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Apparent Diffusion Coefficient

Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Involvement of Rolandic Cortex: A Quantitative Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Evaluation

Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease Involvement of Rolandic Cortex: A Quantitative Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Evaluation

... Fig 1. ROI in head of caudate nucleus (green), putamen (red), thalamus (cyan) (A), supramarginal gyri (SMG) (B), precentral gyri (PMC) (green), postcentral gyri (PSC) (red), and superior frontal gyri (SFG) (cyan) (C) on ...


Intercentre reproducibility of cardiac apparent diffusion coefficient and fractional anisotropy in healthy volunteers

Intercentre reproducibility of cardiac apparent diffusion coefficient and fractional anisotropy in healthy volunteers

... The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional an- isotropy (FA) are values derived from the measured dif- fusion tensor and which have previously shown sensitivity to disease, including a ...


Correlation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient with Neuropsychological Testing in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Correlation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient with Neuropsychological Testing in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

... brain apparent diffusion ...regional apparent diffusion coef- ficient measures while adjusting for differences between re- gions, sides, and ...The apparent diffusion ...


The utility of measuring the apparent diffusion coefficient for peritumoral zone in assessing infiltration depth of endometrial cancer

The utility of measuring the apparent diffusion coefficient for peritumoral zone in assessing infiltration depth of endometrial cancer

... Recently, diffusion-weighted (DW) imaging has been introduced to better evaluate tissue composition in gynecologic tumors ...[11]. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values allow normal ...


Accuracy and Precision of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Volume Measurements of MRI of Prostate

Accuracy and Precision of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Volume Measurements of MRI of Prostate

... the diffusion is no longer free due to the interaction with cell membranes, fibers and macromolecules in the ...the diffusion, but also perfusion and bulk motion, which is to a large extent unavoidable ...


Investigation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Diffusion Tensor Anisotropy in Acute and Chronic Multiple Sclerosis Lesions

Investigation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Diffusion Tensor Anisotropy in Acute and Chronic Multiple Sclerosis Lesions

... Whereas apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values for normal white and gray matter are virtually identical, cerebral white matter shows varying degrees of diffusion anisotropy, while the ...


Analysis of Central Nervous System Vasculitis with Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping of the Normal Appearing Brain

Analysis of Central Nervous System Vasculitis with Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping of the Normal Appearing Brain

... PURPOSE: Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a novel method of studying the brain that creates tissue contrast secondary to water ...with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) analysis may ...


Evaluation of the efficacy of chemoradiotherapy in cervical cancer using diffusion-weighted imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient

Evaluation of the efficacy of chemoradiotherapy in cervical cancer using diffusion-weighted imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient

... Objective: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in cervical cancer using diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. ...


Brain Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Decrease During Correction of Severe Hypernatremic Dehydration

Brain Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Decrease During Correction of Severe Hypernatremic Dehydration

... clear apparent diffusion coefficient decrease shown in this neonate appeared to be reversible, be- cause it reached normal values on the second MR imaging ...


Evaluation of the normal-to-diseased apparent diffusion coefficient ratio as an indicator of prostate cancer aggressiveness

Evaluation of the normal-to-diseased apparent diffusion coefficient ratio as an indicator of prostate cancer aggressiveness

... quences: diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) [11], dynamic contrast enhancement-MR [12], and MR spectroscopy ...and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map- ping demonstrate an inverse and ...


Apparent diffusion coefficient measurements in the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions: a systematic review

Apparent diffusion coefficient measurements in the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions: a systematic review

... cases, diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) might be of value in tumour assessment, as it has the ability to provide tissue contrast based on molecular diffusion ...extracranially. Diffusion- weighted ...


Apparent diffusion coefficient restriction in the white matter: going beyond acute brain territorial ischemia

Apparent diffusion coefficient restriction in the white matter: going beyond acute brain territorial ischemia

... Background Reduction of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in white matter is not always ischaemic in nature. Methods We retrospectively analysed our MRI records featur- ing reduced ADC ...


Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping Using a Multi Shot Spiral MRI Sequence of the Rat Brain

Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping Using a Multi Shot Spiral MRI Sequence of the Rat Brain

... used diffusion weighted (DW) imaging such as DW spin echo (SE) type echo planar imaging (DW-SE-EPI) is known to be a snapshot-like acquisition and to have a relatively high signal-to-noise ...for ...


Original Article Apparent diffusion coefficient value for prediction of hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic infarction

Original Article Apparent diffusion coefficient value for prediction of hemorrhagic transformation in acute ischemic infarction

... of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in assessing the risk of hemorrhagic transformation in acute cerebral ...including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and susceptibility weighted ...


Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in the Posterior Limb of the Internal Capsule Predicts Outcome After Perinatal Asphyxia

Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in the Posterior Limb of the Internal Capsule Predicts Outcome After Perinatal Asphyxia

... larly diffusion imaging, holds promise in this regard as it is more sensitive to brain injury than any other available imaging ...between apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values from the ...


The Efficacy of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping for Meniscal Tears in the Knee

The Efficacy of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping for Meniscal Tears in the Knee

... no diffusion gradients are ...when diffusion weighted sequence is ...as apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) indicates the amount of signal loss with different ...


Role of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Differentiation Between Malignant and Benign Solitary Thyroid Nodules

Role of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values in Differentiation Between Malignant and Benign Solitary Thyroid Nodules

... The 3 radiologists sharing in the study determined by consensus whether the ADC maps were acceptable for further analysis. Special at- tention was paid to image distortion by susceptibility artifacts. A quanti- tative ...


Detection and modeling of non-Gaussian apparent diffusion coefficient profiles in human brain data

Detection and modeling of non-Gaussian apparent diffusion coefficient profiles in human brain data

... rates from these profiles are plotted in Fig. 3. Figure 3 shows that our simulated fiber intersection profiles are classified as order 4 consistently when the fibers are in equal proportion and are orthogonal, when only ...


Value of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in evaluating response of carcinoma of the cervix treated with chemoradiotherapy

Value of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in evaluating response of carcinoma of the cervix treated with chemoradiotherapy

... the diffusion-weighted images by using the highest signal intensity areas within the tumour, avoiding reduced signal intensity areas which could indicate necrotic areas and potentially bias the ...


Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Determination in Normal Fetal Brain: A Prenatal MR Imaging Study

Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Determination in Normal Fetal Brain: A Prenatal MR Imaging Study

... water apparent diffusion coeffi- cient (ADC) in the human brain by means of diffu- sion-weighted (DW) MR imaging has provided valu- able information in adults with stroke, seizures, trauma, or white matter ...


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