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Lexical Semantics and the Study of Vagueness

Meaning as use: exploitation of aligned corpora for the contrastive study of lexical semantics

Meaning as use: exploitation of aligned corpora for the contrastive study of lexical semantics

... in lexical semantics are based on experimen- tal evidence, they should study purposes, with which words are used in real texts, and conditions, under which they are ...contrastive lexical ...


Representing Verbal Semantics with Diagrams   An Adaptation of the UML for Lexical Semantics

Representing Verbal Semantics with Diagrams An Adaptation of the UML for Lexical Semantics

... verbal semantics, thus allowing for compre- hensive ...one lexical item and also be- tween different lexical ...the study of semantic re- ...


Exploring Diachronic Lexical Semantics with JeSemE

Exploring Diachronic Lexical Semantics with JeSemE

... Future technical work will add functionality to compare words across corpora which might re- quire a mapping between embeddings (Kulkarni et al., 2015; Hamilton et al., 2016) and provide op- tional stemming routines. ...


Lexical Semantics of the Greek New Testament

Lexical Semantics of the Greek New Testament

... The answer to such issues is to be found in the fact that particular and class meanings of a term are generally linked in a dynamic way and serve as mutually restrictive and creative. From the range of particular ...


The Semantics of a Definiendum Constrains both the Lexical Semantics and the Lexicosyntactic Patterns in the Definiens

The Semantics of a Definiendum Constrains both the Lexical Semantics and the Lexicosyntactic Patterns in the Definiens

... this study, we empirically studied statistical cor- relations between S DT and S Def and between S DT and the lexicosyntactic patterns in the ...Our study is a result of detailed statistical analysis of ...


Phrasenet: towards context sensitive lexical semantics

Phrasenet: towards context sensitive lexical semantics

... PhraseNet is designed to fill this gap, and our preliminary experiments with it are promising. PhraseNet is an ongoing project and is still in its pre- liminary stage. There are several key issues that we are currently ...


Competence in lexical semantics

Competence in lexical semantics

... CVS semantics, where learning theory is idealized in a very different way, by assum- ing that the learner has access to very large corpora, gigaword and ...


Vagueness and grammar: the semantics of relative and absolute gradable adjectives

Vagueness and grammar: the semantics of relative and absolute gradable adjectives

... * This paper grew out of joint work with Louise McNally, and owes a great debt to this collaboration. I am also grateful to Chris Barker, Gennaro Chierchia, Delia Graff, Irene Heim, Ed Keenan, Jeffrey King, Sally ...


Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics

Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics

... ity (or an indistinguishability relation). The partial or- dering and the indistinguishability relation are consistent with each other. Cranking up the magnification co[r] ...


Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation

Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation

... The current volume contains the written versions of the papers and panel positions presented at the (first) workshop on Lezical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, [r] ...


Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction

Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction

... constructed lexical resources is inevitable in ensuring high levels of ...of lexical resources that are crucial for an interlingua based MT from English to other ...These lexical resources are in the ...


Morphological Cues for Lexical Semantics

Morphological Cues for Lexical Semantics

... A more implementation-oriented description of the process is the following: (i) analyze affixes by hand to gain fixed correspondences between affix and lexical semantic[r] ...


Verb Semantics and Lexical Selection

Verb Semantics and Lexical Selection

... One is the conceptual similarity of the in- ternal representation and the target verb meaning, and the other is the degree of satisfaction of the selection restrictions o[r] ...


Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics

Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics

... By developing core theories of several fundamental phenomena and defining lexical items within these theories, using the full power of predicate calculus, we are [r] ...


Techniques for Lexical Semantics in Hindi Language

Techniques for Lexical Semantics in Hindi Language

... Keywords: Lexical Semantics, Word Sense Disambiguation, Text Classification, Naïve ...In lexical semantics of natural languages, the context is closely related to the specific task, domain and ...


The Use of Lexical Semantics in Information Extraction

The Use of Lexical Semantics in Information Extraction

... According to different requirements from the user, in the rule generalization process, a rule optimization engine, based on WordNet, generalizes the specific rules and f[r] ...


Sense Extension Functions in Lexical Semantics

Sense Extension Functions in Lexical Semantics

... cal entries, and systematically in some lexical classes with common semantic properties. Prepositions in various languages are generally considered highly polysemic in an unpredictable way. The latter participate ...


Deep Lexical Semantics: The Ontological Ascent

Deep Lexical Semantics: The Ontological Ascent

... The second methodological point is that we need to be careful how we use an argument from the “naturalness” of an expression. Not all expressions that will be allowed by our core theories will sound natural. Our ...


The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Expressions

The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Expressions

... From a representational viewpoint, we argue for a hybrid approach combining linguistic and conceptual paradigms, in order to account for the continuum we find in natural[r] ...


Cross Cutting Models of Lexical Semantics

Cross Cutting Models of Lexical Semantics

... Austin, TX 78712 mooney@cs.utexas.edu Abstract Context-dependent word similarity can be measured over multiple cross-cutting dimen- sions. For example, lung and breath are sim- ilar thematically, while authoritative and ...


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