power in a state or even what political system that state has. Synarchists would step in and take control of the key state institutions. Saint-Yves identifies three key pillars of society that, once under the control of his elite, would allow them to rule without the population even being aware of their existence. These are the political and social institutions, the economic institutions and the religious institutions. Although Synarchy can therefore rule in any kind of state, for obvious reasons it will find itself more at home among totalitarian regimes. It will therefore attract a greater following from the right. Synarchy is totally opposed to ideas of democracy and social equality, since it believes that some people, i.e. Synarchists, are natural leaders.

However, Synarchy as devised by Saint-Yves is not a purely political movement. Saint-Yves is active in the esoteric world of 19th century Europe, and is a friend of key figures such as Victor Hugo and Lord Bulwer-Lytton. He incorporates specific mystical and occult ideas into his system that originate from these occultists. For instance, Saint-Yves believes in the existence of spiritually superior beings that can be contacted telepathically, and his elite will be made up of people who are in communication with them. He himself claims that he is in touch with these beings, and that they actually gave him the principles of Synarchy. He borrows his ideas from both eastern and western esotericism, and makes his unknown superiors into spiritually advanced beings that live in a remote part of Tibet. He introduces the concept of ‘Agartha’, the mysterious underworld realm peopled by these superior beings and hidden somewhere in Tibet. Saint-Yves's doctrines also include ideas about the evolution and history of the human race that will become popular among esoteric and New Age circles. Also central to his reconstruction of history is that Atlantis was an advanced, global civilization. Saint-Yves also promotes the idea of root races – a succession of dominant races that are each allocated a period of supremacy, but each destined to be supplanted by the next, superior race. The current dominant race, according to Saint-Yves, is the white Aryans. All of these ideas will become incorporated into subsequent occult systems, mostly through Madam Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society, where they will be further embellished and promoted.


1873 – At about this time, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky arrives in America and quickly becomes prominent in spiritualist circles there.

1874 – William Crookes publishes Researches in the Phenomena of

Spiritualism, which contains an account of his experiments to assess the

existence of a ‘psychic force’. Using many different types of apparatus, he eventually confirmed unequivocally the existence of a force that could move objects and apply pressure at a distance from the apparent source of that force. In his paper he gives a detailed account of the construction of the apparatus used and other physical circumstances of the experiments. This paper will make a powerful impression on the minds of intellectuals of the day and will do much to create a climate receptive to the establishment of the Society for Psychical Research in 1882.

(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical

Research, 1766-1925)

1875 (October 20) – Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, along with a man named Henry Steel Olcott, founds the Theosophical Society, an occult group based on Hinduism and Buddhism that professes to “expound the esoteric

tradition of Buddhism and aimed at forming a universal brotherhood of man, studying and making known the ancient religions, philosophies and sciences, and investigating the laws of nature and developing the divine powers latent in man.” Blavatsky will allegedly engage in fraud and charlatanry whenever

necessary to fool her followers into thinking that she is in contact with a group of ‘Ascended Masters’ who secretly rule the world. Much of her written work will be exposed as being plagiarized from earlier occult works. The Theosophical Society will grow to become a worldwide movement with many thousands of followers, and will represent a driving force of esoteric insight, laying the foundation for the modern-day New Age movement. Blavatsky’s works will also come to be embraced by Freemasonry.

1876 – The first formal research into parapsychology is started by Henry Sidgwick at Trinity College, Cambridge University.

1877 – Madame H. P. Blavatsky publishes Isis Unveiled, her first voluminous work that is purported to have been channeled from advanced spiritual teachers from a higher plane who were said to be members of ‘The Great White Brotherhood’.

1882 – The Society for Psychical Research is established in Britain, with founding members including Professor W. F. Barrett, Henry Sidgwick, Edmund Gurney, and Frederick William Henry Myers. It will engage in the scientific study of psychic phenomena and mediumship.

1883 – Francis Galton, an English psychologist and half-cousin of Charles Darwin (whose work inspired him), proposes the principle of eugenics, which states that by encouraging better human stock to breed and discouraging the


reproduction of less desirable stock, the human race would be improved. This idea will develop into Social Darwinism.

1886 – Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Supreme Council of Freemasonry in Charleston, establishes the secret Palladian Rite, a hidden satanic order operating from within the highest degree of Freemasonry. It is little known about, since the number of its members is strictly limited and the deepest secrecy surrounds all its deliberations. The existence of this rite will be kept strictly secret and no mention of it will ever be made in the assemblies of the Masonic Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites, even when the meeting is composed exclusively of members of this Rite. The secret of this new institution will only be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few belonging to the ordinary high grades. Members will be selected exclusively from among the 33rd degree of ordinary Masonry, where they have been long tested for their trustworthiness, and only those who are deeply interested in occultism will be considered. The Palladian Rite is essentially involved in Luciferianism, and it controls all other Masonic Orders.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1887 – Heinrich Hertz announces his discovery of electromagnetic waves. 1888 – Madame H. P. Blavatsky publishes The Secret Doctrine, a voluminous work that was channeled and purported to be derived from advanced spiritual teachers from a higher plane.

1888 – The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is founded by William Wynn Westcott and MacGregor Mathers. Westcott is a Theosophist and closely allied with its leader, Madame Blavatsky. It is in the Golden Dawn that Aleister Crowley will first attain his occult celebrity status.

1889 – Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, inspired by Andrew Carnegie’s essay,

The Gospel of Wealth, makes the first installment of what will amount to $35

million in donations, issued over a period of two decades, to fund the University of Chicago.

(See online book, The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen)

1889 – After Sigmund Freud witnesses a demonstration of hypnosis conducted by Hippolyte Bernheim, in which his hypnotic patient is able to recall not what actually occurred during a hypnotic trance, but rather the hallucinatory pseudo-memories that Dr. Bernheim had suggested. Freud is deeply impressed and becomes his pupil. He draws a lasting lesson from this experiment, realizing that the mind could know something - yet not know what it knew, and that the unconscious stores information at differing levels. This demonstration was also evidence that hypnosis could be used to create a cover memory.


1889 – Jules Liégeois, a researcher in France, publishes a paper that describes his experiments with hypnotic suggestion. He has discovered that fifteen to twenty percent of his subjects could be placed in a somnambulistic state, in which they were extremely susceptible to hypnotic and posthypnotic suggestion. While his subjects were somnambulistic, Liégeois was able to create all sorts of hallucinations and induce various degrees of amnesia. He also experimented with suggestion in the waking state, obtaining striking results. Liégeois carried out other experiments with hypnotic suggestion, discovering that he was able to get subjects to carry out suggestions at a distance in space (by using the telephone) and at a distance in time (finding that suggestions could be executed long after they were given). His experimentation with criminal suggestions were successful in inducing hypnotized individuals to commit what they believed were criminal acts and discovered that, when awakened, they could experience complete amnesia for those actions. He concluded that it is possible for one person, through hypnotic suggestion, to induce another to commit criminal acts that are contrary to the conscience of the hypnotized person.

(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical

Research, 1766-1925)

1890 – William James publishes The Hidden Self in Scribner’s Magazine, in which he discusses the existence of the subconscious, which is just beginning to be recognized by scientists. He emphasizes the importance of discoveries of a second stream of consciousness that can be tapped in certain conditions such as the state of hypnotism, and sees in this secondary or, as he calls it, ‘submerged consciousness’ a key to understanding such diverse phenomena as possession and multiple personality. He calls the coexistence of a secondary self or selves with the primary self a ‘splitting of the mind’, and urges further investigation to determine more about the relationship between hypnotic trance and these subconscious states.

(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical

Research, 1766-1925)

1890 – John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil is refining 90% of all crude oil in the USA.

1891 – Cecil Rhodes founds The Round Table, an organization of elite bankers bent on world hegemony.

1894 – A number of books from this period refer to what appears to be a portable wireless telephone in the possession of the heads of the Masonic Order, at a time when wireless was still unknown. It is called the ‘Arcula Mystica’ or ‘Mystic Box’, of which there are reportedly only seven in existence – at the Masonic headquarters in Charleston, Borne, Berlin, Washington, Monte Video, Naples and Calcutta. It is described as having a


trumpet-shaped mouthpiece and a bell-trumpet-shaped hearing piece attached by a cord to the main body, similar to early telephones. Seven mounted golden statuettes designate each of the directories, which are manipulated in various ways to call any one of the other Masonic headquarters. The existence of these devices will never be verified, and will be written off as a fabrication to give an exaggerated sense of power and mystique to the Supreme Council of the Masonic Order.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1895 – Karl Kellner, Franz Hartmann, and Theodore Reuss, who all have close ties to German intelligence entities, establish the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) in Germany, a secret society that claims to be in a direct line of descent from the Knights Templar. Hartmann is a Theosophist and a close associate of the Madame Blavatsky, and has ties to the Rosicrucians. Kellner and Reuss are both ranking Freemasons, and Reuss is also a high-ranking Rosicrucian. Reuss is closely tied to William Wynn Westcott, who co-founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and currently heads the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Other prominent persons connected with this organization at its start are MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley. The OTO teaches Hermetic Science or Occult Knowledge, the Pure and Holy Magick of Light, the Secrets of Mystic attainment, Yoga of all forms, Gnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakta Yoga and Hatha Yoga, and all other branches of the secret Wisdom of the Ancients.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr Miller)

1898 – The Michelson-Morley experiment is conducted, supposedly disproving once and for all the notion that there is an underlying etheric medium that permeates the universe. However, this experiment will never be replicated to verify the conclusions drawn. Proving the existence of an ether would have upset the currently developing scientific model of the universe. 1898 – Aleister Crowley joins the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

1899 – At about this time, Nikola Tesla conducts experiments to test the effects of ELF and VLF electromagnetic waves on humans.

1904 – The first chair in eugenics and working society in eugenics are instituted at University College, London.

1904 (April) – While in Cairo, Aleister Crowley transcribes The Book of the Law while allegedly receiving it telepathically from a spirit that calls itself Aiwass. Aiwass claims to be “a messenger from the forces ruling this Earth at present”, and is supposed to possess fantastic knowledge and powers. This


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