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dynamics models

A review on West African Ebola epidemic dynamics models

A review on West African Ebola epidemic dynamics models

... its dynamics models and control ...and dynamics and control strategy ...epidemic models, disease prevalence, control and sensitivity analysis of Ebola control and model ...disease ...


A review of system dynamics models applied in transportation

A review of system dynamics models applied in transportation

... Investment in airport runway capacity has been studied with a simple model by Miller (2005), Miller et al, (2007). While both papers use the same model, the better description is in the later paper. This paper develops ...


Utility Perception in System Dynamics Models

Utility Perception in System Dynamics Models

... the models reveals that the way utility perception is formulated is important and might affect behavior and policy implications of system dynamics ...


Optimisation of system dynamics models

Optimisation of system dynamics models

... The term ‘optimisation’ when related to system dynamics (SD) models has a special significance. It relates to the mechanism used to improve the model vis-à-vis a criterion. This collapses into two ...


Embedding population dynamics in mark recapture models

Embedding population dynamics in mark recapture models

... underlying dynamics of the population ...population dynamics model of the required ...the models is far simpler to implement than attempting to specify fully complex dynamics models in ...


An example of a Bloch function

An example of a Bloch function

... on dynamics and control is scat- tered over a range of journals, books, chapters of books, and a large number of conference proceedings, which are often difficult to obtain, the goal of this special issue of MPE is ...


A System Dynamics Modelling of Urban Water Demand Forecasting for Madurai City

A System Dynamics Modelling of Urban Water Demand Forecasting for Madurai City

... system dynamics models rely on the use of software packages, such as Vensim and Stella, in which the mechanisms of system dynamics can be handled by a user-friendly ...analyze models of ...


Understanding Learning Dynamics Of Language Models with SVCCA

Understanding Learning Dynamics Of Language Models with SVCCA

... neural models im- plicitly encode linguistic features, but there has been no research showing how these en- codings arise as the models are ...language models, using a simple and flexible analysis ...


Interface dynamics in planar neural field models

Interface dynamics in planar neural field models

... can be constructed in terms of line-integrals along the interface, and that the normal velocity of the interface is driven by Biot-Savart-style interactions. Thus we obtain a reduced description for the evolution of a ...


Interface dynamics in planar neural field models

Interface dynamics in planar neural field models

... field models describe the mean activity of such columns by approximating the cortical sheet as a continuous excitable ...field models and their uses, and in par- ticular to the work of Bressloff and ...


Models, measurement and inference in epithelial tissue dynamics

Models, measurement and inference in epithelial tissue dynamics

... Compartmental models provide a robust and high-level approach suitable for investigating feedbacks and signalling, while having limitations on the resolution of spatial and mechanical fac- ...Individual-based ...


Computational models for the dynamics of early mouse embryogenesis

Computational models for the dynamics of early mouse embryogenesis

... The question of how cells are directed to the appropriate fate was later addressed by Holmes et al., (2017) who considered the same ODE description of the core GRN for TE/ICM specification. However, instead of ...




... mathematical models developed in Ukraine, CIS countries and abroad for theoretical studies of train dynamics and also shows the urgency of their further improve- ...mathematical models used to solve ...


Computational models of morphology's effects on cellular dynamics

Computational models of morphology's effects on cellular dynamics

... cell’s dynamics can be thought of as the totality of all spatially localised and temporally dynamic biochemical reactions that occur within the cell [celldy- ...cellular dynamics, that is, to know about ...


Study of Malaria Transmission Dynamics by Mathematical Models

Study of Malaria Transmission Dynamics by Mathematical Models

... These models have been gener- alized by many researchers for di ff erent ...within-host dynamics of the malaria parasites, and showed that the basic reproduction number computed by the next generation ma- ...


The dynamics of open ocean plankton ecosystem models

The dynamics of open ocean plankton ecosystem models

... A notable feature of modelled summers at OWS \India" in the North Atlantic (and tentatively in data from this location) is the occurrence of predator{prey oscillations. Since such behaviour has consequences for tests ...


Individual effects and dynamics in count data models

Individual effects and dynamics in count data models

... Lq wklv sdshu zh h{dplqh wkh sdqho gdwd hvwlpdwlrq ri g|qdplf prghov iru frxqw gdwd wkdw lqfoxgh fruuhodwhg {hg hhfwv dqg suhghwhuplqhg yduldeohv1 Xvh ri d olqhdu ihhgedfn prgho lv sursr[r] ...


House Market in Chinese Cities: Dynamic Modeling, In Sampling Fitting and Out of Sample Forecasting

House Market in Chinese Cities: Dynamic Modeling, In Sampling Fitting and Out of Sample Forecasting

... price dynamics equation and our construction dynamics equation out-perform the alternatives in ISF in most ...price dynamics and construction dynamics capture some important feature of the ...


Mathematical Models of Helicopter Flight Dynamics

Mathematical Models of Helicopter Flight Dynamics

... helicopter dynamics is a very complex ...flight dynamics are mostly solved with the aid o f modem ...rigid-body dynamics and the flu id dynamics through which it ...following models ...


The Landau Lifshitz equation in atomistic models

The Landau Lifshitz equation in atomistic models

... with H ˆ = − ⋅ M B ( ) t , which leads directly to the Larmor precession term. The damping term is more difficult to justify at the atomistic level. Pragmatically one can make the case that some term coupling the spin to ...


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