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Fixed Point Iteration

Fixed Point Iteration Chaos Controlled ZCDPLL

Fixed Point Iteration Chaos Controlled ZCDPLL

... The stable operation of first and second order Zero Crossing Digital Phase Locked Loop (ZCDPLL) is extended by using a Fixed Point Iteration (FPI) method with re- laxation. The non-linear components ...


Theoretical consideration on the convergence of the fixed-point iteration method in the CIE mesopic photometry system MES2

Theoretical consideration on the convergence of the fixed-point iteration method in the CIE mesopic photometry system MES2

... the fixed-point iteration ...the iteration method depends on the initial guess m 0 ...the fixed point m * , then the number of iterations to get a good estimation ...


Combining Fixed point Iteration Method and Bayesian Rounding for Approximation of Integer Factorization Problem

Combining Fixed point Iteration Method and Bayesian Rounding for Approximation of Integer Factorization Problem

... Paper structure. The purpose of this article is to describe a combined fixed-point iteration method applied to the Boolean formula (1) with new rounding technique. Section 1 describes our proposed ...


Solving time-fractional chemical engineering equations by modified variational iteration method as fixed point iteration method

Solving time-fractional chemical engineering equations by modified variational iteration method as fixed point iteration method

...  (5) Obviously, identification of the Lagrange multipliers is crucial to derive a variational iteration formula. Now, if we change our attitude and consider the VIM as special case of fixed point ...


Fixed point iteration processes for asymptotic pointwise nonexpansive mapping in modular function spaces

Fixed point iteration processes for asymptotic pointwise nonexpansive mapping in modular function spaces

... fixed point construction iteration processes for generalized nonexpansive mappings have been successfully used to develop efficient and powerful nu- merical methods for solving various nonlinear equations and ...


Fixed point iteration processes for non Lipschitzian mappings of
asymptotically quasi nonexpansive type

Fixed point iteration processes for non Lipschitzian mappings of asymptotically quasi nonexpansive type

... We observe from Remarks 1.1 and 1.2 that the class of mappings of as- ymptotically nonexpansive type is an intermediate class between the class of mappings of asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive type and that of mappings ...


On the Equivalence of Implicit Kirk Type Fixed Point Iteration Schemes for a General Class of Maps

On the Equivalence of Implicit Kirk Type Fixed Point Iteration Schemes for a General Class of Maps

... of fixed points and are widely used in many ap- plications when explicit iterations are ...of fixed points in computer oriented programs by using implicit iterations can reduce the computational cost of the ...


Fixed Point Iteration Method for Solving the Convex Quadratic Programming with Mixed Constraints

Fixed Point Iteration Method for Solving the Convex Quadratic Programming with Mixed Constraints

... The present paper is devoted to a novel smoothing function method for convex quadratic programming problem with mixed constrains, which has important application in mechanics and engineering science. The problem is ...


Fixed point iteration for asymptotically quasi nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces

Fixed point iteration for asymptotically quasi nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces

... In this paper, we will extend the iterative scheme (1.1) to the iterative scheme of asymp- totically quasi-nonexpansive mappings with error members. Moreover, we will prove the strong convergence of iterative scheme to a ...


Some fixed point iteration procedures

Some fixed point iteration procedures

... The following theorem establishes a fixed point for a contractive definition which includes nonexpansive mappings... If each subsequential weak limit of {s is a fixed point of T, then {s[r] ...


Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for Linear Mixed Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations in Banach Space

Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for Linear Mixed Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations in Banach Space

... Abstract In this paper, the existence and uniqueness of mixed linear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations of the second kind will be studied under some conditions in the Banach space and Fixed-point theory. ...


Comparison of the Rate of Convergence among Picard, Mann, Ishikawa, and Noor Iterations Applied to Quasicontractive Maps

Comparison of the Rate of Convergence among Picard, Mann, Ishikawa, and Noor Iterations Applied to Quasicontractive Maps

... obtain fixed point iteration methods which converge for some operators, such as nonexpansive ones, for which Picard iteration ...Ishikawa iteration was invented to obtain a convergent ...




... Simple fixed point iteration: In the fixed point iteration method we rearrange the function f(x) = 0 such that x lies on the left side of the equation.. For example: the equation.[r] ...


A new three-step iterative procedure with errors for approximating fixed points of multivalued quasi-nonexpansive mappings

A new three-step iterative procedure with errors for approximating fixed points of multivalued quasi-nonexpansive mappings

... Fixed point iteration processes for approximating fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces have been studied by various authors using the Mann iteration processes or the ...


Data Dependence for Ishikawa Iteration When Dealing with Contractive-Like Operators

Data Dependence for Ishikawa Iteration When Dealing with Contractive-Like Operators

... Ishikawa iteration applied to S converges to fixed point, x ∗ ...two fixed points is one. Actually, without knowing the fixed point of S and without computing it, via Theorem ...


Weak Convergence Theorems for a Countable Family of Strict Pseudocontractions in Banach Spaces

Weak Convergence Theorems for a Countable Family of Strict Pseudocontractions in Banach Spaces

... the iteration under suitable conditions. The construction of fixed points for pseudocontractions via the iterative process has been extensively investigated by many authors; see also 18–22 and the ...


The convergence of mean value iteration for a family of maps

The convergence of mean value iteration for a family of maps

... The main result from [2] assures the convergence of the Ishikawa iteration (1.6) ap- plied to the map T given by (4.2). The convergence is very slow. In [6], for the same T, it was shown that iteration ...


Noor iteration for fixed point and variational inclusion problems

Noor iteration for fixed point and variational inclusion problems

... Recently, Noor and Huang [15] consider a three-step iterative method for finding a common element in the set of fixed points of a non-expansive mapping and in the set of solutions of the variational inequality ...


Interpolant Learning and Reuse in SAT Based Model Checking

Interpolant Learning and Reuse in SAT Based Model Checking

... a fixed point of the set of reachable ...new fixed point condition, alternative to the existing interpolant-based fixed point ...




... In this Paper we introduce a set termed and studied its properties in fuzzy metric spaces for using this concept we have proved the results on fixed point in compact fuzzy metric spaces for two self ...


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