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high myopia

Corneal densitometry in high myopia

Corneal densitometry in high myopia

... High myopia (HM) is characterized by a refractive error greater than − 6.0 diopters. The prevalence of HM is ap- proximately 2.7% worldwide, whereas the prevalence in young Chinese individuals is about 20% ...


Comparison of visual results and higher-order aberrations after small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): high myopia vs. mild to moderate myopia

Comparison of visual results and higher-order aberrations after small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): high myopia vs. mild to moderate myopia

... the high myopia pa- tients and 88% and 97% in the low to moderate myopia patients at 12 months, ...corrected myopia amount in high myopia patients should be revised in our future ...


One-year outcomes of small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): mild to moderate myopia vs. high myopia

One-year outcomes of small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE): mild to moderate myopia vs. high myopia

... spherical myopia less than ...with myopia (with and without astigmatism) who fulfilled the criteria speci- fied ...and high- myopia patients (B group, ≥ − ...


Choroidal thinning in high myopia measured by optical coherence tomography

Choroidal thinning in high myopia measured by optical coherence tomography

... our High Myopia Clinic at Osaka University Hospital, Osaka, Japan, from September 2007 to April 2010, and chose the subjects with normal high myopia who met the inclusion criteria and did not ...


Refractive outcomes of implantation of an implantable phakic copolymer lens with peripheral holes in the intraocular posterior chamber in moderate to high myopia patients: a single-surgeon series

<p>Refractive outcomes of implantation of an implantable phakic copolymer lens with peripheral holes in the intraocular posterior chamber in moderate to high myopia patients: a single-surgeon series</p>

... Seventy- fi ve eyes of 50 patients who had undergone an IPCL implantation operation from March 2015 to February 2017 were analyzed. Written informed consent was obtained from all the patients in tenets with declara- tion ...


AC and AG Dinucleotide Repeats in the PAX6 P1 Promoter are Associated with High Myopia

AC and AG Dinucleotide Repeats in the PAX6 P1 Promoter are Associated with High Myopia

... studies on luciferase-reporter assays assessed the promoter activity invisibly by a luminometer [60,77]. In our study, we monitored the luciferase-reporter assay by immunoblotting using a commercially available antibody ...


A study on efficacy and visual outcome of posterior chamber phakic IOL in high myopia

A study on efficacy and visual outcome of posterior chamber phakic IOL in high myopia

... This is to certify that this dissertation entitled “A STUDY ON EFFICACY AND VISUAL OUTCOME OF POSTERIOR CHAMBER PHAKIC IOL IN HIGH MYOPIA” is a bonafide record of the research work done by ...


Choroidal thickness and high myopia: a cross-sectional study and meta-analysis

Choroidal thickness and high myopia: a cross-sectional study and meta-analysis

... age of high myopia is only 22.23 years, which is younger than in other studies [15–17]. Another important point is that, in all subjects, age was not associated with chor- oidal thickness, which is ...


Study on role of optical coherence tomography in high myopia.

Study on role of optical coherence tomography in high myopia.

... with high myopia to allow detection of subtle macular changes that are otherwise ...healthy high myopic population and in symptomatic myopic population who complains of worsening of visual function ...


Evaluation of FGF10 as a candidate gene for high myopia in a Han Chinese population

Evaluation of FGF10 as a candidate gene for high myopia in a Han Chinese population

... diseases, myopia has one of the highest ...[1]. High myopia (HM), especially Extreme myopia (EM) may disrupt vision and induce pathological ocular ...many myopia complications such as ...


Association study of IGF1 polymorphisms with susceptibility to high myopia in a Japanese population

Association study of <em>IGF1</em> polymorphisms with susceptibility to high myopia in a Japanese population

... with high myopia in our Japanese ...extreme myopia cases had significantly higher frequencies of the G allele of rs5742629 and the C allele of rs12423791 than ...to high myopia in all ...


Study of association of PAX6 polymorphisms with susceptibility to high myopia in a Japanese population

Study of association of <em>PAX6</em> polymorphisms with susceptibility to high myopia in a Japanese population

... populations. High myopia is generally defined by a spherical equivalent (SE) refractive error ,- 6 diopters (D) or an axial length (AL) ...its high prevalence compared to the global average in Asian ...


The increasing prevalence of myopia and high myopia among high school students in Fenghua city, eastern China: a 15-year population-based survey

The increasing prevalence of myopia and high myopia among high school students in Fenghua city, eastern China: a 15-year population-based survey

... of high myopia (7.9% to 16.6%), especially very high myopia ...of high myopia among 18-year-old students increased from ...of high myopia was in Seoul ...with ...


Vitrectomy in high myopia: a narrative review

Vitrectomy in high myopia: a narrative review

... degenerative) myopia is defined as a refractive error >6 diopters (D) and/or axial length ...of myopia has been dramatically increasing and some evidence suggest that this trend will worsen with the ...


Divergence insufficiency associated with high myopia

Divergence insufficiency associated with high myopia

... the high-myopia patients with- out double vision (average EOM angle, ...the high-myopia patients without double vision (average orbital length, ...


Corneal thickness, epithelial thickness and axial length differences in normal and high myopia

Corneal thickness, epithelial thickness and axial length differences in normal and high myopia

... Background: Corneal biometric parameters can possibly be influenced by high myopia (HM). The influence of HM on corneal thickness (CT), epithelial thickness (ET) has not yet been clearly established. The ...


Postoperative anatomical and functional outcomes of different stages of high myopia macular hole

Postoperative anatomical and functional outcomes of different stages of high myopia macular hole

... that high myopia macular holes (HMMH) and macular holes accompanied by retinal detachment occur in the advanced stages of myopia traction maculopathy (MTM), while macular retinoschisis, shallow ...


Comparison of clear lens extraction and collamer lens implantation in high myopia

Comparison of clear lens extraction and collamer lens implantation in high myopia

... from 0% to 8%. It has been proposed that the causes of this variability are different patient characteristics and study designs. These and other previously reported studies have found associations between the risk of ...


Outcome of LASIK in mild, moderate and high myopia

Outcome of LASIK in mild, moderate and high myopia

... In LASIK, an automated microkeratome is used to create a corneal flap. The stromal bed is ablated with excimer laser, depending on the type and amount of refractive error in accordance with the predetermined data that ...


Accommodative changes after SMILE for moderate to high myopia correction

Accommodative changes after SMILE for moderate to high myopia correction

... Open-field autofractor was used to measure accommo- dative response and it is more objective compared with monocular estimate method (MEM) and Nott retinos- copy [13]. The accommodative response was obtained viewing ...


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