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NonOperative Management

Nonoperative Management of Distal Fingertip Amputations in Children

Nonoperative Management of Distal Fingertip Amputations in Children

... Nonoperative Management of Distal Fingertip Amputations in Children. Services[r] ...


Nonoperative management of blunt renal trauma: Is routine early follow-up imaging necessary?

Nonoperative management of blunt renal trauma: Is routine early follow-up imaging necessary?

... during nonoperative management of a blunt renal ...outpatient management by the trauma surgery service, and were therefore not cap- tured in our ...patient management, particularly in a ...


Nonoperative management for patients with grade IV blunt hepatic trauma

Nonoperative management for patients with grade IV blunt hepatic trauma

... of nonoperative management of grade IV liver injuries eval- uating failure rates; need for angioembolization and blood transfusions; and in-hospital morbidity and ...


Nonoperative management of appendiceal phlegmon or abscess in children less than 3 years of age

Nonoperative management of appendiceal phlegmon or abscess in children less than 3 years of age

... with nonoperative management was defined as unsuccessful in case of an appendectomy during the initial hospitalization or a subsequent readmission within 30 days of ...


NonOperative Management of Blunt Solid Abdominal Organ Injury in Calabar, Nigeria

NonOperative Management of Blunt Solid Abdominal Organ Injury in Calabar, Nigeria

... for Nonoperative management were unsuccessful be- cause they were selected inappropriately with haemody- namic instability and initial misinterpretation of diagnos- tic study ...that nonoperative ...


Safety of selective nonoperative management for blunt splenic trauma: the impact of concomitant injuries

Safety of selective nonoperative management for blunt splenic trauma: the impact of concomitant injuries

... for nonoperative treatment, re- gardless of splenic injury grade, polytrauma (higher In- jury Severity Score), the presence of severe associated injuries (such as craniocerebral or thoracic), or higher age of the ...


Case Report Nonoperative management of a liponecrotic lump after augmentation mammaplasty with autologous fat injection: a case report and review of the literature

Case Report Nonoperative management of a liponecrotic lump after augmentation mammaplasty with autologous fat injection: a case report and review of the literature

... Abstract: Augmentation mammaplasty with autologous fat injection is becoming increasingly popular. Many unfa- vorable cases resulting from the procedure have been reported, but little attention has been paid to these ...


Nonoperative Management of Spontaneous Splenic Rupture in Infectious Mononucleosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Nonoperative Management of Spontaneous Splenic Rupture in Infectious Mononucleosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

... neous rupture is essentially trauma from within the abdomen, suggesting that it could be dealt with in the same manner as traumatic injury of the diseased spleen. In the English literature to date, there are at least 23 ...


Hospital level variations in the trends and outcomes of the nonoperative management of splenic injuries – a nationwide cohort study

Hospital level variations in the trends and outcomes of the nonoperative management of splenic injuries – a nationwide cohort study

... The nonoperative management (NOM) of blunt splenic injuries has been established as a reliable and effective method [1]. NOM was first introduced for pediatric blunt abdominal trauma and then extended for ...


Operative and nonoperative management for renal trauma: comparison of outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Operative and nonoperative management for renal trauma: comparison of outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analysis

... of nonoperative management (NOM) of renal trauma ...operative management (OM) with respect to mortality, morbidity, and length of hospital stay ...


Nonoperative management of splenic injury in closely monitored patients with reduced consciousness is safe and feasible

Nonoperative management of splenic injury in closely monitored patients with reduced consciousness is safe and feasible

... of nonoperative management of blunt splenic injury in patients with altered mental sta- tus were published more than a decade ago with treat- ment and monitoring options having improved markedly since then ...


Nonoperative Management of Perianal Abscess in Infants Is Associated With Decreased Risk for Fistula Formation

Nonoperative Management of Perianal Abscess in Infants Is Associated With Decreased Risk for Fistula Formation

... Institutional review board approval was obtained at both hospitals to conduct a retrospective review of in-hospital medical charts and outpatient charts in all patients who were younger than 12 months, assigned an ...


Outcomes of selective nonoperative management of civilian abdominal gunshot wounds: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Outcomes of selective nonoperative management of civilian abdominal gunshot wounds: a systematic review and meta-analysis

... This systematic review has several limitations. First, we identified no controlled studies comparing out- comes of conducting SNOM versus mandatory laparot- omy in hemodynamically stable patients with abdominal GSWs ...


Outcomes of Nonoperative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis

Outcomes of Nonoperative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis

... During the 12 months after the index visit, nonoperative patients were more likely to have additional advanced imaging (absolute risk difference +8.9% [95% CI 7.6% to 10.3%]). Subsequent ED visits and ...


Nonoperative Management of Splenic Trauma in Children: A Report of Six Consecutive Cases

Nonoperative Management of Splenic Trauma in Children: A Report of Six Consecutive Cases

... On the third day, the abdominal findings were improved and his vital signs and hematocrit value remained stable.. A bone.[r] ...


Nonoperative management of acute epidural hematoma diagnosed by CT: the neuroradiologist's role

Nonoperative management of acute epidural hematoma diagnosed by CT: the neuroradiologist's role

... The initial diameter of nonsurgically managed epidural hematomas generally must be small mean , 1.26 em in our series, all under 1.5 em, and midline shift should be minimal mean, 1.8 mm [r] ...


The value of nonoperative versus operative treatment of frail institutionalized elderly patients with a proximal femoral fracture in the shade of life (FRAIL-HIP); protocol for a multicenter observational cohort study

The value of nonoperative versus operative treatment of frail institutionalized elderly patients with a proximal femoral fracture in the shade of life (FRAIL-HIP); protocol for a multicenter observational cohort study

... on nonoperative management versus operative management of proximal femoral fractures in frail elderly resulted in 7 studies that met the eligibility criteria [17 – 24]; All were nonrando- mized, five ...


Nonoperative treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: a scientific study

Nonoperative treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: a scientific study

... This manuscript is faced with the fact that the orthopae- dic surgeons employ and evaluate a little-adopted treat- ment technique by musculoskeletal studies in the treatment of SCFE. The success or failure of treatment ...


Enema reduction of intussusception: the success rate of hydrostatic and pneumatic reduction

Enema reduction of intussusception: the success rate of hydrostatic and pneumatic reduction

... and nonoperative management. Contraindications for nonoperative management were hemodynamic instability, peritonitis, and/or abdominal signs of perforation on abdominal ...traindications, ...


Acute medial clavicle fracture in adults: a systematic review of demographics, clinical features and treatment outcomes in 220 patients

Acute medial clavicle fracture in adults: a systematic review of demographics, clinical features and treatment outcomes in 220 patients

... Results: Seventeen studies were included, consisting of 7 case series and 10 case reports. Two hundred twenty fractures were identified. Seventy-eight percent of fractures occurred in men with mean age of 48 years (16–94 ...


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