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History of the Human Sciences (History)

Misconceptions About Evolution in Brazilian Freshmen Students

Misconceptions About Evolution in Brazilian Freshmen Students

... biological sciences (morning and evening schedule), exact sciences (agronomy, physics, chemistry, and math), and human sciences (history, geography, and pedagogy) were ...biological ...


The Pattern of the Global Map of Science: A Matter of Contingency?

The Pattern of the Global Map of Science: A Matter of Contingency?

... for human sciences, as they are based on life and presuppose higher levels of organization between living ...the history of life and of human beings, the objects of these sciences, so- ...


Paradigmatic resonance and dysjunction in the development of the human sciences : accountability and expertism in the history of parturial practices

Paradigmatic resonance and dysjunction in the development of the human sciences : accountability and expertism in the history of parturial practices

... 1 Nineteenth century maternal and infant mortality did not respond to hospitalisation and parturient women were not universally regarded as the obvious and natural beneficiaries of advan[r] ...


Historicism and the Human Sciences in Victorian Britain

Historicism and the Human Sciences in Victorian Britain

... It may be that we are meant to work out for ourselves what counts as a ‘human science’ by looking at the list of chapters. But the principles of selection are not easy to make out. The chapters all bear ...


Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences

Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences

... the human sciences has shown remarkable ...notably: Human Behavioural Ecology (HBE), Evolutionary Psychology (EP) and studies of Cultural Evolution ...the human sciences are undoubtedly ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1997–1998)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1997–1998)

... Узагальнення даних літератури, а також результати багаторічних власних досліджень дозволили В. Барабою вперше визначи - ти роль ліпопероксидації в механізмі стре - су –[r] ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2001, 2003 years)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2001, 2003 years)

... валося раніше у відділі молекулярної імунології Інституту біохімії ним та його учнями проведено імунохімічний аналіз фібрин(оген)у і продуктів його деградації, було знайдено невідом[r] ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2005, 2007 years)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2005, 2007 years)

... Палладіна присуджено доктору біологічних наук, професору, декану біологічного факуль - тету Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка Людмилі іванівні Ост[r] ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2008, 2011)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2008, 2011)

... Важливими є також дослідження молекулярно­біологічних особливостей продукції інтерферонів (ІФН) та інших імунорегуляторних цитокінів у нормі та за умов патологічного процесу, [r] ...


Does Human Need Privacy? : Analysis of Human Privacy in the Age of Technology

Does Human Need Privacy? : Analysis of Human Privacy in the Age of Technology

... political choices that should be very confidential and private. According to the news circulating, the case was claimed to have been one of the factors of the victory of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1993-1994)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1993-1994)

... Таким чином, М. Зокрема, було встановлено зовнішньоклітинні джерела, досліджено клітинний транспорт, метаболічні цикли і ключові ензими перетворення адено - зину і аден[r] ...


Kenyatta University 26th Graduation Booklet

Kenyatta University 26th Graduation Booklet

... The Deans, School of Visual and Performing Arts, Applied Human Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Environmental Studies, Pure and Applied Sciences, Humanities and Soc[r] ...


The demand for pregnancy testing : the Aschheim–Zondek reaction, diagnostic versatility, and laboratory services in 1930s Britain

The demand for pregnancy testing : the Aschheim–Zondek reaction, diagnostic versatility, and laboratory services in 1930s Britain

... classic history of antenatal care, sociologist Ann Oakley claimed that the Aschheim–Zondek test launched a ‘modern era’ of obstetric knowledge, which asserted its superiority over that of pregnant ...


Trans Human and Post Human: A Challenge for the Human and Philosophical Sciences

Trans Human and Post Human: A Challenge for the Human and Philosophical Sciences

... of human characteristics by means of genetic and electronic manipulation that results in anthropological and philosophical mutation, perhaps a prelude to the advent of a new, post-human ...than ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1995-1996)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1995-1996)

... одноклітинним організмом для реалізації цієї здатності достатньо наявності поживних речо - вин у навколоклітинному середовищі, то у ви - щих організмів, а саме у хребетних[r] ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1983–1984)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1983–1984)

... Він є засновником широко відомої наукової школи в галузі радіаційної біохімії. Кучеренко є автором і співавтором понад 400 наукових праць, серед яких 35 монографій, підручників і навч[r] ...


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1991–1992)

Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1991–1992)

... Донченка, було спрямовано на вив- чення особливостей внутрішньоклітинної локалізації, біосинтезу Q і споріднених спо- лук – його циклічного ізомера (QС) та холе- стеролу, регуляції обмі[r] ...


Kenyatta University 20th Graduation Booklet

Kenyatta University 20th Graduation Booklet

... The Deans of the Schools of Business, Environmental Studies and Human Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences and Education presents 99, 24, 37,76 and 121 can[r] ...


Full Article

Full Article

... humanism, human will, with opiates of the information processing ...the human will to be the most important thing in the universe, hence it pushes humanity to develop technologies that can control and ...


The history of COPD

The history of COPD

... excised human lung that had been obtained at autopsy, and occasionally was available at the time of donation of organs for transplantation, it was possible to study lung mechanics both from lungs in subjects with ...


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