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Islamic Theology

God and Tawhid in Classical Islamic Theology and Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur

God and Tawhid in Classical Islamic Theology and Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur

... Third, theology is invariably linked to the scriptures and canonical texts from which the propositions of faith are ...that theology of Islam has to be consistent and cogent within its core revealed texts ...


Course: RIS 322: INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC THEOLOGY (2 Credits/Compulsory)

Course: RIS 322: INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC THEOLOGY (2 Credits/Compulsory)

... (Islamic Theology) is also an aspect of these ...of Islamic Studies be exposed to this course for them to have a balance knowledge of this aspect of the discipline as ...


Deconstruction of Devinity Theory in Islamic Theology: Philosophical Criticism of Theology as Theoretical Activity

Deconstruction of Devinity Theory in Islamic Theology: Philosophical Criticism of Theology as Theoretical Activity

... (Islamic theology) scholars, among tassawuf, the flow of Islam, Islamic organizations (Muhammadiyah, NU, LDII, Persis, etc) whether Islam, abangan, moderate, orthodox, or contemporary? All of these ...


The Dynamic of Islamic Theology in Indonesia

The Dynamic of Islamic Theology in Indonesia

... theo-anthropocentric-oriented theology which can thoroughly solve social problems. Indonesian Islamic Scholars offer fifteen theological varieties, namely, rational theology, transformative ...


The Death of Theology: The Complexity of the New Islamic Theology (Al Kalam Al Jadid) in Philosophy of Moral (Kematian Teologi: Kompleksitas Teologi Islam Baru dalam Dimensi Etika)

The Death of Theology: The Complexity of the New Islamic Theology (Al Kalam Al Jadid) in Philosophy of Moral (Kematian Teologi: Kompleksitas Teologi Islam Baru dalam Dimensi Etika)

... Ketika metode dan analisa pada teologi baru tidak mengalami kebaruan atau evolusi maka jawaban yang ditawarkan oleh teologi baru menjadi tidak lengkap dan reduktif, terutama dalam menjaw[r] ...


Antropomorfisme dalam teologi Islam Anthropomorphism in Islamic theology

Antropomorfisme dalam teologi Islam Anthropomorphism in Islamic theology

... “Diceritakan daripada al-Husayn, katanya: Aku mendengar Abu Mu‘adh berkata, telah menceritakan kepada kami ‘Ubayd, katanya: Aku mendengar al-Dahhaq berkata sehubungan dengan firman A[r] ...


Theology and higher education: The place of a Faculty of Theology at a South African university

Theology and higher education: The place of a Faculty of Theology at a South African university

... Thomas Kuhn (1962) indicated the inevitability of change. Science not only brings about change but is also subject to change. The way people think, legitimise and construct science changes. We are victims of change and ...




... In preparation for each examination, the advisor and the student should meet to tailor a bibliography (founded upon and including the core coursework of their discipline) to suit the special interests of the student. ...


Black theology in South Africa – A theology of human dignity and black identity

Black theology in South Africa – A theology of human dignity and black identity

... One of the most enduring legacies of South African black theology is its hermeneutics (cf Maluleke 2000:31). A prerequisite for a black theology is a contextual reading of the scriptures. A return to the ...


Making Theology Accessible: Empowering Christians to do their own Theology

Making Theology Accessible: Empowering Christians to do their own Theology

... Thomas Groome‘s notion of a ‗Shared Christian Praxis‘ offers a helpful model for churches and colleges wanting discussion, journeying, thought and faith to coalesce. He outlines a series of components that lead towards ...


The Theology Program

The Theology Program

... unchurched. TTP is a wonderful way to reach out to the community. What you will find is that many people who would never step foot in a church to attend regular services will be open to coming to a class on ...


Prophetic Theology in Black Theology, with special reference to the  Kairos document

Prophetic Theology in Black Theology, with special reference to the Kairos document

... of theology: State Theology, Church Theology and Prophetic ...State Theology was a model of theology that justified the status ...a theology that sought to legitimise an ...


The Theology of Baptism

The Theology of Baptism

... Does this mean that the benefits of the sacrament come to the child in response to the faith of the parents and of the Church?. Yes, indeed: that is just what it means?[r] ...


Theology of Stewardship

Theology of Stewardship

... liberal theology attests the necessity of perseverance within the Church to enable a transformed way of living that serves as a counter-cultural alternative ...


The Globalisation of Theology

The Globalisation of Theology

... world theology feasible, is the world society which would be its context viable, and, if both questions can be answered in the affirmative, how would one go about constructing such a globalised theology? ...


Political Theology Versus Public Theology:  Reclaiming the Heart of Christian Mission

Political Theology Versus Public Theology: Reclaiming the Heart of Christian Mission

... Furthermore, this allows for the technoeconomy to be influenced by a few who benefit at the cost of the majority, as seems to be the case with the growing gap between rich and poor in North America. If the Christian acts ...


White theology in dialogue with Black Theology: Exploring the contribution of Klippies Kritzinger

White theology in dialogue with Black Theology: Exploring the contribution of Klippies Kritzinger

... Black Theology called for a re-evangelisation of black people, calling black people into self-acceptance, accepting themselves as created in the image of God (humanisation) and committing themselves to the ...


AGST Alliance MTh (Theology) Postgraduate Diploma in Theology Program Handbook

AGST Alliance MTh (Theology) Postgraduate Diploma in Theology Program Handbook

... Planning for the thesis is encouraged after you have a sense of the broad panorama of the program, so that later you can focus on a more specific area for your thesis research. The topic/scope of your thesis will be ...


Reformed theology in Scotland

Reformed theology in Scotland

... objects. Theology cannot proceed in this ...In theology the term means that since the Father and the Son are one, the truth about the Father is disclosed in the ...


The shape of Torrance theology

The shape of Torrance theology

... One is often asked to give titles to lectures before they are written, and one struggles, sometimes, later to fit the lecture to the previously stated title. The pre-given title for this lecture, however, created for me ...


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