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Selected Readings on Political Change


Academic year: 2020

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compiled by Charles Tilly

University of Michigan


T h i s i s a b i a s e d l i s t , c o n c e n t r a t i n g on t h r e e topics: 1) t h e relationship between changing p a t t e r n s of c o n f l i c t within polities and big s t r u c t u r a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s l i k e

urbanization and industrialization; 2) t h e formation a n d domination of national states;

3) t h e f o r m s of c o l l e c t i v e action. It is broad enough to provide s t a r t i n g points f o r a

g r e a t v a r i e t y of i n d i v i d u a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s . It e m p h a s i z e s work in English, r e c e n t

writings, studies of modern Europe, and i t e m s which themselves c o n t a i n s u b s t a n t i a l

b i b l i o g r a p h i e s . I t n e g l e c t s s t a t e m e n t s of p r o g r a m , i d e o l o g i e s a n d p o l i t i c a l

philosophies. It u n d e r e m p h a s i z e s c i t i e s a n d u r b a n i z a t i o n , b e c a u s e a c o m p a n i o n

bibliography ("A Selected Bibliography on Communities, C i t i e s and Urbanization1') deals with them. The headings are:

P a g e

1. Classic General S t a t e m e n t s on Social Change 1

2. R e c e n t E f f o r t s at Synthesis 2

3. Commentaries, Compendia a n d Reviews of Thought 3

4. D e t e c t i n g a n d Indexing Social Change and i t s Consequences 6

5. The Rise a n d Fall of t h e S t a t e s and Systems of S t a t e s 9

6. The European Experience in Making S t a t e s 1 2

7. Urbanization, Industrialization a n d R e l a t e d Processes 1 6

8. The Consequences--especially Political--of Large-Scale C h a n g e 2 1

9. Specific Investigations of t h e Consequences of Large-Scale

C h a n g e 25

10. Collective Action: General 29

11. Political Conflict a n d Revolution

12. Industrial Conflict


1. Classic General Statements on Social Chanae

Auguste Comte, Cours d e philosophie positive, translated as The Positive Philosophy,

several editions.

E m i l e D u r k h e i m , D e l a division du t r a v a i l social, several editions; translated by

George Simpson as The Division of Labor in Society (Glencoe: F r e e Press, 1947).

Alfred Kroeber, Configurations of Culture Growth (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944).

R.M. MacIver, Social Causation (Boston: Ginn, 1942).

Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law (Boston: Beacon, 1963; p a p e r b a c k e d i t i o n w i t h introduction by Raymond Firth).

Karl Mannheim, Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction (N.Y.: ~ a r c b u r t Brace,


K a r l Marx ( E r i c Hobsbawm, ed.), P r e - C a p i t a l i s t E c o n o m i c F o r m a t i o n s (London:

Lawrence and Wishart, 1964). Hobsbawmls i n t r o d u c t i o n i s a n e x c e l l e n t s u r v e y of

Marx1s views on t h e stages " of social d e v e l o ~ m e n t .


l1Prefacel1 t o Critiaue of

Political Economy, many editions. (More ~ i r x appears l a t e r in t h e bibliogt-a-

L.H. Morgan, Ancient Society (New York: Holt, 1877).

William F. Ogburn, Social Change (New York: ~ u e b s c h , 1923).

Vilfredo Pareto, T r a t t a t o di sociologia generale, translated as The Mind and Society,

several editions.

P i t i r i m A. Sorokin, Social and Cultural Dynamics (New York: Bedminster, 1941 and

1962; 4 volumes). Also available in a one-volume condensation.

Herbert Spencer, Principles of Sociology, many editions.

Oswald Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes, translated as The D e c l i n e of


t h e


-9 many editions; especially volume 11.

Frederick Teggart, Theory and Process of History (Berkeley; University of California Press, 1941).

F e r d i n a n d Tonnies, G e m e i n s c h a f t und G e s e l l s c h a f t , translated as Community and

Society (East Lansing: Michigan S t a t e University Press, 1957).

Arnold J. Toynbee, A S t u d y of H i s t o r y (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1947;

abridged one-volume edition).

Max Weber (Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, eds.), Economy and Society (New York:

Bedminster Press; 3 vols.)


2. More Recent Efforts at Synthesis

Gabriel Almond & G. Bingham Powell, Jr., Comparative Politics: A Developmental

Approach (Boston: Little, Brown, 1966). One of t h e best conceptual s t a t e m e n t s in t h e Comparative Politics tradition, but short on propositions.

H.G. Barnett, Innovation (New Y ork: McGraw-Hill, 1953).

R o b e r t F. Berkhofer, Jr., A Behavioral Approach t o Historical Analysis (New York:

F r e e Press, 1969).

Leonard Binder and others, Crises and Sequences in Political Development (Princeton:

Princeton University Press, 1971). A flawed but energetic e f f o r t t o locate standard

sequences in historical and contemporary experience.

C.E. Black, The Dynamics of Modernization (N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1966).

Fernand Braudel, Civilisation matgrielle, gconomie, et capitalisme, XVe-XVIIIe sigcle.

(Paris: Colin, 1979. 3 vols). A b r e a t h t a k i n g t r i p a c r o s s t h e whole of Europe-

connected world history during t h e last half-millennium.

A.V. Chayanov, The Theory of Peasant Economy (Homewood, Ill.: Richard C. Irwin, 1966). A translation of an economic classic which is quite relevant t o t h e analysis of change in t h e contemporary rural world.

J a m e s D. C o c k c r o f t , A n d r e Gunder F r a n k , D a l e L. J o h n s o n , D e p e n d e n c e a n d

Underdevelopment: Latin A m e r i c a ' s P o l i t i c a l E c o n o m y ( G a r d e n City: D o u b l e d a y

Anchor, 1972). A collection of articles by t h e t h r e e authors plus a few collaborators,

stressing dependency theories.

F r a n t z Fanon, Les Damnds d e l a t e r r e (Paris: Maspero, 1970, and many other editions;

in English: The Wretched of t h e Earth). The cool analytic rage of a revolutionary

psychiatrist in and of Algeria.

Ernest Gellner, Thought and Change (U. of Chicago Press, 1964).

Sandor Halebsky, Mass Society and Political Conflict. Toward a R e c o n s t r u c t i o n of

T h e o r y ( C a m b r i d g e , England: Cambridge University Press, 1976). Useful summaries

and criticisms, somewhat less useful synthesis.



Hamblin, R. Brooke Jacobsen and J e r r y L.L. Miller, A Mathematical Theory

of Social Change (New York: Wiley, 1973). M a t h e m a t i c a l l y - s p e c i f i e d m o d e l s of

diffusion and innovation applied t o a wide variety of t i m e series, including those of

conflict and violence.

Sir John Hicks, A Theory of Economic History (London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1969).

E. J. Hobsbawm, The Age of Capital, 1848-1875. (London: Weidenf e l d & Nicolson,

1975). A lucid, broadly Marxist, synthesis.

H.A. Innis, The Bias of Communication (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1951;


Seymour Martin Lipset, Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Change and Persistence

in Social Structures (Garden City: Doubleday Anchor, 1970: revised edn.). Although

t h e t i t l e leaves no territory unclaimed, t h e book actually encloses essays dealing with international differences in political systems, t h e sources of some kinds of political movements, and t h e bases of cleavage in different western countries, especially t h e United States.

C a t h a r i n a Lis a n d Hugo Soly, P o v e r t y a n d C a p i t a l i s m i n Pre-Industrial Europe.

(Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979). A r e m a r k a b l y s y s t e m a t i c a n d

well-inf or med brief synthesis.

Steven Lukes, Power: A Radical View (London: Macmillan, 1974).

Barrington Moore, Jr., Injustice. The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt. (White

P l a i n s , N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, 1979). Utterly thoughtful, deeply knowledgeable, widely


D o u g l a s C. North and Robert Paul Thomas, The Rise of t h e Western World. A New

Economic History (Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1973). An a t t e m p t t o account f o r

t h e w h o l e s w e e p of w e s t e r n political and economic experience via a neo-classical


T a l c o t t P a r s o n s , Societies: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives (Englewood

Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1966); see Nisbet (below) f o r a telling critique of this and other

ndevelopmentall' analyses.

Lucian W. Pye, Aspects of Political Development (Boston: Little, Brown, 1966).

Marshall D. Sahlins and Elman R. Service, eds., Evolution and C u l t u r e (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960).

Theodor Shanin, ed., Peasants and Peasant Society (London: Penguin, 1971).

Edward Shils, Political Development in t h e New S t a t e s (The Hague: Mouton, 1968).

Alain Touraine, La socigtg post-industrielle (Paris: Seuil, 1968).

J a n d e Vries, The Economy of Europe in a n Age of Crisis, 1600-1750 (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1976). An economic historian's prudent, clear overview.

J e f f r e y


Williamson and P e t e r H. Lindert, American Inequality. A Macroeconomic

History (New York: Academic Press. 1980).

3. Commentaries, Compendia and Reviews of Thought



Allen, ed., Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review ( ~ u r h a m : Duke University Press,


Jacques Barzun, Clio and t h e Doctors. Psycho-History, Quanto-History, and History

(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974). Acid rejection of historical innovation,


R e i n h a r d Bendix, Max Weber: An Intellectual P o r t r a i t (Garden City: Doubleday,



"Tradition and Modernity Considered," Comparative Studies in Society

and ~ i s t m (1967), 292-346. A reflective essay-review.

Elizabeth Converse, "The War of All A g a i n s t All: A R e v i e w of t h e J o u r n a l of

Conflict Resolution, 1957-1 968," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 12 (Dec., 19681, 471-

532. A convenient critical review of trends in t h e analysis of struggle.

Ralf Dahrendorf, Class and Class Conflict in a n Industrial Society (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959).


G r a e m e Duncan, Marx and Mill. Two Views of Social Conflict and Social Harmony

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973).

Emile Durkheim (Kurt Wolff, ed., with a number of critical essays by other writers),

Essays on Sociology and Philosophy (Columbus: Ohio S t a t e University Press, 1960).

G e o f f r e y Eley a n d K e i t h Nield, "Why Does Social History Ignore Politics?," Social

History, 5 (no. 2, 1980), 249-272. The content refutes t h e title, but t h e review of

recent British and German work is helpful, and s o m e of t h e criticism well-aimed.

Amitai Etzioni and Eva Etzioni, eds., Social Change (N.Y.: B a s i c Books, 1974) A


C l i n t o n F. Fink, IISome C o n c e p t u a l Difficulties in t h e Theory of Social Conflict,"

Journal of Conflict Resolution, 12 (December, 19629, 412-460. A long marking of t h e

traps theorists fall into.

Fred I. Greenstein, and Nelson Polsby, eds., Handbook of Political Science (Reading,

Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1975; 8 vols. a n d i n d e x volume). T h e E s t a b l i s h m e n t

inventories and judges itself.

R a y m o n d G r e w a n d S y l v i a Thrupp, " H o r i z o n t a l H i s t o r y i n S e a r c h of V e r t i c a l

~ i m e n s i o n s , " c o m p a r a t i v e s t u d i e s * i n S o c i e t y a n d

ist tor^,

8 (1966), 2 5 8 - 2 6 4 .

Historians1-eye view of recent writings on "development."

Ted Robert Gurr, ed., Handbook of Political Conflict (New York: F r e e Press, 1980). S t o c k - t a k i n g by r e s e a r c h e r s who h a v e b e e n heavily involved in t h e last decade's American and European work: Ted Gurr, James C. Davies, H a r r y E c k s t e i n , E k k a r t Zimmerman, and others.

Albert 0. Hirschman, "The Search for Paradigms as a Hindrance t o Understanding,"

World Politics, 22 (April, 19701, 329-343. A reflective-and sometimes acid-discussion

of recent theory and analysis of Latin American politics.

E.J. Hobsbawm et al., eds., Peasants in History. Essays in Honour of Daniel Thorner

( C a l c u t t a : O x f o r d U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1980). P e a s a n t e c o n o m y , c a p i t a l i s m , a n d . .

socialism, in historical perspective.

Richard Hofstadter, Social Darwinism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1945).

H. Stuart Hughes, Consciousness and Society


Random House, 1958) European

Michael J. Kelly, and Thomas H. Mitchell, llViolence, Internal War and Revolution: A

Select Bibliography" (Ottawa: N o r m a n P a t e r s o n School of I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f a i r s ,

. Carleton University, 1977; Bibliography Series, 3; revised version).

Reinhart Koselleck, ed., Studien zum Beginn der modernen Welt ( S t u t t g a r t: K l e t t-

C o t t a , 1977). P r o v i n g t h a t e v e n h i s t o r i a n s , who should know better, sometimes

believe i n llmodernizatior?l.

D a n i e l L e r n e r , " C o m p a r a t i v e Analysis of P r o c e s s e s of Modernization," in Horace Miner, ed., The C i t y in Modern Africa (New York: Praeger, 1967).

Michael Lowy, La thgorie d e l a revolution c h e z le jeune Marx (Paris: Maspero, 1970). A careful explication of Marxl early formulations concerning t h e revolutionization of t h e proletariat.

C. Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination (N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1959).

Wilbert' E. Moore, Social Change (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1973, 2nd edn.).

R o b e r t N i s b e t , S o c i a l C h a n g e a n d History: A s p e c t s of t h e Western Theory of

D e v e l o ~ m e n t (N.Y.: O x f o r d U n i v e r s i t v Press. 1 9 6 9 ) . V i n o r o u s c r i t i c i s m of

lldevelo~mentalirm,ll indeed of all generals theorie; of social ~ h a ; ~ e .

B e r t e l l O l l m a n , A l i e n a t i o n : Marx1s C o n c e p t i o n of Man i n C a p i t a l i s t S o c i e t y

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 197 1).

Talcott Parsons, The Structure of Social Action (N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1937; reprinted

by F r e e Press, 1949). Parson's vision of t h e convergence of Durkheim, Pareto, Weber, and many others on t h e llaction f r a m e of referencest1.

L u c a P e r r o n e a n d Erik Olin Wright, "Lo S t a t o nella teoria politica funzionalista e

Marxista-strutt~ralista,~~ Studi di Sociologia, 1 1 (1 973), 365-424.

S t e i n Rokkan, I1Models and Methods in t h e Comparative Study of Nation Building," A c t a Sociologica, 12 (1 9691, 52-73.

William H. Shaw, Marx1s Theory of History (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1978).

Marx comes off as more of a technological determinist than most people will find

plausible at first blush, but Shaw certainly makes a case for his proposition that, in

Marx, r e l a t i o n s of p r o d u c t i o n ( t h e m s e l v e s d e f i n e d by t h e c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n

o w n e r s h i p , a n d work) a r e a d i r e c t consequence of forces of production (i.e. labor

power x means of production).

Charles Tilly, "Clio and Minerva," in John C. McKinney and Edward Tiryakian, eds.,

Theoretical Sociology (New Y ork: Appleton-Century-Crof ts, 1970). A review of t h e

a ~ ~ l i c a t i o n of s v s t e m a t i c s o c i a l t h e o r v t o h i s t o r i c a l materials.



Sb'ciology ~ e e t s - H i s t o r y ( N e w York: A c a d e m i c P r e s s , 1981). ~ x ~ l o r a t i o n ;


statemaking, t h e development of capitalism, collective action, and t h e interaction of sociology with history.

Adam U l a m , T h e U n f i n i s h e d R e v o l u t i o n ( N e w York: Random House, 1960). The


Immanuel Wallerstein, ed., Social Change: The Colonial Situation (New York: Wiley, 1966). A reader.

4. Detecting and Indexing Social Change and i t s Consequences

William 0. Aydelotte, Quantification i n H i s t o r y ( R e a d i n g , Mass.: Addison-Wesley,

1971). A senior quantifier makes his prudent case.

William 0. Aydelotte, Allan Bogue, a n d R o b e r t Fogel, eds., T h e D i m e n s i o n s of

Q u a n t i t a t i v e R e s e a r c h i n H i s t o r y ( P r i n c e t o n : P r i n c e t o n University Press, 1972). Samples of current work, with discussions of their problems.

E d w a r d A z a r , a n d J o s e p h Ben-Dak, eds., Theory and Practice of Events Research

(New York: Gordon a n d B r e a c h , 1973). T e c h n i c a l p a p e r s d e a l i n g w i t h a l m o s t

exclusively with international relations (e.g., event = diplomatic interchange).

Helmut Berding, ed., "Wege der neuen Sozial- und Wirtschafts~eschichte," special issue


of Ceschichte Gnd desell&haft, 6 (no. 1, 1980).

Heinrich Best and Reinhard Mann, eds., Q u a n t i t a t i v e M e t h o d e n in d e r h i s t o r i s c h -

s o z i a l v ~ i s s e n s c h a f t l i c h e n Forschung (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1977). Review, from a

German perspective but quite international in scope, of q u a n t i t a t i v e a p p r o a c h e s t o history and social change.

J e a n - C l a u d e C h e s n a i s , L e s m o r t s violentes e n France depuis 1826. Comparaisons

internationales (Paris: Presses Universitaires d e F r a n c e , 1976). INED, T r a v a u x et

Documents, Cahier 75. A demographer's t r e a t m e n t of a tough topic.

J e r o m e Clubb and Erwin K. Scheuch, eds., Historical Social Research. The Use of

Historical and Process-Produced Data (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1980).

Colloque d e 1'Ecole Normale Superieure d e St. Cloud, LIHistoire sociale. Sources et

mgthodes (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1967).

Ralph W. Conant and Molly Apple Levin, eds., Problems in Research on Community

V i o l e n c e (New York: Praeger, 1969). Methodological essays by Spiegel, Rossi and

Tilly; includes an earlier version of this very bibliography.

F r e d C o t t r e l l , E n e r g y a n d S o c i e t y (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955). Changes in

energy transformation as t h e key t o almost everything.

P h i l l i p s C u t r i g h t , " N a t i o n a l P o l i t i c a l . D e v e l o p m e n t : Measurement and Analysis,"

American Sociological Review, 28 (1963), 253-264.

P h y l l i s D e a n e a n d W.A. C o l e , B r i t i s h E c o n o m i c G r o w t h , 1688-1959 (Cambridge:

University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics, Monographs, 8; 2d. edn.).

Description and quantitative material. A sourcebook.

William Flanigan a n d Edwin F o g e l m a n , " P a t t e r n s of P o l i t i c a l D e v e l o p m e n t a n d

D e m o c r a t i z a t i o n : A Q u a n t i t a t i v e A n a l y ~ i s , ~ ~ i n J o h n V. Gillespie and Betty A.

Nesvold, eds., Macro-Quantitative Analysis (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1971).


W.W. Norton, 1972). A critical state-of-the-art review.

P.E.H. Hair, " D e a t h s f r o m Violence i n Britain: A T e n t a t i v e S e c u l a r Sur vey,I1

Population Studies, 25 (1 97 I), 5-24.

Alvin J a c o bsen, I1Some Theoretical and Methodological Considerations for Measuring Intrasocietal Conflict," Sociological Methods and Research, 1 (19731, 439-461.

M i c h a e l Kidron a n d R o n a l d Segal, T h e S t a t e of t h e World Atlas (London: Pluto

PressINew York:Simon & Schuster, 1981). Did you ever stop t o think how capitalist

and s t a t i s t most atlases a r e ? I didn't, until I s a w this one. Instead of GNPIcapita

and t h e like, i t shows nuclear armament, international arms sales, migrant workers,

c r i m e rates, and other seamy statistics of t h e contemporary world.

Mervyn A. King, "Economic G r o w t h a n d S o c i a l D e v e l o p m e n t : A S t a t i s t i c a l

I n ~ e s t i g a t i o n , ' ~ Review of Income and Wealth 20 (Sept. 1974), 251-272.

Ju"rgen Kocka, S o z i a l g e s c h i c h t e . Begriff


E n t w i c k l u n g


P r o b l e m e ( ~ ' d t t i n g e n :

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977). A leading German practitioner reflects on social

history as a discipline.

L e s z e k Kosinski, T h e P o p u l a t i o n of Europe: A Geographical Perspective (London:

Longman, 1970).

Simon Kuznets, Modern Economic Growth: Rate, Structure, and Spread (New Haven:

Yale University Press, 1966). An important compendium and synthesis.

P e t e r L a s l e t t , ed., Household a n d F a m i l y i n Past T i m e (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1972). A big compendium organized around variations in household

s i z e in western countries since t h e fifteenth century.

Jacques Le Goff and Pierre Nora, eds., Faire d e l'histoire (Paris: Gallimard, 1974). Three volumes of advice and commentary on historical practice.

Val Lorwin and Jacob M. Price, eds., The Dimensions of t h e P a s t (New Haven: Yale

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1972). A c o m p e n d i u m of sources and methods for quantitative

history, across t h e world.

R o b e r t M. Marsh, C o m p a r a t i v e Sociology (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World,

1967). A careful look at t h e actual use and misuse of systematic comparison on t h e

l a r g e scale in sociology.

P e t e r D. McClelland, Causal Explanation and Model Building in History, Economics,

and t h e New Economic History (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1975). Explication

a n d c r i t i q u e .

Richard L. Meier, A Communications Theory of Urban Growth (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1962). A quickly and provocatively sketched a r g u m e n t which carries with i t all s o r t s

R i c h a r d L. M e r r i t t a n d S t e i n Rokkan, eds., C o m p a r i n g Nations: T h e U s e of


B.R. M i t c h e l l , E u r o p e i n Historical Statistics 1750-1970 ( ~ e w York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1975). Careful, comparable, comprehensive collection.

Roger Mols, Introduction l a ddmographie historique d e s villes dlEurope du XIVe au

XVIIIe siscle (Louvain: Universite d e Louvain. 1 954-1 956: 3 vols). Invaluable for d a t a



but a l o t of work t o use.

Oskar Morgenstern, On t h e Accuracy of Economic Observations (Princeton: Princeton

U.P., 1965). Although written by a leading mathematical economist, it c o u l d h a v e

been called: On t h e




P a u l J. ~ i i l l e r , ed., Die Analyse prozess-produzierter Daten (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta,

1977). As you h a v e d e t e c t e d . l l ~ r o c e s s - ~ r o d u c e d d a t a " i s a G e r m a n n a m e f o r

i n t e l l i g i b l e of soci& ioutines, ' ~ e r m a n historians a r e much interested in

systematizing their use, and Klett-Cotta does a l o t of t h e German publishing o n . t h e


F r a n k Munger, "Measuring Repression of Popular Protest by English Justices of t h e P e a c e in t h e Industrial Revolution," Historical Methods, 12 (1979), 76-83.

Stein Rokkan, ed., Comparative Research Across Cultures and Nations (Paris: Mouton,

1968). Less on specific countries and research programs, more on general problems

of comparison, than t h e Merritt and Rokkan collection above.

J.C. R u s s e l l , L a t e A n c i e n t a n d Medieval P o p u l a t i o n ( P h i l a d e l p h i a : A m e r i c a n P h i l o s o p h i c a l Society; Transactions of t h e American Philosophical Society, n.s., vol. 48, p a r t 3, 1958). A compilation of available estimates with documentation.

E l e a n o r B e r n e r t Sheldon a n d Wilbert E. Moore, eds., Indicators of Social Change

(N.Y.: Russell Sage Foundation, 1968). A huge compendium.

F r a n c o i s Simiand, Le salaire, Itevolution sociale et la monnaie (Paris: Alcan, 19321,

vol. 111. Once a g r e a t influence on econometric studies, now less v a l u a b l e f o r i t s

theory than for i t s method and data.

Hans-Christof Graf Sponeck, ed., Methodische Probleme bei der Entwicklungslander-

forschung m i t besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Stichprobenauswahl (Berlin: D u n c k e r

and Humboldt, 1968).

Arthur L. Stinchcombe, Theoretical Methods in Social History (New York: Academic

Press, 1978). A controversial reconstruction, concentrating on t h e work of Trotsky,

Tocqueville, Smelser, and Bendix.

Traian Stoianovitch, French Historical Method. The Annales Paradigm (Ithaca: Cornell

University Press, 1976). In praise of Braudel and his collaborators.

D a n Usher, T h e Measurement of Economic Growth (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1980). Sustained, thoughtful working out of t h e implications of taking utilities, changing life

expectancies, and other complexities seriously in a theoretically-informed process of


Charles Wilson and Geoffrey Parker, eds., An Introduction t o t h e Sources of European

Economic History, 1500-1800 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1977). Just t h a t , and


E.A. Wrigley, ed., I d e n t i f y i n g P e o p l e of t h e Past (London: Edward Arnold, 1972). Mainly t h e technical problems of "nominal record. linkage": building up useable files on

individuals. from diverse historical materials, for collective biography. 9 ed-,

Nineteenth-Century Society: Essays in t h e Use of Quantitative Methods for t h e Study

of Social D a t a (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972).


Po ulation

European style.


and History (N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1969). An introduction t o h i s t o r i c a l d e m o g r a p y,

5. The Rise and Fall of S t a t e s and Systems of S t a t e s

Stanislav Andreski, Military Organization and Society (Berkeley: Univ. of Cal. Press,

1968). A dense, neologistic, propositional argument about t h e correlates of different

kinds of military arrangements.

Gabriel Ardant, Histoire d e 11imp6t (Paris: Fayard, 1971-1972; 2 vols.). A sweeping

and provocative general history of taxation.

B e r t r a n d B a d i e a n d P i e r r e Birnbaum, Sociologie d e l l E t a t (Paris: Bernard Grasset,

1979). R e t h i n k i n g p o l i t i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t a ) by r e j e c t i n g d e v e l o p m e n t a l a n d

evolutionary accounts of t h e state and b) drawing heavily on historical analyses.


Reinhard Bendix, Nation-Building and Citizenship (New Y ork: Wile y


1 964). Varied

essays within a Weberian comparative mode. Revised edition: California paperback,


A l b e r t B e r g e s e n , ed., S t u d i e s of t h e Modern World-System (New York: Academic

Press, 1980). A good sampling of recent American work, s o m e of i t quite distant

from Wallersteinls conception of t h e task.

P i e r r e Birnbaum, " S t a t e s , i d e o l o g i e s a n d c o l l e c t i v e a c t i o n i n Western Europe,I1

International Social Science Journal, 32 (19801, 671-686.


"State, C e n t r e and

Bureaucracy," Government and Opposition, 16 (1981), 57-77. S t a t e and civil society in

France vs. Britain: a set piece, well done.

Kenneth E. Boulding, ed., P e a c e and t h e War Industry (Chicago: Aldine, 1970; Trans-

Action Book). Lively and pointed essays from t h e popsoc magazine Trans-Action.

A l f r e d Cobban, T h e Nation S t a t e and National Self-Determination (London: Collins,

1969; Fontana Library; f i r s t published in 1945). A distinguished historian's analysis of

t h e emergence of "sovereignty."

Ronald Cohen and Elman R. Service, eds., Origins of t h e State: The Anthropology of

Political Evolution (Philadelphia: Institute for t h e Study of Human Issues, 1978). A

handy introduction t o a large literature.

Robert A. Dahl, "Governments and Political opposition^,^^ in Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson Polsby, eds., Handbook of Political Science (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, Vol. 111, 1975).

M o r t o n H. F r i e d , T h e E v o l u t i o n of P o l i t i c a l S o c i e t y : An Essay in P o l i t i c a l '


Edward Fueter, Geschichte des europajschen Staatensystems von 1492-1559 (Osnabriick: Zeller Verlag; reprint of 1919 edition, 1972).

William A. Camson and Andre Modigliani, Untangling t h e Cold War (Boston: Little, Brown, 197 1). An ingenious analysis of mutual misperception.

Johan Caltung, "A Structural Theory of Imperialism," The African Review, 1 (1972),


Alvin W. Gouldner, ed., "Special Double Issue on S t a t e and R e v ~ l u t i o n , ~ ~ Theory and



7 (nos. 1 & 2, 1979). A fine introduction t o r e c e n t w o r k on states a n d


r e v 0 u t i o n s , w i t h c o n t r i b u t i o n s by C o u l d n e r , Theda Skocpol, James Scott, Walter

Goldf rank, and others.

Raymond Crew, ed., Crises of Political Development in Europe and t h e United S t a t e s

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978). The l a s t of those f a m o u s S t u d i e s i n

Political Development, this onec much more historical, and less decisive, than most.

Eli Heckscher, Mercantilism (London: Allen and Unwin, 1962; 2d edn.). The standard

s t a t e m e n t on t h e v a r i o u s e c o n o m i c policies historically associated with t h e rising

states in t h e west.

O t t o Hintze, S t a a t und Verfassung (G'dttingen: Vandenhoeck and- Ruprecht, 1962; 2d

edn.). One of t h e most important s t a t e m e n t s f r o m t h e German "historical school1' of

half a century ago.

I r v i n g Louis H o r o w i t z , T h r e e Worlds of Development: The Theory and P r a c t i c e of

International Stratification (New Y ork: Oxford University Press, 1966).

Michael Howard, ed., Soldiers and Governments (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1959). See especially his introduction.

Kung-Chuan Hsiao, Rural China: Imperial Control in t h e Nineteenth Century (Seattle:

University of Washington Press, 1960). A detailed study of some crucial mechanisms

in the survival of a vast empire.

Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies (New Haven: Yale Univ.

P r e s s , 1968). A set of c l o s e l y - r e l a t e d e s s a y s p r e s e n t i n g o n e of t h e c l e a r e r

conceptions of "political developmentn.

Morris Janowitz, The Military in t h e Political Development of New Nations (Chicago:

University of Chicago Press, 1964). A brief, dense, analytic essay concentrating on

t h e military themselves rather than on t h e systems which produce or nurture them.

Kyung-Won Kim, Revolution and International System: A Study in t h e Breakdown of

International Security (New York: N.Y.U. Press, 1970). Deals with t h e warmaking of

t h e revolutionary French, in one of t h e f e w a t t e m p t s we have t o relate rigorously

domestic politics and international conflict via r e a l cases.

Lawrence Krader, Formation of t h e S t a t e (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968). An

anthropologist's synthesis.

E k k e h a r t Krippendorff, "The S t a t e as a Focus of P e a c e Research," Peace Research


Evan Luard, Conflict and P e a c e in .the Modern International System (Boston: Little,

Brown, 1968). A u s e f u l , s k e p t i c a l s u r v e y of b a l a n c e s of p o w e r a n d r e l a t e d


J o s e Antonio Maravall, Estado Moderno y mentalidad social siglos XV a XVII (Madrid:

Ediciones de la Revista d e Occidente; 2 vols, 1972).

T.H. Marshall, Citizenship and Social Class (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1950). One of t h e outstanding s t a t e m e n t s of t h e view t h a t t h e modern state tends

increasingly t o equalize its citizens and draw them into political life.

John W. Meyer and Michael T. Hannan, eds., National Development a n d t h e World

System. Educational, Economic, and Political Change, 1950-1970 (Chicago: University

of Chicago Press, 1979). The Stanford branch of world-system a n a l y s i s r e p o r t s i n

with large quantitative studies.

J.P. N e t t 1 a n d R o l a n d R o b e r t s o n , International Systems and t h e Modernization of

Societies: The Formation of National Goals and Attitudes (London: Faber and Faber,

1 9 6 8 ) . A p a i n s t a k i n g t h e o r e t i c a l a n a l y s i s s u p p o r t e d by e x a m p l e s b u t n o t by

s y s t e m a t i c analysis of data; probably more valuable f o r i t s review of t h e literature than for i t s synthesis.

J.S. Nye, Peace in Parts: Integration and Conflict in Regional Organization (Boston:

Little, Brown, 1971). A survey of various s o r t s of international political g r o u p i n g s

and t h e conditions for their viability.

J a m e s OtConnor, The Fiscal Crisis of t h e S t a t e (N.Y.: St. Martin's, 1973). Marxist

analysis of t h e role and activity of t h e state in capitalism.

G.A. O'Donnell, Modernizacion y autoritarismo (Buenos Aires: Paidos, 1972). General

analysis of t h e emergence of "bureaucratic-authoritarian" regimes, especially in Latin America.

Christian Palloix, L'Economie mondiale capitaliste (Paris: MaspCro, 197 1; 2 vols.). A

survey of t h e capitalist world-system and of recent writings about it.

Nicos Poulantzas, Political Power and Social Classes (London: New L e f t Books, 1973).

Anatol Rapoport, The Big Two: Soviet-American Perceptions of Foreign Policy (New York: Pegasus, 197 1).

B r u c e M. R u s s e t t , What P r i c e Vigilance? The Burdens of National Defense (New

Haven: Yale University Press, 1970). A careful, concerned, q u a n t i t a t i v e s t u d y of . -

American military expenditures and i t s effects.

I. Schapera, Government and Politics in Tribal Societies (London: Watts, 1956). An

anthropologist's reflections on African government before and beside colonialism.

Theodor Schieder, Zum Problem des Staatenpluralismus in der moderner Welt (Cologne: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1969).

Mildred A. Schwartz, Politics and Territory. The Sociology of Regional Persistence in


E d m o n d - P i e r r e S e e l d r a y e r s , L e s Composants d e 1'Etat moderne (Brussels: Librairie

~ n c ~ c l o ~ 6 d i ~ u e , 1958). An analysis of t h e i n t e r p e n e t r a t i o n of states a n d o t h e r

organizations around them.

J o s e p h S t r a y e r , T h e M e d i e v a l O r i g i n s of t h e Modern S t a t e (Princeton: Princeton

University Press, 1970). An outstanding medieval historian s t e p s back t o survey t h e

e n t i r e field.


Medieval s t a t e c r a f t and t h e Perspectives of History (Princeton:

University Press, 1971). More specialized essays on t h e s a m e themes.

D a n i e l T a r s c h y s , Beyond t h e S t a t e . T h e F u t u r e P o l i t y i n Classical and Soviet

Marxism (Stockholm: L a r o m e d e l s f o r l a g e n , 1971; Swedish S t u d i e s i n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Relations, 3).

G o r a n T h e r b o r n , What D o e s t h e Ruling Class Do When i t Rules? (London: NLB,

1978). If you don't like t h e title, you won't like t h e book; it's a thoughtful, widely-

d o c u m e n t e d , u l t i m a t e l y i n c o n c l u s i v e p a i r of essays on a) t h e dictatorship of t h e

proletariat, and b) states and class power.

C h a r l e s Tilly, ed., The Formation of National S t a t e s in Western Europe (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1975). 'A collection of papers, concerning Europe since 1500, w h i c h e m p h a s i z e s e x t r a c t i o n a n d c o n t r o l w h i l e q u e s t i o n i n g s t a n d a r d p o l i t i c a l development schemes.

Immanuel ' Wallerstein, The Modern World System (New York: Academic Press, 1974,

1980). 2 volumes t o date. First t w o of a projected series of volumes portraying t h e

b i r t h a n d s p r e a d of t h e c a p i t a l i s t world-system. T h e s e volumes: sixteenth and

seventeenth centuries.

R o b e r t P a u l Wolff, In D e f e n s e of A n a r c h i s m ( N e w York: Harper & Row, 1970).

Criticizing claims f o r t h e moral and political authority of' t h e state, Wolff arrives, by

elimination, at philosophical anarchism.

6. The European Experience in Making S t a t e s

Eugene N. Anderson and Pauline R. Anderson, Political Institutions and Social Change in Continental Europe in t h e Nineteenth Century (Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of Cal. Press, 1967). A well-packed handbook, subject by subject, period by period.

Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity t o Feudalism (London: NLB, 1974).

Louis ~ n d r 6 , Michel Le Tellier et I'organisation d e ltarm6e monarchique (Paris: Alcan,

1906). About t h e g r e a t army-builders of France.

J o h n A. A r m s t r o n g , T h e E u r o p e a n A d m i n i s t r a t i v e E l i t e ( P r i n c e t o n : P r i n c e t o n University Press, 1973). Theoretical and historical analysis.

Trevor Aston, ed., Crisis in Europe (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965). A brief

compendium of t h e most important papers concerning t h e alleged general crisis of t h e seventeenth century.

Jean Baechler, Les origines du capitalisme (Paris: Gallimard, 197 1).


University Press, 1963). Conflict and protest in a n important period f o r t h e English state. First published in 1938.

J e r o m e Blum, T h e End of t h e Old O r d e r i n R u r a l Europe (Princeton: Princeton

University Press, 1978). A sweeping s u r v e y of t h e e m e r g e n c e of a r u r a l world

dominated by capitalism and large states.

J o h n B r e w e r , P a r t y Ideology a n d Popular Politics at t h e Accession of George I11

(Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1976). Includes a rich, reflective

analysis of popular politics in London and i t s implicit political theory.

Galen Broeker, R u r a l D i s o r d e r a n d P o l i c e R e f o r m i n I r e l a n d , 1812-36 (London:

Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970).

Raymond Carr, Spain, 1808-1939 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966). One of t h e best of t h e standard histories.

F.L. C a r s t e n . T h e Orinins of Prussia (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954). One of t h e

basic state-making expeFiences, well analyzed. S e e a l s o h i s


R i s e of F a c i s m

(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967) f o r l a t e r developments.

Brian Chapman, Police S t a t e (London: Pall Mall, 1970).

P i e r r e C h a u n u , L a civilisation d e llEurope classique (Paris: Arthaud, 1970). In t h e

s a m e genre as Braudel's glossy book above, but worth reading f o r Chaunuls Atlantic


C h i r o t , D a n i e l , Social Change in a Peripheral Society (New York: Academic Press,

1976). The long-run history of a European periphery, Wallachia.

Sir George Clark, "The Social Foundations of States," in F.L. Carsten, ed.,

- -

The New

Cambridge Modern History. V. The Ascendancy of France, 1648-88 (Cambridge: The

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1969), 176-197. A good summary essay on a pivotal period for

European s t a t e m a k i n g . T h e New C a m b r i d g e M o d e r n H i s t o r y as a w h o l e is a n

excellent resource for facts, interpretations and bibliographies.

Alfred Cobban, The Social Interpretation of t h e French Revolution (Cambridge: T h e

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1964). Sometimes wrong-headed, nevertheless often telling in i t s

criticism of twentieth-century class-struggle interpretations of t h e Revolution.

J.P. Cooper, "Differences between English and Continental Governments in t h e Early Seventeenth Century" i n J.S. Bromley a n d E.H. K o s s m a n , eds., B r i t a i n a n d t h e

Netherlands (London: C h a t t o & Windus, 19601,

P.J. Coveney, ed., France in Crisis, 1620-1675 (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield,

1977), Standard t e x t s on seventeenth-century conflicts and changes, translated and

i n t r o d u c e d

F.O. D a r vall, P o p u l a r D i s t u r b a n c e s and Public Order in Regency England (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1934).


G e r a l d D. F e l d m a n , Army, I n d u s t r y and Labor in Germany, 1914-1918 (Princeton:

Princeton University Press, 1966). How another military-industrial complex operated,

and dealt with war:

R .D. Grillo, "Nation" and "State" in Europe. Anthropological Perspectives (London:

Academic Press, 1980). How European s t a t e s i n t e r a c t with ethnic m i n o r i t i e s , p o o r

regions, and social change.

Bernard ~ u ' e n g e , "Y a-t-il un E t a t des XIVe et XVe si$cles?" Annales; Economies,

~ocigte's, Civilisations 26 (March-April, 19711, 399-406.

E.V. Hamilton, "Origin and Growth of t h e National Debt in France and England," in

Studi in onore di Gino Luzzato (Milan: Giuffre, 1950). 11, 245-258. War and

Prices in Spain, 1650-1 800 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 19-ne of t h e

most influential early s t a t e m e n t s of t h e t h e m e of dominant economic cycles closely t i e d t o changes in t h e European money supply.

Douglas Hay, et al., Albion's Fatal Tree. C r i m e and Society in Eighteenth-Century

E n n l a n d (New York: Pantheon. 1975). Essavs on crime. r e ~ r e s s i o n and t h e use of

Y - r .

legal means t o hold back t h e working classes. a

M i c h a e l H e c h t e r , I n t e r n a l Colonialism. T h e C e l t i c F r i n g e i n B r i t i s h National

Development, 1536, 1966 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975).

M a r t i n 0. H e i s l e r , ed., P o l i t i c s i n Europe. S t r u c t u r e s a n d Processes in Some

Postindustrial Democracies (New, York: David McKay, 1974). A loosely collaborative

e f f o r t to work out connections between national policy and international relations.

Christopher Hill, The C e n t u r y of R e v o l u t i o n , 1603-1 7 1 4 (London: Nelson, 1966). Mildly Marxist analysis of seventeenth-century England, including i t s revolutions.

R.H. Hilton, ed., The Transition from Feudalism t o Capitalism (London: Verso, 1978).

S w e e z y , Dobb, Hobsbawm,




t h e g r e a t B r i t i s h d e b a t e a n d t h e g r e a t British

debaters, neatly edited by one of t h e major participants.

A.H. John, "Wars and t h e British Economy, 1700-1763," Economic History Review, 2d

series, 7 (1955), 329-344.

Tom Kemp, Industrialization in Nineteenth-Century Europe

ondo don:

Longmans, 1978).

A good short treatment.

V.G. Kiernan, "State and Nation in Western Europe," P a s t and Present 31, (1965) 20- 38.

Stein Kuhnle, Social Mobilization and Political Participation: The Nordic Countries, c.

1850-1970 (Bergen: Institute of Sociology, 1973).

Miguel Angel Ladero Quesada, "Les finances royales d e Castille


l a veille des temps

modernes," Annales; Economies, Socigtgs, Civilisations 25 (1970), 775-788.

P e t e r Laslett, "Market Society and Political Theory," The Historical Journal, 7 (1964),

150-154. A critique of C. B. Macpherson.


Cambridge University Press, 1968). A Russian scholar t r i e s her s u r e hand at criticism and synthesis of t h e available wisdom concerning t h e early s e v e n t e e n t h c e n t u r y i n France.

Alf ~ G d t k e , "Genesis und D u r c h s e t z u n g des 'modernen Staatesl. Zur Analyse von

H e r r s c h a f t und Verwaltung," A r c h i v f u r S o z i a l g e s c h i c h t e , 2 0 (1980), 4 7 0 - 4 9 1 . Intelligent review and critique of recent work' on European statemaking.

C.B. Macpherson, The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism (Oxford: Clarendon

P r e s s , 1962). A p e n e t r a t i n g discussion of t h e connections among individualistic

philosophy, liberal constitutions and capitalistic markets. (See t h e critique by Laslett


Arthur Marwick. War and Social Chanee in t h e Twentieth Centurv. A C o m ~ a r a t i v e

Study of ~ritain', France, Germany, ~ u & i a and t h e United states

ondo don:

~ a c m i l l a n ,

1974). Concludes t h a t war stimulated many changes, some of them beneficial.

John Merriman, The Agony of t h e Republic (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978).

The "agonyf1 being Louis Napoleon's snuffing o u t of republican institutions, 1848-1 851. - -


ed., ~ o ~ s c i o u s n e s s - a n d Class ~ x ~ e r i e n c e in Nineteenth-century Europe (New

York: Holmes & Meier, 1979). Social historians dealing with sticky issues in France -

and elsewhere.

L e w i s N a m i e r , T h e S t r u c t u r e of Politics at t h e Accession of George I11 (London:

M a c m i l l a n , 1957; 2d edn.). A c l a s s i c of N a m i e r i s m , a.k.a. p r o s o p o g r a p h i c a l


J o h n U. Nef, I n d u s t r y a n d Government in France and England, 1540-1640 (Ithaca:

Cornell University Press, 1965; f i r s t p u b l i s h e d i n 1940). Brief a n d s t i m u l a t i n g

comparisons of t w o g r e a t powers-in-the-making.

Eric A. Nordlinger, Conflict R e g u l a t i o n i n D i v i d e d S o c i e t i e s ( C a m b r i d g e , Mass.: H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y C e n t e r f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f a i r s . 1972: Occasional Parxrs in

International ~ f f a i r s , 29).

A l a n T u r n e r P e a c o c k and J a c k Wiseman, The Growth of Public Expenditure in t h e

United Kingdom (London: Allen & Unwin, 1967; 2d edn.).

Henri Pirenne, Early Democracies in t h e Low Countries (New York: Harper & Row,

1963; originally published in 1915). One of t h e lesser works of one of t h e masters.

J.H. Plumb, T h e G r o w t h of P o l i t i c a l S t a b i l i t y i n England, 1675-1725 (London:

Macmillan, 1967). Take t h e t i t l e at i t s full meaning: a n a n a l y s i s of how s t a b l e

government arrived in England a f t e r a period of enormous instability.

Gianfranco Poggi, The Development of t h e Modern State. A Sociological Introduction

(Stanford: S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1978). Basically, w h a t d i s t i n g u i s h e s t h e

nineteenth-century constitutional state from i t s predecessors.

~ k ~ i n e Robin, "La n a t u r a d e l l o s t a t o a l l a fine dell1 (Ancien Regime) Formazione

sociale, state e transizione," Studi storici 14 (No. 3) (1973) 642-669. S t a t e of t h e

question; not really s o much about t h e state as about power structure.


1660- 1 8 1 5 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958). The standard general work about t h e origins of t h e nineteenth-century bureaucratic state.

T h o r s t e i n Veblen, I m p e r i a l G e r m a n y a n d t h e I n d u s t r i a l R e v o l u t i o n (Ann Arbor,

University of Michigan Press, 1966; f i r s t published in 1915). Veblen is always worth

reading (do you know his sardonic work on American universities?), and here h e gives us important insight into statism and capitalism.

Jacob Viner, "Power versus Plenty as Objectives of Foreign Policy, in t h e Seventeenth

and Eighteenth Centuries," World Politics, 1 (19481, 1-29.

G wyn W. Williams, A r t i s a n s a n d Sans-Culottes: Popular Movements in France and

Britain during t h e French Revolution (London: Arnold, 1968). A convenient, compact,

competent review of a disorderly literature.

7. Urbanization. Industrialization and Related Processes

REMINDER: S e e "A Selected Bibliography on Communities, Cities and Urbanization

f o r much fuller listings. This set emphasizes European experience.

Wilhelm Abel, G e s c h i c h t e der deutschen Landwirtschaft vom fr'6her Mittelalter bis

zum 19. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: Ulmer, 1967; 2d. eds.). S t a n d a r d w o r k f u l l of

s t a t i s t i c a l m a t e r i a l , g r a p h s , maps, r e f e r e n c e s .


M a s s e n a r m u t und

Hungerkrisen im vorindustriellen Europa. Versuch einer Synopsis (Hamburg & Berlin:

Paul Parey, 1974). Thorough but t e n t a t i v e chronology of European subsistence crises

of t h e 16th and 18th centuries, by J e a n Meuvretls only rival in this sort of analysis.


P a u l Bairoch, " S t r u c t u r e d e l a p o p u l a t i o n a c t i v e mondiale (1700-1900)," Annales;

Economies, Soci6t&, Civilisations 26 (1 971), 960-976.


llEuropels G r o s s

n a t i o n a l P r o d u c t , 1800- 1975,11 The Journal of European Economic History 5 (19761,



Taille des villes, conditions d e vie et developpement $conomique

(Paris: EcoTe des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1977).

Paul Bairoch and J.-M. Limbor, "Changes in t h e Industrial Distribution of t h e World

Labour Force, by Region, 1880-1 960,11 International Labor Review 98 (1 968), 31 1-336.

Georges Balandier, ed., Les implications sociales d e s progrks techniques (Paris: Presses

U n i v e r s i t a i r e s d e France, 1962). O n e of those UNESCO symposia with s t a t e m e n t s

from all t h e big guns.

Francisco Benet, llSociology Uncertain: The Ideology of t h e Rural-Urban Continuum,ll

Comparative Studies in Society and History, 6 (19631, 1-23; a dense review-essay, full

of strongly-stated opinions.

P e t e r Borscheid, T e x t i l a r b e i t e r s c h a f t i n d e r Industrialisierung. Soziale Lage und

Mobilitst in Wurttemberg (19. Jahrhundert) (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1978).

E s t e r Boserup, T h e C o n d i t i o n s of Agricultural Growth (London: George Allen and

Unwin, 1965). An influential s t a t e m e n t p u t t i n g u n u s u a l e m p h a s i s on p o p u l a t i o n



Princeton University Press, 1978).

G e r a l d B r e e s e , U r b a n i z a t i o n i n Newly D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s (Englewood Cliffs:

PrincetowHall, 1966). Not really s a t i s f a c t o r y as a s y n t h e s i s , b u t t h e b e s t


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dlhorizon we have in English.

D a n i e l C h i r o t , Social Change in t h e Twentieth Century (New York: Harcourt Brace

Jovanovich, 1977). Contemporary history seen from t h e perspective of t h e capitalist


C a r l o C i p o l l a , The Economic History of World Population (Harmondsworth: Penguin,

1962). ' A masterlv work of s ~ e c i f i c a t i o n and c o n d e n s a t i o n . l i k e his L i t e r a c y a n d

~ e v e l o ~ m e n t in tie West, in t'he s a m e series.


ed., The Fontana ~ c o n o m i c

History of Europe (London: Collins, 1972). Vol. 3: The Industrial Revolution; Vol. 4:

The e m e r g e n c e of Industrial Societies. Highly competent and informative reviews of

major topics and countries. .

. J o h n C l a r k e , C h a s C r i t c h e r , a n d R i c h a r d J o h n s o n , eds., Working-Class Culture.

Studies in History and Theory (London: Hutchinson, 1979). Essays, o f t e n p o l e m i c a l

and always thought-provoking, about Britain since 1790.

L.A. Clarkson, The Pre-Industrial Economy i n E n g l a n d , 1500-1750 (London: B.T. Batsford, 1971). One of t h e best short summaries.

Ansley C o d e , "The Decline of Fertility i n Europe f r o m t h e F r e n c h R e v o l u t i o n t o

World War


in S.J. Behrman et al., eds., Fertility and Family Planning (Ann Arbor:

University of Michigan Press, 1969).


Robin Cohen, P e t e r C.W. Gutkind, and Phyllis Brazier, eds., Peasants and Proletarians.

The Struggles of Third World Workers (London: Hutchinson, 1979). A g a t h e r i n g of

concrete studies from throughout t h e poor parts of t h e world.

Kingsley Davis, "The Origin and Growth of Urbanization i n t h e World,ll A m e r i c a n Journal of Sociology, 60 (1955), 429-437.

M a r i a n n e Debouzy, "Aspects du temps industriel aux Etats-Unis au dgbut du XIXe si6cle," Cahiers Internationaux d e Sociologie 67 (1979), 197-220.

M a u r i c e Dobb, S t u d i e s i n t h e Development of ,Capitalism (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1963; revised edition). One of t h e Marxist standards.

Michael Drake, Pop (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 19 tion in Industrialization

(London: Methuen, 1969).

J o h n D. Durand, "The Modern Expansion of World Population," Proceedings of t h e

American Philosophical Society, 1 11 (1 9671, 136- 159.

R i c h a r d A. Easterlin, "Why Isn't t h e Whole World Developed?" Journal of Economic

History 41 (March, 19811, 1-19.

E c o l e P r a t i q u e d e s H a u t e s Etudes, Villages d6sertCs et histoire kconomique, XIVe-

XVIIIe sizcle (Paris: SEVPEN, 1965). A fascinating farrago of papers dealing with


Wolfram Fischer, llSocial Tensions and Early Stages of Industrialization," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 9 (19661, 64-83; a review and a t t e m p t e d s y n t h e s i s .

C f . his m u c h m o r e c o n c e n t r a t e d "Das d e u t s c h e Handwerk in den ~ r h p h a s e n der

Industrialisierung," Zeitschrift fiir die g e s a m m t e Staatswissenschaft 120 (1964), 686- 71 2.

M i c h a e l W. Flinn, T h e European Demographic System, 1500-1820 (Baltimore: Johns

Hopkins University Press, 1981). Well-documented and p r u d e n t s u r v e y - s y n t h e s i s of

changes in fertility, mortality, and nuptiality.

Richard T. Gill, Economic Development, P a s t and Present (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-

Hall, 1967, 2d edn.). A h a n d y l i t t l e summary of development economics from a

historical perspective,

R.M. H a r t w e l l , llEconomic C h a n g e i n England a n d Europe, 1789-1830," in C.W.

Crawley, ed., The New Cambridge Modern History. X. War and P e a c e in a n Age of

U p h e a v a l , 1793-1830 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969), 31-59. A fine

starting-point f o r a journey through t h e l i t e r a t u r e of t h e Industrial Revolution.

Philip M. Hauser and Leo F. Schnore, eds., The Study of Urbanization (N.Y.: Wiley,


Karl F. Helleiner, "The Population of E'urope from t h e Black Death t o t h e Eve of t h e Vital Revolution" in E.E. R i c h a n d C.H. Wilson, eds., T h e C a m b r i d g e E c o n o m i c History of Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967) IV: 1-95.

E.J. Hobsbawm, Industry and Empire: An Economic H i s t o r y of B r i t a i n s i n c e 1 8 5 0 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968).

Bert F. Hoselitz and Wilbert E. Moore, eds., Industrialization and Society (The Hague: Mouton, 1963). An international symposium, characteristic of i t s time.

A l e x I n k e l e s and David H. Smith, Becoming Modern (Cambridge: Harvard University

Press, 1974). O n e of t h e m o s t e x t e n s i v e c r o s s - n a t i o n a l s u r v e y s of individual

modernism ever perpetrated.

E.L. Jones, "The Agricultural Origins of. Industry," P a s t and Present, 40 (July, 19681, 58-7 1.

E.L. J o n e s a n d S.J. Woolff, eds., Agrarian Change and Economic Development: The

Historical Problems (London: Methuen, 1969). A good compendium of essays dealing

with different parts of t h e modern world, mainly European.

Hermann Kellenbenz, The Rise of t h e European Economy. An Economic History of

Continental Europe from t h e Fifteenth t o t h e Eighteenth Century (London: Weidenfeld

and Nicolson, 1976). Has t h e advantage not only of having been written by one of

Germany's outstanding economic historians, b u t also of being organized chiefly around types of production rather than places or t i m e s periods.

C l a r k K e r r a n d o t h e r s , I n d u s t r i a l i s m a n d I n d u s t r i a l Man (Cambridge: H a r v a r d University Press, 1960).


University Press, 1963).

Wolfgang Kollmann, "The Process of Urbanization in Germany at t h e Height of t h e

Industrialization Period," Journal of Contemporary History, 4 (July, 19691, 59-76.


ItZur Bevblkerungsentwicklung der Neuzeit," in Reinhart Koselleck, ed.,

Studien zum Beginn der modernen Welt (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1977).

P e t e r K r i e d t e , Hans Medick, a n d ~ c r g e n S c h l u m b o h m , ' ~ n d u s t r i a l i s i e r u n ~ vor der

Industrialisierung. Gerwerbliche Warenproduktion auf dem Land in d e r F o r m a t i o n s -

p e r i o d e d e s K a p i t a l i s m u s (Giittingen: V a n d e n h o e c k & R u p r e c h t , 1977). Brash,

s t i m u l a t i n ~ hypotheses and observations on European rural i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n a n d i t s d e m o g r a & i c - - c o r r e l a t e s . English e d i t i o n , u n d e r t h e t i t l e Industrialization before Industrialization (Paris: Maison des Sciences d e 1'Homme a n d Cambridge: C a m b r i d g e University Press, 198 1).

Jurgen Kuczynski, Darstellung der Lage der Arbeite! in Frankreich von 1789 bis 1848

(Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1967). n

J o s e p h Kulischer, Allgemeine Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1965; 2 vols.).

David S. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus (Cambridge U.P., 1969). Prodigiously rich

and competent analysis of western industrialization since 1750.

Gerhard Lenski, Power and Privilege (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966). E v o l u t i o n a r y

approach t o a theory of stratification.

Y v e s L e q u i n , L e s o u v r i e r s d e la r e g i o n l y o n n a i s e (1848-1914) (Lyon: P r e s s e s

Universitaires d e Lyon, 1977; 2 vols.). A fine analysis of city-hinterland interaction

in industrialization, in addition t o its subtle t r e a t m e n t of working-class politics.

Ron J. Lesthaege, The Decline of Belgian Fertility, 1800-1970 (Princeton: Princeton

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1977). O n e of t h e l a t e s t a n d b e s t of t h e famous Princeton

historical studies of fertility change.

Marion J. Levy, Jr., M o d e r n i z a t i o n a n d t h e S t r u c t u r e of S o c i e t i e s (Princeton, University Press, 1966).

Marion Malowist, C r o i s s a n c e et regression e n Europe (Paris: Armand Colin, 1972;

Cahiers d e Annales, 34). C o l l e c t e d p a p e r s of t h e o u t s t a n d i n g Polish e c o n o m i c

historian. Especially early modern and especially Eastern Europe.

David C. Marsh, The Changing Social S t r u c t u r e of England a n d Wales, 1871-1961 (London: Routlege and Kegan Paul, 1965).

H a n s M a u e r s b e r g , W i r t s c h a f t s - und S o z i a l g e s c h i c h t e zentraleuropa'fscher Stzdte in neurer Zeit (GEttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1960).


Q u i e t l y debunks m u c h of t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l wisdom a b o u t health care, and touts nutrition.

F r a n k l i n Mendels, "Aux o r i g i n e s d e l a proto-industrialisation," Bulletin du C e n t r e

dtHistoire Economique et Sociale d e l a Rggion Lyonnaise no. 2 (1978, 1-25.

A l a n S. Milward, and S.B. Saul, The Economic Development of Continental Europe,

1780-1870 (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1973). A high-level t e x t b o o k d e a l i n g

competently with Western Europe and Scandinavia.

Daniel Nelson, Managers and Workers: Origins of t h e New F a c t o r y S y s t e m in t h e United S t a t e s (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975).

K o n r a d O l b r i c h t , " D i e ~ e r ~ r o s s t ~ d t e r u n ~ d e s A b e n d l a n d e s z u B e g i n n d e s

Dreissigjahrigen Krieges," Petermanns Geographische Mitteilunge, 8 5 (1939), 349-353.

Hisai Otsuka, I1The Market Structure of Rural Industry in t h e E a r l y S t a g e s of t h e D e v e l o p m e n t of Modern C a p i t a l i s m " S e c o n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence, 1962 (Paris: Mouton, 1965) 11, 457-472.

William N. P a r k e r , a n d E r i c L. Jones, eds., European Peasants and their Markets. Essays in Agrarian Economic History (Princeton: Princeton U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1975). S p e c i a l i z e d e s s a y s which c o m m u n i c a t e t h e s t a t e of t h e a r t in European economic history.

Luciano Pellicani, "La rivoluzione industrial .e e il f enomeno della proletarizzazione,"

Rassegna italiana di Sociologia, 14 (1 9731, 63-84.

S i d n e y P o l l a r d , " I n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n a n d t h e E u r o p e a n E ~ o n o r n y , ' ~ Economic History

Review 26 (19731, 636-648. A mild, learned rebellion a g a i n s t t h e u s e of n a t i o n a l

units in t h e analysis of industrialization.

Sidney Pollard and David W. Crossley, The Wealth of Britain (London: Batsford, 1968).

A sweeping quantitatively-based economic history of England etc. from t h e beginning.

M.M. Postan, "The Rise of a Money EconomyYt1 in E.M. Carus-Wilson, ed., Essays in

Economic History (London: Arnold, 1954), I, 1-12; f i r s t published i n t h e ~ c o n o m z History Review, 1944.

N.J.G. Pounds, An Historical Geography of Europe 1500-1840 (Cambridge, England:

Cambridge University Press, 1979).

Lucian W. Pye, ed., Communications and Political Development (Princeton U.P., 1963).

Marcel Reinhard, ~ n d r d Armengaud and Jacques Dupaquier, Histoire &n&ale d e la

population mondiale (Paris: Montchrestien, 1968). A handbook: comprehensive despite

f rancophilia, well-illustrated, well-documented.

John Saville, "Primitive Accumulation and Early Industrialization in BritainY1' Socialist Register (1969). 247-27 1.

H a n n a S c h i s s l e r , P r e u s s i s c h e A g r a r g e s e l l s c h a f t i m Wandel. W i r t s c h a f t l i c h e ,

gesellschaftliche und politische Transformationsprozesse von 1763 bis 1847 (G'dttingen:


Milton Singer, "The Expansion of Society and its Cultural implication^,^' in Carl H. Kraeling and Robert M. Adams, eds., City Invincible (U. of Chicago Press, 1960), 249- 267.

Gideon Sjoberg, The Preindustrial City (Glencoe: F r e e Press, 1960).

B.H. Slicher van Bath, "La productivit; agricole. Les problgmes foundamentaux d e la

socikte' p r 6 - i n d u s t r i e l l e e n E u r o p e occidentale," Third International Conference of

Economic Historv. Munich 1965 (Paris: Mouton. 1968). 11. 23-30.

J a n S u n d i n a n d E r i k S o d e r l u n d , eds., T i m e , S p a c e , a n d Man. E s s a y s o n

Microdemography (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1979). A s a m p l e r of E u r o p e a n

historical demography, with more Scandinavian material than usual.

Joan Thirsk, ed., The Agrarian History of England and Wales (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967); vol. IV: 1500- 1640.

C h a r l e s Tilly, An U r b a n World (Boston: L i t t l e , Brown, 1974). A textbook with

integrated readings: communities, cities, u r b a n i z a t i o n .


ed., H i s t o r i c a l

Studies of Changing Fertility (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978).

Gabriel Tortella Casares, Los origenes del capitalism0 e n Espai?a: Banca, industria y

ferrocarria e n el siglo XIX (Madrid: Editorial Ternos 1973).

J a n d e Vries, The Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis, 1600-1750 ( C a m b r i d g e ,

England: Cambridge University Press, 1976). Graceful description and synthesis, well-

informed in t h e relevant economics and demography.

A d n a F. Weber, T h e G r o w t h of C i t i e s i n t h e N i n e t e e n t h C e n t u r y (New York: Macmillan, 1899). An important early compendium.

E r i c Wolf, " A s p e c t s of G r o u p Relations in .a Complex Society: Mexico," American

Anthropologist, 58 (19561, 1065-1078.

Gavin Wright, The Political Economy of t h e Cotton South. Households, Markets, and

Wealth in t h e Nineteenth Century (New York: W.W. Norton, 1978). As "new economic history," more historical than most.

Mayer Zald, "On t h e Social Control of Industries," Social Forces 57 (September 19781, 79-102).

8. The Consequences-Especially Political--of Large-Scale Change

Wolfgang Abendroth, A Short History of t h e E u r o p e a n Working C l a s s (New York: Montly Review Press, 1972).

Risto Alapuro, "Peasants, States, and t h e Capitalist World System,I1 Acta Sociologica, 20 (19771, 181-193.

Gabriel A. Almond and J a m e s S. Coleman, eds., The Politics of t


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