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Conditional Cash Transfers

Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) and Poverty Alleviation: A comparative study between Jamaica and Tanzania

Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) and Poverty Alleviation: A comparative study between Jamaica and Tanzania

... For example, one of the social safety nets was that of food stamp which a vulnerable group like that of vulnerable children, were undoubtedly reached. Through the GoJ planned to improve the wellbeing of poor people, this ...


A Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Conditional Cash Transfers in Indonesia: Can CCTs Reduce Conflict?

A Conflict-Sensitive Approach to Conditional Cash Transfers in Indonesia: Can CCTs Reduce Conflict?

... that conditional cash transfers (CCTs) can be a very effective social welfare program to reduce poverty and improve education and health outcomes, but may exacerbate conflict, this thesis addresses ...




... of conditional cash transfers (Thirumurthy ...However, conditional cash transfers could overcome some socio-economic barriers and then improve VMMC ...


Conditional cash transfers to promote male circumcision uptake in middle and low income countries: review

Conditional cash transfers to promote male circumcision uptake in middle and low income countries: review

... settings. Conditional cash transfers have shown its efficacy in many studies conducting low and middle countries where economic factors are impacting negatively on ...Then, Conditional ...


Conditional Cash Transfers for Education: A Comparative Analysis between Funder and Country

Conditional Cash Transfers for Education: A Comparative Analysis between Funder and Country

... The 2006 report, “The Experience of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean,” explores the experience of six CCT programs in Latin America. One place this paper distinguishes ...


Conditional cash transfers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico: impacts upon inequality

Conditional cash transfers in Brazil, Chile and Mexico: impacts upon inequality

... private transfers, these were not relevant to changes in income distribution over the period (Soares et a ...targeted cash transfers such as P ro C a m po , public and private scholarships, do- ...


Two become one: improving the targeting of conditional cash transfers with a predictive model of school dropout

Two become one: improving the targeting of conditional cash transfers with a predictive model of school dropout

... This paper analyses whether a common targeting mechanism of conditional cash transfers (CCTs), an income-proxy means test (PMT), can identify the poor and future school dropouts effectively. Despite ...


Essays on conditional cash transfers, targeting and educational outcomes: evidence from Chile

Essays on conditional cash transfers, targeting and educational outcomes: evidence from Chile

... This paper analyses whether a common targeting mechanism of conditional cash transfers (CCTs), an income-proxy means test (PMT), can identify the poor and future school dropouts effectively. Despite ...


Conditional cash transfers, spillovers and informal health care: Evidence from Peru

Conditional cash transfers, spillovers and informal health care: Evidence from Peru

... Demand-side programs such as conditional cash transfers (CCT) might become a key instrument to address this issue. A large body of literature gives substantial evidence on the positive effects of CCT ...


Conditional Cash Transfers, Risk-coping Strategies and Aspirations: Impact Evaluations from Peru

Conditional Cash Transfers, Risk-coping Strategies and Aspirations: Impact Evaluations from Peru

... that conditional cash transfers may deter migration also through conditionalities, which requires children and a caregiver to stay in the place of origin to attend health check-up and school to ...


Mexico: inpoverishment and the conditional cash transfers programmes of the World Bank

Mexico: inpoverishment and the conditional cash transfers programmes of the World Bank

... called Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT), which means conditioned monetary transferences (see Table ...as Cash for Work), all these programmes transfer conditioned recourses to poor families so ...


Heterogeneous Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from Nicaragua

Heterogeneous Impacts of Conditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from Nicaragua

... conditional cash transfers have achieved quantified success in reaching the poor and bringing about short-term improvements in consumption, education, and health (Schultz 2004; Gertler 2004; Rawlings ...


Can Conditional Cash Transfers Improve Education and Nutrition Outcomes for Poor Children in Bangladesh? Evidence from a Pilot Project

Can Conditional Cash Transfers Improve Education and Nutrition Outcomes for Poor Children in Bangladesh? Evidence from a Pilot Project

... well, conditional cash transfers (CCTs) are appropriate demand side interventions that can have a significant positive impact on both poverty and human development outcomes (Fiszbein and Schady, ...


Conditional cash transfers and the creation of equal opportunities of health for children in low and middle-income countries: a literature review

Conditional cash transfers and the creation of equal opportunities of health for children in low and middle-income countries: a literature review

... Introduction: Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) have been largely used in the world during the past decades, since they are known for enhancing children ’ s human development and promoting social ...


The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Children´s School Achievement: Evidence from Colombia

The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Children´s School Achievement: Evidence from Colombia

... Propensity score matching consists of three main steps. The first, which typically uses a logistic or probit regression, is calculation of the propensity score, the conditional probability of being in the ...


The idea of conditional cash transfers

The idea of conditional cash transfers

... the conditional cash transfers are financed directly from general tax revenue, therefore, for the continuity and legitimacy of the programs, they need to be seen as just by the general public ...


School dropouts and conditional cash transfers: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural China's junior high schools.

School dropouts and conditional cash transfers: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural China's junior high schools.

... Recent anecdotal reports suggest that dropout rates may be higher and actually increasing over time in poor rural areas. There are many reasons not to be surprised that there is a dropout problem, given the fact that ...


Assessing the long-term effects of conditional cash transfers on human capital : evidence from Colombia

Assessing the long-term effects of conditional cash transfers on human capital : evidence from Colombia

... This paper seeks to help fill in this knowledge gap and identify the expected but empirically uncertain link between school participation and educational achievement through an evaluation of the long-term educational ...


Conditional cash transfers and female schooling : the impact of the female school stipend program on public school enrollments in Punjab, Pakistan

Conditional cash transfers and female schooling : the impact of the female school stipend program on public school enrollments in Punjab, Pakistan

... whether an area with a larger share of private sector in total enrollments (for girls in middle school grades) may have a positive or negative impact on growth in public enrollment when[r] ...


When being out of school can be bad for the school: a case for conditional cash transfers

When being out of school can be bad for the school: a case for conditional cash transfers

... We develop a theoretical model to analyze how the lack of full enrollment affects the quality of public education chosen by majority voting. In our model, the households choose whether to enrol their child at school or ...


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